Altiami c8a70f2d50
New render frame interpolation via transformation matrix de-/construction (#98)
This method of interpolation aims to correctly interpolate the render
transformation matrices as best as possible without doing an entirely
new render pass. This is accomplished by deconstructing the matrices
into its composition of transformations, interpolating those simpler
transformations individually, and then reconstructing the
transformation matrix with the interpolated transformations.
2022-05-21 21:46:41 -07:00

987 lines
29 KiB

#include <ultra64.h>
#include "sm64.h"
#include "engine/graph_node.h"
#include "math_util.h"
#include "surface_collision.h"
#include ""
// These functions have bogus return values.
// Disable the compiler warning.
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wreturn-local-addr"
/// Copy vector 'src' to 'dest'
void *vec3f_copy(Vec3f dest, Vec3f src) {
dest[0] = src[0];
dest[1] = src[1];
dest[2] = src[2];
return dest;
/// Set vector 'dest' to (x, y, z)
void *vec3f_set(Vec3f dest, f32 x, f32 y, f32 z) {
dest[0] = x;
dest[1] = y;
dest[2] = z;
return dest;
/// Add vector 'a' to 'dest'
void *vec3f_add(Vec3f dest, Vec3f a) {
dest[0] += a[0];
dest[1] += a[1];
dest[2] += a[2];
return dest;
/// Make 'dest' the sum of vectors a and b.
void *vec3f_sum(Vec3f dest, Vec3f a, Vec3f b) {
dest[0] = a[0] + b[0];
dest[1] = a[1] + b[1];
dest[2] = a[2] + b[2];
return dest;
/// Multiply vector 'dest' by a
void *vec3f_mul(Vec3f dest, f32 a) {
dest[0] *= a;
dest[1] *= a;
dest[2] *= a;
return dest;
/// Copy vector src to dest
void *vec3s_copy(Vec3s dest, Vec3s src) {
dest[0] = src[0];
dest[1] = src[1];
dest[2] = src[2];
return dest;
/// Set vector 'dest' to (x, y, z)
void *vec3s_set(Vec3s dest, s16 x, s16 y, s16 z) {
dest[0] = x;
dest[1] = y;
dest[2] = z;
return dest;
/// Add vector a to 'dest'
void *vec3s_add(Vec3s dest, Vec3s a) {
dest[0] += a[0];
dest[1] += a[1];
dest[2] += a[2];
return dest;
/// Make 'dest' the sum of vectors a and b.
void *vec3s_sum(Vec3s dest, Vec3s a, Vec3s b) {
dest[0] = a[0] + b[0];
dest[1] = a[1] + b[1];
dest[2] = a[2] + b[2];
return dest;
/// Make 'dest' the difference of vectors a and b.
void *vec3f_dif(Vec3f dest, Vec3f a, Vec3f b) {
dest[0] = a[0] - b[0];
dest[1] = a[1] - b[1];
dest[2] = a[2] - b[2];
return dest;
/// Convert short vector a to float vector 'dest'
void *vec3s_to_vec3f(Vec3f dest, Vec3s a) {
dest[0] = a[0];
dest[1] = a[1];
dest[2] = a[2];
return dest;
* Convert float vector a to a short vector 'dest' by rounding the components
* to the nearest integer.
void *vec3f_to_vec3s(Vec3s dest, Vec3f a) {
// add/subtract 0.5 in order to round to the nearest s32 instead of truncating
dest[0] = a[0] + ((a[0] > 0) ? 0.5f : -0.5f);
dest[1] = a[1] + ((a[1] > 0) ? 0.5f : -0.5f);
dest[2] = a[2] + ((a[2] > 0) ? 0.5f : -0.5f);
return dest;
* Set 'dest' the normal vector of a triangle with vertices a, b and c.
* It is similar to vec3f_cross, but it calculates the vectors (c-b) and (b-a)
* at the same time.
void *find_vector_perpendicular_to_plane(Vec3f dest, Vec3f a, Vec3f b, Vec3f c) {
dest[0] = (b[1] - a[1]) * (c[2] - b[2]) - (c[1] - b[1]) * (b[2] - a[2]);
dest[1] = (b[2] - a[2]) * (c[0] - b[0]) - (c[2] - b[2]) * (b[0] - a[0]);
dest[2] = (b[0] - a[0]) * (c[1] - b[1]) - (c[0] - b[0]) * (b[1] - a[1]);
return dest;
/// Make vector 'dest' the cross product of vectors a and b.
