#include #include "debug_utils.h" #include "gd_macros.h" #include "gd_main.h" #include "gd_math.h" #include "gd_types.h" #include "macros.h" #include "renderer.h" /** * Finds the square root of a float by treating * it as a double and finding the square root from there. */ f32 gd_sqrt_f(f32 val) { return (f32) gd_sqrt_d(val); } /** * Set mtx to a look-at matrix for the camera. The resulting transformation * transforms the world as if there exists a camera at position 'from' pointed * at the position 'to'. * An effective goddard copy of mtxf_lookat. */ void gd_mat4f_lookat(Mat4f *mtx, f32 xFrom, f32 yFrom, f32 zFrom, f32 xTo, f32 yTo, f32 zTo, f32 zColY, f32 yColY, f32 xColY) { f32 invLength; struct GdVec3f d; struct GdVec3f colX; struct GdVec3f norm; // No reason to do this? mtx is set lower. gd_set_identity_mat4(mtx); d.z = xTo - xFrom; d.y = yTo - yFrom; d.x = zTo - zFrom; invLength = ABS(d.z) + ABS(d.y) + ABS(d.x); // Scales 'd' if smaller than 10 or larger than 10,000 to be // of a magnitude of 10,000. if (invLength > 10000.0f || invLength < 10.0f) { norm.x = d.z; norm.y = d.y; norm.z = d.x; gd_normalize_vec3f(&norm); norm.x *= 10000.0f; norm.y *= 10000.0f; norm.z *= 10000.0f; d.z = norm.x; d.y = norm.y; d.x = norm.z; } invLength = -1.0 / gd_sqrt_f(SQ(d.z) + SQ(d.y) + SQ(d.x)); d.z *= invLength; d.y *= invLength; d.x *= invLength; colX.z = yColY * d.x - xColY * d.y; colX.y = xColY * d.z - zColY * d.x; colX.x = zColY * d.y - yColY * d.z; invLength = 1.0 / gd_sqrt_f(SQ(colX.z) + SQ(colX.y) + SQ(colX.x)); colX.z *= invLength; colX.y *= invLength; colX.x *= invLength; zColY = d.y * colX.x - d.x * colX.y; yColY = d.x * colX.z - d.z * colX.x; xColY = d.z * colX.y - d.y * colX.z; invLength = 1.0 / gd_sqrt_f(SQ(zColY) + SQ(yColY) + SQ(xColY)); zColY *= invLength; yColY *= invLength; xColY *= invLength; (*mtx)[0][0] = colX.z; (*mtx)[1][0] = colX.y; (*mtx)[2][0] = colX.x; (*mtx)[3][0] = -(xFrom * colX.z + yFrom * colX.y + zFrom * colX.x); (*mtx)[0][1] = zColY; (*mtx)[1][1] = yColY; (*mtx)[2][1] = xColY; (*mtx)[3][1] = -(xFrom * zColY + yFrom * yColY + zFrom * xColY); (*mtx)[0][2] = d.z; (*mtx)[1][2] = d.y; (*mtx)[2][2] = d.x; (*mtx)[3][2] = -(xFrom * d.z + yFrom * d.y + zFrom * d.x); (*mtx)[0][3] = 0.0f; (*mtx)[1][3] = 0.0f; (*mtx)[2][3] = 0.0f; (*mtx)[3][3] = 1.0f; } /** * Scales a mat4f in each dimension by a vector. */ void gd_scale_mat4f_by_vec3f(Mat4f *mtx, struct GdVec3f *vec) { (*mtx)[0][0] *= vec->x; (*mtx)[0][1] *= vec->x; (*mtx)[0][2] *= vec->x; (*mtx)[1][0] *= vec->y; (*mtx)[1][1] *= vec->y; (*mtx)[1][2] *= vec->y; (*mtx)[2][0] *= vec->z; (*mtx)[2][1] *= vec->z; (*mtx)[2][2] *= vec->z; } /** * Rotates the matrix 'mtx' about the vector given. */ void gd_rot_mat_about_vec(Mat4f *mtx, struct