-- _mquake_a_constants -- _mquake_b_actions_predefine -- _mquake_c_actions -- _mquake_d_physics -- _mquake_e_hooks -- localize functions to improve performance - _mquake_b_physics.lua local collision_find_surface_on_ray,vec3f_dist,vec3f_sub,vec3f_dot,vec3f_project,vec3f_add,vec3f_copy,level_trigger_warp,vec3f_normalize,vec3f_length,rotate_in_xz,is_game_paused,vec3f_mul,clampf = collision_find_surface_on_ray,vec3f_dist,vec3f_sub,vec3f_dot,vec3f_project,vec3f_add,vec3f_copy,level_trigger_warp,vec3f_normalize,vec3f_length,rotate_in_xz,is_game_paused,vec3f_mul,clampf -- Helper functions local function SV_Trace(start,stop) -- only made for friction local ray = collision_find_surface_on_ray(start.x,start.y,start.z,stop.x,stop.y,stop.z) return (vec3f_dist(start,stop) - vec3f_dist(ray.hitPos,stop)) <= 0.05 end -- initial version was bugged but x showed me how to properly use vec3f_project -- otherwise entirely written by yours truly :3 function PHYS_CollideWithNormal(vel,norm,slamFactor,bounceFactor) -- if (m.playerIndex ~= 0) then return end -- First, define a temporary vel var local _vel = {x=vel.x,y=vel.y,z=vel.z} if (bounceFactor > 0) then -- Bounce off a bit if ye want to! vec3f_sub(_vel,vec3_scale(vec3_scale(norm,2.0 * vec3f_dot(norm,_vel)),bounceFactor)) end if (slamFactor < 0) then -- SLAM the vel against the normal with the factor (usually -1) local v = vec3f_project(_vel, norm) vec3f_add(_vel,vec3_scale(vec3f_project(_vel, norm), slamFactor)) end -- Return the new velocity return _vel end SV_PlayerMovement_Scale = function(m,prescaled) -- if (m.playerIndex ~= 0) then return end if (sv_stopmovement) then return end if (prescaled) then m.vel.x = cl_speedbuffer.x m.vel.y = cl_speedbuffer.y m.vel.z = cl_speedbuffer.z else cl_speedbuffer.x = m.vel.x cl_speedbuffer.y = m.vel.y cl_speedbuffer.z = m.vel.z m.vel.x = m.vel.x * sv_scalerate m.vel.y = m.vel.y * sv_scalerate m.vel.z = m.vel.z * sv_scalerate end end function SV_PlayerMovement_Store(m,store) -- if (m.playerIndex ~= 0) then return end if (m.playerIndex == 0) then if (store) then vec3f_copy(cl_upwarpfix_vel,m.vel) vec3f_copy(cl_upwarpfix_pos,m.pos) else vec3f_copy(m.vel,cl_upwarpfix_vel) vec3f_copy(m.pos,cl_upwarpfix_pos) end end end function SV_PlayerMovement_Relative(m) -- if (m.playerIndex ~= 0) then return end local obj = m.marioObj.platform if (obj ~= nil) then m.vel.y = m.vel.y + (obj.oVelY*4) end end function SV_HandleSpecialFloors(m,bypassFloorCheck) -- if (m.playerIndex ~= 0) then return end if (m.floor ~= nil) then local type = m.floor.type if (type == SURFACE_VERTICAL_WIND and m.action ~= ACT_GROUND_POUND) then m.vel.y = m.vel.y + 18 if (m.vel.y < -24) then m.vel.y = -24 end if (m.vel.y > 200) then m.vel.y = 200 end return true end if (type == SURFACE_HORIZONTAL_WIND) then local pushAngle = m.floor.force << 8; local amt = ifelse((m.action & ACT_FLAG_AIR) == 0,48,8) m.vel.x = m.vel.x + (amt * sins(pushAngle)) m.vel.z = m.vel.z + (amt * coss(pushAngle)) return true end if (type == SURFACE_DEATH_PLANE