Isaac0-dev c9e4efdb31
custom level fixes and fixes from other pr (#483)
clean up custom level code
    fixed a bug where custom level course numbers weren't used by dynos warps
    removed a bunch of unused dynos code
    fix demos triggering incorrectly
    allowed the right Ctrl key to be used when opening the in game console
    fixed a softlock that was possible to experience when talking to the snowman in CCM
    fixed the bug where you can permanently lose your cap (bug created by my own PR from beta 32)
    fix the moderator feature I made a while back; I am amazed it even worked at all before
    fixed dynos warp initial actions being skipped (read ec8aabc for explanation)
    completely changed the way star names and course names work
2023-10-27 16:42:27 -07:00

639 lines
19 KiB

import os
import re
import sys
from extract_structs import *
from extract_object_fields import *
from common import *
in_files = [
out_filename_c = 'src/pc/lua/smlua_cobject_autogen.c'
out_filename_h = 'src/pc/lua/smlua_cobject_autogen.h'
out_filename_docs = 'docs/lua/'
out_filename_defs = 'autogen/lua_definitions/structs.lua'
c_template = """/* THIS FILE IS AUTOGENERATED */
#include "include/object_fields.h"
struct LuaObjectField* smlua_get_object_field_autogen(u16 lot, const char* key) {
struct LuaObjectTable* ot = &sLuaObjectAutogenTable[lot - LOT_AUTOGEN_MIN - 1];
return smlua_get_object_field_from_ot(ot, key);
h_template = """/* THIS FILE IS AUTOGENERATED */
struct LuaObjectField* smlua_get_object_field_autogen(u16 lot, const char* key);
override_field_names = {
override_field_types = {
"Surface": { "normal": "Vec3f" },
"Object": { "oAnimations": "ObjectAnimPointer*"},
override_field_mutable = {
"NetworkPlayer": [
"Animation": [
override_field_invisible = {
"Mod": [ "files" ],
"MarioState": [ "visibleToEnemies" ],
"NetworkPlayer": [ "gag", "moderator"],
"GraphNode": [ "_guard1", "_guard2" ],
override_field_immutable = {
"MarioState": [ "playerIndex", "controller", "marioObj", "marioBodyState", "statusForCamera", "area" ],
"MarioAnimation": [ "animDmaTable" ],
"ObjectNode": [ "next", "prev" ],
"Character": [ "*" ],
"NetworkPlayer": [ "*" ],
"TextureInfo": [ "*" ],
"Object": ["oSyncID", "coopFlags", "oChainChompSegments", "oWigglerSegments", "oHauntedChairUnk100", "oTTCTreadmillBigSurface", "oTTCTreadmillSmallSurface", "bhvStackIndex", "respawnInfoType" ],
"GlobalObjectAnimations": [ "*"],
"SpawnParticlesInfo": [ "model" ],
"MarioBodyState": [ "updateTorsoTime" ],
"Area": [ "localAreaTimer", "nextSyncID", "unk04", "objectSpawnInfos", "paintingWarpNodes", "warpNodes" ],
"Mod": [ "*" ],
"ModFile": [ "*" ],
"BassAudio": [ "*" ],
"Painting": [ "id", "imageCount", "textureType", "textureWidth", "textureHeight" ],
"SpawnInfo": [ "syncID", "next", "unk18" ],
"CustomLevelInfo": [ "next" ],
"GraphNode": [ "children", "next", "parent", "prev", "type" ],
"GraphNodeObject": [ "angle", "animInfo", "cameraToObject", "node", "pos", "prevAngle", "prevPos", "prevScale", "prevScaleTimestamp", "prevShadowPos", "prevShadowPosTimestamp", "prevThrowMatrix", "prevThrowMatrixTimestamp", "prevTimestamp", "scale", "shadowPos", "sharedChild", "skipInterpolationTimestamp", "throwMatrix", "throwMatrixPrev", "unk4C", ],
"ObjectWarpNode": [ "next "],
"Animation": [ "length" ],
"AnimationTable": [ "count" ],
"Controller": [ "controllerData", "statusData" ],
override_field_version_excludes = {
"oCameraLakituUnk104": "VERSION_JP",
"oCoinUnk1B0": "VERSION_JP"
override_allowed_structs = {
"src/pc/network/network.h": [ 'ServerSettings' ],
sLuaManuallyDefinedStructs = [{
'path': 'n/a',
'structs': [
'struct Vec3f { float x; float y; float z; }',
'struct Vec3s { s16 x; s16 y; s16 z; }',
