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Nice job targeting the main branch Isaac Co-Authored-By: Isaac0-dev <62234577+Isaac0-dev@users.noreply.github.com>
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12432 lines
421 KiB
#include <ultra64.h>
#include "prevent_bss_reordering.h"
#include "sm64.h"
#include "camera.h"
#include "seq_ids.h"
#include "dialog_ids.h"
#include "audio/external.h"
#include "mario_misc.h"
#include "game_init.h"
#include "hud.h"
#include "engine/math_util.h"
#include "area.h"
#include "engine/surface_collision.h"
#include "engine/behavior_script.h"
#include "level_update.h"
#include "ingame_menu.h"
#include "mario_actions_cutscene.h"
#include "save_file.h"
#include "object_helpers.h"
#include "print.h"
#include "spawn_sound.h"
#include "behavior_actions.h"
#include "behavior_data.h"
#include "object_list_processor.h"
#include "paintings.h"
#include "engine/graph_node.h"
#include "level_table.h"
#include "mario.h"
#include "game/hardcoded.h"
#include "game/sound_init.h"
#include "pc/configfile.h"
#include "pc/network/network.h"
#include "pc/lua/smlua_hooks.h"
#include "pc/djui/djui.h"
#include "first_person_cam.h"
static u8 sSoftResettingCamera = FALSE;
u8 gCameraUseCourseSpecificSettings = TRUE;
u8 gOverrideFreezeCamera = FALSE;
enum RomhackCameraOverride gOverrideRomhackCamera = RCO_ALL;
u8 gRomhackCameraAllowCentering = TRUE;
u8 gOverrideAllowToxicGasCamera = FALSE;
u8 gRomhackCameraAllowDpad = FALSE;
* @file camera.c
* Implements the camera system, including C-button input, camera modes, camera triggers, and cutscenes.
* When working with the camera, you should be familiar with sm64's coordinate system.
* Relative to the camera, the coordinate system follows the right hand rule:
* +X points right.
* +Y points up.
* +Z points out of the screen.
* You should also be familiar with Euler angles: 'pitch', 'yaw', and 'roll'.
* pitch: rotation about the X-axis, measured from +Y.
* Unlike yaw and roll, pitch is bounded in +-0x4000 (90 degrees).
* Pitch is 0 when the camera points parallel to the xz-plane (+Y points straight up).
* yaw: rotation about the Y-axis, measured from (absolute) +Z.
* Positive yaw rotates clockwise, towards +X.
* roll: rotation about the Z-axis, measured from the camera's right direction.
* Unfortunately, it's weird: For some reason, roll is flipped. Positive roll makes the camera
* rotate counterclockwise, which means the WORLD rotates clockwise. Luckily roll is rarely
* used.
* Remember the right hand rule: make a thumbs-up with your right hand, stick your thumb in the
* +direction (except for roll), and the angle follows the rotation of your curled fingers.
* Illustrations:
* Following the right hand rule, each hidden axis's positive direction points out of the screen.
* YZ-Plane (pitch) XZ-Plane (yaw) XY-Plane (roll -- Note flipped)
* +Y -Z +Y
* ^ ^ (into the ^
* --|-- | screen) |<-
* +pitch / | \ -pitch | | \ -roll
* v | v | | |
* +Z <------O------> -Z -X <------O------> +X -X <------O------> +X
* | ^ | ^ | |
* | \ | / | / +roll
* | -yaw --|-- +yaw |<-
* v v v
* -Y +Z -Y
// BSS
* Stores Lakitu's position from the last frame, used for transitioning in next_lakitu_state()
Vec3f sOldPosition;
* Stores Lakitu's focus from the last frame, used for transitioning in next_lakitu_state()
Vec3f sOldFocus;
* Global array of PlayerCameraState.
* L is real.
struct PlayerCameraState gPlayerCameraState[MAX_PLAYERS];
* Direction controlled by player 2, moves the focus during the credits.
Vec3f sPlayer2FocusOffset;
* The pitch used for the credits easter egg.
s16 sCreditsPlayer2Pitch;
* The yaw used for the credits easter egg.
s16 sCreditsPlayer2Yaw;
* Used to decide when to zoom out in the pause menu.
u8 sFramesPaused;
extern struct CameraFOVStatus gFOVState;
extern struct TransitionInfo sModeTransition;
extern struct PlayerGeometry sMarioGeometry;
extern s16 unusedFreeRoamWallYaw;
extern s16 sAvoidYawVel;
extern s16 sCameraYawAfterDoorCutscene;
extern s16 unusedSplinePitch;
extern s16 unusedSplineYaw;
extern struct HandheldShakePoint sHandheldShakeSpline[4];
extern s16 sHandheldShakeMag;
extern f32 sHandheldShakeTimer;
extern f32 sHandheldShakeInc;
extern s16 sHandheldShakePitch;
extern s16 sHandheldShakeYaw;
extern s16 sHandheldShakeRoll;
extern u32 unused8033B30C;
extern u32 unused8033B310;
extern s16 sSelectionFlags;
extern s16 unused8033B316;
extern s16 s2ndRotateFlags;
extern s16 unused8033B31A;
extern s16 sCameraSoundFlags;
extern u16 sCButtonsPressed;
extern s16 sCutsceneDialogID;
extern struct LakituState gLakituState;
extern s16 unused8033B3E8;
extern s16 sAreaYaw;
extern s16 sAreaYawChange;
extern s16 sLakituDist;
extern s16 sLakituPitch;
extern f32 sZoomAmount;
extern s16 sCSideButtonYaw;
extern s16 sBehindMarioSoundTimer;
extern f32 sZeroZoomDist;
extern s16 sCUpCameraPitch;
extern s16 sModeOffsetYaw;
extern s16 sSpiralStairsYawOffset;
extern s16 s8DirModeBaseYaw;
extern s16 s8DirModeYawOffset;
extern f32 sPanDistance;
extern f32 sCannonYOffset;
extern struct ModeTransitionInfo sModeInfo;
extern Vec3f sCastleEntranceOffset;
extern u32 sParTrackIndex;
extern struct ParallelTrackingPoint *sParTrackPath;
extern struct CameraStoredInfo sParTrackTransOff;
extern struct CameraStoredInfo sCameraStoreCUp;
extern struct CameraStoredInfo sCameraStoreCutscene;
extern s16 gCameraMovementFlags;
extern s16 sStatusFlags;
extern struct CutsceneSplinePoint sCurCreditsSplinePos[32];
extern struct CutsceneSplinePoint sCurCreditsSplineFocus[32];
extern s16 sCutsceneSplineSegment;
extern f32 sCutsceneSplineSegmentProgress;
extern s16 unused8033B6E8;
extern s16 sCutsceneShot;
extern s16 gCutsceneTimer;
extern struct CutsceneVariable sCutsceneVars[10];
extern s32 gObjCutsceneDone;
extern u32 gCutsceneObjSpawn;
extern struct Camera *gCamera;
* Lakitu's position and focus.
* @see LakituState
struct LakituState gLakituState = { 0 };
struct CameraFOVStatus gFOVState = { 0 };
struct TransitionInfo sModeTransition = { 0 };
struct PlayerGeometry sMarioGeometry = { 0 };
struct Camera *gCamera;
s16 unusedFreeRoamWallYaw;
s16 sAvoidYawVel;
s16 sCameraYawAfterDoorCutscene;
* The current spline that controls the camera's position during the credits.
struct CutsceneSplinePoint sCurCreditsSplinePos[32];
* The current spline that controls the camera's focus during the credits.
struct CutsceneSplinePoint sCurCreditsSplineFocus[32];
s16 unusedSplinePitch;
s16 unusedSplineYaw;
* The progress (from 0 to 1) through the current spline segment.
* When it becomes >= 1, 1.0 is subtracted from it and sCutsceneSplineSegment is increased.
f32 sCutsceneSplineSegmentProgress;
* The current segment of the CutsceneSplinePoint[] being used.
s16 sCutsceneSplineSegment;
s16 unused8033B6E8;
// Shaky Hand-held Camera effect variables
struct HandheldShakePoint sHandheldShakeSpline[4];
s16 sHandheldShakeMag;
f32 sHandheldShakeTimer;
f32 sHandheldShakeInc;
s16 sHandheldShakePitch;
s16 sHandheldShakeYaw;
s16 sHandheldShakeRoll;
* Controls which object to spawn in the intro and ending cutscenes.
u32 gCutsceneObjSpawn;
* Controls when an object-based cutscene should end. It's only used in the star spawn cutscenes, but
* Yoshi also toggles this.
s32 gObjCutsceneDone;
u32 unused8033B30C;
u32 unused8033B310;
* Determines which R-Trigger mode is selected in the pause menu.
s16 sSelectionFlags;
* Flags that determine what movements the camera should start / do this frame.
s16 gCameraMovementFlags;
s16 unused8033B316;
* Flags that change how modes operate and how Lakitu moves.
* The most commonly used flag is CAM_FLAG_SMOOTH_MOVEMENT, which makes Lakitu fly to the next position,
* instead of warping.
s16 sStatusFlags;
* Flags that determine whether the player has already rotated left or right. Used in radial mode to
* determine whether to rotate all the way, or just to 60 degrees.
s16 s2ndRotateFlags;
s16 unused8033B31A;
* Flags that control buzzes and sounds that play, mostly for C-button input.
s16 sCameraSoundFlags;
* Stores what C-Buttons are pressed this frame.
u16 sCButtonsPressed;
* A copy of gDialogID, the dialog displayed during the cutscene.
s16 sCutsceneDialogID;
* The currently playing shot in the cutscene.
s16 sCutsceneShot;
* The current frame of the cutscene shot.
s16 gCutsceneTimer;
s16 unused8033B3E8;
#if defined(VERSION_EU) || defined(VERSION_SH)
s16 unused8033B3E82;
* The angle of the direction vector from the area's center to Mario's position.
s16 sAreaYaw;
* How much sAreaYaw changed when Mario moved.
s16 sAreaYawChange;
* Lakitu's distance from Mario in C-Down mode
s16 sLakituDist;
* How much Lakitu looks down in C-Down mode
s16 sLakituPitch;
* The amount of distance left to zoom out
f32 sZoomAmount;
s16 sCSideButtonYaw = 0;
* Sound timer used to space out sounds in behind Mario mode
s16 sBehindMarioSoundTimer = 0;
* Virtually unused aside being set to 0 and compared with gCameraZoomDist (which is never < 0)
f32 sZeroZoomDist;
* The camera's pitch in C-Up mode. Mainly controls Mario's head rotation.
s16 sCUpCameraPitch;
* The current mode's yaw, which gets added to the camera's yaw.
s16 sModeOffsetYaw = 0;
* Stores Mario's yaw around the stairs, relative to the camera's position.
* Used in update_spiral_stairs_camera()
s16 sSpiralStairsYawOffset;
* The constant offset to 8-direction mode's yaw.
s16 s8DirModeBaseYaw;
* Player-controlled yaw offset in 8-direction mode, a multiple of 45 degrees.
s16 s8DirModeYawOffset;
* The distance that the camera will look ahead of Mario in the direction Mario is facing.
f32 sPanDistance;
* When Mario gets in the cannon, it is pointing straight up and rotates down.
* This is used to make the camera start up and rotate down, like the cannon.
f32 sCannonYOffset;
* These structs are used by the cutscenes. Most of the fields are unused, and some (all?) of the used
* ones have multiple uses.
* Check the cutscene_start functions for documentation on the cvars used by a specific cutscene.
struct CutsceneVariable sCutsceneVars[10] = { 0 };
struct ModeTransitionInfo sModeInfo;
* Offset added to sFixedModeBasePosition when Mario is inside, near the castle lobby entrance
Vec3f sCastleEntranceOffset;
* The index into the current parallel tracking path
u32 sParTrackIndex;
* The current list of ParallelTrackingPoints used in update_parallel_tracking_camera()
struct ParallelTrackingPoint *sParTrackPath;
* On the first frame after the camera changes to a different parallel tracking path, this stores the
* displacement between the camera's calculated new position and its previous positions
* This transition offset is then used to smoothly interpolate the camera's position between the two
* paths
struct CameraStoredInfo sParTrackTransOff;
* The information stored when C-Up is active, used to update Lakitu's rotation when exiting C-Up
struct CameraStoredInfo sCameraStoreCUp;
* The information stored during cutscenes
struct CameraStoredInfo sCameraStoreCutscene;
// first iteration of data
u32 unused8032CFC0 = 0;
struct Object *gCutsceneFocus = NULL;
// other camera focuses?
u32 unused8032CFC8 = 0;
u32 unused8032CFCC = 0;
struct Object *gSecondCameraFocus = NULL;
* How fast the camera's yaw should approach the next yaw.
s16 sYawSpeed = 0x400;
s32 gCurrLevelArea = 0;
u32 gPrevLevel = 0;
f32 unused8032CFE0 = 1000.0f;
f32 unused8032CFE4 = 800.0f;
u32 unused8032CFE8 = 0;
f32 gCameraZoomDist = 800.0f;
* A cutscene that plays when the player interacts with an object
u8 sObjectCutscene = 0;
* The ID of the cutscene that ended. It's set to 0 if no cutscene ended less than 8 frames ago.
* It is only used to prevent the same cutscene from playing twice before 8 frames have passed.
u8 gRecentCutscene = 0;
* A timer that increments for 8 frames when a cutscene ends.
* When it reaches 8, it sets gRecentCutscene to 0.
u8 sFramesSinceCutsceneEnded = 0;
* Mario's response to a dialog.
* 0 = No response yet
* 1 = Yes
* 2 = No
* 3 = Dialog doesn't have a response
u8 sCutsceneDialogResponse = 0;
struct PlayerCameraState *sMarioCamState = &gPlayerCameraState[0];
u32 unused8032D008 = 0;
Vec3f sFixedModeBasePosition = { 646.0f, 143.0f, -1513.0f };
Vec3f sUnusedModeBasePosition_2 = { 646.0f, 143.0f, -1513.0f };
Vec3f sUnusedModeBasePosition_3 = { 646.0f, 143.0f, -1513.0f };
Vec3f sUnusedModeBasePosition_4 = { 646.0f, 143.0f, -1513.0f };
Vec3f sUnusedModeBasePosition_5 = { 646.0f, 143.0f, -1513.0f };
s32 update_radial_camera(struct Camera *c, Vec3f, Vec3f);
s32 update_outward_radial_camera(struct Camera *c, Vec3f, Vec3f);
s32 update_behind_mario_camera(struct Camera *c, Vec3f, Vec3f);
s32 update_mario_camera(struct Camera *c, Vec3f, Vec3f);
s32 unused_update_mode_5_camera(struct Camera *c, Vec3f, Vec3f);
s32 update_c_up(struct Camera *c, Vec3f, Vec3f);
s32 nop_update_water_camera(struct Camera *c, Vec3f, Vec3f);
s32 update_slide_or_0f_camera(struct Camera *c, Vec3f, Vec3f);
s32 update_in_cannon(struct Camera *c, Vec3f, Vec3f);
s32 update_boss_fight_camera(struct Camera *c, Vec3f, Vec3f);
s32 update_parallel_tracking_camera(struct Camera *c, Vec3f, Vec3f);
s32 update_fixed_camera(struct Camera *c, Vec3f, Vec3f);
s32 update_8_directions_camera(struct Camera *c, Vec3f, Vec3f);
s32 update_slide_or_0f_camera(struct Camera *c, Vec3f, Vec3f);
s32 update_spiral_stairs_camera(struct Camera *c, Vec3f, Vec3f);
s32 update_rom_hack_camera(struct Camera *c, Vec3f, Vec3f);
void mode_rom_hack_camera(struct Camera *c);
void cutscene_take_cap_off(struct MarioState *m);
void cutscene_put_cap_on(struct MarioState *m);
typedef s32 (*CameraTransition)(struct Camera *c, Vec3f, Vec3f);
CameraTransition sModeTransitions[] = {
// Move these two tables to another include file?
extern u8 sDanceCutsceneIndexTable[][4];
extern u8 sZoomOutAreaMasks[];
void skip_camera_interpolation(void) {
gLakituState.skipCameraInterpolationTimestamp = gGlobalTimer;
extern s32 gCamSkipInterp;
gCamSkipInterp = 1;
* Starts a camera shake triggered by an interaction
void set_camera_shake_from_hit(s16 shake) {
switch (shake) {
// Makes the camera stop for a bit
gLakituState.focHSpeed = 0;
gLakituState.posHSpeed = 0;
set_camera_pitch_shake(0x60, 0x3, 0x8000);
set_camera_roll_shake(0x60, 0x3, 0x8000);
set_camera_pitch_shake(0x60, 0xC, 0x8000);
if (sMarioCamState->action & (ACT_FLAG_SWIMMING | ACT_FLAG_METAL_WATER)) {
set_camera_yaw_shake(0x200, 0x10, 0x1000);
set_camera_roll_shake(0x400, 0x20, 0x1000);
set_fov_shake(0x100, 0x30, 0x8000);
} else {
set_camera_yaw_shake(0x80, 0x8, 0x4000);
set_camera_roll_shake(0x80, 0x8, 0x4000);
set_fov_shake(0x100, 0x30, 0x8000);
gLakituState.focHSpeed = 0;
gLakituState.posHSpeed = 0;
if (sMarioCamState->action & (ACT_FLAG_SWIMMING | ACT_FLAG_METAL_WATER)) {
set_camera_yaw_shake(0x400, 0x20, 0x1000);
set_camera_roll_shake(0x600, 0x30, 0x1000);
set_fov_shake(0x180, 0x40, 0x8000);
} else {
set_camera_yaw_shake(0x100, 0x10, 0x4000);
set_camera_roll_shake(0x100, 0x10, 0x4000);
set_fov_shake(0x180, 0x40, 0x8000);
gLakituState.focHSpeed = 0;
gLakituState.posHSpeed = 0;
if (sMarioCamState->action & (ACT_FLAG_SWIMMING | ACT_FLAG_METAL_WATER)) {
set_camera_yaw_shake(0x600, 0x30, 0x1000);
set_camera_roll_shake(0x800, 0x40, 0x1000);
set_fov_shake(0x200, 0x50, 0x8000);
} else {
set_camera_yaw_shake(0x180, 0x20, 0x4000);
set_camera_roll_shake(0x200, 0x20, 0x4000);
set_fov_shake(0x200, 0x50, 0x8000);
gLakituState.focHSpeed = 0;
gLakituState.posHSpeed = 0;
gLakituState.focHSpeed = 0.07;
gLakituState.posHSpeed = 0.07;
set_camera_pitch_shake(random_float() * 64.f, 0x8, 0x8000);
set_camera_yaw_shake(random_float() * 64.f, 0x8, 0x8000);
* Start a shake from the environment
void set_environmental_camera_shake(s16 shake) {
switch (shake) {
set_camera_pitch_shake(0x60, 0x8, 0x4000);
set_camera_pitch_shake(0xC0, 0x8, 0x4000);
set_camera_pitch_shake(0x100, 0x8, 0x3000);
set_camera_roll_shake(0x80, 0x10, 0x3000);
set_camera_pitch_shake(0x20, 0x8, 0x8000);
set_camera_pitch_shake(0x40, 0x8, 0x8000);
set_camera_pitch_shake(0x20, 0x8, 0x8000);
set_camera_roll_shake(0x400, 0x10, 0x100);
set_camera_pitch_shake(0x40, 0x2, 0x8000);
set_camera_yaw_shake(-0x200, 0x80, 0x200);
* Starts a camera shake, but scales the amplitude by the point's distance from the camera
void set_camera_shake_from_point(s16 shake, f32 posX, f32 posY, f32 posZ) {
switch (shake) {
set_pitch_shake_from_point(0x28, 0x8, 0x4000, 2000.f, posX, posY, posZ);
set_pitch_shake_from_point(0x80, 0x8, 0x4000, 4000.f, posX, posY, posZ);
set_fov_shake_from_point_preset(SHAKE_FOV_SMALL, posX, posY, posZ);
set_pitch_shake_from_point(0xC0, 0x8, 0x4000, 6000.f, posX, posY, posZ);
set_fov_shake_from_point_preset(SHAKE_FOV_MEDIUM, posX, posY, posZ);
set_pitch_shake_from_point(0x100, 0x8, 0x3000, 8000.f, posX, posY, posZ);
set_fov_shake_from_point_preset(SHAKE_FOV_LARGE, posX, posY, posZ);
* Start a camera shake from an environmental source, but only shake the camera's pitch.
void unused_set_camera_pitch_shake_env(s16 shake) {
switch (shake) {
set_camera_pitch_shake(0x60, 0x8, 0x4000);
set_camera_pitch_shake(0xC0, 0x8, 0x4000);
set_camera_pitch_shake(0x100, 0x8, 0x3000);
* Calculates Mario's distance to the floor, or the water level if it is above the floor. Then:
* `posOff` is set to the distance multiplied by posMul and bounded to [-posBound, posBound]
* `focOff` is set to the distance multiplied by focMul and bounded to [-focBound, focBound]
* Notes:
* posMul is always 1.0f, focMul is always 0.9f
* both ranges are always 200.f
* Since focMul is 0.9, `focOff` is closer to the floor than `posOff`
* posOff and focOff are sometimes the same address, which just ignores the pos calculation
*! Doesn't return anything, but required to match on -O2
BAD_RETURN(f32) calc_y_to_curr_floor(f32 *posOff, f32 posMul, f32 posBound, f32 *focOff, f32 focMul, f32 focBound) {
f32 floorHeight = sMarioGeometry.currFloorHeight;
f32 waterHeight;
UNUSED s32 filler;
if (!(sMarioCamState->action & ACT_FLAG_METAL_WATER)) {
//! @bug this should use sMarioGeometry.waterHeight
if (floorHeight < (waterHeight = find_water_level(sMarioCamState->pos[0], sMarioCamState->pos[2]))) {
floorHeight = waterHeight;
if (sMarioCamState->action & ACT_FLAG_ON_POLE) {
if (gMarioStates[0].usedObj != NULL && sMarioGeometry.currFloorHeight >= gMarioStates[0].usedObj->oPosY && sMarioCamState->pos[1]
< 0.7f * gMarioStates[0].usedObj->hitboxHeight + gMarioStates[0].usedObj->oPosY) {
posBound = 1200;
*posOff = (floorHeight - sMarioCamState->pos[1]) * posMul;
if (*posOff > posBound) {
*posOff = posBound;
if (*posOff < -posBound) {
*posOff = -posBound;
*focOff = (floorHeight - sMarioCamState->pos[1]) * focMul;
if (*focOff > focBound) {
*focOff = focBound;
if (*focOff < -focBound) {
*focOff = -focBound;
// compiler gets mad if I put this any further above. thanks refresh 7
#include "bettercamera.inc.h"
void focus_on_mario(Vec3f focus, Vec3f pos, f32 posYOff, f32 focYOff, f32 dist, s16 pitch, s16 yaw) {
Vec3f marioPos;
marioPos[0] = sMarioCamState->pos[0];
marioPos[1] = sMarioCamState->pos[1] + posYOff;
marioPos[2] = sMarioCamState->pos[2];
vec3f_set_dist_and_angle(marioPos, pos, dist, pitch + sLakituPitch, yaw);
focus[0] = sMarioCamState->pos[0];
focus[1] = sMarioCamState->pos[1] + focYOff;
focus[2] = sMarioCamState->pos[2];
static UNUSED void set_pos_to_mario(Vec3f foc, Vec3f pos, f32 yOff, f32 focYOff, f32 dist, s16 pitch, s16 yaw) {
Vec3f marioPos;
f32 posDist;
f32 focDist;
s16 posPitch;
s16 posYaw;
s16 focPitch;
s16 focYaw;
vec3f_copy(marioPos, sMarioCamState->pos);
marioPos[1] += yOff;
vec3f_set_dist_and_angle(marioPos, pos, dist, pitch + sLakituPitch, yaw);
vec3f_get_dist_and_angle(pos, sMarioCamState->pos, &posDist, &posPitch, &posYaw);
//! Useless get and set
vec3f_get_dist_and_angle(pos, foc, &focDist, &focPitch, &focYaw);
vec3f_set_dist_and_angle(pos, foc, focDist, focPitch, focYaw);
foc[1] = sMarioCamState->pos[1] + focYOff;
* Set the camera's y coordinate to goalHeight, respecting floors and ceilings in the way
void set_camera_height(struct Camera *c, f32 goalHeight) {
if (!c) { return; }
struct Surface *surface;
f32 marioFloorHeight;
f32 marioCeilHeight;
f32 camFloorHeight;
UNUSED u8 filler[8];
UNUSED s16 action = sMarioCamState->action;
f32 baseOff = 125.f;
f32 camCeilHeight = find_ceil(c->pos[0], gLakituState.goalPos[1] - 50.f, c->pos[2], &surface);
if (sMarioCamState->action & ACT_FLAG_HANGING) {
marioCeilHeight = sMarioGeometry.currCeilHeight;
marioFloorHeight = sMarioGeometry.currFloorHeight;
if (marioFloorHeight < marioCeilHeight - 400.f) {
marioFloorHeight = marioCeilHeight - 400.f;
goalHeight = marioFloorHeight + (marioCeilHeight - marioFloorHeight) * 0.4f;
if (sMarioCamState->pos[1] - 400 > goalHeight) {
goalHeight = sMarioCamState->pos[1] - 400;
approach_camera_height(c, goalHeight, 5.f);
} else {
camFloorHeight = find_floor(c->pos[0], c->pos[1] + 100.f, c->pos[2], &surface) + baseOff;
marioFloorHeight = baseOff + sMarioGeometry.currFloorHeight;
if (camFloorHeight < marioFloorHeight) {
camFloorHeight = marioFloorHeight;
if (goalHeight < camFloorHeight) {
goalHeight = camFloorHeight;
c->pos[1] = goalHeight;
// Warp camera to goalHeight if further than 1000 and Mario is stuck in the ground
if (sMarioCamState->action == ACT_BUTT_STUCK_IN_GROUND ||
sMarioCamState->action == ACT_HEAD_STUCK_IN_GROUND ||
sMarioCamState->action == ACT_FEET_STUCK_IN_GROUND) {
if (ABS(c->pos[1] - goalHeight) > 1000.f) {
c->pos[1] = goalHeight;
approach_camera_height(c, goalHeight, 20.f);
if (camCeilHeight != gLevelValues.cellHeightLimit) {
camCeilHeight -= baseOff;
if ((c->pos[1] > camCeilHeight && sMarioGeometry.currFloorHeight + baseOff < camCeilHeight)
|| (sMarioGeometry.currCeilHeight != gLevelValues.cellHeightLimit
&& sMarioGeometry.currCeilHeight > camCeilHeight && c->pos[1] > camCeilHeight)) {
c->pos[1] = camCeilHeight;
* Pitch the camera down when the camera is facing down a slope
s16 look_down_slopes(s16 camYaw) {
struct Surface *floor;
f32 floorDY;
// Default pitch
s16 pitch = 0x05B0;
// x and z offsets towards the camera
f32 xOff = sMarioCamState->pos[0] + sins(camYaw) * 40.f;
f32 zOff = sMarioCamState->pos[2] + coss(camYaw) * 40.f;
floorDY = find_floor(xOff, sMarioCamState->pos[1], zOff, &floor) - sMarioCamState->pos[1];
if (floor != NULL) {
if (floor->type != SURFACE_WALL_MISC && floorDY > 0) {
if (floor->normal.z == 0.f && floorDY < 100.f) {
pitch = 0x05B0;
} else {
// Add the slope's angle of declination to the pitch
pitch += atan2s(40.f, floorDY);
return pitch;
* Look ahead to the left or right in the direction the player is facing
* The calculation for pan[0] could be simplified to:
* yaw = -yaw;
* pan[0] = sins(sMarioCamState->faceAngle[1] + yaw) * sins(0xC00) * dist;
* Perhaps, early in development, the pan used to be calculated for both the x and z directions
* Since this function only affects the camera's focus, Mario's movement direction isn't affected.
void pan_ahead_of_player(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
f32 dist;
s16 pitch;
s16 yaw;
Vec3f pan = { 0, 0, 0 };
// Get distance and angle from camera to Mario.
vec3f_get_dist_and_angle(c->pos, sMarioCamState->pos, &dist, &pitch, &yaw);
// The camera will pan ahead up to about 30% of the camera's distance to Mario.
pan[2] = sins(0xC00) * dist;
rotate_in_xz(pan, pan, sMarioCamState->faceAngle[1]);
// rotate in the opposite direction
yaw = -yaw;
rotate_in_xz(pan, pan, yaw);
// Only pan left or right
pan[2] = 0.f;
// If Mario is long jumping, or on a flag pole (but not at the top), then pan in the opposite direction
if (sMarioCamState->action == ACT_LONG_JUMP ||
(sMarioCamState->action != ACT_TOP_OF_POLE && (sMarioCamState->action & ACT_FLAG_ON_POLE))) {
pan[0] = -pan[0];
// Slowly make the actual pan, sPanDistance, approach the calculated pan
// If Mario is sleeping, then don't pan
if (sStatusFlags & CAM_FLAG_SLEEPING) {
approach_f32_asymptotic_bool(&sPanDistance, 0.f, 0.025f);
} else {
approach_f32_asymptotic_bool(&sPanDistance, pan[0], 0.025f);
// Now apply the pan. It's a dir vector to the left or right, rotated by the camera's yaw to Mario
pan[0] = sPanDistance;
yaw = -yaw;
rotate_in_xz(pan, pan, yaw);
vec3f_add(c->focus, pan);
s16 find_in_bounds_yaw_wdw_bob_thi(UNUSED Vec3f pos, UNUSED Vec3f origin, s16 yaw) {
// switch (gCurrLevelArea) {
// case AREA_WDW_MAIN:
// yaw = clamp_positions_and_find_yaw(pos, origin, 4508.f, -3739.f, 4508.f, -3739.f);
// break;
// case AREA_BOB:
// yaw = clamp_positions_and_find_yaw(pos, origin, 8000.f, -8000.f, 7050.f, -8000.f);
// break;
// case AREA_THI_HUGE:
// yaw = clamp_positions_and_find_yaw(pos, origin, 8192.f, -8192.f, 8192.f, -8192.f);
// break;
// case AREA_THI_TINY:
// yaw = clamp_positions_and_find_yaw(pos, origin, 2458.f, -2458.f, 2458.f, -2458.f);
// break;
// }
return yaw;
* Rotates the camera around the area's center point.
s32 update_radial_camera(struct Camera *c, Vec3f focus, Vec3f pos) {
if (!c) { return 0; }
f32 cenDistX = sMarioCamState->pos[0] - c->areaCenX;
f32 cenDistZ = sMarioCamState->pos[2] - c->areaCenZ;
s16 camYaw = atan2s(cenDistZ, cenDistX) + sModeOffsetYaw;
s16 pitch = look_down_slopes(camYaw);
UNUSED f32 unused1;
f32 posY;
f32 focusY;
UNUSED f32 unused2;
UNUSED f32 unused3;
f32 yOff = 125.f;
f32 baseDist = 1000.f;
sAreaYaw = camYaw - sModeOffsetYaw;
calc_y_to_curr_floor(&posY, 1.f, 200.f, &focusY, 0.9f, 200.f);
focus_on_mario(focus, pos, posY + yOff, focusY + yOff, sLakituDist + baseDist, pitch, camYaw);
camYaw = find_in_bounds_yaw_wdw_bob_thi(pos, focus, camYaw);
return camYaw;
* Update the camera during 8 directional mode
s32 update_8_directions_camera(struct Camera *c, Vec3f focus, Vec3f pos) {
if (!c) { return 0; }
UNUSED f32 cenDistX = sMarioCamState->pos[0] - c->areaCenX;
UNUSED f32 cenDistZ = sMarioCamState->pos[2] - c->areaCenZ;
s16 camYaw = s8DirModeBaseYaw + s8DirModeYawOffset;
s16 pitch = look_down_slopes(camYaw);
f32 posY;
f32 focusY;
UNUSED f32 unused1;
UNUSED f32 unused2;
UNUSED f32 unused3;
f32 yOff = 125.f;
f32 baseDist = 1000.f;
sAreaYaw = camYaw;
calc_y_to_curr_floor(&posY, 1.f, 200.f, &focusY, 0.9f, 200.f);
focus_on_mario(focus, pos, posY + yOff, focusY + yOff, sLakituDist + baseDist, pitch, camYaw);
if (gCameraUseCourseSpecificSettings && c->mode != CAMERA_MODE_ROM_HACK && gCurrLevelArea == AREA_DDD_SUB) {
camYaw = clamp_positions_and_find_yaw(pos, focus, 6839.f, 995.f, 5994.f, -3945.f);
return camYaw;
* Moves the camera for the radial and outward radial camera modes.
* If sModeOffsetYaw is 0, the camera points directly at the area center point.
void radial_camera_move(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
s16 maxAreaYaw = DEGREES(60);
s16 minAreaYaw = DEGREES(-60);
s16 rotateSpeed = 0x1000;
s16 avoidYaw;
s32 avoidStatus;
UNUSED s16 unused1 = 0;
UNUSED s32 unused2 = 0;
f32 areaDistX = sMarioCamState->pos[0] - c->areaCenX;
f32 areaDistZ = sMarioCamState->pos[2] - c->areaCenZ;
UNUSED s32 filler;
// How much the camera's yaw changed
s16 yawOffset = calculate_yaw(sMarioCamState->pos, c->pos) - atan2s(areaDistZ, areaDistX);
if (yawOffset > maxAreaYaw) {
yawOffset = maxAreaYaw;
if (yawOffset < minAreaYaw) {
yawOffset = minAreaYaw;
// Check if Mario stepped on a surface that rotates the camera. For example, when Mario enters the
// gate in BoB, the camera turns right to face up the hill path
if (!(gCameraMovementFlags & CAM_MOVE_ROTATE)) {
if (sMarioGeometry.currFloorType == SURFACE_CAMERA_MIDDLE
&& sMarioGeometry.prevFloorType != SURFACE_CAMERA_MIDDLE) {
if (sMarioGeometry.currFloorType == SURFACE_CAMERA_ROTATE_RIGHT
&& sMarioGeometry.prevFloorType != SURFACE_CAMERA_ROTATE_RIGHT) {
if (sMarioGeometry.currFloorType == SURFACE_CAMERA_ROTATE_LEFT
&& sMarioGeometry.prevFloorType != SURFACE_CAMERA_ROTATE_LEFT) {
if (gCameraMovementFlags & CAM_MOVE_ENTERED_ROTATE_SURFACE) {
rotateSpeed = 0x200;
areaDistX = -areaDistX;
areaDistZ = -areaDistZ;
// Avoid obstructing walls
avoidStatus = rotate_camera_around_walls(c, c->pos, &avoidYaw, 0x400);
if (avoidStatus == 3) {
if (avoidYaw - atan2s(areaDistZ, areaDistX) + DEGREES(90) < 0) {
avoidYaw += DEGREES(180);
// We want to change sModeOffsetYaw so that the player is no longer obstructed by the wall.
// So, we make avoidYaw relative to the yaw around the area center
avoidYaw -= atan2s(areaDistZ, areaDistX);
// Bound avoid yaw to radial mode constraints
if (avoidYaw > DEGREES(105)) {
avoidYaw = DEGREES(105);
if (avoidYaw < DEGREES(-105)) {
avoidYaw = DEGREES(-105);
if (gCameraMovementFlags & CAM_MOVE_RETURN_TO_MIDDLE) {
if (camera_approach_s16_symmetric_bool(&sModeOffsetYaw, 0, rotateSpeed) == 0) {
gCameraMovementFlags &= ~CAM_MOVE_RETURN_TO_MIDDLE;
} else {
// Prevent the player from rotating into obstructing walls
if ((gCameraMovementFlags & CAM_MOVE_ROTATE_RIGHT) && avoidStatus == 3
&& avoidYaw + 0x10 < sModeOffsetYaw) {
sModeOffsetYaw = avoidYaw;
if ((gCameraMovementFlags & CAM_MOVE_ROTATE_LEFT) && avoidStatus == 3
&& avoidYaw - 0x10 > sModeOffsetYaw) {
sModeOffsetYaw = avoidYaw;
// If it's the first time rotating, just rotate to +-60 degrees
if (!(s2ndRotateFlags & CAM_MOVE_ROTATE_RIGHT) && (gCameraMovementFlags & CAM_MOVE_ROTATE_RIGHT)
&& camera_approach_s16_symmetric_bool(&sModeOffsetYaw, maxAreaYaw, rotateSpeed) == 0) {
if (!(s2ndRotateFlags & CAM_MOVE_ROTATE_LEFT) && (gCameraMovementFlags & CAM_MOVE_ROTATE_LEFT)
&& camera_approach_s16_symmetric_bool(&sModeOffsetYaw, minAreaYaw, rotateSpeed) == 0) {
// If it's the second time rotating, rotate all the way to +-105 degrees.
if ((s2ndRotateFlags & CAM_MOVE_ROTATE_RIGHT) && (gCameraMovementFlags & CAM_MOVE_ROTATE_RIGHT)
&& camera_approach_s16_symmetric_bool(&sModeOffsetYaw, DEGREES(105), rotateSpeed) == 0) {
s2ndRotateFlags &= ~CAM_MOVE_ROTATE_RIGHT;
if ((s2ndRotateFlags & CAM_MOVE_ROTATE_LEFT) && (gCameraMovementFlags & CAM_MOVE_ROTATE_LEFT)
&& camera_approach_s16_symmetric_bool(&sModeOffsetYaw, DEGREES(-105), rotateSpeed) == 0) {
s2ndRotateFlags &= ~CAM_MOVE_ROTATE_LEFT;
if (!(gCameraMovementFlags & CAM_MOVE_ROTATE)) {
// If not rotating, rotate away from walls obscuring Mario from view
if (avoidStatus == 3) {
approach_s16_asymptotic_bool(&sModeOffsetYaw, avoidYaw, 10);
} else {
if (c->mode == CAMERA_MODE_RADIAL) {
// sModeOffsetYaw only updates when Mario is moving
rotateSpeed = gMarioStates[0].forwardVel / 32.f * 128.f;
camera_approach_s16_symmetric_bool(&sModeOffsetYaw, yawOffset, rotateSpeed);
sModeOffsetYaw = offset_yaw_outward_radial(c, atan2s(areaDistZ, areaDistX));
// Bound sModeOffsetYaw within (-120, 120) degrees
if (sModeOffsetYaw > 0x5554) {
sModeOffsetYaw = 0x5554;
if (sModeOffsetYaw < -0x5554) {
sModeOffsetYaw = -0x5554;
* Moves Lakitu from zoomed in to zoomed out and vice versa.
* When C-Down mode is not active, sLakituDist and sLakituPitch decrease to 0.
void lakitu_zoom(f32 rangeDist, s16 rangePitch) {
if (sLakituDist < 0) {
if ((sLakituDist += 30) > 0) {
sLakituDist = 0;
} else if (rangeDist < sLakituDist) {
if ((sLakituDist -= 30) < rangeDist) {
sLakituDist = rangeDist;
} else if (gCameraMovementFlags & CAM_MOVE_ZOOMED_OUT) {
if ((sLakituDist += 30) > rangeDist) {
sLakituDist = rangeDist;
} else {
if ((sLakituDist -= 30) < 0) {
sLakituDist = 0;
if (gCurrLevelArea == AREA_SSL_PYRAMID && gCamera->mode == CAMERA_MODE_OUTWARD_RADIAL) {
rangePitch /= 2;
if (gCameraMovementFlags & CAM_MOVE_ZOOMED_OUT) {
if ((sLakituPitch += rangePitch / 13) > rangePitch) {
sLakituPitch = rangePitch;
} else {
if ((sLakituPitch -= rangePitch / 13) < 0) {
sLakituPitch = 0;
void radial_camera_input_default(struct Camera *c) {
radial_camera_input(c, 0.f);
* Makes Lakitu cam's yaw match the angle turned towards in C-Up mode, and makes Lakitu slowly fly back
* to the distance he was at before C-Up
void update_yaw_and_dist_from_c_up(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
f32 dist = 1000.f;
sModeOffsetYaw = sModeInfo.transitionStart.yaw - sAreaYaw;
sLakituDist = sModeInfo.transitionStart.dist - dist;
// No longer in C-Up
gCameraMovementFlags &= ~CAM_MOVING_INTO_MODE;
* Handles input and updates for the radial camera mode
void mode_radial_camera(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
Vec3f pos;
UNUSED u8 unused1[8];
s16 oldAreaYaw = sAreaYaw;
UNUSED u8 unused2[4];
if (gCameraMovementFlags & CAM_MOVING_INTO_MODE) {
if (c->mode == CAMERA_MODE_RADIAL) {
lakitu_zoom(400.f, 0x900);
c->nextYaw = update_radial_camera(c, c->focus, pos);
c->pos[0] = pos[0];
c->pos[2] = pos[2];
sAreaYawChange = sAreaYaw - oldAreaYaw;
if (sMarioCamState->action == ACT_RIDING_HOOT) {
pos[1] += 500.f;
set_camera_height(c, pos[1]);
* A mode that only has 8 camera angles, 45 degrees apart
void mode_8_directions_camera(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
Vec3f pos;
UNUSED u8 unused[8];
s16 oldAreaYaw = sAreaYaw;
radial_camera_input(c, 0.f);
if ((sCurrPlayMode != PLAY_MODE_PAUSED) && gPlayer1Controller->buttonPressed & R_CBUTTONS) {
s8DirModeYawOffset += DEGREES(45);
if ((sCurrPlayMode != PLAY_MODE_PAUSED) && gPlayer1Controller->buttonPressed & L_CBUTTONS) {
s8DirModeYawOffset -= DEGREES(45);
lakitu_zoom(400.f, 0x900);
c->nextYaw = update_8_directions_camera(c, c->focus, pos);
c->pos[0] = pos[0];
c->pos[2] = pos[2];
sAreaYawChange = sAreaYaw - oldAreaYaw;
set_camera_height(c, pos[1]);
* Updates the camera in outward radial mode.
* sModeOffsetYaw is calculated in radial_camera_move, which calls offset_yaw_outward_radial
s32 update_outward_radial_camera(struct Camera *c, Vec3f focus, Vec3f pos) {
if (!c) { return 0; }
f32 xDistFocToMario = sMarioCamState->pos[0] - c->areaCenX;
f32 zDistFocToMario = sMarioCamState->pos[2] - c->areaCenZ;
s16 camYaw = atan2s(zDistFocToMario, xDistFocToMario) + sModeOffsetYaw + DEGREES(180);
s16 pitch = look_down_slopes(camYaw);
f32 baseDist = 1000.f;
// A base offset of 125.f is ~= Mario's eye height
f32 yOff = 125.f;
f32 posY;
f32 focusY;
sAreaYaw = camYaw - sModeOffsetYaw - DEGREES(180);
calc_y_to_curr_floor(&posY, 1.f, 200.f, &focusY, 0.9f, 200.f);
focus_on_mario(focus, pos, posY + yOff, focusY + yOff, sLakituDist + baseDist, pitch, camYaw);
return camYaw;
* Input and updates for the outward radial mode.
void mode_outward_radial_camera(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
Vec3f pos;
s16 oldAreaYaw = sAreaYaw;
if (gCameraMovementFlags & CAM_MOVING_INTO_MODE) {
lakitu_zoom(400.f, 0x900);
c->nextYaw = update_outward_radial_camera(c, c->focus, pos);
c->pos[0] = pos[0];
c->pos[2] = pos[2];
sAreaYawChange = sAreaYaw - oldAreaYaw;
if (sMarioCamState->action == ACT_RIDING_HOOT) {
pos[1] += 500.f;
set_camera_height(c, pos[1]);
* Move the camera in parallel tracking mode
* Uses the line between the next two points in sParTrackPath
* The camera can move forward/back and side to side, but it will face perpendicular to that line
* Although, annoyingly, it's not truly parallel, the function returns the yaw from the camera to Mario,
* so Mario will run slightly towards the camera.
s32 update_parallel_tracking_camera(struct Camera *c, Vec3f focus, Vec3f pos) {
if (!c) { return 0; }
Vec3f path[2];
Vec3f parMidPoint;
Vec3f marioOffset;
Vec3f camOffset;
/// Adjusts the focus to look where Mario is facing. Unused since marioOffset is copied to focus
Vec3f focOffset;
s16 pathPitch;
s16 pathYaw;
UNUSED u8 filler[4];
f32 distThresh;
f32 zoom;
f32 camParDist;
UNUSED u8 filler2[8];
f32 pathLength;
UNUSED u8 filler3[8];
UNUSED f32 unusedScale = 0.5f;
f32 parScale = 0.5f;
f32 marioFloorDist;
Vec3f marioPos;
UNUSED u8 filler4[12];
UNUSED Vec3f unused4;
Vec3s pathAngle;
// Variables for changing to the next/prev path in the list
Vec3f oldPos;
Vec3f prevPathPos;
Vec3f nextPathPos;
f32 distToNext;
f32 distToPrev;
s16 prevPitch;
s16 nextPitch;
s16 prevYaw;
s16 nextYaw;
unused4[0] = 0.f;
unused4[1] = 0.f;
unused4[2] = 0.f;
// Store camera pos, for changing between paths
vec3f_copy(oldPos, pos);
vec3f_copy(path[0], sParTrackPath[sParTrackIndex].pos);
vec3f_copy(path[1], sParTrackPath[sParTrackIndex + 1].pos);
distThresh = sParTrackPath[sParTrackIndex].distThresh;
zoom = sParTrackPath[sParTrackIndex].zoom;
calc_y_to_curr_floor(&marioFloorDist, 1.f, 200.f, &marioFloorDist, 0.9f, 200.f);
marioPos[0] = sMarioCamState->pos[0];
// Mario's y pos + ~Mario's height + Mario's height above the floor
marioPos[1] = sMarioCamState->pos[1] + 150.f + marioFloorDist;
marioPos[2] = sMarioCamState->pos[2];
// Calculate middle of the path (parScale is 0.5f)
parMidPoint[0] = path[0][0] + (path[1][0] - path[0][0]) * parScale;
parMidPoint[1] = path[0][1] + (path[1][1] - path[0][1]) * parScale;
parMidPoint[2] = path[0][2] + (path[1][2] - path[0][2]) * parScale;
// Get direction of path
vec3f_get_dist_and_angle(path[0], path[1], &pathLength, &pathPitch, &pathYaw);
marioOffset[0] = marioPos[0] - parMidPoint[0];
marioOffset[1] = marioPos[1] - parMidPoint[1];
marioOffset[2] = marioPos[2] - parMidPoint[2];
// Make marioOffset point from the midpoint -> the start of the path
// Rotating by -yaw then -pitch moves the hor dist from the midpoint into marioOffset's z coordinate
// marioOffset[0] = the (perpendicular) horizontal distance from the path
// marioOffset[1] = the vertical distance from the path
// marioOffset[2] = the (parallel) horizontal distance from the path's midpoint
pathYaw = -pathYaw;
rotate_in_xz(marioOffset, marioOffset, pathYaw);
pathYaw = -pathYaw;
pathPitch = -pathPitch;
rotate_in_yz(marioOffset, marioOffset, pathPitch);
pathPitch = -pathPitch;
vec3f_copy(focOffset, marioOffset);
// OK
focOffset[0] = -focOffset[0] * 0.f;
focOffset[1] = focOffset[1] * 0.f;
// Repeat above calcs with camOffset
camOffset[0] = pos[0] - parMidPoint[0];
camOffset[1] = pos[1] - parMidPoint[1];
camOffset[2] = pos[2] - parMidPoint[2];
pathYaw = -pathYaw;
rotate_in_xz(camOffset, camOffset, pathYaw);
pathYaw = -pathYaw;
pathPitch = -pathPitch;
rotate_in_yz(camOffset, camOffset, pathPitch);
pathPitch = -pathPitch;
// If Mario is distThresh units away from the camera along the path, move the camera
//! When distThresh != 0, it causes Mario to move slightly towards the camera when running sideways
//! Set each ParallelTrackingPoint's distThresh to 0 to make Mario truly run parallel to the path
if (marioOffset[2] > camOffset[2]) {
if (marioOffset[2] - camOffset[2] > distThresh) {
camOffset[2] = marioOffset[2] - distThresh;
} else {
if (marioOffset[2] - camOffset[2] < -distThresh) {
camOffset[2] = marioOffset[2] + distThresh;
// If zoom != 0.0, the camera will move zoom% closer to Mario
marioOffset[0] = -marioOffset[0] * zoom;
marioOffset[1] = marioOffset[1] * zoom;
marioOffset[2] = camOffset[2];
//! Does nothing because focOffset[0] is always 0
focOffset[0] *= 0.3f;
//! Does nothing because focOffset[1] is always 0
focOffset[1] *= 0.3f;
pathAngle[0] = pathPitch;
pathAngle[1] = pathYaw; //! No effect
// make marioOffset[2] == distance from the start of the path
marioOffset[2] = pathLength / 2 - marioOffset[2];
pathAngle[1] = pathYaw + DEGREES(180);
pathAngle[2] = 0;
// Rotate the offset in the direction of the path again
offset_rotated(pos, path[0], marioOffset, pathAngle);
vec3f_get_dist_and_angle(path[0], c->pos, &camParDist, &pathPitch, &pathYaw);
// Adjust the focus. Does nothing, focus is set to Mario at the end
focOffset[2] = pathLength / 2 - focOffset[2];
offset_rotated(c->focus, path[0], focOffset, pathAngle);
// Changing paths, update the stored position offset
sParTrackTransOff.pos[0] = oldPos[0] - c->pos[0];
sParTrackTransOff.pos[1] = oldPos[1] - c->pos[1];
sParTrackTransOff.pos[2] = oldPos[2] - c->pos[2];
// Slowly transition to the next path
approach_f32_asymptotic_bool(&sParTrackTransOff.pos[0], 0.f, 0.025f);
approach_f32_asymptotic_bool(&sParTrackTransOff.pos[1], 0.f, 0.025f);
approach_f32_asymptotic_bool(&sParTrackTransOff.pos[2], 0.f, 0.025f);
vec3f_add(c->pos, sParTrackTransOff.pos);
// Check if the camera should go to the next path
if (sParTrackPath[sParTrackIndex + 1].startOfPath != 0) {
// get Mario's distance to the next path
calculate_angles(sParTrackPath[sParTrackIndex + 1].pos, sParTrackPath[sParTrackIndex + 2].pos, &nextPitch, &nextYaw);
vec3f_set_dist_and_angle(sParTrackPath[sParTrackIndex + 1].pos, nextPathPos, 400.f, nextPitch, nextYaw);
distToPrev = calc_abs_dist(marioPos, nextPathPos);
// get Mario's distance to the previous path
calculate_angles(sParTrackPath[sParTrackIndex + 1].pos, sParTrackPath[sParTrackIndex].pos, &prevPitch, &prevYaw);
vec3f_set_dist_and_angle(sParTrackPath[sParTrackIndex + 1].pos, prevPathPos, 400.f, prevPitch, prevYaw);
distToNext = calc_abs_dist(marioPos, prevPathPos);
if (distToPrev < distToNext) {
// Check if the camera should go to the previous path
if (sParTrackIndex != 0) {
// get Mario's distance to the next path
calculate_angles((*(sParTrackPath + sParTrackIndex)).pos, (*(sParTrackPath + sParTrackIndex + 1)).pos, &nextPitch, &nextYaw);
vec3f_set_dist_and_angle(sParTrackPath[sParTrackIndex].pos, nextPathPos, 700.f, nextPitch, nextYaw);
distToPrev = calc_abs_dist(marioPos, nextPathPos);
// get Mario's distance to the previous path
calculate_angles((*(sParTrackPath + sParTrackIndex)).pos, (*(sParTrackPath + sParTrackIndex - 1)).pos, &prevPitch, &prevYaw);
vec3f_set_dist_and_angle(sParTrackPath[sParTrackIndex].pos, prevPathPos, 700.f, prevPitch, prevYaw);
distToNext = calc_abs_dist(marioPos, prevPathPos);
if (distToPrev > distToNext) {
// Update the camera focus and return the camera's yaw
vec3f_copy(focus, marioPos);
vec3f_get_dist_and_angle(focus, pos, &camParDist, &pathPitch, &pathYaw);
return pathYaw;
* Updates the camera during fixed mode.
s32 update_fixed_camera(struct Camera *c, Vec3f focus, UNUSED Vec3f pos) {
if (!c) { return 0; }
f32 focusFloorOff;
f32 goalHeight;
f32 ceilHeight;
f32 heightOffset = 0;
f32 distCamToFocus;
UNUSED u8 filler2[8];
f32 scaleToMario = 0.5f;
s16 pitch;
s16 yaw;
Vec3s faceAngle;
struct Surface *ceiling;
Vec3f basePos;
UNUSED u8 filler[12];
// Don't move closer to Mario in these areas
switch (gCurrLevelArea) {
case AREA_RR:
scaleToMario = 0.f;
heightOffset = 0.f;
scaleToMario = 0.3f;
heightOffset = 0.f;
case AREA_BBH:
scaleToMario = 0.f;
heightOffset = 0.f;
calc_y_to_curr_floor(&focusFloorOff, 1.f, 200.f, &focusFloorOff, 0.9f, 200.f);
vec3f_copy(focus, sMarioCamState->pos);
focus[1] += focusFloorOff + 125.f;
vec3f_get_dist_and_angle(focus, c->pos, &distCamToFocus, &faceAngle[0], &faceAngle[1]);
faceAngle[2] = 0;
vec3f_copy(basePos, sFixedModeBasePosition);
vec3f_add(basePos, sCastleEntranceOffset);
if (sMarioGeometry.currFloorType != SURFACE_DEATH_PLANE
&& sMarioGeometry.currFloorHeight != gLevelValues.floorLowerLimit) {
goalHeight = sMarioGeometry.currFloorHeight + basePos[1] + heightOffset;
} else {
goalHeight = gLakituState.goalPos[1];
if (300 > distCamToFocus) {
goalHeight += 300 - distCamToFocus;
ceilHeight = find_ceil(c->pos[0], goalHeight - 100.f, c->pos[2], &ceiling);
if (ceilHeight != gLevelValues.cellHeightLimit) {
if (goalHeight > (ceilHeight -= 125.f)) {
goalHeight = ceilHeight;
if (sStatusFlags & CAM_FLAG_SMOOTH_MOVEMENT) {
camera_approach_f32_symmetric_bool(&c->pos[1], goalHeight, 15.f);
} else {
if (goalHeight < sMarioCamState->pos[1] - 500.f) {
goalHeight = sMarioCamState->pos[1] - 500.f;
c->pos[1] = goalHeight;
c->pos[0] = basePos[0] + (sMarioCamState->pos[0] - basePos[0]) * scaleToMario;
c->pos[2] = basePos[2] + (sMarioCamState->pos[2] - basePos[2]) * scaleToMario;
if (scaleToMario != 0.f) {
vec3f_get_dist_and_angle(c->focus, c->pos, &distCamToFocus, &pitch, &yaw);
if (distCamToFocus > 1000.f) {
distCamToFocus = 1000.f;
vec3f_set_dist_and_angle(c->focus, c->pos, distCamToFocus, pitch, yaw);
return faceAngle[1];
* Updates the camera during a boss fight
s32 update_boss_fight_camera(struct Camera *c, Vec3f focus, Vec3f pos) {
if (!c) { return 0; }
struct Object *o;
UNUSED u8 filler2[12];
f32 focusDistance;
UNUSED u8 filler3[4];
// Floor normal values
f32 nx;
f32 ny;
f32 nz;
/// Floor originOffset
f32 oo;
UNUSED u8 filler4[4];
UNUSED s16 unused;
s16 yaw;
s16 heldState;
struct Surface *floor;
UNUSED u8 filler[20];
Vec3f secondFocus;
Vec3f holdFocOffset = { 0.f, -150.f, -125.f };
// Start camera shakes if bowser jumps or gets thrown.
if (sMarioCamState->cameraEvent == CAM_EVENT_BOWSER_JUMP) {
sMarioCamState->cameraEvent = 0;
if (sMarioCamState->cameraEvent == CAM_EVENT_BOWSER_THROW_BOUNCE) {
sMarioCamState->cameraEvent = 0;
yaw = sModeOffsetYaw + DEGREES(45);
// Get boss's position and whether Mario is holding it.
if ((o = gSecondCameraFocus) != NULL) {
object_pos_to_vec3f(secondFocus, o);
heldState = o->oHeldState;
} else {
// If no boss is there, just rotate around the area's center point.
secondFocus[0] = c->areaCenX;
secondFocus[1] = sMarioCamState->pos[1];
secondFocus[2] = c->areaCenZ;
heldState = 0;
focusDistance = calc_abs_dist(sMarioCamState->pos, secondFocus) * 1.6f;
if (focusDistance < 800.f) {
focusDistance = 800.f;
if (focusDistance > 5000.f) {
focusDistance = 5000.f;
// If holding the boss, add a slight offset to secondFocus so that the spinning is more pronounced.
if (heldState == 1) {
offset_rotated(secondFocus, sMarioCamState->pos, holdFocOffset, sMarioCamState->faceAngle);
// Set the camera focus to the average of Mario and secondFocus
focus[0] = (sMarioCamState->pos[0] + secondFocus[0]) / 2.f;
focus[1] = (sMarioCamState->pos[1] + secondFocus[1]) / 2.f + 125.f;
focus[2] = (sMarioCamState->pos[2] + secondFocus[2]) / 2.f;
// Calculate the camera's position as an offset from the focus
// When C-Down is not active, this
vec3f_set_dist_and_angle(focus, pos, focusDistance, 0x1000, yaw);
// Find the floor of the arena
pos[1] = find_floor(c->areaCenX, gLevelValues.cellHeightLimit, c->areaCenZ, &floor);
if (floor != NULL) {
nx = floor->normal.x;
ny = floor->normal.y;
nz = floor->normal.z;
oo = floor->originOffset;
pos[1] = 300.f - (nx * pos[0] + nz * pos[2] + oo) / ny;
switch (gCurrLevelArea) {
case AREA_BOB:
pos[1] += 125.f;
//! fall through, makes the BoB boss fight camera move up twice as high as it should
case AREA_WF:
pos[1] += 125.f;
//! Must be same line to match on -O2
// Prevent the camera from going to the ground in the outside boss fight
if (gCurrLevelNum == LEVEL_BBH) { pos[1] = 2047.f; }
// Rotate from C-Button input
if (sCSideButtonYaw < 0) {
sModeOffsetYaw += 0x200;
if ((sCSideButtonYaw += 0x100) > 0) {
sCSideButtonYaw = 0;
if (sCSideButtonYaw > 0) {
sModeOffsetYaw -= 0x200;
if ((sCSideButtonYaw -= 0x100) < 0) {
sCSideButtonYaw = 0;
focus[1] = (sMarioCamState->pos[1] + secondFocus[1]) / 2.f + 100.f;
if (heldState == 1) {
focus[1] += 300.f * sins((gMarioStates[0].angleVel[1] > 0.f) ? gMarioStates[0].angleVel[1]
: -gMarioStates[0].angleVel[1]);
//! Unnecessary conditional, focusDistance is already bounded to 800
if (focusDistance < 400.f) {
focusDistance = 400.f;
// Set C-Down distance and pitch.
