2022-06-02 12:19:54 -07:00

332 lines
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#define BC_B(a) _SHIFTL(a, 24, 8)
#define BC_BB(a, b) (_SHIFTL(a, 24, 8) | _SHIFTL(b, 16, 8))
#define BC_BBBB(a, b, c, d) (_SHIFTL(a, 24, 8) | _SHIFTL(b, 16, 8) | _SHIFTL(c, 8, 8) | _SHIFTL(d, 0, 8))
#define BC_BBH(a, b, c) (_SHIFTL(a, 24, 8) | _SHIFTL(b, 16, 8) | _SHIFTL(c, 0, 16))
#define BC_B0H(a, b) (_SHIFTL(a, 24, 8) | _SHIFTL(b, 0, 16))
#define BC_H(a) _SHIFTL(a, 16, 16)
#define BC_HH(a, b) (_SHIFTL(a, 16, 16) | _SHIFTL(b, 0, 16))
#define BC_W(a) ((uintptr_t)(u32)(a))
#define BC_PTR(a) ((uintptr_t)(a))
// Defines the start of the behavior script as well as the object list the object belongs to.
// Has some special behavior for certain objects.
#define BEGIN(objList) \
BC_BB(0x00, objList)
// Delays the behavior script for a certain number of frames.
#define DELAY(num) \
BC_B0H(0x01, num)
// Jumps to a new behavior command and stores the return address in the object's stack.
#define CALL(addr) \
BC_B(0x02), \
// Jumps back to the behavior command stored in the object's stack.
#define RETURN() \
// Jumps to a new behavior script without saving anything.
#define GOTO(addr) \
BC_B(0x04), \
// Marks the start of a loop that will repeat a certain number of times.
#define BEGIN_REPEAT(count) \
BC_B0H(0x05, count)
// Marks the end of a repeating loop.
#define END_REPEAT() \
// Also marks the end of a repeating loop, but continues executing commands following the loop on the same frame.
// Marks the beginning of an infinite loop.
#define BEGIN_LOOP() \
// Marks the end of an infinite loop.
#define END_LOOP() \
// Exits the behavior script.
// Often used to end behavior scripts that do not contain an infinite loop.
#define BREAK() \
// Exits the behavior script, unused.
#define BREAK_UNUSED() \
// Executes a native game function.
#define CALL_NATIVE(func) \
BC_B(0x0C), \
// Adds a float to the specified field.
#define ADD_FLOAT(field, value) \
BC_BBH(0x0D, field, value)
// Sets the specified field to a float.
#define SET_FLOAT(field, value) \
BC_BBH(0x0E, field, value)
// Adds an integer to the specified field.
#define ADD_INT(field, value) \
BC_BBH(0x0F, field, value)
// Sets the specified field to an integer.
#define SET_INT(field, value) \
BC_BBH(0x10, field, value)
// Performs a bitwise OR with the specified field and the given integer.
// Usually used to set an object's flags.
#define OR_INT(field, value) \
BC_BBH(0x11, field, value)
// Performs a bit clear with the specified short. Unused in favor of the 32-bit version.
#define BIT_CLEAR(field, value) \
BC_BBH(0x12, field, value)
// TODO: this one needs a better name / labelling
// Gets a random short, right shifts it the specified amount and adds min to it, then sets the specified field to that value.
#define SET_INT_RAND_RSHIFT(field, min, rshift) \
BC_BBH(0x13, field, min), \
// Sets the specified field to a random float in the given range.
#define SET_RANDOM_FLOAT(field, min, range) \
BC_BBH(0x14, field, min), \
// Sets the specified field to a random integer in the given range.
#define SET_RANDOM_INT(field, min, range) \
BC_BBH(0x15, field, min), \
// Adds a random float in the given range to the specified field.
#define ADD_RANDOM_FLOAT(field, min, range) \
BC_BBH(0x16, field, min), \
// TODO: better name (unused anyway)
// Gets a random short, right shifts it the specified amount and adds min to it, then adds the value to the specified field. Unused.
#define ADD_INT_RAND_RSHIFT(field, min, rshift) \
BC_BBH(0x17, field, min), \
// No operation. Unused.
#define CMD_NOP_1(field) \
BC_BB(0x18, field)
// No operation. Unused.
#define CMD_NOP_2(field) \
BC_BB(0x19, field)
// No operation. Unused.
#define CMD_NOP_3(field) \
BC_BB(0x1A, field)
// Sets the current model ID of the object.
#define SET_MODEL(modelID) \
BC_B0H(0x1B, modelID)
// Spawns a child object with the specified model and behavior.
#define SPAWN_CHILD(modelID, behavior) \
BC_B(0x1C), \
BC_W(modelID), \
// Exits the behavior script and despawns the object.
// Often used to end behavior scripts that do not contain an infinite loop.
#define DEACTIVATE() \
// Finds the floor triangle directly under the object and moves the object down to it.
#define DROP_TO_FLOOR() \
// Sets the destination float field to the sum of the values of the given float fields.
#define SUM_FLOAT(fieldDst, fieldSrc1, fieldSrc2) \
BC_BBBB(0x1F, fieldDst, fieldSrc1, fieldSrc2)
// Sets the destination integer field to the sum of the values of the given integer fields. Unused.