'struct Color { u8 r; u8 g; u8 b; }',
'struct ExclamationBoxContents { u8 index; u8 unused; u8 firstByte; enum ModelExtendedId emodel; enum BehaviorId behaviorId; }'
total_structs = 0
total_fields = 0
def strip_internal_blocks(body):
# strip internal structs/enums/etc
tmp = body
body = ''
inside = 0
for character in tmp:
if character == '{':
body += '{ ... }'
inside += 1
if inside == 0:
body += character
if character == '}':
inside -= 1
return body
def identifier_to_caps(identifier):
caps = ''
was_cap = True
for c in identifier:
if c >= 'A' and c <= 'Z':
if not was_cap:
caps += '_'
was_cap = True
was_cap = False
caps += c.upper()
return caps
def table_to_string(table):
count = 0
columns = 0
column_width = []
for c in table[0]:
columns += 1
for row in table:
for i in range(columns):
if '#' in row[i]:
if len(row[i]) > column_width[i]:
column_width[i] = len(row[i])
s = ''
for row in table:
line = ''
for i in range(columns):
line += row[i].ljust(column_width[i])
if '???' in line:
line = '//' + line[2:] + ' <--- UNIMPLEMENTED'
count += 1
s += line + '\n'
return s, count
def parse_struct(struct_str):
struct = {}
identifier = struct_str.split(' ')[1]
struct['identifier'] = identifier
body = struct_str.split('{', 1)[1].rsplit('}', 1)[0]
body = strip_internal_blocks(body)
struct['fields'] = []
field_strs = body.split(';')
for field_str in field_strs:
if len(field_str.strip()) == 0:
if '*' in field_str:
field_type, field_id = field_str.strip().rsplit('*', 1)
field_type = field_type.strip() + '*'
field_type, field_id = field_str.strip().rsplit(' ', 1)
if '[' in field_id:
array_str = '[' + field_id.split('[', 1)[1]
field_id = field_id.split('[', 1)[0]
if array_str != '[1]':
field_type += ' ' + array_str
field = {}
field['type'] = field_type.strip()
field['identifier'] = field_id.strip()
field['field_str'] = field_str
if identifier == 'Object':
struct['fields'] += extract_object_fields()
struct['fields'] = sorted(struct['fields'], key=lambda d: d['identifier'])
return struct
def parse_structs(extracted):
structs = []
for e in extracted:
for struct in e['structs']:
parsed = parse_struct(struct)
if e['path'] in override_allowed_structs:
if parsed['identifier'] not in override_allowed_structs[e['path']]:
return structs
fuzz_from = './autogen/fuzz_template.lua'
fuzz_to = '/home/djoslin/.local/share/sm64ex-coop/mods/test-fuzz.lua'
fuzz_structs = ""
fuzz_structs_calls = ""
fuzz_template_str = None
def output_fuzz_struct_calls(struct):
sid = struct['identifier']
global fuzz_template_str
if fuzz_template_str == None:
with open(fuzz_from) as f:
fuzz_template_str =
global fuzz_structs_calls
rnd_call = 'rnd_' + sid + '()'
if rnd_call in fuzz_template_str:
fuzz_structs_calls += ' function() Fuzz' + sid + '(rnd_' + sid + '()) end,\n'
fuzz_structs_calls += ' -- function() Fuzz' + sid + '(rnd_' + sid + '()) end,\n'
def output_fuzz_struct(struct):
sid = struct['identifier']
s_out = 'function Fuzz' + sid + "(struct)\n"
s_out += ' local funcs = {\n'
for field in struct['fields']:
fid, ftype, fimmutable, lvt, lot = get_struct_field_info(struct, field)
if fimmutable == 'true':
if sid in override_field_invisible:
if fid in override_field_invisible[sid]:
if '(' in fid or '[' in fid or ']' in fid:
ptype, plink = translate_type_to_lua(ftype)
rnd_line = translate_type_to_rnd(ptype)
s_out += ' function() '
if lvt == 'LVT_COBJECT':
s_out += 'Fuzz' + ftype.replace('struct ', '') + '(struct.' + fid + ')'
elif lvt == 'LVT_COBJECT_P':
s_out += 'struct.' + fid + ' = ' + rnd_line + ''
s_out += 'struct.' + fid + ' = ' + rnd_line + ''
s_out += ' end,\n'
s_out += ' }\n'
s_out += """
for i = #funcs, 2, -1 do
local j = math.random(i)
funcs[i], funcs[j] = funcs[j], funcs[i]