// C-Down will essentially double the distance from the center.
// sLakituPitch approaches 33.75 degrees.
lakitu_zoom(focusDistance, 0x1800);
// Move the camera position back as sLakituDist and sLakituPitch increase.
// This doesn't zoom out of bounds because pos is set above each frame.
// The constant 0x1000 doubles the pitch from the center when sLakituPitch is 0
// When Lakitu is fully zoomed out, the pitch comes to 0x3800, or 78.75 degrees, up from the focus.
vec3f_set_dist_and_angle(pos, pos, sLakituDist, sLakituPitch + 0x1000, yaw);
return yaw;
// 2nd iteration of data
s16 unused8032D0A8[] = { 14, 1, 2, 4 };
s16 unused8032D0B0[] = { 16, 9, 17, 0 };
* Maps cutscene to numbers in [0,4]. Used in determine_dance_cutscene() with sDanceCutsceneIndexTable.
* Only the first 5 entries are used. Perhaps the last 5 were bools used to indicate whether the star
* type exits the course or not.
u8 sDanceCutsceneTable[] = {
* Perhaps used by different dance cutscenes.
struct UnusedDanceInfo {
Vec3f point;
f32 distTarget;
f32 distMultiplier;
struct UnusedDanceInfo unusedDanceInfo1 = {
{-3026.0f, 912.0f, -2148.0f},
u32 unusedDanceType = 0;
struct UnusedDanceInfo unusedDanceInfo2 = {
{-4676.0f, 917.0f, -3802.0f},
* Table that dictates camera movement in bookend room.
* Due to only the X being varied in the table, this only moves along the X axis linearly.
* Third entry is seemingly unused.
struct ParallelTrackingPoint sBBHLibraryParTrackPath[] = {
{ 1, { -929.0f, 1619.0f, -1490.0f }, 50.0f, 0.0f },
{ 0, { -2118.0f, 1619.0f, -1490.0f }, 50.0f, 0.0f },
{ 0, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, 0.0f, 0.0f },
s32 unused_update_mode_5_camera(UNUSED struct Camera *c, UNUSED Vec3f focus, UNUSED Vec3f pos) {
return 0;
static void stub_camera_1(UNUSED s32 unused) {
void mode_boss_fight_camera(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
c->nextYaw = update_boss_fight_camera(c, c->focus, c->pos);
* Parallel tracking mode, the camera faces perpendicular to a line defined by sParTrackPath
* @see update_parallel_tracking_camera
void mode_parallel_tracking_camera(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
s16 dummy = 0;
radial_camera_input(c, 0.f);
c->nextYaw = update_parallel_tracking_camera(c, c->focus, c->pos);
camera_approach_s16_symmetric_bool(&dummy, 0, 0x0400);
* Fixed camera mode, the camera rotates around a point and looks and zooms toward Mario.
void mode_fixed_camera(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
UNUSED u8 unused[8];
if (gCurrLevelNum == LEVEL_BBH) {
} else {
c->nextYaw = update_fixed_camera(c, c->focus, c->pos);
c->yaw = c->nextYaw;
vec3f_set(sCastleEntranceOffset, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
* Updates the camera in BEHIND_MARIO mode.
* The C-Buttons rotate the camera 90 degrees left/right and 67.5 degrees up/down.
s32 update_behind_mario_camera(struct Camera *c, Vec3f focus, Vec3f pos) {
if (!c) { return 0; }
UNUSED u8 unused2[12];
f32 dist;
UNUSED u8 unused3[4];
s16 absPitch;
s16 pitch = 0;
s16 yaw;
s16 goalPitch = -sMarioCamState->faceAngle[0];
s16 marioYaw = sMarioCamState->faceAngle[1] + DEGREES(180);
s16 goalYawOff = 0;
s16 yawSpeed;
s16 pitchInc = 32;
UNUSED u8 unused[12];
f32 maxDist = 800.f;
f32 focYOff = 125.f;
// Zoom in when Mario R_TRIG mode is active
if (sSelectionFlags & CAM_MODE_MARIO_ACTIVE) {
maxDist = 350.f;
focYOff = 120.f;
if (!(sMarioCamState->action & (ACT_FLAG_SWIMMING | ACT_FLAG_METAL_WATER))) {
pitchInc = 128;
// Focus on Mario
vec3f_copy(focus, sMarioCamState->pos);
c->focus[1] += focYOff;
//! @bug unnecessary
dist = calc_abs_dist(focus, pos);
//! @bug unnecessary
pitch = calculate_pitch(focus, pos);
vec3f_get_dist_and_angle(focus, pos, &dist, &pitch, &yaw);
if (dist > maxDist) {
dist = maxDist;
if ((absPitch = pitch) < 0) {
absPitch = -absPitch;
// Determine the yaw speed based on absPitch. A higher absPitch (further away from looking straight)
// translates to a slower speed
// Note: Pitch is always within +- 90 degrees or +-0x4000, and 0x4000 / 0x200 = 32
yawSpeed = 32 - absPitch / 0x200;
if (yawSpeed < 1) {
yawSpeed = 1;
if (yawSpeed > 32) {
yawSpeed = 32;
if (sCSideButtonYaw != 0) {
camera_approach_s16_symmetric_bool(&sCSideButtonYaw, 0, 1);
yawSpeed = 8;
if (sBehindMarioSoundTimer != 0) {
goalPitch = 0;
camera_approach_s16_symmetric_bool(&sBehindMarioSoundTimer, 0, 1);
pitchInc = 0x800;
if (sBehindMarioSoundTimer == 28) {
if (sCSideButtonYaw < 5 || sCSideButtonYaw > 28) {
if (sCSideButtonYaw == 28) {
if (sBehindMarioSoundTimer < 5 || sBehindMarioSoundTimer > 28) {
// C-Button input. Note: Camera rotates in the opposite direction of the button (airplane controls)
//! @bug C-Right and C-Up take precedence due to the way input is handled here
// Rotate right
if (sCButtonsPressed & L_CBUTTONS) {
if (gPlayer1Controller->buttonPressed & L_CBUTTONS) {
if (dist < maxDist) {
camera_approach_f32_symmetric_bool(&dist, maxDist, 5.f);
goalYawOff = -0x3FF8;
sCSideButtonYaw = 30;
yawSpeed = 2;
// Rotate left
if (sCButtonsPressed & R_CBUTTONS) {
if (gPlayer1Controller->buttonPressed & R_CBUTTONS) {
if (dist < maxDist) {
camera_approach_f32_symmetric_bool(&dist, maxDist, 5.f);
goalYawOff = 0x3FF8;
sCSideButtonYaw = 30;
yawSpeed = 2;
// Rotate up
if (sCButtonsPressed & D_CBUTTONS) {
if (gPlayer1Controller->buttonPressed & (U_CBUTTONS | D_CBUTTONS)) {
if (dist < maxDist) {
camera_approach_f32_symmetric_bool(&dist, maxDist, 5.f);
goalPitch = -0x3000;
sBehindMarioSoundTimer = 30;
pitchInc = 0x800;
// Rotate down
if (sCButtonsPressed & U_CBUTTONS) {
if (gPlayer1Controller->buttonPressed & (U_CBUTTONS | D_CBUTTONS)) {
if (dist < maxDist) {
camera_approach_f32_symmetric_bool(&dist, maxDist, 5.f);
goalPitch = 0x3000;
sBehindMarioSoundTimer = 30;
pitchInc = 0x800;
approach_s16_asymptotic_bool(&yaw, marioYaw + goalYawOff, yawSpeed);
camera_approach_s16_symmetric_bool(&pitch, goalPitch, pitchInc);
if (dist < 300.f) {
dist = 300.f;
vec3f_set_dist_and_angle(focus, pos, dist, pitch, yaw);
if (gCurrLevelArea == AREA_WDW_MAIN) {
yaw = clamp_positions_and_find_yaw(pos, focus, 4508.f, -3739.f, 4508.f, -3739.f);
if (gCurrLevelArea == AREA_THI_HUGE) {
yaw = clamp_positions_and_find_yaw(pos, focus, 8192.f, -8192.f, 8192.f, -8192.f);
if (gCurrLevelArea == AREA_THI_TINY) {
yaw = clamp_positions_and_find_yaw(pos, focus, 2458.f, -2458.f, 2458.f, -2458.f);
return yaw;
* "Behind Mario" mode: used when Mario is flying, on the water's surface, or shot from a cannon
s32 mode_behind_mario(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return 0; }
struct MarioState *marioState = &gMarioStates[0];
struct Surface *floor;
Vec3f newPos;
//! @bug oldPos is unused, see resolve_geometry_collisions
Vec3f oldPos;
f32 waterHeight;
f32 floorHeight;
f32 distCamToFocus;
s16 camPitch;
s16 camYaw;
s16 yaw;
vec3f_copy(oldPos, c->pos);
gCameraMovementFlags &= ~CAM_MOVING_INTO_MODE;
vec3f_copy(newPos, c->pos);
yaw = update_behind_mario_camera(c, c->focus, newPos);
c->pos[0] = newPos[0];
c->pos[2] = newPos[2];
// Keep the camera above the water surface if swimming
floorHeight = find_floor(c->pos[0], c->pos[1], c->pos[2], &floor);
newPos[1] = marioState->waterLevel + 120;
if (newPos[1] < (floorHeight += 120.f)) {
newPos[1] = floorHeight;
approach_camera_height(c, newPos[1], 50.f);
waterHeight = find_water_level(c->pos[0], c->pos[2]) + 100.f;
if (c->pos[1] <= waterHeight) {
gCameraMovementFlags |= CAM_MOVE_SUBMERGED;
} else {
gCameraMovementFlags &= ~CAM_MOVE_SUBMERGED;
resolve_geometry_collisions(c->pos, oldPos);
// Prevent camera getting too far away
vec3f_get_dist_and_angle(c->focus, c->pos, &distCamToFocus, &camPitch, &camYaw);
if (distCamToFocus > 800.f) {
distCamToFocus = 800.f;
vec3f_set_dist_and_angle(c->focus, c->pos, distCamToFocus, camPitch, camYaw);
return yaw;
* Update the camera in slide and hoot mode.
* In slide mode, keep the camera 800 units from Mario
s16 update_slide_camera(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return 0; }
struct Surface *floor;
f32 floorHeight;
Vec3f pos;
f32 distCamToFocus;
f32 maxCamDist;
f32 pitchScale;
s16 camPitch = 0;
s16 camYaw = 0;
UNUSED struct MarioState *marioState = &gMarioStates[0];
s16 goalPitch = 0x1555;
s16 goalYaw = sMarioCamState->faceAngle[1] + DEGREES(180);
// Zoom in when inside the CCM shortcut
sLakituDist = approach_f32(sLakituDist, -600.f, 20.f, 20.f);
} else {
sLakituDist = approach_f32(sLakituDist, 0.f, 20.f, 20.f);
// No C-Button input in this mode, notify the player with a buzzer
// Focus on Mario
vec3f_copy(c->focus, sMarioCamState->pos);
c->focus[1] += 50.f;
vec3f_get_dist_and_angle(c->focus, c->pos, &distCamToFocus, &camPitch, &camYaw);
maxCamDist = 800.f;
// In hoot mode, zoom further out and rotate faster
if (sMarioCamState->action == ACT_RIDING_HOOT) {
maxCamDist = 1000.f;
goalPitch = 0x2800;
camera_approach_s16_symmetric_bool(&camYaw, goalYaw, 0x100);
} else {
camera_approach_s16_symmetric_bool(&camYaw, goalYaw, 0x80);
camera_approach_s16_symmetric_bool(&camPitch, goalPitch, 0x100);
// Hoot mode
if (sMarioCamState->action != ACT_RIDING_HOOT && sMarioGeometry.currFloorType == SURFACE_DEATH_PLANE) {
vec3f_set_dist_and_angle(c->focus, pos, maxCamDist + sLakituDist, camPitch, camYaw);
c->pos[0] = pos[0];
c->pos[2] = pos[2];
camera_approach_f32_symmetric_bool(&c->pos[1], c->focus[1], 30.f);
vec3f_get_dist_and_angle(c->pos, c->focus, &distCamToFocus, &camPitch, &camYaw);
pitchScale = (distCamToFocus - maxCamDist + sLakituDist) / 10000.f;
if (pitchScale > 1.f) {
pitchScale = 1.f;
camPitch += 0x1000 * pitchScale;
vec3f_set_dist_and_angle(c->pos, c->focus, distCamToFocus, camPitch, camYaw);
// Slide mode
} else {
vec3f_set_dist_and_angle(c->focus, c->pos, maxCamDist + sLakituDist, camPitch, camYaw);
// Stay above the slide floor
floorHeight = find_floor(c->pos[0], c->pos[1] + 200.f, c->pos[2], &floor) + 125.f;
if (c->pos[1] < floorHeight) {
c->pos[1] = floorHeight;
// Stay closer than maxCamDist
vec3f_get_dist_and_angle(c->focus, c->pos, &distCamToFocus, &camPitch, &camYaw);
if (distCamToFocus > maxCamDist + sLakituDist) {
distCamToFocus = maxCamDist + sLakituDist;
vec3f_set_dist_and_angle(c->focus, c->pos, distCamToFocus, camPitch, camYaw);
camYaw = calculate_yaw(c->focus, c->pos);
return camYaw;
void mode_behind_mario_camera(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
c->nextYaw = mode_behind_mario(c);
s32 nop_update_water_camera(UNUSED struct Camera *c, UNUSED Vec3f focus, UNUSED Vec3f pos) {
return 0;
* Exactly the same as BEHIND_MARIO
void mode_water_surface_camera(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
c->nextYaw = mode_behind_mario(c);
* Used in sModeTransitions for CLOSE and FREE_ROAM mode
s32 update_mario_camera(UNUSED struct Camera *c, Vec3f focus, Vec3f pos) {
s16 yaw = sMarioCamState->faceAngle[1] + sModeOffsetYaw + DEGREES(180);
focus_on_mario(focus, pos, 125.f, 125.f, gCameraZoomDist, 0x05B0, yaw);
return sMarioCamState->faceAngle[1];
* Update the camera in default, close, and free roam mode
* The camera moves behind Mario, and can rotate all the way around
s16 update_default_camera(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return 0; }
Vec3f tempPos;
Vec3f cPos;
UNUSED u8 unused1[12];
struct Surface *marioFloor;
struct Surface *cFloor;
struct Surface *tempFloor;
struct Surface *ceil;
f32 camFloorHeight;
f32 tempFloorHeight;
f32 marioFloorHeight;
UNUSED u8 unused2[4];
f32 dist;
f32 zoomDist;
f32 waterHeight;
f32 gasHeight;
s16 avoidYaw;
s16 pitch;
s16 yaw = 0;
s16 yawGoal = sMarioCamState->faceAngle[1] + DEGREES(180);
f32 posHeight;
f32 focHeight;
f32 distFromWater;
s16 tempPitch;
s16 tempYaw;
f32 xzDist;
UNUSED u8 unused4[4];
s16 nextYawVel;
s16 yawVel = 0;
f32 scale;
s32 avoidStatus = 0;
s32 closeToMario = 0;
f32 ceilHeight = find_ceil(gLakituState.goalPos[0],
gLakituState.goalPos[2], &ceil);
s16 yawDir;
vec3f_get_dist_and_angle(sMarioCamState->pos, c->pos, &dist, &pitch, &yaw);
// If C-Down is active, determine what distance the camera should be from Mario
if (gCameraMovementFlags & CAM_MOVE_ZOOMED_OUT) {
//! In Mario mode, the camera is zoomed out further than in Lakitu mode (1400 vs 1200)
if (set_cam_angle(0) == CAM_ANGLE_MARIO) {
zoomDist = gCameraZoomDist + 1050;
} else {
zoomDist = gCameraZoomDist + 400;
} else {
zoomDist = gCameraZoomDist;
if (sMarioCamState->action & ACT_FLAG_HANGING ||
sMarioCamState->action == ACT_RIDING_HOOT) {
zoomDist *= 0.8f;
// If not zooming out, only allow dist to decrease
if (sZoomAmount == 0.f) {
if (dist > zoomDist) {
if ((dist -= 50.f) < zoomDist) {
dist = zoomDist;
} else {
if ((sZoomAmount -= 30.f) < 0.f) {
sZoomAmount = 0.f;
if (dist > zoomDist) {
if ((dist -= 30.f) < zoomDist) {
dist = zoomDist;
if (dist < zoomDist) {
if ((dist += 30.f) > zoomDist) {
dist = zoomDist;
// Determine how fast to rotate the camera
if (sCSideButtonYaw == 0) {
if (c->mode == CAMERA_MODE_FREE_ROAM) {
nextYawVel = 0xC0;
} else {
nextYawVel = 0x100;
if ((gPlayer1Controller->stickX != 0.f || gPlayer1Controller->stickY != 0.f) != 0) {
nextYawVel = 0x20;
} else {
if (sCSideButtonYaw < 0) {
yaw += 0x200;
if (sCSideButtonYaw > 0) {
yaw -= 0x200;
camera_approach_s16_symmetric_bool(&sCSideButtonYaw, 0, 0x100);
nextYawVel = 0;
sYawSpeed = 0x400;
xzDist = calc_hor_dist(sMarioCamState->pos, c->pos);
if (xzDist >= 250) {
if (ABS((sMarioCamState->faceAngle[1] - yaw) / 2) < 0x1800) {
yaw = sCameraYawAfterDoorCutscene + DEGREES(180);
dist = 800.f;
} else if (xzDist < 250) {
// Turn rapidly if very close to Mario
c->pos[0] += (250 - xzDist) * sins(yaw);
c->pos[2] += (250 - xzDist) * coss(yaw);
if (sCSideButtonYaw == 0) {
nextYawVel = 0x1000;
sYawSpeed = 0;
vec3f_get_dist_and_angle(sMarioCamState->pos, c->pos, &dist, &pitch, &yaw);
closeToMario |= 1;
if (-16 < gPlayer1Controller->stickY) {
c->yaw = yaw;
calc_y_to_curr_floor(&posHeight, 1, 200, &focHeight, 0.9f, 200);
vec3f_copy(cPos, c->pos);
avoidStatus = rotate_camera_around_walls(c, cPos, &avoidYaw, 0x600);
// If a wall is blocking the view of Mario, then rotate in the calculated direction
if (avoidStatus == 3) {
unusedFreeRoamWallYaw = avoidYaw;
sAvoidYawVel = yaw;
//! Does nothing
vec3f_get_dist_and_angle(sMarioCamState->pos, cPos, &xzDist, &tempPitch, &tempYaw);
// Rotate to avoid the wall
approach_s16_asymptotic_bool(&yaw, avoidYaw, 10);
//! Does nothing
vec3f_set_dist_and_angle(sMarioCamState->pos, cPos, xzDist, tempPitch, tempYaw);
sAvoidYawVel = (sAvoidYawVel - yaw) / 0x100;
} else {
if (gMarioStates[0].forwardVel == 0.f) {
if ((yawGoal - yaw) / 0x100 >= 0) {
yawDir = -1;
} else {
yawDir = 1;
if ((sAvoidYawVel > 0 && yawDir > 0) || (sAvoidYawVel < 0 && yawDir < 0)) {
yawVel = nextYawVel;
} else {
yawVel = nextYawVel;
} else {
if (nextYawVel == 0x1000) {
yawVel = nextYawVel;
// If a wall is near the camera, turn twice as fast
if (avoidStatus != 0) {
yawVel += yawVel;
// ...Unless the camera already rotated from being close to Mario
if ((closeToMario & 1) && avoidStatus != 0) {
yawVel = 0;
if (yawVel != 0 && get_dialog_id() == -1) {
camera_approach_s16_symmetric_bool(&yaw, yawGoal, yawVel);
// Only zoom out if not obstructed by walls and Lakitu hasn't collided with any
if (avoidStatus == 0 && !(sStatusFlags & CAM_FLAG_COLLIDED_WITH_WALL)) {
approach_f32_asymptotic_bool(&dist, zoomDist - 100.f, 0.05f);
vec3f_set_dist_and_angle(sMarioCamState->pos, cPos, dist, pitch, yaw);
cPos[1] += posHeight + 125.f;
// Move the camera away from walls and set the collision flag
if (collide_with_walls(cPos, 10.f, 80.f) != 0) {
c->focus[0] = sMarioCamState->pos[0];
c->focus[1] = sMarioCamState->pos[1] + 125.f + focHeight;
c->focus[2] = sMarioCamState->pos[2];
marioFloorHeight = 125.f + sMarioGeometry.currFloorHeight;
marioFloor = sMarioGeometry.currFloor;
camFloorHeight = find_floor(cPos[0], cPos[1] + 50.f, cPos[2], &cFloor) + 125.f;
for (scale = 0.1f; scale < 1.f; scale += 0.2f) {
scale_along_line(tempPos, cPos, sMarioCamState->pos, scale);
tempFloorHeight = find_floor(tempPos[0], tempPos[1], tempPos[2], &tempFloor) + 125.f;
if (tempFloor != NULL && tempFloorHeight > marioFloorHeight) {
marioFloorHeight = tempFloorHeight;
marioFloor = tempFloor;
// Lower the camera in Mario mode
if (sSelectionFlags & CAM_MODE_MARIO_ACTIVE) {
marioFloorHeight -= 35.f;
camFloorHeight -= 35.f;
c->focus[1] -= 25.f;
// If there's water below the camera, decide whether to keep the camera above the water surface
waterHeight = find_water_level(cPos[0], cPos[2]);
if (waterHeight != gLevelValues.floorLowerLimit) {
waterHeight += 125.f;
distFromWater = waterHeight - marioFloorHeight;
if (!(gCameraMovementFlags & CAM_MOVE_METAL_BELOW_WATER)) {
if (distFromWater > 800.f && (sMarioCamState->action & ACT_FLAG_METAL_WATER)) {
gCameraMovementFlags |= CAM_MOVE_METAL_BELOW_WATER;
} else {
if (distFromWater < 400.f || !(sMarioCamState->action & ACT_FLAG_METAL_WATER)) {
gCameraMovementFlags &= ~CAM_MOVE_METAL_BELOW_WATER;
// If not wearing the metal cap, always stay above
if (!(gCameraMovementFlags & CAM_MOVE_METAL_BELOW_WATER) && camFloorHeight < waterHeight) {
camFloorHeight = waterHeight;
} else {
gCameraMovementFlags &= ~CAM_MOVE_METAL_BELOW_WATER;
cPos[1] = camFloorHeight;
vec3f_copy(tempPos, cPos);
tempPos[1] -= 125.f;
if (marioFloor != NULL && camFloorHeight <= marioFloorHeight) {
avoidStatus = is_range_behind_surface(c->focus, tempPos, marioFloor, 0, -1);
if (avoidStatus != 1 && ceilHeight > marioFloorHeight) {
camFloorHeight = marioFloorHeight;
posHeight = 0.f;
if (c->mode == CAMERA_MODE_FREE_ROAM) {
if (gCameraMovementFlags & CAM_MOVE_ZOOMED_OUT) {
posHeight = 375.f;
if (gCurrLevelArea == AREA_SSL_PYRAMID) {
posHeight /= 2;
} else {
posHeight = 100.f;
if ((gCameraMovementFlags & CAM_MOVE_ZOOMED_OUT) && (sSelectionFlags & CAM_MODE_MARIO_ACTIVE)) {
posHeight = 610.f;
if (gCurrLevelArea == AREA_SSL_PYRAMID || gCurrLevelNum == LEVEL_CASTLE) {
posHeight /= 2;
// Make Lakitu fly above the gas
if (gOverrideAllowToxicGasCamera || dynos_level_is_vanilla_level(gCurrLevelNum)) {
gasHeight = find_poison_gas_level(cPos[0], cPos[2]);
if (gasHeight != gLevelValues.floorLowerLimit) {
if ((gasHeight += 130.f) > c->pos[1]) {
c->pos[1] = gasHeight;
if (sMarioCamState->action & ACT_FLAG_HANGING || sMarioCamState->action == ACT_RIDING_HOOT) {
camFloorHeight = sMarioCamState->pos[1] + 400.f;
if (c->mode == CAMERA_MODE_FREE_ROAM) {
camFloorHeight -= 100.f;
ceilHeight = gLevelValues.cellHeightLimit;
vec3f_copy(c->focus, sMarioCamState->pos);
if ((sMarioCamState->action & ACT_FLAG_ON_POLE) && gMarioStates[0].usedObj != NULL) {
camFloorHeight = gMarioStates[0].usedObj->oPosY + 125.f;
if (sMarioCamState->pos[1] - 100.f > camFloorHeight) {
camFloorHeight = sMarioCamState->pos[1] - 100.f;
ceilHeight = gLevelValues.cellHeightLimit;
vec3f_copy(c->focus, sMarioCamState->pos);
if (camFloorHeight != gLevelValues.floorLowerLimit) {
camFloorHeight += posHeight;
approach_camera_height(c, camFloorHeight, 20.f);
c->pos[0] = cPos[0];
c->pos[2] = cPos[2];
cPos[0] = gLakituState.goalPos[0];
cPos[1] = c->pos[1];
cPos[2] = gLakituState.goalPos[2];
vec3f_get_dist_and_angle(cPos, c->pos, &dist, &tempPitch, &tempYaw);
// Prevent the camera from lagging behind too much
if (dist > 50.f) {
dist = 50.f;
vec3f_set_dist_and_angle(cPos, c->pos, dist, tempPitch, tempYaw);
if (sMarioGeometry.currFloorType != SURFACE_DEATH_PLANE) {
vec3f_get_dist_and_angle(c->focus, c->pos, &dist, &tempPitch, &tempYaw);
if (dist > zoomDist) {
dist = zoomDist;
vec3f_set_dist_and_angle(c->focus, c->pos, dist, tempPitch, tempYaw);
if (ceilHeight != gLevelValues.cellHeightLimit) {
if (c->pos[1] > (ceilHeight -= 150.f)
&& (avoidStatus = is_range_behind_surface(c->pos, sMarioCamState->pos, ceil, 0, -1)) == 1) {
c->pos[1] = ceilHeight;
if (gCurrLevelArea == AREA_WDW_TOWN) {
yaw = clamp_positions_and_find_yaw(c->pos, c->focus, 2254.f, -3789.f, 3790.f, -2253.f);
return yaw;
* The default camera mode
* Used by close and free roam modes
void mode_default_camera(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
c->nextYaw = update_default_camera(c);
* The mode used by close and free roam
void mode_lakitu_camera(struct Camera *c) {
gCameraZoomDist = 800.f;
* When no other mode is active and the current R button mode is Mario
void mode_mario_camera(struct Camera *c) {
gCameraZoomDist = 350.f;
* Rotates the camera around the spiral staircase.
s32 update_spiral_stairs_camera(struct Camera *c, Vec3f focus, Vec3f pos) {
UNUSED s16 unused1;
/// The returned yaw
s16 camYaw;
// unused
s16 focPitch;
/// The focus (Mario)'s yaw around the stairs
s16 focYaw;
// unused
s16 posPitch;
/// The camera's yaw around the stairs
s16 posYaw = 0;
UNUSED s32 unused2;
Vec3f cPos;
Vec3f checkPos;
struct Surface *floor;
// unused
f32 dist;
f32 focusHeight;
f32 floorHeight;
f32 focY;
// Set base pos to the center of the staircase
vec3f_set(sFixedModeBasePosition, -1280.f, 614.f, 1740.f);
// Focus on Mario, and move the focus up the staircase with him
calc_y_to_curr_floor(&focusHeight, 1.f, 200.f, &focusHeight, 0.9f, 200.f);
focus[0] = sMarioCamState->pos[0];
focY = sMarioCamState->pos[1] + 125.f + focusHeight;
focus[2] = sMarioCamState->pos[2];
vec3f_copy(cPos, pos);
vec3f_get_dist_and_angle(sFixedModeBasePosition, focus, &dist, &focPitch, &focYaw);
vec3f_get_dist_and_angle(sFixedModeBasePosition, cPos, &dist, &posPitch, &posYaw);
sSpiralStairsYawOffset = posYaw - focYaw;
// posYaw will change if Mario is more than 90 degrees around the stairs, relative to the camera
if (sSpiralStairsYawOffset < DEGREES(-90)) {
sSpiralStairsYawOffset = DEGREES(-90);
if (sSpiralStairsYawOffset > DEGREES(90)) {
sSpiralStairsYawOffset = DEGREES(90);
focYaw += sSpiralStairsYawOffset;
posYaw = focYaw;
//! @bug unnecessary
camera_approach_s16_symmetric_bool(&posYaw, focYaw, 0x1000);
vec3f_set_dist_and_angle(sFixedModeBasePosition, cPos, 300.f, 0, posYaw);
// Move the camera's y coord up/down the staircase
checkPos[0] = focus[0] + (cPos[0] - focus[0]) * 0.7f;
checkPos[1] = focus[1] + (cPos[1] - focus[1]) * 0.7f + 300.f;
checkPos[2] = focus[2] + (cPos[2] - focus[2]) * 0.7f;
floorHeight = find_floor(checkPos[0], checkPos[1] + 50.f, checkPos[2], &floor);
if (floorHeight != gLevelValues.floorLowerLimit) {
if (floorHeight < sMarioGeometry.currFloorHeight) {
floorHeight = sMarioGeometry.currFloorHeight;
pos[1] = approach_f32(pos[1], (floorHeight += 125.f), 30.f, 30.f);
camera_approach_f32_symmetric_bool(&focus[1], focY, 30.f);
pos[0] = cPos[0];
pos[2] = cPos[2];
camYaw = calculate_yaw(focus, pos);
return camYaw;
* The mode used in the spiral staircase in the castle
void mode_spiral_stairs_camera(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
c->nextYaw = update_spiral_stairs_camera(c, c->focus, c->pos);
s32 update_slide_or_0f_camera(UNUSED struct Camera *c, Vec3f focus, Vec3f pos) {
s16 yaw = sMarioCamState->faceAngle[1] + sModeOffsetYaw + DEGREES(180);
focus_on_mario(focus, pos, 125.f, 125.f, 800.f, 5461, yaw);
return sMarioCamState->faceAngle[1];
static UNUSED void unused_mode_0f_camera(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
if ((sCurrPlayMode != PLAY_MODE_PAUSED) && gPlayer1Controller->buttonPressed & U_CBUTTONS) {
gCameraMovementFlags |= CAM_MOVE_C_UP_MODE;
c->nextYaw = update_slide_camera(c);
* Slide/hoot mode.
* In this mode, the camera is always at the back of Mario, because Mario generally only moves forward.
void mode_slide_camera(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
if (sMarioGeometry.currFloorType == SURFACE_CLOSE_CAMERA ||
sMarioGeometry.currFloorType == SURFACE_NO_CAM_COL_SLIPPERY) {
} else {
if ((sCurrPlayMode != PLAY_MODE_PAUSED) && gPlayer1Controller->buttonPressed & U_CBUTTONS) {
gCameraMovementFlags |= CAM_MOVE_C_UP_MODE;
c->nextYaw = update_slide_camera(c);
void store_lakitu_cam_info_for_c_up(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
vec3f_copy(sCameraStoreCUp.pos, c->pos);
vec3f_sub(sCameraStoreCUp.pos, sMarioCamState->pos);
// Only store the y value, and as an offset from Mario, for some reason
vec3f_set(sCameraStoreCUp.focus, 0.f, c->focus[1] - sMarioCamState->pos[1], 0.f);
* Start C-Up mode. The actual mode change is handled in update_mario_inputs() in mario.c
* @see update_mario_inputs
s32 set_mode_c_up(struct Camera *c) {
if (!(gCameraMovementFlags & CAM_MOVE_C_UP_MODE)) {
gCameraMovementFlags |= CAM_MOVE_C_UP_MODE;
sCameraSoundFlags &= ~CAM_SOUND_C_UP_PLAYED;
return 1;
return 0;
* Zoom the camera out of C-Up mode, avoiding moving into a wall, if possible, by searching for an open
* direction.
s32 exit_c_up(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return 0; }
struct Surface *surface;
Vec3f checkFoc;
Vec3f curPos;
// Variables for searching for an open direction
s32 searching = 0;
/// The current sector of the circle that we are checking
s32 sector;
f32 ceilHeight;
f32 floorHeight;
f32 curDist;
f32 d;
s16 curPitch;
s16 curYaw;
s16 checkYaw = 0;
Vec3f storePos; // unused
Vec3f storeFoc; // unused
if ((gCameraMovementFlags & CAM_MOVE_C_UP_MODE) && !(gCameraMovementFlags & CAM_MOVE_STARTED_EXITING_C_UP)) {
// Copy the stored pos and focus. This is unused.
vec3f_copy(storePos, sCameraStoreCUp.pos);
vec3f_add(storePos, sMarioCamState->pos);
vec3f_copy(storeFoc, sCameraStoreCUp.focus);
vec3f_add(storeFoc, sMarioCamState->pos);
vec3f_copy(checkFoc, c->focus);
checkFoc[0] = sMarioCamState->pos[0];
checkFoc[2] = sMarioCamState->pos[2];
vec3f_get_dist_and_angle(checkFoc, c->pos, &curDist, &curPitch, &curYaw);
vec3f_copy(curPos, c->pos);
curDist = 80.f;
// Search for an open direction to zoom out in, if the camera is changing to close, free roam,
// or spiral-stairs mode
if (sModeInfo.lastMode == CAMERA_MODE_SPIRAL_STAIRS || sModeInfo.lastMode == CAMERA_MODE_CLOSE
|| sModeInfo.lastMode == CAMERA_MODE_FREE_ROAM) {
searching = 1;
// Check the whole circle around Mario for an open direction to zoom out to
for (sector = 0; sector < 16 && searching == 1; sector++) {
vec3f_set_dist_and_angle(checkFoc, curPos, curDist, 0, curYaw + checkYaw);
// If there are no walls this way,
if (f32_find_wall_collision(&curPos[0], &curPos[1], &curPos[2], 20.f, 50.f) == 0) {
// Start close to Mario, check for walls, floors, and ceilings all the way to the
// zoomed out distance
for (d = curDist; d < gCameraZoomDist; d += 20.f) {
vec3f_set_dist_and_angle(checkFoc, curPos, d, 0, curYaw + checkYaw);
// Check if we're zooming out into a floor or ceiling
ceilHeight = find_ceil(curPos[0], curPos[1] - 150.f, curPos[2], &surface) + -10.f;
if (surface != NULL && ceilHeight < curPos[1]) {
floorHeight = find_floor(curPos[0], curPos[1] + 150.f, curPos[2], &surface) + 10.f;
if (surface != NULL && floorHeight > curPos[1]) {
// Stop checking this direction if there is a wall blocking the way
if (f32_find_wall_collision(&curPos[0], &curPos[1], &curPos[2], 20.f, 50.f) == 1) {
// If there was no collision found all the way to the max distance, it's an opening
if (d >= gCameraZoomDist) {
searching = 0;
// Alternate left and right, checking each 1/16th (22.5 degrees) of the circle
if (searching == 1) {
checkYaw = -checkYaw;
if (checkYaw < 0) {
checkYaw -= 0x1000;
} else {
checkYaw += 0x1000;
// Update the stored focus and pos to the direction found in the search
if (searching == 0) {
vec3f_set_dist_and_angle(checkFoc, sCameraStoreCUp.pos, gCameraZoomDist, 0, curYaw + checkYaw);
vec3f_copy(sCameraStoreCUp.focus, checkFoc);
vec3f_sub(sCameraStoreCUp.pos, sMarioCamState->pos);
vec3f_sub(sCameraStoreCUp.focus, sMarioCamState->pos);
gCameraMovementFlags |= CAM_MOVE_STARTED_EXITING_C_UP;
transition_next_state(c, 15);
} else {
// Let the next camera mode handle it
vec3f_set_dist_and_angle(checkFoc, c->pos, curDist, curPitch, curYaw + checkYaw);
return 0;
* The mode used when C-Up is pressed.
s32 update_c_up(UNUSED struct Camera *c, Vec3f focus, Vec3f pos) {
s16 pitch = sCUpCameraPitch;
s16 yaw = sMarioCamState->faceAngle[1] + sModeOffsetYaw + DEGREES(180);
focus_on_mario(focus, pos, 125.f, 125.f, 250.f, pitch, yaw);
return sMarioCamState->faceAngle[1];
* Make Mario's head move in C-Up mode.
void move_mario_head_c_up(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
UNUSED s16 pitch = sCUpCameraPitch;
UNUSED s16 yaw = sModeOffsetYaw;
sCUpCameraPitch += (s16)(gPlayer1Controller->stickY * 10.f);
sModeOffsetYaw -= (s16)(gPlayer1Controller->stickX * 10.f);
// Bound looking up to nearly 80 degrees.
if (sCUpCameraPitch > 0x38E3) {
sCUpCameraPitch = 0x38E3;
// Bound looking down to -45 degrees
if (sCUpCameraPitch < -0x2000) {
sCUpCameraPitch = -0x2000;
// Bound the camera yaw to +-120 degrees
if (sModeOffsetYaw > 0x5555) {
sModeOffsetYaw = 0x5555;
if (sModeOffsetYaw < -0x5555) {
sModeOffsetYaw = -0x5555;
// Give Mario's neck natural-looking constraints
sMarioCamState->headRotation[0] = sCUpCameraPitch * 3 / 4;
sMarioCamState->headRotation[1] = sModeOffsetYaw * 3 / 4;
* Zooms the camera in for C-Up mode
void move_into_c_up(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
struct LinearTransitionPoint *start = &sModeInfo.transitionStart;
struct LinearTransitionPoint *end = &sModeInfo.transitionEnd;
f32 dist = end->dist - start->dist;
s16 pitch = end->pitch - start->pitch;
s16 yaw = end->yaw - start->yaw;
// Linearly interpolate from start to end position's polar coordinates
dist = start->dist + dist * sModeInfo.frame / sModeInfo.max;
pitch = start->pitch + pitch * sModeInfo.frame / sModeInfo.max;
yaw = start->yaw + yaw * sModeInfo.frame / sModeInfo.max;
// Linearly interpolate the focus from start to end
c->focus[0] = start->focus[0] + (end->focus[0] - start->focus[0]) * sModeInfo.frame / sModeInfo.max;
c->focus[1] = start->focus[1] + (end->focus[1] - start->focus[1]) * sModeInfo.frame / sModeInfo.max;
c->focus[2] = start->focus[2] + (end->focus[2] - start->focus[2]) * sModeInfo.frame / sModeInfo.max;
vec3f_add(c->focus, sMarioCamState->pos);
vec3f_set_dist_and_angle(c->focus, c->pos, dist, pitch, yaw);
sMarioCamState->headRotation[0] = 0;
sMarioCamState->headRotation[1] = 0;
// Finished zooming in
if (++sModeInfo.frame == sModeInfo.max) {
gCameraMovementFlags &= ~CAM_MOVING_INTO_MODE;
* The main update function for C-Up mode
s32 mode_c_up_camera(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return 0; }
UNUSED u8 unused[12];
if (gMarioStates[0].action != ACT_FIRST_PERSON) {
set_camera_mode(c, -1, 1);
// Play a sound when entering C-Up mode
if (!(sCameraSoundFlags & CAM_SOUND_C_UP_PLAYED)) {
sCameraSoundFlags |= CAM_SOUND_C_UP_PLAYED;
// Zoom in first
if (gCameraMovementFlags & CAM_MOVING_INTO_MODE) {
gCameraMovementFlags |= CAM_MOVE_C_UP_MODE;
return 1;
if (!(gCameraMovementFlags & CAM_MOVE_STARTED_EXITING_C_UP)) {
// Normal update
update_c_up(c, c->focus, c->pos);
} else {
// Exiting C-Up
// Retrieve the previous position and focus
vec3f_copy(c->pos, sCameraStoreCUp.pos);
vec3f_add(c->pos, sMarioCamState->pos);
vec3f_copy(c->focus, sCameraStoreCUp.focus);
vec3f_add(c->focus, sMarioCamState->pos);
// Make Mario look forward
camera_approach_s16_symmetric_bool(&sMarioCamState->headRotation[0], 0, 1024);
camera_approach_s16_symmetric_bool(&sMarioCamState->headRotation[1], 0, 1024);
} else {
// Finished exiting C-Up
sPanDistance = 0.f;
// Exit C-Up mode
if ((sCurrPlayMode != PLAY_MODE_PAUSED) && gPlayer1Controller->buttonPressed & (A_BUTTON | B_BUTTON | D_CBUTTONS | L_CBUTTONS | R_CBUTTONS)) {
return 0;
* Used when Mario is in a cannon.
s32 update_in_cannon(UNUSED struct Camera *c, Vec3f focus, Vec3f pos) {
focus_on_mario(pos, focus, 125.f + sCannonYOffset, 125.f, 800.f,
sMarioCamState->faceAngle[0], sMarioCamState->faceAngle[1]);
return sMarioCamState->faceAngle[1];
* Updates the camera when Mario is in a cannon.
* sCannonYOffset is used to make the camera rotate down when Mario has just entered the cannon
void mode_cannon_camera(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
UNUSED u8 unused[24];
sLakituPitch = 0;
gCameraMovementFlags &= ~CAM_MOVING_INTO_MODE;
c->nextYaw = update_in_cannon(c, c->focus, c->pos);
if ((sCurrPlayMode != PLAY_MODE_PAUSED) && gPlayer1Controller->buttonPressed & A_BUTTON) {
set_camera_mode(c, CAMERA_MODE_BEHIND_MARIO, 1);
sPanDistance = 0.f;
sCannonYOffset = 0.f;
} else {
sCannonYOffset = approach_f32(sCannonYOffset, 0.f, 100.f, 100.f);
* Cause Lakitu to fly to the next Camera position and focus over a number of frames.
* At the end of each frame, Lakitu's position and focus ("state") are stored.
* Calling this function makes next_lakitu_state() fly from the last frame's state to the
* current frame's calculated state.
* @see next_lakitu_state()
void transition_next_state(UNUSED struct Camera *c, s16 frames) {
if (!(sStatusFlags & CAM_FLAG_FRAME_AFTER_CAM_INIT)) {
sModeTransition.framesLeft = frames;
* Sets the camera mode to `newMode` and initializes sModeTransition with `numFrames` frames
* Used to change the camera mode to 'level-oriented' modes
void transition_to_camera_mode(struct Camera *c, s16 newMode, s16 numFrames) {
if (!c) { return; }
if (c->mode != newMode) {
sModeInfo.newMode = (newMode != -1) ? newMode : sModeInfo.lastMode;
sModeInfo.lastMode = c->mode;
c->mode = sModeInfo.newMode;
// Clear movement flags that would affect the transition
gCameraMovementFlags &= (u16)~(CAM_MOVE_RESTRICT | CAM_MOVE_ROTATE);
if (!(sStatusFlags & CAM_FLAG_FRAME_AFTER_CAM_INIT)) {
transition_next_state(c, numFrames);
sCUpCameraPitch = 0;
sModeOffsetYaw = 0;
sLakituDist = 0;
sLakituPitch = 0;
sAreaYawChange = 0;
sPanDistance = 0.f;
sCannonYOffset = 0.f;
static bool allow_romhack_camera_override_mode(u8 mode) {
switch (mode) {
return false;
return true;
* Used to change the camera mode between its default/previous and certain Mario-oriented modes,
* Stores the current pos and focus in sModeInfo->transitionStart, and
* stores the next pos and focus into sModeInfo->transitionEnd. These two fields are used in
* move_into_c_up().
* @param mode the mode to change to, or -1 to switch to the previous mode
* @param frames number of frames the transition should last, only used when entering C_UP
void set_camera_mode(struct Camera *c, s16 mode, s16 frames) {
if (!c) { return; }
struct LinearTransitionPoint *start = &sModeInfo.transitionStart;
struct LinearTransitionPoint *end = &sModeInfo.transitionEnd;
if (c->mode == CAMERA_MODE_ROM_HACK && allow_romhack_camera_override_mode(mode)) { return; }
bool returnValue = true;
smlua_call_event_hooks_set_camera_mode_params(HOOK_ON_SET_CAMERA_MODE, c, mode, frames, &returnValue);
if (!returnValue) {
if (mode != CAMERA_MODE_NEWCAM && gLakituState.mode != CAMERA_MODE_NEWCAM) {
if (!(mode == CAMERA_MODE_WATER_SURFACE && gCurrLevelArea == AREA_TTM_OUTSIDE)) {
// Clear movement flags that would affect the transition
gCameraMovementFlags &= (u16)~(CAM_MOVE_RESTRICT | CAM_MOVE_ROTATE);
gCameraMovementFlags |= CAM_MOVING_INTO_MODE;
if (mode == CAMERA_MODE_NONE) {
sCUpCameraPitch = 0;
sModeOffsetYaw = 0;
sLakituDist = 0;
sLakituPitch = 0;
sAreaYawChange = 0;
sModeInfo.newMode = (mode != -1) ? mode : sModeInfo.lastMode;
sModeInfo.lastMode = c->mode;
sModeInfo.max = frames;
sModeInfo.frame = 1;
c->mode = sModeInfo.newMode;
gLakituState.mode = c->mode;
vec3f_copy(end->focus, c->focus);
vec3f_sub(end->focus, sMarioCamState->pos);
vec3f_copy(end->pos, c->pos);
vec3f_sub(end->pos, sMarioCamState->pos);
if (sModeInfo.newMode != CAMERA_MODE_NONE && (u32)sModeInfo.newMode < sizeof(sModeTransitions) / sizeof(sModeTransitions[0])) {
sAreaYaw = sModeTransitions[sModeInfo.newMode](c, end->focus, end->pos);
// End was updated by sModeTransitions
vec3f_sub(end->focus, sMarioCamState->pos);
vec3f_sub(end->pos, sMarioCamState->pos);
vec3f_copy(start->focus, gLakituState.curFocus);
vec3f_sub(start->focus, sMarioCamState->pos);
vec3f_copy(start->pos, gLakituState.curPos);
vec3f_sub(start->pos, sMarioCamState->pos);
vec3f_get_dist_and_angle(start->focus, start->pos, &start->dist, &start->pitch, &start->yaw);
vec3f_get_dist_and_angle(end->focus, end->pos, &end->dist, &end->pitch, &end->yaw);
* Updates Lakitu's position/focus and applies camera shakes.
void update_lakitu(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
struct Surface *floor = NULL;
Vec3f newPos;
Vec3f newFoc;
UNUSED Vec3f unusedVec3f;
f32 distToFloor;
s16 newYaw;
UNUSED u8 unused1[8];
u8 allowPauseCheck = (c->mode != CAMERA_MODE_NEWCAM);
if (allowPauseCheck && (gCameraMovementFlags & CAM_MOVE_PAUSE_SCREEN)) {
} else {
if (c->cutscene) {
if (TRUE) {
newYaw = next_lakitu_state(newPos, newFoc, c->pos, c->focus, sOldPosition, sOldFocus,
set_or_approach_s16_symmetric(&c->yaw, newYaw, sYawSpeed);
} else {
//! dead code, moved to next_lakitu_state()
vec3f_copy(newPos, c->pos);
vec3f_copy(newFoc, c->focus);
// Update old state
vec3f_copy(sOldPosition, newPos);
vec3f_copy(sOldFocus, newFoc);
gLakituState.yaw = c->yaw;
gLakituState.nextYaw = c->nextYaw;
vec3f_copy(gLakituState.goalPos, c->pos);
vec3f_copy(gLakituState.goalFocus, c->focus);
// Simulate Lakitu flying to the new position and turning towards the new focus
set_or_approach_vec3f_asymptotic(gLakituState.curPos, newPos,
gLakituState.posHSpeed, gLakituState.posVSpeed,
set_or_approach_vec3f_asymptotic(gLakituState.curFocus, newFoc,
gLakituState.focHSpeed, gLakituState.focVSpeed,
// Adjust Lakitu's speed back to normal
set_or_approach_f32_asymptotic(&gLakituState.focHSpeed, 0.8f, 0.05f);
set_or_approach_f32_asymptotic(&gLakituState.focVSpeed, 0.3f, 0.05f);
set_or_approach_f32_asymptotic(&gLakituState.posHSpeed, 0.3f, 0.05f);
set_or_approach_f32_asymptotic(&gLakituState.posVSpeed, 0.3f, 0.05f);
// Turn on smooth movement when it hasn't been blocked for 2 frames
} else {
vec3f_copy(gLakituState.pos, gLakituState.curPos);
vec3f_copy(gLakituState.focus, gLakituState.curFocus);
if (c->cutscene) {
vec3f_add(gLakituState.focus, sPlayer2FocusOffset);
vec3f_set(sPlayer2FocusOffset, 0, 0, 0);
vec3f_get_dist_and_angle(gLakituState.pos, gLakituState.focus, &gLakituState.focusDistance,
&gLakituState.oldPitch, &gLakituState.oldYaw);
gLakituState.roll = 0;
// Apply camera shakes
shake_camera_pitch(gLakituState.pos, gLakituState.focus);
shake_camera_yaw(gLakituState.pos, gLakituState.focus);
shake_camera_handheld(gLakituState.pos, gLakituState.focus);
if (sMarioCamState->action == ACT_DIVE && gLakituState.lastFrameAction != ACT_DIVE) {
gLakituState.roll += sHandheldShakeRoll;
gLakituState.roll += gLakituState.keyDanceRoll;
if (c->mode != CAMERA_MODE_C_UP && c->cutscene == 0 && c->mode != CAMERA_MODE_NEWCAM) {
gCheckingSurfaceCollisionsForCamera = TRUE;
distToFloor = find_floor(gLakituState.pos[0],
gLakituState.pos[1] + 20.0f,
gLakituState.pos[2], &floor);
gCheckingSurfaceCollisionsForCamera = false;
if (distToFloor != gLevelValues.floorLowerLimit) {
if (gLakituState.pos[1] < (distToFloor += 100.0f)) {
gLakituState.pos[1] = distToFloor;
vec3f_copy(sModeTransition.marioPos, sMarioCamState->pos);
clamp_pitch(gLakituState.pos, gLakituState.focus, 0x3E00, -0x3E00);
gLakituState.mode = c->mode;
gLakituState.defMode = c->defMode;
extern bool gIsDemoActive;
static void update_romhack_camera_override(struct Camera *c) {
if (gOverrideRomhackCamera == RCO_NONE) { return; }
if (c->mode == CAMERA_MODE_ROM_HACK) { return; }
if (dynos_level_is_vanilla_level(gCurrLevelNum)) { return; }
if (gIsDemoActive) { return; }
if (gOverrideRomhackCamera == RCO_ALL_EXCEPT_BOWSER) {
if (gCurrLevelNum == LEVEL_BOWSER_1 || gCurrLevelNum == LEVEL_BOWSER_2 || gCurrLevelNum == LEVEL_BOWSER_3) {
if (!allow_romhack_camera_override_mode(c->mode)) { return; }
set_camera_mode(c, CAMERA_MODE_ROM_HACK, 0);
* The main camera update function.
