-- name: Arena -- description: A arena-shooter inspired game mode with custom weapons and levels.\nSeven gamemodes in one, three custom stages, five weapons. -- incompatible: gamemode arena GAME_STATE_ACTIVE = 1 GAME_STATE_INACTIVE = 2 GAME_MODE_DM = 1 GAME_MODE_TDM = 2 GAME_MODE_CTF = 3 GAME_MODE_FT = 4 GAME_MODE_TFT = 5 GAME_MODE_KOTH = 6 GAME_MODE_TKOTH = 7 gGameModes = { [GAME_MODE_DM] = { shortName = 'DM', name = 'Deathmatch', teams = false, teamSpawns = false, useScore = false, scoreCap = 10, minPlayers = 0, maxPlayers = 99 }, [GAME_MODE_TDM] = { shortName = 'TDM', name = 'Team Deathmatch', teams = true, teamSpawns = false, useScore = false, scoreCap = 20, minPlayers = 4, maxPlayers = 99 }, [GAME_MODE_CTF] = { shortName = 'CTF', name = 'Capture the Flag', teams = true, teamSpawns = true, useScore = false, scoreCap = 3, minPlayers = 4, maxPlayers = 99 }, [GAME_MODE_FT] = { shortName = 'FT', name = 'Flag Tag', teams = false, teamSpawns = false, useScore = true, scoreCap = 60, minPlayers = 0, maxPlayers = 99 }, [GAME_MODE_TFT] = { shortName = 'TFT', name = 'Team Flag Tag', teams = true, teamSpawns = false, useScore = true, scoreCap = 120, minPlayers = 4, maxPlayers = 99 }, [GAME_MODE_KOTH] = { shortName = 'KOTH', name = 'King of the Hill', teams = false, teamSpawns = false, useScore = true, scoreCap = 45, minPlayers = 0, maxPlayers = 6 }, [GAME_MODE_TKOTH] = { shortName = 'TKOTH', name = 'Team King of the Hill', teams = true, teamSpawns = false, useScore = true, scoreCap = 90, minPlayers = 4, maxPlayers = 99 }, } LEVEL_ARENA_ORIGIN = level_register('level_arena_origin_entry', COURSE_NONE, 'Origin', 'origin', 28000, 0x28, 0x28, 0x28) LEVEL_ARENA_SKY_BEACH = level_register('level_arena_sky_beach_entry', COURSE_NONE, 'Sky Beach', 'beach', 28000, 0x28, 0x28, 0x28) LEVEL_ARENA_PILLARS = level_register('level_arena_pillars_entry', COURSE_NONE, 'Pillars', 'pillars', 28000, 0x28, 0x28, 0x28) LEVEL_ARENA_FORTS = level_register('level_arena_forts_entry', COURSE_NONE, 'Forts', 'forts', 28000, 0x28, 0x28, 0x28) LEVEL_ARENA_PLATFORMS = level_register('level_arena_platforms_entry', COURSE_NONE, 'Platforms', 'platforms', 28000, 0x28, 0x28, 0x28) local gGameLevels = { { level = LEVEL_ARENA_ORIGIN, name = 'Origin' }, { level = LEVEL_ARENA_SKY_BEACH, name = 'Sky Beach' }, { level = LEVEL_ARENA_PILLARS, name = 'Pillars' }, { level = LEVEL_ARENA_FORTS, name = 'Forts' }, { level = LEVEL_ARENA_PLATFORMS, name = 'Platforms' }, } -- expose certain functions to other mods _G.Arena = { add_level = function (levelNum, levelName) table.insert(gGameLevels, { level = levelNum, name = levelName }) update_chat_command_description('arena-level', string.format('[%s] sets level', get_level_choices())) end } -- setup global sync table gGlobalSyncTable.gameState = GAME_STATE_ACTIVE gGlobalSyncTable.gameMode = GAME_MODE_DM gGlobalSyncTable.currentLevel = gGameLevels[math.random(#gGameLevels)].level gGlobalSyncTable.roundsPerShuffle = 3 gGlobalSyncTable.capTeam1 = 0 gGlobalSyncTable.capTeam2 = 0 gGlobalSyncTable.kothPoint = -1 gGlobalSyncTable.message = ' ' sWaitTimerMax = 15 * 30 -- 15 seconds sWaitTimer = 0 sRoundCount = 0 sRandomizeMode = true -- force pvp and knockback gServerSettings.playerInteractions = PLAYER_INTERACTIONS_PVP gServerSettings.playerKnockbackStrength = 20 function calculate_rankings() local rankings = {} for i = 0, (MAX_PLAYERS - 1) do local s = gPlayerSyncTable[i] local np = gNetworkPlayers[i] local m = gMarioStates[i] if active_player(m) then local score = 0 if gGameModes[gGlobalSyncTable.gameMode].useScore then score = s.score * 1000 + (1 - (np.globalIndex / MAX_PLAYERS)) else score = s.kills * 1000 - s.deaths + (1 - (np.globalIndex / MAX_PLAYERS)) end table.insert(rankings, { score = score, m = m }) end end table.sort(rankings, function (v1, v2) return v1.score > v2.score end) for i in pairs(rankings) do local m = rankings[i].m local s = gPlayerSyncTable[m.playerIndex] s.rank = i end end function calculate_team_rank(teamNum) if teamNum < 1 or teamNum > 2 then return 0 end local red = calculate_team_score(1) local blue = calculate_team_score(2) if teamNum == 1 then if red >= blue then return 1 else return 2 end else if blue >= red then return 1 else return 2 end end end function calculate_team_score(teamNum) if gGlobalSyncTable.gameMode == GAME_MODE_CTF then if teamNum == 1 then return gGlobalSyncTable.capTeam1 elseif teamNum == 2 then return gGlobalSyncTable.capTeam2 else return 0 end end local score = 0 for i = 0, (MAX_PLAYERS - 1) do local s = gPlayerSyncTable[i] local np = gNetworkPlayers[i] if np.connected and s.team == teamNum then if gGameModes[gGlobalSyncTable.gameMode].useScore then score = score + s.score else score = score + s.kills end end end return score end function pick_team_on_join(m) -- no teams if not gGameModes[gGlobalSyncTable.gameMode].teams then return 0 end -- count teams local teamCount = {} for i = 0, (MAX_PLAYERS - 1) do local inp = gNetworkPlayers[i] local is = gPlayerSyncTable[i] if inp.connected and i ~= m.playerIndex then if teamCount[is.team] == nil then teamCount[is.team] = 0 end teamCount[is.team] = teamCount[is.team] + 1 end end -- sanitize counts local redCount = teamCount[1] if redCount == nil then redCount = 0 end local blueCount = teamCount[2] if blueCount == nil then blueCount = 0 end -- pick team if redCount == blueCount then return math.random(1,2) elseif redCount < blueCount then return 1 else return 2 end end function shuffle_teams() local t = {} local count = 0 -- create table of players for i = 0, (MAX_PLAYERS-1) do local m = gMarioStates[i] local s = gPlayerSyncTable[i] if active_player(m) then table.insert(t, s) count = count + 1 end end -- shuffle for i = #t, 2, -1 do local j = math.random(i) t[i], t[j] = t[j], t[i] end -- assign teams local team1Count = 0 local team2Count = 0 local oddS = nil for i, s in ipairs(t) do if (i - 1) < count / 2 then s.team = 1 team1Count = team1Count + 1 oddS = s else s.team = 2 team2Count = team2Count + 1 end end -- shuffle odd player if team1Count > team2Count then oddS.team = math.random(1, 2) end end function round_begin() gGlobalSyncTable.message = ' ' gGlobalSyncTable.gameState = GAME_STATE_ACTIVE gGlobalSyncTable.capTeam1 = 0 gGlobalSyncTable.capTeam2 = 0 gGlobalSyncTable.kothPoint = -1 bhv_arena_flag_reset() local roundShuffle = false sRoundCount = sRoundCount + 1 if sRoundCount >= gGlobalSyncTable.roundsPerShuffle then sRoundCount = 0 roundShuffle = true end local playerCount = network_player_connected_count() if roundShuffle and sRandomizeMode then local gamemodes = {} for i, gm in ipairs(gGameModes) do if playerCount >= gm.minPlayers and playerCount <= gm.maxPlayers then table.insert(gamemodes, i) end end gGlobalSyncTable.gameMode = gamemodes[math.random(#gamemodes)] end if roundShuffle then local curLevel = nil for i, gl in ipairs(gGameLevels) do if gGlobalSyncTable.currentLevel == gl.level then curLevel = i end end if curLevel ~= nil then if curLevel >= #gGameLevels then curLevel = 1 else curLevel = curLevel + 1 end gGlobalSyncTable.currentLevel = gGameLevels[curLevel].level else gGlobalSyncTable.currentLevel = gGameLevels[math.random(#gGameLevels)].level end end for i = 0, (MAX_PLAYERS - 1) do player_reset_sync_table(gMarioStates[i]) if not gGameModes[gGlobalSyncTable.gameMode].teams then local s = gPlayerSyncTable[i] s.team = 0 end end if gGameModes[gGlobalSyncTable.gameMode].teams then shuffle_teams() end send_arena_respawn() end function round_end() calculate_rankings() gGlobalSyncTable.gameState = GAME_STATE_INACTIVE sWaitTimer = sWaitTimerMax if gGlobalSyncTable.gameMode == GAME_MODE_DM or gGlobalSyncTable.gameMode == GAME_MODE_FT or gGlobalSyncTable.gameMode == GAME_MODE_KOTH then lowestRank = 999 winner = nil for i = 0, (MAX_PLAYERS - 1) do local m = gMarioStates[i] local s = gPlayerSyncTable[i] local np = gNetworkPlayers[i] if np.connected and s.rank > 0 and s.rank < lowestRank then lowestRank = s.rank winner = m end end if winner ~= nil then local winnerNp = gNetworkPlayers[winner.playerIndex] gGlobalSyncTable.message = strip_colors(winnerNp.name) .. ' Wins!' else gGlobalSyncTable.message = 'Round Ended' end elseif gGlobalSyncTable.gameMode == GAME_MODE_TDM or gGlobalSyncTable.gameMode == GAME_MODE_CTF or gGlobalSyncTable.gameMode == GAME_MODE_TFT or gGlobalSyncTable.gameMode == GAME_MODE_TKOTH then local redScore = calculate_team_score(1) local blueScore = calculate_team_score(2) if redScore > blueScore then gGlobalSyncTable.message = 'Red Team Wins!' elseif blueScore > redScore then gGlobalSyncTable.message = 'Blue Team Wins!' else gGlobalSyncTable.message = 'Round Ended' end else gGlobalSyncTable.message = 'Round Ended' end end function on_arena_player_death(victimGlobalId, attackerGlobalId) local npVictim = network_player_from_global_index(victimGlobalId) local npAttacker = network_player_from_global_index(attackerGlobalId) if npVictim == nil then return end if network_is_server() then bhv_arena_flag_check_death(npVictim) end local sVictim = gPlayerSyncTable[npVictim.localIndex] local sAttacker = nil if npAttacker ~= nil then sAttacker = gPlayerSyncTable[npAttacker.localIndex] end local normalColor = '\\#dcdcdc\\' if npAttacker == nil or npVictim == npAttacker then -- create popup local victimColor = network_get_player_text_color_string(npVictim.localIndex) djui_popup_create(victimColor .. npVictim.name .. normalColor .. " died!", 2) -- adjust deaths/kills if network_is_server() and gGlobalSyncTable.gameState == GAME_STATE_ACTIVE then sVictim.deaths = sVictim.deaths + 1 if sVictim.kills > 0 then sVictim.kills = sVictim.kills - 1 end end else -- create popup local victimColor = network_get_player_text_color_string(npVictim.localIndex) local attackerColor = network_get_player_text_color_string(npAttacker.localIndex) djui_popup_create(attackerColor .. npAttacker.name .. normalColor .. " killed " .. victimColor .. npVictim.name .. normalColor .. "!", 2) -- adjust deaths/kills if network_is_server() and gGlobalSyncTable.gameState == GAME_STATE_ACTIVE then sVictim.deaths = sVictim.deaths + 1 sAttacker.kills = sAttacker.kills + 1 end end if