/** * Behavior for bhvHomingAmp and bhvCirclingAmp. * These are distinct objects; one chases (homes in on) Mario, * while the other circles around a fixed location with a radius * of 200, 300, 400, or 0 (stationary). */ static struct ObjectHitbox sAmpHitbox = { /* interactType: */ INTERACT_SHOCK, /* downOffset: */ 40, /* damageOrCoinValue: */ 1, /* health: */ 0, /* numLootCoins: */ 0, /* radius: */ 40, /* height: */ 50, /* hurtboxRadius: */ 50, /* hurtboxHeight: */ 60, }; /** * Homing amp initialization function. */ void bhv_homing_amp_init(void) { o->oHomeX = o->oPosX; o->oHomeY = o->oPosY; o->oHomeZ = o->oPosZ; o->oGravity = 0; o->oFriction = 1.0; o->oBuoyancy = 1.0; o->oHomingAmpAvgY = o->oHomeY; // Homing amps start at 1/10th their normal size. // They grow when they "appear" to Mario. cur_obj_scale(0.1f); // Hide the amp (until Mario gets near). o->header.gfx.node.flags |= GRAPH_RENDER_INVISIBLE; } /** * Amps' attack handler, shared by both types of amp. */ static void check_amp_attack(void) { // Strange placement for this call. The hitbox is never cleared. // For perspective, this code is run every frame of bhv_circling_amp_loop // and every frame of a homing amp's HOMING_AMP_ACT_CHASE action. obj_set_hitbox(o, &sAmpHitbox); if (o->oInteractStatus & INT_STATUS_INTERACTED) { // Unnecessary if statement, maybe caused by a macro for // if (o->oInteractStatus & INT_STATUS_INTERACTED) // o->oAction = X; // ? if (o->oInteractStatus & INT_STATUS_INTERACTED) { // This function is used for both normal amps and homing amps, // AMP_ACT_ATTACK_COOLDOWN == HOMING_AMP_ACT_ATTACK_COOLDOWN o->oAction = AMP_ACT_ATTACK_COOLDOWN; } // Clear interact status o->oInteractStatus = 0; } } /** * Unhide the amp and grow until normal size, then begin chasing Mario. */ static void homing_amp_appear_loop(void) { // gLakituState.goalPos is the position lakitu is moving towards. // In Lakitu and Mario cam, it is usually very close to the current camera position. // In Fixed cam, it is the point behind Mario the camera will go to when transitioning // to Lakitu cam. Homing amps will point themselves towards this point when appearing. struct Object* player = nearest_player_to_object(o); f32 relativeTargetX = player->oPosX - o->oPosX; f32 relativeTargetZ = player->oPosZ - o->oPosZ; //f32 relativeTargetX = gLakituState.goalPos[0] - o->oPosX; //f32 relativeTargetZ = gLakituState.goalPos[2] - o->oPosZ; s16 targetYaw = atan2s(relativeTargetZ, relativeTargetX); o->oMoveAngleYaw = approach_s16_symmetric(o->oMoveAngleYaw, targetYaw, 0x1000); // For 30 frames, make the amp "appear" by increasing its size by 0.03 each frame, // except for the first frame (when oTimer == 0) because the expression in cur_obj_scale // evaluates to 0.1, which is the same as it was before. After 30 frames, it ends at // a scale factor of 0.97. The amp remains at 97% of its real height for 60 more frames. if (o->oTimer < 30) { cur_obj_scale(0.1 + 0.9 * (f32)(o->oTimer / 30.0f)); } else { o->oAnimState = 1; } // Once the timer becomes greater than 90, i.e. 91 frames have passed, // reset the amp's size and start chasing Mario. if (o->oTimer >= 91) { cur_obj_scale(1.0f); o->oAction = HOMING_AMP_ACT_CHASE; o->oAmpYPhase = 0; } } /** * Chase Mario. */ static void homing_amp_chase_loop(void) { struct Object* player = nearest_player_to_object(o); int angleToPlayer = obj_angle_to_object(o, player); // Lock on to Mario if he ever goes within 11.25 degrees of the amp's line of sight if ((angleToPlayer - 0x400 < o->oMoveAngleYaw) && (o->oMoveAngleYaw < angleToPlayer + 0x400)) { o->oHomingAmpLockedOn = TRUE; o->oTimer = 0; } // If the amp is locked on to Mario, start "chasing" him by moving // in a straight line at 15 units/second for 32 frames. if (o->oHomingAmpLockedOn == TRUE) { o->oForwardVel = 15.0f; // Move the amp's average Y (the Y value it oscillates around) to align with // Mario's head. Mario's graphics' Y + 150 is around the top of his head. // Note that the average Y will slowly go down to approach his head if the amp // is above his head, but if the amp is below it will instantly snap up. if (o->oHomingAmpAvgY > player->header.gfx.pos[1] + 150.0f) { o->oHomingAmpAvgY -= 10.0f; } else { o->oHomingAmpAvgY = player->header.gfx.pos[1] + 150.0f; } if (o->oTimer >= 31) { o->oHomingAmpLockedOn = FALSE; } } else { // If the amp is not locked on to Mario, move forward at 10 units/second // while curving towards him. o->oForwardVel = 10.0f; obj_turn_toward_object(o, player, 16, 0x400); // The amp's average Y will approach Mario's graphical Y position + 250 // at a rate of 10 units per frame. Interestingly, this is different from // the + 150 used while chasing him. Could this be a typo? if (o->oHomingAmpAvgY < player->header.gfx.pos[1] + 250.0f) { o->oHomingAmpAvgY += 10.0f; } } // The amp's position will sinusoidally oscillate 40 units around its average Y. o->oPosY = o->oHomingAmpAvgY + sins(o->oAmpYPhase * 0x400) * 20.0f; // Handle attacks check_amp_attack(); // Give up if Mario goes further than 1500 units from the amp's original position if (is_point_within_radius_of_mario(o->oHomeX, o->oHomeY, o->oHomeZ, 1500) == FALSE) { o->oAction = HOMING_AMP_ACT_GIVE_UP; } } /** * Give up on chasing Mario. */ static void homing_amp_give_up_loop(void) { UNUSED u8 filler[8]; // Move forward for 152 frames o->oForwardVel = 15.0f; if (o->oTimer >= 151) { // Hide the amp and reset it back to its inactive state o->oPosX = o->oHomeX; o->oPosY = o->oHomeY; o->oPosZ = o->oHomeZ; o->header.gfx.node.flags |= GRAPH_RENDER_INVISIBLE; o->oAction = HOMING_AMP_ACT_INACTIVE; o->oAnimState = 0; o->oForwardVel = 0; o->oHomingAmpAvgY = o->oHomeY; } } /** * Cool down after a successful attack, shared by both types of amp. */ static void amp_attack_cooldown_loop(void) { // Turn intangible and wait for 90 frames before chasing Mario again after hitting him. o->header.gfx.unk38.animFrame += 2; o->oForwardVel = 0; cur_obj_become_intangible(); if (o->oTimer >= 31) { o->oAnimState = 0; } if (o->oTimer >= 91) { o->oAnimState = 1; cur_obj_become_tangible(); o->oAction = HOMING_AMP_ACT_CHASE; } } /** * Homing amp update function. */ void bhv_homing_amp_loop(void) { if (!network_sync_object_initialized(o)) { network_init_object(o, 4000.0f); network_init_object_field(o, &o->oAmpYPhase); network_init_object_field(o, &o->oAnimState); network_init_object_field(o, &o->oFaceAnglePitch); network_init_object_field(o, &o->oFaceAngleYaw); network_init_object_field(o, &o->oForwardVel); network_init_object_field(o, &o->oFriction); network_init_object_field(o, &o->oHomingAmpAvgY); network_init_object_field(o, &o->oHomingAmpLockedOn); } switch (o->oAction) { case HOMING_AMP_ACT_INACTIVE: if (is_point_within_radius_of_mario(o->oHomeX, o->oHomeY, o->oHomeZ, 800) == TRUE) { // Make the amp start to appear, and un-hide it. o->oAction = HOMING_AMP_ACT_APPEAR; o->header.gfx.node.flags &= ~GRAPH_RENDER_INVISIBLE; } break; case HOMING_AMP_ACT_APPEAR: homing_amp_appear_loop(); break; case HOMING_AMP_ACT_CHASE: homing_amp_chase_loop(); cur_obj_play_sound_1(SOUND_AIR_AMP_BUZZ); break; case HOMING_AMP_ACT_GIVE_UP: homing_amp_give_up_loop(); break; case HOMING_AMP_ACT_ATTACK_COOLDOWN: amp_attack_cooldown_loop(); break; } object_step(); // Oscillate o->oAmpYPhase++; } /** * Circling amp initialization function. */ void bhv_circling_amp_init(void) { o->oHomeX = o->oPosX; o->oHomeY = o->oPosY; o->oHomeZ = o->oPosZ; o->oAnimState = 1; // Determine the radius of the circling amp's circle switch (o->oBehParams2ndByte) { case AMP_BP_ROT_RADIUS_200: o->oAmpRadiusOfRotation = 200.0f; break; case AMP_BP_ROT_RADIUS_300: o->oAmpRadiusOfRotation = 300.0f; break; case AMP_BP_ROT_RADIUS_400: o->oAmpRadiusOfRotation = 400.0f; break; case AMP_BP_ROT_RADIUS_0: break; } // Choose a random point along the amp's circle. // The amp's move angle represents its angle along the circle. o->oMoveAngleYaw = random_u16(); o->oAction = AMP_ACT_IDLE; } /** * Main update function for fixed amps. * Fixed amps are a sub-species of circling amps, with circle radius 0. */ static void fixed_circling_amp_idle_loop(void) { struct Object* player = nearest_player_to_object(o); // Turn towards Mario, in both yaw and pitch. f32 xToMario = player->header.gfx.pos[0] - o->oPosX; f32 yToMario = player->header.gfx.pos[1] + 120.0f - o->oPosY; f32 zToMario = player->header.gfx.pos[2] - o->oPosZ; s16 vAngleToMario = atan2s(sqrtf(xToMario * xToMario + zToMario * zToMario), -yToMario); obj_turn_toward_object(o, player, 19, 0x1000); o->oFaceAnglePitch = approach_s16_symmetric(o->oFaceAnglePitch, vAngleToMario, 0x1000); // Oscillate 40 units up and down. // Interestingly, 0x458 (1112 in decimal) is a magic number with no apparent significance. // It is slightly larger than the 0x400 figure used for homing amps, which makes // fixed amps oscillate slightly quicker. // Also, this uses the cosine, which starts at 1 instead of 0. o->oPosY = o->oHomeY + coss(o->oAmpYPhase * 0x458) * 20.0f; // Handle attacks check_amp_attack(); // Oscillate o->oAmpYPhase++; // Where there is a cur_obj_play_sound_1 call in the main circling amp update function, // there is nothing here. Fixed amps are the only amps that never play // the "amp buzzing" sound. } /** * Main update function for regular circling amps. */ static void circling_amp_idle_loop(void) { // Move in a circle. // The Y oscillation uses the magic number 0x8B0 (2224), which is // twice that of the fixed amp. In other words, circling amps will // oscillate twice as fast. Also, unlike all other amps, circling // amps oscillate 60 units around their average Y instead of 40. o->oPosX = o->oHomeX + sins(o->oMoveAngleYaw) * o->oAmpRadiusOfRotation; o->oPosZ = o->oHomeZ + coss(o->oMoveAngleYaw) * o->oAmpRadiusOfRotation; o->oPosY = o->oHomeY + coss(o->oAmpYPhase * 0x8B0) * 30.0f; o->oMoveAngleYaw += 0x400; o->oFaceAngleYaw = o->oMoveAngleYaw + 0x4000; // Handle attacks check_amp_attack(); // Oscillate o->oAmpYPhase++; cur_obj_play_sound_1(SOUND_AIR_AMP_BUZZ); } /** * Circling amp update function. * This calls the main update functions for both types of circling amps, * and calls the common amp cooldown function when the amp is cooling down. */ void bhv_circling_amp_loop(void) { if (!network_sync_object_initialized(o)) { network_init_object(o, 4000.0f); network_init_object_field(o, &o->oAmpYPhase); network_init_object_field(o, &o->oAnimState); network_init_object_field(o, &o->oFaceAnglePitch); network_init_object_field(o, &o->oFaceAngleYaw); network_init_object_field(o, &o->oForwardVel); network_init_object_field(o, &o->oFriction); } switch (o->oAction) { case AMP_ACT_IDLE: if (o->oBehParams2ndByte == AMP_BP_ROT_RADIUS_0) { fixed_circling_amp_idle_loop(); } else { circling_amp_idle_loop(); } break; case AMP_ACT_ATTACK_COOLDOWN: amp_attack_cooldown_loop(); break; } }