GdVec3f *vec) { if (vec->x != 0.0f) { gd_absrot_mat4(mtx, GD_X_AXIS, vec->x); } if (vec->y != 0.0f) { gd_absrot_mat4(mtx, GD_Y_AXIS, vec->y); } if (vec->z != 0.0f) { gd_absrot_mat4(mtx, GD_Z_AXIS, vec->z); } } /** * Adds each component of a vector to the * translation column of a mat4f matrix. */ void gd_add_vec3f_to_mat4f_offset(Mat4f *mtx, struct GdVec3f *vec) { UNUSED Mat4f temp; f32 z, y, x; x = vec->x; y = vec->y; z = vec->z; (*mtx)[3][0] += x; (*mtx)[3][1] += y; (*mtx)[3][2] += z; } /** * Creates a lookat matrix, but specifically from the perspective of the origin. * Rolls is only ever 0 in practice, and this is really only ever used once. * * Matrix has form- | -(cz+sxy)/h sh (cx-syz)/h 0 | * | (sz-cxy)/h ch -(sx+cyz)/h 0 | * | -x -y -z 0 | * | 0 0 0 1 | */ void gd_create_origin_lookat(Mat4f *mtx, struct GdVec3f *vec, f32 roll) { f32 invertedHMag; f32 hMag; f32 c; f32 s; f32 radPerDeg = RAD_PER_DEG; struct GdVec3f unit; unit.x = vec->x; unit.y = vec->y; unit.z = vec->z; gd_normalize_vec3f(&unit); hMag = gd_sqrt_f(SQ(unit.x) + SQ(unit.z)); roll *= radPerDeg; // convert roll from degrees to radians s = gd_sin_d(roll); c = gd_cos_d(roll); gd_set_identity_mat4(mtx); if (hMag != 0.0f) { invertedHMag = 1.0f / hMag; (*mtx)[0][0] = ((-unit.z * c) - (s * unit.y * unit.x)) * invertedHMag; (*mtx)[1][0] = ((unit.z * s) - (c * unit.y * unit.x)) * invertedHMag; (*mtx)[2][0] = -unit.x; (*mtx)[3][0] = 0.0f; (*mtx)[0][1] = s * hMag; (*mtx)[1][1] = c * hMag; (*mtx)[2][1] = -unit.y; (*mtx)[3][1] = 0.0f; (*mtx)[0][2] = ((c * unit.x) - (s * unit.y * unit.z)) * invertedHMag; (*mtx)[1][2] = ((-s * unit.x) - (c * unit.y * unit.z)) * invertedHMag; (*mtx)[2][2] = -unit.z; (*mtx)[3][2] = 0.0f; (*mtx)[0][3] = 0.0f; (*mtx)[1][3] = 0.0f; (*mtx)[2][3] = 0.0f; (*mtx)[3][3] = 1.0f; } else { (*mtx)[0][0] = 0.0f; (*mtx)[1][0] = 1.0f; (*mtx)[2][0] = 0.0f; (*mtx)[3][0] = 0.0f; (*mtx)[0][1] = 0.0f; (*mtx)[1][1] = 0.0f; (*mtx)[2][1] = 1.0f; (*mtx)[3][1] = 0.0f; (*mtx)[0][2] = 1.0f; (*mtx)[1][2] = 0.0f; (*mtx)[2][2] = 0.0f; (*mtx)[3][2] = 0.0f; (*mtx)[0][3] = 0.0f; (*mtx)[1][3] = 0.0f; (*mtx)[2][3] = 0.0f; (*mtx)[3][3] = 1.0f; } } /** * Clamps a float within a set range about zero. */ f32 gd_clamp_f32(f32 a, f32 b) { if (b < a) { a = b; } else if (a < -b) { a = -b; } return a; } /** * Clamps a vector within a set range about zero. */ void gd_clamp_vec3f(struct GdVec3f *vec, f32 limit) { if (vec->x > limit) { vec->x = limit; } else if (vec->x < -limit) { vec->x = -limit; } if (vec->y > limit) { vec->y = limit; } else if (vec->y < -limit) { vec->y = -limit; } if (vec->z > limit) { vec->z = limit; } else if (vec->z < -limit) { vec->z = -limit; } } /** * Rotates a 2D vector by some angle in degrees. */ void gd_rot_2d_vec(f32 