
548 lines
13 KiB

#include "game/paintings.h"
// 0x070241B8 - 0x070241D0
static const Lights1 hmc_seg7_lights_070241B8 = gdSPDefLights1(
0x50, 0x50, 0x50,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x32, 0x32, 0x32
// 0x070241D0 - 0x070241E8
// No gdSPDefLights1 macro defined because of odd different light value (0xff and 0xfa)
static const Lights1 hmc_seg7_lights_070241D0 = {
{{ {0x40, 0x40, 0x80}, 0, {0x40, 0x40, 0x80}, 0} },
{{{ {0x64, 0x64, 0xff}, 0, {0x64, 0x64, 0xfa}, 0, {0x28, 0x28, 0x28},0} }}
// Appears to lock 4 of the sides when shimmering and in use. Unused.
// 0x070241E8 - 0x07024228
static const Vtx hmc_seg7_vertex_070241E8[] = {
{{{ 0, 0, 0}, 0, { -32, 990}, {0x00, 0x00, 0x7f, 0xff}}},
{{{ 614, 0, 0}, 0, { 6100, 990}, {0x00, 0x00, 0x7f, 0xff}}},
{{{ 614, 614, 0}, 0, { 6100, -5142}, {0x00, 0x00, 0x7f, 0xff}}},
{{{ 0, 614, 0}, 0, { -32, -5142}, {0x00, 0x00, 0x7f, 0xff}}},
// 0x07024228 - 0x07024268
static const Vtx hmc_seg7_vertex_07024228[] = {
{{{ 0, 0, 0}, 0, { 0, 0}, {0x00, 0x00, 0x7f, 0xff}}},
{{{ 614, 0, 0}, 0, { 0, 0}, {0x00, 0x00, 0x7f, 0xff}}},
{{{ 614, 614, 0}, 0, { 0, 0}, {0x00, 0x00, 0x7f, 0xff}}},
{{{ 0, 614, 0}, 0, { 0, 0}, {0x00, 0x00, 0x7f, 0xff}}},
// Unused
// 0x07024268 - 0x070242A0
const Gfx hmc_seg7_dl_07024268[] = {
gsSPLight(&hmc_seg7_lights_070241B8.l, 1),
gsSPLight(&hmc_seg7_lights_070241B8.a, 2),
gsSPTexture(0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0, G_TX_RENDERTILE, G_ON),
gsSPVertex(hmc_seg7_vertex_070241E8, 4, 0),
// Unused
// 0x070242A0 - 0x070242D0
const Gfx hmc_seg7_dl_070242A0[] = {
gsSP2Triangles( 0, 1, 2, 0x0, 0, 2, 3, 0x0),
gsDPSetCombineMode(G_CC_SHADE, G_CC_SHADE),
// 0x070242D0 - 0x070242F0
static const Gfx hmc_seg7_painting_dl_070242D0[] = {
gsDPSetTileSize(0, 0, 0, (32 - 1) << G_TEXTURE_IMAGE_FRAC, (32 - 1) << G_TEXTURE_IMAGE_FRAC),
// 0x070242F0 - 0x07024CD2
static const PaintingData hmc_seg7_pool_texture_map_070242F0[] = {
157, // num mappings
// Format:
// mesh vtx ID, texture X, texture Y
0, 6100, -4832,
1, 6100, -5142,
2, 5582, -5142,
3, 5582, -4526,
4, 6100, -4218,
5, 5070, -4832,
6, 5070, -5142,
7, 3030, -5142,
8, 3030, -4832,
9, 3540, -5142,
10, 2520, -5142,
11, 2520, -4526,
12, 3030, -4218,
13, 3540, -4526,
14, 4050, -4832,
15, 4560, -5142,
16, 5070, -4218,
17, 4560, -4526,
18, 4050, -4218,
19, 5582, -2074,
20, 6100, -2380,
21, 5582, -3300,
22, 6100, -2994,
23, 5582, -2686,
24, 5070, -2380,
