2019-12-01 21:52:53 -05:00

338 lines
13 KiB

#include <ultra64.h>
#include "sm64.h"
#include "audio/external.h"
#include "buffers/framebuffers.h"
#include "buffers/zbuffer.h"
#include "engine/level_script.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "memory.h"
#include "save_file.h"
#include "seq_ids.h"
#include "sound_init.h"
#include "display.h"
#include "profiler.h"
#include "print.h"
#include "segment2.h"
#include "main_entry.h"
#include <prevent_bss_reordering.h>
#include "game.h"
// FIXME: I'm not sure all of these variables belong in this file, but I don't
// know of a good way to split them
struct Controller gControllers[3];
OSContStatus gControllerStatuses[4];
OSContPad gControllerPads[4];
OSMesgQueue gGameVblankQueue;
OSMesgQueue D_80339CB8;
OSMesg D_80339CD0;
OSMesg D_80339CD4;
struct VblankHandler gGameVblankHandler;
uintptr_t gPhysicalFrameBuffers[3];
uintptr_t gPhysicalZBuffer;
void *D_80339CF0;
void *D_80339CF4;
struct SPTask *gGfxSPTask;
Gfx *gDisplayListHead;
u8 *gGfxPoolEnd;
struct GfxPool *gGfxPool;
u8 gControllerBits;
s8 gEepromProbe;
struct MarioAnimation D_80339D10;
struct MarioAnimation gDemo;
UNUSED u8 filler80339D30[0x90];
void (*D_8032C6A0)(void) = NULL;
struct Controller *gPlayer1Controller = &gControllers[0];
struct Controller *gPlayer2Controller = &gControllers[1];
// probably debug only, see note below
struct Controller *gPlayer3Controller = &gControllers[2];
struct DemoInput *gCurrDemoInput = NULL; // demo input sequence
u16 gDemoInputListID = 0;
struct DemoInput gRecordedDemoInput = { 0 }; // possibly removed in EU. TODO: Check
// this function records distinct inputs over a 255-frame interval to RAM locations and was likely
// used to record the demo sequences seen in the final game. This function is unused.
static void record_demo(void) {
// record the player's button mask and current rawStickX and rawStickY.
u8 buttonMask =
((gPlayer1Controller->buttonDown & (A_BUTTON | B_BUTTON | Z_TRIG | START_BUTTON)) >> 8)
| (gPlayer1Controller->buttonDown & (U_CBUTTONS | D_CBUTTONS | L_CBUTTONS | R_CBUTTONS));
s8 rawStickX = gPlayer1Controller->rawStickX;
s8 rawStickY = gPlayer1Controller->rawStickY;
// if the stick is in deadzone, set its value to 0 to
// nullify the effects. We do not record deadzone inputs.
if (rawStickX > -8 && rawStickX < 8) {
rawStickX = 0;
if (rawStickY > -8 && rawStickY < 8) {
rawStickY = 0;
// record the distinct input and timer so long as they
// are unique. If the timer hits 0xFF, reset the timer
// for the next demo input.
if (gRecordedDemoInput.timer == 0xFF || buttonMask != gRecordedDemoInput.buttonMask
|| rawStickX != gRecordedDemoInput.rawStickX || rawStickY != gRecordedDemoInput.rawStickY) {
gRecordedDemoInput.timer = 0;
gRecordedDemoInput.buttonMask = buttonMask;
gRecordedDemoInput.rawStickX = rawStickX;
gRecordedDemoInput.rawStickY = rawStickY;
// take the updated controller struct and calculate
// the new x, y, and distance floats.
void adjust_analog_stick(struct Controller *controller) {
UNUSED u8 pad[8];
// reset the controller's x and y floats.
controller->stickX = 0;
controller->stickY = 0;
// modulate the rawStickX and rawStickY to be the new f32 values by adding/subtracting 6.
if (controller->rawStickX <= -8) {
controller->stickX = controller->rawStickX + 6;
if (controller->rawStickX >= 8) {
controller->stickX = controller->rawStickX - 6;
if (controller->rawStickY <= -8) {
controller->stickY = controller->rawStickY + 6;
if (controller->rawStickY >= 8) {
controller->stickY = controller->rawStickY - 6;
// calculate f32 magnitude from the center by vector length.