void *vec3f_cross(Vec3f dest, Vec3f a, Vec3f b) {
dest[0] = a[1] * b[2] - b[1] * a[2];
dest[1] = a[2] * b[0] - b[2] * a[0];
dest[2] = a[0] * b[1] - b[0] * a[1];
return dest;
/// Scale vector 'dest' so it has length 1
void *vec3f_normalize(Vec3f dest) {
//! Possible division by zero
f32 invsqrt = 1.0f / sqrtf(dest[0] * dest[0] + dest[1] * dest[1] + dest[2] * dest[2]);
dest[0] *= invsqrt;
dest[1] *= invsqrt;
dest[2] *= invsqrt;
return dest;
/// Get length of vector 'a'
f32 vec3f_length(Vec3f a)
return sqrtf(a[0] * a[0] + a[1] * a[1] + a[2] * a[2]);
/// Get dot product of vectors 'a' and 'b'
f32 vec3f_dot(Vec3f a, Vec3f b)
return a[0] * b[0] + a[1] * b[1] + a[2] * b[2];
/// takes respective scales of vecA and vecB, and sums them
void vec3f_combine(Vec3f dest, Vec3f vecA, Vec3f vecB, f32 sclA, f32 sclB) {
register int i;
for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
dest[i] = vecA[i] * sclA + vecB[i] * sclB;
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
/// Copy matrix 'src' to 'dest'
void mtxf_copy(Mat4 dest, Mat4 src) {
register s32 i;
register u32 *d = (u32 *) dest;
register u32 *s = (u32 *) src;
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
*d++ = *s++;
* Set mtx to the identity matrix
void mtxf_identity(Mat4 mtx) {
register s32 i;
register f32 *dest;
// These loops must be one line to match on -O2
// initialize everything except the first and last cells to 0
for (dest = (f32 *) mtx + 1, i = 0; i < 14; dest++, i++) *dest = 0;
// initialize the diagonal cells to 1
for (dest = (f32 *) mtx, i = 0; i < 4; dest += 5, i++) *dest = 1;
* Set dest to a translation matrix of vector b
void mtxf_translate(Mat4 dest, Vec3f b) {
dest[3][0] = b[0];
dest[3][1] = b[1];
dest[3][2] = b[2];
* Set mtx to a look-at matrix for the camera. The resulting transformation
* transforms the world as if there exists a camera at position 'from' pointed
* at the position 'to'. The up-vector is assumed to be (0, 1, 0), but the 'roll'
* angle allows a bank rotation of the camera.
void mtxf_lookat(Mat4 mtx, Vec3f from, Vec3f to, s16 roll) {
register f32 invLength;
f32 dx;
f32 dz;
f32 xColY;
f32 yColY;
f32 zColY;
f32 xColZ;
f32 yColZ;
f32 zColZ;
f32 xColX;
f32 yColX;
f32 zColX;
dx = to[0] - from[0];
dz = to[2] - from[2];
invLength = -1.0 / sqrtf(dx * dx + dz * dz);
dx *= invLength;
dz *= invLength;
yColY = coss(roll);
xColY = sins(roll) * dz;
zColY = -sins(roll) * dx;
xColZ = to[0] - from[0];
yColZ = to[1] - from[1];
zColZ = to[2] - from[2];
invLength = -1.0 / sqrtf(xColZ * xColZ + yColZ * yColZ + zColZ * zColZ);
xColZ *= invLength;
yColZ *= invLength;
zColZ *= invLength;
xColX = yColY * zColZ - zColY * yColZ;
yColX = zColY * xColZ - xColY * zColZ;
zColX = xColY * yColZ - yColY * xColZ;
invLength = 1.0 / sqrtf(xColX * xColX + yColX * yColX + zColX * zColX);
xColX *= invLength;
yColX *= invLength;
zColX *= invLength;
xColY = yColZ * zColX - zColZ * yColX;
yColY = zColZ * xColX - xColZ * zColX;
zColY = xColZ * yColX - yColZ * xColX;
invLength = 1.0 / sqrtf(xColY * xColY + yColY * yColY + zColY * zColY);
xColY *= invLength;
yColY *= invLength;
zColY *= invLength;
mtx[0][0] = xColX;
mtx[1][0] = yColX;
mtx[2][0] = zColX;
mtx[3][0] = -(from[0] * xColX + from[1] * yColX + from[2] * zColX);
mtx[0][1] = xColY;
mtx[1][1] = yColY;
mtx[2][1] = zColY;
mtx[3][1] = -(from[0] * xColY + from[1] * yColY + from[2] * zColY);
mtx[0][2] = xColZ;
mtx[1][2] = yColZ;
mtx[2][2] = zColZ;
mtx[3][2] = -(from[0] * xColZ + from[1] * yColZ + from[2] * zColZ);
mtx[0][3] = 0;
mtx[1][3] = 0;
mtx[2][3] = 0;
mtx[3][3] = 1;
* Build a matrix that rotates around the z axis, then the x axis, then the y
* axis, and then translates.