deg, f32 *x, f32 *y) { f32 xP; f32 yP; f32 rad; rad = deg / DEG_PER_RAD; xP = (*x * gd_cos_d(rad)) - (*y * gd_sin_d(rad)); yP = (*x * gd_sin_d(rad)) + (*y * gd_cos_d(rad)); *x = xP; *y = yP; } /** * Rotates a matrix about one of its rows. */ void UNUSED gd_rot_mat_about_row(Mat4f *mat, s32 row, f32 ang) { Mat4f rot; struct GdVec3f vec; vec.x = (*mat)[row][0]; vec.y = (*mat)[row][1]; vec.z = (*mat)[row][2]; gd_create_rot_mat_angular(&rot, &vec, ang / 2.0); gd_mult_mat4f(mat, &rot, mat); } /** * Rotates a mat4f matrix about a given axis * by a set angle in degrees. */ void gd_absrot_mat4(Mat4f *mtx, s32 axisnum, f32 ang) { Mat4f rMat; struct GdVec3f rot; switch (axisnum) { case GD_X_AXIS: rot.x = 1.0f; rot.y = 0.0f; rot.z = 0.0f; break; case GD_Y_AXIS: rot.x = 0.0f; rot.y = 1.0f; rot.z = 0.0f; break; case GD_Z_AXIS: rot.x = 0.0f; rot.y = 0.0f; rot.z = 1.0f; break; default: fatal_printf("absrot_matrix4(): Bad axis num"); } gd_create_rot_mat_angular(&rMat, &rot, ang / 2.0); //? 2.0f gd_mult_mat4f(mtx, &rMat, mtx); } f32 gd_vec3f_magnitude(struct GdVec3f *vec) { return gd_sqrt_f(SQ(vec->x) + SQ(vec->y) + SQ(vec->z)); } /** * Normalizes a vec3f to have a length of 1. */ s32 gd_normalize_vec3f(struct GdVec3f *vec) { f32 mag; if ((mag = SQ(vec->x) + SQ(vec->y) + SQ(vec->z)) == 0.0f) { return FALSE; } mag = gd_sqrt_f(mag); // gd_sqrt_f rounds near 0 numbers to 0, so verify again. if (mag == 0.0f) { vec->x = 0.0f; vec->y = 0.0f; vec->z = 0.0f; return FALSE; } vec->x /= mag; vec->y /= mag; vec->z /= mag; return TRUE; } /** * Stores the cross product of 'a' x 'b' in 'dst'. */ void gd_cross_vec3f(struct GdVec3f *a, struct GdVec3f *b, struct GdVec3f *dst) { struct GdVec3f result; result.x = (a->y * b->z) - (a->z * b->y); result.y = (a->z * b->x) - (a->x * b->z); result.z = (a->x * b->y) - (a->y * b->x); dst->x = result.x; dst->y = result.y; dst->z = result.z; } /** * Returns the dot product of 'a' and 'b'. */ f32 gd_dot_vec3f(struct GdVec3f *a, struct GdVec3f *b) { return (a->x * b->x) + (a->y * b->y) + (a->z * b->z); } /** * Inverts each element of src into dst. */ void UNUSED gd_invert_elements_mat4f(Mat4f *src, Mat4f *dst) { s32 i; s32 j; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { (*dst)[i][j] = 1.0f / (*src)[i][j]; } } } /** * Inverts a matrix from src and stores it into dst. * Reaches a fatal_print if the determinant is 0. */ void gd_inverse_mat4f(Mat4f *src, Mat4f *dst) { s32 i; s32 j; f32 determinant; gd_adjunct_mat4f(src, dst); determinant = gd_mat4f_det(dst); if (ABS(determinant) < 1e-5) //? 1e-5f { fatal_print("Non-singular matrix, no inverse!