2020-06-20 02:49:59 +03:00

308 lines
12 KiB

#include <PR/ultratypes.h>
#include <PR/os_time.h>
#include <PR/gbi.h>
#include "sm64.h"
#include "profiler.h"
#include "game_init.h"
s16 gProfilerMode = 0;
// the thread 3 info is logged on the opposite profiler from what is used by
// the thread4 and 5 loggers. It's likely because the sound thread runs at a
// much faster rate and shouldn't be flipping the index for the "slower" game
// threads, which could leave the frame data in a possibly corrupt or incomplete
// state.
s16 gCurrentFrameIndex1 = 1;
s16 gCurrentFrameIndex2 = 0;
struct ProfilerFrameData gProfilerFrameData[2];
// log the current osTime to the appropriate idx for current thread5 processes.
void profiler_log_thread5_time(enum ProfilerGameEvent eventID) {
gProfilerFrameData[gCurrentFrameIndex1].gameTimes[eventID] = osGetTime();
// event ID 4 is the last profiler event for after swapping
// buffers: switch the Info after updating.
if (eventID == THREAD5_END) {
gCurrentFrameIndex1 ^= 1;
gProfilerFrameData[gCurrentFrameIndex1].numSoundTimes = 0;
// log the audio system before and after osTimes in pairs to the soundTimes array.
void profiler_log_thread4_time(void) {
struct ProfilerFrameData *profiler = &gProfilerFrameData[gCurrentFrameIndex1];
if (profiler->numSoundTimes < ARRAY_COUNT(profiler->soundTimes)) {
profiler->soundTimes[profiler->numSoundTimes++] = osGetTime();
// log the times for gfxTimes: RSP completes, and RDP completes.
void profiler_log_gfx_time(enum ProfilerGfxEvent eventID) {
if (eventID == TASKS_QUEUED) {
gCurrentFrameIndex2 ^= 1;
gProfilerFrameData[gCurrentFrameIndex2].numVblankTimes = 0;
gProfilerFrameData[gCurrentFrameIndex2].gfxTimes[eventID] = osGetTime();
// log the times between vblank started and ended.
void profiler_log_vblank_time(void) {
struct ProfilerFrameData *profiler = &gProfilerFrameData[gCurrentFrameIndex2];
if (profiler->numVblankTimes < ARRAY_COUNT(profiler->vblankTimes)) {
profiler->vblankTimes[profiler->numVblankTimes++] = osGetTime();
// draw the specified profiler given the information passed.
void draw_profiler_bar(OSTime clockBase, OSTime clockStart, OSTime clockEnd, s16 posY, u16 color) {
s64 durationStart, durationEnd;
s32 rectX1, rectX2;
// set the duration to start, and floor to 0 if the result is below 0.
if ((durationStart = clockStart - clockBase) < 0) {
durationStart = 0;
// like the above, but with end.
if ((durationEnd = clockEnd - clockBase) < 0) {
durationEnd = 0;
// calculate the x coordinates of where start and end begins, respectively.
rectX1 = ((((durationStart * 1000000) / osClockRate * 3) / 1000) + 30);
rectX2 = ((((durationEnd * 1000000) / osClockRate * 3) / 1000) + 30);
//! I believe this is supposed to cap rectX1 and rectX2 to 320, but the
// code seems to use the wrong variables... it's possible that the variable
// names were very similar within a single letter.
if (rectX1 > 319) {
clockStart = 319;
if (rectX2 > 319) {
clockEnd = 319;
// perform the render if start is less than end. in most cases, it should be.
if (rectX1 < rectX2) {
gDPSetFillColor(gDisplayListHead++, color << 16 | color);
gDPFillRectangle(gDisplayListHead++, rectX1, posY, rectX2, posY + 2);
void draw_reference_profiler_bars(void) {
// Draws the reference "max" bars underneath the real thing.