void mtxf_rotate_zxy_and_translate(Mat4 dest, Vec3f translate, Vec3s rotate) {
register f32 sx = sins(rotate[0]);
register f32 cx = coss(rotate[0]);
register f32 sy = sins(rotate[1]);
register f32 cy = coss(rotate[1]);
register f32 sz = sins(rotate[2]);
register f32 cz = coss(rotate[2]);
dest[0][0] = cy * cz + sx * sy * sz;
dest[1][0] = -cy * sz + sx * sy * cz;
dest[2][0] = cx * sy;
dest[3][0] = translate[0];
dest[0][1] = cx * sz;
dest[1][1] = cx * cz;
dest[2][1] = -sx;
dest[3][1] = translate[1];
dest[0][2] = -sy * cz + sx * cy * sz;
dest[1][2] = sy * sz + sx * cy * cz;
dest[2][2] = cx * cy;
dest[3][2] = translate[2];
dest[0][3] = dest[1][3] = dest[2][3] = 0.0f;
dest[3][3] = 1.0f;
* Build a matrix that rotates around the x axis, then the y axis, then the z
* axis, and then translates.
void mtxf_rotate_xyz_and_translate(Mat4 dest, Vec3f b, Vec3s c) {
register f32 sx = sins(c[0]);
register f32 cx = coss(c[0]);
register f32 sy = sins(c[1]);
register f32 cy = coss(c[1]);
register f32 sz = sins(c[2]);
register f32 cz = coss(c[2]);
dest[0][0] = cy * cz;
dest[0][1] = cy * sz;
dest[0][2] = -sy;
dest[0][3] = 0;
dest[1][0] = sx * sy * cz - cx * sz;
dest[1][1] = sx * sy * sz + cx * cz;
dest[1][2] = sx * cy;
dest[1][3] = 0;
dest[2][0] = cx * sy * cz + sx * sz;
dest[2][1] = cx * sy * sz - sx * cz;
dest[2][2] = cx * cy;
dest[2][3] = 0;
dest[3][0] = b[0];
dest[3][1] = b[1];
dest[3][2] = b[2];
dest[3][3] = 1;
* Set 'dest' to a transformation matrix that turns an object to face the camera.
* 'mtx' is the look-at matrix from the camera
* 'position' is the position of the object in the world
* 'angle' rotates the object while still facing the camera.
void mtxf_billboard(Mat4 dest, Mat4 mtx, Vec3f position, s16 angle) {
dest[0][0] = coss(angle);
dest[0][1] = sins(angle);
dest[0][2] = 0;
dest[0][3] = 0;
dest[1][0] = -dest[0][1];
dest[1][1] = dest[0][0];
dest[1][2] = 0;
dest[1][3] = 0;
dest[2][0] = 0;
dest[2][1] = 0;
dest[2][2] = 1;
dest[2][3] = 0;
dest[3][0] =
mtx[0][0] * position[0] + mtx[1][0] * position[1] + mtx[2][0] * position[2] + mtx[3][0];
dest[3][1] =
mtx[0][1] * position[0] + mtx[1][1] * position[1] + mtx[2][1] * position[2] + mtx[3][1];
dest[3][2] =
mtx[0][2] * position[0] + mtx[1][2] * position[1] + mtx[2][2] * position[2] + mtx[3][2];
dest[3][3] = 1;
// straight up mtxf_billboard but minus the dest[1][n] lines. transform for cylindrical billboards
void mtxf_cylboard(Mat4 dest, Mat4 mtx, Vec3f position, s16 angle) {
dest[0][0] = coss(angle);
dest[0][1] = sins(angle);
dest[0][2] = 0;
dest[0][3] = 0;
dest[1][0] = mtx[1][0];
dest[1][1] = mtx[1][1];
dest[1][2] = mtx[1][2];
dest[1][3] = 0;
dest[2][0] = 0;
dest[2][1] = 0;
dest[2][2] = 1;
dest[2][3] = 0;
dest[3][0] =
mtx[0][0] * position[0] + mtx[1][0] * position[1] + mtx[2][0] * position[2] + mtx[3][0];
dest[3][1] =
mtx[0][1] * position[0] + mtx[1][1] * position[1] + mtx[2][1] * position[2] + mtx[3][1];
dest[3][2] =
mtx[0][2] * position[0] + mtx[1][2] * position[1] + mtx[2][2] * position[2] + mtx[3][2];
dest[3][3] = 1;
* Set 'dest' to a transformation matrix that aligns an object with the terrain
* based on the normal. Used for enemies.
