-- name: Hide and Seek -- incompatible: gamemode -- description: A simple hide-and-seek gamemode for\nCo-op.\n\nThe game is split into two teams:\n\nHiders and Seekers. The goal is for all\n\Hiders to be converted into a Seeker within a certain timeframe.\n\nAll Seekers appear as a metal character.\n\nEnjoy! :D\n\nConcept by: Super Keeberghrh -- keep track of round info local ROUND_STATE_WAIT = 0 local ROUND_STATE_ACTIVE = 1 local ROUND_STATE_SEEKERS_WIN = 2 local ROUND_STATE_HIDERS_WIN = 3 local ROUND_STATE_UNKNOWN_END = 4 gGlobalSyncTable.roundState = ROUND_STATE_WAIT -- current round state gGlobalSyncTable.touchTag = false gGlobalSyncTable.hiderCaps = false gGlobalSyncTable.seekerCaps = false gGlobalSyncTable.banKoopaShell = true gGlobalSyncTable.displayTimer = 0 -- the displayed timer local sRoundTimer = 0 -- the server's round timer local sRoundStartTimeout = 15 * 30 -- fifteen seconds local sRoundEndTimeout = 3 * 60 * 30 -- three minutes local pauseExitTimer = 0 local canLeave = false -- flashing text index local sFlashingIndex = 0 -- pu prevention local puX = 0 local puZ = 0 -- avoid repetion local np = gNetworkPlayers[0] --localize functions to improve performance local hook_chat_command, network_player_set_description, hook_on_sync_table_change, network_is_server, hook_event, djui_popup_create, network_get_player_text_color_string, play_sound, play_character_sound, djui_chat_message_create, djui_hud_set_resolution, djui_hud_set_font, djui_hud_set_color, djui_hud_render_rect, djui_hud_print_text, djui_hud_get_screen_width, djui_hud_get_screen_height, djui_hud_measure_text, tostring, warp_to_level, warp_to_start_level, stop_cap_music, dist_between_objects, math_floor, math_ceil, table_insert, set_camera_mode = hook_chat_command, network_player_set_description, hook_on_sync_table_change, network_is_server, hook_event, djui_popup_create, network_get_player_text_color_string, play_sound, play_character_sound, djui_chat_message_create, djui_hud_set_resolution, djui_hud_set_font, djui_hud_set_color, djui_hud_render_rect, djui_hud_print_text, djui_hud_get_screen_width, djui_hud_get_screen_height, djui_hud_measure_text, tostring, warp_to_level, warp_to_start_level, stop_cap_music, dist_between_objects, math.floor, math.ceil, table.insert, set_camera_mode local function on_or_off(value) if value then return "enabled" end return "disabled" end local function server_update() -- increment timer sRoundTimer = sRoundTimer + 1 gGlobalSyncTable.displayTimer = math_floor(sRoundTimer / 30) -- figure out state of the game local hasSeeker = false local hasHider = false local activePlayers = {} local connectedCount = 0 for i = 0, (MAX_PLAYERS-1) do if gNetworkPlayers[i].connected then connectedCount = connectedCount + 1 table_insert(activePlayers, gPlayerSyncTable[i]) if gPlayerSyncTable[i].seeking then hasSeeker = true else hasHider = true end end end -- only change state if there are 2+ players if connectedCount < 2 then gGlobalSyncTable.roundState = ROUND_STATE_WAIT return elseif gGlobalSyncTable.roundState == ROUND_STATE_WAIT then gGlobalSyncTable.roundState = ROUND_STATE_UNKNOWN_END sRoundTimer = 0 gGlobalSyncTable.displayTimer = 0 end -- check to see if the round should end if gGlobalSyncTable.roundState == ROUND_STATE_ACTIVE then if not hasHider or not hasSeeker