* Gets controller input, checks for cutscenes, handles mode changes, and moves the camera
void update_camera(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
UNUSED u8 unused[24];
gCamera = c;
if ((gOverrideFreezeCamera || get_first_person_enabled()) && !gDjuiInMainMenu) {
if (c->cutscene == 0) {
// Only process R_TRIG if 'fixed' is not selected in the menu
if (cam_select_alt_mode(0) == CAM_SELECTION_MARIO && c->mode != CAMERA_MODE_NEWCAM) {
if ((sCurrPlayMode != PLAY_MODE_PAUSED) && gPlayer1Controller->buttonPressed & R_TRIG) {
bool returnValue = true;
if (set_cam_angle(0) == CAM_ANGLE_LAKITU) {
smlua_call_event_hooks_int_params_ret_bool(HOOK_ON_CHANGE_CAMERA_ANGLE, CAM_ANGLE_MARIO, &returnValue);
if (returnValue) {
} else {
smlua_call_event_hooks_int_params_ret_bool(HOOK_ON_CHANGE_CAMERA_ANGLE, CAM_ANGLE_LAKITU, &returnValue);
if (returnValue) {
// Initialize the camera
if (gCameraMovementFlags & CAM_MOVE_INIT_CAMERA) {
gCameraMovementFlags &= ~CAM_MOVE_INIT_CAMERA;
// Store previous geometry information
sMarioGeometry.prevFloorHeight = sMarioGeometry.currFloorHeight;
sMarioGeometry.prevCeilHeight = sMarioGeometry.currCeilHeight;
sMarioGeometry.prevFloor = sMarioGeometry.currFloor;
sMarioGeometry.prevCeil = sMarioGeometry.currCeil;
sMarioGeometry.prevFloorType = sMarioGeometry.currFloorType;
sMarioGeometry.prevCeilType = sMarioGeometry.currCeilType;
gCheckingSurfaceCollisionsForCamera = TRUE;
vec3f_copy(c->pos, gLakituState.goalPos);
vec3f_copy(c->focus, gLakituState.goalFocus);
c->yaw = gLakituState.yaw;
c->nextYaw = gLakituState.nextYaw;
c->mode = gLakituState.mode;
c->defMode = gLakituState.defMode;
if (c->mode != CAMERA_MODE_NEWCAM) {
sCButtonsPressed = find_c_buttons_pressed(sCButtonsPressed, gPlayer1Controller->buttonPressed,gPlayer1Controller->buttonDown);
if (gMarioStates[0].action == ACT_SHOT_FROM_CANNON && newcam_active) {
gMarioStates[0].area->camera->mode = CAMERA_MODE_NEWCAM;
gLakituState.mode = CAMERA_MODE_NEWCAM;
if (c->cutscene != 0) {
sYawSpeed = 0;
sFramesSinceCutsceneEnded = 0;
} else {
// Clear the recent cutscene after 8 frames
if (gRecentCutscene != 0 && sFramesSinceCutsceneEnded < 8) {
if (sFramesSinceCutsceneEnded >= 8) {
gRecentCutscene = 0;
sFramesSinceCutsceneEnded = 0;
// If not in a cutscene, do mode processing
if (c->cutscene == 0) {
sYawSpeed = 0x400;
if (sSelectionFlags & CAM_MODE_MARIO_ACTIVE) {
switch (c->mode) {
} else {
switch (c->mode) {
// Start any Mario-related cutscenes
start_cutscene(c, get_cutscene_from_mario_status(c));
gCheckingSurfaceCollisionsForCamera = FALSE;
if (gCurrLevelNum != LEVEL_CASTLE) {
// If fixed camera is selected as the alternate mode, then fix the camera as long as the right
// trigger is held
if ((c->cutscene == 0 &&
(gPlayer1Controller->buttonDown & R_TRIG) && cam_select_alt_mode(0) == CAM_SELECTION_FIXED)
|| (gCameraMovementFlags & CAM_MOVE_FIX_IN_PLACE)
|| (sMarioCamState->action) == ACT_GETTING_BLOWN) {
// If this is the first frame that R_TRIG is held, play the "click" sound
if ((sCurrPlayMode != PLAY_MODE_PAUSED) && c->cutscene == 0 && (gPlayer1Controller->buttonPressed & R_TRIG)
&& cam_select_alt_mode(0) == CAM_SELECTION_FIXED) {
sCameraSoundFlags |= CAM_SOUND_FIXED_ACTIVE;
// Fixed mode only prevents Lakitu from moving. The camera pos still updates, so
// Lakitu will fly to his next position as normal whenever R_TRIG is released.
gLakituState.posHSpeed = 0.f;
gLakituState.posVSpeed = 0.f;
c->nextYaw = calculate_yaw(gLakituState.focus, gLakituState.pos);
c->yaw = c->nextYaw;
gCameraMovementFlags &= ~CAM_MOVE_FIX_IN_PLACE;
} else {
// Play the "click" sound when fixed mode is released
if (sCameraSoundFlags & CAM_SOUND_FIXED_ACTIVE) {
sCameraSoundFlags &= ~CAM_SOUND_FIXED_ACTIVE;
} else {
if ((sCurrPlayMode != PLAY_MODE_PAUSED) && (gPlayer1Controller->buttonPressed & R_TRIG) && cam_select_alt_mode(0) == CAM_SELECTION_FIXED) {
gLakituState.lastFrameAction = sMarioCamState->action;
// Make sure the palette editor cutscene is properly reset
struct MarioState *m = gMarioState;
if (c->paletteEditorCap) {
if (m->flags & MARIO_CAP_ON_HEAD) {
c->paletteEditorCap = false;
} else if (c->cutscene != CUTSCENE_PALETTE_EDITOR && m->action != ACT_PUTTING_ON_CAP) {
c->paletteEditorCap = false;
void soft_reset_camera(struct Camera* c) {
sSoftResettingCamera = TRUE;
* Reset all the camera variables to their arcane defaults
void reset_camera(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
gCamera = c;
gCameraMovementFlags = 0;
s2ndRotateFlags = 0;
sStatusFlags = 0;
gCutsceneTimer = 0;
sCutsceneShot = 0;
gCutsceneObjSpawn = 0;
gObjCutsceneDone = FALSE;
gCutsceneFocus = NULL;
unused8032CFC8 = 0;
unused8032CFCC = 0;
gSecondCameraFocus = NULL;
sCButtonsPressed = 0;
sModeTransition.framesLeft = 0;
unused8032CFCC = -1;
unused8032CFC8 = -1;
gCameraMovementFlags = 0;
gCameraMovementFlags |= CAM_MOVE_INIT_CAMERA;
unused8033B316 = 0;
sStatusFlags = 0;
unused8033B31A = 0;
sCameraSoundFlags = 0;
sCUpCameraPitch = 0;
sModeOffsetYaw = 0;
sSpiralStairsYawOffset = 0;
sLakituDist = 0;
sLakituPitch = 0;
sAreaYaw = 0;
sAreaYawChange = 0.f;
sPanDistance = 0.f;
sCannonYOffset = 0.f;
sZoomAmount = 0.f;
sZeroZoomDist = 0.f;
sBehindMarioSoundTimer = 0;
sCSideButtonYaw = 0;
s8DirModeBaseYaw = 0;
s8DirModeYawOffset = 0;
if (c) {
c->doorStatus = DOOR_DEFAULT;
if (sMarioCamState) {
vec3f_copy(sModeTransition.marioPos, sMarioCamState->pos);
sMarioCamState->headRotation[0] = 0;
sMarioCamState->headRotation[1] = 0;
sMarioCamState->cameraEvent = 0;
sMarioCamState->usedObj = NULL;
gLakituState.shakeMagnitude[0] = 0;
gLakituState.shakeMagnitude[1] = 0;
gLakituState.shakeMagnitude[2] = 0;
gLakituState.unusedVec2[0] = 0;
gLakituState.unusedVec2[1] = 0;
gLakituState.unusedVec2[2] = 0;
gLakituState.unusedVec1[0] = 0.f;
gLakituState.unusedVec1[1] = 0.f;
gLakituState.unusedVec1[2] = 0.f;
gLakituState.lastFrameAction = 0;
gFOVState.fov = 45.f;
gFOVState.fovOffset = 0.f;
gFOVState.unusedIsSleeping = 0;
gFOVState.shakeAmplitude = 0.f;
gFOVState.shakePhase = 0;
sObjectCutscene = 0;
gRecentCutscene = 0;
unused8033B30C = 0;
unused8033B310 = 0;
if (gFirstPersonCamera.enabled) {
gFirstPersonCamera.yaw = gMarioStates[0].faceAngle[1] + 0x8000;
void init_camera(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
struct Surface *floor = NULL;
struct Object *obj = NULL;
Vec3f marioOffset;
s32 i;
sCreditsPlayer2Pitch = 0;
sCreditsPlayer2Yaw = 0;
gPrevLevel = gCurrLevelArea / 16;
gCurrLevelArea = gCurrLevelNum * 16 + gCurrentArea->index;
sFramesPaused = 0;
gLakituState.mode = c->mode;
gLakituState.defMode = c->defMode;
gLakituState.posHSpeed = 0.3f;
gLakituState.posVSpeed = 0.3f;
gLakituState.focHSpeed = 0.8f;
gLakituState.focHSpeed = 0.3f; // @bug set focHSpeed back-to-back
gLakituState.roll = 0;
gLakituState.keyDanceRoll = 0;
gLakituState.unused = 0;
vec3f_set(sCastleEntranceOffset, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
vec3f_set(sPlayer2FocusOffset, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
sMarioGeometry.prevFloorHeight = sMarioGeometry.currFloorHeight;
sMarioGeometry.prevCeilHeight = sMarioGeometry.currCeilHeight;
sMarioGeometry.prevFloor = sMarioGeometry.currFloor;
sMarioGeometry.prevCeil = sMarioGeometry.currCeil;
sMarioGeometry.prevFloorType = sMarioGeometry.currFloorType;
sMarioGeometry.prevCeilType = sMarioGeometry.currCeilType;
for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
sCurCreditsSplinePos[i].index = -1;
sCurCreditsSplineFocus[i].index = -1;
sCutsceneSplineSegment = 0;
sCutsceneSplineSegmentProgress = 0.f;
unused8033B6E8 = 0;
sHandheldShakeInc = 0.f;
sHandheldShakeTimer = 0.f;
sHandheldShakeMag = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
sHandheldShakeSpline[i].index = -1;
sHandheldShakePitch = 0;
sHandheldShakeYaw = 0;
sHandheldShakeRoll = 0;
c->cutscene = 0;
marioOffset[0] = 0.f;
marioOffset[1] = 125.f;
marioOffset[2] = 400.f;
// Set the camera's starting position or start a cutscene for certain levels
switch (gCurrLevelNum) {
#ifndef VERSION_JP
if (gCurrDemoInput == NULL) {
// Make sure Bowser is in a state that we'd start speaking to him in.
obj = find_object_with_behavior(bhvBowser);
if (obj != NULL && obj->oAction != 5) { break; }
} else if (gSecondCameraFocus != NULL) {
gSecondCameraFocus->oBowserUnk88 = 2;
// Make sure Bowser is in a state that we'd start speaking to him in.
obj = find_object_with_behavior(bhvBowser);
if (obj != NULL && obj->oAction != 5) { break; }
// Make sure Bowser is in a state that we'd start speaking to him in.
obj = find_object_with_behavior(bhvBowser);
if (obj != NULL && obj->oAction != 5) { break; }
// Make sure Bowser is in a state that we'd start speaking to him in.
obj = find_object_with_behavior(bhvBowser);
if (obj != NULL && obj->oAction != 5) { break; }
//! Hardcoded position checks determine which cutscene to play when Mario enters castle grounds.
if (is_within_100_units_of_mario(-1328.f, 260.f, 4664.f) != 1) {
marioOffset[0] = -400.f;
marioOffset[2] = -800.f;
if (is_within_100_units_of_mario(-6901.f, 2376.f, -6509.f) == 1) {
start_cutscene(c, CUTSCENE_EXIT_WATERFALL);
if (is_within_100_units_of_mario(5408.f, 4500.f, 3637.f) == 1) {
start_cutscene(c, CUTSCENE_EXIT_FALL_WMOTR);
gLakituState.mode = CAMERA_MODE_FREE_ROAM;
case LEVEL_SA:
marioOffset[2] = 200.f;
marioOffset[2] = -300.f;
gCameraMovementFlags |= CAM_MOVE_ZOOMED_OUT;
marioOffset[2] = 150.f;
case LEVEL_RR:
vec3f_set(sFixedModeBasePosition, -2985.f, 478.f, -5568.f);
if ((c->mode == CAMERA_MODE_8_DIRECTIONS) || c->mode == CAMERA_MODE_ROM_HACK) {
gCameraMovementFlags |= CAM_MOVE_ZOOMED_OUT;
switch (gCurrLevelArea) {
vec3f_set(marioOffset, 0.f, 500.f, -100.f);
marioOffset[2] = -300.f;
marioOffset[2] = -300.f;
marioOffset[2] = -300.f;
if (is_within_100_units_of_mario(257.f, 2150.f, 1399.f) == 1) {
marioOffset[2] = -300.f;
gCameraMovementFlags |= CAM_MOVE_ZOOMED_OUT;
gLakituState.mode = CAMERA_MODE_RADIAL;
if (sSoftResettingCamera) {
c->cutscene = 0;
sSoftResettingCamera = FALSE;
} else {
// Set the camera pos to marioOffset (relative to Mario), added to Mario's position
offset_rotated(c->pos, sMarioCamState->pos, marioOffset, sMarioCamState->faceAngle);
if (c->mode != CAMERA_MODE_BEHIND_MARIO) {
c->pos[1] = find_floor(sMarioCamState->pos[0], sMarioCamState->pos[1] + 100.f,
sMarioCamState->pos[2], &floor) + 125.f;
vec3f_copy(c->focus, sMarioCamState->pos);
vec3f_copy(gLakituState.curPos, c->pos);
vec3f_copy(gLakituState.curFocus, c->focus);
vec3f_copy(gLakituState.goalPos, c->pos);
vec3f_copy(gLakituState.goalFocus, c->focus);
vec3f_copy(gLakituState.pos, c->pos);
vec3f_copy(gLakituState.focus, c->focus);
if (c->mode == CAMERA_MODE_FIXED) {
gLakituState.yaw = calculate_yaw(c->focus, c->pos);
gLakituState.nextYaw = gLakituState.yaw;
c->yaw = gLakituState.yaw;
c->nextYaw = gLakituState.yaw;
newcam_init(c, 0);
* Zooms out the camera if paused and the level is 'outside', as determined by sZoomOutAreaMasks.
* Because gCurrLevelArea is assigned gCurrLevelNum * 16 + gCurrentArea->index,
* dividing by 32 maps 2 levels to one index.
* areaBit definition:
* (gCurrLevelArea & 0x10) / 4):
* This adds 4 to the shift if the level is an odd multiple of 16
* ((gCurrLevelArea & 0xF) - 1) & 3):
* This isolates the lower 16 'area' bits, subtracts 1 because areas are 1-indexed, and effectively
* modulo-4's the result, because each 8-bit mask only has 4 area bits for each level
void zoom_out_if_paused_and_outside(struct GraphNodeCamera *camera) {
UNUSED u8 unused1[8];
UNUSED f32 dist;
UNUSED s16 pitch;
s16 yaw;
UNUSED u8 unused2[4];
s32 areaMaskIndex = gCurrLevelArea / 32;
s32 areaBit = 1 << (((gCurrLevelArea & 0x10) / 4) + (((gCurrLevelArea & 0xF) - 1) & 3));
if (areaMaskIndex >= LEVEL_MAX / 2) {
areaMaskIndex = 0;
areaBit = 0;
if (gCameraMovementFlags & CAM_MOVE_PAUSE_SCREEN && !gDjuiInPlayerMenu && !get_first_person_enabled()) {
if (sFramesPaused >= 2) {
if (sZoomOutAreaMasks[areaMaskIndex] & areaBit) {
camera->focus[0] = gCamera->areaCenX;
camera->focus[1] = (sMarioCamState->pos[1] + gCamera->areaCenY) / 2;
camera->focus[2] = gCamera->areaCenZ;
vec3f_get_dist_and_angle(camera->focus, sMarioCamState->pos, &dist, &pitch, &yaw);
vec3f_set_dist_and_angle(sMarioCamState->pos, camera->pos, 6000.f, 0x1000, yaw);
if (dynos_level_is_vanilla_level(gCurrLevelNum)) {
if (gCurrLevelNum != LEVEL_THI) {
find_in_bounds_yaw_wdw_bob_thi(camera->pos, camera->focus, 0);
} else {
} else {
sFramesPaused = 0;
void select_mario_cam_mode(void) {
* Allocate the GraphNodeCamera's config.camera, and copy `c`'s focus to the Camera's area center point.
void create_camera(struct GraphNodeCamera *gc, struct DynamicPool *pool) {
if (!gc) { return; }
s16 mode = gc->config.mode;
struct Camera *c = dynamic_pool_alloc(pool, sizeof(struct Camera));
gc->config.camera = c;
c->mode = mode;
c->defMode = mode;
c->cutscene = 0;
c->doorStatus = DOOR_DEFAULT;
c->areaCenX = gc->focus[0];
c->areaCenY = gc->focus[1];
c->areaCenZ = gc->focus[2];
c->yaw = 0;
vec3f_copy(c->pos, gc->pos);
vec3f_copy(c->focus, gc->focus);
* Copy Lakitu's pos and foc into `gc`
void update_graph_node_camera(struct GraphNodeCamera *gc) {
if (!gc) { return; }
UNUSED u8 unused[8];
UNUSED struct Camera *c = gc->config.camera;
gc->rollScreen = gLakituState.roll;
vec3f_copy(gc->pos, gLakituState.pos);
vec3f_copy(gc->focus, gLakituState.focus);
Gfx *geo_camera_main(s32 callContext, struct GraphNode *g, void *context) {
struct GraphNodeCamera *gc = (struct GraphNodeCamera *) g;
UNUSED Mat4 *unusedMat = context;
switch (callContext) {
create_camera(gc, context);
return NULL;
void stub_camera_2(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
void stub_camera_3(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
void vec3f_sub(Vec3f dst, Vec3f src) {
if (!dst || !src) { return; }
dst[0] -= src[0];
dst[1] -= src[1];
dst[2] -= src[2];
void object_pos_to_vec3f(Vec3f dst, struct Object *o) {
if (!dst || !o) { return; }
dst[0] = o->oPosX;
dst[1] = o->oPosY;
dst[2] = o->oPosZ;
void vec3f_to_object_pos(struct Object *o, Vec3f src) {
if (!o || !src) { return; }
o->oPosX = src[0];
o->oPosY = src[1];
o->oPosZ = src[2];
void unused_object_angle_to_vec3s(Vec3s dst, struct Object *o) {
if (!dst || !o) { return; }
dst[0] = o->oMoveAnglePitch;
dst[1] = o->oMoveAngleYaw;
dst[2] = o->oMoveAngleRoll;
* Produces values using a cubic b-spline curve. Basically Q is the used output,
* u is a value between 0 and 1 that represents the position along the spline,
* and a0-a3 are parameters that define the spline.
* The spline is described at www2.cs.uregina.ca/~anima/408/Notes/Interpolation/UniformBSpline.htm
void evaluate_cubic_spline(f32 u, Vec3f Q, Vec3f a0, Vec3f a1, Vec3f a2, Vec3f a3) {
f32 B[4];
f32 x;
f32 y;
f32 z;
UNUSED u8 unused[16];
if (u > 1.f) {
u = 1.f;
B[0] = (1.f - u) * (1.f - u) * (1.f - u) / 6.f;
B[1] = u * u * u / 2.f - u * u + 0.6666667f;
B[2] = -u * u * u / 2.f + u * u / 2.f + u / 2.f + 0.16666667f;
B[3] = u * u * u / 6.f;
Q[0] = B[0] * a0[0] + B[1] * a1[0] + B[2] * a2[0] + B[3] * a3[0];
Q[1] = B[0] * a0[1] + B[1] * a1[1] + B[2] * a2[1] + B[3] * a3[1];
Q[2] = B[0] * a0[2] + B[1] * a1[2] + B[2] * a2[2] + B[3] * a3[2];
// Unused code
B[0] = -0.5f * u * u + u - 0.33333333f;
B[1] = 1.5f * u * u - 2.f * u - 0.5f;
B[2] = -1.5f * u * u + u + 1.f;
B[3] = 0.5f * u * u - 0.16666667f;
x = B[0] * a0[0] + B[1] * a1[0] + B[2] * a2[0] + B[3] * a3[0];
y = B[0] * a0[1] + B[1] * a1[1] + B[2] * a2[1] + B[3] * a3[1];
z = B[0] * a0[2] + B[1] * a1[2] + B[2] * a2[2] + B[3] * a3[2];
unusedSplinePitch = atan2s(sqrtf(x * x + z * z), y);
unusedSplineYaw = atan2s(z, x);
* Computes the point that is `progress` percent of the way through segment `splineSegment` of `spline`,
* and stores the result in `p`. `progress` and `splineSegment` are updated if `progress` becomes >= 1.0.
* When neither of the next two points' speeds == 0, the number of frames is between 1 and 255. Otherwise
* it's infinite.
* To calculate the number of frames it will take to progress through a spline segment:
* If the next two speeds are the same and nonzero, it's 1.0 / firstSpeed.
* s1 and s2 are short hand for first/secondSpeed. The progress at any frame n is defined by a recurrency relation:
* p(n+1) = (s2 - s1 + 1) * p(n) + s1
* Which can be written as
* p(n) = (s2 * ((s2 - s1 + 1)^(n) - 1)) / (s2 - s1)
* Solving for the number of frames:
* n = log(((s2 - s1) / s1) + 1) / log(s2 - s1 + 1)
* @return 1 if the point has reached the end of the spline, when `progress` reaches 1.0 or greater, and
* the 4th CutsceneSplinePoint in the current segment away from spline[splineSegment] has an index of -1.
s32 move_point_along_spline(Vec3f p, struct CutsceneSplinePoint spline[], s16 *splineSegment, f32 *progress) {
s32 finished = 0;
Vec3f controlPoints[4];
s32 i = 0;
f32 u = *progress;
f32 progressChange;
f32 firstSpeed = 0;
f32 secondSpeed = 0;
s32 segment = *splineSegment;
if (*splineSegment < 0) {
segment = 0;
u = 0;
if (spline[segment].index == -1 || spline[segment + 1].index == -1 || spline[segment + 2].index == -1) {
return 1;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
controlPoints[i][0] = spline[segment + i].point[0];
controlPoints[i][1] = spline[segment + i].point[1];
controlPoints[i][2] = spline[segment + i].point[2];
evaluate_cubic_spline(u, p, controlPoints[0], controlPoints[1], controlPoints[2], controlPoints[3]);
if (spline[*splineSegment + 1].speed != 0) {
firstSpeed = 1.0f / spline[*splineSegment + 1].speed;
if (spline[*splineSegment + 2].speed != 0) {
secondSpeed = 1.0f / spline[*splineSegment + 2].speed;
progressChange = (secondSpeed - firstSpeed) * *progress + firstSpeed;
if (gCamera->cutscene == CUTSCENE_INTRO_PEACH) {
progressChange += progressChange * 0.19f;
if (gCamera->cutscene == CUTSCENE_CREDITS) {
progressChange += progressChange * 0.15f;
if (gCamera->cutscene == CUTSCENE_ENDING) {
progressChange += progressChange * 0.1f;
if (1 <= (*progress += progressChange)) {
if (spline[*splineSegment + 3].index == -1) {
*splineSegment = 0;
finished = 1;
*progress -= 1;
return finished;
* If `selection` is 0, just get the current selection
* If `selection` is 1, select 'Mario' as the alt mode.
* If `selection` is 2, select 'fixed' as the alt mode.
* @return the current selection
s32 cam_select_alt_mode(s32 selection) {
if (selection == CAM_SELECTION_MARIO) {
if (!(sSelectionFlags & CAM_MODE_MARIO_SELECTED)) {
// The alternate mode is up-close, but the player just selected fixed in the pause menu
if (selection == CAM_SELECTION_FIXED && (sSelectionFlags & CAM_MODE_MARIO_SELECTED)) {
// So change to normal mode in case the user paused in up-close mode
sSelectionFlags &= ~CAM_MODE_MARIO_SELECTED;
if (sSelectionFlags & CAM_MODE_MARIO_SELECTED) {
return mode;
* Sets the camera angle to either Lakitu or Mario mode. Returns the current mode.
* If `mode` is 0, just returns the current mode.
* If `mode` is 1, start Mario mode
* If `mode` is 2, start Lakitu mode
s32 set_cam_angle(s32 mode) {
s32 curMode = CAM_ANGLE_LAKITU;
// Switch to Mario mode
if (mode == CAM_ANGLE_MARIO && !(sSelectionFlags & CAM_MODE_MARIO_ACTIVE)) {
sSelectionFlags |= CAM_MODE_MARIO_ACTIVE;
if (gCameraMovementFlags & CAM_MOVE_ZOOMED_OUT) {
gCameraMovementFlags &= ~CAM_MOVE_ZOOMED_OUT;
sCameraSoundFlags |= CAM_SOUND_MARIO_ACTIVE;
// Switch back to normal mode
if (mode == CAM_ANGLE_LAKITU && (sSelectionFlags & CAM_MODE_MARIO_ACTIVE)) {
sSelectionFlags &= ~CAM_MODE_MARIO_ACTIVE;
if (sSelectionFlags & CAM_MODE_LAKITU_WAS_ZOOMED_OUT) {
gCameraMovementFlags |= CAM_MOVE_ZOOMED_OUT;
} else {
gCameraMovementFlags &= ~CAM_MOVE_ZOOMED_OUT;
if (sSelectionFlags & CAM_MODE_MARIO_ACTIVE) {
return curMode;
* Enables the handheld shake effect for this frame.
* @see shake_camera_handheld()
void set_handheld_shake(u8 mode) {
switch (mode) {
// They're not in numerical order because that would be too simple...
case HAND_CAM_SHAKE_CUTSCENE: // Lowest increment
sHandheldShakeMag = 0x600;
sHandheldShakeInc = 0.04f;
case HAND_CAM_SHAKE_LOW: // Lowest magnitude
sHandheldShakeMag = 0x300;
sHandheldShakeInc = 0.06f;
case HAND_CAM_SHAKE_HIGH: // Highest mag and inc
sHandheldShakeMag = 0x1000;
sHandheldShakeInc = 0.1f;
case HAND_CAM_SHAKE_UNUSED: // Never used
sHandheldShakeMag = 0x600;
sHandheldShakeInc = 0.07f;
case HAND_CAM_SHAKE_HANG_OWL: // exactly the same as UNUSED...
sHandheldShakeMag = 0x600;
sHandheldShakeInc = 0.07f;
case HAND_CAM_SHAKE_STAR_DANCE: // Slightly steadier than HANG_OWL and UNUSED
sHandheldShakeMag = 0x400;
sHandheldShakeInc = 0.07f;
sHandheldShakeMag = 0x0;
sHandheldShakeInc = 0.f;
* When sHandheldShakeMag is nonzero, this function adds small random offsets to `focus` every time
* sHandheldShakeTimer increases above 1.0, simulating the camera shake caused by unsteady hands.
* This function must be called every frame in order to actually apply the effect, since the effect's
* mag and inc are set to 0 every frame at the end of this function.
void shake_camera_handheld(Vec3f pos, Vec3f focus) {
s32 i;
Vec3f shakeOffset;
Vec3f shakeSpline[4];
f32 dist;
s16 pitch;
s16 yaw;
UNUSED u8 unused[8];
if (sHandheldShakeMag == 0) {
vec3f_set(shakeOffset, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
} else {
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
shakeSpline[i][0] = sHandheldShakeSpline[i].point[0];
shakeSpline[i][1] = sHandheldShakeSpline[i].point[1];
shakeSpline[i][2] = sHandheldShakeSpline[i].point[2];
evaluate_cubic_spline(sHandheldShakeTimer, shakeOffset, shakeSpline[0],
shakeSpline[1], shakeSpline[2], shakeSpline[3]);
if (1.f <= (sHandheldShakeTimer += sHandheldShakeInc)) {
// The first 3 control points are always (0,0,0), so the random spline is always just a
// straight line
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
vec3s_copy(sHandheldShakeSpline[i].point, sHandheldShakeSpline[i + 1].point);
random_vec3s(sHandheldShakeSpline[3].point, sHandheldShakeMag, sHandheldShakeMag, sHandheldShakeMag / 2);
sHandheldShakeTimer -= 1.f;
// Code dead, this is set to be 0 before it is used.
sHandheldShakeInc = random_float() * 0.5f;
if (sHandheldShakeInc < 0.02f) {
sHandheldShakeInc = 0.02f;
approach_s16_asymptotic_bool(&sHandheldShakePitch, shakeOffset[0], 0x08);
approach_s16_asymptotic_bool(&sHandheldShakeYaw, shakeOffset[1], 0x08);
approach_s16_asymptotic_bool(&sHandheldShakeRoll, shakeOffset[2], 0x08);
if (sHandheldShakePitch | sHandheldShakeYaw) {
vec3f_get_dist_and_angle(pos, focus, &dist, &pitch, &yaw);
pitch += sHandheldShakePitch;
yaw += sHandheldShakeYaw;
vec3f_set_dist_and_angle(pos, focus, dist, pitch, yaw);
// Unless called every frame, the effect will stop after the first time.
sHandheldShakeMag = 0;
sHandheldShakeInc = 0.f;
* Updates C Button input state and stores it in `currentState`
s32 find_c_buttons_pressed(u16 currentState, u16 buttonsPressed, u16 buttonsDown) {
if (sCurrPlayMode == PLAY_MODE_PAUSED) { return 0; }
buttonsPressed &= CBUTTON_MASK;
buttonsDown &= CBUTTON_MASK;
if (buttonsPressed & L_CBUTTONS) {
currentState |= L_CBUTTONS;
currentState &= ~R_CBUTTONS;
if (!(buttonsDown & L_CBUTTONS)) {
currentState &= ~L_CBUTTONS;
if (buttonsPressed & R_CBUTTONS) {
currentState |= R_CBUTTONS;
currentState &= ~L_CBUTTONS;
if (!(buttonsDown & R_CBUTTONS)) {
currentState &= ~R_CBUTTONS;
if (buttonsPressed & U_CBUTTONS) {
currentState |= U_CBUTTONS;
currentState &= ~D_CBUTTONS;
if (!(buttonsDown & U_CBUTTONS)) {
currentState &= ~U_CBUTTONS;
if (buttonsPressed & D_CBUTTONS) {
currentState |= D_CBUTTONS;
currentState &= ~U_CBUTTONS;
if (!(buttonsDown & D_CBUTTONS)) {
currentState &= ~D_CBUTTONS;
return currentState;
* Determine which icon to show on the HUD
s32 update_camera_hud_status(struct Camera *c) {
s16 status = CAM_STATUS_NONE;
if (c->cutscene != 0
|| ((gPlayer1Controller->buttonDown & R_TRIG) && cam_select_alt_mode(0) == CAM_SELECTION_FIXED)
|| gOverrideFreezeCamera) {
} else if (set_cam_angle(0) == CAM_ANGLE_MARIO) {
} else {
if (gCameraMovementFlags & CAM_MOVE_ZOOMED_OUT) {
status |= CAM_STATUS_C_DOWN;
if (gCameraMovementFlags & CAM_MOVE_C_UP_MODE) {
status |= CAM_STATUS_C_UP;
return status;
* Check `pos` for collisions within `radius`, and update `pos`
* @return the number of collisions found
s32 collide_with_walls(Vec3f pos, f32 offsetY, f32 radius) {
struct WallCollisionData collisionData;
struct Surface *wall = NULL;
f32 normX;
f32 normY;
f32 normZ;
f32 originOffset;
f32 offset;
f32 offsetAbsolute;
Vec3f newPos[4];
s32 i;
s32 numCollisions = 0;
collisionData.x = pos[0];
collisionData.y = pos[1];
collisionData.z = pos[2];
collisionData.radius = radius;
collisionData.offsetY = offsetY;
numCollisions = find_wall_collisions(&collisionData);
if (numCollisions != 0) {
for (i = 0; i < collisionData.numWalls; i++) {
wall = collisionData.walls[collisionData.numWalls - 1];
vec3f_copy(newPos[i], pos);
normX = wall->normal.x;
normY = wall->normal.y;
normZ = wall->normal.z;
originOffset = wall->originOffset;
offset = normX * newPos[i][0] + normY * newPos[i][1] + normZ * newPos[i][2] + originOffset;
offsetAbsolute = ABS2(offset);
if (offsetAbsolute < radius) {
newPos[i][0] += normX * (radius - offset);
newPos[i][2] += normZ * (radius - offset);
vec3f_copy(pos, newPos[i]);
return numCollisions;
* Compare a vector to a position, return TRUE if they match.
s32 vec3f_compare(Vec3f pos, f32 posX, f32 posY, f32 posZ) {
s32 equal = FALSE;
if (pos[0] == posX && pos[1] == posY && pos[2] == posZ) {
equal = TRUE;
return equal;
s32 clamp_pitch(Vec3f from, Vec3f to, s16 maxPitch, s16 minPitch) {
s32 outOfRange = 0;
s16 pitch;
s16 yaw;
f32 dist;
vec3f_get_dist_and_angle(from, to, &dist, &pitch, &yaw);
if (pitch > maxPitch) {
pitch = maxPitch;
if (pitch < minPitch) {
pitch = minPitch;
vec3f_set_dist_and_angle(from, to, dist, pitch, yaw);
return outOfRange;
s32 is_within_100_units_of_mario(f32 posX, f32 posY, f32 posZ) {
s32 isCloseToMario = 0;
Vec3f pos;
vec3f_set(pos, posX, posY, posZ);
if (calc_abs_dist(sMarioCamState->pos, pos) < 100.f) {
isCloseToMario = 1;
return isCloseToMario;
s32 set_or_approach_f32_asymptotic(f32 *dst, f32 goal, f32 scale) {
if (!dst) { return FALSE; }
if (sStatusFlags & CAM_FLAG_SMOOTH_MOVEMENT) {
approach_f32_asymptotic_bool(dst, goal, scale);
} else {
*dst = goal;
if (*dst == goal) {
return FALSE;
} else {
return TRUE;
* Approaches an f32 value by taking the difference between the target and current value
* and adding a fraction of that to the current value.
* Edits the current value directly, returns TRUE if the target has been reached, FALSE otherwise.
s32 approach_f32_asymptotic_bool(f32 *current, f32 target, f32 multiplier) {
if (!current) { return FALSE; }
if (multiplier > 1.f) {
multiplier = 1.f;
*current = *current + (target - *current) * multiplier;
if (*current == target) {
return FALSE;
} else {
return TRUE;
* Nearly the same as the above function, returns new value instead.
f32 approach_f32_asymptotic(f32 current, f32 target, f32 multiplier) {
current = current + (target - current) * multiplier;
return current;
* Approaches an s16 value in the same fashion as approach_f32_asymptotic_bool, returns TRUE if target
* is reached. Note: Since this function takes integers as parameters, the last argument is the
* reciprocal of what it would be in the previous two functions.
s32 approach_s16_asymptotic_bool(s16 *current, s16 target, s16 divisor) {
if (!current) { return FALSE; }
s16 temp = *current;
if (divisor == 0) {
*current = target;
} else {
temp -= target;
temp -= temp / divisor;
temp += target;
*current = temp;
if (*current == target) {
return FALSE;
} else {
return TRUE;
* Approaches an s16 value in the same fashion as approach_f32_asymptotic, returns the new value.
* Note: last parameter is the reciprocal of what it would be in the f32 functions
s32 approach_s16_asymptotic(s16 current, s16 target, s16 divisor) {
s16 temp = current;
if (divisor == 0) {
current = target;
} else {
temp -= target;
temp -= temp / divisor;
temp += target;
current = temp;
return current;
* Applies the approach_f32_asymptotic_bool function to each of the X, Y, & Z components of the given
* vector.
void approach_vec3f_asymptotic(Vec3f current, Vec3f target, f32 xMul, f32 yMul, f32 zMul) {
approach_f32_asymptotic_bool(¤t[0], target[0], xMul);
approach_f32_asymptotic_bool(¤t[1], target[1], yMul);
approach_f32_asymptotic_bool(¤t[2], target[2], zMul);
* Applies the set_or_approach_f32_asymptotic_bool function to each of the X, Y, & Z components of the
* given vector.
void set_or_approach_vec3f_asymptotic(Vec3f dst, Vec3f goal, f32 xMul, f32 yMul, f32 zMul) {
set_or_approach_f32_asymptotic(&dst[0], goal[0], xMul);
set_or_approach_f32_asymptotic(&dst[1], goal[1], yMul);
set_or_approach_f32_asymptotic(&dst[2], goal[2], zMul);
* Applies the approach_s32_asymptotic function to each of the X, Y, & Z components of the given
* vector.
void approach_vec3s_asymptotic(Vec3s current, Vec3s target, s16 xMul, s16 yMul, s16 zMul) {
approach_s16_asymptotic_bool(¤t[0], target[0], xMul);
approach_s16_asymptotic_bool(¤t[1], target[1], yMul);
approach_s16_asymptotic_bool(¤t[2], target[2], zMul);
s32 camera_approach_s16_symmetric_bool(s16 *current, s16 target, s16 increment) {
if (!current) { return FALSE; }
s16 dist = target - *current;
if (increment < 0) {
increment = -1 * increment;
if (dist > 0) {
dist -= increment;
if (dist >= 0) {
*current = target - dist;
} else {
*current = target;
} else {
dist += increment;
if (dist <= 0) {
*current = target - dist;
} else {
*current = target;
if (*current == target) {
return FALSE;
} else {
return TRUE;
s32 camera_approach_s16_symmetric(s16 current, s16 target, s16 increment) {
s16 dist = target - current;
if (increment < 0) {
increment = -1 * increment;
if (dist > 0) {
dist -= increment;
if (dist >= 0) {
current = target - dist;
} else {
current = target;
} else {
dist += increment;
if (dist <= 0) {
current = target - dist;
} else {
current = target;
return current;
s32 set_or_approach_s16_symmetric(s16 *current, s16 target, s16 increment) {
if (!current) { return FALSE; }
if (sStatusFlags & CAM_FLAG_SMOOTH_MOVEMENT) {
camera_approach_s16_symmetric_bool(current, target, increment);
} else {
*current = target;
if (*current == target) {
return FALSE;
} else {
return TRUE;
* Approaches a value by a given increment, returns FALSE if the target is reached.
* Appears to be a strange way of implementing approach_f32_symmetric from object_helpers.c.
* It could possibly be an older version of the function
s32 camera_approach_f32_symmetric_bool(f32 *current, f32 target, f32 increment) {
if (!current) { return FALSE; }
f32 dist = target - *current;
if (increment < 0) {
increment = -1 * increment;
if (dist > 0) {
dist -= increment;
if (dist > 0) {
*current = target - dist;
} else {
*current = target;
} else {
dist += increment;
if (dist < 0) {
*current = target - dist;
} else {
*current = target;
if (*current == target) {
return FALSE;
} else {
return TRUE;
* Nearly the same as the above function, this one returns the new value in place of a bool.
f32 camera_approach_f32_symmetric(f32 current, f32 target, f32 increment) {
f32 dist = target - current;
if (increment < 0) {
increment = -1 * increment;
if (dist > 0) {
dist -= increment;
if (dist > 0) {
current = target - dist;
} else {
current = target;
} else {
dist += increment;
if (dist < 0) {
current = target - dist;
} else {
current = target;
return current;
* Generate a vector with all three values about zero. The
* three ranges determine how wide the range about zero.
void random_vec3s(Vec3s dst, s16 xRange, s16 yRange, s16 zRange) {
f32 randomFloat;
UNUSED u8 unused[4];
f32 tempXRange;
f32 tempYRange;
f32 tempZRange;
randomFloat = random_float();
tempXRange = xRange;
dst[0] = randomFloat * tempXRange - tempXRange / 2;
randomFloat = random_float();
tempYRange = yRange;
dst[1] = randomFloat * tempYRange - tempYRange / 2;
randomFloat = random_float();
tempZRange = zRange;
dst[2] = randomFloat * tempZRange - tempZRange / 2;
* Decrease value by multiplying it by the distance from (`posX`, `posY`, `posZ`) to
* the camera divided by `maxDist`
* @return the reduced value
s16 reduce_by_dist_from_camera(s16 value, f32 maxDist, f32 posX, f32 posY, f32 posZ) {
Vec3f pos;
f32 dist;
s16 pitch;
s16 yaw;
s16 goalPitch;
s16 goalYaw;
s16 result = 0;
// Direction from pos to (Lakitu's) goalPos
f32 goalDX = gLakituState.goalPos[0] - posX;
f32 goalDY = gLakituState.goalPos[1] - posY;
f32 goalDZ = gLakituState.goalPos[2] - posZ;
dist = sqrtf(goalDX * goalDX + goalDY * goalDY + goalDZ * goalDZ);
if (maxDist > dist) {
pos[0] = posX;
pos[1] = posY;
pos[2] = posZ;
vec3f_get_dist_and_angle(gLakituState.goalPos, pos, &dist, &pitch, &yaw);
if (dist < maxDist) {
calculate_angles(gLakituState.goalPos, gLakituState.goalFocus, &goalPitch, &goalYaw);
//! Must be same line to match on -O2
pitch -= goalPitch; yaw -= goalYaw;
dist -= 2000.f;
if (dist < 0.f) {
dist = 0.f;
maxDist -= 2000.f;
if (maxDist < 2000.f) {
maxDist = 2000.f;
result = value * (1.f - dist / maxDist);
if (pitch < -0x1800 || pitch > 0x400 ||
yaw < -0x1800 || yaw > 0x1800) {
result /= 2;
return result;
s32 clamp_positions_and_find_yaw(Vec3f pos, Vec3f origin, f32 xMax, f32 xMin, f32 zMax, f32 zMin) {
s16 yaw = gCamera->nextYaw;
if (pos[0] >= xMax) {
pos[0] = xMax;
if (pos[0] <= xMin) {
pos[0] = xMin;
if (pos[2] >= zMax) {
pos[2] = zMax;
if (pos[2] <= zMin) {
pos[2] = zMin;
yaw = calculate_yaw(origin, pos);
return yaw;
* The yaw passed here is the yaw of the direction FROM Mario TO Lakitu.
* wallYaw always has 90 degrees added to it before this is called -- it's parallel to the wall.
* @return the new yaw from Mario to rotate towards.
* @warning this is jank. It actually returns the yaw that will rotate further INTO the wall. So, the
* developers just add 180 degrees to the result.
s32 calc_avoid_yaw(s16 yawFromMario, s16 wallYaw) {
s16 yawDiff;
UNUSED u8 unused[34]; // Debug print buffer? ;)
UNUSED s32 unused1 = 0;
UNUSED s32 unused2 = 0;
yawDiff = wallYaw - yawFromMario + DEGREES(90);
if (yawDiff < 0) {
// Deflect to the right
yawFromMario = wallYaw;
} else {
// Note: this favors the left side if the wall is exactly perpendicular to the camera.
// Deflect to the left
yawFromMario = wallYaw + DEGREES(180);
return yawFromMario;
* Checks if `surf` is within the rect prism defined by xMax, yMax, and zMax
* @param surf surface to check
* @param xMax absolute-value max size in x, set to -1 to ignore
* @param yMax absolute-value max size in y, set to -1 to ignore
* @param zMax absolute-value max size in z, set to -1 to ignore
s32 is_surf_within_bounding_box(struct Surface *surf, f32 xMax, f32 yMax, f32 zMax) {
// Surface vertex coordinates
Vec3s sx;
Vec3s sy;
Vec3s sz;
// Max delta between x, y, and z
s16 dxMax = 0;
s16 dyMax = 0;
s16 dzMax = 0;
// Current deltas between x, y, and z
f32 dx;
f32 dy;
f32 dz;
UNUSED u8 unused[4];
s32 i;
s32 j;
// result
s32 smaller = FALSE;
sx[0] = surf->vertex1[0];
sx[1] = surf->vertex2[0];
sx[2] = surf->vertex3[0];
sy[0] = surf->vertex1[1];
sy[1] = surf->vertex2[1];
sy[2] = surf->vertex3[1];
sz[0] = surf->vertex1[2];
sz[1] = surf->vertex2[2];
sz[2] = surf->vertex3[2];
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
j = i + 1;
if (j >= 3) {
j = 0;
dx = ABS(sx[i] - sx[j]);
if (dx > dxMax) {
dxMax = dx;
dy = ABS(sy[i] - sy[j]);
if (dy > dyMax) {
dyMax = dy;
dz = ABS(sz[i] - sz[j]);
if (dz > dzMax) {
dzMax = dz;
if (yMax != -1.f) {
if (dyMax < yMax) {
smaller = TRUE;
if (xMax != -1.f && zMax != -1.f) {
if (dxMax < xMax && dzMax < zMax) {
smaller = TRUE;
return smaller;
* Checks if `pos` is behind the surface, using the dot product.
* Because the function only uses `surf`s first vertex, some surfaces can shadow others.
s32 is_behind_surface(Vec3f pos, struct Surface *surf) {
s32 behindSurface = 0;
// Surface normal
f32 normX = (surf->vertex2[1] - surf->vertex1[1]) * (surf->vertex3[2] - surf->vertex2[2]) -
(surf->vertex3[1] - surf->vertex2[1]) * (surf->vertex2[2] - surf->vertex1[2]);
f32 normY = (surf->vertex2[2] - surf->vertex1[2]) * (surf->vertex3[0] - surf->vertex2[0]) -
(surf->vertex3[2] - surf->vertex2[2]) * (surf->vertex2[0] - surf->vertex1[0]);
f32 normZ = (surf->vertex2[0] - surf->vertex1[0]) * (surf->vertex3[1] - surf->vertex2[1]) -
(surf->vertex3[0] - surf->vertex2[0]) * (surf->vertex2[1] - surf->vertex1[1]);
f32 dirX = surf->vertex1[0] - pos[0];
f32 dirY = surf->vertex1[1] - pos[1];
f32 dirZ = surf->vertex1[2] - pos[2];
if (dirX * normX + dirY * normY + dirZ * normZ < 0) {
behindSurface = 1;
return behindSurface;
* Checks if the whole circular sector is behind the surface.
s32 is_range_behind_surface(Vec3f from, Vec3f to, struct Surface *surf, s16 range, s16 surfType) {
s32 behindSurface = TRUE;
s32 leftBehind = 0;
s32 rightBehind = 0;
UNUSED u8 unused[20];
f32 checkDist;
s16 checkPitch;
s16 checkYaw;
Vec3f checkPos;
if (surf != NULL) {
if (surfType == -1 || surf->type != surfType) {
if (range == 0) {
behindSurface = is_behind_surface(to, surf);
} else {
vec3f_get_dist_and_angle(from, to, &checkDist, &checkPitch, &checkYaw);
vec3f_set_dist_and_angle(from, checkPos, checkDist, checkPitch, checkYaw + range);
leftBehind = is_behind_surface(checkPos, surf);
vec3f_set_dist_and_angle(from, checkPos, checkDist, checkPitch, checkYaw - range);
rightBehind = is_behind_surface(checkPos, surf);
behindSurface = leftBehind * rightBehind;
return behindSurface;
s32 is_mario_behind_surface(UNUSED struct Camera *c, struct Surface *surf) {
s32 behindSurface = is_behind_surface(sMarioCamState->pos, surf);
return behindSurface;
* Calculates the distance between two points and sets a vector to a point
* scaled along a line between them. Typically, somewhere in the middle.
void scale_along_line(Vec3f dst, Vec3f from, Vec3f to, f32 scale) {
Vec3f tempVec;
tempVec[0] = (to[0] - from[0]) * scale + from[0];
tempVec[1] = (to[1] - from[1]) * scale + from[1];
tempVec[2] = (to[2] - from[2]) * scale + from[2];
vec3f_copy(dst, tempVec);
* Effectively created a rectangular prism defined by a vector starting at the center
* and extending to the corners. If the position is in this box, the function returns true.
s32 is_pos_in_bounds(Vec3f pos, Vec3f center, Vec3f bounds, s16 boundsYaw) {
s32 inBound = FALSE;
Vec3f rel;
rel[0] = center[0] - pos[0];
rel[1] = center[1] - pos[1];
rel[2] = center[2] - pos[2];
rotate_in_xz(rel, rel, boundsYaw);
if (-bounds[0] < rel[0] && rel[0] < bounds[0] &&
-bounds[1] < rel[1] && rel[1] < bounds[1] &&
-bounds[2] < rel[2] && rel[2] < bounds[2]) {
inBound = TRUE;
return inBound;
s16 calculate_pitch(Vec3f from, Vec3f to) {
f32 dx = to[0] - from[0];
f32 dy = to[1] - from[1];
f32 dz = to[2] - from[2];
s16 pitch = atan2s(sqrtf(dx * dx + dz * dz), dy);
return pitch;
s16 calculate_yaw(Vec3f from, Vec3f to) {
f32 dx = to[0] - from[0];
UNUSED f32 dy = to[1] - from[1];
f32 dz = to[2] - from[2];
s16 yaw = atan2s(dz, dx);
return yaw;
* Calculates the pitch and yaw between two vectors.
void calculate_angles(Vec3f from, Vec3f to, s16 *pitch, s16 *yaw) {
f32 dx = to[0] - from[0];
f32 dy = to[1] - from[1];
f32 dz = to[2] - from[2];
*pitch = atan2s(sqrtf(dx * dx + dz * dz), dy);
*yaw = atan2s(dz, dx);
* Finds the distance between two vectors.
f32 calc_abs_dist(Vec3f a, Vec3f b) {
f32 distX = b[0] - a[0];
f32 distY = b[1] - a[1];
f32 distZ = b[2] - a[2];
f32 distAbs = sqrtf(distX * distX + distY * distY + distZ * distZ);
return distAbs;
* Finds the horizontal distance between two vectors.
f32 calc_hor_dist(Vec3f a, Vec3f b) {
f32 distX = b[0] - a[0];
f32 distZ = b[2] - a[2];
f32 distHor = sqrtf(distX * distX + distZ * distZ);
return distHor;
* Rotates a vector in the horizontal plane and copies it to a new vector.
void rotate_in_xz(Vec3f dst, Vec3f src, s16 yaw) {
Vec3f tempVec;
vec3f_copy(tempVec, src);
dst[0] = tempVec[2] * sins(yaw) + tempVec[0] * coss(yaw);
dst[1] = tempVec[1];
dst[2] = tempVec[2] * coss(yaw) - tempVec[0] * sins(yaw);
* Rotates a vector in the YZ plane and copies it to a new vector.