* 'upDir' is the terrain normal
* 'yaw' is the angle which it should face
* 'pos' is the object's position in the world
void mtxf_align_terrain_normal(Mat4 dest, Vec3f upDir, Vec3f pos, s16 yaw) {
Vec3f lateralDir;
Vec3f leftDir;
Vec3f forwardDir;
vec3f_set(lateralDir, sins(yaw), 0, coss(yaw));
vec3f_cross(leftDir, upDir, lateralDir);
vec3f_cross(forwardDir, leftDir, upDir);
dest[0][0] = leftDir[0];
dest[0][1] = leftDir[1];
dest[0][2] = leftDir[2];
dest[3][0] = pos[0];
dest[1][0] = upDir[0];
dest[1][1] = upDir[1];
dest[1][2] = upDir[2];
dest[3][1] = pos[1];
dest[2][0] = forwardDir[0];
dest[2][1] = forwardDir[1];
dest[2][2] = forwardDir[2];
dest[3][2] = pos[2];
dest[0][3] = 0.0f;
dest[1][3] = 0.0f;
dest[2][3] = 0.0f;
dest[3][3] = 1.0f;
* Set 'mtx' to a transformation matrix that aligns an object with the terrain
* based on 3 height samples in an equilateral triangle around the object.
* Used for Mario when crawling or sliding.
* 'yaw' is the angle which it should face
* 'pos' is the object's position in the world
* 'radius' is the distance from each triangle vertex to the center
void mtxf_align_terrain_triangle(Mat4 mtx, Vec3f pos, s16 yaw, f32 radius) {
struct Surface *sp74;
Vec3f point0;
Vec3f point1;
Vec3f point2;
Vec3f forward;
Vec3f xColumn;
Vec3f yColumn;
Vec3f zColumn;
f32 avgY;
f32 minY = -radius * 3;
point0[0] = pos[0] + radius * sins(yaw + 0x2AAA);
point0[2] = pos[2] + radius * coss(yaw + 0x2AAA);
point1[0] = pos[0] + radius * sins(yaw + 0x8000);
point1[2] = pos[2] + radius * coss(yaw + 0x8000);
point2[0] = pos[0] + radius * sins(yaw + 0xD555);
point2[2] = pos[2] + radius * coss(yaw + 0xD555);
point0[1] = find_floor(point0[0], pos[1] + 150, point0[2], &sp74);
point1[1] = find_floor(point1[0], pos[1] + 150, point1[2], &sp74);
point2[1] = find_floor(point2[0], pos[1] + 150, point2[2], &sp74);
if (point0[1] - pos[1] < minY) {
point0[1] = pos[1];
if (point1[1] - pos[1] < minY) {
point1[1] = pos[1];
if (point2[1] - pos[1] < minY) {
point2[1] = pos[1];
avgY = (point0[1] + point1[1] + point2[1]) / 3;
vec3f_set(forward, sins(yaw), 0, coss(yaw));
find_vector_perpendicular_to_plane(yColumn, point0, point1, point2);
vec3f_cross(xColumn, yColumn, forward);
vec3f_cross(zColumn, xColumn, yColumn);
mtx[0][0] = xColumn[0];
mtx[0][1] = xColumn[1];
mtx[0][2] = xColumn[2];
mtx[3][0] = pos[0];
mtx[1][0] = yColumn[0];
mtx[1][1] = yColumn[1];
mtx[1][2] = yColumn[2];
mtx[3][1] = (avgY < pos[1]) ? pos[1] : avgY;
mtx[2][0] = zColumn[0];
mtx[2][1] = zColumn[1];
mtx[2][2] = zColumn[2];
mtx[3][2] = pos[2];
mtx[0][3] = 0;
mtx[1][3] = 0;
mtx[2][3] = 0;
mtx[3][3] = 1;
* Sets matrix 'dest' to the matrix product b * a assuming they are both
* transformation matrices with a w-component of 1. Since the bottom row
* is assumed to equal [0, 0, 0, 1], it saves some multiplications and
* addition.
