Switched to indexed SDL_Surface using blit to window.

This commit is contained in:
Andrew Alderwick 2021-07-31 19:46:27 +01:00
parent 319f5f9238
commit 4257f9818a
3 changed files with 76 additions and 94 deletions

View File

@ -17,36 +17,20 @@ clear(Ppu *p)
int i, sz = p->height * p->width;
for(i = 0; i < sz; ++i) {
p->fg.pixels[i] = p->fg.colors[0];
p->bg.pixels[i] = p->bg.colors[0];
p->pixels[i] = 0;
putcolors(Ppu *p, Uint8 *addr)
int i;
for(i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
r = (*(addr + i / 2) >> (!(i % 2) << 2)) & 0x0f,
g = (*(addr + 2 + i / 2) >> (!(i % 2) << 2)) & 0x0f,
b = (*(addr + 4 + i / 2) >> (!(i % 2) << 2)) & 0x0f;
p->bg.colors[i] = 0xff000000 | (r << 20) | (r << 16) | (g << 12) | (g << 8) | (b << 4) | b;
p->fg.colors[i] = 0xff000000 | (r << 20) | (r << 16) | (g << 12) | (g << 8) | (b << 4) | b;
p->fg.colors[0] = 0;
putpixel(Ppu *p, Layer *layer, Uint16 x, Uint16 y, Uint8 color)
putpixel(Ppu *p, Uint8 layer, Uint16 x, Uint16 y, Uint8 color)
Uint8 mask = layer ? 0x3 : 0xc, shift = layer * 2;
if(x < p->width && y < p->height)
layer->pixels[y * p->width + x] = layer->colors[color];
p->pixels[y * p->width + x] = (p->pixels[y * p->width + x] & mask) | (color << shift);
puticn(Ppu *p, Layer *layer, Uint16 x, Uint16 y, Uint8 *sprite, Uint8 color, Uint8 flipx, Uint8 flipy)
puticn(Ppu *p, Uint8 layer, Uint16 x, Uint16 y, Uint8 *sprite, Uint8 color, Uint8 flipx, Uint8 flipy)
Uint16 v, h;
for(v = 0; v < 8; v++)
@ -62,7 +46,7 @@ puticn(Ppu *p, Layer *layer, Uint16 x, Uint16 y, Uint8 *sprite, Uint8 color, Uin
putchr(Ppu *p, Layer *layer, Uint16 x, Uint16 y, Uint8 *sprite, Uint8 color, Uint8 flipx, Uint8 flipy)
putchr(Ppu *p, Uint8 layer, Uint16 x, Uint16 y, Uint8 *sprite, Uint8 color, Uint8 flipx, Uint8 flipy)
Uint16 v, h;
for(v = 0; v < 8; v++)
@ -86,10 +70,5 @@ initppu(Ppu *p, Uint8 hor, Uint8 ver)
p->ver = ver;
p->width = 8 * p->hor;
p->height = 8 * p->ver;
if(!(p->bg.pixels = malloc(p->width * p->height * sizeof(Uint32))))
return 0;
if(!(p->fg.pixels = malloc(p->width * p->height * sizeof(Uint32))))
return 0;
return 1;

View File

@ -17,17 +17,12 @@ typedef unsigned char Uint8;
typedef unsigned short Uint16;
typedef unsigned int Uint32;
typedef struct Layer {
Uint32 *pixels, colors[4];
} Layer;
typedef struct Ppu {
Uint16 hor, ver, width, height;
Layer fg, bg;
Uint8 *pixels;
} Ppu;
int initppu(Ppu *p, Uint8 hor, Uint8 ver);
void putcolors(Ppu *p, Uint8 *addr);
void putpixel(Ppu *p, Layer *layer, Uint16 x, Uint16 y, Uint8 color);
void puticn(Ppu *p, Layer *layer, Uint16 x, Uint16 y, Uint8 *sprite, Uint8 color, Uint8 flipx, Uint8 flipy);
void putchr(Ppu *p, Layer *layer, Uint16 x, Uint16 y, Uint8 *sprite, Uint8 color, Uint8 flipx, Uint8 flipy);
void putpixel(Ppu *p, Uint8 layer, Uint16 x, Uint16 y, Uint8 color);
void puticn(Ppu *p, Uint8 layer, Uint16 x, Uint16 y, Uint8 *sprite, Uint8 color, Uint8 flipx, Uint8 flipy);
void putchr(Ppu *p, Uint8 layer, Uint16 x, Uint16 y, Uint8 *sprite, Uint8 color, Uint8 flipx, Uint8 flipy);