* Note: This function also flips the Z axis, so +Z moves forward, not backward like it would in world
* space. If possible, use vec3f_set_dist_and_angle()
void rotate_in_yz(Vec3f dst, Vec3f src, s16 pitch) {
Vec3f tempVec;
vec3f_copy(tempVec, src);
dst[2] = -(tempVec[2] * coss(pitch) - tempVec[1] * sins(pitch));
dst[1] = tempVec[2] * sins(pitch) + tempVec[1] * coss(pitch);
dst[0] = tempVec[0];
* Start shaking the camera's pitch (up and down)
void set_camera_pitch_shake(s16 mag, s16 decay, s16 inc) {
if (gLakituState.shakeMagnitude[0] < mag) {
gLakituState.shakeMagnitude[0] = mag;
gLakituState.shakePitchDecay = decay;
gLakituState.shakePitchVel = inc;
* Start shaking the camera's yaw (side to side)
void set_camera_yaw_shake(s16 mag, s16 decay, s16 inc) {
if (ABS(mag) > ABS(gLakituState.shakeMagnitude[1])) {
gLakituState.shakeMagnitude[1] = mag;
gLakituState.shakeYawDecay = decay;
gLakituState.shakeYawVel = inc;
* Start shaking the camera's roll (rotate screen clockwise and counterclockwise)
void set_camera_roll_shake(s16 mag, s16 decay, s16 inc) {
if (gLakituState.shakeMagnitude[2] < mag) {
gLakituState.shakeMagnitude[2] = mag;
gLakituState.shakeRollDecay = decay;
gLakituState.shakeRollVel = inc;
* Start shaking the camera's pitch, but reduce `mag` by it's distance from the camera
void set_pitch_shake_from_point(s16 mag, s16 decay, s16 inc, f32 maxDist, f32 posX, f32 posY, f32 posZ) {
Vec3f pos;
f32 dist;
s16 dummyPitch;
s16 dummyYaw;
pos[0] = posX;
pos[1] = posY;
pos[2] = posZ;
vec3f_get_dist_and_angle(gLakituState.goalPos, pos, &dist, &dummyPitch, &dummyYaw);
mag = reduce_by_dist_from_camera(mag, maxDist, posX, posY, posZ);
if (mag != 0) {
set_camera_pitch_shake(mag, decay, inc);
* Start shaking the camera's yaw, but reduce `mag` by it's distance from the camera
void set_yaw_shake_from_point(s16 mag, s16 decay, s16 inc, f32 maxDist, f32 posX, f32 posY, f32 posZ) {
Vec3f pos;
f32 dist;
s16 dummyPitch;
s16 dummyYaw;
pos[0] = posX;
pos[1] = posY;
pos[2] = posZ;
vec3f_get_dist_and_angle(gLakituState.goalPos, pos, &dist, &dummyPitch, &dummyYaw);
mag = reduce_by_dist_from_camera(mag, maxDist, posX, posY, posZ);
if (mag != 0) {
set_camera_yaw_shake(mag, decay, inc);
* Update the shake offset by `increment`
void increment_shake_offset(s16 *offset, s16 increment) {
if (increment == -0x8000) {
*offset = (*offset & 0x8000) + 0xC000;
} else {
*offset += increment;
* Apply a vertical shake to the camera by adjusting its pitch
void shake_camera_pitch(Vec3f pos, Vec3f focus) {
f32 dist;
s16 pitch;
s16 yaw;
if (gLakituState.shakeMagnitude[0] | gLakituState.shakeMagnitude[1]) {
vec3f_get_dist_and_angle(pos, focus, &dist, &pitch, &yaw);
pitch += gLakituState.shakeMagnitude[0] * sins(gLakituState.shakePitchPhase);
vec3f_set_dist_and_angle(pos, focus, dist, pitch, yaw);
increment_shake_offset(&gLakituState.shakePitchPhase, gLakituState.shakePitchVel);
if (camera_approach_s16_symmetric_bool(&gLakituState.shakeMagnitude[0], 0,
gLakituState.shakePitchDecay) == 0) {
gLakituState.shakePitchPhase = 0;
* Apply a horizontal shake to the camera by adjusting its yaw
void shake_camera_yaw(Vec3f pos, Vec3f focus) {
f32 dist;
s16 pitch;
s16 yaw;
if (gLakituState.shakeMagnitude[1] != 0) {
vec3f_get_dist_and_angle(pos, focus, &dist, &pitch, &yaw);
yaw += gLakituState.shakeMagnitude[1] * sins(gLakituState.shakeYawPhase);
vec3f_set_dist_and_angle(pos, focus, dist, pitch, yaw);
increment_shake_offset(&gLakituState.shakeYawPhase, gLakituState.shakeYawVel);
if (camera_approach_s16_symmetric_bool(&gLakituState.shakeMagnitude[1], 0,
gLakituState.shakeYawDecay) == 0) {
gLakituState.shakeYawPhase = 0;
* Apply a rotational shake to the camera by adjusting its roll
void shake_camera_roll(s16 *roll) {
UNUSED u8 unused[8];
if (gLakituState.shakeMagnitude[2] != 0) {
increment_shake_offset(&gLakituState.shakeRollPhase, gLakituState.shakeRollVel);
*roll += gLakituState.shakeMagnitude[2] * sins(gLakituState.shakeRollPhase);
if (camera_approach_s16_symmetric_bool(&gLakituState.shakeMagnitude[2], 0,
gLakituState.shakeRollDecay) == 0) {
gLakituState.shakeRollPhase = 0;
* Add an offset to the camera's yaw, used in levels that are inside a rectangular building, like the
* pyramid or TTC.
s32 offset_yaw_outward_radial(struct Camera *c, s16 areaYaw) {
if (!c) { return 0; }
s16 yawGoal = DEGREES(60);
s16 yaw = sModeOffsetYaw;
f32 distFromAreaCenter;
Vec3f areaCenter;
s16 dYaw;
switch (gCurrLevelArea) {
case AREA_TTC:
areaCenter[0] = c->areaCenX;
areaCenter[1] = sMarioCamState->pos[1];
areaCenter[2] = c->areaCenZ;
distFromAreaCenter = calc_abs_dist(areaCenter, sMarioCamState->pos);
if (800.f > distFromAreaCenter) {
yawGoal = 0x3800;
// This mask splits the 360 degrees of yaw into 4 corners. It adds 45 degrees so that the yaw
// offset at the corner will be 0, but the yaw offset near the center will face more towards
// the direction Mario is running in.
yawGoal = (areaYaw & 0xC000) - areaYaw + DEGREES(45);
if (yawGoal < 0) {
yawGoal = -yawGoal;
yawGoal = yawGoal / 32 * 48;
yawGoal = 0;
dYaw = gMarioStates[0].forwardVel / 32.f * 128.f;
if (sAreaYawChange < 0) {
camera_approach_s16_symmetric_bool(&yaw, -yawGoal, dYaw);
if (sAreaYawChange > 0) {
camera_approach_s16_symmetric_bool(&yaw, yawGoal, dYaw);
// When the final yaw is out of [-60,60] degrees, approach yawGoal faster than dYaw will ever be,
// making the camera lock in one direction until yawGoal drops below 60 (or Mario presses a C button)
if (yaw < -DEGREES(60)) {
//! Maybe they meant to reverse yawGoal's sign?
camera_approach_s16_symmetric_bool(&yaw, -yawGoal, 0x200);
if (yaw > DEGREES(60)) {
//! Maybe they meant to reverse yawGoal's sign?
camera_approach_s16_symmetric_bool(&yaw, yawGoal, 0x200);
return yaw;
* Plays the background music that starts while peach reads the intro message.
void cutscene_intro_peach_play_message_music(void) {
* Plays the music that starts after peach fades and Lakitu appears.
void cutscene_intro_peach_play_lakitu_flying_music(void) {
void play_camera_buzz_if_cdown(void) {
if (gPlayer1Controller->buttonPressed & D_CBUTTONS) {
void play_camera_buzz_if_cbutton(void) {
if (gPlayer1Controller->buttonPressed & CBUTTON_MASK) {
void play_camera_buzz_if_c_sideways(void) {
if ((gPlayer1Controller->buttonPressed & L_CBUTTONS)
|| (gPlayer1Controller->buttonPressed & R_CBUTTONS)) {
void play_sound_cbutton_up(void) {
play_sound(SOUND_MENU_CAMERA_ZOOM_IN, gGlobalSoundSource);
void play_sound_cbutton_down(void) {
play_sound(SOUND_MENU_CAMERA_ZOOM_OUT, gGlobalSoundSource);
void play_sound_cbutton_side(void) {
play_sound(SOUND_MENU_CAMERA_TURN, gGlobalSoundSource);
void play_sound_button_change_blocked(void) {
play_sound(SOUND_MENU_CAMERA_BUZZ, gGlobalSoundSource);
void play_sound_rbutton_changed(void) {
play_sound(SOUND_MENU_CLICK_CHANGE_VIEW, gGlobalSoundSource);
void play_sound_if_cam_switched_to_lakitu_or_mario(void) {
if (sCameraSoundFlags & CAM_SOUND_MARIO_ACTIVE) {
if (sCameraSoundFlags & CAM_SOUND_NORMAL_ACTIVE) {
* Handles input for radial, outwards radial, parallel tracking, and 8 direction mode.
s32 radial_camera_input(struct Camera *c, UNUSED f32 unused) {
if (!c) { return 0; }
s16 dummy = 0;
if ((gCameraMovementFlags & CAM_MOVE_ENTERED_ROTATE_SURFACE) || !(gCameraMovementFlags & CAM_MOVE_ROTATE)) {
// If C-L or C-R are pressed, the camera is rotating
if ((sCurrPlayMode != PLAY_MODE_PAUSED) && gPlayer1Controller->buttonPressed & (L_CBUTTONS | R_CBUTTONS)) {
// @bug this does not clear the rotation flags set by the surface. It's possible to set
// both ROTATE_LEFT and ROTATE_RIGHT, locking the camera.
// Ex: If a surface set CAM_MOVE_ROTATE_RIGHT and the user presses C-R, it locks the
// camera until a different mode is activated
// Rotate Right and left
if ((sCurrPlayMode != PLAY_MODE_PAUSED) && gPlayer1Controller->buttonPressed & R_CBUTTONS) {
if (sModeOffsetYaw > -0x800) {
// The camera is now rotating right
if (!(gCameraMovementFlags & CAM_MOVE_ROTATE_RIGHT)) {
gCameraMovementFlags |= CAM_MOVE_ROTATE_RIGHT;
if (c->mode == CAMERA_MODE_RADIAL) {
// if > ~48 degrees, we're rotating for the second time.
if (sModeOffsetYaw > 0x22AA) {
s2ndRotateFlags |= CAM_MOVE_ROTATE_RIGHT;
if (sModeOffsetYaw == DEGREES(105)) {
} else {
} else {
if (sModeOffsetYaw == DEGREES(60)) {
} else {
} else {
gCameraMovementFlags |= CAM_MOVE_RETURN_TO_MIDDLE;
if ((sCurrPlayMode != PLAY_MODE_PAUSED) && gPlayer1Controller->buttonPressed & L_CBUTTONS) {
if (sModeOffsetYaw < 0x800) {
if (!(gCameraMovementFlags & CAM_MOVE_ROTATE_LEFT)) {
gCameraMovementFlags |= CAM_MOVE_ROTATE_LEFT;
if (c->mode == CAMERA_MODE_RADIAL) {
// if < ~48 degrees, we're rotating for the second time.
if (sModeOffsetYaw < -0x22AA) {
s2ndRotateFlags |= CAM_MOVE_ROTATE_LEFT;
if (sModeOffsetYaw == DEGREES(-105)) {
} else {
} else {
if (sModeOffsetYaw == DEGREES(-60)) {
} else {
} else {
gCameraMovementFlags |= CAM_MOVE_RETURN_TO_MIDDLE;
// Zoom in / enter C-Up
if ((sCurrPlayMode != PLAY_MODE_PAUSED) && gPlayer1Controller->buttonPressed & U_CBUTTONS) {
if (gCameraMovementFlags & CAM_MOVE_ZOOMED_OUT) {
gCameraMovementFlags &= ~CAM_MOVE_ZOOMED_OUT;
} else {
// Zoom out
if ((sCurrPlayMode != PLAY_MODE_PAUSED) && gPlayer1Controller->buttonPressed & D_CBUTTONS) {
if (gCameraMovementFlags & CAM_MOVE_ZOOMED_OUT) {
gCameraMovementFlags |= CAM_MOVE_ALREADY_ZOOMED_OUT;
#ifndef VERSION_JP
} else {
gCameraMovementFlags |= CAM_MOVE_ZOOMED_OUT;
//! returning uninitialized variable
return dummy;
* Starts a cutscene dialog. Only has an effect when `trigger` is 1
s32 trigger_cutscene_dialog(s32 trigger) {
s32 result = 0;
UNUSED struct Camera *c = gCamera;
if (trigger == 1) {
if (trigger == 2) {
return result;
* Updates the camera based on which C buttons are pressed this frame
void handle_c_button_movement(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
s16 cSideYaw = 0;
// Zoom in
if ((sCurrPlayMode != PLAY_MODE_PAUSED) && gPlayer1Controller->buttonPressed & U_CBUTTONS) {
if (c->mode != CAMERA_MODE_FIXED && (gCameraMovementFlags & CAM_MOVE_ZOOMED_OUT)) {
gCameraMovementFlags &= ~CAM_MOVE_ZOOMED_OUT;
} else {
if (sZeroZoomDist > gCameraZoomDist) {
sZoomAmount = -gCameraZoomDist;
} else {
sZoomAmount = gCameraZoomDist;
if (c->mode != CAMERA_MODE_FIXED) {
// Zoom out
if ((sCurrPlayMode != PLAY_MODE_PAUSED) && gPlayer1Controller->buttonPressed & D_CBUTTONS) {
if (gCameraMovementFlags & CAM_MOVE_ZOOMED_OUT) {
gCameraMovementFlags |= CAM_MOVE_ALREADY_ZOOMED_OUT;
sZoomAmount = gCameraZoomDist + 400.f;
#ifndef VERSION_JP
} else {
gCameraMovementFlags |= CAM_MOVE_ZOOMED_OUT;
sZoomAmount = gCameraZoomDist + 400.f;
// Rotate left or right
cSideYaw = 0x1000;
if ((sCurrPlayMode != PLAY_MODE_PAUSED) && gPlayer1Controller->buttonPressed & R_CBUTTONS) {
if (gCameraMovementFlags & CAM_MOVE_ROTATE_LEFT) {
gCameraMovementFlags &= ~CAM_MOVE_ROTATE_LEFT;
} else {
gCameraMovementFlags |= CAM_MOVE_ROTATE_RIGHT;
if (sCSideButtonYaw == 0) {
sCSideButtonYaw = -cSideYaw;
if ((sCurrPlayMode != PLAY_MODE_PAUSED) && gPlayer1Controller->buttonPressed & L_CBUTTONS) {
if (gCameraMovementFlags & CAM_MOVE_ROTATE_RIGHT) {
gCameraMovementFlags &= ~CAM_MOVE_ROTATE_RIGHT;
} else {
gCameraMovementFlags |= CAM_MOVE_ROTATE_LEFT;
if (sCSideButtonYaw == 0) {
sCSideButtonYaw = cSideYaw;
* Zero the 10 cvars.
void clear_cutscene_vars(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
s32 i;
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
sCutsceneVars[i].unused1 = 0;
vec3f_set(sCutsceneVars[i].point, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
vec3f_set(sCutsceneVars[i].unusedPoint, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
vec3s_set(sCutsceneVars[i].angle, 0, 0, 0);
sCutsceneVars[i].unused2 = 0;
* Start the cutscene, `cutscene`, if it is not already playing.
void start_cutscene(struct Camera *c, u8 cutscene) {
if (!c) { return; }
if (c->cutscene != cutscene) {
c->cutscene = cutscene;
* Look up the victory dance cutscene in sDanceCutsceneTable
* First the index entry is determined based on the course and the star that was just picked up
* Like the entries in sZoomOutAreaMasks, each entry represents two stars
* The current courses's 4 bits of the index entry are used as the actual index into sDanceCutsceneTable
* @return the victory cutscene to use
s32 determine_dance_cutscene(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
u8 cutscene = 0;
u8 cutsceneIndex = 0;
u8 starIndex = (gLastCompletedStarNum - 1) / 2;
u8 courseIndex = gCurrCourseNum;
if (starIndex > 3) {
starIndex = 0;
if (courseIndex > COURSE_MAX) {
courseIndex = COURSE_NONE;
cutsceneIndex = sDanceCutsceneIndexTable[courseIndex][starIndex];
if (gLastCompletedStarNum & 1) {
// Odd stars take the lower four bytes
cutsceneIndex &= 0xF;
} else {
// Even stars use the upper four bytes
cutsceneIndex = cutsceneIndex >> 4;
cutscene = sDanceCutsceneTable[cutsceneIndex];
return cutscene;
* @return `pullResult` or `pushResult` depending on Mario's door action
u8 open_door_cutscene(u8 pullResult, u8 pushResult) {
s16 result = 0;
if (sMarioCamState->action == ACT_PULLING_DOOR) {
result = pullResult;
if (sMarioCamState->action == ACT_PUSHING_DOOR) {
result = pushResult;
return result;
* If no cutscenes are playing, determines if a cutscene should play based on Mario's action and
* cameraEvent
* @return the cutscene that should start, 0 if none
u8 get_cutscene_from_mario_status(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return 0; }
u8 cutscene = c->cutscene;
if (cutscene == 0) {
// A cutscene started by an object, if any, will start if nothing else happened
cutscene = sObjectCutscene;
sObjectCutscene = 0;
if (sMarioCamState->cameraEvent == CAM_EVENT_DOOR) {
switch (gCurrLevelArea) {
//! doorStatus is never DOOR_ENTER_LOBBY when cameraEvent == 6, because
//! doorStatus is only used for the star door in the lobby, which uses
|| c->doorStatus == DOOR_ENTER_LOBBY) {
cutscene = open_door_cutscene(CUTSCENE_DOOR_PULL_MODE, CUTSCENE_DOOR_PUSH_MODE);
} else {
cutscene = open_door_cutscene(CUTSCENE_DOOR_PULL, CUTSCENE_DOOR_PUSH);
case AREA_BBH:
//! Castle Lobby uses 0 to mean 'no special modes', but BBH uses 1...
if (c->doorStatus == DOOR_LEAVING_SPECIAL) {
cutscene = open_door_cutscene(CUTSCENE_DOOR_PULL, CUTSCENE_DOOR_PUSH);
} else {
cutscene = open_door_cutscene(CUTSCENE_DOOR_PULL_MODE, CUTSCENE_DOOR_PUSH_MODE);
cutscene = open_door_cutscene(CUTSCENE_DOOR_PULL, CUTSCENE_DOOR_PUSH);
if (sMarioCamState->cameraEvent == CAM_EVENT_DOOR_WARP) {
if (sMarioCamState->cameraEvent == CAM_EVENT_CANNON) {
if (SURFACE_IS_PAINTING_WARP(sMarioGeometry.currFloorType)) {
switch (sMarioCamState->action) {
if (gPrevLevel == LEVEL_BOWSER_1 || gPrevLevel == LEVEL_BOWSER_2
|| gPrevLevel == LEVEL_BOWSER_3) {
} else {
if (gPrevLevel == LEVEL_BOWSER_1 || gPrevLevel == LEVEL_BOWSER_2
|| gPrevLevel == LEVEL_BOWSER_3) {
} else {
if (c->doorStatus == DOOR_DEFAULT) {
} else {
cutscene = determine_dance_cutscene(c);
if (gMarioStates[0].actionArg & 1) { // No exit
} else {
cutscene = determine_dance_cutscene(c);
switch (sMarioCamState->cameraEvent) {
//! doorStatus is reset every frame. CameraTriggers need to constantly set doorStatus
c->doorStatus = DOOR_DEFAULT;
return cutscene;
* Moves the camera when Mario has triggered a warp
void warp_camera(f32 displacementX, f32 displacementY, f32 displacementZ) {
Vec3f displacement;
struct MarioState *marioStates = &gMarioStates[0];
struct LinearTransitionPoint *start = &sModeInfo.transitionStart;
struct LinearTransitionPoint *end = &sModeInfo.transitionEnd;
gCurrLevelArea = gCurrLevelNum * 16 + (gCurrentArea ? gCurrentArea->index : 0);
displacement[0] = displacementX;
displacement[1] = displacementY;
displacement[2] = displacementZ;
vec3f_add(gLakituState.curPos, displacement);
vec3f_add(gLakituState.curFocus, displacement);
vec3f_add(gLakituState.goalPos, displacement);
vec3f_add(gLakituState.goalFocus, displacement);
marioStates->waterLevel += displacementY;
vec3f_add(start->focus, displacement);
vec3f_add(start->pos, displacement);
vec3f_add(end->focus, displacement);
vec3f_add(end->pos, displacement);
* Make the camera's y coordinate approach `goal`,
* unless smooth movement is off, in which case the y coordinate is simply set to `goal`
void approach_camera_height(struct Camera *c, f32 goal, f32 inc) {
if (!c) { return; }
if (sStatusFlags & CAM_FLAG_SMOOTH_MOVEMENT) {
if (c->pos[1] < goal) {
if ((c->pos[1] += inc) > goal) {
c->pos[1] = goal;
} else {
if ((c->pos[1] -= inc) < goal) {
c->pos[1] = goal;
} else {
c->pos[1] = goal;
void stub_camera_4(UNUSED s32 a, UNUSED s32 b, UNUSED s32 c, UNUSED s32 d) {
* Set the camera's focus to Mario's position, and add several relative offsets.
* @param leftRight offset to Mario's left/right, relative to his faceAngle
* @param yOff y offset
* @param forwBack offset to Mario's front/back, relative to his faceAngle
* @param yawOff offset to Mario's faceAngle, changes the direction of `leftRight` and `forwBack`
void set_focus_rel_mario(struct Camera *c, f32 leftRight, f32 yOff, f32 forwBack, s16 yawOff) {
if (!c) { return; }
s16 yaw;
UNUSED u16 unused;
f32 focFloorYOff;
calc_y_to_curr_floor(&focFloorYOff, 1.f, 200.f, &focFloorYOff, 0.9f, 200.f);
yaw = sMarioCamState->faceAngle[1] + yawOff;
c->focus[2] = sMarioCamState->pos[2] + forwBack * coss(yaw) - leftRight * sins(yaw);
c->focus[0] = sMarioCamState->pos[0] + forwBack * sins(yaw) + leftRight * coss(yaw);
c->focus[1] = sMarioCamState->pos[1] + yOff + focFloorYOff;
* Set the camera's position to Mario's position, and add several relative offsets. Unused.
* @param leftRight offset to Mario's left/right, relative to his faceAngle
* @param yOff y offset
* @param forwBack offset to Mario's front/back, relative to his faceAngle
* @param yawOff offset to Mario's faceAngle, changes the direction of `leftRight` and `forwBack`
static void unused_set_pos_rel_mario(struct Camera *c, f32 leftRight, f32 yOff, f32 forwBack, s16 yawOff) {
if (!c) { return; }
u16 yaw = sMarioCamState->faceAngle[1] + yawOff;
c->pos[0] = sMarioCamState->pos[0] + forwBack * sins(yaw) + leftRight * coss(yaw);
c->pos[1] = sMarioCamState->pos[1] + yOff;
c->pos[2] = sMarioCamState->pos[2] + forwBack * coss(yaw) - leftRight * sins(yaw);
* Rotates the offset `to` according to the pitch and yaw values in `rotation`.
* Adds `from` to the rotated offset, and stores the result in `dst`.
* @warning Flips the Z axis, so that relative to `rotation`, -Z moves forwards and +Z moves backwards.
void offset_rotated(Vec3f dst, Vec3f from, Vec3f to, Vec3s rotation) {
Vec3f unusedCopy;
Vec3f pitchRotated;
vec3f_copy(unusedCopy, from);
// First rotate the direction by rotation's pitch
//! The Z axis is flipped here.
pitchRotated[2] = -(to[2] * coss(rotation[0]) - to[1] * sins(rotation[0]));
pitchRotated[1] = to[2] * sins(rotation[0]) + to[1] * coss(rotation[0]);
pitchRotated[0] = to[0];
// Rotate again by rotation's yaw
dst[0] = from[0] + pitchRotated[2] * sins(rotation[1]) + pitchRotated[0] * coss(rotation[1]);
dst[1] = from[1] + pitchRotated[1];
dst[2] = from[2] + pitchRotated[2] * coss(rotation[1]) - pitchRotated[0] * sins(rotation[1]);
* Rotates the offset defined by (`xTo`, `yTo`, `zTo`) according to the pitch and yaw values in `rotation`.
* Adds `from` to the rotated offset, and stores the result in `dst`.
* @warning Flips the Z axis, so that relative to `rotation`, -Z moves forwards and +Z moves backwards.
void offset_rotated_coords(Vec3f dst, Vec3f from, Vec3s rotation, f32 xTo, f32 yTo, f32 zTo) {
Vec3f to;
vec3f_set(to, xTo, yTo, zTo);
offset_rotated(dst, from, to, rotation);
void determine_pushing_or_pulling_door(s16 *rotation) {
if (sMarioCamState->action == ACT_PULLING_DOOR) {
*rotation = 0;
} else {
*rotation = (s16)DEGREES(180);
* Calculate Lakitu's next position and focus, according to gCamera's state,
* and store them in `newPos` and `newFoc`.
* @param newPos where Lakitu should fly towards this frame
* @param newFoc where Lakitu should look towards this frame
* @param curPos gCamera's pos this frame
* @param curFoc gCamera's foc this frame
* @param oldPos gCamera's pos last frame
* @param oldFoc gCamera's foc last frame
* @return Lakitu's next yaw, which is the same as the yaw passed in if no transition happened
s16 next_lakitu_state(Vec3f newPos, Vec3f newFoc, Vec3f curPos, Vec3f curFoc,
Vec3f oldPos, Vec3f oldFoc, s16 yaw) {
s16 yawVelocity;
s16 pitchVelocity;
f32 distVelocity;
f32 goalDist;
UNUSED f32 unusedDist;
s16 goalPitch;
s16 goalYaw;
UNUSED s16 unusedPitch;
UNUSED s16 unusedYaw;
f32 distTimer = sModeTransition.framesLeft;
s16 angleTimer = sModeTransition.framesLeft;
UNUSED s16 inTransition = 0;
Vec3f nextPos;
Vec3f nextFoc;
Vec3f startPos;
Vec3f startFoc;
s32 i;
f32 floorHeight;
struct Surface *floor;
// If not transitioning, just use gCamera's current pos and foc
vec3f_copy(newPos, curPos);
vec3f_copy(newFoc, curFoc);
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
// Add Mario's displacement from this frame to the last frame's pos and focus
// Makes the transition start from where the camera would have moved
startPos[i] = oldPos[i] + sMarioCamState->pos[i] - sModeTransition.marioPos[i];
startFoc[i] = oldFoc[i] + sMarioCamState->pos[i] - sModeTransition.marioPos[i];
vec3f_get_dist_and_angle(curFoc, startFoc, &sModeTransition.focDist, &sModeTransition.focPitch,
vec3f_get_dist_and_angle(curFoc, startPos, &sModeTransition.posDist, &sModeTransition.posPitch,
// Transition from the last mode to the current one
if (sModeTransition.framesLeft > 0) {
inTransition = 1;
vec3f_get_dist_and_angle(curFoc, curPos, &goalDist, &goalPitch, &goalYaw);
distVelocity = ABS(goalDist - sModeTransition.posDist) / distTimer;
pitchVelocity = ABS(goalPitch - sModeTransition.posPitch) / angleTimer;
yawVelocity = ABS(goalYaw - sModeTransition.posYaw) / angleTimer;
camera_approach_f32_symmetric_bool(&sModeTransition.posDist, goalDist, distVelocity);
camera_approach_s16_symmetric_bool(&sModeTransition.posYaw, goalYaw, yawVelocity);
camera_approach_s16_symmetric_bool(&sModeTransition.posPitch, goalPitch, pitchVelocity);
vec3f_set_dist_and_angle(curFoc, nextPos, sModeTransition.posDist, sModeTransition.posPitch,
vec3f_get_dist_and_angle(curPos, curFoc, &goalDist, &goalPitch, &goalYaw);
pitchVelocity = sModeTransition.focPitch / (s16) sModeTransition.framesLeft;
yawVelocity = sModeTransition.focYaw / (s16) sModeTransition.framesLeft;
distVelocity = sModeTransition.focDist / sModeTransition.framesLeft;
camera_approach_s16_symmetric_bool(&sModeTransition.focPitch, goalPitch, pitchVelocity);
camera_approach_s16_symmetric_bool(&sModeTransition.focYaw, goalYaw, yawVelocity);
camera_approach_f32_symmetric_bool(&sModeTransition.focDist, 0, distVelocity);
vec3f_set_dist_and_angle(curFoc, nextFoc, sModeTransition.focDist, sModeTransition.focPitch,
vec3f_copy(newFoc, nextFoc);
vec3f_copy(newPos, nextPos);
if (gCamera->cutscene != 0 || !(gCameraMovementFlags & CAM_MOVE_C_UP_MODE)) {
floorHeight = find_floor(newPos[0], newPos[1], newPos[2], &floor);
if (floorHeight != gLevelValues.floorLowerLimit) {
if ((floorHeight += 125.f) > newPos[1]) {
newPos[1] = floorHeight;
f32_find_wall_collision(&newPos[0], &newPos[1], &newPos[2], 0.f, 100.f);
yaw = calculate_yaw(newFoc, newPos);
} else {
sModeTransition.posDist = 0.f;
sModeTransition.posPitch = 0;
sModeTransition.posYaw = 0;
vec3f_copy(sModeTransition.marioPos, sMarioCamState->pos);
return yaw;
static UNUSED void stop_transitional_movement(void) {
sModeTransition.framesLeft = 0;
* Start fixed camera mode, setting the base position to (`x`, `y`, `z`)
* @return TRUE if the base pos was updated
s32 set_camera_mode_fixed(struct Camera *c, s16 x, s16 y, s16 z) {
if (!c) { return FALSE; }
s32 basePosSet = FALSE;
f32 posX = x;
f32 posY = y;
f32 posZ = z;
if (sFixedModeBasePosition[0] != posX || sFixedModeBasePosition[1] != posY
|| sFixedModeBasePosition[2] != posZ) {
basePosSet = TRUE;
vec3f_set(sFixedModeBasePosition, posX, posY, posZ);
if (c->mode != CAMERA_MODE_FIXED) {
vec3f_set(c->pos, sFixedModeBasePosition[0], sMarioCamState->pos[1],
return basePosSet;
void set_camera_mode_8_directions(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
if (c->mode != CAMERA_MODE_8_DIRECTIONS) {
s8DirModeBaseYaw = 0;
s8DirModeYawOffset = 0;
if (newcam_active == 1) {
* If the camera mode is not already the boss fight camera (camera with two foci)
* set it to be so.
void set_camera_mode_boss_fight(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
if (c->mode != CAMERA_MODE_BOSS_FIGHT) {
transition_to_camera_mode(c, CAMERA_MODE_BOSS_FIGHT, 15);
sModeOffsetYaw = c->nextYaw - DEGREES(45);
void set_camera_mode_close_cam(u8 *mode) {
if (!mode) { return; }
if (*mode != CAMERA_MODE_CLOSE) {
if (newcam_active == 1) {
* Change to radial mode.
* If the difference in yaw between pos -> Mario and pos > focus is < 90 degrees, transition.
* Otherwise jump to radial mode.
void set_camera_mode_radial(struct Camera *c, s16 transitionTime) {
if (!c) { return; }
Vec3f focus;
s16 yaw;
focus[0] = c->areaCenX;
focus[1] = sMarioCamState->pos[1];
focus[2] = c->areaCenZ;
if (c->mode != CAMERA_MODE_RADIAL) {
yaw = calculate_yaw(focus, sMarioCamState->pos) - calculate_yaw(c->focus, c->pos) + DEGREES(90);
if (yaw > 0) {
transition_to_camera_mode(c, CAMERA_MODE_RADIAL, transitionTime);
} else {
sModeOffsetYaw = 0;
if (newcam_active == 1) {
* Start parallel tracking mode using the path `path`
void parallel_tracking_init(struct Camera *c, struct ParallelTrackingPoint *path) {
if (!c) { return; }
sParTrackPath = path;
sParTrackIndex = 0;
sParTrackTransOff.pos[0] = 0.f;
sParTrackTransOff.pos[1] = 0.f;
sParTrackTransOff.pos[2] = 0.f;
// Place the camera in the middle of the path
c->pos[0] = (sParTrackPath[0].pos[0] + sParTrackPath[1].pos[0]) / 2;
c->pos[1] = (sParTrackPath[0].pos[1] + sParTrackPath[1].pos[1]) / 2;
c->pos[2] = (sParTrackPath[0].pos[2] + sParTrackPath[1].pos[2]) / 2;
* Set the fixed camera base pos depending on the current level area
void set_fixed_cam_axis_sa_lobby(UNUSED s16 preset) {
switch (gCurrLevelArea) {
case AREA_SA:
vec3f_set(sFixedModeBasePosition, 646.f, 143.f, -1513.f);
vec3f_set(sFixedModeBasePosition, -577.f, 143.f, 1443.f);
* Block area-specific CameraTrigger and special surface modes.
* Generally, block area mode changes if:
* Mario is wearing the metal cap, or at the water's surface, or the camera is in Mario mode
* However, if the level is WDW, DDD, or COTMC (levels that have metal cap and water):
* Only block area mode changes if Mario is in a cannon,
* or if the camera is in Mario mode and Mario is not swimming or in water with the metal cap
void check_blocking_area_processing(const u8 *mode) {
if (sMarioCamState->action & ACT_FLAG_METAL_WATER ||
if (dynos_level_is_vanilla_level(gCurrLevelNum)) {
if (gCurrLevelNum == LEVEL_DDD || gCurrLevelNum == LEVEL_WDW || gCurrLevelNum == LEVEL_COTMC) {
if (mode) {
!(sMarioCamState->action & (ACT_FLAG_SWIMMING | ACT_FLAG_METAL_WATER))) ||
BAD_RETURN(s32) cam_rr_exit_building_side(struct Camera *c) {
s8DirModeBaseYaw = DEGREES(90);
BAD_RETURN(s32) cam_rr_exit_building_top(struct Camera *c) {
if (c && c->pos[1] < 6343.f) {
c->pos[1] = 7543.f;
gLakituState.goalPos[1] = c->pos[1];
gLakituState.curPos[1] = c->pos[1];
BAD_RETURN(s32) cam_rr_enter_building_window(struct Camera *c) {
if (c && c->mode != CAMERA_MODE_FIXED) {
set_camera_mode_fixed(c, -2974, 478, -3975);
BAD_RETURN(s32) cam_rr_enter_building(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
if (c->mode != CAMERA_MODE_FIXED) {
set_camera_mode_fixed(c, -2953, 798, -3943);
// Prevent the camera from being above the roof
if (c->pos[1] > 6043.f) {
c->pos[1] = 6043.f;
BAD_RETURN(s32) cam_rr_enter_building_side(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
if (c->mode != CAMERA_MODE_FIXED) {
* Fix the camera in place as Mario gets exits out the MC cave into the waterfall.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cam_cotmc_exit_waterfall(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
gCameraMovementFlags |= CAM_MOVE_FIX_IN_PLACE;
* Sets 8 directional mode and blocks the next trigger from processing.
* Activated when Mario is walking in front of the snowman's head.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cam_sl_snowman_head_8dir(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
transition_to_camera_mode(c, CAMERA_MODE_8_DIRECTIONS, 60);
s8DirModeBaseYaw = 0x1D27;
* Sets free roam mode in SL, called by a trigger that covers a large area and surrounds the 8 direction
* trigger.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cam_sl_free_roam(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
transition_to_camera_mode(c, CAMERA_MODE_FREE_ROAM, 60);
* Warps the camera underneath the floor, used in HMC to move under the elevator platforms
void move_camera_through_floor_while_descending(struct Camera *c, f32 height) {
if (!c) { return; }
UNUSED f32 pad;
if ((sMarioGeometry.currFloorHeight < height - 100.f)
&& (sMarioGeometry.prevFloorHeight > sMarioGeometry.currFloorHeight)) {
c->pos[1] = height - 400.f;
gLakituState.curPos[1] = height - 400.f;
gLakituState.goalPos[1] = height - 400.f;
BAD_RETURN(s32) cam_hmc_enter_maze(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
s16 pitch, yaw;
f32 dist;
if (c->pos[1] > -102.f) {
vec3f_get_dist_and_angle(c->focus, gLakituState.goalPos, &dist, &pitch, &yaw);
vec3f_set_dist_and_angle(c->focus, gLakituState.goalPos, 300.f, pitch, yaw);
gLakituState.goalPos[1] = -800.f;
#ifndef VERSION_JP
c->pos[1] = gLakituState.goalPos[1];
gLakituState.curPos[1] = gLakituState.goalPos[1];
BAD_RETURN(s32) cam_hmc_elevator_black_hole(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
move_camera_through_floor_while_descending(c, 1536.f);
BAD_RETURN(s32) cam_hmc_elevator_maze_emergency_exit(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
move_camera_through_floor_while_descending(c, 2355.f);
BAD_RETURN(s32) cam_hmc_elevator_lake(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
move_camera_through_floor_while_descending(c, 1843.f);
BAD_RETURN(s32) cam_hmc_elevator_maze(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
move_camera_through_floor_while_descending(c, 1843.f);
* Starts the "Enter Pyramid Top" cutscene.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cam_ssl_enter_pyramid_top(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
* Change to close mode in the center of the pyramid. Outside this trigger, the default mode is outwards
* radial.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cam_ssl_pyramid_center(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
transition_to_camera_mode(c, CAMERA_MODE_CLOSE, 90);
* Changes the mode back to outward radial in the boss room inside the pyramid.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cam_ssl_boss_room(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
transition_to_camera_mode(c, CAMERA_MODE_OUTWARD_RADIAL, 90);
* Moves the camera to through the tunnel by forcing sModeOffsetYaw
BAD_RETURN(s32) cam_thi_move_cam_through_tunnel(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
if (sModeOffsetYaw < DEGREES(60)) {
sModeOffsetYaw = DEGREES(60);
* Aligns the camera to look through the tunnel
BAD_RETURN(s32) cam_thi_look_through_tunnel(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
// ~82.5 degrees
if (sModeOffsetYaw > 0x3AAA) {
sModeOffsetYaw = 0x3AAA;
* Unused. Changes the camera to radial mode when Mario is on the tower.
* @see sCamBOB for bounds.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cam_bob_tower(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
transition_to_camera_mode(c, CAMERA_MODE_RADIAL, 90);
* Unused. Changes the camera to free roam mode when Mario is not climbing the tower.
* This is the only CameraTrigger event that uses the area == -1 feature:
* If this was used, it would be called by default in BoB.
* @see sCamBOB
BAD_RETURN(s32) cam_bob_default_free_roam(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
transition_to_camera_mode(c, CAMERA_MODE_FREE_ROAM, 90);
* Starts the pool entrance cutscene if Mario is not exiting the pool.
* Used in both the castle and HMC.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cam_castle_hmc_start_pool_cutscene(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
if ((sMarioCamState->action != ACT_SPECIAL_DEATH_EXIT)
&& (sMarioCamState->action != ACT_SPECIAL_EXIT_AIRBORNE)) {
start_cutscene(c, CUTSCENE_ENTER_POOL);
* Sets the fixed mode pos offset so that the camera faces the doorway when Mario is near the entrance
* to the castle lobby
BAD_RETURN(s32) cam_castle_lobby_entrance(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
vec3f_set(sCastleEntranceOffset, -813.f - sFixedModeBasePosition[0],
378.f - sFixedModeBasePosition[1], 1103.f - sFixedModeBasePosition[2]);
* Make the camera look up the stairs from the 2nd to 3rd floor of the castle
BAD_RETURN(s32) cam_castle_look_upstairs(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
struct Surface *floor;
f32 floorHeight = find_floor(c->pos[0], c->pos[1], c->pos[2], &floor);
// If Mario is on the first few steps, fix the camera pos, making it look up
if ((sMarioGeometry.currFloorHeight > 1229.f) && (floorHeight < 1229.f)
&& (sCSideButtonYaw == 0)) {
vec3f_set(c->pos, -227.f, 1425.f, 1533.f);
* Make the camera look down the stairs towards the basement star door
BAD_RETURN(s32) cam_castle_basement_look_downstairs(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
struct Surface *floor;
f32 floorHeight = find_floor(c->pos[0], c->pos[1], c->pos[2], &floor);
// Fix the camera pos, making it look downwards. Only active on the top few steps
if ((floorHeight > -110.f) && (sCSideButtonYaw == 0)) {
vec3f_set(c->pos, -980.f, 249.f, -1398.f);
* Enter the fixed-mode castle lobby. A trigger for this is placed in every entrance so that the camera
* changes to fixed mode.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cam_castle_enter_lobby(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
if (c->mode != CAMERA_MODE_FIXED) {
* Starts spiral stairs mode.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cam_castle_enter_spiral_stairs(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
transition_to_camera_mode(c, CAMERA_MODE_SPIRAL_STAIRS, 20);
* unused, starts close mode if the camera is in spiral stairs mode.
* This was replaced with cam_castle_close_mode
static UNUSED BAD_RETURN(s32) cam_castle_leave_spiral_stairs(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
transition_to_camera_mode(c, CAMERA_MODE_CLOSE, 30);
} else {
* The default mode when outside of the lobby and spiral staircase. A trigger for this is placed at
* every door leaving the lobby and spiral staircase.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cam_castle_close_mode(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
* Functions the same as cam_castle_close_mode, but sets doorStatus so that the camera will enter
* fixed-mode when Mario leaves the room.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cam_castle_leave_lobby_sliding_door(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
c->doorStatus = DOOR_ENTER_LOBBY;
* Just calls cam_castle_enter_lobby
BAD_RETURN(s32) cam_castle_enter_lobby_sliding_door(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
BAD_RETURN(s32) cam_bbh_room_6(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
parallel_tracking_init(c, sBBHLibraryParTrackPath);
BAD_RETURN(s32) cam_bbh_fall_off_roof(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
BAD_RETURN(s32) cam_bbh_fall_into_pool(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
Vec3f dir;
vec3f_set(dir, 0.f, 0.f, 300.f);
offset_rotated(gLakituState.goalPos, sMarioCamState->pos, dir, sMarioCamState->faceAngle);
gLakituState.goalPos[1] = -2300.f;
vec3f_copy(c->pos, gLakituState.goalPos);
BAD_RETURN(s32) cam_bbh_room_1(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
set_camera_mode_fixed(c, 956, 440, 1994);
BAD_RETURN(s32) cam_bbh_leave_front_door(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
BAD_RETURN(s32) cam_bbh_room_2_lower(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
set_camera_mode_fixed(c, 2591, 400, 1284);
BAD_RETURN(s32) cam_bbh_room_4(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
set_camera_mode_fixed(c, 3529, 340, -1384);
BAD_RETURN(s32) cam_bbh_room_8(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
set_camera_mode_fixed(c, -500, 740, -1306);
* In BBH's room 5's library (the first floor room with the vanish cap/boo painting)
* set the camera mode to fixed and position to (-2172, 200, 675)
BAD_RETURN(s32) cam_bbh_room_5_library(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
set_camera_mode_fixed(c, -2172, 200, 675);
* In BBH's room 5 (the first floor room with the vanish cap/boo painting)
* set the camera mode to to the hidden room's position
* if coming from the library.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cam_bbh_room_5_library_to_hidden_transition(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
if (set_camera_mode_fixed(c, -2172, 200, 675) == 1) {
transition_next_state(c, 20);
BAD_RETURN(s32) cam_bbh_room_5_hidden_to_library_transition(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
if (set_camera_mode_fixed(c, -1542, 320, -307) == 1) {
transition_next_state(c, 20);
BAD_RETURN(s32) cam_bbh_room_5_hidden(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
set_camera_mode_fixed(c, -1542, 320, -307);
BAD_RETURN(s32) cam_bbh_room_3(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
set_camera_mode_fixed(c, -1893, 320, 2327);
BAD_RETURN(s32) cam_bbh_room_7_mr_i(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
set_camera_mode_fixed(c, 1371, 360, -1302);
BAD_RETURN(s32) cam_bbh_room_7_mr_i_to_coffins_transition(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
if (set_camera_mode_fixed(c, 1371, 360, -1302) == 1) {
transition_next_state(c, 20);
BAD_RETURN(s32) cam_bbh_room_7_coffins_to_mr_i_transition(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
if (set_camera_mode_fixed(c, 2115, 260, -772) == 1) {
transition_next_state(c, 20);
BAD_RETURN(s32) cam_bbh_elevator_room_lower(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
BAD_RETURN(s32) cam_bbh_room_0_back_entrance(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
BAD_RETURN(s32) cam_bbh_elevator(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
if (c->mode == CAMERA_MODE_FIXED) {
c->pos[1] = -405.f;
gLakituState.goalPos[1] = -405.f;
BAD_RETURN(s32) cam_bbh_room_12_upper(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
set_camera_mode_fixed(c, -2932, 296, 4429);
BAD_RETURN(s32) cam_bbh_enter_front_door(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
BAD_RETURN(s32) cam_bbh_room_2_library(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
set_camera_mode_fixed(c, 3493, 440, 617);
BAD_RETURN(s32) cam_bbh_room_2_library_to_trapdoor_transition(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
if (set_camera_mode_fixed(c, 3493, 440, 617) == 1) {
transition_next_state(c, 20);
BAD_RETURN(s32) cam_bbh_room_2_trapdoor(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
set_camera_mode_fixed(c, 3502, 440, 1217);
BAD_RETURN(s32) cam_bbh_room_2_trapdoor_transition(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
if (set_camera_mode_fixed(c, 3502, 440, 1217) == 1) {
transition_next_state(c, 20);
BAD_RETURN(s32) cam_bbh_room_9_attic(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
set_camera_mode_fixed(c, -670, 460, 372);
BAD_RETURN(s32) cam_bbh_room_9_attic_transition(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
if (set_camera_mode_fixed(c, -670, 460, 372) == 1) {
transition_next_state(c, 20);
BAD_RETURN(s32) cam_bbh_room_9_mr_i_transition(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
if (set_camera_mode_fixed(c, 131, 380, -263) == 1) {
transition_next_state(c, 20);
BAD_RETURN(s32) cam_bbh_room_13_balcony(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
set_camera_mode_fixed(c, 210, 420, 3109);
BAD_RETURN(s32) cam_bbh_room_0(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
set_camera_mode_fixed(c, -204, 807, 204);
BAD_RETURN(s32) cam_ccm_enter_slide_shortcut(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
BAD_RETURN(s32) cam_ccm_leave_slide_shortcut(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
* Apply any modes that are triggered by special floor surface types
u32 surface_type_modes(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return 0; }
u32 modeChanged = 0;
switch (sMarioGeometry.currFloorType) {
transition_to_camera_mode(c, CAMERA_MODE_CLOSE, 90);
modeChanged += 1;
transition_to_camera_mode(c, CAMERA_MODE_FREE_ROAM, 90);
modeChanged += 1;
transition_to_camera_mode(c, CAMERA_MODE_CLOSE, 90);
modeChanged += 1;
return modeChanged;
* Set the camera mode to `mode` if Mario is not standing on a special surface
u32 set_mode_if_not_set_by_surface(struct Camera *c, u8 mode) {
u32 modeChanged = 0;
modeChanged = surface_type_modes(c);
if ((modeChanged == 0) && (mode != 0)) {
transition_to_camera_mode(c, mode, 90);
return modeChanged;
* Used in THI, check if Mario is standing on any of the special surfaces in that area
void surface_type_modes_thi(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
switch (sMarioGeometry.currFloorType) {
if (c->mode != CAMERA_MODE_CLOSE) {
transition_to_camera_mode(c, CAMERA_MODE_FREE_ROAM, 90);
if (c->mode != CAMERA_MODE_CLOSE) {
transition_to_camera_mode(c, CAMERA_MODE_FREE_ROAM, 90);
if (c->mode != CAMERA_MODE_CLOSE) {
transition_to_camera_mode(c, CAMERA_MODE_FREE_ROAM, 90);
transition_to_camera_mode(c, CAMERA_MODE_8_DIRECTIONS, 90);
transition_to_camera_mode(c, CAMERA_MODE_RADIAL, 90);
* Terminates a list of CameraTriggers.
#define NULL_TRIGGER \
{ 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
* The SL triggers operate camera behavior in front of the snowman who blows air.
* The first sets a 8 direction mode, while the latter (which encompasses the former)
* sets free roam mode.
* This behavior is exploitable, since the ranges assume that Mario must pass through the latter on
* exit. Using hyperspeed, the earlier area can be directly exited from, keeping the changes it applies.
struct CameraTrigger sCamSL[] = {
{ 1, cam_sl_snowman_head_8dir, 1119, 3584, 1125, 1177, 358, 358, -0x1D27 },
// This trigger surrounds the previous one
{ 1, cam_sl_free_roam, 1119, 3584, 1125, 4096, 4096, 4096, -0x1D27 },
* The THI triggers are specifically for the tunnel near the start of the Huge Island.
* The first helps the camera from getting stuck on the starting side, the latter aligns with the
* tunnel. Both sides achieve their effect by editing the camera yaw.
struct CameraTrigger sCamTHI[] = {
{ 1, cam_thi_move_cam_through_tunnel, -4609, -2969, 6448, 100, 300, 300, 0 },
{ 1, cam_thi_look_through_tunnel, -4809, -2969, 6448, 100, 300, 300, 0 },
* The HMC triggers are mostly for warping the camera below platforms, but the second trigger is used to
* start the cutscene for entering the CotMC pool.
struct CameraTrigger sCamHMC[] = {
{ 1, cam_hmc_enter_maze, 1996, 102, 0, 205, 100, 205, 0 },
{ 1, cam_castle_hmc_start_pool_cutscene, 3350, -4689, 4800, 600, 50, 600, 0 },
{ 1, cam_hmc_elevator_black_hole, -3278, 1236, 1379, 358, 200, 358, 0 },
{ 1, cam_hmc_elevator_maze_emergency_exit, -2816, 2055, -2560, 358, 200, 358, 0 },
{ 1, cam_hmc_elevator_lake, -3532, 1543, -7040, 358, 200, 358, 0 },
{ 1, cam_hmc_elevator_maze, -972, 1543, -7347, 358, 200, 358, 0 },
* The SSL triggers are for starting the enter pyramid top cutscene,
* setting close mode in the middle of the pyramid, and setting the boss fight camera mode to outward
* radial.
struct CameraTrigger sCamSSL[] = {
{ 1, cam_ssl_enter_pyramid_top, -2048, 1080, -1024, 150, 150, 150, 0 },
{ 2, cam_ssl_pyramid_center, 0, -104, -104, 1248, 1536, 2950, 0 },
{ 2, cam_ssl_pyramid_center, 0, 2500, 256, 515, 5000, 515, 0 },
{ 3, cam_ssl_boss_room, 0, -1534, -2040, 1000, 800, 1000, 0 },
* The RR triggers are for changing between fixed and 8 direction mode when entering / leaving the building at
* the end of the ride.
struct CameraTrigger sCamRR[] = {
{ 1, cam_rr_exit_building_side, -4197, 3819, -3087, 1769, 1490, 342, 0 },
{ 1, cam_rr_enter_building_side, -4197, 3819, -3771, 769, 490, 342, 0 },
{ 1, cam_rr_enter_building_window, -5603, 4834, -5209, 300, 600, 591, 0 },
{ 1, cam_rr_enter_building, -2609, 3730, -5463, 300, 650, 577, 0 },
{ 1, cam_rr_exit_building_top, -4196, 7343, -5155, 4500, 1000, 4500, 0 },
{ 1, cam_rr_enter_building, -4196, 6043, -5155, 500, 300, 500, 0 },
* These triggers are unused, but because the first trigger surrounds the BoB tower and activates radial
* mode (which is called "tower mode" in the patent), it's speculated they belonged to BoB.
* This table contains the only instance of a CameraTrigger with an area set to -1, and it sets the mode
* to free_roam when Mario is not walking up the tower.
struct CameraTrigger sCamBOB[] = {
{ 1, cam_bob_tower, 2468, 2720, -4608, 3263, 1696, 3072, 0 },
{ -1, cam_bob_default_free_roam, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
* The CotMC trigger is only used to prevent fix Lakitu in place when Mario exits through the waterfall.
struct CameraTrigger sCamCotMC[] = {
{ 1, cam_cotmc_exit_waterfall, 0, 1500, 3500, 550, 10000, 1500, 0 },
* The CCM triggers are used to set the flag that says when Mario is in the slide shortcut.
struct CameraTrigger sCamCCM[] = {
{ 2, cam_ccm_enter_slide_shortcut, -4846, 2061, 27, 1229, 1342, 396, 0 },
{ 2, cam_ccm_leave_slide_shortcut, -6412, -3917, -6246, 307, 185, 132, 0 },
* The Castle triggers are used to set the camera to fixed mode when entering the lobby, and to set it
* to close mode when leaving it. They also set the mode to spiral staircase.
