------------ -- tables -- ------------ gMarioStateExtras = {} for i = 0, (MAX_PLAYERS - 1) do local np = gNetworkPlayers[i] gMarioStateExtras[i] = {} local e = gMarioStateExtras[i] e.rotAngle = 0 e.rotFrames = 0 e.lastDamagedByGlobal = np.globalIndex e.attackCooldown = 0 e.prevHurtCounter = 0 e.levelTimer = 0 e.levelTimerLevel = 0 e.ladder = nil local s = gPlayerSyncTable[i] s.item = ITEM_NONE s.ammo = 0 s.kills = 0 s.deaths = 0 s.score = 0 s.team = 0 s.charging = 0 s.metal = false s.rank = 0 end local sKnockbackActions = { ACT_SOFT_FORWARD_GROUND_KB, ACT_FORWARD_GROUND_KB, ACT_HARD_FORWARD_GROUND_KB, ACT_FORWARD_AIR_KB, ACT_FORWARD_AIR_KB, ACT_HARD_FORWARD_AIR_KB, ACT_FORWARD_WATER_KB, ACT_FORWARD_WATER_KB, ACT_FORWARD_WATER_KB, ACT_SOFT_BACKWARD_GROUND_KB, ACT_BACKWARD_GROUND_KB, ACT_HARD_BACKWARD_GROUND_KB, ACT_BACKWARD_AIR_KB, ACT_BACKWARD_AIR_KB, ACT_HARD_BACKWARD_AIR_KB, ACT_BACKWARD_WATER_KB, ACT_BACKWARD_WATER_KB, ACT_BACKWARD_WATER_KB, ACT_LEDGE_GRAB, ACT_LEDGE_CLIMB_SLOW_1, ACT_LEDGE_CLIMB_SLOW_2, ACT_LEDGE_CLIMB_DOWN, ACT_LEDGE_CLIMB_FAST, ACT_GROUND_BONK, ACT_SOFT_BONK, ACT_STOP_CROUCHING, ACT_STOMACH_SLIDE_STOP, } ------------ -- hammer -- ------------ function mario_hammer_is_attack(action) if action == ACT_PUNCHING then return true end if action == ACT_MOVE_PUNCHING then return true end if action == ACT_JUMP_KICK then return true end if action == ACT_DIVE then return true end if action == ACT_GROUND_POUND then return true end return false end function mario_hammer_position(m) local held = gItemHeld[m.playerIndex] if held == nil then return { x = m.pos.x, y = m.pos.y, z = m.pos.z } end local origin = { x = held.oPosX, y = held.oPosY, z = held.oPosZ } return set_dist_and_angle(origin, 100, 0x4000 + -held.oFaceAnglePitch, held.oFaceAngleYaw) end function mario_hammer_pound(m) local v = { x = m.pos.x + sins(m.faceAngle.y) * 200, y = m.pos.y, z = m.pos.z + coss(m.faceAngle.y) * 200, } spawn_horizontal_stars(v.x, v.y, v.z) play_mario_heavy_landing_sound(m, SOUND_ACTION_TERRAIN_HEAVY_LANDING) cur_obj_shake_screen(SHAKE_POS_MEDIUM) end function mario_hammer_on_set_action(m) if m.action == ACT_PUNCHING or m.action == ACT_MOVE_PUNCHING or m.action == ACT_JUMP_KICK then play_sound(SOUND_ACTION_TWIRL, m.marioObj.header.gfx.cameraToObject) elseif m.action == ACT_DIVE_SLIDE or m.action == ACT_GROUND_POUND_LAND then mario_hammer_pound(m) end end function mario_hammer_update(m) local e = gMarioStateExtras[m.playerIndex] local s = gPlayerSyncTable[m.playerIndex] -- override dive animation if m.action == ACT_DIVE then set_mario_animation(m, MARIO_ANIM_FORWARD_SPINNING) e.rotFrames = e.rotFrames + 1 if (e.rotFrames) % 7 == 0 then play_sound(SOUND_ACTION_TWIRL, m.marioObj.header.gfx.cameraToObject) end e.rotAngle = e.rotAngle + (0x80 * 60) if e.rotAngle > 0x10000 then e.rotAngle = e.rotAngle - 0x10000 end set_anim_to_frame(m, 10 * e.rotAngle / 0x10000) elseif m.action == ACT_PUNCHING or m.action == ACT_MOVE_PUNCHING then local animFrame = m.marioObj.header.gfx.animInfo.animFrame if animFrame == -1 and m.actionArg > 1 then mario_hammer_pound(m) end if m.actionArg > 2 then m.actionArg = 0 end end end function mario_local_hammer_check(m) local np = gNetworkPlayers[m.playerIndex] local e = gMarioStateExtras[m.playerIndex] local savedKb = m.knockbackTimer m.knockbackTimer = 0 -- check for hammer attacks for i = 1, (MAX_PLAYERS - 1) do local mattacker = gMarioStates[i] local npattacker = gNetworkPlayers[i] local sattacker = gPlayerSyncTable[i] local cmvictim = lag_compensation_get_local_state(npattacker) if sattacker.item == ITEM_HAMMER and mario_hammer_is_attack(mattacker.action) and passes_pvp_interaction_checks(mattacker, cmvictim) ~= 0 and passes_pvp_interaction_checks(mattacker, m) ~= 0 and global_index_hurts_mario_state(npattacker.globalIndex, m) then local pos = mario_hammer_position(mattacker) local dist = vec3f_dist(pos, cmvictim.pos) if dist <= 165 then local yOffset = 0.6 if mattacker.action == ACT_JUMP_KICK then yOffset = 1.0 end local vel = { x = sins(mattacker.faceAngle.y), y = yOffset, z = coss(mattacker.faceAngle.y), } vec3f_normalize(vel) vec3f_mul(vel, 80 + 10 * (1 - mario_health_float(cmvictim))) set_mario_action(m, ACT_BACKWARD_AIR_KB, 0) m.invincTimer = 20 m.knockbackTimer = 10 m.vel.x = vel.x m.vel.y = vel.y m.vel.z = vel.z m.faceAngle.y = atan2s(vel.z, vel.x) + 0x8000 m.forwardVel = 0 sattacker.ammo = sattacker.ammo - 1 send_arena_hammer_hit(np.globalIndex, npattacker.globalIndex) e.lastDamagedByGlobal = npattacker.globalIndex if mattacker.action == ACT_JUMP_KICK or mattacker.action == ACT_DIVE then m.hurtCounter = 9 else m.hurtCounter = 14 end end end end if savedKb > m.knockbackTimer then m.knockbackTimer = savedKb end end ----------------- -- fire flower -- ----------------- function mario_fire_flower_use(m) local np = gNetworkPlayers[m.playerIndex] local e = gMarioStateExtras[m.playerIndex] local s = gPlayerSyncTable[m.playerIndex] spawn_sync_object(id_bhvArenaFlame, E_MODEL_RED_FLAME, m.pos.x, m.pos.y, m.pos.z, function (obj) obj.oArenaFlameGlobalOwner = np.globalIndex obj.oVelY = m.vel.y + 25 obj.oMoveAngleYaw = m.faceAngle.y obj.oForwardVel = m.forwardVel + 70 end) if (m.action & ACT_FLAG_INVULNERABLE) ~= 0 or (m.action & ACT_FLAG_INTANGIBLE) ~= 0 then -- nothing elseif (m.action == ACT_SHOT_FROM_CANNON) then -- nothing elseif (m.action & ACT_FLAG_SWIMMING) ~= 0 then set_mario_action(m, ACT_WATER_PUNCH, 0) elseif (m.action & ACT_FLAG_MOVING) ~= 0 then set_mario_action(m, ACT_MOVE_PUNCHING, 0) elseif (m.action & ACT_FLAG_AIR) ~= 0 then set_mario_action(m, ACT_DIVE, 0) elseif (m.action & ACT_FLAG_STATIONARY) ~= 0 then set_mario_action(m, ACT_PUNCHING, 0) end e.attackCooldown = 20 s.ammo = s.ammo - 1 end ------------ -- bobomb -- ------------ function mario_bobomb_use(m) local np = gNetworkPlayers[m.playerIndex] local