25, 4560, -2074,
26, 4560, -3300,
27, 5070, -2994,
28, 5070, -3606,
29, 4050, -2380,
30, 4560, -2686,
31, 3540, -2074,
32, 4050, -3606,
33, 3540, -3300,
34, 4050, -2994,
35, 3540, -2686,
36, 3030, -2380,
37, 2520, -2074,
38, 3030, -2994,
39, 2520, -3300,
40, 3030, -3606,
41, 6100, -3606,
42, 5582, -3912,
43, 4560, -3912,
44, 3540, -3912,
45, 2520, -3912,
46, 4050, -1768,
47, 5070, -1768,
48, 3030, -1768,
49, 6100, 684,
50, 6100, 990,
51, 5582, 990,
52, 5582, -236,
53, 6100, 70,
54, 5070, 684,
55, 5582, 378,
56, 4560, 990,
57, 5070, 990,
58, 4560, -236,
59, 5070, 70,
60, 5070, -542,
61, 4050, 684,
62, 4560, 378,
63, 3540, 990,
64, 4050, 990,
65, 4050, 70,
66, 3540, -236,
67, 4050, -542,
68, 3030, 684,
69, 3540, 378,
70, 2520, 990,
71, 3030, 990,
72, 2520, -236,
73, 3030, 70,
74, 3030, -542,
75, 6100, -542,
76, 5582, -1462,
77, 6100, -1154,
78, 5582, -848,
79, 4560, -1462,
80, 5070, -1154,
81, 4560, -848,
82, 3540, -1462,
83, 4050, -1154,
84, 3540, -848,
85, 2520, -1462,
86, 3030, -1154,
87, 2010, -4832,
88, 0, -5142,
89, 0, -4832,
90, 478, -5142,
91, 478, -4526,
92, 988, -4832,
93, 2010, -4218,
94, 1498, -4526,
95, 1498, -5142,
96, 988, -4218,
97, 2520, -2686,
98, 2010, -2380,
99, 1498, -2074,
100, 1498, -3300,
101, 2010, -2994,
102, 2010, -3606,
103, 1498, -2686,
104, 988, -2380,
105, 478, -2074,
106, 478, -3300,
107, 988, -2994,
108, 988, -3606,
109, 478, -2686,
110, 0, -2380,
111, 0, -3606,
112, 1498, -3912,
113, 478, -3912,
114, 1498, -1462,
115, 988, -1768,
116, 2010, -1768,
117, 0, -1768,
118, 478, -1462,
119, 2010, 684,
120, 2520, 378,
121, 2010, 990,
122, 1498, 990,
123, 2010, -542,
124, 2010, 70,
125, 1498, -236,
126, 988, 684,
127, 1498, 378,
128, 988, 990,
129, 478, 990,
130, 478, -236,
131, 988, 70,
132, 988, -542,
133, 0, 684,
134, 478, 378,
135, 0, -542,
136, 2520, -848,
137, 2010, -1154,
138, 1498, -848,
139, 988, -1154,
140, 478, -848,
141, 4050, -5142,
142, 6100, -2074,
143, 6100, -1768,
144, 5070, -2074,
145, 4050, -2074,
146, 3030, -2074,
147, 2010, -5142,
148, 0, -4218,
149, 988, -5142,
150, 2010, -2074,
151, 988, -2074,
152, 0, -2994,
153, 0, -2074,
154, 0, -1154,
155, 0, 70,
156, 0, 990,
264, // num groups
// Grouped by 5 + one remainder group,
// = 15 vertices per group + a few extra triangles
8, 12, 13,
0, 1, 2,
3, 0, 2,
4, 0, 3,
5, 2, 6,
2, 5, 3,
7, 8, 9,
8, 7, 10,
11, 8, 10,
12, 8, 11,
9, 8, 13,
13, 14, 9,
14, 141, 9,
5, 6, 15,
5, 16, 3,
16, 5, 17,
17, 5, 15,