* There are two triggers for looking up and down straight staircases when Mario is at the start,
* and one trigger that starts the enter pool cutscene when Mario enters HMC.
struct CameraTrigger sCamCastle[] = {
{ 1, cam_castle_close_mode, -1100, 657, -1346, 300, 150, 300, 0 },
{ 1, cam_castle_enter_lobby, -1099, 657, -803, 300, 150, 300, 0 },
{ 1, cam_castle_close_mode, -2304, -264, -4072, 140, 150, 140, 0 },
{ 1, cam_castle_close_mode, -2304, 145, -1344, 140, 150, 140, 0 },
{ 1, cam_castle_enter_lobby, -2304, 145, -802, 140, 150, 140, 0 },
//! Sets the camera mode when leaving secret aquarium
{ 1, cam_castle_close_mode, 2816, 1200, -256, 100, 100, 100, 0 },
{ 1, cam_castle_close_mode, 256, -161, -4226, 140, 150, 140, 0 },
{ 1, cam_castle_close_mode, 256, 145, -1344, 140, 150, 140, 0 },
{ 1, cam_castle_enter_lobby, 256, 145, -802, 140, 150, 140, 0 },
{ 1, cam_castle_close_mode, -1023, 44, -4870, 140, 150, 140, 0 },
{ 1, cam_castle_close_mode, -459, 145, -1020, 140, 150, 140, 0x6000 },
{ 1, cam_castle_enter_lobby, -85, 145, -627, 140, 150, 140, 0 },
{ 1, cam_castle_close_mode, -1589, 145, -1020, 140, 150, 140, -0x6000 },
{ 1, cam_castle_enter_lobby, -1963, 145, -627, 140, 150, 140, 0 },
{ 1, cam_castle_leave_lobby_sliding_door, -2838, 657, -1659, 200, 150, 150, 0x2000 },
{ 1, cam_castle_enter_lobby_sliding_door, -2319, 512, -1266, 300, 150, 300, 0x2000 },
{ 1, cam_castle_close_mode, 844, 759, -1657, 40, 150, 40, -0x2000 },
{ 1, cam_castle_enter_lobby, 442, 759, -1292, 140, 150, 140, -0x2000 },
{ 2, cam_castle_enter_spiral_stairs, -1000, 657, 1740, 200, 300, 200, 0 },
{ 2, cam_castle_enter_spiral_stairs, -996, 1348, 1814, 200, 300, 200, 0 },
{ 2, cam_castle_close_mode, -946, 657, 2721, 50, 150, 50, 0 },
{ 2, cam_castle_close_mode, -996, 1348, 907, 50, 150, 50, 0 },
{ 2, cam_castle_close_mode, -997, 1348, 1450, 140, 150, 140, 0 },
{ 1, cam_castle_close_mode, -4942, 452, -461, 140, 150, 140, 0x4000 },
{ 1, cam_castle_close_mode, -3393, 350, -793, 140, 150, 140, 0x4000 },
{ 1, cam_castle_enter_lobby, -2851, 350, -792, 140, 150, 140, 0x4000 },
{ 1, cam_castle_enter_lobby, 803, 350, -228, 140, 150, 140, -0x4000 },
//! Duplicate camera trigger outside JRB door
{ 1, cam_castle_enter_lobby, 803, 350, -228, 140, 150, 140, -0x4000 },
{ 1, cam_castle_close_mode, 1345, 350, -229, 140, 150, 140, 0x4000 },
{ 1, cam_castle_close_mode, -946, -929, 622, 300, 150, 300, 0 },
{ 2, cam_castle_look_upstairs, -205, 1456, 2508, 210, 928, 718, 0 },
{ 1, cam_castle_basement_look_downstairs, -1027, -587, -718, 318, 486, 577, 0 },
{ 1, cam_castle_lobby_entrance, -1023, 376, 1830, 300, 400, 300, 0 },
{ 3, cam_castle_hmc_start_pool_cutscene, 2485, -1689, -2659, 600, 50, 600, 0 },
* The BBH triggers are the most complex, they cause the camera to enter fixed mode for each room,
* transition between rooms, and enter free roam when outside.
* The triggers are also responsible for warping the camera below platforms.
struct CameraTrigger sCamBBH[] = {
{ 1, cam_bbh_enter_front_door, 742, 0, 2369, 200, 200, 200, 0 },
{ 1, cam_bbh_leave_front_door, 741, 0, 1827, 200, 200, 200, 0 },
{ 1, cam_bbh_room_1, 222, 0, 1458, 200, 200, 200, 0 },
{ 1, cam_bbh_room_1, 222, 0, 639, 200, 200, 200, 0 },
{ 1, cam_bbh_room_1, 435, 0, 222, 200, 200, 200, 0 },
{ 1, cam_bbh_room_1, 1613, 0, 222, 200, 200, 200, 0 },
{ 1, cam_bbh_room_1, 1827, 0, 1459, 200, 200, 200, 0 },
{ 1, cam_bbh_room_1, -495, 819, 1407, 200, 200, 200, 0 },
{ 1, cam_bbh_room_1, -495, 819, 640, 250, 200, 200, 0 },
{ 1, cam_bbh_room_1, 179, 819, 222, 200, 200, 200, 0 },
{ 1, cam_bbh_room_1, 1613, 819, 222, 200, 200, 200, 0 },
{ 1, cam_bbh_room_1, 1827, 819, 486, 200, 200, 200, 0 },
{ 1, cam_bbh_room_1, 1827, 819, 1818, 200, 200, 200, 0 },
{ 1, cam_bbh_room_2_lower, 2369, 0, 1459, 200, 200, 200, 0 },
{ 1, cam_bbh_room_2_lower, 3354, 0, 1347, 200, 200, 200, 0 },
{ 1, cam_bbh_room_2_lower, 2867, 514, 1843, 512, 102, 409, 0 },
{ 1, cam_bbh_room_4, 3354, 0, 804, 200, 200, 200, 0 },
{ 1, cam_bbh_room_4, 1613, 0, -320, 200, 200, 200, 0 },
{ 1, cam_bbh_room_8, 435, 0, -320, 200, 200, 200, 0 },
{ 1, cam_bbh_room_5_library, -2021, 0, 803, 200, 200, 200, 0 },
{ 1, cam_bbh_room_5_library, -320, 0, 640, 200, 200, 200, 0 },
{ 1, cam_bbh_room_5_library_to_hidden_transition, -1536, 358, -254, 716, 363, 102, 0 },
{ 1, cam_bbh_room_5_hidden_to_library_transition, -1536, 358, -459, 716, 363, 102, 0 },
{ 1, cam_bbh_room_5_hidden, -1560, 0, -1314, 200, 200, 200, 0 },
{ 1, cam_bbh_room_3, -320, 0, 1459, 200, 200, 200, 0 },
{ 1, cam_bbh_room_3, -2021, 0, 1345, 200, 200, 200, 0 },
{ 1, cam_bbh_room_2_library, 2369, 819, 486, 200, 200, 200, 0 },
{ 1, cam_bbh_room_2_library, 2369, 1741, 486, 200, 200, 200, 0 },
{ 1, cam_bbh_room_2_library_to_trapdoor_transition, 2867, 1228, 1174, 716, 414, 102, 0 },
{ 1, cam_bbh_room_2_trapdoor_transition, 2867, 1228, 1378, 716, 414, 102, 0 },
{ 1, cam_bbh_room_2_trapdoor, 2369, 819, 1818, 200, 200, 200, 0 },
{ 1, cam_bbh_room_9_attic, 1829, 1741, 486, 200, 200, 200, 0 },
{ 1, cam_bbh_room_9_attic, 741, 1741, 1587, 200, 200, 200, 0 },
{ 1, cam_bbh_room_9_attic_transition, 102, 2048, -191, 100, 310, 307, 0 },
{ 1, cam_bbh_room_9_mr_i_transition, 409, 2048, -191, 100, 310, 307, 0 },
{ 1, cam_bbh_room_13_balcony, 742, 1922, 2164, 200, 200, 200, 0 },
{ 1, cam_bbh_fall_off_roof, 587, 1322, 2677, 1000, 400, 600, 0 },
{ 1, cam_bbh_room_3, -1037, 819, 1408, 200, 200, 200, 0 },
{ 1, cam_bbh_room_3, -1970, 1024, 1345, 200, 200, 200, 0 },
{ 1, cam_bbh_room_8, 179, 819, -320, 200, 200, 200, 0 },
{ 1, cam_bbh_room_7_mr_i, 1613, 819, -320, 200, 200, 200, 0 },
{ 1, cam_bbh_room_7_mr_i_to_coffins_transition, 2099, 1228, -819, 102, 414, 716, 0 },
{ 1, cam_bbh_room_7_coffins_to_mr_i_transition, 2304, 1228, -819, 102, 414, 716, 0 },
{ 1, cam_bbh_room_6, -1037, 819, 640, 200, 200, 200, 0 },
{ 1, cam_bbh_room_6, -1970, 1024, 803, 200, 200, 200, 0 },
{ 1, cam_bbh_room_1, 1827, 819, 1818, 200, 200, 200, 0 },
{ 1, cam_bbh_fall_into_pool, 2355, -1112, -193, 1228, 500, 1343, 0 },
{ 1, cam_bbh_fall_into_pool, 2355, -1727, 1410, 1228, 500, 705, 0 },
{ 1, cam_bbh_elevator_room_lower, 0, -2457, 1827, 250, 200, 250, 0 },
{ 1, cam_bbh_elevator_room_lower, 0, -2457, 2369, 250, 200, 250, 0 },
{ 1, cam_bbh_elevator_room_lower, 0, -2457, 4929, 250, 200, 250, 0 },
{ 1, cam_bbh_elevator_room_lower, 0, -2457, 4387, 250, 200, 250, 0 },
{ 1, cam_bbh_room_0_back_entrance, 1887, -2457, 204, 250, 200, 250, 0 },
{ 1, cam_bbh_room_0, 1272, -2457, 204, 250, 200, 250, 0 },
{ 1, cam_bbh_room_0, -1681, -2457, 204, 250, 200, 250, 0 },
{ 1, cam_bbh_room_0_back_entrance, -2296, -2457, 204, 250, 200, 250, 0 },
{ 1, cam_bbh_elevator, -2939, -605, 5367, 800, 100, 800, 0 },
{ 1, cam_bbh_room_12_upper, -2939, -205, 5367, 300, 100, 300, 0 },
{ 1, cam_bbh_room_12_upper, -2332, -204, 4714, 250, 200, 250, 0x6000 },
{ 1, cam_bbh_room_0_back_entrance, -1939, -204, 4340, 250, 200, 250, 0x6000 },
#define _ NULL
#define STUB_LEVEL(_0, _1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, _7, cameratable) cameratable,
#define DEFINE_LEVEL(_0, _1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, _7, _8, _9, cameratable) cameratable,
* This table has an extra 2 levels after the last unknown_38 stub level. What I think
* the programmer was thinking was that the table is null terminated and so used the
* level count as a correspondence to the ID of the final level, but the enum represents
* an ID *after* the last stub level, not before or during it.
* Each table is terminated with NULL_TRIGGER
struct CameraTrigger *sCameraTriggers[LEVEL_COUNT + 2] = {
#include "levels/level_defines.h"
#undef _
struct CutsceneSplinePoint sIntroStartToPipePosition[] = {
{ 0, 0, { 2122, 8762, 9114 } }, { 0, 0, { 2122, 8762, 9114 } }, { 1, 0, { 2122, 7916, 9114 } },
{ 1, 0, { 2122, 7916, 9114 } }, { 2, 0, { 957, 5166, 8613 } }, { 3, 0, { 589, 4338, 7727 } },
{ 4, 0, { 690, 3366, 6267 } }, { 5, 0, { -1600, 2151, 4955 } }, { 6, 0, { -1557, 232, 1283 } },
{ 7, 0, { -6962, -295, 2729 } }, { 8, 0, { -6979, 131, 3246 } }, { 9, 0, { -6360, -283, 4044 } },
{ 0, 0, { -5695, -334, 5264 } }, { 1, 0, { -5568, -319, 7933 } }, { 2, 0, { -3848, -200, 6278 } },
{ 3, 0, { -965, -263, 6092 } }, { 4, 0, { 1607, 2465, 6329 } }, { 5, 0, { 2824, 180, 3548 } },
{ 6, 0, { 1236, 136, 945 } }, { 0, 0, { 448, 136, 564 } }, { 0, 0, { 448, 136, 564 } },
{ 0, 0, { 448, 136, 564 } }, { -1, 0, { 448, 136, 564 } }
struct CutsceneSplinePoint sIntroStartToPipeFocus[] = {
{ 0, 50, { 1753, 29800, 8999 } }, { 0, 50, { 1753, 29800, 8999 } },
{ 1, 50, { 1753, 8580, 8999 } }, { 1, 100, { 1753, 8580, 8999 } },
{ 2, 50, { 520, 5400, 8674 } }, { 3, 50, { 122, 4437, 7875 } },
{ 4, 50, { 316, 3333, 6538 } }, { 5, 36, { -1526, 2189, 5448 } },
{ 6, 50, { -1517, 452, 1731 } }, { 7, 50, { -6659, -181, 3109 } },
{ 8, 17, { -6649, 183, 3618 } }, { 9, 20, { -6009, -214, 4395 } },
{ 0, 50, { -5258, -175, 5449 } }, { 1, 36, { -5158, -266, 7651 } },
{ 2, 26, { -3351, -192, 6222 } }, { 3, 25, { -483, -137, 6060 } },
{ 4, 100, { 1833, 2211, 5962 } }, { 5, 26, { 3022, 207, 3090 } },
{ 6, 20, { 1250, 197, 449 } }, { 7, 50, { 248, 191, 227 } },
{ 7, 0, { 48, 191, 227 } }, { 7, 0, { 48, 191, 227 } },
{ -1, 0, { 48, 191, 227 } }
* Describes the spline the camera follows, starting when the camera jumps to Lakitu and ending after
* Mario jumps out of the pipe when the first dialog opens. This table specifically updates the
* camera's position.
struct CutsceneSplinePoint sIntroPipeToDialogPosition[] = {
{ 0, 0, { -785, 625, 4527 } }, { 1, 0, { -785, 625, 4527 } }, { 2, 0, { -1286, 644, 4376 } },
{ 3, 0, { -1286, 623, 4387 } }, { 4, 0, { -1286, 388, 3963 } }, { 5, 0, { -1286, 358, 4093 } },
{ 6, 0, { -1386, 354, 4159 } }, { 7, 0, { -1477, 306, 4223 } }, { 8, 0, { -1540, 299, 4378 } },
{ 9, 0, { -1473, 316, 4574 } }, { 0, 0, { -1328, 485, 5017 } }, { 0, 0, { -1328, 485, 5017 } },
{ 0, 0, { -1328, 485, 5017 } }, { -1, 0, { -1328, 485, 5017 } }
* Describes the spline that the camera's focus follows, during the same part of the intro as the above.
/**#ifdef VERSION_EU
struct CutsceneSplinePoint sIntroPipeToDialogFocus[] = {
{ 0, 25, { -1248, 450, 4596 } }, { 1, 71, { -1258, 485, 4606 } }, { 2, 71, { -1379, 344, 4769 } },
{ 3, 22, { -1335, 366, 4815 } }, { 4, 23, { -1315, 370, 4450 } }, { 5, 40, { -1322, 333, 4591 } },
{ 6, 25, { -1185, 329, 4616 } }, { 7, 21, { -1059, 380, 4487 } }, { 8, 14, { -1086, 421, 4206 } },
{ 9, 21, { -1321, 346, 4098 } }, { 0, 0, { -1328, 385, 4354 } }, { 0, 0, { -1328, 385, 4354 } },
{ 0, 0, { -1328, 385, 4354 } }, { -1, 0, { -1328, 385, 4354 } }
struct CutsceneSplinePoint sIntroPipeToDialogFocus[] = {
{ 0, 20, { -1248, 450, 4596 } }, { 1, 59, { -1258, 485, 4606 } }, { 2, 59, { -1379, 344, 4769 } },
{ 3, 20, { -1335, 366, 4815 } }, { 4, 23, { -1315, 370, 4450 } }, { 5, 40, { -1322, 333, 4591 } },
{ 6, 25, { -1185, 329, 4616 } }, { 7, 21, { -1059, 380, 4487 } }, { 8, 14, { -1086, 421, 4206 } },
{ 9, 21, { -1321, 346, 4098 } }, { 0, 0, { -1328, 385, 4354 } }, { 0, 0, { -1328, 385, 4354 } },
{ 0, 0, { -1328, 385, 4354 } }, { -1, 0, { -1328, 385, 4354 } }
struct CutsceneSplinePoint sEndingFlyToWindowPos[] = {
{ 0, 0, { -86, 876, 640 } }, { 1, 0, { -86, 876, 610 } }, { 2, 0, { -66, 945, 393 } },
{ 3, 0, { -80, 976, 272 } }, { 4, 0, { -66, 1306, -36 } }, { 5, 0, { -70, 1869, -149 } },
{ 6, 0, { -10, 2093, -146 } }, { 7, 0, { -10, 2530, -248 } }, { 8, 0, { -10, 2530, -263 } },
{ 9, 0, { -10, 2530, -273 } }
struct CutsceneSplinePoint sEndingFlyToWindowFocus[] = {
{ 0, 50, { -33, 889, -7 } }, { 1, 35, { -33, 889, -7 } }, { 2, 31, { -17, 1070, -193 } },
{ 3, 25, { -65, 1182, -272 } }, { 4, 20, { -64, 1559, -542 } }, { 5, 25, { -68, 2029, -677 } },
{ 6, 25, { -9, 2204, -673 } }, { 7, 25, { -8, 2529, -772 } }, { 8, 0, { -8, 2529, -772 } },
{ 9, 0, { -8, 2529, -772 } }, { -1, 0, { -8, 2529, -772 } }
struct CutsceneSplinePoint sEndingPeachDescentCamPos[] = {
{ 0, 50, { 1, 120, -1150 } }, { 1, 50, { 1, 120, -1150 } }, { 2, 40, { 118, 121, -1199 } },
{ 3, 40, { 147, 74, -1306 } }, { 4, 40, { 162, 95, -1416 } }, { 5, 40, { 25, 111, -1555 } },
{ 6, 40, { -188, 154, -1439 } }, { 7, 40, { -203, 181, -1242 } }, { 8, 40, { 7, 191, -1057 } },
{ 9, 40, { 262, 273, -1326 } }, { 0, 40, { -4, 272, -1627 } }, { 1, 35, { -331, 206, -1287 } },
{ 2, 30, { -65, 219, -877 } }, { 3, 25, { 6, 216, -569 } }, { 4, 25, { -8, 157, 40 } },
{ 5, 25, { -4, 106, 200 } }, { 6, 25, { -6, 72, 574 } }, { 7, 0, { -6, 72, 574 } },
{ 8, 0, { -6, 72, 574 } }, { -1, 0, { -6, 72, 574 } }
struct CutsceneSplinePoint sEndingMarioToPeachPos[] = {
{ 0, 0, { -130, 1111, -1815 } }, { 1, 0, { -131, 1052, -1820 } }, { 2, 0, { -271, 1008, -1651 } },
{ 3, 0, { -439, 1043, -1398 } }, { 4, 0, { -433, 1040, -1120 } }, { 5, 0, { -417, 1040, -1076 } },
{ 6, 0, { -417, 1040, -1076 } }, { 7, 0, { -417, 1040, -1076 } }, { -1, 0, { -417, 1040, -1076 } }
struct CutsceneSplinePoint sEndingMarioToPeachFocus[] = {
{ 0, 50, { -37, 1020, -1332 } }, { 1, 20, { -36, 1012, -1330 } }, { 2, 20, { -24, 1006, -1215 } },
{ 3, 20, { 28, 1002, -1224 } }, { 4, 24, { 45, 1013, -1262 } }, { 5, 35, { 34, 1000, -1287 } },
{ 6, 0, { 34, 1000, -1287 } }, { 7, 0, { 34, 1000, -1287 } }, { -1, 0, { 34, 1000, -1287 } }
struct CutsceneSplinePoint sEndingLookUpAtCastle[] = {
{ 0, 50, { 200, 1066, -1414 } }, { 0, 50, { 200, 1066, -1414 } }, { 0, 30, { 198, 1078, -1412 } },
{ 0, 33, { 15, 1231, -1474 } }, { 0, 39, { -94, 1381, -1368 } }, { 0, 0, { -92, 1374, -1379 } },
{ 0, 0, { -92, 1374, -1379 } }, { -1, 0, { -92, 1374, -1379 } }
struct CutsceneSplinePoint sEndingLookAtSkyFocus[] = {
//#ifdef VERSION_EU
// { 0, 50, { 484, 1368, -868 } }, { 0, 72, { 479, 1372, -872 } }, { 0, 50, { 351, 1817, -918 } },
{ 0, 50, { 484, 1368, -888 } }, { 0, 72, { 479, 1372, -892 } }, { 0, 50, { 351, 1817, -918 } },
{ 0, 50, { 351, 1922, -598 } }, { 0, 0, { 636, 2027, -415 } }, { 0, 0, { 636, 2027, -415 } },
{ -1, 0, { 636, 2027, -415 } }
static struct CameraTrigger* get_camera_trigger(s16 levelNum) {
if (levelNum < 0 || levelNum >= LEVEL_COUNT + 2) {
return NULL;
return sCameraTriggers[levelNum];
* Activates any CameraTriggers that Mario is inside.
* Then, applies area-specific processing to the camera, such as setting the default mode, or changing
* the mode based on the terrain type Mario is standing on.
* @return the camera's mode after processing, although this is unused in the code
s16 camera_course_processing(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return 0; }
if (!gCameraUseCourseSpecificSettings) { return 0; }
if (c->mode == CAMERA_MODE_ROM_HACK) { return 0; }
s16 level = gCurrLevelNum;
s16 mode;
s8 area = gCurrentArea->index;
// Bounds iterator
u32 b;
// Camera trigger's bounding box
Vec3f center, bounds;
u32 insideBounds = FALSE;
UNUSED struct CameraTrigger unused;
u8 oldMode = c->mode;
if (c->mode == CAMERA_MODE_C_UP) {
c->mode = sModeInfo.lastMode;
if (level > LEVEL_COUNT + 1) {
level = LEVEL_COUNT + 1;
if (get_camera_trigger(level) != NULL) {
b = 0;
// Process positional triggers.
// All triggered events are called, not just the first one.
struct CameraTrigger* camTrigger = get_camera_trigger(level);
while (camTrigger[b].event != NULL) {
// Check only the current area's triggers
if (camTrigger[b].area == area) {
// Copy the bounding box into center and bounds
vec3f_set(center, camTrigger[b].centerX,
vec3f_set(bounds, camTrigger[b].boundsX,
// Check if Mario is inside the bounds
if (is_pos_in_bounds(sMarioCamState->pos, center, bounds,
camTrigger[b].boundsYaw) == TRUE) {
//! This should be checked before calling is_pos_in_bounds. (It doesn't belong
//! outside the while loop because some events disable area processing)
insideBounds = TRUE;
if ((camTrigger)[b].area == -1) {
// Default triggers are only active if Mario is not already inside another trigger
if (!insideBounds) {
b += 1;
// Area-specific camera processing
switch (gCurrLevelArea) {
case AREA_WF:
if (sMarioCamState->action == ACT_RIDING_HOOT) {
transition_to_camera_mode(c, CAMERA_MODE_SLIDE_HOOT, 60);
} else {
switch (sMarioGeometry.currFloorType) {
transition_to_camera_mode(c, CAMERA_MODE_8_DIRECTIONS, 90);
s8DirModeBaseYaw = DEGREES(90);
if (gCurrActNum == 1) {
} else {
set_camera_mode_radial(c, 60);
set_camera_mode_radial(c, 60);
case AREA_BBH:
// if camera is fixed at bbh_room_13_balcony_camera (but as floats)
if (vec3f_compare(sFixedModeBasePosition, 210.f, 420.f, 3109.f) == 1)
if (sMarioCamState->pos[1] < 1800.f) {
transition_to_camera_mode(c, CAMERA_MODE_CLOSE, 30);
set_mode_if_not_set_by_surface(c, CAMERA_MODE_OUTWARD_RADIAL);
set_mode_if_not_set_by_surface(c, CAMERA_MODE_RADIAL);
case AREA_TTC:
set_mode_if_not_set_by_surface(c, CAMERA_MODE_OUTWARD_RADIAL);
case AREA_BOB:
if (set_mode_if_not_set_by_surface(c, CAMERA_MODE_NONE) == 0) {
if (sMarioGeometry.currFloorType == SURFACE_BOSS_FIGHT_CAMERA) {
} else {
if (c->mode == CAMERA_MODE_CLOSE) {
transition_to_camera_mode(c, CAMERA_MODE_RADIAL, 60);
} else {
set_camera_mode_radial(c, 60);
switch (sMarioGeometry.currFloorType) {
switch (sMarioGeometry.currFloorType) {
//! @bug this does nothing
&& (c->mode != CAMERA_MODE_WATER_SURFACE)) {
if (((sMarioCamState->action & ACT_FLAG_ON_POLE) != 0)
|| (sMarioGeometry.currFloorHeight > 800.f)) {
transition_to_camera_mode(c, CAMERA_MODE_8_DIRECTIONS, 60);
} else {
if (sMarioCamState->pos[1] < 800.f) {
transition_to_camera_mode(c, CAMERA_MODE_FREE_ROAM, 60);
//! @bug this does nothing
gLakituState.defMode = CAMERA_MODE_FREE_ROAM;
if (oldMode == CAMERA_MODE_C_UP) {
sModeInfo.lastMode = c->mode;
c->mode = oldMode;
mode = c->mode;
return mode;
* Move `pos` between the nearest floor and ceiling
* @param lastGood unused, passed as the last position the camera was in
void resolve_geometry_collisions(Vec3f pos, UNUSED Vec3f lastGood) {
f32 ceilY, floorY;
struct Surface *surf;
f32_find_wall_collision(&pos[0], &pos[1], &pos[2], 0.f, 100.f);
floorY = find_floor(pos[0], pos[1] + 50.f, pos[2], &surf);
ceilY = find_ceil(pos[0], pos[1] - 50.f, pos[2], &surf);
if ((gLevelValues.floorLowerLimit != floorY) && (gLevelValues.cellHeightLimit == ceilY)) {
if (pos[1] < (floorY += 125.f)) {
pos[1] = floorY;
if ((gLevelValues.floorLowerLimit == floorY) && (gLevelValues.cellHeightLimit != ceilY)) {
if (pos[1] > (ceilY -= 125.f)) {
pos[1] = ceilY;
if ((gLevelValues.floorLowerLimit != floorY) && (gLevelValues.cellHeightLimit != ceilY)) {
floorY += 125.f;
ceilY -= 125.f;
if ((pos[1] <= floorY) && (pos[1] < ceilY)) {
pos[1] = floorY;
if ((pos[1] > floorY) && (pos[1] >= ceilY)) {
pos[1] = ceilY;
if ((pos[1] <= floorY) && (pos[1] >= ceilY)) {
pos[1] = (floorY + ceilY) * 0.5f;
* Checks for any walls obstructing Mario from view, and calculates a new yaw that the camera should
* rotate towards.
* @param[out] avoidYaw the angle (from Mario) that the camera should rotate towards to avoid the wall.
* The camera then approaches avoidYaw until Mario is no longer obstructed.
* avoidYaw is always parallel to the wall.
* @param yawRange how wide of an arc to check for walls obscuring Mario.
* @return 3 if a wall is covering Mario, 1 if a wall is only near the camera.
s32 rotate_camera_around_walls(struct Camera *c, Vec3f cPos, s16 *avoidYaw, s16 yawRange) {
UNUSED f32 unused1;
struct WallCollisionData colData;
struct Surface *wall;
UNUSED Vec3f unused2;
f32 dummyDist, checkDist;
UNUSED f32 unused3;
f32 coarseRadius;
f32 fineRadius;
s16 wallYaw, horWallNorm;
UNUSED s16 unused4;
s16 dummyPitch;
// The yaw of the vector from Mario to the camera.
s16 yawFromMario;
UNUSED s16 unused5;
s32 status = 0;
/// The current iteration. The algorithm takes 8 equal steps from Mario back to the camera.
s32 step = 0;
UNUSED s32 unused6;
vec3f_get_dist_and_angle(sMarioCamState->pos, cPos, &dummyDist, &dummyPitch, &yawFromMario);
sStatusFlags &= ~CAM_FLAG_CAM_NEAR_WALL;
colData.offsetY = 100.0f;
// The distance from Mario to Lakitu
checkDist = 0.0f;
/// The radius used to find potential walls to avoid.
/// @bug Increases to 250.f, but the max collision radius is 200.f
coarseRadius = 150.0f;
/// This only increases when there is a wall collision found in the coarse pass
fineRadius = 100.0f;
for (step = 0; step < 8; step++) {
// Start at Mario, move backwards to Lakitu's position
colData.x = sMarioCamState->pos[0] + ((cPos[0] - sMarioCamState->pos[0]) * checkDist);
colData.y = sMarioCamState->pos[1] + ((cPos[1] - sMarioCamState->pos[1]) * checkDist);
colData.z = sMarioCamState->pos[2] + ((cPos[2] - sMarioCamState->pos[2]) * checkDist);
colData.radius = coarseRadius;
// Increase the coarse check radius
camera_approach_f32_symmetric_bool(&coarseRadius, 250.f, 30.f);
if (find_wall_collisions(&colData) != 0) {
wall = colData.walls[colData.numWalls - 1];
// If we're over halfway from Mario to Lakitu, then there's a wall near the camera, but
// not necessarily obstructing Mario
if (step >= 5) {
if (status <= 0) {
status = 1;
wall = colData.walls[colData.numWalls - 1];
// wallYaw is parallel to the wall, not perpendicular
wallYaw = atan2s(wall->normal.z, wall->normal.x) + DEGREES(90);
// Calculate the avoid direction. The function returns the opposite direction so add 180
// degrees.
*avoidYaw = calc_avoid_yaw(yawFromMario, wallYaw) + DEGREES(180);
colData.x = sMarioCamState->pos[0] + ((cPos[0] - sMarioCamState->pos[0]) * checkDist);
colData.y = sMarioCamState->pos[1] + ((cPos[1] - sMarioCamState->pos[1]) * checkDist);
colData.z = sMarioCamState->pos[2] + ((cPos[2] - sMarioCamState->pos[2]) * checkDist);
colData.radius = fineRadius;
// Increase the fine check radius
camera_approach_f32_symmetric_bool(&fineRadius, 200.f, 20.f);
if (find_wall_collisions(&colData) != 0) {
wall = colData.walls[colData.numWalls - 1];
horWallNorm = atan2s(wall->normal.z, wall->normal.x);
wallYaw = horWallNorm + DEGREES(90);
// If Mario would be blocked by the surface, then avoid it
if ((is_range_behind_surface(sMarioCamState->pos, cPos, wall, yawRange, SURFACE_WALL_MISC) == 0)
&& (is_mario_behind_surface(c, wall) == TRUE)
// Also check if the wall is tall enough to cover Mario
&& (is_surf_within_bounding_box(wall, -1.f, 150.f, -1.f) == FALSE)) {
// Calculate the avoid direction. The function returns the opposite direction so add 180
// degrees.
*avoidYaw = calc_avoid_yaw(yawFromMario, wallYaw) + DEGREES(180);
camera_approach_s16_symmetric_bool(avoidYaw, horWallNorm, yawRange);
status = 3;
step = 8;
checkDist += 0.125f;
return status;
* Stores type and height of the nearest floor and ceiling to Mario in `pg`
* Note: Also finds the water level, but waterHeight is unused
void find_mario_floor_and_ceil(struct PlayerGeometry *pg) {
if (!pg) { return; }
if (!sMarioCamState) { return; }
struct Surface *surf = NULL;
s16 tempCheckingSurfaceCollisionsForCamera = gCheckingSurfaceCollisionsForCamera;
gCheckingSurfaceCollisionsForCamera = TRUE;
if (find_floor(sMarioCamState->pos[0], sMarioCamState->pos[1] + 10.f, sMarioCamState->pos[2], &surf) != gLevelValues.floorLowerLimit && surf != NULL) {
pg->currFloorType = surf->type;
} else {
pg->currFloorType = 0;
if (find_ceil(sMarioCamState->pos[0], sMarioCamState->pos[1] - 10.f, sMarioCamState->pos[2], &surf) != gLevelValues.cellHeightLimit && surf != NULL) {
pg->currCeilType = surf->type;
} else {
pg->currCeilType = 0;
gCheckingSurfaceCollisionsForCamera = FALSE;
pg->currFloorHeight = find_floor(sMarioCamState->pos[0],
sMarioCamState->pos[1] + 10.f,
sMarioCamState->pos[2], &pg->currFloor);
pg->currCeilHeight = find_ceil(sMarioCamState->pos[0],
sMarioCamState->pos[1] - 10.f,
sMarioCamState->pos[2], &pg->currCeil);
pg->waterHeight = find_water_level(sMarioCamState->pos[0], sMarioCamState->pos[2]);
gCheckingSurfaceCollisionsForCamera = tempCheckingSurfaceCollisionsForCamera;
* Start a cutscene focusing on an object
* This will play if nothing else happened in the same frame, like exiting or warping.
void start_object_cutscene(u8 cutscene, struct Object *o) {
sObjectCutscene = cutscene;
gRecentCutscene = 0;
gCutsceneFocus = o;
gObjCutsceneDone = FALSE;
* Start a low-priority cutscene without focusing on an object
* This will play if nothing else happened in the same frame, like exiting or warping.
u8 start_object_cutscene_without_focus(u8 cutscene) {
sObjectCutscene = cutscene;
sCutsceneDialogResponse = 0;
return 0;
s32 unused_dialog_cutscene_response(u8 cutscene) {
// if not in a cutscene, start this one
if ((gCamera->cutscene == 0) && (sObjectCutscene == 0)) {
sObjectCutscene = cutscene;
// if playing this cutscene and Mario responded, return the response
if ((gCamera->cutscene == cutscene) && (sCutsceneDialogResponse != 0)) {
return (s16) sCutsceneDialogResponse;
} else {
return 0;
s16 cutscene_object_with_dialog(u8 cutscene, struct Object *o, s16 dialogID) {
s16 response = 0;
if ((gCamera->cutscene == 0) && (sObjectCutscene == 0)) {
if (gRecentCutscene != cutscene) {
start_object_cutscene(cutscene, o);
if (dialogID != -1) {
sCutsceneDialogID = dialogID;
} else {
sCutsceneDialogID = (s16) gBehaviorValues.dialogs.DefaultCutsceneDialog;
} else {
response = sCutsceneDialogResponse;
gRecentCutscene = 0;
return response;
s16 cutscene_object_without_dialog(u8 cutscene, struct Object *o) {
s16 response = cutscene_object_with_dialog(cutscene, o, -1);
return response;
* @return 0 if not started, 1 if started, and -1 if finished
s16 cutscene_object(u8 cutscene, struct Object *o) {
s16 status = 0;
if ((gCamera->cutscene == 0) && (sObjectCutscene == 0)) {
if (gRecentCutscene != cutscene) {
start_object_cutscene(cutscene, o);
status = 1;
} else {
status = -1;
return status;
* Update the camera's yaw and nextYaw. This is called from cutscenes to ignore the camera mode's yaw.
void update_camera_yaw(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
c->nextYaw = calculate_yaw(c->focus, c->pos);
c->yaw = c->nextYaw;
void cutscene_reset_spline(void) {
sCutsceneSplineSegment = 0;
sCutsceneSplineSegmentProgress = 0;
void stop_cutscene_and_retrieve_stored_info(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
gCutsceneTimer = CUTSCENE_STOP;
c->cutscene = 0;
vec3f_copy(c->focus, sCameraStoreCutscene.focus);
vec3f_copy(c->pos, sCameraStoreCutscene.pos);
void cap_switch_save(s16 dummy) {
UNUSED s16 unused = dummy;
save_file_do_save(gCurrSaveFileNum - 1, FALSE);
void init_spline_point(struct CutsceneSplinePoint *splinePoint, s8 index, u8 speed, Vec3s point) {
splinePoint->index = index;
splinePoint->speed = speed;
vec3s_copy(splinePoint->point, point);
// TODO: (Scrub C)
void copy_spline_segment(struct CutsceneSplinePoint dst[], struct CutsceneSplinePoint src[]) {
s32 j = 0;
s32 i = 0;
UNUSED s32 pad[2];
init_spline_point(&dst[i], src[j].index, src[j].speed, src[j].point);
i += 1;
do {
do {
init_spline_point(&dst[i], src[j].index, src[j].speed, src[j].point);
i += 1;
j += 1;
} while ((src[j].index != -1) && (src[j].index != -1)); //! same comparison performed twice
} while (j > 16);
// Create the end of the spline by duplicating the last point
do { init_spline_point(&dst[i], 0, src[j].speed, src[j].point); } while (0);
do { init_spline_point(&dst[i + 1], 0, 0, src[j].point); } while (0);
do { init_spline_point(&dst[i + 2], 0, 0, src[j].point); } while (0);
do { init_spline_point(&dst[i + 3], -1, 0, src[j].point); } while (0);
* Triggers Mario to enter a dialog state. This is used to make Mario look at the focus of a cutscene,
* for example, bowser.
* @param state 0 = stop, 1 = start, 2 = start and look up, and 3 = start and look down
* @return if Mario left the dialog state, return CUTSCENE_LOOP, else return gCutsceneTimer
s16 cutscene_common_set_dialog_state(s32 state) {
s16 timer = gCutsceneTimer;
// If the dialog ended, return CUTSCENE_LOOP, which would end the cutscene shot
if (set_mario_npc_dialog(&gMarioStates[0], state, NULL) == 2) {
return timer;
/// Unused SSL cutscene?
static UNUSED void unused_cutscene_mario_dialog_looking_down(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
gCutsceneTimer = cutscene_common_set_dialog_state(3);
* Cause Mario to enter the normal dialog state.
static BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_mario_dialog(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
gCutsceneTimer = cutscene_common_set_dialog_state(1);
/// Unused SSL cutscene?
static UNUSED void unused_cutscene_mario_dialog_looking_up(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
gCutsceneTimer = cutscene_common_set_dialog_state(2);
* Lower the volume (US only) and start the peach letter background music
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_intro_peach_start_letter_music(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
#if defined(VERSION_US) || defined(VERSION_SH)
seq_player_lower_volume(SEQ_PLAYER_LEVEL, 60, 40);
* Raise the volume (not in JP) and start the flying music.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_intro_peach_start_flying_music(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
#ifndef VERSION_JP
seq_player_unlower_volume(SEQ_PLAYER_LEVEL, 60);
* Lower the volume for the letter background music. In US, this happens on the same frame as the music
* starts.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_intro_peach_eu_lower_volume(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
seq_player_lower_volume(SEQ_PLAYER_LEVEL, 60, 40);
void reset_pan_distance(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
sPanDistance = 0;
* Easter egg: the player 2 (1) controller can move the camera's focus in the ending and credits.
void player2_rotate_cam(struct Camera *c, s16 minPitch, s16 maxPitch, s16 minYaw, s16 maxYaw) {
if (gDjuiInMainMenu) { return; }
f32 distCamToFocus;
s16 pitch, yaw, pitchCap;
// Change the camera rotation to match the 2nd player's stick
approach_s16_asymptotic_bool(&sCreditsPlayer2Yaw, -(s16)(gPlayer1Controller->stickX * 250.f), 4);
approach_s16_asymptotic_bool(&sCreditsPlayer2Pitch, -(s16)(gPlayer1Controller->stickY * 265.f), 4);
vec3f_get_dist_and_angle(c->pos, c->focus, &distCamToFocus, &pitch, &yaw);
pitchCap = 0x3800 - pitch; if (pitchCap < 0) {
pitchCap = 0;
if (maxPitch > pitchCap) {
maxPitch = pitchCap;
pitchCap = -0x3800 - pitch;
if (pitchCap > 0) {
pitchCap = 0;
if (minPitch < pitchCap) {
minPitch = pitchCap;
if (sCreditsPlayer2Pitch > maxPitch) {
sCreditsPlayer2Pitch = maxPitch;
if (sCreditsPlayer2Pitch < minPitch) {
sCreditsPlayer2Pitch = minPitch;
if (sCreditsPlayer2Yaw > maxYaw) {
sCreditsPlayer2Yaw = maxYaw;
if (sCreditsPlayer2Yaw < minYaw) {
sCreditsPlayer2Yaw = minYaw;
pitch += sCreditsPlayer2Pitch;
yaw += sCreditsPlayer2Yaw;
vec3f_set_dist_and_angle(c->pos, sPlayer2FocusOffset, distCamToFocus, pitch, yaw);
vec3f_sub(sPlayer2FocusOffset, c->focus);
* Store camera info for the cannon opening cutscene
void store_info_cannon(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
vec3f_copy(sCameraStoreCutscene.pos, c->pos);
vec3f_copy(sCameraStoreCutscene.focus, c->focus);
sCameraStoreCutscene.panDist = sPanDistance;
sCameraStoreCutscene.cannonYOffset = sCannonYOffset;
* Retrieve camera info for the cannon opening cutscene
void retrieve_info_cannon(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
vec3f_copy(c->pos, sCameraStoreCutscene.pos);
vec3f_copy(c->focus, sCameraStoreCutscene.focus);
sPanDistance = sCameraStoreCutscene.panDist;
sCannonYOffset = sCameraStoreCutscene.cannonYOffset;
* Store camera info for the star spawn cutscene
void store_info_star(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
vec3f_copy(sCameraStoreCutscene.pos, c->pos);
sCameraStoreCutscene.focus[0] = sMarioCamState->pos[0];
sCameraStoreCutscene.focus[1] = c->focus[1];
sCameraStoreCutscene.focus[2] = sMarioCamState->pos[2];
* Retrieve camera info for the star spawn cutscene
void retrieve_info_star(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
vec3f_copy(c->pos, sCameraStoreCutscene.pos);
vec3f_copy(c->focus, sCameraStoreCutscene.focus);
static UNUSED void unused_vec3s_to_vec3f(Vec3f dst, Vec3s src) {
dst[0] = src[0];
dst[1] = src[1];
dst[2] = src[2];
static UNUSED void unused_vec3f_to_vec3s(Vec3s dst, Vec3f src) {
// note: unlike vec3f_to_vec3s(), this function doesn't round the numbers and instead simply
// truncates them
dst[0] = src[0];
dst[1] = src[1];
dst[2] = src[2];
* Rotate the camera's focus around the camera's position by incYaw and incPitch
void pan_camera(struct Camera *c, s16 incPitch, s16 incYaw) {
if (!c) { return; }
UNUSED Vec3f unused1;
f32 distCamToFocus;
s16 pitch, yaw;
vec3f_get_dist_and_angle(c->pos, c->focus, &distCamToFocus, &pitch, &yaw);
pitch += incPitch; yaw += incYaw;
vec3f_set_dist_and_angle(c->pos, c->focus, distCamToFocus, pitch, yaw);
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_shake_explosion(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
static UNUSED void unused_start_bowser_bounce_shake(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
* Change the spherical coordinates of `to` relative to `from` by `incDist`, `incPitch`, and `incYaw`
* @param from the base position
* @param[out] to the destination position
void rotate_and_move_vec3f(Vec3f to, Vec3f from, f32 incDist, s16 incPitch, s16 incYaw) {
f32 dist;
s16 pitch, yaw;
vec3f_get_dist_and_angle(from, to, &dist, &pitch, &yaw);
pitch += incPitch;
yaw += incYaw;
dist += incDist;
vec3f_set_dist_and_angle(from, to, dist, pitch, yaw);
void set_flag_post_door(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
sCameraYawAfterDoorCutscene = calculate_yaw(c->focus, c->pos);
void cutscene_soften_music(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
seq_player_lower_volume(SEQ_PLAYER_LEVEL, 60, 40);
void cutscene_unsoften_music(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
seq_player_unlower_volume(SEQ_PLAYER_LEVEL, 60);
static void stub_camera_5(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_unused_start(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_unused_loop(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
* Set the camera position and focus for when Mario falls from the sky.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_ending_mario_fall_start(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
vec3f_set(c->focus, -26.f, 0.f, -137.f);
vec3f_set(c->pos, 165.f, 4725.f, 324.f);
* Focus on Mario when he's falling from the sky.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_ending_mario_fall_focus_mario(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
Vec3f offset;
vec3f_set(offset, 0.f, 80.f, 0.f);
offset[2] = ABS(sMarioCamState->pos[1] - c->pos[1]) * -0.1f;
if (offset[2] > -100.f) {
offset[2] = -100.f;
offset_rotated(c->focus, sMarioCamState->pos, offset, sMarioCamState->faceAngle);
* Mario falls from the sky after the grand star cutscene.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_ending_mario_fall(struct Camera *c) {
cutscene_event(cutscene_ending_mario_fall_start, c, 0, 0);
cutscene_event(cutscene_ending_mario_fall_focus_mario, c, 0, -1);
player2_rotate_cam(c, -0x2000, 0x2000, -0x2000, 0x2000);
* Closeup of Mario as the wing cap fades and Mario looks up.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_ending_mario_land_closeup(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
vec3f_set(c->focus, 85.f, 826.f, 250.f);
vec3f_set(c->pos, -51.f, 988.f, -202.f);
player2_rotate_cam(c, -0x2000, 0x2000, -0x2000, 0x2000);
* Reset the spline progress and cvar9.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_ending_reset_spline(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
sCutsceneVars[9].point[0] = 0.f;
* Follow sEndingFlyToWindowPos/Focus up to the window.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_ending_fly_up_to_window(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
move_point_along_spline(c->pos, sEndingFlyToWindowPos, &sCutsceneSplineSegment, &sCutsceneSplineSegmentProgress);
move_point_along_spline(c->focus, sEndingFlyToWindowFocus, &sCutsceneSplineSegment, &sCutsceneSplineSegmentProgress);
* Move the camera up to the window as the star power frees peach.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_ending_stars_free_peach(struct Camera *c) {
cutscene_event(cutscene_ending_reset_spline, c, 0, 0);
cutscene_event(cutscene_ending_fly_up_to_window, c, 0, -1);
player2_rotate_cam(c, -0x2000, 0x2000, -0x2000, 0x2000);
* Move the camera to the ground as Mario lands.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_ending_mario_land(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
vec3f_set(c->focus, sEndingFlyToWindowFocus[0].point[0], sEndingFlyToWindowFocus[0].point[1] + 80.f, sEndingFlyToWindowFocus[0].point[2]);
vec3f_set(c->pos, sEndingFlyToWindowPos[0].point[0], sEndingFlyToWindowPos[0].point[1], sEndingFlyToWindowPos[0].point[2] + 150.f);
player2_rotate_cam(c, -0x800, 0x2000, -0x2000, 0x2000);
* Move the camera closer to peach appearing.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_ending_peach_appear_closeup(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c || !gCutsceneFocus) { return; }
// hacky fix to make sure cutscene focus is valid
if (gCutsceneFocus == NULL) {
gCutsceneFocus = gMarioStates[0].marioObj;
vec3f_set(c->pos, 179.f, 2463.f, -1216.f);
c->pos[1] = gCutsceneFocus->oPosY + 35.f;
vec3f_set(c->focus, gCutsceneFocus->oPosX, gCutsceneFocus->oPosY + 125.f, gCutsceneFocus->oPosZ);
* Peach fades in, the camera focuses on her.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_ending_peach_appears(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c || !gCutsceneFocus) { return; }
cutscene_event(cutscene_ending_peach_appear_closeup, c, 0, 0);
approach_f32_asymptotic_bool(&c->pos[1], gCutsceneFocus->oPosY + 35.f, 0.02f);
approach_f32_asymptotic_bool(&c->focus[1], gCutsceneFocus->oPosY + 125.f, 0.15f);
player2_rotate_cam(c, -0x2000, 0x2000, -0x2000, 0x2000);
* Reset spline progress, set cvar2 y offset.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_ending_peach_descends_start(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
sCutsceneVars[2].point[1] = 150.f;
* Follow the sEndingPeachDescentCamPos spline, which rotates around peach.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_ending_follow_peach_descent(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c || !gCutsceneFocus) { return; }
move_point_along_spline(c->pos, sEndingPeachDescentCamPos, &sCutsceneSplineSegment, &sCutsceneSplineSegmentProgress);
c->pos[1] += gCutsceneFocus->oPosY + sCutsceneVars[3].point[1];
* Decrease cvar2's y offset while the camera flies backwards to Mario.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_ending_peach_descent_lower_focus(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
camera_approach_f32_symmetric_bool(&(sCutsceneVars[2].point[1]), 90.f, 0.5f);
* Keep following the sEndingPeachDescentCamPos spline, which leads back to Mario.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_ending_peach_descent_back_to_mario(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c || !gCutsceneFocus) { return; }
Vec3f pos;
move_point_along_spline(pos, sEndingPeachDescentCamPos, &sCutsceneSplineSegment, &sCutsceneSplineSegmentProgress);
c->pos[0] = pos[0];
c->pos[2] = pos[2];
approach_f32_asymptotic_bool(&c->pos[1], (pos[1] += gCutsceneFocus->oPosY), 0.07f);
* Peach starts floating to the ground. Rotate the camera around her, then fly backwards to Mario when
* she lands.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_ending_peach_descends(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c || !gCutsceneFocus) { return; }
cutscene_event(cutscene_ending_peach_descends_start, c, 0, 0);
cutscene_event(cutscene_ending_follow_peach_descent, c, 0, 299);
cutscene_event(cutscene_ending_peach_descent_back_to_mario, c, 300, -1);
cutscene_event(cutscene_ending_peach_descent_lower_focus, c, 300, -1);
vec3f_set(c->focus, gCutsceneFocus->oPosX, sCutsceneVars[2].point[1] + gCutsceneFocus->oPosY,
player2_rotate_cam(c, -0x2000, 0x2000, -0x2000, 0x2000);
* Mario runs across the bridge to peach, and takes off his cap.
* Follow the sEndingMarioToPeach* splines while Mario runs across.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_ending_mario_to_peach(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
cutscene_event(cutscene_ending_reset_spline, c, 0, 0);
move_point_along_spline(c->pos, sEndingMarioToPeachPos, &sCutsceneSplineSegment, &sCutsceneSplineSegmentProgress);
move_point_along_spline(c->focus, sEndingMarioToPeachFocus, &sCutsceneSplineSegment, &sCutsceneSplineSegmentProgress);
player2_rotate_cam(c, -0x2000, 0x2000, -0x2000, 0x2000);
* Make the focus follow the sEndingLookUpAtCastle spline.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_ending_look_up_at_castle(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
move_point_along_spline(c->focus, sEndingLookUpAtCastle, &sCutsceneSplineSegment, &sCutsceneSplineSegmentProgress);
* Peach opens her eyes and the camera looks at the castle window again.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_ending_peach_wakeup(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
cutscene_event(cutscene_ending_reset_spline, c, 0, 0);
cutscene_event(cutscene_ending_look_up_at_castle, c, 0, 0);
/**#ifdef VERSION_EU
cutscene_event(cutscene_ending_look_up_at_castle, c, 265, -1);
cutscene_spawn_obj(7, 315);
cutscene_spawn_obj(9, 355);
cutscene_event(cutscene_ending_look_up_at_castle, c, 250, -1);
cutscene_spawn_obj(7, 300);
cutscene_spawn_obj(9, 340);
vec3f_set(c->pos, -163.f, 978.f, -1082.f);
player2_rotate_cam(c, -0x800, 0x2000, -0x2000, 0x2000);
* Side view of peach and Mario. Peach thanks Mario for saving her.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_ending_dialog(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
vec3f_set(c->focus, 11.f, 983.f, -1273.f);
vec3f_set(c->pos, -473.f, 970.f, -1152.f);
player2_rotate_cam(c, -0x800, 0x2000, -0x2000, 0x2000);
* Zoom in and move the camera close to Mario and peach.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_ending_kiss_closeup(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
vec3f_set(c->focus, 350.f, 1034.f, -1216.f);
vec3f_set(c->pos, -149.f, 1021.f, -1216.f);
* Fly back and zoom out for Mario's spin after the kiss.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_ending_kiss_here_we_go(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
Vec3f pos, foc;
vec3f_set(foc, 233.f, 1068.f, -1298.f);
vec3f_set(pos, -250.f, 966.f, -1111.f);
//! another double typo
approach_vec3f_asymptotic(c->pos, pos, 0.2, 0.1f, 0.2f);
approach_vec3f_asymptotic(c->focus, foc, 0.2, 0.1f, 0.2f);
* Peach kisses Mario on the nose.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_ending_kiss(struct Camera *c) {
cutscene_event(cutscene_ending_kiss_closeup, c, 0, 0);
/**#ifdef VERSION_EU
cutscene_event(cutscene_ending_kiss_here_we_go, c, 185, -1);
cutscene_event(cutscene_ending_kiss_here_we_go, c, 155, -1);
player2_rotate_cam(c, -0x800, 0x2000, -0x2000, 0x2000);
* Make the focus follow sEndingLookAtSkyFocus.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_ending_look_at_sky(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
move_point_along_spline(c->focus, sEndingLookAtSkyFocus, &sCutsceneSplineSegment, &sCutsceneSplineSegmentProgress);
vec3f_set(c->pos, 699.f, 1680.f, -703.f);
* Zoom in the fov. The fovFunc was just set to default, so it wants to approach 45. But while this is
* called, it will stay at about 37.26f
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_ending_zoom_fov(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
gFOVState.fov = 37.f;
* Peach suggests baking a cake for Mario. Mario looks back at the camera before going inside the castle.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_ending_cake_for_mario(struct Camera *c) {
cutscene_event(cutscene_ending_reset_spline, c, 0, 0);
cutscene_event(cutscene_ending_look_at_sky, c, 0, 0);
cutscene_event(cutscene_ending_zoom_fov, c, 0, 499);
cutscene_event(cutscene_ending_look_at_sky, c, 500, -1);
cutscene_spawn_obj(8, 600);
cutscene_spawn_obj(8, 608);
cutscene_spawn_obj(8, 624);
cutscene_spawn_obj(8, 710);
* Stop the ending cutscene, reset the fov.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_ending_stop(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
c->cutscene = 0;
gCutsceneTimer = CUTSCENE_STOP;
* Start the grand star cutscene.