View File

static SDL_AudioDeviceID audio_id;
static SDL_Window *gWindow;
static SDL_Renderer *gRenderer;
static SDL_Texture *fgTexture, *bgTexture;
static SDL_Surface *winSurface, *idxSurface, *rgbaSurface;
static SDL_Rect gRect;
static Ppu ppu;
static Apu apu[POLYPHONY];
@ -33,7 +32,7 @@ static Uint32 stdin_event;
#define PAD 4
static Uint8 zoom = 0, reqdraw = 0, bench = 0;
static Uint8 zoom = 1, reqdraw = 0, bench = 0;
static Uint8 font[][8] = {
{0x00, 0x7c, 0x82, 0x82, 0x82, 0x82, 0x82, 0x7c},
@ -85,24 +84,24 @@ inspect(Ppu *p, Uint8 *stack, Uint8 wptr, Uint8 rptr, Uint8 *memory)
Uint8 i, x, y, b;
for(i = 0; i < 0x20; ++i) { /* stack */
x = ((i % 8) * 3 + 1) * 8, y = (i / 8 + 1) * 8, b = stack[i];
puticn(p, &p->fg, x, y, font[(b >> 4) & 0xf], 1 + (wptr == i) * 0x7, 0, 0);
puticn(p, &p->fg, x + 8, y, font[b & 0xf], 1 + (wptr == i) * 0x7, 0, 0);
puticn(p, 1, x, y, font[(b >> 4) & 0xf], 1 + (wptr == i) * 0x7, 0, 0);
puticn(p, 1, x + 8, y, font[b & 0xf], 1 + (wptr == i) * 0x7, 0, 0);
/* return pointer */
puticn(p, &p->fg, 0x8, y + 0x10, font[(rptr >> 4) & 0xf], 0x2, 0, 0);
puticn(p, &p->fg, 0x10, y + 0x10, font[rptr & 0xf], 0x2, 0, 0);
puticn(p, 1, 0x8, y + 0x10, font[(rptr >> 4) & 0xf], 0x2, 0, 0);
puticn(p, 1, 0x10, y + 0x10, font[rptr & 0xf], 0x2, 0, 0);
for(i = 0; i < 0x20; ++i) { /* memory */
x = ((i % 8) * 3 + 1) * 8, y = 0x38 + (i / 8 + 1) * 8, b = memory[i];
puticn(p, &p->fg, x, y, font[(b >> 4) & 0xf], 3, 0, 0);
puticn(p, &p->fg, x + 8, y, font[b & 0xf], 3, 0, 0);
puticn(p, 1, x, y, font[(b >> 4) & 0xf], 3, 0, 0);
puticn(p, 1, x + 8, y, font[b & 0xf], 3, 0, 0);
for(x = 0; x < 0x10; ++x) { /* guides */
putpixel(p, &p->fg, x, p->height / 2, 2);
putpixel(p, &p->fg, p->width - x, p->height / 2, 2);
putpixel(p, &p->fg, p->width / 2, p->height - x, 2);
putpixel(p, &p->fg, p->width / 2, x, 2);
putpixel(p, &p->fg, p->width / 2 - 0x10 / 2 + x, p->height / 2, 2);
putpixel(p, &p->fg, p->width / 2, p->height / 2 - 0x10 / 2 + x, 2);
putpixel(p, 1, x, p->height / 2, 2);
putpixel(p, 1, p->width - x, p->height / 2, 2);
putpixel(p, 1, p->width / 2, p->height - x, 2);
putpixel(p, 1, p->width / 2, x, 2);
putpixel(p, 1, p->width / 2 - 0x10 / 2 + x, p->height / 2, 2);
putpixel(p, 1, p->width / 2, p->height / 2 - 0x10 / 2 + x, 2);
@ -111,12 +110,15 @@ redraw(Uxn *u)
inspect(&ppu, u->wst.dat, u->wst.ptr, u->rst.ptr, u->ram.dat);
SDL_UpdateTexture(bgTexture, &gRect, ppu.bg.pixels, ppu.width * sizeof(Uint32));
SDL_UpdateTexture(fgTexture, &gRect, ppu.fg.pixels, ppu.width * sizeof(Uint32));
SDL_RenderCopy(gRenderer, bgTexture, NULL, NULL);
SDL_RenderCopy(gRenderer, fgTexture, NULL, NULL);
if(rgbaSurface == NULL)
SDL_BlitScaled(idxSurface, NULL, winSurface, &gRect);