14, 15, 141,
15, 14, 17,
18, 14, 13,
14, 18, 17,
19, 142, 20,
19, 20, 23,
28, 27, 21,
21, 23, 22,
22, 41, 21,
20, 22, 23,
23, 24, 19,
21, 27, 23,
24, 23, 27,
25, 144, 24,
19, 24, 144,
24, 27, 30,
25, 24, 30,
26, 30, 27,
27, 28, 26,
36, 38, 97,
26, 34, 30,
29, 30, 34,
30, 29, 25,
25, 29, 145,
31, 145, 29,
31, 29, 35,
29, 34, 35,
32, 34, 26,
33, 35, 34,
34, 32, 33,
33, 38, 35,
35, 36, 31,
36, 35, 38,
37, 36, 97,
37, 146, 36,
31, 36, 146,
28, 16, 43,
38, 40, 39,
39, 97, 38,
40, 38, 33,
21, 41, 42,
41, 4, 42,
3, 42, 4,
42, 28, 21,
28, 42, 16,
3, 16, 42,
26, 28, 43,
17, 43, 16,
43, 32, 26,
32, 43, 18,
17, 18, 43,
33, 32, 44,
32, 18, 44,
13, 44, 18,
44, 40, 33,
13, 12, 44,
40, 44, 12,
39, 40, 45,
40, 12, 45,
48, 31, 146,
11, 45, 12,
25, 47, 144,
46, 25, 145,
47, 19, 144,
19, 143, 142,
31, 46, 145,
60, 59, 52,
49, 53, 55,
50, 49, 51,
51, 49, 55,
52, 55, 53,
53, 75, 52,
54, 55, 59,
52, 59, 55,
55, 54, 51,
54, 59, 62,
56, 54, 62,
57, 54, 56,
54, 57, 51,
58, 62, 59,
59, 60, 58,
68, 71, 63,
61, 62, 65,
58, 65, 62,
62, 61, 56,
61, 65, 69,
63, 61, 69,
64, 61, 63,
61, 64, 56,
65, 67, 66,
66, 69, 65,
67, 65, 58,
68, 69, 73,
69, 68, 63,
66, 73, 69,
68, 73, 120,
70, 68, 120,
71, 68, 70,
72, 120, 73,
73, 74, 72,
74, 73, 66,
75, 77, 78,
52, 75, 78,
76, 78, 77,
77, 143, 76,
76, 80, 78,
60, 78, 80,
78, 60, 52,
46, 83, 79,
58, 60, 81,
60, 80, 81,
79, 81, 80,
80, 47, 79,
47, 80, 76,
81, 67, 58,
67, 81, 83,
79, 83, 81,
66, 67, 84,
67, 83, 84,
82, 84, 83,
83, 46, 82,
84, 74, 66,
82, 86, 84,
74, 84, 86,
74, 86, 136,
72, 74, 136,
85, 136, 86,
86, 48, 85,
48, 86, 82,
25, 46, 79,
79, 47, 25,
82, 46, 31,
19, 47, 76,
76, 143, 19,
31, 48, 82,
37, 48, 146,
85, 48, 37,
10, 87, 11,
87, 10, 147,
92, 95, 149,
88, 89, 90,
89, 148, 91,
90, 89, 91,
91, 92, 90,
92, 149, 90,
93, 87, 94,
87, 93, 11,
94, 87, 95,
87, 147, 95,
95, 92, 94,
96, 92, 91,
92, 96, 94,
39, 101, 97,
97, 98, 37,
98, 97, 101,
99, 98, 103,
99, 150, 98,
37, 98, 150,
98, 101, 103,
100, 103, 101,
101, 102, 100,
102, 101, 39,
100, 107, 103,
103, 104, 99,
104, 103, 107,
105, 104, 109,
105, 151, 104,
99, 104, 151,
104, 107, 109,
106, 109, 107,
107, 108, 106,
108, 107, 100,
109, 110, 105,
106, 152, 109,
110, 109, 152,
105, 110, 153,
111, 152, 106,
11, 93, 45,
102, 45, 93,
45, 102, 39,
102, 93, 112,
100, 102, 112,
94, 112, 93,
112, 108, 100,
108, 112, 96,
94, 96, 112,
106, 108, 113,
108, 96, 113,
91, 113, 96,
91, 148, 113,
113, 111, 106,
111, 113, 148,
114, 116, 99,