or type == SURFACE_VERTICAL_WIND) and (m.pos.y < m.floorHeight + 2048) then if (level_trigger_warp(m, WARP_OP_WARP_FLOOR) == 20 and (m.flags & MARIO_UNKNOWN_18) ~= 0) then return true end end if (type == SURFACE_BURNING) and (m.invincTimer == 0) and ((m.flags & MARIO_METAL_CAP == 0) and (((m.action & ACT_FLAG_AIR) == 0 and (m.input & INPUT_OFF_FLOOR) == 0) or bypassFloorCheck)) then m.hurtCounter = 8 m.invincTimer = 15 cl_red = 128 end if (type == SURFACE_INSTANT_QUICKSAND or type == SURFACE_INSTANT_MOVING_QUICKSAND) and (m.invincTimer == 0) and ((m.flags & MARIO_METAL_CAP == 0) and (((m.action & ACT_FLAG_AIR) == 0 and (m.input & INPUT_OFF_FLOOR) == 0) or bypassFloorCheck)) then m.hurtCounter = 1 m.invincTimer = 15 cl_red = 128 end end return false end -- Player angle system function GetAngleVectors(m) local s = gPlayerSyncTable[m.playerIndex] local localForwardDirection = vec3f_normalize({x=(m.area.camera.focus.x - m.area.camera.pos.x),y=(m.area.camera.focus.y - m.area.camera.pos.y), z=(m.area.camera.focus.z - m.area.camera.pos.z)}) if (m.playerIndex == 0) then s.playerStopFix = sv_stopfix s.playerFacingX = localForwardDirection.x s.playerFacingY = localForwardDirection.y s.playerFacingZ = localForwardDirection.z -- s.playerFacingYaw = (-(m.marioObj.header.gfx.angle.y - m.area.camera.yaw))+0x8000 -- s.playerFacingPitch = -gLakituState.oldPitch end local forwardDirection = ifelse(m.playerIndex == 0,{x=localForwardDirection.x,y=localForwardDirection.y,z=localForwardDirection.z},{x=s.playerFacingX,y=s.playerFacingY,z=s.playerFacingZ}) local rightDirection = {x=0,y=0,z=0} if (not s.playerStopFix) then local preRemovalLen = vec3f_length(forwardDirection) forwardDirection.y = 0 local postRemovalLen = vec3f_length(forwardDirection) forwardDirection.x = forwardDirection.x * (preRemovalLen/postRemovalLen) forwardDirection.z = forwardDirection.z * (preRemovalLen/postRemovalLen) end rotate_in_xz(rightDirection,forwardDirection,-0x4000) return { rawForward=localForwardDirection, forward=forwardDirection, right=rightDirection } end -- Important Functions -- Acceleration / Friction local function SV_UserFriction(m) -- if (m.playerIndex ~= 0) then return end local speed = vec3f_length(m.vel) if (speed <= 0.00001) then return end local start = {x=(m.pos.x + (m.vel.x / speed * 16)),y=(m.pos.y + (m.vel.y / speed * 16)),z=(m.pos.z + (m.vel.z / speed * 16))} local stop = {x=start.x,y=start.y,z=start.z-24} local friction = 0 if (SV_Trace(start,stop)) then friction = (sv_friction+ifelse(gPlayerSyncTable[m.playerIndex].playerCrouching,sv_crouchfriction_scale,0))*sv_edgefriction else friction = sv_friction+ifelse(gPlayerSyncTable[m.playerIndex].playerCrouching,sv_crouchfriction_scale,0) end friction = friction*SV_GetSurfaceStandableFrictionMultiplier(m.floor.type,m.area.terrainType) local control = nil if (speed <= sv_stopspeed) then control = sv_stopspeed else control = speed end local newspeed = speed - sv_tickrate*control*friction if (newspeed < 0) then newspeed = 