else if(zoom == 1)
SDL_BlitSurface(idxSurface, NULL, winSurface, &gRect);
else {
SDL_BlitSurface(idxSurface, NULL, rgbaSurface, NULL);
SDL_BlitScaled(rgbaSurface, NULL, winSurface, &gRect);
reqdraw = 0;
@ -132,40 +134,32 @@ togglezoom(Uxn *u)
zoom = zoom == 3 ? 1 : zoom + 1;
SDL_SetWindowSize(gWindow, (ppu.width + PAD * 2) * zoom, (ppu.height + PAD * 2) * zoom);
winSurface = SDL_GetWindowSurface(gWindow);
gRect.x = zoom * PAD;
gRect.y = zoom * PAD;
gRect.w = zoom * ppu.width;
gRect.h = zoom * ppu.height;
static void
const Uint32 format = SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGB24;
time_t t = time(NULL);
char fname[64];
int w, h;
SDL_Surface *surface;
SDL_GetRendererOutputSize(gRenderer, &w, &h);
surface = SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceWithFormat(0, w, h, 24, format);
SDL_RenderReadPixels(gRenderer, NULL, format, surface->pixels, surface->pitch);
strftime(fname, sizeof(fname), "screenshot-%Y%m%d-%H%M%S.bmp", localtime(&t));
SDL_SaveBMP(surface, fname);
SDL_SaveBMP(winSurface, fname);
fprintf(stderr, "Saved %s\n", fname);
static void
bgTexture = NULL;
fgTexture = NULL;
gRenderer = NULL;
if(rgbaSurface) SDL_FreeSurface(rgbaSurface);
gWindow = NULL;
@ -176,27 +170,30 @@ init(void)
SDL_AudioSpec as;
if(!initppu(&ppu, 64, 40))
return error("ppu", "Init failure");
gRect.x = PAD;
gRect.y = PAD;
gRect.w = ppu.width;
gRect.h = ppu.height;
return error("sdl", SDL_GetError());
gWindow = SDL_CreateWindow("Uxn", SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED, (ppu.width + PAD * 2) * zoom, (ppu.height + PAD * 2) * zoom, SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN);
if(gWindow == NULL)
return error("sdl_window", SDL_GetError());
gRenderer = SDL_CreateRenderer(gWindow, -1, 0);
if(gRenderer == NULL)
return error("sdl_renderer", SDL_GetError());
SDL_RenderSetLogicalSize(gRenderer, ppu.width + PAD * 2, ppu.height + PAD * 2);
bgTexture = SDL_CreateTexture(gRenderer, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ARGB8888, SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_STATIC, ppu.width + PAD * 2, ppu.height + PAD * 2);
if(bgTexture == NULL || SDL_SetTextureBlendMode(bgTexture, SDL_BLENDMODE_NONE))
return error("sdl_texture", SDL_GetError());
fgTexture = SDL_CreateTexture(gRenderer, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ARGB8888, SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_STATIC, ppu.width + PAD * 2, ppu.height + PAD * 2);
if(fgTexture == NULL || SDL_SetTextureBlendMode(fgTexture, SDL_BLENDMODE_BLEND))
return error("sdl_texture", SDL_GetError());
SDL_UpdateTexture(bgTexture, NULL, ppu.bg.pixels, 4);
SDL_UpdateTexture(fgTexture, NULL, ppu.fg.pixels, 4);