99, 115, 114,
115, 99, 151,
99, 116, 150,
72, 124, 120,
116, 37, 150,
37, 116, 85,
117, 105, 153,
105, 115, 151,
105, 117, 118,
118, 115, 105,
119, 120, 124,
120, 119, 70,
119, 124, 127,
119, 121, 70,
121, 119, 122,
122, 119, 127,
123, 124, 72,
124, 123, 125,
125, 127, 124,
126, 127, 131,
127, 126, 122,
125, 131, 127,
126, 131, 134,
128, 126, 129,
129, 126, 134,
126, 128, 122,
136, 123, 72,
130, 134, 131,
131, 132, 130,
132, 131, 125,
133, 134, 155,
134, 133, 129,
130, 155, 134,
133, 156, 129,
135, 155, 130,
123, 136, 137,
85, 137, 136,
139, 115, 118,
123, 137, 138,
125, 123, 138,
114, 138, 137,
137, 116, 114,
116, 137, 85,
114, 139, 138,
132, 138, 139,
138, 132, 125,
132, 139, 140,
130, 132, 140,
115, 139, 114,
118, 140, 139,
135, 140, 154,
118, 154, 140,
140, 135, 130,
117, 154, 118,
// 0x07024CD4
static const PaintingData *const hmc_seg7_painting_texture_maps_07024CD4[] = {
UNUSED static const u64 hmc_unused_0 = 0;
// 0x07024CE0 - 0x070254E0
ALIGNED8 const Texture hmc_seg7_texture_07024CE0[] = {
#include "levels/hmc/"
// 0x070254E0 - 0x07025518
static const Gfx hmc_seg7_painting_dl_070254E0[] = {
gsSPLight(&hmc_seg7_lights_070241D0.l, 1),
gsSPLight(&hmc_seg7_lights_070241D0.a, 2),
gsSPVertex(hmc_seg7_vertex_07024228, 4, 0),
gsSP2Triangles( 0, 1, 2, 0x0, 0, 2, 3, 0x0),
// 0x07025518 - 0x07025594
const Texture *const hmc_seg7_painting_textures_07025518[] = {
// 0x0702551C (PaintingData)
struct Painting cotmc_painting = {
/* id */ 0x000E,
/* Image Count */ 0x01,
/* Texture Type */ PAINTING_ENV_MAP,
/* Floor Status */ 0x00, 0x00 , 0x00 /* which of the painting's nearby special floors Mario's on */,
/* Ripple Status */ 0x00,
/* Rotation */ 270.0f, 0.0f,
/* Position */ 2989.055908f, -4485.120117f, 5135.359863f,
/* curr passive entry */
/* Ripple Magnitude */ 0.0f, 10.0f, 30.0f,
/* Ripple Decay */ 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.98f,
/* Ripple Rate */ 0.0f, 0.05f, 0.05f,
/* Ripple Dispersion */ 0.0f, 15.0f, 15.0f,
/* Curr Ripple Timer */ 0.0f,
/* Curr Ripple x, y */ 0.0f, 0.0f,
/* Normal DList */ hmc_seg7_painting_dl_070254E0,
/* Texture Maps */ hmc_seg7_painting_texture_maps_07024CD4,
/* Textures */ hmc_seg7_painting_textures_07025518,
/* Texture w, h */ 32, 32,
/* Ripple DList */ hmc_seg7_painting_dl_070242D0,
/* Alpha */ 0xFF,
/* Mario Below */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* Whether or not Mario is below the painting */
/* Size */ 723.968018f,