controller->stickMag =
sqrtf(controller->stickX * controller->stickX + controller->stickY * controller->stickY);
// magnitude cannot exceed 64.0f: if it does, modify the values appropriately to
// flatten the values down to the allowed maximum value.
if (controller->stickMag > 64) {
controller->stickX *= 64 / controller->stickMag;
controller->stickY *= 64 / controller->stickMag;
controller->stickMag = 64;
// if a demo sequence exists, this will run the demo
// input list until it is complete. called every frame.
void run_demo_inputs(void) {
// eliminate the unused bits.
gControllers[0].controllerData->button &= VALID_BUTTONS;
Check if a demo inputs list
exists and if so, run the
active demo input list.
if (gCurrDemoInput != NULL) {
clear player 2's inputs if they exist. Player 2's controller
cannot be used to influence a demo. At some point, Nintendo
may have planned for there to be a demo where 2 players moved
around instead of just one, so clearing player 2's influence from
the demo had to have been necessary to perform this. Co-op mode, perhaps?
if (gControllers[1].controllerData != NULL) {
gControllers[1].controllerData->stick_x = 0;
gControllers[1].controllerData->stick_y = 0;
gControllers[1].controllerData->button = 0;
// the timer variable being 0 at the current input means the demo is over.
// set the button to the END_DEMO mask to end the demo.
if (gCurrDemoInput->timer == 0) {
gControllers[0].controllerData->stick_x = 0;
gControllers[0].controllerData->stick_y = 0;
gControllers[0].controllerData->button = END_DEMO;
} else {
// backup the start button if it is pressed, since we don't want the
// demo input to override the mask where start may have been pressed.
u16 startPushed = gControllers[0].controllerData->button & START_BUTTON;
// perform the demo inputs by assigning the current button mask and the stick inputs.
gControllers[0].controllerData->stick_x = gCurrDemoInput->rawStickX;
gControllers[0].controllerData->stick_y = gCurrDemoInput->rawStickY;
to assign the demo input, the button information is stored in
an 8-bit mask rather than a 16-bit mask. this is because only
A, B, Z, Start, and the C-Buttons are used in a demo, as bits
in that order. In order to assign the mask, we need to take the
upper 4 bits (A, B, Z, and Start) and shift then left by 8 to
match the correct input mask. We then add this to the masked
lower 4 bits to get the correct button mask.
gControllers[0].controllerData->button =
((gCurrDemoInput->buttonMask & 0xF0) << 8) + ((gCurrDemoInput->buttonMask & 0xF));
// if start was pushed, put it into the demo sequence being input to
// end the demo.
gControllers[0].controllerData->button |= startPushed;
// run the current demo input's timer down. if it hits 0, advance the
// demo input list.
if (--gCurrDemoInput->timer == 0) {
// update the controller struct with available inputs if present.
void read_controller_inputs(void) {
s32 i;
// if any controllers are plugged in, update the
// controller information.
if (gControllerBits) {
osRecvMesg(&gSIEventMesgQueue, &D_80339BEC, OS_MESG_BLOCK);
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
struct Controller *controller = &gControllers[i];
// if we're receiving inputs, update the controller struct
// with the new button info.
if (controller->controllerData != NULL) {
controller->rawStickX = controller->controllerData->stick_x;
controller->rawStickY = controller->controllerData->stick_y;
controller->buttonPressed = controller->controllerData->button
& (controller->controllerData->button ^ controller->buttonDown);
// 0.5x A presses are a good meme
controller->buttonDown = controller->controllerData->button;
} else // otherwise, if the controllerData is NULL, 0 out all of the inputs.
controller->rawStickX = 0;
controller->rawStickY = 0;
controller->buttonPressed = 0;
controller->buttonDown = 0;
controller->stickX = 0;
controller->stickY = 0;
controller->stickMag = 0;
// For some reason, player 1's inputs are copied to player 3's port. This
// potentially may have been a way the developers "recorded" the inputs
// for demos, despite record_demo existing.