* cvar0 is a relative offset from Mario.
* cvar1 is the is the camera's goal position.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_grand_star_start(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
vec3f_set(sCutsceneVars[0].point, 0.f, 150.f, -600.f);
offset_rotated(sCutsceneVars[1].point, sMarioCamState->pos, sCutsceneVars[0].point, sMarioCamState->faceAngle);
sCutsceneVars[1].point[1] = 457.f;
* Make the camera fly to the front of Mario.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_grand_star_front_of_mario(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
f32 goalDist;
s16 goalPitch, goalYaw;
f32 dist;
s16 pitch, yaw;
vec3f_get_dist_and_angle(sMarioCamState->pos, sCutsceneVars[1].point, &goalDist, &goalPitch, &goalYaw);
vec3f_get_dist_and_angle(sMarioCamState->pos, c->pos, &dist, &pitch, &yaw);
approach_f32_asymptotic_bool(&dist, goalDist, 0.1f);
approach_s16_asymptotic_bool(&pitch, goalPitch, 32);
approach_s16_asymptotic_bool(&yaw, goalYaw + 0x1200, 20);
vec3f_set_dist_and_angle(sMarioCamState->pos, c->pos, dist, pitch, yaw);
* Started shortly after Mario starts the triple jump. Stores Mario's face angle and zeros cvar2.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_grand_star_mario_jump(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
vec3s_set(sCutsceneVars[0].angle, 0, sMarioCamState->faceAngle[1], 0);
vec3f_set(sCutsceneVars[2].point, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
* Accelerate cvar2 to point back and to the left (relative to the camera).
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_grand_star_accel_cvar2(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
camera_approach_f32_symmetric_bool(&sCutsceneVars[2].point[2], -40.f, 2.0f);
sCutsceneVars[2].point[0] = 5.0f;
* Decrease cvar2 offset, follow Mario by directly updating the camera's pos.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_grand_star_approach_mario(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
camera_approach_f32_symmetric_bool(&sCutsceneVars[2].point[2], 0.f, 2.f);
sCutsceneVars[2].point[0] = 0.f;
approach_f32_asymptotic_bool(&c->pos[0], sMarioCamState->pos[0], 0.01f);
approach_f32_asymptotic_bool(&c->pos[2], sMarioCamState->pos[2], 0.01f);
* Offset the camera's position by cvar2. Before Mario triple jumps, this moves back and to the left.
* After the triple jump, cvar2 decelerates to 0.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_grand_star_move_cvar2(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
offset_rotated(c->pos, c->pos, sCutsceneVars[2].point, sCutsceneVars[0].angle);
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_grand_star_focus_mario(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
Vec3f foc;
vec3f_set(foc, sMarioCamState->pos[0], (sMarioCamState->pos[1] - 307.f) * 0.5f + 407.f, sMarioCamState->pos[2]);
approach_vec3f_asymptotic(c->focus, foc, 0.5f, 0.8f, 0.5f);
* The first part of the grand star cutscene, after Mario has collected the grand star.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_grand_star(struct Camera *c) {
cutscene_event(cutscene_grand_star_start, c, 0, 0);
cutscene_event(cutscene_grand_star_front_of_mario, c, 0, 109);
cutscene_event(cutscene_grand_star_focus_mario, c, 0, -1);
cutscene_event(cutscene_grand_star_mario_jump, c, 110, 110);
cutscene_event(cutscene_grand_star_accel_cvar2, c, 110, 159);
cutscene_event(cutscene_grand_star_approach_mario, c, 160, -1);
cutscene_event(cutscene_grand_star_move_cvar2, c, 110, -1);
* Zero the cvars that are used when Mario is flying.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_grand_star_fly_start(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
//! cvar7 is unused in grand star
vec3f_set(sCutsceneVars[7].point, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
//! cvar6 is unused in grand star
vec3f_set(sCutsceneVars[6].point, 0.01f, 0.01f, 0.01f);
vec3f_set(sCutsceneVars[4].point, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
vec3f_set(sCutsceneVars[5].point, 0.f, c->focus[1] - sMarioCamState->pos[1], 0.f);
sCutsceneVars[8].point[2] = 0.f;
sCutsceneVars[8].point[0] = 0.f;
* Decrease the cvar offsets so that Lakitu flies closer to Mario.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_grand_star_fly_move_to_mario(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
Vec3f posOff;
vec3f_set(posOff, -600.f, 0.f, -400.f);
approach_vec3f_asymptotic(sCutsceneVars[4].point, posOff, 0.05f, 0.05f, 0.05f);
camera_approach_f32_symmetric_bool(&sCutsceneVars[5].point[1], 0.f, 2.f);
camera_approach_f32_symmetric_bool(&sCutsceneVars[5].point[2], -200.f, 6.f);
* Gradually increase the cvar offsets so Lakitu flies away. Mario flies offscreen to the right.
* cvar4 is the position offset from Mario.
* cvar5 is the focus offset from Mario.
* cvar8.point[0] is the approach velocity.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_grand_star_fly_mario_offscreen(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
camera_approach_f32_symmetric_bool(&sCutsceneVars[8].point[0], 15.f, 0.1f);
camera_approach_f32_symmetric_bool(&sCutsceneVars[4].point[0], -2000.f, sCutsceneVars[8].point[0]);
camera_approach_f32_symmetric_bool(&sCutsceneVars[4].point[1], 1200.f, sCutsceneVars[8].point[0] / 10.f);
camera_approach_f32_symmetric_bool(&sCutsceneVars[4].point[2], 1000.f, sCutsceneVars[8].point[0] / 10.f);
camera_approach_f32_symmetric_bool(&sCutsceneVars[5].point[0], 0.f, sCutsceneVars[8].point[0]);
camera_approach_f32_symmetric_bool(&sCutsceneVars[5].point[1], 1200.f, sCutsceneVars[8].point[0] / 2);
camera_approach_f32_symmetric_bool(&sCutsceneVars[5].point[2], 1000.f, sCutsceneVars[8].point[0] / 1.5f);
* Make Lakitu approach the cvars.
* cvar4 is the position offset.
* cvar5 is the focus offset.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_grand_star_fly_app_cvars(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
Vec3f goalPos, goalFoc;
f32 dist;
s16 pitch, yaw;
camera_approach_f32_symmetric_bool(&sCutsceneVars[8].point[2], 90.f, 2.5f);
offset_rotated(goalPos, sMarioCamState->pos, sCutsceneVars[4].point, sMarioCamState->faceAngle);
offset_rotated(goalFoc, sMarioCamState->pos, sCutsceneVars[5].point, sMarioCamState->faceAngle);
// Move towards goalPos by cvar8's Z speed
vec3f_get_dist_and_angle(goalPos, c->pos, &dist, &pitch, &yaw);
camera_approach_f32_symmetric_bool(&dist, 0, sCutsceneVars[8].point[2]);
vec3f_set_dist_and_angle(goalPos, c->pos, dist, pitch, yaw);
approach_vec3f_asymptotic(c->pos, goalPos, 0.01f, 0.01f, 0.01f);
approach_vec3f_asymptotic(c->focus, goalFoc, 0.5f, 0.8f, 0.5f);
* Part of the grand star cutscene, starts after Mario is flying.
* cvar4 and cvar5 are directions, relative to Mario:
* cvar4 is used as the camera position's offset from Mario.
* cvar5 is used as the camera focus's offset from Mario.
* cvar8.point[2] is Lakitu's speed.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_grand_star_fly(struct Camera *c) {
cutscene_event(cutscene_grand_star_fly_start, c, 0, 0);
cutscene_event(cutscene_grand_star_fly_move_to_mario, c, 0, 140);
cutscene_event(cutscene_grand_star_fly_mario_offscreen, c, 141, -1);
cutscene_event(cutscene_grand_star_fly_app_cvars, c, 0, -1);
* Adjust the camera focus towards a point `dist` units in front of Mario.
* @param dist distance in Mario's forward direction. Note that this is relative to Mario, so a negative
* distance will focus in front of Mario, and a positive distance will focus behind him.
void focus_in_front_of_mario(struct Camera *c, f32 dist, f32 speed) {
if (!c) { return; }
Vec3f goalFocus, offset;
offset[0] = 0.f;
offset[2] = dist;
offset[1] = 100.f;
offset_rotated(goalFocus, sMarioCamState->pos, offset, sMarioCamState->faceAngle);
approach_vec3f_asymptotic(c->focus, goalFocus, speed, speed, speed);
* Approach Mario and look up. Since Mario faces the camera when he collects the star, there's no need
* to worry about the camera's yaw.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_dance_move_to_mario(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
s16 pitch, yaw;
f32 dist;
vec3f_get_dist_and_angle(sMarioCamState->pos, c->pos, &dist, &pitch, &yaw);
approach_f32_asymptotic_bool(&dist, 600.f, 0.3f);
approach_s16_asymptotic_bool(&pitch, 0x1000, 0x10);
vec3f_set_dist_and_angle(sMarioCamState->pos, c->pos, dist, pitch, yaw);
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_dance_rotate(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
rotate_and_move_vec3f(c->pos, sMarioCamState->pos, 0, 0, 0x200);
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_dance_rotate_move_back(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
rotate_and_move_vec3f(c->pos, sMarioCamState->pos, -15.f, 0, 0);
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_dance_rotate_move_towards_mario(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
rotate_and_move_vec3f(c->pos, sMarioCamState->pos, 20.f, 0, 0);
* Speculated to be dance-related due to its proximity to the other dance functions
static BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_dance_unused(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
* Slowly turn to the point 100 units in front of Mario
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_dance_default_focus_mario(struct Camera *c) {
focus_in_front_of_mario(c, -100.f, 0.2f);
* Focus twice as far away as default dance, and move faster.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_dance_rotate_focus_mario(struct Camera *c) {
focus_in_front_of_mario(c, -200.f, 0.03f);
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_dance_shake_fov(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
set_fov_shake(0x200, 0x28, 0x8000);
* Handles both the default and rotate dance cutscenes.
* In the default dance: the camera moves closer to Mario, then stays in place.
* In the rotate dance: the camera moves closer and rotates clockwise around Mario.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_dance_default_rotate(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
sYawSpeed = 0;
cutscene_event(cutscene_dance_default_focus_mario, c, 0, 20);
cutscene_event(cutscene_dance_move_to_mario, c, 0, 39);
// Shake the camera on the 4th beat of the music, when Mario gives the peace sign.
cutscene_event(cutscene_dance_shake_fov, c, 40, 40);
cutscene_event(cutscene_dance_rotate_focus_mario, c, 75, 102);
cutscene_event(cutscene_dance_rotate, c, 50, -1);
// These two functions move the camera away and then towards Mario.
cutscene_event(cutscene_dance_rotate_move_back, c, 50, 80);
cutscene_event(cutscene_dance_rotate_move_towards_mario, c, 70, 90);
} else {
// secret star, 100 coin star, or bowser red coin star.
if ((sMarioCamState->action != ACT_STAR_DANCE_NO_EXIT)
&& (sMarioCamState->action != ACT_STAR_DANCE_WATER)
&& (sMarioCamState->action != ACT_STAR_DANCE_EXIT)) {
gCutsceneTimer = CUTSCENE_STOP;
c->cutscene = 0;
transition_next_state(c, 20);
* If the camera's yaw is out of the range of `absYaw` +- `yawMax`, then set the yaw to `absYaw`
BAD_RETURN(s32) star_dance_bound_yaw(struct Camera *c, s16 absYaw, s16 yawMax) {
if (!c) { return; }
s16 dummyPitch, yaw;
f32 distCamToMario;
s16 yawFromAbs;
vec3f_get_dist_and_angle(sMarioCamState->pos, c->pos, &distCamToMario, &dummyPitch, &yaw);
yawFromAbs = yaw - absYaw;
// Because angles are s16, this checks if yaw is negative
if ((yawFromAbs & 0x8000) != 0) {
yawFromAbs = -yawFromAbs;
if (yawFromAbs > yawMax) {
yaw = absYaw;
c->nextYaw = yaw;
c->yaw = yaw;
* Start the closeup dance cutscene by restricting the camera's yaw in certain areas.
* Store the camera's focus in cvar9.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_dance_closeup_start(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
UNUSED s32 pad[2];
if ((gLastCompletedStarNum == 4) && (gCurrCourseNum == COURSE_JRB)) {
star_dance_bound_yaw(c, 0x0, 0x4000);
if ((gLastCompletedStarNum == 1) && (gCurrCourseNum == COURSE_DDD)) {
star_dance_bound_yaw(c, 0x8000, 0x5000);
if ((gLastCompletedStarNum == 5) && (gCurrCourseNum == COURSE_WDW)) {
star_dance_bound_yaw(c, 0x8000, 0x800);
vec3f_copy(sCutsceneVars[9].point, c->focus);
//! cvar8 is unused in the closeup cutscene
sCutsceneVars[8].angle[0] = 0x2000;
* Focus the camera on Mario eye height.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_dance_closeup_focus_mario(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
Vec3f marioPos;
vec3f_set(marioPos, sMarioCamState->pos[0], sMarioCamState->pos[1] + 125.f, sMarioCamState->pos[2]);
approach_vec3f_asymptotic(sCutsceneVars[9].point, marioPos, 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f);
vec3f_copy(c->focus, sCutsceneVars[9].point);
* Fly above Mario, looking down.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_dance_closeup_fly_above(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
s16 pitch, yaw;
f32 dist;
s16 goalPitch = 0x1800;
if ((gLastCompletedStarNum == 6 && gCurrCourseNum == COURSE_SL) ||
(gLastCompletedStarNum == 4 && gCurrCourseNum == COURSE_TTC)) {
goalPitch = 0x800;
vec3f_get_dist_and_angle(sMarioCamState->pos, c->pos, &dist, &pitch, &yaw);
approach_f32_asymptotic_bool(&dist, 800.f, 0.05f);
approach_s16_asymptotic_bool(&pitch, goalPitch, 16);
approach_s16_asymptotic_bool(&yaw, c->yaw, 8);
vec3f_set_dist_and_angle(sMarioCamState->pos, c->pos, dist, pitch, yaw);
* Fly closer right when Mario gives the peace sign.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_dance_closeup_fly_closer(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
s16 pitch, yaw;
f32 dist;
vec3f_get_dist_and_angle(sMarioCamState->pos, c->pos, &dist, &pitch, &yaw);
approach_f32_asymptotic_bool(&dist, 240.f, 0.4f);
approach_s16_asymptotic_bool(&yaw, c->yaw, 8);
approach_s16_asymptotic_bool(&pitch, 0x1000, 5);
vec3f_set_dist_and_angle(sMarioCamState->pos, c->pos, dist, pitch, yaw);
* Zoom in by increasing fov to 80 degrees. Most dramatic zoom in the game.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_dance_closeup_zoom(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
* Shake fov, starts on the first frame Mario has the peace sign up.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_dance_closeup_shake_fov(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
set_fov_shake(0x300, 0x30, 0x8000);
* The camera moves in for a closeup on Mario. Used for stars that are underwater or in tight places.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_dance_closeup(struct Camera *c) {
if (sMarioCamState->action == ACT_STAR_DANCE_WATER) {
cutscene_event(cutscene_dance_closeup_start, c, 0, 0);
cutscene_event(cutscene_dance_closeup_focus_mario, c, 0, -1);
cutscene_event(cutscene_dance_closeup_fly_above, c, 0, 62);
cutscene_event(cutscene_dance_closeup_fly_closer, c, 63, -1);
cutscene_event(cutscene_dance_closeup_zoom, c, 63, 63);
cutscene_event(cutscene_dance_closeup_shake_fov, c, 70, 70);
} else {
cutscene_event(cutscene_dance_closeup_start, c, 0, 0);
cutscene_event(cutscene_dance_closeup_focus_mario, c, 0, -1);
// Almost twice as fast as under water
cutscene_event(cutscene_dance_closeup_fly_above, c, 0, 32);
cutscene_event(cutscene_dance_closeup_fly_closer, c, 33, -1);
cutscene_event(cutscene_dance_closeup_zoom, c, 33, 33);
cutscene_event(cutscene_dance_closeup_shake_fov, c, 40, 40);
* cvar8.point[2] is the amount to increase distance from Mario
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_dance_fly_away_start(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
Vec3f areaCenter;
vec3f_copy(sCutsceneVars[9].point, c->focus);
sCutsceneVars[8].point[2] = 65.f;
if (c->mode == CAMERA_MODE_RADIAL) {
vec3f_set(areaCenter, c->areaCenX, c->areaCenY, c->areaCenZ);
c->yaw = calculate_yaw(areaCenter, c->pos);
c->nextYaw = c->yaw;
// Restrict the camera yaw in tight spaces
if ((gLastCompletedStarNum == 6) && (gCurrCourseNum == COURSE_CCM)) {
star_dance_bound_yaw(c, 0x5600, 0x800);
if ((gLastCompletedStarNum == 2) && (gCurrCourseNum == COURSE_TTM)) {
star_dance_bound_yaw(c, 0x0, 0x800);
if ((gLastCompletedStarNum == 1) && (gCurrCourseNum == COURSE_SL)) {
star_dance_bound_yaw(c, 0x2000, 0x800);
if ((gLastCompletedStarNum == 3) && (gCurrCourseNum == COURSE_RR)) {
star_dance_bound_yaw(c, 0x0, 0x800);
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_dance_fly_away_approach_mario(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
s16 pitch, yaw;
f32 dist;
vec3f_get_dist_and_angle(sMarioCamState->pos, c->pos, &dist, &pitch, &yaw);
approach_f32_asymptotic_bool(&dist, 600.f, 0.3f);
approach_s16_asymptotic_bool(&pitch, 0x1000, 16);
approach_s16_asymptotic_bool(&yaw, c->yaw, 8);
vec3f_set_dist_and_angle(sMarioCamState->pos, c->pos, dist, pitch, yaw);
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_dance_fly_away_focus_mario(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
Vec3f marioPos;
vec3f_set(marioPos, sMarioCamState->pos[0], sMarioCamState->pos[1] + 125.f, sMarioCamState->pos[2]);
approach_vec3f_asymptotic(sCutsceneVars[9].point, marioPos, 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f);
vec3f_copy(c->focus, sCutsceneVars[9].point);
* Slowly pan the camera downwards and to the camera's right, using cvar9's angle.
void cutscene_pan_cvar9(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
vec3f_copy(c->focus, sCutsceneVars[9].point);
sCutsceneVars[9].angle[0] -= 29;
sCutsceneVars[9].angle[1] += 29;
pan_camera(c, sCutsceneVars[9].angle[0], sCutsceneVars[9].angle[1]);
* Move backwards and rotate slowly around Mario.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_dance_fly_rotate_around_mario(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
rotate_and_move_vec3f(c->pos, sMarioCamState->pos, sCutsceneVars[8].point[2], 0, 0);
* Rotate quickly while Lakitu flies up.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_dance_fly_away_rotate_while_flying(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
rotate_and_move_vec3f(c->pos, sMarioCamState->pos, 0, 0, 0x80);
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_dance_fly_away_shake_fov(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
set_fov_shake(0x400, 0x30, 0x8000);
* After collecting the star, Lakitu flies upwards out of the course.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_dance_fly_away(struct Camera *c) {
cutscene_event(cutscene_dance_fly_away_start, c, 0, 0);
cutscene_event(cutscene_dance_fly_away_focus_mario, c, 0, 30);
cutscene_event(cutscene_dance_fly_away_approach_mario, c, 0, 30);
cutscene_event(cutscene_dance_fly_rotate_around_mario, c, 55, 124);
cutscene_event(cutscene_dance_fly_away_rotate_while_flying, c, 55, 124);
cutscene_event(cutscene_dance_fly_away_shake_fov, c, 40, 40);
* Jump the camera pos and focus to cvar 8 and 7.
* Called every frame, starting after 10, so when these cvars are updated, the camera will jump.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_key_dance_jump_cvar(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
offset_rotated(c->pos, sMarioCamState->pos, sCutsceneVars[8].point, sMarioCamState->faceAngle);
offset_rotated(c->focus, sMarioCamState->pos, sCutsceneVars[7].point, sMarioCamState->faceAngle);
* Jump to a closeup view of Mario and the key.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_key_dance_jump_closeup(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
vec3f_set(sCutsceneVars[8].point, 38.f, 171.f, -248.f);
vec3f_set(sCutsceneVars[7].point, -57.f, 51.f, 187.f);
* Jump to a view from the lower left (Mario's right).
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_key_dance_jump_lower_left(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
vec3f_set(sCutsceneVars[8].point, -178.f, 62.f, -132.f);
vec3f_set(sCutsceneVars[7].point, 299.f, 91.f, 58.f);
* Jump to a rotated view from above.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_key_dance_jump_above(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
gLakituState.keyDanceRoll = 0x2800;
vec3f_set(sCutsceneVars[8].point, 89.f, 373.f, -304.f);
vec3f_set(sCutsceneVars[7].point, 0.f, 127.f, 0.f);
* Finally, jump to a further view, slightly to Mario's left.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_key_dance_jump_last(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
gLakituState.keyDanceRoll = 0;
vec3f_set(sCutsceneVars[8].point, 135.f, 158.f, -673.f);
vec3f_set(sCutsceneVars[7].point, -20.f, 135.f, -198.f);
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_key_dance_shake_fov(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
set_fov_shake(0x180, 0x30, 0x8000);
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_key_dance_handheld_shake(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_key_dance_focus_mario(struct Camera *c) {
focus_in_front_of_mario(c, 0, 0.2f);
* Cutscene that plays when Mario collects a key from bowser. It's basically a sequence of four jump
* cuts.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_key_dance(struct Camera *c) {
cutscene_event(cutscene_dance_move_to_mario, c, 0, 10);
cutscene_event(cutscene_key_dance_focus_mario, c, 0, 10);
cutscene_event(cutscene_key_dance_jump_closeup, c, 0, 0);
cutscene_event(cutscene_key_dance_jump_lower_left, c, 20, 20);
cutscene_event(cutscene_key_dance_jump_above, c, 35, 35);
cutscene_event(cutscene_key_dance_jump_last, c, 52, 52);
cutscene_event(cutscene_key_dance_jump_cvar, c, 11, -1);
cutscene_event(cutscene_key_dance_shake_fov, c, 54, 54);
cutscene_event(cutscene_key_dance_handheld_shake, c, 52, -1);
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_bowser_area_shake_fov(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
* Set oBowserUnk88 to 1, which causes bowser to start walking.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_bowser_area_start_bowser_walking(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
gSecondCameraFocus->oBowserUnk88 = 1;
* Offset the camera from bowser using cvar2 and cvar3
* @bug cvar2.point is (0,0,0) on the first frame, but because of the warp transition, this behavior
* isn't seen. After the first frame, cvar2.point is bowser's position.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_bowser_arena_set_pos(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
vec3f_set_dist_and_angle(sCutsceneVars[2].point, c->pos, sCutsceneVars[3].point[2],
sCutsceneVars[3].angle[0], sCutsceneVars[3].angle[1]);
vec3f_set(sCutsceneVars[2].point, gSecondCameraFocus->oPosX, gSecondCameraFocus->oPosY,
* Apply a sine wave to the focus's y coordinate.
* The y offset starts at 120, then decreases to 0 before reaching ~240 on the last frame.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_bowser_arena_focus_sine(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
//! unused initialization
f32 yOff = 150.0f;
// cvar4 was zeroed when the cutscene started.
yOff = sins(sCutsceneVars[4].angle[1]) * 120.0f + 120.0f;
sCutsceneVars[4].angle[1] -= 0x200;
approach_f32_asymptotic_bool(&sCutsceneVars[0].point[1], yOff, 0.5f);
* Set the camera focus according to cvar0 and cvar2.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_bowser_arena_set_focus(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
offset_rotated(c->focus, sCutsceneVars[2].point, sCutsceneVars[0].point, sCutsceneVars[2].angle);
* Adjust the cvar offsets, making the camera look up, move slightly further back, and focus a little
* further in front of bowser.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_bowser_arena_adjust_offsets(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
approach_s16_asymptotic_bool(&sCutsceneVars[3].angle[0], 0x6C8, 30);
approach_f32_asymptotic_bool(&sCutsceneVars[0].point[2], -200.f, 0.02f);
approach_f32_asymptotic_bool(&sCutsceneVars[3].point[2], 550.f, 0.02f);
* Decrease cvar0's z offset, making the camera focus pan left towards bowser.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_bowser_arena_pan_left(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
approach_f32_asymptotic_bool(&sCutsceneVars[0].point[2], 0.f, 0.05f);
* Duplicate of cutscene_mario_dialog().
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_bowser_arena_mario_dialog(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
void cutscene_stop_dialog(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
* Active for the first 5 frames of the cutscene.
* cvar3 is the camera's polar offset from bowser
* cvar2.angle is bowser's move angle
* cvar0 is the focus offset from bowser
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_bowser_arena_start(struct Camera *c) {
sCutsceneVars[3].point[2] = 430.f;
sCutsceneVars[3].angle[1] = gSecondCameraFocus->oMoveAngleYaw - DEGREES(45);
sCutsceneVars[3].angle[0] = 0xD90;
//! Tricky math: Bowser starts at (0, 307, -1000), with a moveAngle of (0,0,0). A sane person would
//! expect this offset to move the focus to (0, 427, -1800).
//! BUT because offset_rotated() flips the Z direction (to match sm64's coordinate system), this
//! offset actually moves the focus to (0, 427, -200)
vec3f_set(sCutsceneVars[0].point, 0.f, 120.f, -800.f);
vec3s_set(sCutsceneVars[2].angle, gSecondCameraFocus->oMoveAnglePitch,
gSecondCameraFocus->oMoveAngleYaw, gSecondCameraFocus->oMoveAngleRoll);
// Set the camera's position and focus.
* Create the dialog box depending on which bowser fight Mario is in.
BAD_RETURN(s32) bowser_fight_intro_dialog(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
s16 dialog;
switch (gCurrLevelNum) {
dialog = gBehaviorValues.dialogs.Bowser1Dialog;
dialog = gBehaviorValues.dialogs.Bowser2Dialog;
dialog = gBehaviorValues.dialogs.Bowser3Dialog;
* Create the dialog box and wait until it's gone.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_bowser_arena_dialog(struct Camera *c) {
cutscene_event(bowser_fight_intro_dialog, c, 0, 0);
if (get_dialog_id() == -1) {
gCutsceneTimer = CUTSCENE_LOOP;
* End the bowser arena cutscene.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_bowser_arena_end(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
c->cutscene = 0;
transition_next_state(c, 20);
if (sMarioCamState) {
sModeOffsetYaw = sMarioCamState->faceAngle[1] + DEGREES(90);
if (gSecondCameraFocus) {
gSecondCameraFocus->oBowserUnk88 = 2;
* Cutscene that plays when Mario enters a bowser fight.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_bowser_arena(struct Camera *c) {
//! This does nothing, but may have been used in development
cutscene_spawn_obj(2, 0);
if (gSecondCameraFocus != NULL) {
cutscene_event(cutscene_bowser_arena_mario_dialog, c, 0, -1);
cutscene_event(cutscene_bowser_arena_start, c, 0, 5);
cutscene_event(cutscene_bowser_area_start_bowser_walking, c, 40, 40);
cutscene_event(cutscene_bowser_area_shake_fov, c, 145, 145);
cutscene_event(cutscene_bowser_arena_set_pos, c, 40, -1);
cutscene_event(cutscene_bowser_arena_pan_left, c, 40, 99);
cutscene_event(cutscene_bowser_arena_adjust_offsets, c, 100, -1);
cutscene_event(cutscene_bowser_arena_focus_sine, c, 40, 140);
cutscene_event(cutscene_bowser_arena_set_focus, c, 40, -1);
cutscene_event(cutscene_shake_explosion, c, 60, 60);
cutscene_event(cutscene_shake_explosion, c, 82, 82);
cutscene_event(cutscene_shake_explosion, c, 109, 109);
cutscene_event(cutscene_shake_explosion, c, 127, 127);
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_star_spawn_store_info(struct Camera *c) {
* Focus on the top of the star.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_star_spawn_focus_star(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
UNUSED f32 hMul;
Vec3f starPos;
UNUSED f32 vMul;
if (gCutsceneFocus != NULL) {
object_pos_to_vec3f(starPos, gCutsceneFocus);
starPos[1] += gCutsceneFocus->hitboxHeight;
approach_vec3f_asymptotic(c->focus, starPos, 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f);
* Use boss fight mode's update function to move the focus back.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_star_spawn_update_boss_fight(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
Vec3f pos, focus;
update_boss_fight_camera(c, focus, pos);
approach_vec3f_asymptotic(c->focus, focus, 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f);
approach_vec3f_asymptotic(c->pos, pos, 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f);
* Fly back to the camera's previous pos and focus.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_star_spawn_fly_back(struct Camera *c) {
transition_next_state(c, 15);
* Plays when a star spawns (ie from a box).
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_star_spawn(struct Camera *c) {
cutscene_event(cutscene_star_spawn_store_info, c, 0, 0);
cutscene_event(cutscene_star_spawn_focus_star, c, 0, -1);
if (gObjCutsceneDone) {
// Set the timer to CUTSCENE_LOOP, which start the next shot.
gCutsceneTimer = CUTSCENE_LOOP;
* Move the camera back to Mario.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_star_spawn_back(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
if ((c->mode == CAMERA_MODE_BOSS_FIGHT) && (set_cam_angle(0) == CAM_ANGLE_LAKITU)) {
cutscene_event(cutscene_star_spawn_update_boss_fight, c, 0, -1);
} else {
cutscene_event(cutscene_star_spawn_fly_back, c, 0, 0);
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_star_spawn_end(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
gCutsceneTimer = CUTSCENE_STOP;
c->cutscene = 0;
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_exit_waterfall_warp(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
//! hardcoded position
vec3f_set(c->pos, -3899.f, 39.f, -5671.f);
* Look at Mario, used by cutscenes that play when Mario exits a course to castle grounds.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_exit_to_castle_grounds_focus_mario(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
vec3f_copy(c->focus, sMarioCamState->pos);
c->focus[1] = c->pos[1] + (sMarioCamState->pos[1] + 125.f - c->pos[1]) * 0.5f;
approach_vec3f_asymptotic(c->focus, sMarioCamState->pos, 0.05f, 0.4f, 0.05f);
* Cutscene that plays when Mario leaves CotMC through the waterfall.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_exit_waterfall(struct Camera *c) {
cutscene_event(cutscene_exit_waterfall_warp, c, 0, 0);
cutscene_event(cutscene_exit_to_castle_grounds_focus_mario, c, 0, -1);
* End the cutscene, used by cutscenes that play when Mario exits a course to castle grounds.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_exit_to_castle_grounds_end(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
gCutsceneTimer = CUTSCENE_STOP;
c->cutscene = 0;
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_exit_fall_to_castle_grounds_warp(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
//! hardcoded position
vec3f_set(c->pos, 5830.f, 32.f, 3985.f);
* Cutscene that plays when Mario falls from WMOTR.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_exit_fall_to_castle_grounds(struct Camera *c) {
cutscene_event(cutscene_exit_fall_to_castle_grounds_warp, c, 0, 0);
cutscene_event(cutscene_exit_to_castle_grounds_focus_mario, c, 0, -1);
* Start the red coin star spawning cutscene.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_red_coin_star_start(struct Camera *c) {
object_pos_to_vec3f(sCutsceneVars[1].point, gCutsceneFocus);
// Store the default fov for after the cutscene
sCutsceneVars[2].point[2] = gFOVState.fov;
* Look towards the star's x and z position
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_red_coin_star_focus_xz(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c || !gCutsceneFocus) { return; }
approach_f32_asymptotic_bool(&c->focus[0], gCutsceneFocus->oPosX, 0.15f);
approach_f32_asymptotic_bool(&c->focus[2], gCutsceneFocus->oPosZ, 0.15f);
* Look towards the star's y position. Only active before the camera warp.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_red_coin_star_focus_y(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c || !gCutsceneFocus) { return; }
approach_f32_asymptotic_bool(&c->focus[1], gCutsceneFocus->oPosY, 0.1f);
* Look 80% up towards the star. Only active after the camera warp.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_red_coin_star_look_up_at_star(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c || !gCutsceneFocus) { return; }
c->focus[1] = sCutsceneVars[1].point[1] + (gCutsceneFocus->oPosY - sCutsceneVars[1].point[1]) * 0.8f;
* Warp the camera near the star's spawn point
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_red_coin_star_warp(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
f32 dist;
s16 pitch, yaw, posYaw;
struct Object *o = gCutsceneFocus;
if (!o) { return; }
vec3f_set(sCutsceneVars[1].point, o->oHomeX, o->oHomeY, o->oHomeZ);
vec3f_get_dist_and_angle(sCutsceneVars[1].point, c->pos, &dist, &pitch, &yaw);
posYaw = calculate_yaw(sCutsceneVars[1].point, c->pos);
yaw = calculate_yaw(sCutsceneVars[1].point, sMarioCamState->pos);
if (ABS(yaw - posYaw + DEGREES(90)) < ABS(yaw - posYaw - DEGREES(90))) {
yaw += DEGREES(90);
} else {
yaw -= DEGREES(90);
vec3f_set_dist_and_angle(sCutsceneVars[1].point, c->pos, 400.f, 0x1000, yaw);
* Zoom out while looking at the star.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_red_coin_star_set_fov(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
gFOVState.fov = 60.f;
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_red_coin_star(struct Camera *c) {
cutscene_event(cutscene_red_coin_star_start, c, 0, 0);
cutscene_event(cutscene_red_coin_star_warp, c, 30, 30);
cutscene_event(cutscene_red_coin_star_focus_xz, c, 0, -1);
cutscene_event(cutscene_red_coin_star_focus_y, c, 0, 29);
cutscene_event(cutscene_red_coin_star_look_up_at_star, c, 30, -1);
cutscene_event(cutscene_red_coin_star_set_fov, c, 30, -1);
if (gObjCutsceneDone) {
// Set the timer to CUTSCENE_LOOP, which start the next shot.
gCutsceneTimer = CUTSCENE_LOOP;
* End the red coin star spawning cutscene
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_red_coin_star_end(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
gCutsceneTimer = CUTSCENE_STOP;
c->cutscene = 0;
// Restore the default fov
gFOVState.fov = sCutsceneVars[2].point[2];
* Moves the camera towards the cutscene's focus, stored in sCutsceneVars[3].point
* sCutsceneVars[3].point is used as the target point
* sCutsceneVars[0].point is used as the current camera focus during the transition
* @param rotPitch constant pitch offset to add to the camera's focus
* @param rotYaw constant yaw offset to add to the camera's focus
void cutscene_goto_cvar_pos(struct Camera *c, f32 goalDist, s16 goalPitch, s16 rotPitch, s16 rotYaw) {
if (!c) { return; }
UNUSED f32 unused1;
f32 nextDist;
s16 nextPitch, nextYaw;
// The next 2 polar coord points are only used in CUTSCENE_PREPARE_CANNON
f32 cannonDist;
s16 cannonPitch, cannonYaw;
f32 curDist;
s16 curPitch, curYaw;
UNUSED f64 unused2;
vec3f_get_dist_and_angle(sCutsceneVars[3].point, c->pos, &nextDist, &nextPitch, &nextYaw);
// If over 8000 units away from the cannon, just teleport there
if ((nextDist > 8000.f) && (c->cutscene == CUTSCENE_PREPARE_CANNON)) {
nextDist = goalDist * 4.f;
nextPitch = goalPitch;
vec3f_copy(sCutsceneVars[0].point, sCutsceneVars[3].point);
if (dynos_level_is_vanilla_level(gCurrLevelNum)) {
if (gCurrLevelNum == LEVEL_TTM) {
nextYaw = atan2s(sCutsceneVars[3].point[2] - c->areaCenZ,
sCutsceneVars[3].point[0] - c->areaCenX);
} else {
if (c->cutscene == CUTSCENE_PREPARE_CANNON) {
vec3f_get_dist_and_angle(c->pos, sCutsceneVars[0].point, &curDist, &curPitch, &curYaw);
vec3f_get_dist_and_angle(c->pos, sCutsceneVars[3].point, &cannonDist, &cannonPitch, &cannonYaw);
approach_f32_asymptotic_bool(&curDist, cannonDist, 0.1f);
approach_s16_asymptotic_bool(&curPitch, cannonPitch, 15);
approach_s16_asymptotic_bool(&curYaw, cannonYaw, 15);
// Move the current focus, sCutsceneVars[0].point, in the direction towards the cannon
vec3f_set_dist_and_angle(c->pos, sCutsceneVars[0].point, curDist, curPitch, curYaw);
} else {
approach_vec3f_asymptotic(sCutsceneVars[0].point, sCutsceneVars[3].point, 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f);
approach_f32_asymptotic_bool(&nextDist, goalDist, 0.05f);
approach_s16_asymptotic_bool(&nextPitch, goalPitch, 0x20);
vec3f_set_dist_and_angle(sCutsceneVars[3].point, c->pos, nextDist, nextPitch, nextYaw);
vec3f_copy(c->focus, sCutsceneVars[0].point);
// Apply the constant rotation given
pan_camera(c, rotPitch, rotYaw);
vec3f_get_dist_and_angle(c->pos, c->focus, &nextDist, &nextPitch, &nextYaw);
if (nextPitch < -0x3000) {
nextPitch = -0x3000;
if (nextPitch > 0x3000) {
nextPitch = 0x3000;
vec3f_set_dist_and_angle(c->pos, c->focus, nextDist, nextPitch, nextYaw);
* Store the camera's pos and focus, and copy the cannon's position to cvars.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_prepare_cannon_start(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
vec3f_copy(sCutsceneVars[0].point, c->focus);
sCutsceneVars[2].point[0] = 30.f;
// Store the cannon door's position in sCutsceneVars[3]'s point
object_pos_to_vec3f(sCutsceneVars[3].point, gCutsceneFocus);
vec3s_set(sCutsceneVars[5].angle, 0, 0, 0);
* Fly towards the cannon door.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_prepare_cannon_fly_to_cannon(struct Camera *c) {
cutscene_goto_cvar_pos(c, 300.f, 0x2000, 0, sCutsceneVars[5].angle[1]);
camera_approach_s16_symmetric_bool(&sCutsceneVars[5].angle[1], 0x400, 17);
* Used in the cannon opening cutscene to fly back to the camera's last position and focus
void cannon_approach_prev(f32 *value, f32 target) {
f32 inc = ABS(target - *value) / sCutsceneVars[2].point[0];
camera_approach_f32_symmetric_bool(value, target, inc);
* Fly or warp back to the previous pos and focus, stored in sCameraStoreCutscene.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_prepare_cannon_fly_back(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
f32 distToPrevPos = calc_abs_dist(c->pos, sCameraStoreCutscene.pos);
if (distToPrevPos < 8000.f) {
cannon_approach_prev(&c->pos[0], sCameraStoreCutscene.pos[0]);
cannon_approach_prev(&c->pos[1], sCameraStoreCutscene.pos[1]);
cannon_approach_prev(&c->pos[2], sCameraStoreCutscene.pos[2]);
cannon_approach_prev(&c->focus[0], sCameraStoreCutscene.focus[0]);
cannon_approach_prev(&c->focus[1], sCameraStoreCutscene.focus[1]);
cannon_approach_prev(&c->focus[2], sCameraStoreCutscene.focus[2]);
} else {
// If too far away, just warp back
vec3f_copy(c->focus, sCameraStoreCutscene.focus);
vec3f_copy(c->pos, sCameraStoreCutscene.pos);
if (sCutsceneVars[2].point[0] > 1.f) {
sCutsceneVars[2].point[0] -= 1.f;
* Cutscene that plays when the cannon is opened.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_prepare_cannon(struct Camera *c) {
cutscene_event(cutscene_prepare_cannon_start, c, 0, 0);
cutscene_event(cutscene_prepare_cannon_fly_to_cannon, c, 0, 140);
cutscene_event(cutscene_prepare_cannon_fly_back, c, 141, -1);
* Stop the cannon opening cutscene.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_prepare_cannon_end(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
gCutsceneTimer = CUTSCENE_STOP;
c->cutscene = 0;
* Moves the camera to Mario's side when Mario starts ACT_WATER_DEATH
* Note that ACT_WATER_DEATH only starts when Mario gets hit by an enemy under water. It does not start
* when Mario drowns.
void water_death_move_to_mario_side(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
f32 dist;
s16 pitch, yaw;
vec3f_get_dist_and_angle(sMarioCamState->pos, c->pos, &dist, &pitch, &yaw);
approach_s16_asymptotic_bool(&yaw, (sMarioCamState->faceAngle[1] - 0x3000), 8);
vec3f_set_dist_and_angle(sMarioCamState->pos, c->pos, dist, pitch, yaw);
* Unnecessary, only used in cutscene_death_standing_goto_mario()
void death_goto_mario(struct Camera *c) {
cutscene_goto_cvar_pos(c, 400.f, 0x1000, 0x300, 0);
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_death_standing_start(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
vec3f_copy(sCutsceneVars[0].point, c->focus);
vec3f_copy(sCutsceneVars[3].point, sMarioCamState->pos);
sCutsceneVars[3].point[1] += 70.f;
* Fly to Mario and turn on handheld shake.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_death_standing_goto_mario(struct Camera *c) {
* Cutscene that plays when Mario dies while standing.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_death_standing(struct Camera *c) {
cutscene_event(cutscene_death_standing_start, c, 0, 0);
cutscene_event(cutscene_death_standing_goto_mario, c, 0, -1);
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_death_stomach_start(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
Vec3f offset = { 0, 40.f, -60.f };
offset_rotated(sCutsceneVars[3].point, sMarioCamState->pos, offset, sMarioCamState->faceAngle);
vec3f_copy(sCutsceneVars[0].point, c->focus);
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_death_stomach_goto_mario(struct Camera *c) {
cutscene_goto_cvar_pos(c, 400.f, 0x1800, 0, -0x400);
* Ah, yes
static void unused_water_death_move_to_side_of_mario(struct Camera *c) {
* Cutscene that plays when Mario dies on his stomach.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_death_stomach(struct Camera *c) {
cutscene_event(cutscene_death_stomach_start, c, 0, 0);
cutscene_event(cutscene_death_stomach_goto_mario, c, 0, -1);
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_bbh_death_start(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
Vec3f dir = { 0, 40.f, 60.f };
offset_rotated(sCutsceneVars[3].point, sMarioCamState->pos, dir, sMarioCamState->faceAngle);
vec3f_copy(sCutsceneVars[0].point, c->focus);
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_bbh_death_goto_mario(struct Camera *c) {
cutscene_goto_cvar_pos(c, 400.f, 0x1800, 0, 0x400);
* Cutscene that plays when Mario dies in BBH.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_bbh_death(struct Camera *c) {
cutscene_event(cutscene_bbh_death_start, c, 0, 0);
cutscene_event(cutscene_bbh_death_goto_mario, c, 0, -1);
* Copy the camera's focus to cvar0
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_quicksand_death_start(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
vec3f_copy(sCutsceneVars[0].point, c->focus);
* Fly closer to Mario. In WATER_DEATH, move to Mario's side.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_quicksand_death_goto_mario(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
cutscene_goto_cvar_pos(c, 400.f, 0x2800, 0x200, 0);
if (c->cutscene == CUTSCENE_WATER_DEATH) {
* Cutscene that plays when Mario dies in quicksand.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_quicksand_death(struct Camera *c) {
sCutsceneVars[3].point[0] = sMarioCamState->pos[0];
sCutsceneVars[3].point[1] = sMarioCamState->pos[1] + 20.f;
sCutsceneVars[3].point[2] = sMarioCamState->pos[2];
cutscene_event(cutscene_quicksand_death_start, c, 0, 0);
cutscene_event(cutscene_quicksand_death_goto_mario, c, 0, -1);
* Fly away from Mario near the end of the cutscene.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_suffocation_fly_away(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
Vec3f target;
Vec3f offset = { 0, 20.f, 120.f };
offset_rotated(target, sMarioCamState->pos, offset, sMarioCamState->faceAngle);
approach_vec3f_asymptotic(sCutsceneVars[3].point, target, 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f);
* Keep Lakitu above the gas level.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_suffocation_stay_above_gas(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
UNUSED f32 unused1;
f32 gasLevel;
UNUSED f32 unused2;
cutscene_goto_cvar_pos(c, 400.f, 0x2800, 0x200, 0);
gasLevel = find_poison_gas_level(sMarioCamState->pos[0], sMarioCamState->pos[2]);
if (gasLevel != gLevelValues.floorLowerLimit) {
if ((gasLevel += 130.f) > c->pos[1]) {
c->pos[1] = gasLevel;
* Quickly rotate around Mario.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_suffocation_rotate(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
f32 dist;
s16 pitch, yaw;
vec3f_get_dist_and_angle(sMarioCamState->pos, c->pos, &dist, &pitch, &yaw);
yaw += 0x100;
vec3f_set_dist_and_angle(sMarioCamState->pos, c->pos, dist, pitch, yaw);
* Cutscene that plays when Mario dies from suffocation (ie due to HMC gas).
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_suffocation(struct Camera *c) {
cutscene_event(cutscene_death_stomach_start, c, 0, 0);
cutscene_event(cutscene_suffocation_rotate, c, 0, -1);
cutscene_event(cutscene_suffocation_stay_above_gas, c, 0, -1);
cutscene_event(cutscene_suffocation_fly_away, c, 50, -1);
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_enter_pool_start(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
vec3f_copy(sCutsceneVars[3].point, sMarioCamState->pos);
if (dynos_level_is_vanilla_level(gCurrLevelNum)) {
if (gCurrLevelNum == LEVEL_CASTLE) { // entering HMC
vec3f_set(sCutsceneVars[3].point, 2485.f, -1589.f, -2659.f);
if (gCurrLevelNum == LEVEL_HMC) { // entering CotMC
vec3f_set(sCutsceneVars[3].point, 3350.f, -4589.f, 4800.f);
vec3f_copy(sCutsceneVars[0].point, c->focus);
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_enter_pool_loop(struct Camera *c) {
UNUSED u32 pad[2];
cutscene_goto_cvar_pos(c, 1200.f, 0x2000, 0x200, 0);
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_enter_pool(struct Camera *c) {
cutscene_event(cutscene_enter_pool_start, c, 0, 0);
cutscene_event(cutscene_enter_pool_loop, c, 0, -1);
* Store the camera focus in cvar1.
* Store the area's center position (which happens to be the pyramid, in SSL) in cvar3.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_pyramid_top_explode_start(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
vec3f_copy(sCutsceneVars[1].point, c->focus);
vec3f_set(sCutsceneVars[3].point, c->areaCenX, 1280.f, c->areaCenZ);
* Zoom in on the pyramid.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_pyramid_top_explode_zoom_in(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
* Look at the pyramid top.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_pyramid_top_explode_focus(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
approach_vec3f_asymptotic(c->focus, sCutsceneVars[3].point, 0.02f, 0.02f, 0.02f);
* Store the old pos and focus, then warp to the pyramid top.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_pyramid_top_explode_warp(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
s16 pitch, yaw;
f32 dist;
gFOVState.fov = 45.f;
vec3f_copy(sCutsceneVars[4].point, c->pos);
vec3f_copy(sCutsceneVars[5].point, c->focus);
vec3f_copy(c->focus, sCutsceneVars[3].point);
vec3f_get_dist_and_angle(sCutsceneVars[3].point, sMarioCamState[0].pos, &dist, &pitch, &yaw);
vec3f_set_dist_and_angle(sCutsceneVars[3].point, c->pos, 2000.f, 0, yaw);
c->pos[1] += 500.f;
* Close up view of the spinning pyramid top as it rises.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_pyramid_top_explode_closeup(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
s16 pitch, yaw;
f32 dist;
vec3f_get_dist_and_angle(sCutsceneVars[3].point, c->pos, &dist, &pitch, &yaw);
approach_f32_asymptotic_bool(&dist, 2000.f, 0.1f);
vec3f_set_dist_and_angle(sCutsceneVars[3].point, c->pos, dist, pitch, yaw);
c->focus[1] += 4.f;
c->pos[1] -= 5.f;
gFOVState.fov = 45.f;
* Shake the camera during the closeup.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_pyramid_top_explode_cam_shake(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
* Warp back to the old position, and start a heavy camera shake.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_pyramid_top_explode_warp_back(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
UNUSED u32 pad[2];
vec3f_copy(c->pos, sCutsceneVars[4].point);
vec3f_copy(c->focus, sCutsceneVars[5].point);
* An unused cutscene for when the pyramid explodes.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_pyramid_top_explode(struct Camera *c) {
cutscene_event(cutscene_pyramid_top_explode_start, c, 0, 0);
cutscene_event(cutscene_pyramid_top_explode_focus, c, 0, 30);
cutscene_event(cutscene_pyramid_top_explode_warp, c, 31, 31);
cutscene_event(cutscene_pyramid_top_explode_closeup, c, 31, 139);
cutscene_event(cutscene_pyramid_top_explode_zoom_in, c, 23, 23);
cutscene_event(cutscene_pyramid_top_explode_warp_back, c, 140, 140);
cutscene_event(cutscene_pyramid_top_explode_cam_shake, c, 31, 139);
* End the pyramid top explosion cutscene.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_pyramid_top_explode_end(struct Camera *c) {
// Move the camera back to Mario
transition_next_state(c, 30);
* Store the camera focus in cvar0, and store the top of the pyramid in cvar3.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_enter_pyramid_top_start(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
vec3f_copy(sCutsceneVars[0].point, c->focus);
vec3f_set(sCutsceneVars[3].point, c->areaCenX, 1280.f, c->areaCenZ);
* Cutscene that plays when Mario enters the top of the pyramid.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_enter_pyramid_top(struct Camera *c) {
cutscene_event(cutscene_enter_pyramid_top_start, c, 0, 0);
// Move to cvar3
cutscene_goto_cvar_pos(c, 200.f, 0x3000, 0, 0);
if (sMarioCamState->pos[1] > 1250.f) {
// End the cutscene early if Mario ledge-grabbed.
// This only works because of the janky way that ledge-grabbing is implemented.
static void unused_cutscene_goto_cvar(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
f32 dist;
dist = calc_abs_dist(sCutsceneVars[3].point, sMarioCamState->pos);
dist = calc_abs_dist(sCutsceneVars[9].point, sMarioCamState->pos) + 200.f;
cutscene_goto_cvar_pos(c, dist, 0x1000, 0x300, 0);
* cvar8 is Mario's position and faceAngle
* cvar9.point is gCutsceneFocus's position
* cvar9.angle[1] is the yaw between Mario and the gCutsceneFocus
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_dialog_start(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c || !gCutsceneFocus) { return; }
UNUSED f32 unused1;
UNUSED s16 unused2;
s16 yaw;
//set_time_stop_flags(TIME_STOP_ENABLED | TIME_STOP_DIALOG);
#ifndef VERSION_JP
if (c->mode == CAMERA_MODE_BOSS_FIGHT) {
vec3f_copy(sCameraStoreCutscene.focus, c->focus);
vec3f_copy(sCameraStoreCutscene.pos, c->pos);
} else {
#ifndef VERSION_JP
// Store Mario's position and faceAngle
sCutsceneVars[8].angle[0] = 0;
vec3f_copy(sCutsceneVars[8].point, sMarioCamState->pos);
sCutsceneVars[8].point[1] += 125.f;
// Store gCutsceneFocus's position and yaw
object_pos_to_vec3f(sCutsceneVars[9].point, gCutsceneFocus);
sCutsceneVars[9].point[1] += gCutsceneFocus->hitboxHeight + 200.f;
sCutsceneVars[9].angle[1] = calculate_yaw(sCutsceneVars[8].point, sCutsceneVars[9].point);
yaw = calculate_yaw(sMarioCamState->pos, gLakituState.curPos);
if ((yaw - sCutsceneVars[9].angle[1]) & 0x8000) {
sCutsceneVars[9].angle[1] -= 0x6000;
} else {
sCutsceneVars[9].angle[1] += 0x6000;
* Move closer to Mario and the object, adjusting to their difference in height.