e = gMarioStateExtras[m.playerIndex] local s = gPlayerSyncTable[m.playerIndex] spawn_sync_object(id_bhvArenaBobomb, E_MODEL_BLACK_BOBOMB, m.pos.x, m.pos.y + 50, m.pos.z, function (obj) obj.oArenaBobombGlobalOwner = np.globalIndex obj.oMoveAngleYaw = m.faceAngle.y obj.oForwardVel = m.forwardVel + 50 end) if (m.action & ACT_FLAG_INVULNERABLE) ~= 0 or (m.action & ACT_FLAG_INTANGIBLE) ~= 0 then -- nothing elseif (m.action == ACT_SHOT_FROM_CANNON) then -- nothing elseif (m.action & ACT_FLAG_SWIMMING) ~= 0 then set_mario_action(m, ACT_WATER_PUNCH, 0) elseif (m.action & ACT_FLAG_MOVING) ~= 0 then set_mario_action(m, ACT_MOVE_PUNCHING, 0) elseif (m.action & ACT_FLAG_AIR) ~= 0 then set_mario_action(m, ACT_DIVE, 0) elseif (m.action & ACT_FLAG_STATIONARY) ~= 0 then set_mario_action(m, ACT_PUNCHING, 0) end e.attackCooldown = 20 s.ammo = s.ammo - 1 end ---------------- -- cannon box -- ---------------- function mario_cannon_box_update(m) local np = gNetworkPlayers[m.playerIndex] local e = gMarioStateExtras[m.playerIndex] local s = gPlayerSyncTable[m.playerIndex] if m.playerIndex == 0 and (m.controller.buttonPressed & Y_BUTTON) ~= 0 then s.charging = get_network_area_timer() end if (m.controller.buttonDown & Y_BUTTON) ~= 0 and s.charging > 0 then local cannonBallSize = clamp((get_network_area_timer() - s.charging) / (30 * 5) + 0.1, 0, 1) local held = gItemHeld[m.playerIndex] if held ~= nil then for i = 0, 2 do spawn_non_sync_object(id_bhvArenaSparkle, E_MODEL_SPARKLES_ANIMATION, held.oPosX, held.oPosY, held.oPosZ, function (obj) obj.oArenaSparkleOwner = m.playerIndex obj.oArenaSparkleSize = cannonBallSize end) end end elseif m.playerIndex == 0 and s.charging > 0 then local cannonBallSize = clamp((get_network_area_timer() - s.charging) / (30 * 5) + 0.1, 0, 1) s.charging = 0 spawn_sync_object(id_bhvArenaCannonBall, E_MODEL_CANNON_BALL, m.pos.x, m.pos.y + 150, m.pos.z, function (obj) obj.oArenaCannonBallGlobalOwner = np.globalIndex obj.oArenaCannonBallSize = cannonBallSize obj.oMoveAngleYaw = m.faceAngle.y obj.oForwardVel = m.forwardVel + 150 end) s.ammo = s.ammo - 1 end end ----------- -- hooks -- ----------- function allow_pvp_attack(attacker, victim) local npAttacker = gNetworkPlayers[attacker.playerIndex] local sAttacker = gPlayerSyncTable[attacker.playerIndex] -- hammer attacks are custom if sAttacker.item == ITEM_HAMMER and mario_hammer_is_attack(attacker.action) then return false end -- check teams return global_index_hurts_mario_state(npAttacker.globalIndex, victim) end function on_pvp_attack(attacker, victim) if victim.playerIndex == 0 then local e = gMarioStateExtras[victim.playerIndex] local npAttacker = gNetworkPlayers[attacker.playerIndex] e.lastDamagedByGlobal = npAttacker.globalIndex end end function on_interact(interactor, interactee, interactType, interactValue) if interactor.playerIndex ~= 0 then return end local bhvId = get_id_from_behavior(interactee.behavior) if bhvId ~= id_bhvArenaFlame and bhvId ~= id_bhvArenaChildFlame then return end local e = gMarioStateExtras[interactor.playerIndex] e.lastDamagedByGlobal = interactee.oArenaFlameGlobalOwner end function on_set_mario_action(m) local e = gMarioStateExtras[m.playerIndex] local s = gPlayerSyncTable[m.playerIndex] if m.action == ACT_DIVE then e.rotAngle = 0 e.rotFrames = 0 end if s.item == ITEM_HAMMER then mario_hammer_on_set_action(m) end end function mario_local_update(m) local np = gNetworkPlayers[m.playerIndex] local s = gPlayerSyncTable[m.playerIndex] local e = gMarioStateExtras[m.playerIndex] override_camera() -- decrease cooldown if e.attackCooldown > 0 then e.attackCooldown = e.attackCooldown - 1 end -- use the hammer mario_local_hammer_check(m) -- use the fire flower if e.attackCooldown <= 0 and s.item == ITEM_FIRE_FLOWER and (m.controller.buttonPressed & Y_BUTTON) ~= 0 then mario_fire_flower_use(m) end -- use the bobomb if e.attackCooldown <= 0 and s.item == ITEM_BOBOMB and (m.controller.buttonPressed & Y_BUTTON) ~= 0 then mario_bobomb_use(m) end -- break out of shot from cannon if (m.action == ACT_SHOT_FROM_CANNON) then if (m.input & INPUT_B_PRESSED) ~= 0 then return set_mario_action(m, ACT_DIVE, 0) elseif (m.input & INPUT_Z_PRESSED) ~= 0 then return set_mario_action(m, ACT_GROUND_POUND, 0) end end -- set metal s.metal = (m.capTimer > 0) -- increase damage when holding flag if is_holding_flag(m) then if m.hurtCounter > e.prevHurtCounter then m.hurtCounter = m.hurtCounter * 2 end end -- reduce damage when metal if s.metal then if m.hurtCounter > e.prevHurtCounter then m.hurtCounter = m.hurtCounter / 2 end end -- discard current item if s.item ~= ITEM_NONE and (s.ammo <= 0 or (m.controller.buttonPressed & L_TRIG) ~= 0) then s.item = ITEM_NONE if gItemHeld[m.playerIndex] ~= nil then spawn_triangles(gItemHeld[m.playerIndex]) end play_sound(SOUND_GENERAL_BREAK_BOX, m.marioObj.header.gfx.cameraToObject) end -- prevent water heal if m.health >= 0x100 then if m.healCounter == 0 and m.hurtCounter == 0 then if ((m.action & ACT_FLAG_SWIMMING ~= 0) and (m.action & ACT_FLAG_INTANGIBLE == 0)) then if ((m.pos.y >= (m.waterLevel - 140)) and not (m.area.terrainType & TERRAIN_SNOW ~= 0)) then m.health = m.health - 0x1A end end end end -- check for ladder mario_check_for_ladder(m) e.prevHurtCounter = m.hurtCounter end function mario_update(m) local e = gMarioStateExtras[m.playerIndex] local s = gPlayerSyncTable[m.playerIndex] local np = gNetworkPlayers[m.playerIndex] -- increase knockback animations local animInfo = nil if m.marioObj ~= nil then animInfo = m.marioObj.header.gfx.animInfo end for i, value in ipairs(sKnockbackActions) do if m.action == value then local frame = animInfo.animFrame local loopEnd = frame if animInfo.curAnim ~= nil then loopEnd = animInfo.curAnim.loopEnd end if frame < loopEnd - 2 then frame = frame + 1 end animInfo.animFrame = frame end end -- clear invincibilities m.invincTimer = 0 if m.knockbackTimer > 5 then m.knockbackTimer = 5 end -- update the local player if m.playerIndex == 0 then mario_local_update(m) end -- update palette if s.team == 2 then np.overridePaletteIndex = 7 elseif s.team == 1 then np.overridePaletteIndex = 15 else np.overridePaletteIndex = np.paletteIndex end -- set metal if s.metal then m.marioBodyState.modelState = MODEL_STATE_METAL end -- update player items if s.item == ITEM_HAMMER then mario_hammer_update(m) elseif s.item == ITEM_CANNON_BOX then mario_cannon_box_update(m) end -- update level timer if e.levelTimerLevel ~= np.currLevelNum then e.levelTimer = 0 e.levelTimerLevel = np.currLevelNum else e.levelTimer = e.levelTimer + 1 end end function player_reset_sync_table(m) local s = gPlayerSyncTable[m.playerIndex] s.item = ITEM_NONE s.ammo = 0 s.kills = 0 s.deaths = 0 s.score = 0 s.charging = 0 s.metal = false s.rank = 0 s.team = pick_team_on_join(m) end function player_respawn(m) local np = gNetworkPlayers[m.playerIndex] local e = gMarioStateExtras[m.playerIndex] local s = gPlayerSyncTable[m.playerIndex] -- reset most variables init_single_mario(m) -- spawn location/angle spawn = find_spawn_point() if spawn ~= nil then m.pos.x = spawn.pos.x m.pos.y = spawn.pos.y m.pos.z = spawn.pos.z m.faceAngle.y = spawn.yaw else m.pos.x = 0 m.pos.y = 0 m.pos.z = 0 end -- reset the rest of the variables m.capTimer = 0 m.health = 0x880 soft_reset_camera(m.area.camera) s.ammo = 0 s.item = ITEM_NONE e.lastDamagedByGlobal = np.globalIndex stop_cap_music() end function on_death(m) if m.playerIndex ~= 0 then return end local np = gNetworkPlayers[m.playerIndex] local e = gMarioStateExtras[m.playerIndex] local s = gPlayerSyncTable[m.playerIndex] -- inform of death send_arena_death(np.globalIndex, e.lastDamagedByGlobal) -- respawn player_respawn(m) return false end function on_player_connected(m) local np = gNetworkPlayers[m.playerIndex] local e = gMarioStateExtras[m.playerIndex] local s = gPlayerSyncTable[m.playerIndex] if network_is_server() then player_reset_sync_table(m) end if m.playerIndex == 0 then e.lastDamagedByGlobal = np.globalIndex end end function on_player_disconnected(m) local s = gPlayerSyncTable[m.playerIndex] if network_is_server() then player_reset_sync_table(m) end end function before_phys_step(m) local hScale = 1.0 if is_holding_flag(m) then hScale = 0.9 end m.vel.x = m.vel.x * hScale m.vel.z = m.vel.z * hScale end hook_event(HOOK_ALLOW_PVP_ATTACK, allow_pvp_attack) hook_event(HOOK_ON_PVP_ATTACK, on_pvp_attack) hook_event(HOOK_ON_INTERACT, on_interact) hook_event(HOOK_ON_SET_MARIO_ACTION, on_set_mario_action) hook_event(HOOK_MARIO_UPDATE, mario_update) hook_event(HOOK_ON_DEATH, on_death) hook_event(HOOK_ON_PLAYER_CONNECTED, on_player_connected) hook_event(HOOK_ON_PLAYER_DISCONNECTED, on_player_disconnected) hook_event(HOOK_BEFORE_PHYS_STEP, before_phys_step)