#include #include "sm64.h" #include "engine/math_util.h" #include "engine/surface_collision.h" #include "mario.h" #include "audio/external.h" #include "game_init.h" #include "interaction.h" #include "mario_step.h" #include "pc/lua/smlua.h" static s16 sMovingSandSpeeds[] = { 12, 8, 4, 0 }; struct Surface gWaterSurfacePseudoFloor = { SURFACE_VERY_SLIPPERY, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f }, 0.0f, NULL, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, 0 }; /** * Always returns zero. This may have been intended * to be used for the beta trampoline. Its return value * is used by set_mario_y_vel_based_on_fspeed as a constant * addition to Mario's Y velocity. Given the closeness of * this function to stub_mario_step_2, it is probable that this * was intended to check whether a trampoline had made itself * known through stub_mario_step_2 and whether Mario was on it, * and if so return a higher value than 0. */ f32 get_additive_y_vel_for_jumps(void) { return 0.0f; } /** * Does nothing, but takes in a MarioState. This is only ever * called by update_mario_inputs, which is called as part of Mario's * update routine. Due to its proximity to stub_mario_step_2, an * incomplete trampoline function, and get_additive_y_vel_for_jumps, * a potentially trampoline-related function, it is plausible that * this could be used for checking if Mario was on the trampoline. * It could, for example, make him bounce. */ void stub_mario_step_1(UNUSED struct MarioState *x) { } /** * Does nothing. This is only called by the beta trampoline. * Due to its proximity to get_additive_y_vel_for_jumps, another * currently-pointless function, it is probable that this was used * by the trampoline to make itself known to get_additive_y_vel_for_jumps, * or to set a variable with its intended additive Y vel. */ void stub_mario_step_2(void) { } void transfer_bully_speed(struct BullyCollisionData *obj1, struct BullyCollisionData *obj2) { f32 rx = obj2->posX - obj1->posX; f32 rz = obj2->posZ - obj1->posZ; //! Bully NaN crash f32 projectedV1 = (rx * obj1->velX + rz * obj1->velZ) / (rx * rx + rz * rz); f32 projectedV2 = (-rx * obj2->velX - rz * obj2->velZ) / (rx * rx + rz * rz); // Kill speed along r. Convert one object's speed along r and transfer it to // the other object. obj2->velX += obj2->conversionRatio * projectedV1 * rx - projectedV2 * -rx; obj2->velZ += obj2->conversionRatio * projectedV1 * rz - projectedV2 * -rz; obj1->velX += -projectedV1 * rx + obj1->conversionRatio * projectedV2 * -rx; obj1->velZ += -projectedV1 * rz + obj1->conversionRatio * projectedV2 * -rz; //! Bully battery } BAD_RETURN(s32) init_bully_collision_data(struct BullyCollisionData *data, f32 posX, f32 posZ, f32 forwardVel, s16 yaw, f32 conversionRatio, f32 radius) { if (forwardVel < 0.0f) { forwardVel *= -1.0f; yaw += 0x8000; } data->radius = radius; data->conversionRatio = conversionRatio; data->posX = posX; data->posZ = posZ; data->velX = forwardVel * sins(yaw); data->velZ = forwardVel * coss(yaw); } void mario_bonk_reflection(struct MarioState *m, u32 negateSpeed) { if (m->wall != NULL) { s16 wallAngle = atan2s(m->wall->normal.z, m->wall->normal.x); m->faceAngle[1] = wallAngle - (s16)(m->faceAngle[1] - wallAngle); play_sound((m->flags & MARIO_METAL_CAP) ? SOUND_ACTION_METAL_BONK : SOUND_ACTION_BONK, m->marioObj->header.gfx.cameraToObject); } else { play_sound(SOUND_ACTION_HIT, m->marioObj->header.gfx.cameraToObject); } if (negateSpeed) { mario_set_forward_vel(m, -m->forwardVel); } else { m->faceAngle[1] += 0x8000; } } u32 mario_update_quicksand(struct MarioState *m, f32 sinkingSpeed) { if (m->action & ACT_FLAG_RIDING_SHELL) { m->quicksandDepth = 0.0f; } else { if (m->quicksandDepth < 1.1f) { m->quicksandDepth = 1.1f; } switch (m->floor->type) { case SURFACE_SHALLOW_QUICKSAND: if ((m->quicksandDepth += sinkingSpeed) >= 10.0f) { m->quicksandDepth = 10.0f; } break; case SURFACE_SHALLOW_MOVING_QUICKSAND: if ((m->quicksandDepth += sinkingSpeed) >= 25.0f) { m->quicksandDepth = 25.0f; } break; case SURFACE_QUICKSAND: case SURFACE_MOVING_QUICKSAND: if ((m->quicksandDepth += sinkingSpeed) >= 60.0f) { m->quicksandDepth = 60.0f; } break; case SURFACE_DEEP_QUICKSAND: case SURFACE_DEEP_MOVING_QUICKSAND: if ((m->quicksandDepth += sinkingSpeed) >= 160.0f) { update_mario_sound_and_camera(m); return drop_and_set_mario_action(m, ACT_QUICKSAND_DEATH, 0); } break; case SURFACE_INSTANT_QUICKSAND: case SURFACE_INSTANT_MOVING_QUICKSAND: update_mario_sound_and_camera(m); return drop_and_set_mario_action(m, ACT_QUICKSAND_DEATH, 0); break; default: m->quicksandDepth = 0.0f; break; } } return 0; } u32 mario_push_off_steep_floor(struct MarioState *m, u32 action, u32 actionArg) { s16 floorDYaw = m->floorAngle - m->faceAngle[1]; if (floorDYaw > -0x4000 && floorDYaw < 0x4000) { m->forwardVel = 16.0f; m->faceAngle[1] = m->floorAngle; } else { m->forwardVel = -16.0f; m->faceAngle[1] = m->floorAngle + 0x8000; } return set_mario_action(m, action, actionArg); } u32 mario_update_moving_sand(struct MarioState *m) { struct Surface *floor = m->floor; s32 floorType = floor->type; if (floorType == SURFACE_DEEP_MOVING_QUICKSAND || floorType == SURFACE_SHALLOW_MOVING_QUICKSAND || floorType == SURFACE_MOVING_QUICKSAND || floorType == SURFACE_INSTANT_MOVING_QUICKSAND) { s16 pushAngle = floor->force << 8; f32 pushSpeed = sMovingSandSpeeds[floor->force >> 8]; m->vel[0] += pushSpeed * sins(pushAngle); m->vel[2] += pushSpeed * coss(pushAngle); return 1; } return 0; } u32 mario_update_windy_ground(struct MarioState *m) { struct Surface *floor = m->floor; if (floor->type == SURFACE_HORIZONTAL_WIND) { f32 pushSpeed; s16 pushAngle = floor->force << 8; if (m->action & ACT_FLAG_MOVING) { s16 pushDYaw = m->faceAngle[1] - pushAngle; pushSpeed = m->forwardVel > 0.0f ? -m->forwardVel * 0.5f : -8.0f; if (pushDYaw > -0x4000 && pushDYaw < 0x4000) { pushSpeed *= -1.0f; } pushSpeed *= coss(pushDYaw); } else { pushSpeed = 3.2f + (gGlobalTimer % 4); } m->vel[0] += pushSpeed * sins(pushAngle); m->vel[2] += pushSpeed * coss(pushAngle); #if VERSION_JP play_sound(SOUND_ENV_WIND2, m->marioObj->header.gfx.cameraToObject); #endif return 1; } return 0; } void stop_and_set_height_to_floor(struct MarioState *m) { struct Object *marioObj = m->marioObj; mario_set_forward_vel(m, 0.0f); m->vel[1] = 0.0f; //! This is responsible for some downwarps. m->pos[1] = m->floorHeight; vec3f_copy(marioObj->header.gfx.pos, m->pos); vec3s_set(marioObj->header.gfx.angle, 0, m->faceAngle[1], 0); } s32 stationary_ground_step(struct MarioState *m) { u32 takeStep; struct Object *marioObj = m->marioObj; u32 stepResult = GROUND_STEP_NONE; mario_set_forward_vel(m, 0.0f); takeStep = mario_update_moving_sand(m); takeStep |= mario_update_windy_ground(m); if (takeStep) { stepResult = perform_ground_step(m); } else { //! This is responsible for several stationary downwarps. m->pos[1] = m->floorHeight; vec3f_copy(marioObj->header.gfx.pos, m->pos); vec3s_set(marioObj->header.gfx.angle, 0, m->faceAngle[1], 0); } return stepResult; } static s32 perform_ground_quarter_step(struct MarioState *m, Vec3f nextPos) { UNUSED struct Surface *lowerWall; struct Surface *upperWall; struct Surface *ceil; struct Surface *floor; f32 ceilHeight; f32 floorHeight; f32 waterLevel; lowerWall = resolve_and_return_wall_collisions(nextPos, 30.0f, 24.0f); upperWall = resolve_and_return_wall_collisions(nextPos, 60.0f, 50.0f); floorHeight = find_floor(nextPos[0], nextPos[1], nextPos[2], &floor); ceilHeight = vec3f_find_ceil(nextPos, floorHeight, &ceil); waterLevel = find_water_level(nextPos[0], nextPos[2]); m->wall = upperWall; if (floor == NULL) { return GROUND_STEP_HIT_WALL_STOP_QSTEPS; } if ((m->action & ACT_FLAG_RIDING_SHELL) && floorHeight < waterLevel) { floorHeight = waterLevel; floor = &gWaterSurfacePseudoFloor; floor->originOffset = floorHeight; //! Wrong origin offset (no effect) } if (nextPos[1] > floorHeight + 100.0f) { if (nextPos[1] + 160.0f >= ceilHeight) { return GROUND_STEP_HIT_WALL_STOP_QSTEPS; } vec3f_copy(m->pos, nextPos); m->floor = floor; m->floorHeight = floorHeight; return GROUND_STEP_LEFT_GROUND; } if (floorHeight + 160.0f >= ceilHeight) { return GROUND_STEP_HIT_WALL_STOP_QSTEPS; } vec3f_set(m->pos, nextPos[0], floorHeight, nextPos[2]); m->floor = floor; m->floorHeight = floorHeight; if (upperWall != NULL) { s16 wallDYaw = atan2s(upperWall->normal.z, upperWall->normal.x) - m->faceAngle[1]; if (wallDYaw >= 0x2AAA && wallDYaw <= 0x5555) { return GROUND_STEP_NONE; } if (wallDYaw <= -0x2AAA && wallDYaw >= -0x5555) { return GROUND_STEP_NONE; } return GROUND_STEP_HIT_WALL_CONTINUE_QSTEPS; } return GROUND_STEP_NONE; } s32 perform_ground_step(struct MarioState *m) { s32 i; u32 stepResult; Vec3f intendedPos; smlua_call_event_hooks_mario_param(HOOK_BEFORE_PHYS_STEP, m); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { intendedPos[0] = m->pos[0] + m->floor->normal.y * (m->vel[0] / 4.0f); intendedPos[2] = m->pos[2] + m->floor->normal.y * (m->vel[2] / 4.0f); intendedPos[1] = m->pos[1]; stepResult = perform_ground_quarter_step(m, intendedPos); if (stepResult == GROUND_STEP_LEFT_GROUND || stepResult == GROUND_STEP_HIT_WALL_STOP_QSTEPS) { break; } } m->terrainSoundAddend = mario_get_terrain_sound_addend(m); vec3f_copy(m->marioObj->header.gfx.pos, m->pos); vec3s_set(m->marioObj->header.gfx.angle, 0, m->faceAngle[1], 0); if (stepResult == GROUND_STEP_HIT_WALL_CONTINUE_QSTEPS) { stepResult = GROUND_STEP_HIT_WALL; } return stepResult; } u32 check_ledge_grab(struct MarioState *m, struct Surface *wall, Vec3f intendedPos, Vec3f nextPos) { struct Surface *ledgeFloor; Vec3f ledgePos; f32 displacementX; f32 displacementZ; if (m->vel[1] > 0) { return 0; } displacementX = nextPos[0] - intendedPos[0]; displacementZ = nextPos[2] - intendedPos[2]; // Only ledge grab if the wall displaced Mario in the opposite direction of // his velocity. if (displacementX * m->vel[0] + displacementZ * m->vel[2] > 0.0f) { return 0; } //! Since the search for floors starts at y + 160, we will sometimes grab // a higher ledge than expected (glitchy ledge grab) ledgePos[0] = nextPos[0] - wall->normal.x * 60.0f; ledgePos[2] = nextPos[2] - wall->normal.z * 60.0f; ledgePos[1] = find_floor(ledgePos[0], nextPos[1] + 160.0f, ledgePos[2], &ledgeFloor); if (ledgePos[1] - nextPos[1] <= 100.0f) { return 0; } vec3f_copy(m->pos, ledgePos); m->floor = ledgeFloor; m->floorHeight = ledgePos[1]; m->floorAngle = atan2s(ledgeFloor->normal.z, ledgeFloor->normal.x); m->faceAngle[0] = 0; m->faceAngle[1] = atan2s(wall->normal.z, wall->normal.x) + 0x8000; return 1; } s32 perform_air_quarter_step(struct MarioState *m, Vec3f intendedPos, u32 stepArg) { s16 wallDYaw; Vec3f nextPos; struct Surface *upperWall; struct Surface *lowerWall; struct Surface *ceil; struct Surface *floor; f32 ceilHeight; f32 floorHeight; f32 waterLevel; vec3f_copy(nextPos, intendedPos); upperWall = resolve_and_return_wall_collisions(nextPos, 150.0f, 50.0f); lowerWall = resolve_and_return_wall_collisions(nextPos, 30.0f, 50.0f); floorHeight = find_floor(nextPos[0], nextPos[1], nextPos[2], &floor); ceilHeight = vec3f_find_ceil(nextPos, floorHeight, &ceil); waterLevel = find_water_level(nextPos[0], nextPos[2]); m->wall = NULL; //! The water pseudo floor is not referenced when your intended qstep is // out of bounds, so it won't detect you as landing. if (floor == NULL) { if (nextPos[1] <= m->floorHeight) { m->pos[1] = m->floorHeight; return AIR_STEP_LANDED; } m->pos[1] = nextPos[1]; return AIR_STEP_HIT_WALL; } if ((m->action & ACT_FLAG_RIDING_SHELL) && floorHeight < waterLevel) { floorHeight = waterLevel; floor = &gWaterSurfacePseudoFloor; floor->originOffset = floorHeight; //! Incorrect origin offset (no effect) } //! This check uses f32, but findFloor uses short (overflow jumps) if (nextPos[1] <= floorHeight) { if (ceilHeight - floorHeight > 160.0f) { m->pos[0] = nextPos[0]; m->pos[2] = nextPos[2]; m->floor = floor; m->floorHeight = floorHeight; } //! When ceilHeight - floorHeight <= 160, the step result says that // Mario landed, but his movement is cancelled and his referenced floor // isn't updated (pedro spots) m->pos[1] = floorHeight; return AIR_STEP_LANDED; } if (nextPos[1] + 160.0f > ceilHeight) { if (m->vel[1] >= 0.0f) { m->vel[1] = 0.0f; //! Uses referenced ceiling instead of ceil (ceiling hang upwarp) if ((stepArg & AIR_STEP_CHECK_HANG) && m->ceil != NULL && m->ceil->type == SURFACE_HANGABLE) { return AIR_STEP_GRABBED_CEILING; } return AIR_STEP_NONE; } //! Potential subframe downwarp->upwarp? if (nextPos[1] <= m->floorHeight) { m->pos[1] = m->floorHeight; return AIR_STEP_LANDED; } m->pos[1] = nextPos[1]; return AIR_STEP_HIT_WALL; } //! When the wall is not completely vertical or there is a slight wall // misalignment, you can activate these conditions in unexpected situations if ((stepArg & AIR_STEP_CHECK_LEDGE_GRAB) && upperWall == NULL && lowerWall != NULL) { if (check_ledge_grab(m, lowerWall, intendedPos, nextPos)) { return AIR_STEP_GRABBED_LEDGE; } vec3f_copy(m->pos, nextPos); m->floor = floor; m->floorHeight = floorHeight; return AIR_STEP_NONE; } vec3f_copy(m->pos, nextPos); m->floor = floor; m->floorHeight = floorHeight; if (upperWall != NULL || lowerWall != NULL) { m->wall = upperWall != NULL ? upperWall : lowerWall; wallDYaw = atan2s(m->wall->normal.z, m->wall->normal.x) - m->faceAngle[1]; if (m->wall->type == SURFACE_BURNING) { return AIR_STEP_HIT_LAVA_WALL; } if (wallDYaw < -0x6000 || wallDYaw > 0x6000) { m->flags |= MARIO_UNKNOWN_30; return AIR_STEP_HIT_WALL; } } return AIR_STEP_NONE; } void apply_twirl_gravity(struct MarioState *m) { f32 terminalVelocity; f32 heaviness = 1.0f; if (m->angleVel[1] > 1024) { heaviness = 1024.0f / m->angleVel[1]; } terminalVelocity = -75.0f * heaviness; m->vel[1] -= 4.0f * heaviness; if (m->vel[1] < terminalVelocity) { m->vel[1] = terminalVelocity; } } u32 should_strengthen_gravity_for_jump_ascent(struct MarioState *m) { if (!(m->flags & MARIO_UNKNOWN_08)) { return FALSE; } if (m->action & (ACT_FLAG_INTANGIBLE | ACT_FLAG_INVULNERABLE)) { return FALSE; } if (!(m->input & INPUT_A_DOWN) && m->vel[1] > 20.0f) { return (m->action & ACT_FLAG_CONTROL_JUMP_HEIGHT) != 0; } return FALSE; } void apply_gravity(struct MarioState *m) { if (m->action == ACT_TWIRLING && m->vel[1] < 0.0f) { apply_twirl_gravity(m); } else if (m->action == ACT_SHOT_FROM_CANNON) { m->vel[1] -= 1.0f; if (m->vel[1] < -75.0f) { m->vel[1] = -75.0f; } } else if (m->action == ACT_LONG_JUMP || m->action == ACT_SLIDE_KICK || m->action == ACT_BBH_ENTER_SPIN) { m->vel[1] -= 2.0f; if (m->vel[1] < -75.0f) { m->vel[1] = -75.0f; } } else if (m->action == ACT_LAVA_BOOST || m->action == ACT_FALL_AFTER_STAR_GRAB) { m->vel[1] -= 3.2f; if (m->vel[1] < -65.0f) { m->vel[1] = -65.0f; } } else if (m->action == ACT_GETTING_BLOWN) { m->vel[1] -= m->unkC4; if (m->vel[1] < -75.0f) { m->vel[1] = -75.0f; } } else if (should_strengthen_gravity_for_jump_ascent(m)) { m->vel[1] /= 4.0f; } else if (m->action & ACT_FLAG_METAL_WATER) { m->vel[1] -= 1.6f; if (m->vel[1] < -16.0f) { m->vel[1] = -16.0f; } } else if ((m->flags & MARIO_WING_CAP) && m->vel[1] < 0.0f && (m->input & INPUT_A_DOWN)) { m->marioBodyState->wingFlutter = TRUE; m->vel[1] -= 2.0f; if (m->vel[1] < -37.5f) { if ((m->vel[1] += 4.0f) > -37.5f) { m->vel[1] = -37.5f; } } } else { m->vel[1] -= 4.0f; if (m->vel[1] < -75.0f) { m->vel[1] = -75.0f; } } } void apply_vertical_wind(struct MarioState *m) { f32 maxVelY; f32 offsetY; if (m->action != ACT_GROUND_POUND) { offsetY = m->pos[1] - -1500.0f; if (m->floor->type == SURFACE_VERTICAL_WIND && -3000.0f < offsetY && offsetY < 2000.0f) { if (offsetY >= 0.0f) { maxVelY = 10000.0f / (offsetY + 200.0f); } else { maxVelY = 50.0f; } if (m->vel[1] < maxVelY) { if ((m->vel[1] += maxVelY / 8.0f) > maxVelY) { m->vel[1] = maxVelY; } } #ifdef VERSION_JP play_sound(SOUND_ENV_WIND2, m->marioObj->header.gfx.cameraToObject); #endif } } } s32 perform_air_step(struct MarioState *m, u32 stepArg) { Vec3f intendedPos; s32 i; s32 quarterStepResult; s32 stepResult = AIR_STEP_NONE; smlua_call_event_hooks_mario_param(HOOK_BEFORE_PHYS_STEP, m); m->wall = NULL; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { intendedPos[0] = m->pos[0] + m->vel[0] / 4.0f; intendedPos[1] = m->pos[1] + m->vel[1] / 4.0f; intendedPos[2] = m->pos[2] + m->vel[2] / 4.0f; quarterStepResult = perform_air_quarter_step(m, intendedPos, stepArg); //! On one qf, hit OOB/ceil/wall to store the 2 return value, and continue // getting 0s until your last qf. Graze a wall on your last qf, and it will // return the stored 2 with a sharply angled reference wall. (some gwks) if (quarterStepResult != AIR_STEP_NONE) { stepResult = quarterStepResult; } if (quarterStepResult == AIR_STEP_LANDED || quarterStepResult == AIR_STEP_GRABBED_LEDGE || quarterStepResult == AIR_STEP_GRABBED_CEILING || quarterStepResult == AIR_STEP_HIT_LAVA_WALL) { break; } } if (m->vel[1] >= 0.0f) { m->peakHeight = m->pos[1]; } m->terrainSoundAddend = mario_get_terrain_sound_addend(m); if (m->action != ACT_FLYING && m->action != ACT_BUBBLED) { apply_gravity(m); } apply_vertical_wind(m); vec3f_copy(m->marioObj->header.gfx.pos, m->pos); vec3s_set(m->marioObj->header.gfx.angle, 0, m->faceAngle[1], 0); return stepResult; } // They had these functions the whole time and never used them? Lol void set_vel_from_pitch_and_yaw(struct MarioState *m) { m->vel[0] = m->forwardVel * coss(m->faceAngle[0]) * sins(m->faceAngle[1]); m->vel[1] = m->forwardVel * sins(m->faceAngle[0]); m->vel[2] = m->forwardVel * coss(m->faceAngle[0]) * coss(m->faceAngle[1]); } void set_vel_from_yaw(struct MarioState *m) { m->vel[0] = m->slideVelX = m->forwardVel * sins(m->faceAngle[1]); m->vel[1] = 0.0f; m->vel[2] = m->slideVelZ = m->forwardVel * coss(m->faceAngle[1]); }