\n"); } for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { (*dst)[i][j] /= determinant; } } } /** * Takes a matrix from src and converts it into its adjunct in dst. */ void gd_adjunct_mat4f(Mat4f *src, Mat4f *dst) { struct InvMat4 inv; inv.r3.c3 = (*src)[0][0]; inv.r2.c3 = (*src)[0][1]; inv.r1.c3 = (*src)[0][2]; inv.r0.c3 = (*src)[0][3]; inv.r3.c2 = (*src)[1][0]; inv.r2.c2 = (*src)[1][1]; inv.r1.c2 = (*src)[1][2]; inv.r0.c2 = (*src)[1][3]; inv.r3.c1 = (*src)[2][0]; inv.r2.c1 = (*src)[2][1]; inv.r1.c1 = (*src)[2][2]; inv.r0.c1 = (*src)[2][3]; inv.r3.c0 = (*src)[3][0]; inv.r2.c0 = (*src)[3][1]; inv.r1.c0 = (*src)[3][2]; inv.r0.c0 = (*src)[3][3]; (*dst)[0][0] = gd_3x3_det(inv.r2.c2, inv.r2.c1, inv.r2.c0, inv.r1.c2, inv.r1.c1, inv.r1.c0, inv.r0.c2, inv.r0.c1, inv.r0.c0); (*dst)[1][0] = -gd_3x3_det(inv.r3.c2, inv.r3.c1, inv.r3.c0, inv.r1.c2, inv.r1.c1, inv.r1.c0, inv.r0.c2, inv.r0.c1, inv.r0.c0); (*dst)[2][0] = gd_3x3_det(inv.r3.c2, inv.r3.c1, inv.r3.c0, inv.r2.c2, inv.r2.c1, inv.r2.c0, inv.r0.c2, inv.r0.c1, inv.r0.c0); (*dst)[3][0] = -gd_3x3_det(inv.r3.c2, inv.r3.c1, inv.r3.c0, inv.r2.c2, inv.r2.c1, inv.r2.c0, inv.r1.c2, inv.r1.c1, inv.r1.c0); (*dst)[0][1] = -gd_3x3_det(inv.r2.c3, inv.r2.c1, inv.r2.c0, inv.r1.c3, inv.r1.c1, inv.r1.c0, inv.r0.c3, inv.r0.c1, inv.r0.c0); (*dst)[1][1] = gd_3x3_det(inv.r3.c3, inv.r3.c1, inv.r3.c0, inv.r1.c3, inv.r1.c1, inv.r1.c0, inv.r0.c3, inv.r0.c1, inv.r0.c0); (*dst)[2][1] = -gd_3x3_det(inv.r3.c3, inv.r3.c1, inv.r3.c0, inv.r2.c3, inv.r2.c1, inv.r2.c0, inv.r0.c3, inv.r0.c1, inv.r0.c0); (*dst)[3][1] = gd_3x3_det(inv.r3.c3, inv.r3.c1, inv.r3.c0, inv.r2.c3, inv.r2.c1, inv.r2.c0, inv.r1.c3, inv.r1.c1, inv.r1.c0); (*dst)[0][2] = gd_3x3_det(inv.r2.c3, inv.r2.c2, inv.r2.c0, inv.r1.c3, inv.r1.c2, inv.r1.c0, inv.r0.c3, inv.r0.c2, inv.r0.c0); (*dst)[1][2] = -gd_3x3_det(inv.r3.c3, inv.r3.c2, inv.r3.c0, inv.r1.c3, inv.r1.c2, inv.r1.c0, inv.r0.c3, inv.r0.c2, inv.r0.c0); (*dst)[2][2] = gd_3x3_det(inv.r3.c3, inv.r3.c2, inv.r3.c0, inv.r2.c3, inv.r2.c2, inv.r2.c0, inv.r0.c3, inv.r0.c2, inv.r0.c0); (*dst)[3][2] = -gd_3x3_det(inv.r3.c3, inv.r3.c2, inv.r3.c0, inv.r2.c3, inv.r2.c2, inv.r2.c0, inv.r1.c3, inv.r1.c2, inv.r1.c0); (*dst)[0][3] = -gd_3x3_det(inv.r2.c3, inv.r2.c2, inv.r2.c1, inv.r1.c3, inv.r1.c2, inv.r1.c1, inv.r0.c3, inv.r0.c2, inv.r0.c1); (*dst)[1][3] = gd_3x3_det(inv.r3.c3, inv.r3.c2, inv.r3.c1, inv.r1.c3, inv.r1.c2, inv.r1.c1, inv.r0.c3, inv.r0.c2, inv.r0.c1); (*dst)[2][3] = -gd_3x3_det(inv.r3.c3, inv.r3.c2, inv.r3.c1, inv.r2.c3, inv.r2.c2, inv.r2.c1, inv.r0.c3, inv.r0.c2, inv.r0.c1); (*dst)[3][3] = gd_3x3_det(inv.r3.c3, inv.r3.c2, inv.r3.c1, inv.r2.c3, inv.r2.c2, inv.r2.c1, inv.r1.c3, inv.r1.c2, inv.r1.c1); } /** * Returns the determinant of a mat4f matrix. */ f32 gd_mat4f_det(Mat4f *mtx) { f32 det; struct InvMat4 inv; inv.r3.c3 = (*mtx)[0][0]; inv.r2.c3 = (*mtx)[0][1]; inv.r1.c3 = (*mtx)[0][2]; inv.r0.c3 = (*mtx)[0][3]; inv.r3.c2 = (*mtx)[1][0]; inv.r2.c2 = (*mtx)[1][1]; inv.r1.c2 = (*mtx)[1][2]; inv.r0.c2 = (*mtx)[1][3]; inv.r3.c1 = (*mtx)[2][0]; inv.r2.c1 = (*mtx)[2][1]; inv.r1.c1 = (*mtx)[2][2]; inv.r0.c1 = (*mtx)[2][3]; inv.r3.c0 = (*mtx)[3][0]; inv.r2.c0 = (*mtx)[3][1]; inv.r1.c0 = (*mtx)[3][2]; inv.r0.c0 = (*mtx)[3][3]; det = (inv.r3.c3 * gd_3x3_det(inv.r2.c2, inv.r2.c1, inv.r2.c0, inv.r1.c2, inv.r1.c1, inv.r1.c0, inv.r0.c2, inv.r0.c1, inv.r0.c0) - inv.r2.c3 * gd_3x3_det(inv.r3.c2, inv.r3.c1, inv.r3.c0, inv.r1.c2, inv.r1.c1, inv.r1.c0, inv.r0.c2, inv.r0.c1, inv.r0.c0)) + inv.r1.c3 * gd_3x3_det(inv.r3.c2, inv.r3.c1, inv.r3.c0, inv.r2.c2, inv.r2.c1, inv.r2.c0, inv.r0.c2, inv.r0.c1, inv.r0.c0) - inv.r0.c3 * gd_3x3_det(inv.r3.c2, inv.r3.c1, inv.r3.c0, inv.r2.c2, inv.r2.c1, inv.r2.c0, inv.r1.c2, inv.r1.c1, inv.r1.c0); return det; } /** * Takes the individual values of a 3 by 3 matrix and * returns the determinant. */ f32 gd_3x3_det(f32 r0c0, f32 r0c1, f32 r0c2, f32 r1c0, f32 r1c1, f32 r1c2, f32 r2c0, f32 r2c1, f32 r2c2) { f32 det; det = r0c0 * gd_2x2_det(r1c1, r1c2, r2c1, r2c2) - r1c0 * gd_2x2_det(r0c1, r0c2, r2c1, r2c2) + r2c0 * gd_2x2_det(r0c1, r0c2, r1c1, r1c2); return det; } /** * Takes the individual values of a 2 by 2 matrix and * returns the determinant. */ f32 gd_2x2_det(f32 a, f32 b, f32 c, f32 d) { f32 det = a * d - b * c; return det; } /** * Creates a vector negative to what was passed in. Also sets the first row of a mat4f * to 1 0 0 0. Perhaps meant to be used at the end of gd_create_quat_rot_mat? Not * sure of the purpose of the vector portion, though. */ void UNUSED gd_create_neg_vec_zero_first_mat_row(Mat4f *mtx, struct GdVec3f *vec, f32 x, f32 y, f32 z) { s32 i; vec->x = -x; vec->y = -y; vec->z = -z; (*mtx)[0][0] = 1.0f; for (i = 1; i < 4; i++) { (*mtx)[0][i] = 0.0f; } } /** * This function quite literally does nothing. * Seems to have been meant to create a vector from a quaternion? */ void UNUSED gd_broken_quat_to_vec3f(f32 quat[4], struct GdVec3f *vec, f32 zHalf, s32 i, s32 run) { s32 j; s32 k; UNUSED f32 jVal; UNUSED f32 kVal; UNUSED struct GdVec3f uVec; struct GdVec3f tVec; tVec.x = vec->x; tVec.y = vec->y; tVec.z = vec->z; if (run < 0) { goto end; } if ((j = i + 1) >= 4) { j = 1; } if ((k = j + 1) >= 4) { k = 1; } jVal = quat[j]; kVal = quat[k]; uVec.x = quat[0]; uVec.y = quat[i]; uVec.z = zHalf + zHalf; end: vec->x = tVec.x; vec->y = tVec.y; vec->z = tVec.z; } /** * This function is a pitch rotation of a quaternion, with the sign allowing both regular * and inverse multiplication. */ void UNUSED gd_quat_rotation(f32 quat[4], UNUSED s32 unused, f32 c, f32 s, s32 i, s32 sign) { s32 j; s32 k; f32 quatVal; UNUSED u32 pad[2]; if ((j = i + 1) >= 4) { j = 