network_is_server() and gGlobalSyncTable.gameState == GAME_STATE_ACTIVE then if gGlobalSyncTable.gameMode == GAME_MODE_DM then if sAttacker ~= nil and sAttacker.kills >= gGameModes[gGlobalSyncTable.gameMode].scoreCap then round_end() end elseif gGlobalSyncTable.gameMode == GAME_MODE_TDM then if sAttacker.team ~= 0 then local teamScore = calculate_team_score(sAttacker.team) if teamScore >= gGameModes[gGlobalSyncTable.gameMode].scoreCap then round_end() end end end end end function end_round_if_team_empty() if not sRandomizeMode then return end local redCount = 0 local blueCount = 0 for i = 0, (MAX_PLAYERS - 1) do local s = gPlayerSyncTable[i] local np = gNetworkPlayers[i] if np.connected then if s.team == 1 then redCount = redCount + 1 elseif s.team == 2 then blueCount = blueCount + 1 end end end if redCount == 0 or blueCount == 0 then round_end() end end --- function level_check() local np = gNetworkPlayers[0] if np.currLevelNum ~= gGlobalSyncTable.currentLevel or np.currActNum ~= 1 or np.currAreaIndex ~= 1 then warp_to_level(gGlobalSyncTable.currentLevel, 1, 1) return false end return true end function on_sync_valid() if level_check() then player_respawn(gMarioStates[0]) end end function on_pause_exit(exitToCastle) return false end function on_server_update() if gGlobalSyncTable.gameState == GAME_STATE_ACTIVE then calculate_rankings() if gGameModes[gGlobalSyncTable.gameMode].teams then end_round_if_team_empty() end elseif gGlobalSyncTable.gameState == GAME_STATE_INACTIVE then sWaitTimer = sWaitTimer - 1 if sWaitTimer <= 0 then sWaitTimer = 0 round_begin() end end end function on_update() if network_is_server() then on_server_update() end local np = gNetworkPlayers[0] if np.currAreaSyncValid then level_check() end end function on_gamemode_command(msg) local setMode = nil for i, gm in ipairs(gGameModes) do if msg == gm.shortName then setMode = i end end if msg == 'random' then djui_chat_message_create('Setting to random gamemode.') sRandomizeMode = true round_end() sWaitTimer = 1 sRoundCount = 0 return true end if setMode ~= nil then djui_chat_message_create('Setting game mode.') gGlobalSyncTable.gameMode = setMode sRandomizeMode = false round_end() sWaitTimer = 1 sRoundCount = 0 return true end return false end function on_level_command(msg) local setLevel = nil for i, gl in ipairs(gGameLevels) do if msg == gl.name then setLevel = i end end if setLevel ~= nil then gGlobalSyncTable.currentLevel = gGameLevels[setLevel].level round_end() sWaitTimer = 1 sRoundCount = 0 return true end return false end hook_event(HOOK_ON_SYNC_VALID, on_sync_valid) hook_event(HOOK_ON_PAUSE_EXIT, on_pause_exit) hook_event(HOOK_UPDATE, on_update) sGameModeShortTimes = '' for i, gm in ipairs(gGameModes) do if string.len(sGameModeShortTimes) > 0 then sGameModeShortTimes = sGameModeShortTimes .. '|' end sGameModeShortTimes = sGameModeShortTimes .. gm.shortName end function get_level_choices() local levelChoices = '' for i, gl in ipairs(gGameLevels) do if string.len(levelChoices) > 0 then levelChoices = levelChoices .. '|' end levelChoices = levelChoices .. gl.name end return levelChoices end if network_is_server() then hook_chat_command('arena-gamemode', string.format("[%s|random] sets gamemode", sGameModeShortTimes), on_gamemode_command) hook_chat_command('arena-level', string.format('[%s] sets level', get_level_choices()), on_level_command) end