* The camera's generally ends up looking over Mario's shoulder.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_dialog_move_mario_shoulder(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
f32 dist;
s16 pitch, yaw;
Vec3f focus, pos;
scale_along_line(focus, sCutsceneVars[9].point, sMarioCamState->pos, 0.7f);
vec3f_get_dist_and_angle(c->pos, focus, &dist, &pitch, &yaw);
pitch = calculate_pitch(c->pos, sCutsceneVars[9].point);
vec3f_set_dist_and_angle(c->pos, pos, dist, pitch, yaw);
focus[1] = focus[1] + (sCutsceneVars[9].point[1] - focus[1]) * 0.1f;
approach_vec3f_asymptotic(c->focus, focus, 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f);
vec3f_copy(pos, c->pos);
// Set y pos to cvar8's y (top of focus object)
pos[1] = sCutsceneVars[8].point[1];
vec3f_get_dist_and_angle(sCutsceneVars[8].point, pos, &dist, &pitch, &yaw);
approach_s16_asymptotic_bool(&yaw, sCutsceneVars[9].angle[1], 0x10);
approach_f32_asymptotic_bool(&dist, 180.f, 0.05f);
vec3f_set_dist_and_angle(sCutsceneVars[8].point, pos, dist, pitch, yaw);
// Move up if Mario is below the focus object, down is Mario is above
pos[1] = sCutsceneVars[8].point[1]
+ sins(calculate_pitch(sCutsceneVars[9].point, sCutsceneVars[8].point)) * 100.f;
approach_f32_asymptotic_bool(&c->pos[1], pos[1], 0.05f);
c->pos[0] = pos[0];
c->pos[2] = pos[2];
* Create the dialog with sCutsceneDialogID
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_dialog_create_dialog_box(struct Camera *c) {
if (c->cutscene == CUTSCENE_RACE_DIALOG) {
} else {
//! Unused. This may have been used before sCutsceneDialogResponse was implemented.
sCutsceneVars[8].angle[0] = 3;
* Cutscene that plays when Mario talks to an object.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_dialog(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
cutscene_event(cutscene_dialog_start, c, 0, 0);
cutscene_event(cutscene_dialog_move_mario_shoulder, c, 0, -1);
cutscene_event(cutscene_dialog_create_dialog_box, c, 10, 10);
if (gDialogResponse != 0) {
sCutsceneDialogResponse = gDialogResponse;
if ((get_dialog_id() == -1) && (sCutsceneVars[8].angle[0] != 0)) {
if (c->cutscene != CUTSCENE_RACE_DIALOG) {
sCutsceneDialogResponse = 3;
gCutsceneTimer = CUTSCENE_LOOP;
transition_next_state(c, 15);
* Sets the CAM_FLAG_UNUSED_CUTSCENE_ACTIVE flag, which does nothing.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_dialog_set_flag(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
* Ends the dialog cutscene.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_dialog_end(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
c->cutscene = 0;
clear_time_stop_flags(TIME_STOP_ENABLED | TIME_STOP_DIALOG);
* Soften the music, clear cvar0
* In this cutscene, cvar0.angle[0] is used as a state variable.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_read_message_start(struct Camera *c) {
transition_next_state(c, 30);
sCutsceneVars[1].angle[0] = sCUpCameraPitch;
sCutsceneVars[1].angle[1] = sModeOffsetYaw;
sCUpCameraPitch = -0x830;
sModeOffsetYaw = 0;
sCutsceneVars[0].angle[0] = 0;
static void unused_cam_to_mario(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
Vec3s dir;
vec3s_set(dir, 0, sMarioCamState->faceAngle[1], 0);
offset_rotated_coords(c->pos, sMarioCamState->pos, dir, 0, 100.f, 190.f);
offset_rotated_coords(c->focus, sMarioCamState->pos, dir, 0, 70.f, -20.f);
* Cutscene that plays when Mario is reading a message (a sign or message on the wall)
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_read_message(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
UNUSED u32 pad[2];
cutscene_event(cutscene_read_message_start, c, 0, 0);
switch (sCutsceneVars[0].angle[0]) {
// Do nothing until message is gone.
case 0:
if (get_dialog_id() != -1) {
sCutsceneVars[0].angle[0] += 1;
//set_time_stop_flags(TIME_STOP_ENABLED | TIME_STOP_DIALOG);
// Leave the dialog.
case 1:
update_c_up(c, c->focus, c->pos);
// This could cause softlocks. If a message starts one frame after another one closes, the
// cutscene will never end.
if (get_dialog_id() == -1) {
gCutsceneTimer = CUTSCENE_LOOP;
transition_next_state(c, 15);
clear_time_stop_flags(TIME_STOP_ENABLED | TIME_STOP_DIALOG);
// Retrieve previous state
sCUpCameraPitch = sCutsceneVars[1].angle[0];
sModeOffsetYaw = sCutsceneVars[1].angle[1];
* Set CAM_FLAG_UNUSED_CUTSCENE_ACTIVE, which does nothing.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_read_message_set_flag(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
* End the message cutscene.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_read_message_end(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
c->cutscene = 0;
* Set cvars:
* cvar7 is Mario's pos and angle
* cvar6 is the focus offset
* cvar5 is the position offset
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_exit_succ_start(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
vec3f_copy(sCutsceneVars[7].point, sMarioCamState->pos);
vec3s_copy(sCutsceneVars[7].angle, sMarioCamState->faceAngle);
vec3f_set(sCutsceneVars[6].point, 6.f, 363.f, 543.f);
vec3f_set(sCutsceneVars[5].point, 137.f, 226.f, 995.f);
* Set the camera pos depending on which level Mario exited.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_non_painting_set_cam_pos(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
UNUSED u32 unused1;
struct Surface *floor;
UNUSED Vec3f unused2;
if (!dynos_level_is_vanilla_level(gCurrLevelNum)) {
offset_rotated(c->pos, sCutsceneVars[7].point, sCutsceneVars[5].point, sCutsceneVars[7].angle);
f32 floorHeight = find_floor(c->pos[0], c->pos[1] + 1000.f, c->pos[2], &floor);
c->pos[1] = ((floorHeight + 125) + c->pos[1]) / 2.0f;
} else {
switch (gPrevLevel) {
vec3f_set(c->pos, 3465.f, -1008.f, -2961.f);
vec3f_set(c->pos, 3465.f, -1008.f, -2961.f);
case LEVEL_RR:
vec3f_set(c->pos, -3741.f, 3151.f, 6065.f);
vec3f_set(c->pos, 1972.f, 3230.f, 5891.f);
offset_rotated(c->pos, sCutsceneVars[7].point, sCutsceneVars[5].point, sCutsceneVars[7].angle);
c->pos[1] = find_floor(c->pos[0], c->pos[1] + 1000.f, c->pos[2], &floor) + 125.f;
* Update the camera focus depending on which level Mario exited.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_non_painting_set_cam_focus(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
offset_rotated(c->focus, sCutsceneVars[7].point, sCutsceneVars[6].point, sCutsceneVars[7].angle);
if (dynos_level_is_vanilla_level(gCurrLevelNum) && ((gPrevLevel == LEVEL_COTMC) || (gPrevLevel == LEVEL_HMC) || (gPrevLevel == LEVEL_RR) || (gPrevLevel == LEVEL_WMOTR))) {
c->focus[0] = c->pos[0] + (sMarioCamState->pos[0] - c->pos[0]) * 0.7f;
c->focus[1] = c->pos[1] + (sMarioCamState->pos[1] - c->pos[1]) * 0.4f;
c->focus[2] = c->pos[2] + (sMarioCamState->pos[2] - c->pos[2]) * 0.7f;
} else {
c->focus[1] = c->pos[1] + (sMarioCamState->pos[1] - c->pos[1]) * 0.2f;
* Focus slightly left of Mario. Perhaps to keep the bowser painting in view?
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_exit_bowser_succ_focus_left(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
approach_f32_asymptotic_bool(&sCutsceneVars[6].point[0], -24.f, 0.05f);
* Instead of focusing on the key, just start a pitch shake. Clever!
* The shake lasts 32 frames.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_exit_bowser_key_toss_shake(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
//! Unnecessary check.
if (c->cutscene == CUTSCENE_EXIT_BOWSER_SUCC) {
set_camera_pitch_shake(0x800, 0x40, 0x800);
* Start a camera shake when Mario lands on the ground.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_exit_succ_shake_landing(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
* Cutscene that plays when Mario beats bowser and exits the level.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_exit_bowser_succ(struct Camera *c) {
cutscene_event(cutscene_exit_succ_start, c, 0, 0);
cutscene_event(cutscene_non_painting_set_cam_pos, c, 0, -1);
cutscene_event(cutscene_exit_bowser_succ_focus_left, c, 18, -1);
cutscene_event(cutscene_non_painting_set_cam_focus, c, 0, -1);
cutscene_event(cutscene_exit_bowser_key_toss_shake, c, 125, 125);
cutscene_event(cutscene_exit_succ_shake_landing, c, 41, 41);
* End a non-painting exit cutscene. Used by BBH and bowser courses.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_non_painting_end(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
c->cutscene = 0;
if (c->defMode == CAMERA_MODE_CLOSE) {
} else if (c->defMode == CAMERA_MODE_NEWCAM) {
} else {
transition_next_state(c, 60);
* Override the position offset.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_exit_non_painting_succ_override_cvar(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
vec3f_set(sCutsceneVars[5].point, 137.f, 246.f, 1115.f);
* Cutscene that plays when Mario collects a star and leaves a non-painting course, like HMC or BBH.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_exit_non_painting_succ(struct Camera *c) {
cutscene_event(cutscene_exit_succ_start, c, 0, 0);
cutscene_event(cutscene_exit_non_painting_succ_override_cvar, c, 0, 0);
cutscene_event(cutscene_non_painting_set_cam_pos, c, 0, -1);
cutscene_event(cutscene_exit_bowser_succ_focus_left, c, 18, -1);
cutscene_event(cutscene_non_painting_set_cam_focus, c, 0, -1);
cutscene_event(cutscene_exit_succ_shake_landing, c, 41, 41);
* Set cvar7 to Mario's pos and faceAngle
* Set cvar6 to the focus offset from Mario.
* set cvar5 to the pos offset from Mario. (This is always overwritten)
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_non_painting_death_start(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
vec3f_copy(sCutsceneVars[7].point, sMarioCamState->pos);
vec3s_copy(sCutsceneVars[7].angle, sMarioCamState->faceAngle);
vec3f_set(sCutsceneVars[6].point, -42.f, 350.f, 727.f);
// This is always overwritten, except in the unused cutscene_exit_bowser_death()
vec3f_set(sCutsceneVars[5].point, 107.f, 226.f, 1187.f);
* This cutscene is the same as non_painting_death, but the camera is closer to Mario and lower.
* Because it it doesn't call cutscene_non_painting_death_override_offset, the value from
* cutscene_non_painting_death_start is used.
* This cutscene is unused, dying in bowser's arena spawns Mario near the warp pipe, not back in the
* hub.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_exit_bowser_death(struct Camera *c) {
cutscene_event(cutscene_non_painting_death_start, c, 0, 0);
cutscene_event(cutscene_non_painting_set_cam_pos, c, 0, -1);
cutscene_event(cutscene_non_painting_set_cam_focus, c, 0, -1);
* Set the offset from Mario depending on the course Mario exited.
* This overrides cutscene_non_painting_death_start()
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_non_painting_death_override_offset(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
if (dynos_level_is_vanilla_level(gCurrLevelNum)) {
switch (gPrevLevel) {
vec3f_set(sCutsceneVars[5].point, 187.f, 369.f, -197.f);
vec3f_set(sCutsceneVars[5].point, 187.f, 369.f, -197.f);
vec3f_set(sCutsceneVars[5].point, 107.f, 246.f, 1307.f);
* Cutscene played when Mario dies in a non-painting course, like HMC or BBH.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_non_painting_death(struct Camera *c) {
cutscene_event(cutscene_non_painting_death_start, c, 0, 0);
cutscene_event(cutscene_non_painting_death_override_offset, c, 0, 0);
cutscene_event(cutscene_non_painting_set_cam_pos, c, 0, -1);
cutscene_event(cutscene_non_painting_set_cam_focus, c, 0, -1);
* Set cvars:
* cvar3 is an offset applied to the camera's rotation around Mario. It starts at 0x1200
* cvar 1 is more complicated:
* First the yaw from Mario to the camera is calculated. cvar1 is the high byte of the difference
* between that yaw and Mario's faceAngle plus 0x1200. The reason for taking the high byte is
* because cvar1 rotates until is reaches 0, so it's important that it's a multiple of 0x100.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_cap_switch_press_start(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
UNUSED s16 unused1;
s16 yaw;
UNUSED u32 pad[2];
yaw = calculate_yaw(sMarioCamState->pos, c->pos);
sCutsceneVars[3].angle[1] = 0x1200;
// Basically the amount of rotation to get from behind Mario to in front of Mario
sCutsceneVars[1].angle[1] = (yaw - (sMarioCamState->faceAngle[1] + sCutsceneVars[3].angle[1])) & 0xFF00;
* Rotate around Mario. As each cvar stops updating, the rotation slows until the camera ends up in
* front of Mario.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_cap_switch_press_rotate_around_mario(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
f32 dist;
s16 pitch, yaw;
UNUSED s16 unusedYaw = sMarioCamState->faceAngle[1] + 0x1000;
UNUSED s16 unused;
UNUSED s32 cvar1Yaw = sCutsceneVars[1].angle[1];
vec3f_get_dist_and_angle(sMarioCamState->pos, c->pos, &dist, &pitch, &yaw);
// cvar3 wraps around until it reaches 0x1000
if (sCutsceneVars[3].angle[1] != 0x1000) {
sCutsceneVars[3].angle[1] += 0x100;
// cvar1 wraps until 0
if (sCutsceneVars[1].angle[1] != 0) {
sCutsceneVars[1].angle[1] += 0x100;
yaw = sMarioCamState->faceAngle[1] + sCutsceneVars[3].angle[1] + sCutsceneVars[1].angle[1];
vec3f_set_dist_and_angle(sMarioCamState->pos, c->pos, dist, pitch, yaw);
* Move the camera slightly downwards.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_cap_switch_press_lower_cam(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
rotate_and_move_vec3f(c->pos, sMarioCamState->pos, 0, -0x20, 0);
* Move the camera closer to Mario.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_cap_switch_press_approach_mario(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
s16 pitch, yaw;
f32 dist;
vec3f_get_dist_and_angle(sMarioCamState->pos, c->pos, &dist, &pitch, &yaw);
approach_f32_asymptotic_bool(&dist, 195.f, 0.2f);
approach_s16_asymptotic_bool(&pitch, 0, 0x10);
vec3f_set_dist_and_angle(sMarioCamState->pos, c->pos, dist, pitch, yaw);
approach_f32_asymptotic_bool(&c->focus[0], sMarioCamState->pos[0], 0.1f);
approach_f32_asymptotic_bool(&c->focus[1], sMarioCamState->pos[1] + 110.f, 0.1f);
approach_f32_asymptotic_bool(&c->focus[2], sMarioCamState->pos[2], 0.1f);
* Pan the camera left so that Mario is on the right side of the screen when the camera stops spinning.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_cap_switch_press_pan_left(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
vec3f_copy(c->focus, sMarioCamState->pos);
c->focus[1] += 110.f;
camera_approach_s16_symmetric_bool(&sCutsceneVars[0].angle[1], 0x800, 0x20);
pan_camera(c, sCutsceneVars[0].angle[0], sCutsceneVars[0].angle[1]);
* Create a dialog box with the cap switch's text.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_cap_switch_press_create_dialog(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
if (!gCutsceneFocus) { return; }
create_dialog_box_with_response(gCutsceneFocus->oBehParams2ndByte + gBehaviorValues.dialogs.CapswitchBaseDialog);
static UNUSED BAD_RETURN(s32) unused_cap_switch_retrieve_info(struct Camera *c) {
transition_next_state(c, 30);
* Cutscene that plays when Mario presses a cap switch.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_cap_switch_press(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
f32 dist;
s16 pitch, yaw;
cutscene_event(cutscene_cap_switch_press_start, c, 0, 0);
cutscene_event(cutscene_cap_switch_press_approach_mario, c, 0, 30);
cutscene_event(cutscene_cap_switch_press_pan_left, c, 0, -1);
cutscene_event(cutscene_cap_switch_press_rotate_around_mario, c, 30, -1);
cutscene_event(cutscene_cap_switch_press_lower_cam, c, 10, 70);
cutscene_event(cutscene_cap_switch_press_create_dialog, c, 10, 10);
vec3f_get_dist_and_angle(sMarioCamState->pos, c->pos, &dist, &pitch, &yaw);
if (gDialogResponse != 0) {
sCutsceneVars[4].angle[0] = gDialogResponse;
if ((get_dialog_id() == -1) && (sCutsceneVars[4].angle[0] != 0)) {
sCutsceneDialogResponse = sCutsceneVars[4].angle[0];
if (sCutsceneVars[4].angle[0] == 1 && gCutsceneFocus) {
transition_next_state(c, 30);
* Sets cvars:
* cvar0 is the camera's position
* cvar1 is the camera's focus
* cvar2 is the goal position
* cvar3 is the goal focus
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_unlock_key_door_start(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
Vec3f posOff, focusOff;
vec3f_copy(sCutsceneVars[0].point, c->pos);
vec3f_copy(sCutsceneVars[1].point, c->focus);
vec3f_set(posOff, -206.f, 108.f, 234.f);
vec3f_set(focusOff, 48.f, 104.f, -193.f);
offset_rotated(sCutsceneVars[2].point, sMarioCamState->pos, posOff, sMarioCamState->faceAngle);
offset_rotated(sCutsceneVars[3].point, sMarioCamState->pos, focusOff, sMarioCamState->faceAngle);
* Move the camera to the cvars position and focus, closer to Mario.
* Gives a better view of the key.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_unlock_key_door_approach_mario(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
approach_vec3f_asymptotic(c->pos, sCutsceneVars[2].point, 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f);
approach_vec3f_asymptotic(c->focus, sCutsceneVars[3].point, 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f);
* Move the camera focus up a bit, focusing on the key in the lock.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_unlock_key_door_focus_lock(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
approach_f32_asymptotic_bool(&sCutsceneVars[3].point[1], sMarioCamState->pos[1] + 140.f, 0.07f);
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_unlock_key_door_stub(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
* Move back to the previous pos and focus, stored in cvar0 and cvar1.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_unlock_key_door_fly_back(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
approach_vec3f_asymptotic(c->pos, sCutsceneVars[0].point, 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f);
approach_vec3f_asymptotic(c->focus, sCutsceneVars[1].point, 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f);
* Shake the camera's fov when the key is put in the lock.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_unlock_key_door_fov_shake(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
* Cutscene that plays when Mario unlocks a key door.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_unlock_key_door(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
cutscene_event(cutscene_unlock_key_door_start, c, 0, 0);
cutscene_event(cutscene_unlock_key_door_approach_mario, c, 0, 123);
cutscene_event(cutscene_unlock_key_door_fly_back, c, 124, -1);
cutscene_event(cutscene_unlock_key_door_fov_shake, c, 79, 79);
cutscene_event(cutscene_unlock_key_door_focus_lock, c, 70, 110);
cutscene_event(cutscene_unlock_key_door_stub, c, 112, 112);
* Move the camera along `positionSpline` and point its focus at the corresponding point along
* `focusSpline`. sCutsceneSplineSegmentProgress is updated after pos and focus are calculated.
s32 intro_peach_move_camera_start_to_pipe(struct Camera *c, struct CutsceneSplinePoint positionSpline[],
struct CutsceneSplinePoint focusSpline[]) {
if (!c) { return 0; }
Vec3f offset;
s32 posReturn = 0;
s32 focusReturn = 0;
* The position spline's speed parameters are all 0, so sCutsceneSplineSegmentProgress doesn't get
* updated. Otherwise position would move two frames ahead, and c->focus would always be one frame
* further along the spline than c->pos.
posReturn = move_point_along_spline(c->pos, positionSpline, &sCutsceneSplineSegment, &sCutsceneSplineSegmentProgress);
focusReturn = move_point_along_spline(c->focus, focusSpline, &sCutsceneSplineSegment, &sCutsceneSplineSegmentProgress);
c->pos[0] += gNetworkPlayers[0].globalIndex * 350.f;
c->focus[0] += gNetworkPlayers[0].globalIndex * 350.f;
// The two splines used by this function are reflected in the horizontal plane for some reason,
// so they are rotated every frame. Why do this, Nintendo?
rotate_in_xz(c->focus, c->focus, (s16)DEGREES(180));
rotate_in_xz(c->pos, c->pos, (s16)DEGREES(180));
vec3f_set(offset, -1328.f, 260.f, 4664.f);
vec3f_add(c->focus, offset);
vec3f_add(c->pos, offset);
posReturn += focusReturn; // Unused
return focusReturn;
* Create a dialog box with the letter text
BAD_RETURN(s32) peach_letter_text(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
#ifndef VERSION_JP
BAD_RETURN(s32) play_sound_peach_reading_letter(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
play_sound(SOUND_PEACH_DEAR_MARIO, gGlobalSoundSource);
* Move the camera from peach reading the letter all the way to Mario's warp pipe. Follow the
* sIntroStartToPipe splines.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_intro_peach_start_to_pipe_spline(struct Camera *c) {
if (intro_peach_move_camera_start_to_pipe(c, sIntroStartToPipePosition, sIntroStartToPipeFocus) != 0) {
gCameraMovementFlags &= ~CAM_MOVE_C_UP_MODE;
gCutsceneTimer = CUTSCENE_LOOP;
* Loop the cutscene until Mario exits the dialog.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_intro_peach_dialog(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
if (get_dialog_id() == -1) {
vec3f_copy(gLakituState.goalPos, c->pos);
vec3f_copy(gLakituState.goalFocus, c->focus);
gCutsceneTimer = CUTSCENE_STOP;
c->cutscene = 0;
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_intro_peach_follow_pipe_spline(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
move_point_along_spline(c->pos, sIntroPipeToDialogPosition, &sCutsceneSplineSegment, &sCutsceneSplineSegmentProgress);
move_point_along_spline(c->focus, sIntroPipeToDialogFocus, &sCutsceneSplineSegment, &sCutsceneSplineSegmentProgress);
c->pos[0] -= gNetworkPlayers[0].globalIndex * 350.f;
c->focus[0] -= gNetworkPlayers[0].globalIndex * 350.f;
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_intro_peach_clear_cutscene_status(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
sMarioCamState->cameraEvent = 0;
* Set fov to 8 degrees, then zoom out to 30.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_intro_peach_zoom_fov(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
gFOVState.fov = 8.f;
* Reset the spline progress, turn on handheld shake.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_intro_peach_reset_spline(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
sCutsceneSplineSegment = 0;
sCutsceneSplineSegmentProgress = 0.1f;
//! @bug since this event is only called for one frame, this handheld shake is turned off on the
//! next frame.
* Turn off handheld shake. This was likely written before handheld shake was changed to turn off every
* frame, as it's the only instance of HAND_CAM_SHAKE_OFF.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_intro_peach_handheld_shake_off(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
BAD_RETURN(s32) intro_pipe_exit_text(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
#ifndef VERSION_JP
BAD_RETURN(s32) play_sound_intro_turn_on_hud(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
* Fly to the pipe. Near the end, the camera jumps to Lakitu's position and the hud turns on.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_intro_peach_fly_to_pipe(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
#if defined(VERSION_US) || defined(VERSION_SH)
cutscene_event(play_sound_intro_turn_on_hud, c, 818, 818);
#elif defined(VERSION_EU)
//cutscene_event(play_sound_intro_turn_on_hud, c, 673, 673);
cutscene_event(play_sound_intro_turn_on_hud, c, 818, 818);
cutscene_spawn_obj(6, 1);
cutscene_event(cutscene_intro_peach_start_flying_music, c, 0, 0);
cutscene_event(cutscene_intro_peach_start_to_pipe_spline, c, 0, -1);
/**#ifdef VERSION_EU
cutscene_event(cutscene_intro_peach_clear_cutscene_status, c, 572, 572);
cutscene_event(cutscene_intro_peach_clear_cutscene_status, c, 717, 717);
clamp_pitch(c->pos, c->focus, 0x3B00, -0x3B00);
sCutsceneVars[1].point[1] = 400.f;
* Lakitu flies around the warp pipe, then Mario jumps out.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_intro_peach_mario_appears(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
UNUSED u32 pad[2];
sMarioCamState->cameraEvent = 0;
cutscene_event(cutscene_intro_peach_reset_spline, c, 0, 0);
cutscene_event(cutscene_intro_peach_follow_pipe_spline, c, 0, -1);
cutscene_event(cutscene_intro_peach_handheld_shake_off, c, 70, 70);
cutscene_event(intro_pipe_exit_text, c, 250, 250);
approach_f32_asymptotic_bool(&sCutsceneVars[1].point[1], 80.f + sMarioGeometry.currFloorHeight +
(sMarioCamState->pos[1] - sMarioGeometry.currFloorHeight) * 1.1f, 0.4f);
// Make the camera look up as Mario jumps out of the pipe
if (c->focus[1] < sCutsceneVars[1].point[1]) {
c->focus[1] = sCutsceneVars[1].point[1];
* Reset the fov. This gives the effect of peach zooming out as she fades.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_intro_peach_reset_fov(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
* Peach reads the letter to Mario.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_intro_peach_letter(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
cutscene_spawn_obj(5, 0);
cutscene_event(cutscene_intro_peach_zoom_fov, c, 0, 0);
cutscene_event(cutscene_intro_peach_start_letter_music, c, 65, 65);
cutscene_event(cutscene_intro_peach_eu_lower_volume, c, 68, 68);
cutscene_event(cutscene_intro_peach_start_to_pipe_spline, c, 0, 0);
cutscene_event(peach_letter_text, c, 65, 65);
#ifndef VERSION_JP
cutscene_event(play_sound_peach_reading_letter, c, 83, 83);
if ((gCutsceneTimer > 120) && (get_dialog_id() == -1)) {
// Start the next scene
gCutsceneTimer = CUTSCENE_LOOP;
clamp_pitch(c->pos, c->focus, 0x3B00, -0x3B00);
* Reset the spline progress.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_end_waving_start(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
// 3rd part of data
struct CutsceneSplinePoint gIntroLakituStartToPipeFocus[] = {
{ 0, 32, { 58, -250, 346 } }, { 1, 50, { -159, -382, 224 } }, { 2, 37, { 0, -277, 237 } },
{ 3, 15, { 1, -44, 245 } }, { 4, 35, { 0, -89, 228 } }, { 5, 15, { 28, 3, 259 } },
{ 6, 25, { -38, -201, 371 } }, { 7, 20, { -642, 118, 652 } }, { 8, 25, { 103, -90, 861 } },
{ 9, 25, { 294, 145, 579 } }, { 10, 30, { 220, -42, 500 } }, { 11, 20, { 10, -134, 200 } },
{ 12, 20, { -143, -145, 351 } }, { 13, 14, { -256, -65, 528 } }, { 14, 20, { -251, -52, 459 } },
{ 15, 25, { -382, 520, 395 } }, { 16, 25, { -341, 240, 653 } }, { 17, 5, { -262, 700, 143 } },
{ 18, 15, { -760, 32, 27 } }, { 19, 20, { -756, -6, -26 } }, { 20, 20, { -613, 5, 424 } },
{ 21, 20, { -22, -100, 312 } }, { 22, 25, { 212, 80, 61 } }, { 23, 20, { 230, -28, 230 } },
{ 24, 35, { -83, -51, 303 } }, { 25, 17, { 126, 90, 640 } }, { 26, 9, { 158, 95, 763 } },
{ 27, 8, { 113, -25, 1033 } }, { 28, 20, { 57, -53, 1291 } }, { 29, 15, { 73, -34, 1350 } },
{ 30, 7, { 0, 96, 1400 } }, { 31, 8, { -59, 269, 1450 } }, { 32, 15, { 57, 1705, 1500 } },
{ 0, 15, { -227, 511, 1550 } }, { -1, 15, { -227, 511, 1600 } }
struct CutsceneSplinePoint gIntroLakituStartToPipeOffsetFromCamera[] = {
{ 0, 0, { -46, 87, -15 } }, { 1, 0, { -38, 91, -11 } }, { 2, 0, { -31, 93, -13 } },
{ 3, 0, { -50, 84, -16 } }, { 4, 0, { -52, 83, -17 } }, { 5, 0, { -10, 99, 3 } },
{ 6, 0, { -54, 83, -10 } }, { 7, 0, { -31, 85, -40 } }, { 8, 0, { -34, 91, 19 } },
{ 9, 0, { -9, 95, 28 } }, { 10, 0, { 17, 72, 66 } }, { 11, 0, { 88, -7, 45 } },
{ 12, 0, { 96, -6, -26 } }, { 13, 0, { 56, -1, -82 } }, { 14, 0, { 40, 65, -63 } },
{ 15, 0, { -26, -3, -96 } }, { 16, 0, { 92, 82, 19 } }, { 17, 0, { 92, 32, 19 } },
{ 18, 0, { 92, 32, 19 } }, { 19, 0, { 92, 102, 19 } }, { 20, 0, { -69, 59, -70 } },
{ 21, 0, { -77, 109, -61 } }, { 22, 0, { -87, 59, -46 } }, { 23, 0, { -99, -3, 11 } },
{ 24, 0, { -99, -11, 5 } }, { 25, 0, { -97, -6, 19 } }, { 26, 0, { -97, 22, -7 } },
{ 27, 0, { -98, -11, -13 } }, { 28, 0, { -97, -11, 19 } }, { 29, 0, { -91, -11, 38 } },
{ 30, 0, { -76, -11, 63 } }, { 31, 0, { -13, 33, 93 } }, { 32, 0, { 51, -11, 84 } },
{ 33, 0, { 51, -11, 84 } }, { -1, 0, { 51, -11, 84 } }
struct CutsceneSplinePoint gEndWavingPos[] = {
{ 0, 0, { -5, 975, -917 } }, { 0, 0, { -5, 975, -917 } }, { 0, 0, { -5, 975, -917 } },
{ 0, 0, { -76, 1067, 742 } }, { 0, 0, { -105, 1576, 3240 } }, { 0, 0, { -177, 1709, 5586 } },
{ 0, 0, { -177, 1709, 5586 } }, { 0, 0, { -177, 1709, 5586 } }, { 0, 0, { -177, 1709, 5586 } }
struct CutsceneSplinePoint gEndWavingFocus[] = {
{ 0, 50, { 18, 1013, -1415 } }, { 0, 100, { 17, 1037, -1412 } }, { 0, 100, { 16, 1061, -1408 } },
{ 0, 100, { -54, 1053, 243 } }, { 0, 100, { -84, 1575, 2740 } }, { 0, 50, { -156, 1718, 5086 } },
{ 0, 0, { -156, 1718, 5086 } }, { 0, 0, { -156, 1718, 5086 } }, { 0, 0, { -156, 1718, 5086 } }
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_end_waving(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
cutscene_event(cutscene_end_waving_start, c, 0, 0);
move_point_along_spline(c->pos, gEndWavingPos, &sCutsceneSplineSegment, &sCutsceneSplineSegmentProgress);
move_point_along_spline(c->focus, gEndWavingFocus, &sCutsceneSplineSegment, &sCutsceneSplineSegmentProgress);
cutscene_spawn_obj(6, 120);
* Called on the first frame of the credits. Resets the spline progress.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_credits_reset_spline(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
extern struct CutsceneSplinePoint sBobCreditsSplinePositions[];
extern struct CutsceneSplinePoint sBobCreditsSplineFocus[];
extern struct CutsceneSplinePoint sWfCreditsSplinePositions[];
extern struct CutsceneSplinePoint sWfCreditsSplineFocus[];
extern struct CutsceneSplinePoint sJrbCreditsSplinePositions[];
extern struct CutsceneSplinePoint sJrbCreditsSplineFocus[];
extern struct CutsceneSplinePoint sCcmSlideCreditsSplinePositions[];
extern struct CutsceneSplinePoint sCcmSlideCreditsSplineFocus[];
extern struct CutsceneSplinePoint sBbhCreditsSplinePositions[];
extern struct CutsceneSplinePoint sBbhCreditsSplineFocus[];
extern struct CutsceneSplinePoint sHmcCreditsSplinePositions[];
extern struct CutsceneSplinePoint sHmcCreditsSplineFocus[];
extern struct CutsceneSplinePoint sThiWigglerCreditsSplinePositions[];
extern struct CutsceneSplinePoint sThiWigglerCreditsSplineFocus[];
extern struct CutsceneSplinePoint sVolcanoCreditsSplinePositions[];
extern struct CutsceneSplinePoint sVolcanoCreditsSplineFocus[];
extern struct CutsceneSplinePoint sSslCreditsSplinePositions[];
extern struct CutsceneSplinePoint sSslCreditsSplineFocus[];
extern struct CutsceneSplinePoint sDddCreditsSplinePositions[];
extern struct CutsceneSplinePoint sDddCreditsSplineFocus[];
extern struct CutsceneSplinePoint sSlCreditsSplinePositions[];
extern struct CutsceneSplinePoint sSlCreditsSplineFocus[];
extern struct CutsceneSplinePoint sWdwCreditsSplinePositions[];
extern struct CutsceneSplinePoint sWdwCreditsSplineFocus[];
extern struct CutsceneSplinePoint sTtmCreditsSplinePositions[];
extern struct CutsceneSplinePoint sTtmCreditsSplineFocus[];
extern struct CutsceneSplinePoint sThiHugeCreditsSplinePositions[];
extern struct CutsceneSplinePoint sThiHugeCreditsSplineFocus[];
extern struct CutsceneSplinePoint sTtcCreditsSplinePositions[];
extern struct CutsceneSplinePoint sTtcCreditsSplineFocus[];
extern struct CutsceneSplinePoint sRrCreditsSplinePositions[];
extern struct CutsceneSplinePoint sRrCreditsSplineFocus[];
extern struct CutsceneSplinePoint sSaCreditsSplinePositions[];
extern struct CutsceneSplinePoint sSaCreditsSplineFocus[];
extern struct CutsceneSplinePoint sCotmcCreditsSplinePositions[];
extern struct CutsceneSplinePoint sCotmcCreditsSplineFocus[];
extern struct CutsceneSplinePoint sDddSubCreditsSplinePositions[];
extern struct CutsceneSplinePoint sDddSubCreditsSplineFocus[];
extern struct CutsceneSplinePoint sCcmOutsideCreditsSplinePositions[];
extern struct CutsceneSplinePoint sCcmOutsideCreditsSplineFocus[];
* Follow splines through the courses of the game.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_credits(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
struct CutsceneSplinePoint *focus, *pos;
cutscene_event(cutscene_credits_reset_spline, c, 0, 0);
switch (gCurrLevelArea) {
case AREA_BOB:
pos = sBobCreditsSplinePositions;
focus = sBobCreditsSplineFocus;
case AREA_WF:
pos = sWfCreditsSplinePositions;
focus = sWfCreditsSplineFocus;
pos = sJrbCreditsSplinePositions;
focus = sJrbCreditsSplineFocus;
pos = sCcmSlideCreditsSplinePositions;
focus = sCcmSlideCreditsSplineFocus;
case AREA_BBH:
pos = sBbhCreditsSplinePositions;
focus = sBbhCreditsSplineFocus;
case AREA_HMC:
pos = sHmcCreditsSplinePositions;
focus = sHmcCreditsSplineFocus;
pos = sThiWigglerCreditsSplinePositions;
focus = sThiWigglerCreditsSplineFocus;
pos = sVolcanoCreditsSplinePositions;
focus = sVolcanoCreditsSplineFocus;
pos = sSslCreditsSplinePositions;
focus = sSslCreditsSplineFocus;
pos = sDddCreditsSplinePositions;
focus = sDddCreditsSplineFocus;
pos = sSlCreditsSplinePositions;
focus = sSlCreditsSplineFocus;
pos = sWdwCreditsSplinePositions;
focus = sWdwCreditsSplineFocus;
pos = sTtmCreditsSplinePositions;
focus = sTtmCreditsSplineFocus;
pos = sThiHugeCreditsSplinePositions;
focus = sThiHugeCreditsSplineFocus;
case AREA_TTC:
pos = sTtcCreditsSplinePositions;
focus = sTtcCreditsSplineFocus;
case AREA_RR:
pos = sRrCreditsSplinePositions;
focus = sRrCreditsSplineFocus;
case AREA_SA:
pos = sSaCreditsSplinePositions;
focus = sSaCreditsSplineFocus;
pos = sCotmcCreditsSplinePositions;
focus = sCotmcCreditsSplineFocus;
pos = sDddSubCreditsSplinePositions;
focus = sDddSubCreditsSplineFocus;
//! Checks if the "Snowman's Lost His Head" star was collected. The credits likely would
//! have avoided the snowman if the player didn't collect that star, but in the end the
//! developers decided against it.
if (save_file_get_star_flags(gCurrSaveFileNum - 1, gCurrCourseNum - 1) & 0x10) {
pos = sCcmOutsideCreditsSplinePositions;
focus = sCcmOutsideCreditsSplineFocus;
} else {
pos = sCcmOutsideCreditsSplinePositions;
focus = sCcmOutsideCreditsSplineFocus;
pos = sCcmOutsideCreditsSplinePositions;
focus = sCcmOutsideCreditsSplineFocus;
copy_spline_segment(sCurCreditsSplinePos, pos);
copy_spline_segment(sCurCreditsSplineFocus, focus);
move_point_along_spline(c->pos, sCurCreditsSplinePos, &sCutsceneSplineSegment, &sCutsceneSplineSegmentProgress);
move_point_along_spline(c->focus, sCurCreditsSplineFocus, &sCutsceneSplineSegment, &sCutsceneSplineSegmentProgress);
player2_rotate_cam(c, -0x2000, 0x2000, -0x4000, 0x4000);
* Set the camera pos relative to Mario.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_sliding_doors_open_start(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
f32 dist;
s16 pitch, yaw;
vec3f_get_dist_and_angle(sMarioCamState->pos, c->pos, &dist, &pitch, &yaw);
// If the camera is too close, warp it backwards set it to a better angle.
if (dist < 500.f) {
dist = 500.f;
yaw = sMarioCamState->faceAngle[1] + 0x8800;
pitch = 0x800;
vec3f_set_dist_and_angle(sMarioCamState->pos, c->pos, dist, pitch, yaw);
* cvar1: Mario's position
* cvar0.angle: Mario's angle
* cvar0.point: offset from Mario
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_sliding_doors_open_set_cvars(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
vec3f_copy(sCutsceneVars[1].point, sMarioCamState->pos);
vec3s_copy(sCutsceneVars[0].angle, sMarioCamState->faceAngle);
vec3f_set(sCutsceneVars[0].point, 80.f, 325.f, 200.f);
* Decrease the cvar0 y offset to 75, which would simulate Lakitu flying under the doorway.
* However, the initial y offset is too high for Lakitu to reach 75 in time.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_sliding_doors_go_under_doorway(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
camera_approach_f32_symmetric_bool(&sCutsceneVars[0].point[1], 75.f, 10.f);
* Approach a y offset of 125 again.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_sliding_doors_fly_back_up(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
camera_approach_f32_symmetric_bool(&sCutsceneVars[0].point[1], 125.f, 10.f);
* Follow Mario through the door, by approaching cvar1.point.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_sliding_doors_follow_mario(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
Vec3f pos;
UNUSED u32 pad[5];
vec3f_copy(pos, c->pos);
// Update cvar1 with Mario's position (the y value doesn't change)
sCutsceneVars[1].point[0] = sMarioCamState->pos[0];
sCutsceneVars[1].point[2] = sMarioCamState->pos[2];
// Decrease cvar0's offsets, moving the camera behind Mario at his eye height.
approach_f32_asymptotic_bool(&sCutsceneVars[0].point[0], 0, 0.1f);
camera_approach_f32_symmetric_bool(&sCutsceneVars[0].point[2], 125.f, 50.f);
// Update cvar0's angle
approach_vec3s_asymptotic(sCutsceneVars[0].angle, sMarioCamState->faceAngle, 16, 16, 16);
// Apply the offset to the camera's position
offset_rotated(pos, sCutsceneVars[1].point, sCutsceneVars[0].point, sCutsceneVars[0].angle);
approach_vec3f_asymptotic(c->pos, pos, 0.15f, 0.05f, 0.15f);
// Focus on Mario's eye height
set_focus_rel_mario(c, 0, 125.f, 0, 0);
* Plays when Mario opens the sliding doors.
* Note: the star door unlocking event is not a cutscene, it's handled by Mario separately.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_sliding_doors_open(struct Camera *c) {
UNUSED u32 pad[2];
cutscene_event(cutscene_sliding_doors_open_start, c, 0, 8);
cutscene_event(cutscene_sliding_doors_open_set_cvars, c, 8, 8);
cutscene_event(cutscene_sliding_doors_go_under_doorway, c, 8, 28);
cutscene_event(cutscene_sliding_doors_fly_back_up, c, 29, -1);
cutscene_event(cutscene_sliding_doors_follow_mario, c, 8, -1);
* Ends the double door cutscene.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_double_doors_end(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
c->cutscene = 0;
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_enter_painting_stub(UNUSED struct Camera *c) {
* Plays when Mario enters a painting. The camera flies up to the painting's center, then it slowly
* zooms in until the star select screen appears.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_enter_painting(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
struct Surface *floor, *highFloor;
Vec3f paintingPos, focus, focusOffset;
Vec3s paintingAngle;
f32 floorHeight;
cutscene_event(cutscene_enter_painting_stub, c, 0, 0);
// Zoom in
if (gRipplingPainting != NULL) {
paintingAngle[0] = 0;
paintingAngle[1] = (s32)((gRipplingPainting->yaw / 360.f) * 65536.f); // convert degrees to IAU
paintingAngle[2] = 0;
focusOffset[0] = gRipplingPainting->size / 2;
focusOffset[1] = focusOffset[0];
focusOffset[2] = 0;
paintingPos[0] = gRipplingPainting->posX;
paintingPos[1] = gRipplingPainting->posY;
paintingPos[2] = gRipplingPainting->posZ;
offset_rotated(focus, paintingPos, focusOffset, paintingAngle);
approach_vec3f_asymptotic(c->focus, focus, 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f);
focusOffset[2] = -(((gRipplingPainting->size * 1000.f) / 2) / 307.f);
offset_rotated(focus, paintingPos, focusOffset, paintingAngle);
floorHeight = find_floor(focus[0], focus[1] + 500.f, focus[2], &highFloor) + 125.f;
if (focus[1] < floorHeight) {
focus[1] = floorHeight;
if (c->cutscene == CUTSCENE_ENTER_PAINTING) {
approach_vec3f_asymptotic(c->pos, focus, 0.2f, 0.1f, 0.2f);
} else {
approach_vec3f_asymptotic(c->pos, focus, 0.9f, 0.9f, 0.9f);
find_floor(sMarioCamState->pos[0], sMarioCamState->pos[1] + 50.f, sMarioCamState->pos[2], &floor);
if (floor != NULL) {
if ((floor->type < SURFACE_PAINTING_WOBBLE_A6) || (floor->type > SURFACE_PAINTING_WARP_F9)) {
c->cutscene = 0;
gCutsceneTimer = CUTSCENE_STOP;
* Warp the camera to Mario, then use his faceAngle to calculate the right relative position.
* cvar0.point is Mario's position
* cvar0.angle is Mario's faceAngle
* cvar1 is the camera's position relative to Mario
* cvar2 is the camera's focus relative to Mario
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_exit_painting_start(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
struct Surface *floor;
f32 floorHeight;
vec3f_set(sCutsceneVars[2].point, 258.f, -352.f, 1189.f);
vec3f_set(sCutsceneVars[1].point, 65.f, -155.f, 444.f);
if (dynos_level_is_vanilla_level(gCurrLevelNum)) {
if (gPrevLevel == LEVEL_TTM) {
sCutsceneVars[1].point[1] = 0.f;
sCutsceneVars[1].point[2] = 0.f;
vec3f_copy(sCutsceneVars[0].point, sMarioCamState->pos);
sCutsceneVars[0].angle[0] = 0;
sCutsceneVars[0].angle[1] = sMarioCamState->faceAngle[1];
sCutsceneVars[0].angle[2] = 0;
offset_rotated(c->focus, sCutsceneVars[0].point, sCutsceneVars[1].point, sCutsceneVars[0].angle);
offset_rotated(c->pos, sCutsceneVars[0].point, sCutsceneVars[2].point, sCutsceneVars[0].angle);
floorHeight = find_floor(c->pos[0], c->pos[1] + 10.f, c->pos[2], &floor);
if (floorHeight != gLevelValues.floorLowerLimit) {
if (c->pos[1] < (floorHeight += 60.f)) {
c->pos[1] = floorHeight;
* Decrease cvar2's x and z offset, moving closer to Mario.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_exit_painting_move_to_mario(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
Vec3f pos;
//! Tricky math: Since offset_rotated() flips Z offsets, you'd expect a positive Z offset to move
//! the camera into the wall. However, Mario's faceAngle always points into the painting, so a
//! positive Z offset moves the camera "behind" Mario, away from the painting.
//! In the success cutscene, when Mario jumps out face-first, only his gfx angle is updated. His
//! actual face angle isn't updated until after the cutscene.
approach_f32_asymptotic_bool(&sCutsceneVars[2].point[0], 178.f, 0.05f);
approach_f32_asymptotic_bool(&sCutsceneVars[2].point[2], 889.f, 0.05f);
offset_rotated(pos, sCutsceneVars[0].point, sCutsceneVars[2].point, sCutsceneVars[0].angle);
c->pos[0] = pos[0];
c->pos[2] = pos[2];
* Move the camera down to the floor Mario lands on.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_exit_painting_move_to_floor(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
struct Surface *floor;
Vec3f floorHeight;
vec3f_copy(floorHeight, sMarioCamState->pos);
floorHeight[1] = find_floor(sMarioCamState->pos[0], sMarioCamState->pos[1] + 10.f, sMarioCamState->pos[2], &floor);
if (floor != NULL) {
floorHeight[1] = floorHeight[1] + (sMarioCamState->pos[1] - floorHeight[1]) * 0.7f + 125.f;
approach_vec3f_asymptotic(c->focus, floorHeight, 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f);
if (floorHeight[1] < c->pos[1]) {
approach_f32_asymptotic_bool(&c->pos[1], floorHeight[1], 0.05f);
* Cutscene played when Mario leaves a painting, either due to death or collecting a star.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_exit_painting(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
cutscene_event(cutscene_exit_painting_start, c, 0, 0);
cutscene_event(cutscene_exit_painting_move_to_mario, c, 5, -1);
cutscene_event(cutscene_exit_painting_move_to_floor, c, 5, -1);
//! Hardcoded position. TTM's painting is close to an opposite wall, so just fix the pos.
if (dynos_level_is_vanilla_level(gCurrLevelNum)) {
if (gPrevLevel == LEVEL_TTM) {
vec3f_set(c->pos, -296.f, 1261.f, 3521.f);
* Unused. Warp the camera to Mario.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_unused_exit_start(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
UNUSED Vec3f unused1;
UNUSED Vec3s unused2;
Vec3f offset;
Vec3s marioAngle;
vec3f_set(offset, 200.f, 300.f, 200.f);
vec3s_set(marioAngle, 0, sMarioCamState->faceAngle[1], 0);
offset_rotated(c->pos, sMarioCamState->pos, offset, marioAngle);
set_focus_rel_mario(c, 0.f, 125.f, 0.f, 0);
* Unused. Focus on Mario as he exits.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_unused_exit_focus_mario(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
Vec3f focus;
vec3f_set(focus, sMarioCamState->pos[0], sMarioCamState->pos[1] + 125.f, sMarioCamState->pos[2]);
set_focus_rel_mario(c, 0.f, 125.f, 0.f, 0);
approach_vec3f_asymptotic(c->focus, focus, 0.02f, 0.001f, 0.02f);
* Give control back to the player.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_exit_painting_end(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
if (newcam_active == 1) {
} else {
c->cutscene = 0;
gCutsceneTimer = CUTSCENE_STOP;
* End the cutscene, starting cannon mode.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_enter_cannon_end(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
c->cutscene = 0;
sCannonYOffset = 800.f;
* Rotate around the cannon as it rises out of the hole.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_enter_cannon_raise(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
struct Object *o;
UNUSED u32 pad[2];
f32 floorHeight;
struct Surface *floor;
Vec3f cannonFocus;
Vec3s cannonAngle;
// Shake the camera when the cannon is fully raised
cutscene_event(cutscene_shake_explosion, c, 70, 70);
camera_approach_s16_symmetric_bool(&sCutsceneVars[1].angle[0], 0, 0x80);
camera_approach_s16_symmetric_bool(&sCutsceneVars[2].angle[0], 0, 0x80);
// Move the camera around the cannon, gradually rotating and moving closer
vec3f_set_dist_and_angle(sCutsceneVars[0].point, c->pos, sCutsceneVars[1].point[2], sCutsceneVars[1].angle[0],
sCutsceneVars[1].point[2] = approach_f32(sCutsceneVars[1].point[2], 400.f, 5.f, 5.f);
sCutsceneVars[1].angle[1] += 0x40;
sCutsceneVars[3].point[1] += 2.f;
c->pos[1] += sCutsceneVars[3].point[1];
if ((o = sMarioCamState->usedObj) != NULL) {
sCutsceneVars[0].point[1] = o->oPosY;
cannonAngle[0] = o->oMoveAnglePitch;
cannonAngle[1] = o->oMoveAngleYaw;
cannonAngle[2] = o->oMoveAngleRoll;
c->focus[0] = o->oPosX;
c->focus[1] = o->oPosY;
c->focus[2] = o->oPosZ;
cannonFocus[0] = 0.f;
cannonFocus[1] = 100.f;
cannonFocus[2] = 0.f;
offset_rotated(c->focus, c->focus, cannonFocus, cannonAngle);
floorHeight = find_floor(c->pos[0], c->pos[1] + 500.f, c->pos[2], &floor) + 100.f;
if (c->pos[1] < floorHeight) {
c->pos[1] = floorHeight;
* Start the cannon entering cutscene
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_enter_cannon_start(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
UNUSED u32 cvar3Start;
UNUSED u32 cvar4Start;
struct Object *o;
sMarioCamState->cameraEvent = 0;
// Store the cannon's position and angle in cvar0
if ((o = sMarioCamState->usedObj) != NULL) {
sCutsceneVars[0].point[0] = o->oPosX;
sCutsceneVars[0].point[1] = o->oPosY;
sCutsceneVars[0].point[2] = o->oPosZ;
sCutsceneVars[0].angle[0] = o->oMoveAnglePitch;
sCutsceneVars[0].angle[1] = o->oMoveAngleYaw;
sCutsceneVars[0].angle[2] = o->oMoveAngleRoll;
// Store the camera's polar offset from the cannon in cvar1
vec3f_get_dist_and_angle(sCutsceneVars[0].point, c->pos, &sCutsceneVars[1].point[2],
&sCutsceneVars[1].angle[0], &sCutsceneVars[1].angle[1]);
sCutsceneVars[3].point[1] = 0.f;
//! cvar4 is unused in this cutscene
sCutsceneVars[4].point[1] = 0.f;
* Store the camera's pos and focus for the door cutscene
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_door_start(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
vec3f_copy(sCutsceneVars[0].point, c->pos);
vec3f_copy(sCutsceneVars[1].point, c->focus);
* Fix the camera in place while the door opens.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_door_fix_cam(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
vec3f_copy(c->pos, sCutsceneVars[0].point);
vec3f_copy(c->focus, sCutsceneVars[1].point);
* Loop until Mario is no longer using the door.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_door_loop(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
//! bitwise AND instead of boolean
if ((sMarioCamState->action != ACT_PULLING_DOOR) & (sMarioCamState->action != ACT_PUSHING_DOOR)) {
gCutsceneTimer = CUTSCENE_STOP;
c->cutscene = 0;
* Warp the camera behind Mario.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_door_move_behind_mario(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
Vec3f camOffset;
s16 doorRotation;
set_focus_rel_mario(c, 0.f, 125.f, 0.f, 0);
vec3s_set(sCutsceneVars[0].angle, 0, sMarioCamState->faceAngle[1] + doorRotation, 0);
vec3f_set(camOffset, 0.f, 125.f, 250.f);
offset_rotated(c->pos, sMarioCamState->pos, camOffset, sCutsceneVars[0].angle);
* Follow Mario through the door.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_door_follow_mario(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
s16 pitch, yaw;
f32 dist;
set_focus_rel_mario(c, 0.f, 125.f, 0.f, 0);
vec3f_get_dist_and_angle(c->focus, c->pos, &dist, &pitch, &yaw);
camera_approach_f32_symmetric_bool(&dist, 150.f, 7.f);
vec3f_set_dist_and_angle(c->focus, c->pos, dist, pitch, yaw);
* Ends the door cutscene. Sets the camera mode to close mode unless the default is free roam.