1; } if ((k = j + 1) >= 4) { k = 1; } quatVal = quat[i]; quat[i] = sign * s * quat[0] + quatVal * c; quat[0] = quat[0] * c - sign * s * quatVal; quatVal = quat[j]; quat[j] = quat[k] * s + quatVal * c; quat[k] = quat[k] * c - s * quatVal; } /** * Shifts a matrix up by one row, putting the top row on bottom. */ void gd_shift_mat_up(Mat4f *mtx) { s32 i; s32 j; f32 temp[3]; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { temp[i] = (*mtx)[0][i + 1]; } for (i = 1; i < 4; i++) { for (j = 1; j < 4; j++) { (*mtx)[i - 1][j - 1] = (*mtx)[i][j]; } } (*mtx)[0][3] = 0.0f; (*mtx)[1][3] = 0.0f; (*mtx)[2][3] = 0.0f; (*mtx)[3][3] = 1.0f; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { (*mtx)[3][i] = temp[i]; } } /** * Creates a rotation matrix from a quaternion. * * Has form- * | 1 - - - | * | 0 w^2+i^2-j^2-k^2 2ij+2wk 2ik+2wj | * | 0 2ij-2wk w^2+j^2-i^2-k^2 2jk+2wi | * | 0 2ik+2wj 2jk-2wi w^2+k^2-i^2-j^2 | * * Potentially broken if 'mtx' is not an identity matrix/zero'ed. */ void UNUSED gd_create_quat_rot_mat(f32 quat[4], UNUSED s32 unused, Mat4f *mtx) { f32 twoIJ; f32 two0K; f32 sqQuat[4]; s32 i; s32 j; s32 k; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { sqQuat[i] = SQ(quat[i]); } for (i = 1; i < 4; i++) { if ((j = i + 1) >= 4) { j = 1; } if ((k = j + 1) >= 4) { k = 1; } twoIJ = 2.0 * quat[i] * quat[j]; two0K = 2.0 * quat[k] * quat[0]; (*mtx)[j][i] = twoIJ - two0K; (*mtx)[i][j] = twoIJ + two0K; (*mtx)[i][i] = sqQuat[i] + sqQuat[0] - sqQuat[j] - sqQuat[k]; (*mtx)[i][0] = 0.0f; } //! The first row only ever has the first value set to 1, but the //! latter portions remain what they were originally. Perhaps this was meant //! to call gd_create_neg_vec_zero_first_mat_row? (*mtx)[0][0] = 1.0f; gd_shift_mat_up(mtx); } /** * Creates a rotation matrix to multiply the primary matrix by. * s/c are sin(angle)/cos(angle). That angular rotation is about vector * 'vec'. * * Matrix has form- * * | (1-c)z^2+c (1-c)zy-sx (1-c)xz-sy 0 | * | (1-c)zy-sx (1-c)y^2+c (1-c)xy-sz 0 | * | (1-c)xz-sy (1-c)xy-sz (1-c)x^2+c 0 | * | 0 0 0 1 | */ void gd_create_rot_matrix(Mat4f *mtx, struct GdVec3f *vec, f32 s, f32 c) { f32 oneMinusCos; struct GdVec3f rev; rev.z = vec->x; rev.y = vec->y; rev.x = vec->z; oneMinusCos = 1.0 - c; (*mtx)[0][0] = oneMinusCos * rev.z * rev.z + c; (*mtx)[0][1] = oneMinusCos * rev.z * rev.y + s * rev.x; (*mtx)[0][2] = oneMinusCos * rev.z * rev.x - s * rev.y; (*mtx)[0][3] = 0.0f; (*mtx)[1][0] = oneMinusCos * rev.z * rev.y - s * rev.x; (*mtx)[1][1] = oneMinusCos * rev.y * rev.y + c; (*mtx)[1][2] = oneMinusCos * rev.y * rev.x + s * rev.z; (*mtx)[1][3] = 0.0f; (*mtx)[2][0] = oneMinusCos * rev.z * rev.x + s * rev.y; (*mtx)[2][1] = oneMinusCos * rev.y * rev.x - s * rev.z; (*mtx)[2][2] = oneMinusCos * rev.x * rev.x + c; (*mtx)[2][3] = 0.0f; (*mtx)[3][0] = 0.0f; (*mtx)[3][1] = 0.0f; (*mtx)[3][2] = 0.0f; (*mtx)[3][3] = 1.0f; } /** * Creates a rotation matrix about vector 'vec' with ang in degrees. */ void gd_create_rot_mat_angular(Mat4f *mtx, struct GdVec3f *vec, f32 ang) { f32 s; f32 c; s = gd_sin_d(ang / (DEG_PER_RAD / 2.0)); c = gd_cos_d(ang / (DEG_PER_RAD / 2.0)); gd_create_rot_matrix(mtx, vec, s, c); } /** * Sets a mat4f matrix to an identity matrix. */ void gd_set_identity_mat4(Mat4f *mtx) { (*mtx)[0][0] = 1.0f; (*mtx)[0][1] = 0.0f; (*mtx)[0][2] = 0.0f; (*mtx)[0][3] = 0.0f; (*mtx)[1][0] = 0.0f; (*mtx)[1][1] = 1.0f; (*mtx)[1][2] = 0.0f; (*mtx)[1][3] = 0.0f; (*mtx)[2][0] = 0.0f; (*mtx)[2][1] = 0.0f; (*mtx)[2][2] = 1.0f; (*mtx)[2][3] = 0.0f; (*mtx)[3][0] = 0.0f; (*mtx)[3][1] = 0.0f; (*mtx)[3][2] = 0.0f; (*mtx)[3][3] = 1.0f; } /** * Copies a mat4f from src to dst. */ void gd_copy_mat4f(const Mat4f *src, Mat4f *dst) { (*dst)[0][0] = (*src)[0][0]; (*dst)[0][1] = (*src)[0][1]; (*dst)[0][2] = (*src)[0][2]; (*dst)[0][3] = (*src)[0][3]; (*dst)[1][0] = (*src)[1][0]; (*dst)[1][1] = (*src)[1][1]; (*dst)[1][2] = (*src)[1][2]; (*dst)[1][3] = (*src)[1][3]; (*dst)[2][0] = (*src)[2][0]; (*dst)[2][1] = (*src)[2][1]; (*dst)[2][2] = (*src)[2][2]; (*dst)[2][3] = (*src)[2][3]; (*dst)[3][0] = (*src)[3][0]; (*dst)[3][1] = (*src)[3][1]; (*dst)[3][2] = (*src)[3][2]; (*dst)[3][3] = (*src)[3][3]; } /** * Transforms a vec3f, rotating with the main 3x3 portion of the mat4f * and translating with the 4th column. */ void gd_rotate_and_translate_vec3f(struct GdVec3f *vec, const Mat4f *mtx) { struct GdVec3f out; out.x = (*mtx)[0][0] * vec->x + (*mtx)[1][0] * vec->y + (*mtx)[2][0] * vec->z; out.y = (*mtx)[0][1] * vec->x + (*mtx)[1][1] * vec->y + (*mtx)[2][1] * vec->z; out.z = (*mtx)[0][2] * vec->x + (*mtx)[1][2] * vec->y + (*mtx)[2][2] * vec->z; out.x += (*mtx)[3][0]; out.y += (*mtx)[3][1]; out.z += (*mtx)[3][2]; vec->x = out.x; vec->y = out.y; vec->z = out.z; } /** * Multiples a vec3f by the main 3x3 portion of a mat4f matrix. */ void gd_mat4f_mult_vec3f(struct GdVec3f *vec, const Mat4f *mtx) { struct GdVec3f out; out.x = (*mtx)[0][0] * vec->x + (*mtx)[1][0] * vec->y + (*mtx)[2][0] * vec->z; out.y = (*mtx)[0][1] * vec->x + (*mtx)[1][1] * vec->y + (*mtx)[2][1] * vec->z; out.z = (*mtx)[0][2] * vec->x + (*mtx)[1][2] * vec->y + (*mtx)[2][2] * vec->z; vec->x = out.x; vec->y = out.y; vec->z = out.z; } #define MAT4_DOT_PROD(A, B, R, row, col) \ { \ (R)[(row)][(col)] = (A)[(row)][0] * (B)[0][(col)]; \ (R)[(row)][(col)] += (A)[(row)][1] * (B)[1][(col)]; \ (R)[(row)][(col)] += (A)[(row)][2] * (B)[2][(col)]; \ (R)[(row)][(col)] += (A)[(row)][3] * (B)[3][(col)]; \ } #define MAT4_MULTIPLY(A, B, R) \ { \ MAT4_DOT_PROD((A), (B), (R), 