* The resulting matrix represents first applying transformation b and
* then a.
void mtxf_mul(Mat4 dest, Mat4 a, Mat4 b) {
Mat4 temp;
register f32 entry0;
register f32 entry1;
register f32 entry2;
// column 0
entry0 = a[0][0];
entry1 = a[0][1];
entry2 = a[0][2];
temp[0][0] = entry0 * b[0][0] + entry1 * b[1][0] + entry2 * b[2][0];
temp[0][1] = entry0 * b[0][1] + entry1 * b[1][1] + entry2 * b[2][1];
temp[0][2] = entry0 * b[0][2] + entry1 * b[1][2] + entry2 * b[2][2];
// column 1
entry0 = a[1][0];
entry1 = a[1][1];
entry2 = a[1][2];
temp[1][0] = entry0 * b[0][0] + entry1 * b[1][0] + entry2 * b[2][0];
temp[1][1] = entry0 * b[0][1] + entry1 * b[1][1] + entry2 * b[2][1];
temp[1][2] = entry0 * b[0][2] + entry1 * b[1][2] + entry2 * b[2][2];
// column 2
entry0 = a[2][0];
entry1 = a[2][1];
entry2 = a[2][2];
temp[2][0] = entry0 * b[0][0] + entry1 * b[1][0] + entry2 * b[2][0];
temp[2][1] = entry0 * b[0][1] + entry1 * b[1][1] + entry2 * b[2][1];
temp[2][2] = entry0 * b[0][2] + entry1 * b[1][2] + entry2 * b[2][2];
// column 3
entry0 = a[3][0];
entry1 = a[3][1];
entry2 = a[3][2];
temp[3][0] = entry0 * b[0][0] + entry1 * b[1][0] + entry2 * b[2][0] + b[3][0];
temp[3][1] = entry0 * b[0][1] + entry1 * b[1][1] + entry2 * b[2][1] + b[3][1];
temp[3][2] = entry0 * b[0][2] + entry1 * b[1][2] + entry2 * b[2][2] + b[3][2];
temp[0][3] = temp[1][3] = temp[2][3] = 0;
temp[3][3] = 1;
mtxf_copy(dest, temp);
* Set matrix 'dest' to 'mtx' scaled by vector s
void mtxf_scale_vec3f(Mat4 dest, Mat4 mtx, Vec3f s) {
register s32 i;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
dest[0][i] = mtx[0][i] * s[0];
dest[1][i] = mtx[1][i] * s[1];
dest[2][i] = mtx[2][i] * s[2];
dest[3][i] = mtx[3][i];
* Multiply a vector with a transformation matrix, which applies the transformation
* to the point. Note that the bottom row is assumed to be [0, 0, 0, 1], which is
* true for transformation matrices if the translation has a w component of 1.
void mtxf_mul_vec3s(Mat4 mtx, Vec3s b) {
register f32 x = b[0];
register f32 y = b[1];
register f32 z = b[2];
b[0] = x * mtx[0][0] + y * mtx[1][0] + z * mtx[2][0] + mtx[3][0];
b[1] = x * mtx[0][1] + y * mtx[1][1] + z * mtx[2][1] + mtx[3][1];
b[2] = x * mtx[0][2] + y * mtx[1][2] + z * mtx[2][2] + mtx[3][2];
* Convert float matrix 'src' to fixed point matrix 'dest'.
* The float matrix may not contain entries larger than 65536 or the console
* crashes. The fixed point matrix has entries with a 16-bit integer part, so
* the floating point numbers are multiplied by 2^16 before being cast to a s32
* integer. If this doesn't fit, the N64 and iQue consoles will throw an
* exception. On Wii and Wii U Virtual Console the value will simply be clamped
* and no crashes occur.
void mtxf_to_mtx(Mtx *dest, Mat4 src) {
#ifdef AVOID_UB
// Avoid type-casting which is technically UB by calling the equivalent
// guMtxF2L function. This helps little-endian systems, as well.