0 end if (newspeed > 0) then newspeed = newspeed / speed end m.vel.x = m.vel.x * newspeed m.vel.y = m.vel.y * newspeed m.vel.z = m.vel.z * newspeed end local function SV_Accelerate(m,wishVel,wishDir,wishspeed) -- if (m.playerIndex ~= 0) then return end local addspeed,accelspeed,currentspeed = 0,0,0 currentspeed = vec3f_dot(m.vel,wishDir) addspeed = wishspeed - currentspeed if (addspeed <= 0) then return end accelspeed = sv_accelerate * wishspeed * sv_tickrate if (accelspeed > addspeed) then accelspeed = addspeed end m.vel.x = m.vel.x + (accelspeed * wishDir.x) m.vel.y = m.vel.y + (accelspeed * wishDir.y) m.vel.z = m.vel.z + (accelspeed * wishDir.z) end local function SV_AirAccelerate(m,wishVel,wishDir,wishspeed) -- if (m.playerIndex ~= 0) then return end local addspeed,wishspd,accelspeed,currentspeed = 0,0,0,0 wishspd = wishspeed if (wishspd > sv_playerclamp_air) then wishspd = sv_playerclamp_air end currentspeed = vec3f_dot(m.vel,wishDir) addspeed = wishspd - currentspeed if (addspeed <= 0) then return end accelspeed = (sv_airaccelerate_value * wishspd) * sv_tickrate if (accelspeed > addspeed) then accelspeed = addspeed end m.vel.x = m.vel.x + (accelspeed * wishDir.x) m.vel.y = m.vel.y + (accelspeed * wishDir.y) m.vel.z = m.vel.z + (accelspeed * wishDir.z) end -- Main movement functions function SV_PlayerMovement(m) -- if (m.playerIndex ~= 0) then return end if (sv_stopmovement) then return end local isPrediction = m.playerIndex ~= 0 -- if (isPrediction) then return end local playerSpeed = ifelse(gPlayerSyncTable[m.playerIndex].playerCrouching,sv_playerspeed_crouch,sv_playerspeed) local vecInput = {x=0,y=0,z=0} if ((not is_game_paused()) and m.health > 0xFF and not cl_bowserthrow and not cl_bowserthrow) then vecInput.x = m.controller.rawStickX vecInput.y = m.controller.rawStickY end -- if (not isPrediction) then vec3f_normalize(vecInput) vec3f_mul(vecInput,m.controller.stickMag) -- end local fmove = (vecInput.y/32)*playerSpeed -- what are the maximums of these again? local smove = (vecInput.x/32)*playerSpeed -- local fmove = (vecInput.y/64)*playerSpeed -- what are the maximums of these again? -- local smove = (vecInput.x/64)*playerSpeed local wishVel = {x=0,y=0,z=0} local wishDir = {x=0,y=0,z=0} local AngledVectors = GetAngleVectors(m) wishVel.x = (AngledVectors.forward.x * fmove) + (AngledVectors.right.x * smove) wishVel.y = (AngledVectors.forward.y * fmove) + (AngledVectors.right.y * smove) wishVel.z = (AngledVectors.forward.z * fmove) + (AngledVectors.right.z * smove) if (not isPrediction) then if (m.action == ACT_DM_GROUNDED_MOVEMENT or m.action == ACT_DM_GROUNDED_MOVEMENT_METAL or m.action == ACT_DM_GROUNDED_IDLE) then wishVel.y = 0 if (m.floor ~= nil) then local tempNormal = vec3_invert(m.floor.normal) tempNormal.y = 0 ; vec3f_normalize(tempNormal) local amount = (cl_grounddefacto * clampf(vec3f_dot(wishVel,tempNormal),0,1)) * m.floor.normal.y vec3f_sub(wishVel,vec3_scale(vec3f_project(wishVel, m.floor.normal), amount)) vec3f_add(wishVel,vec3_scale(m.floor.normal, amount*0.1)) end