0, 0); \ MAT4_DOT_PROD((A), (B), (R), 0, 1); \ MAT4_DOT_PROD((A), (B), (R), 0, 2); \ MAT4_DOT_PROD((A), (B), (R), 0, 3); \ MAT4_DOT_PROD((A), (B), (R), 1, 0); \ MAT4_DOT_PROD((A), (B), (R), 1, 1); \ MAT4_DOT_PROD((A), (B), (R), 1, 2); \ MAT4_DOT_PROD((A), (B), (R), 1, 3); \ MAT4_DOT_PROD((A), (B), (R), 2, 0); \ MAT4_DOT_PROD((A), (B), (R), 2, 1); \ MAT4_DOT_PROD((A), (B), (R), 2, 2); \ MAT4_DOT_PROD((A), (B), (R), 2, 3); \ MAT4_DOT_PROD((A), (B), (R), 3, 0); \ MAT4_DOT_PROD((A), (B), (R), 3, 1); \ MAT4_DOT_PROD((A), (B), (R), 3, 2); \ MAT4_DOT_PROD((A), (B), (R), 3, 3); \ } /** * Multiplies two Mat4f matrices and puts it in dst. */ void gd_mult_mat4f(const Mat4f *mA, const Mat4f *mB, Mat4f *dst) { Mat4f res; MAT4_MULTIPLY((*mA), (*mB), res); gd_copy_mat4f(&res, dst); } #undef MAT4_MULTIPLY #undef MAT4_DOT_PROD /** * Prints a vec3f vector. * * Printed the prefix at some point, as shown by how the function is used. */ void gd_print_vec(UNUSED const char *prefix, const struct GdVec3f *vec) { UNUSED u8 pad[8]; printf("%f,%f,%f\n", vec->x, vec->y, vec->z); printf("\n"); } /** * Prints a plane's boundaries. * * Printed a prefix at some point, as shone by how the function is used. */ void gd_print_bounding_box(UNUSED const char *prefix, UNUSED const struct GdBoundingBox *p) { UNUSED u8 pad[8]; printf("Min X = %f, Max X = %f \n", p->minX, p->maxX); printf("Min Y = %f, Max Y = %f \n", p->minY, p->maxY); printf("Min Z = %f, Max Z = %f \n", p->minZ, p->maxZ); printf("\n"); } /** * Prints a Mat4f. * * Although the prefix input is unused, the one usage of this function * does have a "Matrix:" prefix, so it was definitely used at one point. */ void gd_print_mtx(UNUSED const char *prefix, const Mat4f *mtx) { s32 i; s32 j; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { gd_printf("%f ", (*mtx)[i][j]); } gd_printf("\n"); } } /** * Prints a quaternion along with a prefix. */ void UNUSED gd_print_quat(const char *prefix, const f32 f[4]) { s32 i; gd_printf(prefix); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { gd_printf("%f ", f[i]); } gd_printf("\n"); } /** * Rotates a matrix or creates a rotation matrix about a vector made from an offset * of 100 and the passed in x, y, and z values. */ void UNUSED gd_rot_mat_offset(Mat4f *dst, f32 x, f32 y, f32 z, s32 copy) { f32 adj = 100.0f; Mat4f rot; f32 c; f32 s; f32 opp; f32 mag; struct GdVec3f vec; opp = gd_sqrt_f(SQ(x) + SQ(y) + SQ(z)); if (opp == 0.0f) { if (copy) { gd_set_identity_mat4(dst); } return; } mag = gd_sqrt_f(SQ(adj) + SQ(opp)); c = adj / mag; s = opp / mag; vec.x = -y / opp; vec.y = -x / opp; vec.z = -z / opp; gd_create_rot_matrix(&rot, &vec, s, c); if (!copy) { gd_mult_mat4f(dst, &rot, dst); } else { gd_copy_mat4f(&rot, dst); } }