guMtxF2L(src, dest);
s32 asFixedPoint;
register s32 i;
register s16 *a3 = (s16 *) dest; // all integer parts stored in first 16 bytes
register s16 *t0 = (s16 *) dest + 16; // all fraction parts stored in last 16 bytes
register f32 *t1 = (f32 *) src;
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
asFixedPoint = *t1++ * (1 << 16); //! float-to-integer conversion responsible for PU crashes
*a3++ = GET_HIGH_S16_OF_32(asFixedPoint); // integer part
*t0++ = GET_LOW_S16_OF_32(asFixedPoint); // fraction part
* Set 'mtx' to a transformation matrix that rotates around the z axis.
void mtxf_rotate_xy(Mtx *mtx, s16 angle) {
Mat4 temp;
temp[0][0] = coss(angle);
temp[0][1] = sins(angle);
temp[1][0] = -temp[0][1];
temp[1][1] = temp[0][0];
mtxf_to_mtx(mtx, temp);
* Get inverse matrix 'dest' of matrix 'src'.
* fast inverse matrix code is brought over from "inverse.c" from Graphics Gems II
* Author: Kevin Wu
* additional Graphics Gems code by Andrew Glassner and Rod G. Bogart
* this function assumes the transform is affine
* matrix perspective is not used in SM64, so this isn't a concern
* furthermore, this is currently only used to get the inverse of the camera transform
* because that is always orthonormal, the determinant will never be 0, so that check is removed
void mtxf_inverse(register Mat4 dest, register Mat4 src) {
register f32 det_1;
Mat4 buf;
// calculating the determinant has been reduced since the check is removed
det_1 = 1.0f / (
src[0][0] * src[1][1] * src[2][2]
+ src[0][1] * src[1][2] * src[2][0]
+ src[0][2] * src[1][0] * src[2][1]
- src[0][2] * src[1][1] * src[2][0]
- src[0][1] * src[1][0] * src[2][2]
- src[0][0] * src[1][2] * src[2][1]
// inverse of axis vectors (adj(A) / det(A))
buf[0][0] = (src[1][1] * src[2][2] - src[1][2] * src[2][1]) * det_1;
buf[1][0] = (src[1][2] * src[2][0] - src[1][0] * src[2][2]) * det_1;
buf[2][0] = (src[1][0] * src[2][1] - src[1][1] * src[2][0]) * det_1;
buf[0][1] = (src[0][2] * src[2][1] - src[0][1] * src[2][2]) * det_1;
buf[1][1] = (src[0][0] * src[2][2] - src[0][2] * src[2][0]) * det_1;
buf[2][1] = (src[0][1] * src[2][0] - src[0][0] * src[2][1]) * det_1;
buf[0][2] = (src[0][1] * src[1][2] - src[0][2] * src[1][1]) * det_1;
buf[1][2] = (src[0][2] * src[1][0] - src[0][0] * src[1][2]) * det_1;
buf[2][2] = (src[0][0] * src[1][1] - src[0][1] * src[1][0]) * det_1;
// inverse of translation (-C * inv(A))
buf[3][0] = -src[3][0] * buf[0][0] - src[3][1] * buf[1][0] - src[3][2] * buf[2][0];
buf[3][1] = -src[3][0] * buf[0][1] - src[3][1] * buf[1][1] - src[3][2] * buf[2][1];
buf[3][2] = -src[3][0] * buf[0][2] - src[3][1] * buf[1][2] - src[3][2] * buf[2][2];
buf[0][3] = buf[1][3] = buf[2][3] = 0.0f;
buf[3][3] = 1.0f;
memcpy(dest, buf, sizeof(f32) * 4 * 4);
* Extract a position given an object's transformation matrix and a camera matrix.
* This is used for determining the world position of the held object: since objMtx
* inherits the transformation from both the camera and Mario, it calculates this
* by taking the camera matrix and inverting its transformation by first rotating
* objMtx back from screen orientation to world orientation, and then subtracting
* the camera position.
void get_pos_from_transform_mtx(Vec3f dest, Mat4 objMtx, Mat4 camMtx) {
f32 camX = camMtx[3][0] * camMtx[0][0] + camMtx[3][1] * camMtx[0][1] + camMtx[3][2] * camMtx[0][2];
f32 camY = camMtx[3][0] * camMtx[1][0] + camMtx[3][1] * camMtx[1][1] + camMtx[3][2] * camMtx[1][2];
f32 camZ = camMtx[3][0] * camMtx[2][0] + camMtx[3][1] * camMtx[2][1] + camMtx[3][2] * camMtx[2][2];
dest[0] =
objMtx[3][0] * camMtx[0][0] + objMtx[3][1] * camMtx[0][1] + objMtx[3][2] * camMtx[0][2] - camX;
dest[1] =
objMtx[3][0] * camMtx[1][0] + objMtx[3][1] * camMtx[1][1] + objMtx[3][2] * camMtx[1][2] - camY;
dest[2] =
objMtx[3][0] * camMtx[2][0] + objMtx[3][1] * camMtx[2][1] + objMtx[3][2] * camMtx[2][2] - camZ;
* Take the vector starting at 'from' pointed at 'to' an retrieve the length
* of that vector, as well as the yaw and pitch angles.