// Blue
GPACK_RGBA5551(40, 80, 255, 1) << 16 | GPACK_RGBA5551(40, 80, 255, 1));
gDPFillRectangle(gDisplayListHead++, 30, 220, 79, 222);
// Yellow
GPACK_RGBA5551(255, 255, 40, 1) << 16 | GPACK_RGBA5551(255, 255, 40, 1));
gDPFillRectangle(gDisplayListHead++, 79, 220, 128, 222);
// Orange
GPACK_RGBA5551(255, 120, 40, 1) << 16 | GPACK_RGBA5551(255, 120, 40, 1));
gDPFillRectangle(gDisplayListHead++, 128, 220, 177, 222);
// Red
GPACK_RGBA5551(255, 40, 40, 1) << 16 | GPACK_RGBA5551(255, 40, 40, 1));
gDPFillRectangle(gDisplayListHead++, 177, 220, 226, 222);
Draw Profiler Mode 1. This mode draws a traditional per-event bar for durations of tasks
recorded by the profiler calls of various threads.
(yellow): Level Scripts Execution
(orange): Rendering
(blue): Display Lists Send
(red): Sound Updates
(yellow): Time from SP tasks queued to RSP complete
(orange): Time from RSP complete to RDP complete (possibly bugged, see //! note below)
(red): VBlank Times
void draw_profiler_mode_1(void) {
s32 i;
struct ProfilerFrameData *profiler;
OSTime clockBase;
// the profiler logs 2 frames of data: last frame and current frame. Indexes are used
// to keep track of the current frame, so the index is xor'd to retrieve the last frame's
// data.
profiler = &gProfilerFrameData[gCurrentFrameIndex1 ^ 1];
// calculate the clockBase.
clockBase = profiler->soundTimes[0] - (16433 * osClockRate / 1000000);
// draw the profiler for the time it takes for level scripts to execute. (yellow)
draw_profiler_bar(clockBase, profiler->gameTimes[0], profiler->gameTimes[1], 212,
GPACK_RGBA5551(255, 255, 40, 1));
// draw the profiler for the time it takes for the game to render (between level scripts and
// pre-display lists). (orange)
draw_profiler_bar(clockBase, profiler->gameTimes[1], profiler->gameTimes[2], 212,
GPACK_RGBA5551(255, 120, 40, 1));
// draw the profiler for the time it takes for the display lists to send. (blue)
draw_profiler_bar(clockBase, profiler->gameTimes[2], profiler->gameTimes[3], 212,
GPACK_RGBA5551(40, 192, 230, 1));
// we need to get the amount of finished numSoundTimes pairs, so get rid of the odd bit to get the
// limit of finished pairs.
profiler->numSoundTimes &= 0xFFFE;
// draw the sound update times. (red)
for (i = 0; i < profiler->numSoundTimes; i += 2) {
draw_profiler_bar(clockBase, profiler->soundTimes[i], profiler->soundTimes[i + 1], 212,
GPACK_RGBA5551(255, 40, 40, 1));
//! RSP and RDP run in parallel, so while they are not absolutely guaranteed to return in order,
// it is theoretically possible they might not. In all cases, the RDP should finish later than RSP.
// Thus, this is not really a bug in practice, but should still be noted that the C doesn't check
// this.
draw_profiler_bar(clockBase, profiler->gfxTimes[0], profiler->gfxTimes[1], 216,
GPACK_RGBA5551(255, 255, 40, 1));
// (orange)
draw_profiler_bar(clockBase, profiler->gfxTimes[1], profiler->gfxTimes[2], 216,
GPACK_RGBA5551(255, 120, 40, 1));
// like earlier, toss the odd bit.
profiler->numVblankTimes &= 0xFFFE;
// render the vblank time pairs. (red)
for (i = 0; i < profiler->numVblankTimes; i += 2) {
draw_profiler_bar(clockBase, profiler->vblankTimes[i], profiler->vblankTimes[i + 1], 216,
GPACK_RGBA5551(255, 40, 40, 1));
Draw Profiler Mode 0. This mode renders bars over each other to make it
easier to see which processes take the longest.