winSurface = SDL_GetWindowSurface(gWindow);
if(winSurface == NULL)
return error("sdl_surface win", SDL_GetError());
idxSurface = SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceWithFormat(0, ppu.width, ppu.height, 8, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_INDEX8);
if(idxSurface == NULL || SDL_SetSurfaceBlendMode(idxSurface, SDL_BLENDMODE_NONE))
return error("sdl_surface idx", SDL_GetError());
if(SDL_MUSTLOCK(idxSurface) == SDL_TRUE)
return error("sdl_surface idx", "demands locking");
gRect.x = zoom * PAD;
gRect.y = zoom * PAD;
gRect.w = zoom * ppu.width;
gRect.h = 2 * ppu.height; /* force non-1:1 scaling for BlitScaled test */
if(SDL_BlitScaled(idxSurface, NULL, winSurface, &gRect) < 0) {
rgbaSurface = SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceWithFormat(0, ppu.width, ppu.height, 32, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGB24);
if(rgbaSurface == NULL || SDL_SetSurfaceBlendMode(rgbaSurface, SDL_BLENDMODE_NONE))
return error("sdl_surface rgba", SDL_GetError());
gRect.h = zoom * ppu.height;
ppu.pixels = idxSurface->pixels;
@ -275,7 +272,19 @@ system_talk(Device *d, Uint8 b0, Uint8 w)
d->dat[0x2] = d->u->wst.ptr;
d->dat[0x3] = d->u->rst.ptr;
} else if(b0 > 0x7 && b0 < 0xe) {
putcolors(&ppu, &d->dat[0x8]);
SDL_Color pal[16];
int i;
for(i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
pal[i].r = ((d->dat[0x8 + i / 2] >> (!(i % 2) << 2)) & 0x0f) * 0x11;
pal[i].g = ((d->dat[0xa + i / 2] >> (!(i % 2) << 2)) & 0x0f) * 0x11;
pal[i].b = ((d->dat[0xc + i / 2] >> (!(i % 2) << 2)) & 0x0f) * 0x11;
for(i = 4; i < 16; ++i) {
pal[i].r = pal[i / 4].r;
pal[i].g = pal[i / 4].g;
pal[i].b = pal[i / 4].b;
SDL_SetPaletteColors(idxSurface->format->palette, pal, 0, 16);
reqdraw = 1;
} else if(b0 == 0xf)
d->u->ram.ptr = 0x0000;
@ -294,7 +303,7 @@ screen_talk(Device *d, Uint8 b0, Uint8 w)
if(w && b0 == 0xe) {
Uint16 x = mempeek16(d->dat, 0x8);
Uint16 y = mempeek16(d->dat, 0xa);
Layer *layer = d->dat[0xe] >> 4 & 0x1 ? &ppu.fg : &ppu.bg;
Uint8 layer = d->dat[0xe] >> 4 & 0x1;
Uint8 mode = d->dat[0xe] >> 5;
putpixel(&ppu, layer, x, y, d->dat[0xe] & 0x3);
@ -309,7 +318,7 @@ screen_talk(Device *d, Uint8 b0, Uint8 w)
} else if(w && b0 == 0xf) {
Uint16 x = mempeek16(d->dat, 0x8);
Uint16 y = mempeek16(d->dat, 0xa);
Layer *layer = d->dat[0xf] >> 0x6 & 0x1 ? &ppu.fg : &ppu.bg;
Uint8 layer = d->dat[0xf] >> 0x6 & 0x1;
Uint8 *addr = &d->mem[mempeek16(d->dat, 0xc)];
if(d->dat[0xf] >> 0x7 & 0x1)
putchr(&ppu, layer, x, y, addr, d->dat[0xf] & 0xf, d->dat[0xf] >> 0x4 & 0x1, d->dat[0xf] >> 0x5 & 0x1);
@ -460,7 +469,6 @@ int
main(int argc, char **argv)
Uxn u;
zoom = 1;
stdin_event = SDL_RegisterEvents(1);
SDL_CreateThread(stdin_handler, "stdin", NULL);