* Basically it converts the direction to spherical coordinates.
void vec3f_get_dist_and_angle(Vec3f from, Vec3f to, f32 *dist, s16 *pitch, s16 *yaw) {
register f32 x = to[0] - from[0];
register f32 y = to[1] - from[1];
register f32 z = to[2] - from[2];
*dist = sqrtf(x * x + y * y + z * z);
*pitch = atan2s(sqrtf(x * x + z * z), y);
*yaw = atan2s(z, x);
* Construct the 'to' point which is distance 'dist' away from the 'from' position,
* and has the angles pitch and yaw.
void vec3f_set_dist_and_angle(Vec3f from, Vec3f to, f32 dist, s16 pitch, s16 yaw) {
to[0] = from[0] + dist * coss(pitch) * sins(yaw);
to[1] = from[1] + dist * sins(pitch);
to[2] = from[2] + dist * coss(pitch) * coss(yaw);
* Return the value 'current' after it tries to approach target, going up at
* most 'inc' and going down at most 'dec'.
s32 approach_s32(s32 current, s32 target, s32 inc, s32 dec) {
//! If target is close to the max or min s32, then it's possible to overflow
// past it without stopping.
if (current < target) {
current += inc;
if (current > target) {
current = target;
} else {
current -= dec;
if (current < target) {
current = target;
return current;
* Return the value 'current' after it tries to approach target, going up at
* most 'inc' and going down at most 'dec'.
f32 approach_f32(f32 current, f32 target, f32 inc, f32 dec) {
if (current < target) {
current += inc;
if (current > target) {
current = target;
} else {
current -= dec;
if (current < target) {
current = target;
return current;
* Helper function for atan2s. Does a look up of the arctangent of y/x assuming
* the resulting angle is in range [0, 0x2000] (1/8 of a circle).
static u16 atan2_lookup(f32 y, f32 x) {
u16 ret;
if (x == 0) {
ret = gArctanTable[0];
} else {
s32 index = (s32)(y / x * 1024 + 0.5f);
if (index >= 0x401 || index < 0) { index = 0; }
ret = gArctanTable[index];
return ret;
* Compute the angle from (0, 0) to (x, y) as a s16. Given that terrain is in
* the xz-plane, this is commonly called with (z, x) to get a yaw angle.
s16 atan2s(f32 y, f32 x) {
u16 ret;
if (x >= 0) {
if (y >= 0) {
if (y >= x) {
ret = atan2_lookup(x, y);
} else {
ret = 0x4000 - atan2_lookup(y, x);
} else {
y = -y;
if (y < x) {
ret = 0x4000 + atan2_lookup(y, x);
} else {
ret = 0x8000 - atan2_lookup(x, y);
} else {
x = -x;
if (y < 0) {
y = -y;
if (y >= x) {
ret = 0x8000 + atan2_lookup(x, y);
} else {
ret = 0xC000 - atan2_lookup(y, x);
} else {
if (y < x) {
ret = 0xC000 + atan2_lookup(y, x);
} else {
ret = -atan2_lookup(x, y);
return ret;
* Compute the atan2 in radians by calling atan2s and converting the result.
f32 atan2f(f32 y, f32 x) {
return (f32) atan2s(y, x) * M_PI / 0x8000;
#define CURVE_BEGIN_1 1
#define CURVE_BEGIN_2 2
#define CURVE_MIDDLE 3
#define CURVE_END_1 4
#define CURVE_END_2 5
* Set 'result' to a 4-vector with weights corresponding to interpolation
* value t in [0, 1] and gSplineState. Given the current control point P, these
* weights are for P[0], P[1], P[2] and P[3] to obtain an interpolated point.
* The weights naturally sum to 1, and they are also always in range [0, 1] so
* the interpolated point will never overshoot. The curve is guaranteed to go
* through the first and last point, but not through intermediate points.