or sRoundTimer > sRoundEndTimeout then if not hasHider then gGlobalSyncTable.roundState = ROUND_STATE_SEEKERS_WIN elseif sRoundTimer > sRoundEndTimeout then gGlobalSyncTable.roundState = ROUND_STATE_HIDERS_WIN else gGlobalSyncTable.roundState = ROUND_STATE_UNKNOWN_END end sRoundTimer = 0 gGlobalSyncTable.displayTimer = 0 else return end end -- start round if sRoundTimer >= sRoundStartTimeout then -- reset seekers for i=0,(MAX_PLAYERS-1) do gPlayerSyncTable[i].seeking = false end hasSeeker = false -- pick random seeker if not hasSeeker then local randNum = math.random(#activePlayers) local s = activePlayers[randNum] s.seeking = true end -- set round state gGlobalSyncTable.roundState = ROUND_STATE_ACTIVE sRoundTimer = 0 gGlobalSyncTable.displayTimer = 0 end end local function update() pauseExitTimer = pauseExitTimer + 1 if pauseExitTimer >= 900 and not canLeave then canLeave = true end -- only allow the server to figure out the seeker if network_is_server() then server_update() end end local function screen_transition(trans) -- if the local player died next to a seeker, make them a seeker local s = gPlayerSyncTable[0] if not s.seeking then for i=1,(MAX_PLAYERS-1) do if gNetworkPlayers[i].connected and gNetworkPlayers[i].currLevelNum == np.currLevelNum and gNetworkPlayers[i].currActNum == np.currActNum and gNetworkPlayers[i].currAreaIndex == np.currAreaIndex and gPlayerSyncTable[i].seeking then local m = gMarioStates[0] local a = gMarioStates[i] if trans == WARP_TRANSITION_FADE_INTO_BOWSER or (m.floor.type == SURFACE_DEATH_PLANE and m.pos.y <= m.floorHeight + 2048) then if dist_between_objects(m.marioObj, a.marioObj) <= 4000 and m.playerIndex == 0 then s.seeking = true end end end end end end local cannonTimer = 0 --- @param m MarioState local function mario_update(m) if (m.flags & MARIO_VANISH_CAP) ~= 0 then m.flags = m.flags & ~MARIO_VANISH_CAP --Always Remove Vanish Cap stop_cap_music() end -- this code runs for all players local s = gPlayerSyncTable[m.playerIndex] if m.playerIndex == 0 and m.action == ACT_IN_CANNON and m.actionState == 2 then cannonTimer = cannonTimer + 1 if cannonTimer >= 150 then m.forwardVel = 100 * coss(m.faceAngle.x) m.vel.y = 100 * sins(m.faceAngle.x) m.pos.x = m.pos.x + 120 * coss(m.faceAngle.x) * sins(m.faceAngle.y) m.pos.y = m.pos.y + 120 * sins(m.faceAngle.x) m.pos.z = m.pos.z + 120 * coss(m.faceAngle.x) * coss(m.faceAngle.y) play_sound(SOUND_ACTION_FLYING_FAST, m.marioObj.header.gfx.cameraToObject) play_sound(SOUND_OBJ_POUNDING_CANNON, m.marioObj.header.gfx.cameraToObject) m.marioObj.header.gfx.node.flags = m.marioObj.header.gfx.node.flags | GRAPH_RENDER_ACTIVE set_camera_mode(m.area.camera, m.area.camera.defMode, 1) set_mario_action(m, ACT_SHOT_FROM_CANNON, 0) queue_rumble_data_mario(m, 60, 70) m.usedObj.oAction = 2 cannonTimer = 0 end end -- remove caps if m.playerIndex == 0 or gGlobalSyncTable.roundState ~= ROUND_STATE_ACTIVE then if gGlobalSyncTable.seekerCaps and gPlayerSyncTable[m.playerIndex].seeking then m.flags = m.flags & ~MARIO_WING_CAP -- remove wing cap if seeking m.flags = m.flags & ~MARIO_METAL_CAP -- remove metal cap if seeking stop_cap_music() m.capTimer = 0 elseif gGlobalSyncTable.hiderCaps and not gPlayerSyncTable[m.playerIndex].seeking then m.flags = m.flags & ~MARIO_WING_CAP -- remove wing cap if hiding m.flags = m.flags & ~MARIO_METAL_CAP -- remove metal cap if hiding stop_cap_music() m.capTimer = 0 end end -- warp to the beninging if m.playerIndex == 0 then if gPlayerSyncTable[m.playerIndex].seeking and gGlobalSyncTable.displayTimer == 0 and gGlobalSyncTable.roundState == ROUND_STATE_ACTIVE then warp_to_level(gLevelValues.entryLevel, 1, 0) warp_to_start_level() end end -- display all seekers as metal if s.seeking then m.marioBodyState.modelState = m.marioBodyState.modelState | MODEL_STATE_METAL end -- pu prevention if m.pos.x >= 0 then puX = math_floor((8192 + m.pos.x) / 65536) else puX = math_ceil((-8192 + m.pos.x) / 65536) end if m.pos.z >= 0 then puZ = math_floor((8192 + m.pos.z) / 65536) else puZ = math_ceil((-8192 + m.pos.z) / 65536) end if puX ~= 0 or puZ ~= 0 then s.seeking = true warp_restart_level() end end function before_set_mario_action(m, action) if m.playerIndex == 0 then if action == ACT_WAITING_FOR_DIALOG or action == ACT_READING_SIGN or action == ACT_READING_AUTOMATIC_DIALOG or action == ACT_READING_NPC_DIALOG or action == ACT_JUMBO_STAR_CUTSCENE then return 1 elseif action == ACT_EXIT_LAND_SAVE_DIALOG then set_camera_mode(m.area.camera, m.area.camera.defMode, 1) return ACT_IDLE end end end --- @param m MarioState local function before_phys_step(m) -- prevent physics from being altered when bubbled local s = gPlayerSyncTable[m.playerIndex] if m.action == ACT_BUBBLED or s.seeking then return end -- only make seekers faster local hScale = 1.0 local vScale = 1.0 -- make swimming seekers 5% faster if (m.action & ACT_FLAG_SWIMMING) ~= 0 then hScale = hScale * 1.05 if m.action ~= ACT_WATER_PLUNGE then vScale = vScale * 1.05 end end end local function on_pvp_attack(attacker, victim) -- this code runs when a player attacks another player local sAttacker = gPlayerSyncTable[attacker.playerIndex] local sVictim = gPlayerSyncTable[victim.playerIndex] -- only consider local player if victim.playerIndex ~= 0 then return end -- make victim a seeker if sAttacker.seeking and not sVictim.seeking then sVictim.seeking = true end end --- @param m MarioState local function on_player_connected(m) -- start out as a seeker local s = gPlayerSyncTable[m.playerIndex] s.seeking = true network_player_set_description(gNetworkPlayers[m.playerIndex], "seeker", 255, 64, 64, 255) end local function hud_top_render() local seconds = 0 local text = "" if gGlobalSyncTable.roundState == ROUND_STATE_WAIT then seconds = 60 text = "waiting for players" elseif gGlobalSyncTable.roundState == ROUND_STATE_ACTIVE then seconds = math_floor(sRoundEndTimeout / 30 - gGlobalSyncTable.displayTimer) if seconds < 0 then seconds = 0 end text = "seekers have " .. seconds .. " seconds" else seconds = math_floor(sRoundStartTimeout / 30 - gGlobalSyncTable.displayTimer) if seconds < 0 then seconds = 0 end text = "next round in " .. seconds .. " seconds" end local scale = 0.5 -- get width of screen and text local screenWidth = djui_hud_get_screen_width() local width = djui_hud_measure_text(text) * scale local x = (screenWidth - width) * 0.5 local y = 0 local background = 0.0 if seconds < 60 and gGlobalSyncTable.roundState == ROUND_STATE_ACTIVE then background = (math.sin(sFlashingIndex * 0.1) * 0.5 + 0.5) * 1 background = background * background background = background * background end -- render top