end end local wishspeed = vec3f_length(wishVel) vec3f_copy(wishDir, wishVel) vec3f_normalize(wishDir) if wishspeed > sv_maxspeed then wishVel.x = wishVel.x * (sv_maxspeed / wishspeed) wishVel.y = wishVel.y * (sv_maxspeed / wishspeed) wishVel.z = wishVel.z * (sv_maxspeed / wishspeed) wishspeed = sv_maxspeed end if (m.action == ACT_DM_GROUNDED_MOVEMENT or m.action == ACT_DM_GROUNDED_MOVEMENT_METAL or m.action == ACT_DM_GROUNDED_IDLE) then SV_UserFriction(m,wishVel,wishDir,wishspeed) SV_Accelerate(m,wishVel,wishDir,wishspeed) elseif (m.action == ACT_DM_AIR_MOVEMENT or m.action == ACT_DM_AIR_MOVEMENT_METAL) then SV_AirAccelerate(m,wishVel,wishDir,wishspeed) end local finalVelLen = vec3f_length(m.vel) if finalVelLen > sv_maxvelocity then m.vel.x = m.vel.x * (sv_maxvelocity / finalVelLen) m.vel.y = m.vel.y * (sv_maxvelocity / finalVelLen) m.vel.z = m.vel.z * (sv_maxvelocity / finalVelLen) end end function SV_WaterMovement(m) -- if (m.playerIndex ~= 0) then return end if (sv_stopmovement) then return end local isPrediction = m.playerIndex ~= 0 local shellSpeed = mario_holding_underwater_shell(m) local playerSpeed = ifelse(shellSpeed,sv_playerspeed_water_shell,sv_playerspeed_water) local vecInput = {x=0,y=0,z=0} if ((not is_game_paused()) and m.health > 0xFF) then vecInput.x = m.controller.rawStickX vecInput.y = m.controller.rawStickY end if (not isPrediction) then vec3f_normalize(vecInput) vec3f_mul(vecInput,m.controller.stickMag) end local fmove = (vecInput.y/32)*playerSpeed local smove = (vecInput.x/32)*playerSpeed local umove = 0 if (m.controller.buttonDown & A_BUTTON ~= 0) then umove = 1 end local wishVel = {x=0,y=0,z=0} local AngledVectors = GetAngleVectors(m) wishVel.x = (AngledVectors.rawForward.x * fmove) + (AngledVectors.right.x * smove) wishVel.y = (AngledVectors.rawForward.y * fmove) + (AngledVectors.right.y * smove) wishVel.z = (AngledVectors.rawForward.z * fmove) + (AngledVectors.right.z * smove) if (fmove < 0.1 and smove < 0.1 and umove == 0) then wishVel.y = wishVel.y - 30 else wishVel.y = wishVel.y + sv_upspeed_water * umove end local wishspeed = vec3f_length(wishVel) local maxspeed = ifelse(shellSpeed,sv_playerspeed_water_shell,sv_maxspeed) if (wishspeed > maxspeed) then vec3f_mul(wishVel,maxspeed/wishspeed) wishspeed = maxspeed end wishspeed = wishspeed * 0.85 -- -- water friction -- local speed = vec3f_length(m.vel) local newspeed = 0 if (speed > 0.00001) then newspeed = speed - sv_tickrate * speed * sv_waterfriction if (newspeed < 0) then newspeed = 0 end vec3f_mul(m.vel,newspeed/speed) end -- -- water acceleration -- if (wishspeed < 0.00001) then return end local addspeed = wishspeed - newspeed if (addspeed <= 0) then return end vec3f_normalize(wishVel) local accelspeed = (sv_accelerate * wishspeed) * sv_tickrate if (accelspeed > addspeed) then accelspeed = addspeed end m.vel.x = m.vel.x + (accelspeed * wishVel.x) m.vel.y = m.vel.y + (accelspeed * wishVel.y) m.vel.z = m.vel.z + (accelspeed * wishVel.z) end