for k,v in pairs(funcs) do
s_out += 'end\n\n'
global fuzz_structs
fuzz_structs += s_out
def output_fuzz_file():
global fuzz_structs
global fuzz_structs_calls
with open(fuzz_from) as f:
file_str =
with open(fuzz_to, 'w') as f:
f.write(file_str.replace('-- $[STRUCTS]', fuzz_structs).replace('-- $[FUZZ-STRUCTS]', fuzz_structs_calls))
sLuaObjectTable = []
sLotAutoGenList = []
def get_struct_field_info(struct, field):
sid = struct['identifier']
fid = field['identifier']
ftype = field['type']
if sid in override_field_names and fid in override_field_names[sid]:
fid = override_field_names[sid][fid]
if sid in override_field_types and fid in override_field_types[sid]:
ftype = override_field_types[sid][fid]
lvt = translate_type_to_lvt(ftype)
lot = translate_type_to_lot(ftype)
fimmutable = str(lvt == 'LVT_COBJECT' or 'const ' in ftype).lower()
if lvt.startswith('LVT_') and lvt.endswith('_P') and 'OBJECT' not in lvt and 'COLLISION' not in lvt and 'TRAJECTORY' not in lvt:
fimmutable = 'true'
if sid in override_field_immutable:
if fid in override_field_immutable[sid] or '*' in override_field_immutable[sid]:
fimmutable = 'true'
if sid in override_field_mutable:
if fid in override_field_mutable[sid] or '*' in override_field_mutable[sid]:
fimmutable = 'false'
return fid, ftype, fimmutable, lvt, lot
def build_struct(struct):
# debug print out lua fuzz functions
if len(sys.argv) >= 2 and sys.argv[1] == 'fuzz':
sid = struct['identifier']
# build up table and track column width
field_table = []
for field in struct['fields']:
fid, ftype, fimmutable, lvt, lot = get_struct_field_info(struct, field)
if sid in override_field_invisible:
if fid in override_field_invisible[sid]:
version = None
row = []
startStr = ''
endStr = ' },'
if fid in override_field_version_excludes:
startStr += '#ifndef ' + override_field_version_excludes[fid] + '\n'
endStr += '\n#endif'
startStr += ' { '
row.append(startStr )
row.append('"%s", ' % fid )
row.append('%s, ' % lvt )
row.append('offsetof(struct %s, %s), ' % (sid, field['identifier']) )
row.append('%s, ' % fimmutable )
row.append("%s" % lot )
row.append(endStr )
field_table_str, field_count = table_to_string(field_table)
field_count_define = 'LUA_%s_FIELD_COUNT' % identifier_to_caps(sid)
struct_lot = 'LOT_%s' % sid.upper()
s = "#define %s $[STRUCTFIELDCOUNT]\n" % field_count_define
s += "static struct LuaObjectField s%sFields[%s] = {\n" % (sid, field_count_define)
s += field_table_str
s += '};\n'
s = s.replace('$[STRUCTFIELDCOUNT]', str(field_count))
global sLuaObjectTable
struct_row = []
struct_row.append(' { ' )
struct_row.append('%s, ' % struct_lot )
struct_row.append('s%sFields, ' % sid )
struct_row.append('%s ' % field_count_define )
struct_row.append('},' )
global sLotAutoGenList
return s
def build_structs(structs):
global sLuaObjectTable
sLuaObjectTable = []
global sLotAutoGenList
sLotAutoGenList = []
s = ''
for struct in structs:
if struct['identifier'] in exclude_structs:
s += build_struct(struct) + '\n'
return s
def build_body(parsed):
built = build_structs(parsed)
obj_table_row_built, obj_table_count = table_to_string(sLuaObjectTable)
obj_table_built = 'struct LuaObjectTable sLuaObjectAutogenTable[LOT_AUTOGEN_MAX - LOT_AUTOGEN_MIN] = {\n'
obj_table_built += obj_table_row_built
obj_table_built += '};\n'
return built + obj_table_built
def build_lot_enum():
s = 'enum LuaObjectAutogenType {\n'
s += ' LOT_AUTOGEN_MIN = 1000,\n'
global sLotAutoGenList
for lot in sLotAutoGenList:
s += ' ' + lot + ',\n'
s += ' LOT_AUTOGEN_MAX,\n'
s += '};\n'
return s
def build_includes():
s = '#include "smlua.h"\n'
for in_file in in_files:
s += '#include "%s"\n' % in_file
return s
def doc_struct_index(structs):