* gSplineState ensures that the curve is clamped: the first two points
* and last two points have different weight formulas. These are the weights
* just before gSplineState transitions:
* 1: [1, 0, 0, 0]
* 1->2: [0, 3/12, 7/12, 2/12]
* 2->3: [0, 1/6, 4/6, 1/6]
* 3->3: [0, 1/6, 4/6, 1/6] (repeats)
* 3->4: [0, 1/6, 4/6, 1/6]
* 4->5: [0, 2/12, 7/12, 3/12]
* 5: [0, 0, 0, 1]
* I suspect that the weight formulas will give a 3rd degree B-spline with the
* common uniform clamped knot vector, e.g. for n points:
* [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, ... n-1, n, n, n, n]
* TODO: verify the classification of the spline / figure out how polynomials were computed
void spline_get_weights(struct MarioState* m, Vec4f result, f32 t, UNUSED s32 c) {
f32 tinv = 1 - t;
f32 tinv2 = tinv * tinv;
f32 tinv3 = tinv2 * tinv;
f32 t2 = t * t;
f32 t3 = t2 * t;
switch (m->splineState) {
result[0] = tinv3;
result[1] = t3 * 1.75f - t2 * 4.5f + t * 3.0f;
result[2] = -t3 * (11 / 12.0f) + t2 * 1.5f;
result[3] = t3 * (1 / 6.0f);
result[0] = tinv3 * 0.25f;
result[1] = t3 * (7 / 12.0f) - t2 * 1.25f + t * 0.25f + (7 / 12.0f);
result[2] = -t3 * 0.5f + t2 * 0.5f + t * 0.5f + (1 / 6.0f);
result[3] = t3 * (1 / 6.0f);
result[0] = tinv3 * (1 / 6.0f);
result[1] = t3 * 0.5f - t2 + (4 / 6.0f);
result[2] = -t3 * 0.5f + t2 * 0.5f + t * 0.5f + (1 / 6.0f);
result[3] = t3 * (1 / 6.0f);
case CURVE_END_1:
result[0] = tinv3 * (1 / 6.0f);
result[1] = -tinv3 * 0.5f + tinv2 * 0.5f + tinv * 0.5f + (1 / 6.0f);
result[2] = tinv3 * (7 / 12.0f) - tinv2 * 1.25f + tinv * 0.25f + (7 / 12.0f);
result[3] = t3 * 0.25f;
case CURVE_END_2:
result[0] = tinv3 * (1 / 6.0f);
result[1] = -tinv3 * (11 / 12.0f) + tinv2 * 1.5f;
result[2] = tinv3 * 1.75f - tinv2 * 4.5f + tinv * 3.0f;
result[3] = t3;
* Initialize a spline animation.
* 'keyFrames' should be an array of (s, x, y, z) vectors
* s: the speed of the keyframe in 1000/frames, e.g. s=100 means the keyframe lasts 10 frames
* (x, y, z): point in 3D space on the curve
* The array should end with three entries with s=0 (infinite keyframe duration).
* That's because the spline has a 3rd degree polynomial, so it looks 3 points ahead.
void anim_spline_init(struct MarioState* m, Vec4s *keyFrames) {
m->splineKeyframe = keyFrames;
m->splineKeyframeFraction = 0;
m->splineState = 1;
* Poll the next point from a spline animation.
* anim_spline_init should be called before polling for vectors.
* Returns TRUE when the last point is reached, FALSE otherwise.
s32 anim_spline_poll(struct MarioState* m, Vec3f result) {
Vec4f weights = { 0 };
s32 i;
s32 hasEnded = FALSE;
vec3f_copy(result, gVec3fZero);
spline_get_weights(m, weights, m->splineKeyframeFraction, m->splineState);
if (m->splineKeyframe == NULL) { return FALSE; }
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
result[0] += weights[i] * m->splineKeyframe[i][1];
result[1] += weights[i] * m->splineKeyframe[i][2];
result[2] += weights[i] * m->splineKeyframe[i][3];
if ((m->splineKeyframeFraction += m->splineKeyframe[0][0] / 1000.0f) >= 1) {
switch (m->splineState) {
case CURVE_END_2:
hasEnded = TRUE;
if (m->splineKeyframe[2][0] == 0) {
m->splineState = CURVE_END_1;
return hasEnded;
* Returns the second value if it does not equal zero.
f32 not_zero(f32 value, f32 replacement) {
if (replacement != 0) {
return replacement;
return value;