(red): Sound Updates
(yellow): Level Script Execution
(orange): Rendering
(orange): RDP Duration
(yellow): RSP Duration
(red): VBlank Duration
void draw_profiler_mode_0(void) {
s32 i;
struct ProfilerFrameData *profiler;
u64 clockStart;
u64 levelScriptDuration;
u64 renderDuration;
u64 taskStart;
u64 rspDuration;
u64 rdpDuration;
u64 vblank;
u64 soundDuration;
// get the last frame profiler. gCurrentFrameIndex1 has the current frame being processed, so
// xor it to get the last frame profiler.
profiler = &gProfilerFrameData[gCurrentFrameIndex1 ^ 1];
// was thread 5 ran before thread 4? set the lower one to be the clockStart.
clockStart = profiler->gameTimes[0] <= profiler->soundTimes[0] ? profiler->gameTimes[0]
: profiler->soundTimes[0];
// set variables for duration of tasks.
levelScriptDuration = profiler->gameTimes[1] - clockStart;
renderDuration = profiler->gameTimes[2] - profiler->gameTimes[1];
taskStart = 0;
rspDuration = profiler->gfxTimes[1] - profiler->gfxTimes[0];
rdpDuration = profiler->gfxTimes[2] - profiler->gfxTimes[0];
vblank = 0;
// like above functions, toss the odd bit.
profiler->numSoundTimes &= 0xFFFE;
// sound duration seems to be rendered with empty space and not actually drawn.
for (i = 0; i < profiler->numSoundTimes; i += 2) {
// calculate sound duration of max - min
soundDuration = profiler->soundTimes[i + 1] - profiler->soundTimes[i];
taskStart += soundDuration;
// was the sound time minimum less than level script execution?
if (profiler->soundTimes[i] < profiler->gameTimes[1]) {
// overlay the levelScriptDuration onto the profiler by subtracting the soundDuration.
levelScriptDuration -= soundDuration;
} else if (profiler->soundTimes[i] < profiler->gameTimes[2]) {
// overlay the renderDuration onto the profiler by subtracting the soundDuration.
renderDuration -= soundDuration;
// same as above. toss the odd bit.
profiler->numSoundTimes &= 0xFFFE;
//! wrong index used to retrieve vblankTimes, thus empty pairs can
// potentially be passed to draw_profiler_bar, because it could be sending
// pairs that are beyond the numVblankTimes enforced non-odd limit, due to
// using the wrong num value.
for (i = 0; i < profiler->numSoundTimes; i += 2) {
vblank += (profiler->vblankTimes[i + 1] - profiler->vblankTimes[i]);
// Draw top profilers.
// draw sound duration as the first bar. (red)
clockStart = 0;
draw_profiler_bar(0, clockStart, clockStart + taskStart, 212, GPACK_RGBA5551(255, 40, 40, 1));
// draw level script execution duration. (yellow)
clockStart += taskStart;
draw_profiler_bar(0, clockStart, clockStart + levelScriptDuration, 212,
GPACK_RGBA5551(255, 255, 40, 1));
// draw render duration. (orange)
clockStart += levelScriptDuration;
draw_profiler_bar(0, clockStart, clockStart + renderDuration, 212,
GPACK_RGBA5551(255, 120, 40, 1));
// Draw bottom profilers.
// rdp duration (orange)
draw_profiler_bar(0, 0, rdpDuration, 216, GPACK_RGBA5551(255, 120, 40, 1));
// rsp duration (yellow)
draw_profiler_bar(0, 0, rspDuration, 216, GPACK_RGBA5551(255, 255, 40, 1));
// vblank duration (red)
draw_profiler_bar(0, 0, vblank, 216, GPACK_RGBA5551(255, 40, 40, 1));
// Draw the Profiler per frame. Toggle the mode if the player presses L while this
// renderer is active.
void draw_profiler(void) {
if (gPlayer1Controller->buttonPressed & L_TRIG) {
gProfilerMode ^= 1;
if (gProfilerMode == 0) {
} else {