s = '# Supported Structs\n'
for struct in structs:
sid = struct['identifier']
s += '- [%s](#%s)\n' % (sid, sid)
global total_structs
total_structs += 1
s += '\n<br />\n\n'
return s
def doc_struct_field(struct, field):
fid, ftype, fimmutable, lvt, lot = get_struct_field_info(struct, field)
sid = struct['identifier']
if sid in override_field_invisible:
if fid in override_field_invisible[sid]:
return ''
if '???' in lvt or '???' in lot:
return ''
ftype, flink = translate_type_to_lua(ftype)
restrictions = ('', 'read-only')[fimmutable == 'true']
global total_fields
total_fields += 1
if flink:
return '| %s | [%s](%s) | %s |\n' % (fid, ftype, flink, restrictions)
return '| %s | %s | %s |\n' % (fid, ftype, restrictions)
def doc_struct_object_fields(struct):
fields = extract_object_fields()
s = '\n### Object-Independent Data Fields\n'
s += "| Field | Type | Access |\n"
s += "| ----- | ---- | ------ |\n"
for field in fields:
if field['identifier'] == 'oPathedStartWaypoint':
s += '\n### Object-Dependent Data Fields\n'
s += "| Field | Type | Access |\n"
s += "| ----- | ---- | ------ |\n"
s += doc_struct_field(struct, field)
return s
def doc_struct(struct):
sid = struct['identifier']
s = '## [%s](#%s)\n\n' % (sid, sid)
s += "| Field | Type | Access |\n"
s += "| ----- | ---- | ------ |\n"
# build doc table
field_table = []
for field in struct['fields']:
if 'object_field' in field and field['object_field'] == True:
s += doc_struct_field(struct, field)
if sid == 'Object':
s += doc_struct_object_fields(struct)
s += '\n[:arrow_up_small:](#)\n\n<br />\n'
return s
def doc_structs(structs):
structs = sorted(structs, key=lambda d: d['identifier'])
s = '## [:rewind: Lua Reference](\n\n'
s += doc_struct_index(structs)
for struct in structs:
if struct['identifier'] in exclude_structs:
s += doc_struct(struct) + '\n'
with open(get_path(out_filename_docs), 'w', newline='\n') as out:
def_pointers = []
def def_struct(struct):
sid = struct['identifier']
stype = translate_to_def(sid)
if stype.startswith('Pointer_') and stype not in def_pointers:
s = '\n--- @class %s\n' % stype
for field in struct['fields']:
fid, ftype, fimmutable, lvt, lot = get_struct_field_info(struct, field)
if sid in override_field_invisible:
if fid in override_field_invisible[sid]:
if '???' in lvt or '???' in lot:
ftype, flink = translate_type_to_lua(ftype)
ftype = translate_to_def(ftype)
if ftype.startswith('Pointer_') and ftype not in def_pointers:
s += '--- @field public %s %s\n' % (fid, ftype)
return s
def def_structs(structs):
s = '-- AUTOGENERATED FOR CODE EDITORS -- \n--- @meta\n--- @diagnostic disable\n\n'
for struct in structs:
if struct['identifier'] in exclude_structs:
s += def_struct(struct)
s += '\n'
for def_pointer in def_pointers:
s += '--- @class %s\n' % def_pointer
with open(get_path(out_filename_defs), 'w', newline='\n') as out:
def build_files():
extracted = []
for in_file in in_files:
path = get_path(in_file)
'path': in_file,
'structs': extract_structs(path)
parsed = parse_structs(extracted)
parsed = sorted(parsed, key=lambda d: d['identifier'])
built_body = build_body(parsed)
built_enum = build_lot_enum()
built_include = build_includes()
out_c_filename = get_path(out_filename_c)
with open(out_c_filename, 'w', newline='\n') as out:
out.write(c_template.replace("$[BODY]", built_body).replace('$[INCLUDES]', built_include))
out_h_filename = get_path(out_filename_h)
with open(out_h_filename, 'w', newline='\n') as out:
out.write(h_template.replace("$[BODY]", built_enum))
if len(sys.argv) >= 2 and sys.argv[1] == 'fuzz':
global total_structs
global total_fields
print("Total structs: " + str(total_structs))
print("Total fields: " + str(total_fields))
if __name__ == '__main__':