gPlayer3Controller->rawStickX = gPlayer1Controller->rawStickX;
gPlayer3Controller->rawStickY = gPlayer1Controller->rawStickY;
gPlayer3Controller->stickX = gPlayer1Controller->stickX;
gPlayer3Controller->stickY = gPlayer1Controller->stickY;
gPlayer3Controller->stickMag = gPlayer1Controller->stickMag;
gPlayer3Controller->buttonPressed = gPlayer1Controller->buttonPressed;
gPlayer3Controller->buttonDown = gPlayer1Controller->buttonDown;
// initialize the controller structs to point at the OSCont information.
void init_controllers(void) {
s16 port, cont;
// set controller 1 to point to the set of status/pads for input 1 and
// init the controllers.
gControllers[0].statusData = &gControllerStatuses[0];
gControllers[0].controllerData = &gControllerPads[0];
osContInit(&gSIEventMesgQueue, &gControllerBits, &gControllerStatuses[0]);
// strangely enough, the EEPROM probe for save data is done in this function.
// save pak detection?
gEepromProbe = osEepromProbe(&gSIEventMesgQueue);
// loop over the 4 ports and link the controller structs to the appropriate
// status and pad. Interestingly, although there are pointers to 3 controllers,
// only 2 are connected here. The third seems to have been reserved for debug
// purposes and was never connected in the retail ROM, thus gPlayer3Controller
// cannot be used, despite being referenced in various code.
for (cont = 0, port = 0; port < 4 && cont < 2; port++) {
// is controller plugged in?
if (gControllerBits & (1 << port)) {
// the game allows you to have just 1 controller plugged
// into any port in order to play the game. this was probably
// so if any of the ports didnt work, you can have controllers
// plugged into any of them and it will work.
gControllers[cont].statusData = &gControllerStatuses[port];
gControllers[cont++].controllerData = &gControllerPads[port];
void setup_game_memory(void) {
UNUSED u8 pad[8];
set_segment_base_addr(0, (void *) 0x80000000);
osCreateMesgQueue(&D_80339CB8, &D_80339CD4, 1);
osCreateMesgQueue(&gGameVblankQueue, &D_80339CD0, 1);
gPhysicalZBuffer = VIRTUAL_TO_PHYSICAL(gZBuffer);
gPhysicalFrameBuffers[0] = VIRTUAL_TO_PHYSICAL(gFrameBuffer0);
gPhysicalFrameBuffers[1] = VIRTUAL_TO_PHYSICAL(gFrameBuffer1);
gPhysicalFrameBuffers[2] = VIRTUAL_TO_PHYSICAL(gFrameBuffer2);
D_80339CF0 = main_pool_alloc(0x4000, MEMORY_POOL_LEFT);
set_segment_base_addr(17, (void *) D_80339CF0);
func_80278A78(&D_80339D10, gMarioAnims, D_80339CF0);
D_80339CF4 = main_pool_alloc(2048, MEMORY_POOL_LEFT);
set_segment_base_addr(24, (void *) D_80339CF4);
func_80278A78(&gDemo, gDemoInputs, D_80339CF4);
load_segment(0x10, _entrySegmentRomStart, _entrySegmentRomEnd, MEMORY_POOL_LEFT);
load_segment_decompress(2, _segment2_mio0SegmentRomStart, _segment2_mio0SegmentRomEnd);
// main game loop thread. runs forever as long as the game
// continues.
void thread5_game_loop(UNUSED void *arg) {
struct LevelCommand *addr;
set_vblank_handler(2, &gGameVblankHandler, &gGameVblankQueue, (OSMesg) 1);
// point addr to the entry point into the level script data.
addr = segmented_to_virtual(level_script_entry);
play_music(2, SEQUENCE_ARGS(0, SEQ_SOUND_PLAYER), 0);
while (1) {
// if the reset timer is active, run the process to reset the game.
if (gResetTimer) {
// if any controllers are plugged in, start read the data for when
// read_controller_inputs is called later.
if (gControllerBits) {
addr = level_script_execute(addr);
// when debug info is enabled, print the "BUF %d" information.
if (gShowDebugText) {
// subtract the end of the gfx pool with the display list to obtain the
// amount of free space remaining.
print_text_fmt_int(180, 20, "BUF %d", gGfxPoolEnd - (u8 *) gDisplayListHead);