#define SUM_INT(fieldDst, fieldSrc1, fieldSrc2) \
BC_BBBB(0x20, fieldDst, fieldSrc1, fieldSrc2)
// Billboards the current object, making it always face the camera.
#define BILLBOARD() \
#define CYLBOARD() \
// Hides the current object.
#define HIDE() \
// Sets the size of the object's cylindrical hitbox.
#define SET_HITBOX(radius, height) \
BC_B(0x23), \
BC_HH(radius, height)
// No operation. Unused.
#define CMD_NOP_4(field, value) \
BC_BBH(0x24, field, value)
// Delays the behavior script for the number of frames given by the value of the specified field.
#define DELAY_VAR(field) \
BC_BB(0x25, field)
// Unused. Marks the start of a loop that will repeat a certain number of times.
// Uses a u8 as the argument, instead of a s16 like the other version does.
#define BEGIN_REPEAT_UNUSED(count) \
BC_BB(0x26, count)
// Loads the animations for the object. <field> is always set to oAnimations.
#define LOAD_ANIMATIONS(field, anims) \
BC_BB(0x27, field), \
// Begins animation and sets the object's current animation index to the specified value.
#define ANIMATE(animIndex) \
BC_BB(0x28, animIndex)
// Spawns a child object with the specified model and behavior, plus a behavior param.
#define SPAWN_CHILD_WITH_PARAM(bhvParam, modelID, behavior) \
BC_B0H(0x29, bhvParam), \
BC_W(modelID), \
// Loads collision data for the object.
#define LOAD_COLLISION_DATA(collisionData) \
BC_B(0x2A), \
// Sets the size of the object's cylindrical hitbox, and applies a downwards offset.
#define SET_HITBOX_WITH_OFFSET(radius, height, downOffset) \
BC_B(0x2B), \
BC_HH(radius, height), \
// Spawns a new object with the specified model and behavior.
#define SPAWN_OBJ(modelID, behavior) \
BC_B(0x2C), \
BC_W(modelID), \
// Sets the home position of the object to its current position.
#define SET_HOME() \
// Sets the size of the object's cylindrical hurtbox.
#define SET_HURTBOX(radius, height) \
BC_B(0x2E), \
BC_HH(radius, height)
// Sets the object's interaction type.
#define SET_INTERACT_TYPE(type) \
BC_B(0x2F), \
// Sets various parameters that the object uses for calculating physics.
#define SET_OBJ_PHYSICS(wallHitboxRadius, gravity, bounciness, dragStrength, friction, buoyancy, unused1, unused2) \
BC_B(0x30), \
BC_HH(wallHitboxRadius, gravity), \
BC_HH(bounciness, dragStrength), \
BC_HH(friction, buoyancy), \
BC_HH(unused1, unused2)
// Sets the object's interaction subtype. Unused.
#define SET_INTERACT_SUBTYPE(subtype) \
BC_B(0x31), \
// Sets the object's size to the specified percentage.
#define SCALE(unusedField, percent) \
BC_BBH(0x32, unusedField, percent)
// Performs a bit clear on the object's parent's field with the specified value.
// Used for clearing active particle flags fron Mario's object.
#define PARENT_BIT_CLEAR(field, flags) \
BC_BB(0x33, field), \
// Animates an object using texture animation. <field> is always set to oAnimState.
#define ANIMATE_TEXTURE(field, rate) \
BC_BBH(0x34, field, rate)
// Disables rendering for the object.
// Unused. Sets the specified field to an integer. Wastes 4 bytes of space for no reason at all.
#define SET_INT_UNUSED(field, value) \
BC_BB(0x36, field), \
BC_HH(0, value)
// Spawns a water droplet with the given parameters.
#define SPAWN_WATER_DROPLET(dropletParams) \
BC_B(0x37), \
// coop
// Defines the id of the behavior script
#define ID(id) \
BC_B0H(0x39, id)
// Jumps to a new behavior command and stores the return address in the object's stack.
#define CALL_EXT(addr) \
BC_B(0x3A), \
// Jumps to a new behavior script without saving anything.
#define GOTO_EXT(addr) \
BC_B(0x3B), \
// Executes a native game function.
#define CALL_NATIVE_EXT(func) \
BC_B(0x3C), \
// Spawns a child object with the specified model and behavior.
#define SPAWN_CHILD_EXT(modelID, behavior) \
BC_B(0x3D), \
BC_W(modelID), \
// Spawns a child object with the specified model and behavior, plus a behavior param.
#define SPAWN_CHILD_WITH_PARAM_EXT(bhvParam, modelID, behavior) \
BC_B0H(0x3E, bhvParam), \
BC_W(modelID), \
// Spawns a new object with the specified model and behavior.
#define SPAWN_OBJ_EXT(modelID, behavior) \
BC_B(0x3F), \
BC_W(modelID), \
// Loads the animations for the object. <field> is always set to oAnimations.
#define LOAD_ANIMATIONS_EXT(field, anims) \
BC_BB(0x40, field), \
// Loads collision data for the object.
#define LOAD_COLLISION_DATA_EXT(collisionData) \
BC_B(0x41), \
// This is a special case for behaviors hooked from LUA.
#define CALL_LUA_FUNC(func) \
BC_B(0x42), \