djui_hud_set_color(255 * background, 0, 0, 128) djui_hud_render_rect(x - 6, y, width + 12, 16) djui_hud_set_color(255, 255, 255, 255) djui_hud_print_text(text, x, y, scale) end local function hud_center_render() if gGlobalSyncTable.displayTimer > 3 then return end -- set text local text = "" if gGlobalSyncTable.roundState == ROUND_STATE_SEEKERS_WIN then text = "Seekers Win!" elseif gGlobalSyncTable.roundState == ROUND_STATE_HIDERS_WIN then text = "Hiders Win!" elseif gGlobalSyncTable.roundState == ROUND_STATE_ACTIVE then text = "Go!" else return end -- set scale local scale = 1 -- get width of screen and text local screenWidth = djui_hud_get_screen_width() local screenHeight = djui_hud_get_screen_height() local width = djui_hud_measure_text(text) * scale local height = 32 * scale local x = (screenWidth - width) * 0.5 local y = (screenHeight - height) * 0.5 -- render djui_hud_set_color(0, 0, 0, 128) djui_hud_render_rect(x - 6 * scale, y, width + 12 * scale, height) djui_hud_set_color(255, 255, 255, 255) djui_hud_print_text(text, x, y, scale) end local function on_hud_render() -- render to N64 screen space, with the HUD font djui_hud_set_resolution(RESOLUTION_N64) djui_hud_set_font(FONT_NORMAL) hud_top_render() hud_center_render() sFlashingIndex = sFlashingIndex + 1 end local function on_touch_tag_command() gGlobalSyncTable.touchTag = not gGlobalSyncTable.touchTag djui_chat_message_create("Touch tag: " .. on_or_off(gGlobalSyncTable.touchTag)) return true end local function on_hider_cap_command() gGlobalSyncTable.hiderCaps = not gGlobalSyncTable.hiderCaps djui_chat_message_create("Hider Caps: " .. on_or_off(gGlobalSyncTable.hiderCaps)) return true end local function on_seeker_cap_command() gGlobalSyncTable.seekerCaps = not gGlobalSyncTable.seekerCaps djui_chat_message_create("Seeker Caps: " .. on_or_off(gGlobalSyncTable.seekerCaps)) return true end local function on_koopa_shell_command() gGlobalSyncTable.banKoopaShell = not gGlobalSyncTable.banKoopaShell djui_chat_message_create("Koopa Shells: " .. on_or_off(not gGlobalSyncTable.seekerCaps)) return true end local function level_init() local s = gPlayerSyncTable[0] pauseExitTimer = 0 canLeave = false if s.seeking then canLeave = true end end local function on_pause_exit() local s = gPlayerSyncTable[0] if not canLeave and not s.seeking then djui_popup_create(tostring(math_floor(30 - pauseExitTimer / 30)).." Seconds until you can leave!", 2) return false end end ----------------------- -- network callbacks -- ----------------------- local function on_round_state_changed() local rs = gGlobalSyncTable.roundState if rs == ROUND_STATE_ACTIVE then play_character_sound(gMarioStates[0], CHAR_SOUND_HERE_WE_GO) elseif rs == ROUND_STATE_SEEKERS_WIN then play_sound(SOUND_MENU_CLICK_CHANGE_VIEW, gMarioStates[0].marioObj.header.gfx.cameraToObject) elseif rs == ROUND_STATE_HIDERS_WIN then play_sound(SOUND_MENU_CLICK_CHANGE_VIEW, gMarioStates[0].marioObj.header.gfx.cameraToObject) end end local function on_seeking_changed(tag, oldVal, newVal) local m = gMarioStates[tag] local npT = gNetworkPlayers[tag] -- play sound and create popup if became a seeker if newVal and not oldVal then play_sound(SOUND_OBJ_BOWSER_LAUGH, m.marioObj.header.gfx.cameraToObject) playerColor = network_get_player_text_color_string(m.playerIndex) djui_popup_create(playerColor .. npT.name .. "\\#ffa0a0\\ is now a seeker", 2) sRoundTimer = 32 end if newVal then network_player_set_description(npT, "seeker", 255, 64, 64, 255) else network_player_set_description(npT, "hider", 128, 128, 128, 255) end end local function check_touch_tag_allowed(i) if gMarioStates[i].action ~= ACT_TELEPORT_FADE_IN and gMarioStates[i].action ~= ACT_TELEPORT_FADE_OUT and gMarioStates[i].action ~= ACT_PULLING_DOOR and gMarioStates[i].action ~= ACT_PUSHING_DOOR and gMarioStates[i].action ~= ACT_WARP_DOOR_SPAWN and gMarioStates[i].action ~= ACT_ENTERING_STAR_DOOR and gMarioStates[i].action ~= ACT_STAR_DANCE_EXIT and gMarioStates[i].action ~= ACT_STAR_DANCE_NO_EXIT and gMarioStates[i].action ~= ACT_STAR_DANCE_WATER and gMarioStates[i].action ~= ACT_PANTING and gMarioStates[i].action ~= ACT_UNINITIALIZED and gMarioStates[i].action ~= ACT_WARP_DOOR_SPAWN then return true end return false end local function on_interact(m, obj, intee) if intee == INTERACT_PLAYER then if not gGlobalSyncTable.touchTag then return end if m ~= gMarioStates[0] then for i=0,(MAX_PLAYERS-1) do if gNetworkPlayers[i].connected and gNetworkPlayers[i].currAreaSyncValid then if gPlayerSyncTable[m.playerIndex].seeking and not gPlayerSyncTable[i].seeking and obj == gMarioStates[i].marioObj and check_touch_tag_allowed(i) then gPlayerSyncTable[i].seeking = true network_player_set_description(gNetworkPlayers[i], "seeker", 255, 64, 64, 255) end end end end end end local function allow_interact(_, _, intee) if intee == INTERACT_KOOPA_SHELL and gGlobalSyncTable.banKoopaShell then return false end end function allow_pvp_attack(m1, m2) local s1 = gPlayerSyncTable[m1.playerIndex] local s2 = gPlayerSyncTable[m2.playerIndex] if s1.seeking == s2.seeking then return false end return true end gLevelValues.disableActs = true ----------- -- hooks -- ----------- hook_event(HOOK_UPDATE, update) hook_event(HOOK_ON_SCREEN_TRANSITION, screen_transition) hook_event(HOOK_BEFORE_SET_MARIO_ACTION, before_set_mario_action) hook_event(HOOK_MARIO_UPDATE, mario_update) hook_event(HOOK_BEFORE_PHYS_STEP, before_phys_step) hook_event(HOOK_ALLOW_PVP_ATTACK, allow_pvp_attack) hook_event(HOOK_ON_PVP_ATTACK, on_pvp_attack) hook_event(HOOK_ON_PLAYER_CONNECTED, on_player_connected) hook_event(HOOK_ON_HUD_RENDER, on_hud_render) hook_event(HOOK_ON_LEVEL_INIT, level_init) hook_event(HOOK_ON_PAUSE_EXIT, on_pause_exit) -- timer hook_event(HOOK_ON_INTERACT, on_interact) hook_event(HOOK_ALLOW_INTERACT, allow_interact) hook_event(HOOK_USE_ACT_SELECT, function () return false end) if network_is_server() then hook_chat_command("touch-to-tag", "turn touch tag on or off", on_touch_tag_command) hook_chat_command("hiders-caps", "turn caps for hiders on or off", on_hider_cap_command) hook_chat_command("seekers-caps", "turn caps for seekers on or off", on_seeker_cap_command) hook_chat_command("koopa-shell", "Turn the koopa shell on or off", on_koopa_shell_command) end -- call functions when certain sync table values change hook_on_sync_table_change(gGlobalSyncTable, "roundState", 0, on_round_state_changed) for i = 0, (MAX_PLAYERS - 1) do gPlayerSyncTable[i].seeking = true hook_on_sync_table_change(gPlayerSyncTable[i], "seeking", i, on_seeking_changed) network_player_set_description(gNetworkPlayers[i], "seeker", 255, 64, 64, 255) end