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_door_end(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
if (c->defMode == CAMERA_MODE_CLOSE) {
} else if (c->defMode == CAMERA_MODE_NEWCAM) {
} else {
c->cutscene = 0;
gCutsceneTimer = CUTSCENE_STOP;
* Used for entering a room that uses a specific camera mode, like the castle lobby or BBH
BAD_RETURN(s32) cutscene_door_mode(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
UNUSED u32 pad[2];
if (c->mode == CAMERA_MODE_FIXED) {
c->nextYaw = update_fixed_camera(c, c->focus, c->pos);
c->nextYaw = update_parallel_tracking_camera(c, c->focus, c->pos);
c->yaw = c->nextYaw;
// Loop until Mario is no longer using the door
if (sMarioCamState->action != ACT_ENTERING_STAR_DOOR &&
sMarioCamState->action != ACT_PULLING_DOOR &&
sMarioCamState->action != ACT_PUSHING_DOOR) {
gCutsceneTimer = CUTSCENE_STOP;
c->cutscene = 0;
// coop specific
extern struct DjuiText* gDjuiPaletteToggle;
void cutscene_palette_editor(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
struct MarioState* m = gMarioState;
if (!gDjuiInPlayerMenu) {
if (c->paletteEditorCap) {
if (m->flags & MARIO_CAP_ON_HEAD) {
gCamera->paletteEditorCap = false;
} else {
if (m->action == ACT_IDLE) {
set_mario_action(m, ACT_PUTTING_ON_CAP, 0);
} else {
gCamera->paletteEditorCap = false;
gCutsceneTimer = CUTSCENE_STOP;
c->cutscene = 0;
// Press the Z bind to toggle cap
static bool pressed = false;
if (gInteractablePad.button & PAD_BUTTON_Z) {
if (!pressed && m->action == ACT_IDLE) {
if (m->flags & MARIO_CAP_ON_HEAD) {
set_mario_action(m, ACT_TAKING_OFF_CAP, 1); // Add palette editor action arg
} else {
set_mario_action(m, ACT_PUTTING_ON_CAP, 0);
pressed = true;
} else {
pressed = false;
// Hide text if it is not possible to toggle cap
if (gDjuiPaletteToggle) {
m->action == ACT_IDLE ||
m->action == ACT_TAKING_OFF_CAP ||
m->action == ACT_PUTTING_ON_CAP
c->pos[0] = m->pos[0] + (0x200 * sins(m->faceAngle[1]));
c->pos[1] = m->pos[1] + 0x80;
c->pos[2] = m->pos[2] + (0x200 * coss(m->faceAngle[1]));
c->focus[0] = m->pos[0];
c->focus[1] = m->pos[1] + 0x80;
c->focus[2] = m->pos[2];
* Cutscenes
* Cutscene that plays when Mario beats the game.
struct Cutscene sCutsceneEnding[] = {
{ cutscene_ending_mario_fall, 170 },
{ cutscene_ending_mario_land, 70 },
/**#ifdef VERSION_EU
{ cutscene_ending_mario_land_closeup, 0x44 },
{ cutscene_ending_stars_free_peach, 0x15c },
{ cutscene_ending_peach_appears, 0x6d },
{ cutscene_ending_peach_descends, 0x212 },
{ cutscene_ending_mario_to_peach, 0x69 },
{ cutscene_ending_peach_wakeup, 0x1a4 },
{ cutscene_ending_dialog, 0x114 },
{ cutscene_ending_kiss, 0x10b },
{ cutscene_ending_mario_land_closeup, 75 },
{ cutscene_ending_stars_free_peach, 431 },
{ cutscene_ending_stars_free_peach, 386 },
{ cutscene_ending_peach_appears, 139 },
{ cutscene_ending_peach_descends, 590 },
{ cutscene_ending_mario_to_peach, 95 },
{ cutscene_ending_peach_wakeup, 455 },
{ cutscene_ending_dialog, 286 },
{ cutscene_ending_peach_wakeup, 425 },
{ cutscene_ending_dialog, 236 },
{ cutscene_ending_kiss, 245 },
{ cutscene_ending_cake_for_mario, CUTSCENE_LOOP },
{ cutscene_ending_stop, 0 }
* Cutscene that plays when Mario collects the grand star from bowser.
struct Cutscene sCutsceneGrandStar[] = {
{ cutscene_grand_star, 360 },
{ cutscene_grand_star_fly, CUTSCENE_LOOP }
struct Cutscene sCutsceneUnused[] = {
{ cutscene_unused_start, 1 },
{ cutscene_unused_loop, CUTSCENE_LOOP }
* Cutscene that plays when Mario enters a door that warps to another area.
struct Cutscene sCutsceneDoorWarp[] = {
{ cutscene_door_start, 1 },
{ cutscene_door_loop, CUTSCENE_LOOP }
* Cutscene that plays after the credits, when Lakitu is flying away from the castle.
struct Cutscene sCutsceneEndWaving[] = {
{ cutscene_end_waving, CUTSCENE_LOOP }
* The game's credits.
struct Cutscene sCutsceneCredits[] = {
{ cutscene_credits, CUTSCENE_LOOP }
* Cutscene that plays when Mario pulls open a door.
struct Cutscene sCutsceneDoorPull[] = {
{ cutscene_door_start, 1 },
{ cutscene_door_fix_cam, 30 },
{ cutscene_door_move_behind_mario, 1 },
{ cutscene_door_follow_mario, 50 },
{ cutscene_door_end, 0 }
* Cutscene that plays when Mario pushes open a door.
struct Cutscene sCutsceneDoorPush[] = {
{ cutscene_door_start, 1 },
{ cutscene_door_fix_cam, 20 },
{ cutscene_door_move_behind_mario, 1 },
{ cutscene_door_follow_mario, 50 },
{ cutscene_door_end, 0 }
* Cutscene that plays when Mario pulls open a door that has some special mode requirement on the other
* side.
struct Cutscene sCutsceneDoorPullMode[] = {
{ cutscene_door_start, 1 },
{ cutscene_door_fix_cam, 30 },
{ cutscene_door_mode, CUTSCENE_LOOP }
* Cutscene that plays when Mario pushes open a door that has some special mode requirement on the other
* side.
struct Cutscene sCutsceneDoorPushMode[] = {
{ cutscene_door_start, 1 },
{ cutscene_door_fix_cam, 20 },
{ cutscene_door_mode, CUTSCENE_LOOP }
* Cutscene that plays when Mario enters the cannon and it rises out of the hole.
struct Cutscene sCutsceneEnterCannon[] = {
{ cutscene_enter_cannon_start, 1 },
{ cutscene_enter_cannon_raise, 121 },
{ cutscene_enter_cannon_end, 0 }
* Cutscene that plays when a star spawns from ie a box or after a boss fight.
struct Cutscene sCutsceneStarSpawn[] = {
{ cutscene_star_spawn, CUTSCENE_LOOP },
{ cutscene_star_spawn_back, 15 },
{ cutscene_star_spawn_end, 0 }
* Cutscene for the red coin star spawning. Compared to a regular star, this cutscene can warp long
* distances.
struct Cutscene sCutsceneRedCoinStarSpawn[] = {
{ cutscene_red_coin_star, CUTSCENE_LOOP },
{ cutscene_red_coin_star_end, 0 }
* Cutscene that plays when Mario enters a course painting.
struct Cutscene sCutsceneEnterPainting[] = {
{ cutscene_enter_painting, CUTSCENE_LOOP }
* Cutscene that plays when Mario dies and warps back to the castle.
struct Cutscene sCutsceneDeathExit[] = {
{ cutscene_exit_painting, 118 },
{ cutscene_exit_painting_end, 0 }
* Cutscene that plays when Mario warps to the castle after collecting a star.
struct Cutscene sCutsceneExitPaintingSuccess[] = {
{ cutscene_exit_painting, 180 },
{ cutscene_exit_painting_end, 0 }
struct Cutscene sCutsceneUnusedExit[] = {
{ cutscene_unused_exit_start, 1 },
{ cutscene_unused_exit_focus_mario, 60 },
{ cutscene_exit_painting_end, 0 }
* The intro of the game. Peach reads her letter and Lakitu flies down to Mario's warp pipe.
struct Cutscene sCutsceneIntroPeach[] = {
{ cutscene_intro_peach_letter, CUTSCENE_LOOP },
{ cutscene_intro_peach_reset_fov, 35 },
//#ifdef VERSION_EU
// { cutscene_intro_peach_fly_to_pipe, 675 },
{ cutscene_intro_peach_fly_to_pipe, 820 },
{ cutscene_intro_peach_mario_appears, 270 },
{ cutscene_intro_peach_dialog, CUTSCENE_LOOP }
* Cutscene that plays when a cannon door is opened.
struct Cutscene sCutscenePrepareCannon[] = {
{ cutscene_prepare_cannon, 170 },
{ cutscene_prepare_cannon_end, 0 }
* Cutscene that plays when Mario enters the castle grounds after leaving CotMC through the waterfall.
struct Cutscene sCutsceneExitWaterfall[] = {
{ cutscene_exit_waterfall, 52 },
{ cutscene_exit_to_castle_grounds_end, 0 }
* Cutscene that plays when Mario falls from WMOTR.
struct Cutscene sCutsceneFallToCastleGrounds[] = {
{ cutscene_exit_fall_to_castle_grounds, 73 },
{ cutscene_exit_to_castle_grounds_end, 0 }
* Cutscene that plays when Mario enters the pyramid through the hole at the top.
struct Cutscene sCutsceneEnterPyramidTop[] = {
{ cutscene_enter_pyramid_top, 90 },
{ cutscene_exit_to_castle_grounds_end, 0 }
* Unused cutscene for when the pyramid explodes.
struct Cutscene sCutscenePyramidTopExplode[] = {
{ cutscene_mario_dialog, CUTSCENE_LOOP },
{ cutscene_pyramid_top_explode, 150 },
{ cutscene_pyramid_top_explode_end, 0 }
* Cutscene that plays when Mario dies while standing, or from electrocution.
struct Cutscene sCutsceneStandingDeath[] = {
{ cutscene_death_standing, CUTSCENE_LOOP }
* Cutscene that plays when Mario enters HMC or CotMC.
struct Cutscene sCutsceneEnterPool[] = {
{ cutscene_enter_pool, 100 },
{ cutscene_exit_to_castle_grounds_end, 0 }
* Cutscene that plays when Mario dies on his stomach.
struct Cutscene sCutsceneDeathStomach[] = {
{ cutscene_death_stomach, CUTSCENE_LOOP }
* Cutscene that plays when Mario dies on his back.
struct Cutscene sCutsceneDeathOnBack[] = {
{ cutscene_bbh_death, CUTSCENE_LOOP }
* Cutscene that plays when Mario dies in quicksand.
struct Cutscene sCutsceneQuicksandDeath[] = {
{ cutscene_quicksand_death, CUTSCENE_LOOP },
* Unused cutscene for ACT_WATER_DEATH, which happens when Mario gets hit by an enemy under water.
struct Cutscene sCutsceneWaterDeath[] = {
{ cutscene_quicksand_death, CUTSCENE_LOOP }
* Cutscene that plays when Mario suffocates.
struct Cutscene sCutsceneSuffocation[] = {
{ cutscene_suffocation, CUTSCENE_LOOP }
* Cutscene that plays when entering bowser's arenas.
struct Cutscene sCutsceneEnterBowserArena[] = {
{ cutscene_bowser_arena, 180 },
{ cutscene_bowser_arena_dialog, CUTSCENE_LOOP },
{ cutscene_bowser_arena_end, 0 }
// The dance cutscenes are automatically stopped since reset_camera() is called after Mario warps.
* Star dance cutscene.
* For the default dance, the camera moves closer to Mario, then stays in place.
* For the rotate dance, the camera moves closer and rotates clockwise around Mario.
struct Cutscene sCutsceneDanceDefaultRotate[] = {
{ cutscene_dance_default_rotate, CUTSCENE_LOOP }
* Star dance cutscene.
* The camera moves closer and rotates clockwise around Mario.
struct Cutscene sCutsceneDanceFlyAway[] = {
{ cutscene_dance_fly_away, CUTSCENE_LOOP }
* Star dance cutscene.
* The camera moves in for a closeup on Mario. Used in tight spaces and underwater.
struct Cutscene sCutsceneDanceCloseup[] = {
{ cutscene_dance_closeup, CUTSCENE_LOOP }
* Star dance cutscene.
* The camera moves closer and rotates clockwise around Mario.
struct Cutscene sCutsceneKeyDance[] = {
{ cutscene_key_dance, CUTSCENE_LOOP }
* Cutscene that plays when Mario presses a cap switch.
struct Cutscene sCutsceneCapSwitchPress[] = {
{ cutscene_cap_switch_press, CUTSCENE_LOOP }
* Cutscene that plays when Mario opens a sliding star door.
struct Cutscene sCutsceneSlidingDoorsOpen[] = {
{ cutscene_sliding_doors_open, 50 },
{ cutscene_double_doors_end, 0 }
* Cutscene that plays when Mario unlocks the basement or upstairs key door.
struct Cutscene sCutsceneUnlockKeyDoor[] = {
{ cutscene_unlock_key_door, 200 },
{ cutscene_double_doors_end, 0 }
* Cutscene that plays when Mario exits bowser's arena after getting the key.
struct Cutscene sCutsceneExitBowserSuccess[] = {
{ cutscene_exit_bowser_succ, 190 },
{ cutscene_non_painting_end, 0 }
* Unused cutscene for when Mario dies in bowser's arena. Instead, Mario just respawns at the warp pipe.
struct Cutscene sCutsceneExitBowserDeath[] = {
{ cutscene_exit_bowser_death, 120 },
{ cutscene_non_painting_end, 0 }
* Cutscene that plays when Mario exits a non-painting course, like HMC.
struct Cutscene sCutsceneExitSpecialSuccess[] = {
{ cutscene_exit_non_painting_succ, 163 },
{ cutscene_non_painting_end, 0 }
* Cutscene that plays when Mario exits from dying in a non-painting course, like HMC.
struct Cutscene sCutsceneNonPaintingDeath[] = {
{ cutscene_non_painting_death, 120 },
{ cutscene_non_painting_end, 0 }
* Cutscene that plays when Mario talks to a creature.
struct Cutscene sCutsceneDialog[] = {
{ cutscene_dialog, CUTSCENE_LOOP },
{ cutscene_dialog_set_flag, 12 },
{ cutscene_dialog_end, 0 }
* Cutscene that plays when Mario reads a sign or message.
struct Cutscene sCutsceneReadMessage[] = {
{ cutscene_read_message, CUTSCENE_LOOP },
{ cutscene_read_message_set_flag, 15 },
{ cutscene_read_message_end, 0 }
struct Cutscene sCutscenePaletteEditor[] = {
{ cutscene_palette_editor, CUTSCENE_LOOP },
/* TODO:
* The next two arrays are both related to levels, and they look generated.
* These should be split into their own file.
* Converts the u32 given in DEFINE_COURSE to a u8 with the odd and even digits rotated into the right
* order for sDanceCutsceneIndexTable
#define DROT(value, index) ((value >> (32 - (index + 1) * 8)) & 0xF0) >> 4 | \
((value >> (32 - (index + 1) * 8)) & 0x0F) << 4
#define DANCE_ENTRY(c) { DROT(c, 0), DROT(c, 1), DROT(c, 2), DROT(c, 3) },
#define DEFINE_COURSE(_0, cutscenes) DANCE_ENTRY(cutscenes)
#define DEFINE_BONUS_COURSE(_0, cutscenes) DANCE_ENTRY(cutscenes)
* Each hex digit is an index into sDanceCutsceneTable.
* 0: Lakitu flies away after the dance
* 1: Only rotates the camera, doesn't zoom out
* 2: The camera goes to a close up of Mario
* 3: Bowser keys and the grand star
* 4: Default, used for 100 coin stars, 8 red coin stars in bowser levels, and secret stars
u8 sDanceCutsceneIndexTable[][4] = {
#include "levels/course_defines.h"
{ 0x44, 0x44, 0x44, 0x04 }, // (26) Why go to all this trouble to save bytes and do this?!
#undef DROT
* These masks set whether or not the camera zooms out when game is paused.
* Each entry is used by two levels. Even levels use the low 4 bits, odd levels use the high 4 bits
* Because areas are 1-indexed, a mask of 0x1 will make area 1 (not area 0) zoom out.
* In zoom_out_if_paused_and_outside(), the current area is converted to a shift.
* Then the value of (1 << shift) is &'d with the level's mask,
* and if the result is non-zero, the camera will zoom out.
u8 sZoomOutAreaMasks[] = {
ZOOMOUT_AREA_MASK(0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0), // Unused | Unused
ZOOMOUT_AREA_MASK(0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0), // Unused | Unused
ZOOMOUT_AREA_MASK(0,0,0,0, 1,0,0,0), // BBH | CCM
ZOOMOUT_AREA_MASK(1,0,0,0, 1,0,0,0), // SSL | BOB
ZOOMOUT_AREA_MASK(1,0,0,0, 1,0,0,0), // SL | WDW
ZOOMOUT_AREA_MASK(0,0,0,0, 1,1,0,0), // JRB | THI
ZOOMOUT_AREA_MASK(0,0,0,0, 1,0,0,0), // TTC | RR
ZOOMOUT_AREA_MASK(0,0,0,0, 1,0,0,0), // VCUTM | BITFS
ZOOMOUT_AREA_MASK(0,0,0,0, 1,0,0,0), // SA | BITS
ZOOMOUT_AREA_MASK(1,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0), // LLL | DDD
ZOOMOUT_AREA_MASK(1,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0), // WF | ENDING
ZOOMOUT_AREA_MASK(0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0), // COURTYARD | PSS
ZOOMOUT_AREA_MASK(0,0,0,0, 1,0,0,0), // COTMC | TOTWC
ZOOMOUT_AREA_MASK(1,0,0,0, 1,0,0,0), // BOWSER_1 | WMOTR
ZOOMOUT_AREA_MASK(0,0,0,0, 1,0,0,0), // Unused | BOWSER_2
ZOOMOUT_AREA_MASK(1,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0), // BOWSER_3 | Unused
ZOOMOUT_AREA_MASK(1,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0), // TTM | Unused
ZOOMOUT_AREA_MASK(0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0), // Unused | Unused
STATIC_ASSERT(ARRAY_COUNT(sZoomOutAreaMasks) - 1 == LEVEL_MAX / 2, "Make sure you edit sZoomOutAreaMasks when adding / removing courses.");
* credits spline paths.
* TODO: Separate these into their own file(s)
struct CutsceneSplinePoint sBobCreditsSplinePositions[] = {
{ 1, 0, { 5984, 3255, 4975 } },
{ 2, 0, { 4423, 3315, 1888 } },
{ 3, 0, { 776, 2740, -1825 } },
{ 4, 0, { -146, 3894, -3167 } },
{ -1, 0, { 741, 4387, -5474 } }
struct CutsceneSplinePoint sBobCreditsSplineFocus[] = {
{ 0, 30, { 5817, 3306, 4507 } },
{ 0, 40, { 4025, 3378, 1593 } },
{ 0, 50, { 1088, 2652, -2205 } },
{ 0, 60, { 205, 3959, -3517 } },
{ -1, 60, { 1231, 4400, -5649 } }
struct CutsceneSplinePoint sWfCreditsSplinePositions[] = {
{ 0, 0, { -301, 1399, 2643 } },
{ 0, 0, { -182, 2374, 4572 } },
{ 0, 0, { 4696, 3864, 413 } },
{ 0, 0, { 1738, 4891, -1516 } },
{ -1, 0, { 1783, 4891, -1516 } }
struct CutsceneSplinePoint sWfCreditsSplineFocus[] = {
{ 1, 30, { -249, 1484, 2153 } },
{ 2, 40, { -200, 2470, 4082 } },
{ 3, 40, { 4200, 3916, 370 } },
{ 4, 40, { 1523, 4976, -1072 } },
{ -1, 40, { 1523, 4976, -1072 } }
struct CutsceneSplinePoint sJrbCreditsSplinePositions[] = {
{ 0, 0, { 5538, -4272, 2376 } },
{ 0, 0, { 5997, -3303, 2261 } },
{ 0, 0, { 6345, -3255, 2179 } },
{ 0, 0, { 6345, -3255, 2179 } },
{ -1, 0, { 6694, -3203, 2116 } }
struct CutsceneSplinePoint sJrbCreditsSplineFocus[] = {
{ 0, 50, { 5261, -4683, 2443 } },
{ 0, 50, { 5726, -3675, 2456 } },
{ 0, 50, { 6268, -2817, 2409 } },
{ 0, 50, { 6596, -2866, 2369 } },
{ -1, 50, { 7186, -3153, 2041 } }
struct CutsceneSplinePoint sCcmSlideCreditsSplinePositions[] = {
{ 0, 0, { -6324, 6745, -5626 } },
{ 1, 0, { -6324, 6745, -5626 } },
{ 2, 0, { -6108, 6762, -5770 } },
{ 3, 0, { -5771, 6787, -5962 } },
{ -1, 0, { -5672, 6790, -5979 } }
struct CutsceneSplinePoint sCcmSlideCreditsSplineFocus[] = {
{ 0, 50, { -5911, 6758, -5908 } },
{ 1, 50, { -5911, 6758, -5908 } },
{ 2, 50, { -5652, 6814, -5968 } },
{ 3, 50, { -5277, 6801, -6043 } },
{ -1, 50, { -5179, 6804, -6060 } }
struct CutsceneSplinePoint sBbhCreditsSplinePositions[] = {
{ 1, 0, { 1088, 341, 2447 } },
{ 2, 0, { 1338, 610, 2808 } },
{ 3, 0, { 2267, 1612, 2966 } },
{ -1, 0, { 2296, 1913, 2990 } }
struct CutsceneSplinePoint sBbhCreditsSplineFocus[] = {
{ 1, 50, { 1160, 263, 1958 } },
{ 2, 50, { 1034, 472, 2436 } },
{ 3, 50, { 1915, 1833, 2688 } },
{ -1, 50, { 2134, 2316, 2742 } }
struct CutsceneSplinePoint sHmcCreditsSplinePositions[] = {
{ 1, 0, { -5952, 1807, -5882 } },
{ 2, 0, { -5623, 1749, -4863 } },
{ 3, 0, { -5472, 1955, -2520 } },
{ 4, 0, { -5544, 1187, -1085 } },
{ -1, 0, { -5547, 391, -721 } }
struct CutsceneSplinePoint sHmcCreditsSplineFocus[] = {
{ 1, 210, { -5952, 1884, -6376 } },
{ 2, 58, { -5891, 1711, -5283 } },
{ 3, 30, { -5595, 1699, -2108 } },
{ 4, 31, { -5546, 794, -777 } },
{ -1, 31, { -5548, -85, -572 } }
struct CutsceneSplinePoint sThiWigglerCreditsSplinePositions[] = {
{ 1, 0, { -1411, 2474, -1276 } },
{ 2, 0, { -1606, 2479, -434 } },
{ -1, 0, { -1170, 2122, 1337 } }
struct CutsceneSplinePoint sThiWigglerCreditsSplineFocus[] = {
{ 1, 50, { -1053, 2512, -928 } },
{ 2, 50, { -1234, 2377, -114 } },
{ -1, 50, { -758, 2147, 1054 } }
struct CutsceneSplinePoint sVolcanoCreditsSplinePositions[] = {
{ 0, 0, { -1445, 1094, 1617 } },
{ 0, 0, { -1509, 649, 871 } },
{ 0, 0, { -1133, 420, -248 } },
{ 0, 0, { -778, 359, -1052 } },
{ 0, 0, { -565, 260, -1730 } },
{ -1, 0, { 1274, 473, -275 } }
struct CutsceneSplinePoint sVolcanoCreditsSplineFocus[] = {
{ 0, 50, { -1500, 757, 1251 } },
{ 0, 50, { -1401, 439, 431 } },
{ 0, 50, { -749, 270, -532 } },
{ 0, 50, { -396, 270, -1363 } },
{ 0, 50, { -321, 143, -2151 } },
{ -1, 50, { 1002, 460, -694 } }
struct CutsceneSplinePoint sSslCreditsSplinePositions[] = {
{ 0, 0, { -4262, 4658, -5015 } },
{ 0, 0, { -3274, 2963, -4661 } },
{ 0, 0, { -2568, 812, -6528 } },
{ 0, 0, { -414, 660, -7232 } },
{ 0, 0, { 1466, 660, -6898 } },
{ -1, 0, { 2724, 660, -6298 } }
struct CutsceneSplinePoint sSslCreditsSplineFocus[] = {
{ 0, 50, { -4083, 4277, -4745 } },
{ 0, 50, { -2975, 2574, -4759 } },
{ 0, 50, { -2343, 736, -6088 } },
{ 0, 50, { -535, 572, -6755 } },
{ 0, 50, { 1311, 597, -6427 } },
{ -1, 50, { 2448, 612, -5884 } }
struct CutsceneSplinePoint sDddCreditsSplinePositions[] = {
{ 0, 0, { -874, -4933, 366 } },
{ 0, 0, { -1463, -4782, 963 } },
{ 0, 0, { -1893, -4684, 1303 } },
{ 0, 0, { -2818, -4503, 1583 } },
{ 0, 0, { -4095, -2924, 730 } },
{ 0, 0, { -4737, -1594, -63 } },
{ -1, 0, { -4681, -1084, -623 } }
struct CutsceneSplinePoint sDddCreditsSplineFocus[] = {
{ 0, 50, { -1276, -4683, 622 } },
{ 0, 50, { -1858, -4407, 1097 } },
{ 0, 50, { -2324, -4332, 1318 } },
{ 0, 50, { -3138, -4048, 1434 } },
{ 0, 50, { -4353, -2444, 533 } },
{ 0, 50, { -4807, -1169, -436 } },
{ -1, 50, { -4665, -664, -1007 } }
struct CutsceneSplinePoint sSlCreditsSplinePositions[] = {
{ 0, 0, { 939, 6654, 6196 } },
{ 0, 0, { 1873, 5160, 3714 } },
{ 0, 0, { 3120, 3564, 1314 } },
{ -1, 0, { 2881, 4231, 573 } }
struct CutsceneSplinePoint sSlCreditsSplineFocus[] = {
{ 0, 50, { 875, 6411, 5763 } },
{ 0, 50, { 1659, 4951, 3313 } },
{ 0, 50, { 2630, 3565, 1215 } },
{ -1, 50, { 2417, 4056, 639 } }
struct CutsceneSplinePoint sWdwCreditsSplinePositions[] = {
{ 0, 0, { 3927, 2573, 3685 } },
{ 0, 0, { 2389, 2054, 1210 } },
{ 0, 0, { 2309, 2069, 22 } },
{ -1, 0, { 2122, 2271, -979 } }
struct CutsceneSplinePoint sWdwCreditsSplineFocus[] = {
{ 0, 50, { 3637, 2460, 3294 } },
{ 0, 50, { 1984, 2067, 918 } },
{ 0, 50, { 1941, 2255, -261 } },
{ -1, 50, { 1779, 2587, -1158 } }
struct CutsceneSplinePoint sTtmCreditsSplinePositions[] = {
{ 0, 0, { 386, 2535, 644 } },
{ 0, 0, { 1105, 2576, 918 } },
{ 0, 0, { 3565, 2261, 2098 } },
{ 0, 0, { 6715, -2791, 4554 } },
{ 0, 0, { 3917, -3130, 3656 } },
{ -1, 0, { 3917, -3130, 3656 } }
struct CutsceneSplinePoint sTtmCreditsSplineFocus[] = {
{ 1, 50, { 751, 2434, 318 } },
{ 2, 50, { 768, 2382, 603 } },
{ 3, 60, { 3115, 2086, 1969 } },
{ 4, 30, { 6370, -3108, 4727 } },
{ 5, 50, { 4172, -3385, 4001 } },
{ -1, 50, { 4172, -3385, 4001 } }
struct CutsceneSplinePoint sThiHugeCreditsSplinePositions[] = {
{ 0, 0, { 6990, -1000, -4858 } },
{ 0, 0, { 7886, -1055, 2878 } },
{ 0, 0, { 1952, -1481, 10920 } },
{ 0, 0, { -1684, -219, 2819 } },
{ 0, 0, { -2427, -131, 2755 } },
{ 0, 0, { -3246, 416, 3286 } },
{ -1, 0, { -3246, 416, 3286 } }
struct CutsceneSplinePoint sThiHugeCreditsSplineFocus[] = {
{ 1, 70, { 7022, -965, -5356 } },
{ 2, 40, { 7799, -915, 2405 } },
{ 3, 60, { 1878, -1137, 10568 } },
{ 4, 50, { -1931, -308, 2394 } },
{ 5, 50, { -2066, -386, 2521 } },
{ 6, 50, { -2875, 182, 3045 } },
{ -1, 50, { -2875, 182, 3045 } }
struct CutsceneSplinePoint sTtcCreditsSplinePositions[] = {
{ 1, 0, { -1724, 277, -994 } },
{ 2, 0, { -1720, 456, -995 } },
{ 3, 0, { -1655, 810, -1014 } },
{ -1, 0, { -1753, 883, -1009 } }
struct CutsceneSplinePoint sTtcCreditsSplineFocus[] = {
{ 1, 50, { -1554, 742, -1063 } },
{ 2, 50, { -1245, 571, -1102 } },
{ 3, 50, { -1220, 603, -1151 } },
{ -1, 50, { -1412, 520, -1053 } }
struct CutsceneSplinePoint sRrCreditsSplinePositions[] = {
{ 0, 0, { -1818, 4036, 97 } },
{ 0, 0, { -575, 3460, -505 } },
{ 0, 0, { 1191, 3611, -1134 } },
{ -1, 0, { 2701, 3777, -3686 } }
struct CutsceneSplinePoint sRrCreditsSplineFocus[] = {
{ 0, 50, { -1376, 3885, -81 } },
{ 0, 50, { -146, 3343, -734 } },
{ 0, 50, { 1570, 3446, -1415 } },
{ -1, 50, { 2794, 3627, -3218 } }
struct CutsceneSplinePoint sSaCreditsSplinePositions[] = {
{ 0, 0, { -295, -396, -585 } },
{ 1, 0, { -295, -396, -585 } },
{ 2, 0, { -292, -856, -573 } },
{ 3, 0, { -312, -856, -541 } },
{ -1, 0, { 175, -856, -654 } }
struct CutsceneSplinePoint sSaCreditsSplineFocus[] = {
{ 0, 50, { -175, -594, -142 } },
{ 1, 50, { -175, -594, -142 } },
{ 2, 50, { -195, -956, -92 } },
{ 3, 50, { -572, -956, -150 } },
{ -1, 50, { -307, -956, -537 } }
struct CutsceneSplinePoint sCotmcCreditsSplinePositions[] = {
{ 0, 0, { -296, 495, 1607 } },
{ 0, 0, { -430, 541, 654 } },
{ 0, 0, { -466, 601, -359 } },
{ 0, 0, { -217, 433, -1549 } },
{ -1, 0, { -95, 366, -2922 } }
struct CutsceneSplinePoint sCotmcCreditsSplineFocus[] = {
{ 0, 50, { -176, 483, 2092 } },
{ 0, 50, { -122, 392, 1019 } },
{ 0, 50, { -268, 450, -792 } },
{ 0, 50, { -172, 399, -2046 } },
{ -1, 50, { -51, 355, -3420 } }
struct CutsceneSplinePoint sDddSubCreditsSplinePositions[] = {
{ 0, 0, { 4656, 2171, 5028 } },
{ 0, 0, { 4548, 1182, 4596 } },
{ 0, 0, { 5007, 813, 3257 } },
{ 0, 0, { 5681, 648, 1060 } },
{ -1, 0, { 4644, 774, 113 } }
struct CutsceneSplinePoint sDddSubCreditsSplineFocus[] = {
{ 0, 50, { 4512, 2183, 4549 } },
{ 0, 50, { 4327, 838, 4308 } },
{ 0, 50, { 4774, 749, 2819 } },
{ 0, 50, { 5279, 660, 763 } },
{ -1, 50, { 4194, 885, -75 } }
struct CutsceneSplinePoint sCcmOutsideCreditsSplinePositions[] = {
{ 1, 0, { 1427, -1387, 5409 } },
{ 2, 0, { -1646, -1536, 4526 } },
{ 3, 0, { -3852, -1448, 3913 } },
{ -1, 0, { -5199, -1366, 1886 } }
struct CutsceneSplinePoint sCcmOutsideCreditsSplineFocus[] = {
{ 1, 50, { 958, -1481, 5262 } },
{ 2, 50, { -2123, -1600, 4391 } },
{ 3, 50, { -3957, -1401, 3426 } },
{ -1, 50, { -4730, -1215, 1795 } }
* Play the current cutscene until either gCutsceneTimer reaches the max time, or c->cutscene is set to 0
* Note that CAM_FLAG_SMOOTH_MOVEMENT is cleared while a cutscene is playing, so cutscenes set it for
* the duration they want the flag to be active.
void play_cutscene(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
UNUSED u32 pad[3];
UNUSED s16 unusedYawFocToMario;
s16 cutsceneDuration = 0;
u8 oldCutscene;
unusedYawFocToMario = sAreaYaw;
oldCutscene = c->cutscene;
gCameraMovementFlags &= ~CAM_MOVING_INTO_MODE;
if (gCutsceneFocus != NULL) {
if (gCutsceneFocus->activeFlags == ACTIVE_FLAG_DEACTIVATED) {
gObjCutsceneDone = true;
gTimeStopState = 0;
#define CUTSCENE(id, cutscene) \
case id: \
cutsceneDuration = cutscene[sCutsceneShot].duration; \
cutscene[sCutsceneShot].shot(c); \
switch (c->cutscene) {
if ((cutsceneDuration != 0) && !(gCutsceneTimer & CUTSCENE_STOP)) {
//! @bug This should check for 0x7FFF (CUTSCENE_LOOP)
//! instead, cutscenes that last longer than 0x3FFF frames will never end on their own
if (gCutsceneTimer < 0x3FFF) {
gCutsceneTimer += 1;
//! Because gCutsceneTimer is often set to 0x7FFF (CUTSCENE_LOOP), this conditional can only
//! check for == due to overflow
if (gCutsceneTimer == cutsceneDuration) {
sCutsceneShot += 1;
gCutsceneTimer = 0;
} else {
sMarioCamState->cameraEvent = 0;
sCutsceneShot = 0;
gCutsceneTimer = 0;
sAreaYawChange = 0;
// The cutscene just ended
if ((c->cutscene == 0) && (oldCutscene != 0)) {
gRecentCutscene = oldCutscene;
* Call the event while `start` <= gCutsceneTimer <= `end`
* If `end` is -1, call for the rest of the shot.
s32 cutscene_event(CameraEvent event, struct Camera *c, s16 start, s16 end) {
if (start <= gCutsceneTimer) {
if (end == -1 || end >= gCutsceneTimer) {
return 0;
* Set gCutsceneObjSpawn when gCutsceneTimer == `frame`.
* @see intro_scene.inc.c for details on which objects are spawned.
s32 cutscene_spawn_obj(u32 obj, s16 frame) {
if (frame == gCutsceneTimer) {
gCutsceneObjSpawn = obj;
return 0;
* Start shaking the camera's field of view.
* @param shakeSpeed How fast the shake should progress through its period. The shake offset is
* calculated from coss(), so this parameter can be thought of as an angular velocity.
void set_fov_shake(s16 amplitude, s16 decay, s16 shakeSpeed) {
if (amplitude > gFOVState.shakeAmplitude) {
gFOVState.shakeAmplitude = amplitude;
gFOVState.decay = decay;
gFOVState.shakeSpeed = shakeSpeed;
* Start shaking the camera's field of view, but reduce `amplitude` by distance from camera
void set_fov_shake_from_point(s16 amplitude, s16 decay, s16 shakeSpeed, f32 maxDist, f32 posX, f32 posY, f32 posZ) {
amplitude = reduce_by_dist_from_camera(amplitude, maxDist, posX, posY, posZ);
if (amplitude != 0) {
if (amplitude > gFOVState.shakeAmplitude) { // literally use the function above you silly nintendo, smh
gFOVState.shakeAmplitude = amplitude;
gFOVState.decay = decay;
gFOVState.shakeSpeed = shakeSpeed;
* Add a cyclic offset to the camera's field of view based on a cosine wave
void shake_camera_fov(struct GraphNodePerspective *perspective) {
if (gFOVState.shakeAmplitude != 0.f) {
gFOVState.fovOffset = coss(gFOVState.shakePhase) * gFOVState.shakeAmplitude / 0x100;
gFOVState.shakePhase += gFOVState.shakeSpeed;
camera_approach_f32_symmetric_bool(&gFOVState.shakeAmplitude, 0.f, gFOVState.decay);
perspective->fov += gFOVState.fovOffset;
} else {
gFOVState.shakePhase = 0;
static UNUSED void unused_deactivate_sleeping_camera(UNUSED struct MarioState *m) {
sStatusFlags &= ~CAM_FLAG_SLEEPING;
void set_fov_30(UNUSED struct MarioState *m) {
gFOVState.fov = 30.f;
void approach_fov_20(UNUSED struct MarioState *m) {
camera_approach_f32_symmetric_bool(&gFOVState.fov, 20.f, 0.3f);
void set_fov_45(UNUSED struct MarioState *m) {
gFOVState.fov = 45.f;
void set_fov_29(UNUSED struct MarioState *m) {
gFOVState.fov = 29.f;
void zoom_fov_30(UNUSED struct MarioState *m) {
// Pretty sure approach_f32_asymptotic_bool would do a much nicer job here, but you do you,
// Nintendo.
camera_approach_f32_symmetric_bool(&gFOVState.fov, 30.f, (30.f - gFOVState.fov) / 60.f);
* This is the default fov function. It makes fov approach 45 degrees, and it handles zooming in when
* Mario falls a sleep.
void fov_default(struct MarioState *m) {
sStatusFlags &= ~CAM_FLAG_SLEEPING;
if ((m->action == ACT_SLEEPING) || (m->action == ACT_START_SLEEPING)) {
camera_approach_f32_symmetric_bool(&gFOVState.fov, 30.f, (30.f - gFOVState.fov) / 30.f);
sStatusFlags |= CAM_FLAG_SLEEPING;
} else {
camera_approach_f32_symmetric_bool(&gFOVState.fov, 45.f, (45.f - gFOVState.fov) / 30.f);
gFOVState.unusedIsSleeping = 0;
if (m->area && m->area->camera && m->area->camera->cutscene == CUTSCENE_0F_UNUSED) {
gFOVState.fov = 45.f;
//??! Literally the exact same as below
static UNUSED void unused_approach_fov_30(UNUSED struct MarioState *m) {
camera_approach_f32_symmetric_bool(&gFOVState.fov, 30.f, 1.f);
void approach_fov_30(UNUSED struct MarioState *m) {
camera_approach_f32_symmetric_bool(&gFOVState.fov, 30.f, 1.f);
void approach_fov_60(UNUSED struct MarioState *m) {
camera_approach_f32_symmetric_bool(&gFOVState.fov, 60.f, 1.f);
void approach_fov_45(struct MarioState *m) {
f32 targetFoV = gFOVState.fov;
if (m->area && m->area->camera && m->area->camera->mode == CAMERA_MODE_FIXED && m->area->camera->cutscene == 0) {
targetFoV = 45.f;
} else {
targetFoV = 45.f;
gFOVState.fov = approach_f32(gFOVState.fov, targetFoV, 2.f, 2.f);
void approach_fov_80(UNUSED struct MarioState *m) {
camera_approach_f32_symmetric_bool(&gFOVState.fov, 80.f, 3.5f);
* Sets the fov in BBH.
* If there's a cutscene, sets fov to 45. Otherwise sets fov to 60.
void set_fov_bbh(struct MarioState *m) {
f32 targetFoV = gFOVState.fov;
if (m->area && m->area->camera && m->area->camera->mode == CAMERA_MODE_FIXED && m->area->camera->cutscene == 0) {
targetFoV = 60.f;
} else {
targetFoV = 45.f;
gFOVState.fov = approach_f32(gFOVState.fov, targetFoV, 2.f, 2.f);
* Sets the field of view for the GraphNodeCamera
Gfx *geo_camera_fov(s32 callContext, struct GraphNode *g, UNUSED void *context) {
struct GraphNodePerspective *perspective = (struct GraphNodePerspective *) g;
struct MarioState *marioState = &gMarioStates[0];
u8 fovFunc = gFOVState.fovFunc;
if (callContext == GEO_CONTEXT_RENDER) {
switch (fovFunc) {
case CAM_FOV_SET_45:
case CAM_FOV_SET_29:
case CAM_FOV_ZOOM_30:
case CAM_FOV_APP_45:
case CAM_FOV_SET_30:
case CAM_FOV_APP_20:
case CAM_FOV_APP_80:
case CAM_FOV_APP_30:
case CAM_FOV_APP_60:
//! No default case
perspective->fov = gFOVState.fov;
return NULL;
* Change the camera's FOV mode.
* @see geo_camera_fov
void set_fov_function(u8 func) {
gFOVState.fovFunc = func;
* Start a preset fov shake. Used in cutscenes
void cutscene_set_fov_shake_preset(u8 preset) {
switch (preset) {
case 1:
set_fov_shake(0x100, 0x30, 0x8000);
case 2:
set_fov_shake(0x400, 0x20, 0x4000);
* Start a preset fov shake that is reduced by the point's distance from the camera.
* Used in set_camera_shake_from_point
* @see set_camera_shake_from_point
void set_fov_shake_from_point_preset(u8 preset, f32 posX, f32 posY, f32 posZ) {
switch (preset) {
set_fov_shake_from_point(0x100, 0x30, 0x8000, 3000.f, posX, posY, posZ);
set_fov_shake_from_point(0x200, 0x30, 0x8000, 4000.f, posX, posY, posZ);
set_fov_shake_from_point(0x300, 0x30, 0x8000, 6000.f, posX, posY, posZ);
set_fov_shake_from_point(0x800, 0x20, 0x4000, 3000.f, posX, posY, posZ);
* Offset an object's position in a random direction within the given bounds.
static UNUSED void unused_displace_obj_randomly(struct Object *o, f32 xRange, f32 yRange, f32 zRange) {
f32 rnd = random_float();
o->oPosX += (rnd * xRange - xRange / 2.f);
o->oPosY += (rnd * yRange - yRange / 2.f);
o->oPosZ += (rnd * zRange - zRange / 2.f);
* Rotate an object in a random direction within the given bounds.
static UNUSED void unused_rotate_obj_randomly(struct Object *o, f32 pitchRange, f32 yawRange) {
f32 rnd = random_float();
o->oMoveAnglePitch += (s16)(rnd * pitchRange - pitchRange / 2.f);
o->oMoveAngleYaw += (s16)(rnd * yawRange - yawRange / 2.f);
* Rotate the object towards the point `point`.
void obj_rotate_towards_point(struct Object *o, Vec3f point, s16 pitchOff, s16 yawOff, s16 pitchDiv, s16 yawDiv) {
if (!o) { return; }
f32 dist;
s16 pitch, yaw;
Vec3f oPos;
object_pos_to_vec3f(oPos, o);
vec3f_get_dist_and_angle(oPos, point, &dist, &pitch, &yaw);
o->oMoveAnglePitch = approach_s16_asymptotic(o->oMoveAnglePitch, pitchOff - pitch, pitchDiv);
o->oMoveAngleYaw = approach_s16_asymptotic(o->oMoveAngleYaw, yaw + yawOff, yawDiv);
void camera_set_use_course_specific_settings(u8 enable) {
gCameraUseCourseSpecificSettings = enable;
#include "behaviors/intro_peach.inc.c"
#include "behaviors/intro_lakitu.inc.c"
#include "behaviors/end_birds_1.inc.c"
#include "behaviors/end_birds_2.inc.c"
#include "behaviors/intro_scene.inc.c"
static s16 sRomHackYaw = 0;
static u8 sRomHackZoom = 1;
static s8 sRomHackIsUpdate = 0;
static f32 sRomHackWaterFocus = 0;
static f32 sRomHackWaterPitchOffset = 0;
u8 gRomHackCamSetCollisions = TRUE;
s32 snap_to_45_degrees(s16 angle) {
if (angle % DEGREES(45)) {
s16 d1 = ABS(angle) % DEGREES(45);
s16 d2 = DEGREES(45) - d1;
if (angle > 0) {
if (d1 < d2) return angle - d1;
else return angle + d2;
} else {
if (d1 < d2) return angle + d1;
else return angle - d2;
return angle;
void rom_hack_cam_set_collisions(u8 enable) {
gRomHackCamSetCollisions = enable;
static u8 rom_hack_cam_can_see_mario(Vec3f desiredPos) {
// do collision checking
struct Surface *surf = NULL;
if (!gRomHackCamSetCollisions) {
return true;
f32 floorHeight = find_floor(desiredPos[0], desiredPos[1], desiredPos[2], &surf);
if (surf == NULL || floorHeight <= gLevelValues.floorLowerLimit) {
return false;
f32 mDist;
s16 mPitch;
s16 mYaw;
vec3f_get_dist_and_angle(desiredPos, gMarioStates[0].pos, &mDist, &mPitch, &mYaw);
s16 degreeMult = sRomHackZoom ? 7 : 5;
for (s16 yawOffset = -1; yawOffset <= 1; yawOffset++) {
for (s16 pitchOffset = -1; pitchOffset <= 1; pitchOffset++) {
if (abs(yawOffset) == 1 && abs(pitchOffset) == 1) { continue; }
Vec3f target;
mPitch + DEGREES(pitchOffset) * degreeMult,
mYaw + DEGREES(yawOffset) * degreeMult);
target[1] += 75;
Vec3f camdir;
camdir[0] = target[0] - desiredPos[0];
camdir[1] = target[1] - desiredPos[1];
camdir[2] = target[2] - desiredPos[2];
Vec3f hitpos;
find_surface_on_ray(desiredPos, camdir, &surf, hitpos, 3.0f);
if (surf == NULL) {
return true;
return false;
void rom_hack_cam_walk(Vec3f pos, Vec3f dir, f32 dist) {
Vec3f movement = {
dir[0] * dist,
dir[1] * dist,
dir[2] * dist,
struct Surface* surf = NULL;
Vec3f hitpos;
find_surface_on_ray(pos, movement, &surf, hitpos, 3.0f);
if (surf == NULL) {
pos[0] += movement[0];
pos[1] += movement[1];
pos[2] += movement[2];
// figure out dir normal
Vec3f dirNorm;
vec3f_copy(dirNorm, dir);
// figure out parallel direction
Vec3f normal = {
vec3f_project(dirNorm, normal, dir);
dir[0] = dirNorm[0] - dir[0];
dir[1] = dirNorm[1] - dir[1];
dir[2] = dirNorm[2] - dir[2];
// move pos off of hitpos
pos[0] = hitpos[0];
pos[1] = hitpos[1];
pos[2] = hitpos[2];
vec3f_mul(dirNorm, 5);
vec3f_sub(pos, dirNorm);
static s16 sRomHackOffset = 0;
void center_rom_hack_camera(void) {
sRomHackYaw = DEGREES(180 + 90) - gMarioStates[0].intendedYaw;
sRomHackYaw = (sRomHackYaw / DEGREES(45)) * DEGREES(45);
* A mode that has 8 camera angles, 45 degrees apart, that is slightly smarter
void mode_rom_hack_camera(struct Camera *c) {
if (!c) { return; }
s16 oldAreaYaw = sAreaYaw;
Vec3f oldPos = {
// look left
if (gMarioStates[0].controller->buttonPressed & L_CBUTTONS) {
sRomHackYaw += DEGREES(45) * (camera_config_is_x_inverted() ? -1 : 1);
// look right
if (gMarioStates[0].controller->buttonPressed & R_CBUTTONS) {
sRomHackYaw -= DEGREES(45) * (camera_config_is_x_inverted() ? -1 : 1);
// zoom in
if ((gMarioStates[0].controller->buttonPressed & U_CBUTTONS)) {
if (!sRomHackZoom) {
sRomHackZoom = 1;
} else {
// zoom out
if ((gMarioStates[0].controller->buttonPressed & D_CBUTTONS)) {
if (sRomHackZoom) {
} else {
sRomHackZoom = 0;
// Thank you hackersm64
if (gRomhackCameraAllowDpad) {
if (gMarioStates[0].controller->buttonPressed & U_JPAD) {
sRomHackYaw = DEGREES(180 + 90) - gMarioStates[0].faceAngle[1];
} else if (gMarioStates[0].controller->buttonDown & L_JPAD) {
sRomHackYaw -= DEGREES(1) * (camera_config_is_x_inverted() ? -1 : 1);
} else if (gMarioStates[0].controller->buttonDown & R_JPAD) {
sRomHackYaw += DEGREES(1) * (camera_config_is_x_inverted() ? -1 : 1);
} else if (gMarioStates[0].controller->buttonPressed & D_JPAD) {
sRomHackYaw = snap_to_45_degrees(sRomHackYaw);
// center
if (gMarioStates[0].controller->buttonPressed & L_TRIG && gRomhackCameraAllowCentering) {
// clamp yaw
if (!gRomhackCameraAllowDpad) {
sRomHackYaw = (sRomHackYaw / DEGREES(45)) * DEGREES(45);
// update the camera focus and such
Vec3f pos;
sRomHackIsUpdate = 1;
update_rom_hack_camera(c, c->focus, pos);
sRomHackIsUpdate = 0;
// figure out desired position
f32 desiredDist = sRomHackZoom ? 900 : 1400;
f32 desiredHeight = sRomHackZoom ? 350 : 500;
f32* mPos = &gMarioStates[0].pos[0];
pos[0] = mPos[0] + coss(sRomHackYaw) * desiredDist;
pos[1] = mPos[1] + desiredHeight;
pos[2] = mPos[2] + sins(sRomHackYaw) * desiredDist;
if (rom_hack_cam_can_see_mario(pos)) {
// we can see mario, no need to adjust
c->pos[0] = pos[0];
c->pos[1] = pos[1];
c->pos[2] = pos[2];
} else {
// we can't see mario, raycast a position
Vec3f dir;
dir[0] = pos[0] - mPos[0];
dir[1] = pos[1] - (mPos[1] + 150);
dir[2] = pos[2] - mPos[2];
// start at mario
c->pos[0] = gMarioStates[0].pos[0];
c->pos[1] = gMarioStates[0].pos[1] + 150;
c->pos[2] = gMarioStates[0].pos[2];
rom_hack_cam_walk(c->pos, dir, desiredDist);
// tween
oldPos[0] = oldPos[0];
c->pos[0] = c->pos[0] * 0.6 + oldPos[0] * 0.4;
c->pos[1] = c->pos[1] * 0.6 + oldPos[1] * 0.4;
c->pos[2] = c->pos[2] * 0.6 + oldPos[2] * 0.4;
// update HUD
if (sRomHackZoom) {
gCameraMovementFlags &= ~(CAM_MOVE_ZOOMED_OUT);
} else {
gCameraMovementFlags |= (CAM_MOVE_ZOOMED_OUT);
// update camera yaw
c->yaw = DEGREES(90) - sRomHackYaw + sRomHackOffset;
c->nextYaw = c->yaw;
// update area yaw
sAreaYaw = sRomHackYaw;
sAreaYawChange = sAreaYaw - oldAreaYaw;
s32 update_rom_hack_camera(struct Camera *c, Vec3f focus, Vec3f pos) {
if (!c) { return 0; }
UNUSED f32 cenDistX = sMarioCamState->pos[0] - c->areaCenX;
UNUSED f32 cenDistZ = sMarioCamState->pos[2] - c->areaCenZ;
// if rom hack camera was just set, figure out the yaw to use
if (!sRomHackIsUpdate) {
sRomHackYaw = DEGREES(90) - atan2s(
c->pos[2] - gMarioStates[0].pos[2],
c->pos[0] - gMarioStates[0].pos[0]);
sRomHackYaw = (sRomHackYaw / DEGREES(45)) * DEGREES(45);
s16 camYaw = c->yaw;
s16 pitch = look_down_slopes(camYaw);
f32 posY;
f32 focusY;
f32 yOff = 125.f;
f32 baseDist = 1000;
sAreaYaw = camYaw;
calc_y_to_curr_floor(&posY, 1.f, 200.f, &focusY, 0.9f, 200.f);
focus_on_mario(focus, pos, posY + yOff, focusY + yOff, sLakituDist + baseDist, pitch, sAreaYaw);
if (gCameraUseCourseSpecificSettings && c->mode != CAMERA_MODE_ROM_HACK && gCurrLevelArea == AREA_DDD_SUB) {
camYaw = clamp_positions_and_find_yaw(pos, focus, 6839.f, 995.f, 5994.f, -3945.f);
// adjust focus when under water
struct MarioState* m = &gMarioStates[0];
if (m->pos[1] <= (m->waterLevel - 100)) {
sRomHackWaterFocus = MIN(sRomHackWaterFocus + 0.05f, 1.0f);
} else {
sRomHackWaterFocus = MAX(sRomHackWaterFocus - 0.05f, 0.0f);
if (sRomHackWaterFocus > 0) {
Vec3f waterFocus;
vec3f_set_dist_and_angle(m->pos, waterFocus, 300, m->faceAngle[0], m->faceAngle[1]);
waterFocus[0] = m->pos[0];
waterFocus[2] = m->pos[2];
sRomHackWaterPitchOffset = sRomHackWaterPitchOffset * 0.9f + waterFocus[1] * 0.1f;
waterFocus[1] = sRomHackWaterPitchOffset;
float other = 1.0f - sRomHackWaterFocus;
c->focus[0] = c->focus[0] * other + waterFocus[0] * sRomHackWaterFocus;
c->focus[1] = c->focus[1] * other + waterFocus[1] * sRomHackWaterFocus;
c->focus[2] = c->focus[2] * other + waterFocus[2] * sRomHackWaterFocus;
} else {
sRomHackWaterPitchOffset = m->pos[1];
c->yaw = DEGREES(90) - sRomHackYaw + sRomHackOffset;
c->nextYaw = c->yaw;
return camYaw;