-- localize functions to improve performance local play_sound,table_insert,get_skybox,level_is_vanilla_level,math_floor,math_ceil = play_sound,table.insert,get_skybox,level_is_vanilla_level,math.floor,math.ceil if SM64COOPDX_VERSION == nil then local first = false hook_event(HOOK_ON_LEVEL_INIT, function() if not first then first = true play_sound(SOUND_MENU_CAMERA_BUZZ, gMarioStates[0].marioObj.header.gfx.cameraToObject) djui_chat_message_create("\\#ff7f7f\\Day Night Cycle is no longer supported with sm64ex-coop\nas it uses sm64coopdx exclusive Lua functionality.\n\\#dcdcdc\\To play this mod, try out sm64coopdx at\n\\#7f7fff\\https://sm64coopdx.com") end end) return end function if_then_else(cond, ifTrue, ifFalse) if cond then return ifTrue end return ifFalse end function split(s) local result = {} for match in (s):gmatch(string.format("[^%s]+", " ")) do table_insert(result, match) end return result end function lerp(a, b, t) return a * (1 - t) + b * t end --- @param a Color --- @param b Color --- @return Color function color_lerp(a, b, t) return { r = lerp(a.r, b.r, t), g = lerp(a.g, b.g, t), b = lerp(a.b, b.b, t) } end function SEQUENCE_ARGS(priority, seqId) return ((priority << 8) | seqId) end function on_or_off(value) if value then return "\\#00ff00\\ON" end return "\\#ff0000\\OFF" end function show_day_night_cycle() local skybox = get_skybox() return skybox ~= -1 and skybox ~= BACKGROUND_CUSTOM and skybox ~= BACKGROUND_FLAMING_SKY and skybox ~= BACKGROUND_GREEN_SKY and skybox ~= BACKGROUND_HAUNTED and skybox ~= BACKGROUND_PURPLE_SKY and skybox ~= BACKGROUND_UNDERWATER_CITY end function in_vanilla_level(levelNum) return gNetworkPlayers[0].currLevelNum == levelNum and level_is_vanilla_level(levelNum) end function lerp_round(a, b, t) local x = lerp(a, b, t) return x >= 0 and math_floor(x + 0.5) or math_ceil(x - 0.5) end