#include #include "sm64.h" #include "engine/graph_node.h" #include "math_util.h" #include "surface_collision.h" #include "trig_tables.inc.c" // These functions have bogus return values. // Disable the compiler warning. #pragma GCC diagnostic push #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wreturn-local-addr" /// Copy vector 'src' to 'dest' void *vec3f_copy(Vec3f dest, Vec3f src) { dest[0] = src[0]; dest[1] = src[1]; dest[2] = src[2]; return dest; } /// Set vector 'dest' to (x, y, z) void *vec3f_set(Vec3f dest, f32 x, f32 y, f32 z) { dest[0] = x; dest[1] = y; dest[2] = z; return dest; } /// Add vector 'a' to 'dest' void *vec3f_add(Vec3f dest, Vec3f a) { dest[0] += a[0]; dest[1] += a[1]; dest[2] += a[2]; return dest; } /// Make 'dest' the sum of vectors a and b. void *vec3f_sum(Vec3f dest, Vec3f a, Vec3f b) { dest[0] = a[0] + b[0]; dest[1] = a[1] + b[1]; dest[2] = a[2] + b[2]; return dest; } /// Multiply vector 'dest' by a void *vec3f_mul(Vec3f dest, f32 a) { dest[0] *= a; dest[1] *= a; dest[2] *= a; return dest; } /// Copy vector src to dest void *vec3s_copy(Vec3s dest, Vec3s src) { dest[0] = src[0]; dest[1] = src[1]; dest[2] = src[2]; return dest; } /// Set vector 'dest' to (x, y, z) void *vec3s_set(Vec3s dest, s16 x, s16 y, s16 z) { dest[0] = x; dest[1] = y; dest[2] = z; return dest; } /// Add vector a to 'dest' void *vec3s_add(Vec3s dest, Vec3s a) { dest[0] += a[0]; dest[1] += a[1]; dest[2] += a[2]; return dest; } /// Make 'dest' the sum of vectors a and b. void *vec3s_sum(Vec3s dest, Vec3s a, Vec3s b) { dest[0] = a[0] + b[0]; dest[1] = a[1] + b[1]; dest[2] = a[2] + b[2]; return dest; } /// Make 'dest' the difference of vectors a and b. void *vec3f_dif(Vec3f dest, Vec3f a, Vec3f b) { dest[0] = a[0] - b[0]; dest[1] = a[1] - b[1]; dest[2] = a[2] - b[2]; return dest; } /// Convert short vector a to float vector 'dest' void *vec3s_to_vec3f(Vec3f dest, Vec3s a) { dest[0] = a[0]; dest[1] = a[1]; dest[2] = a[2]; return dest; } /** * Convert float vector a to a short vector 'dest' by rounding the components * to the nearest integer. */ void *vec3f_to_vec3s(Vec3s dest, Vec3f a) { // add/subtract 0.5 in order to round to the nearest s32 instead of truncating dest[0] = a[0] + ((a[0] > 0) ? 0.5f : -0.5f); dest[1] = a[1] + ((a[1] > 0) ? 0.5f : -0.5f); dest[2] = a[2] + ((a[2] > 0) ? 0.5f : -0.5f); return dest; } /** * Set 'dest' the normal vector of a triangle with vertices a, b and c. * It is similar to vec3f_cross, but it calculates the vectors (c-b) and (b-a) * at the same time. */ void *find_vector_perpendicular_to_plane(Vec3f dest, Vec3f a, Vec3f b, Vec3f c) { dest[0] = (b[1] - a[1]) * (c[2] - b[2]) - (c[1] - b[1]) * (b[2] - a[2]); dest[1] = (b[2] - a[2]) * (c[0] - b[0]) - (c[2] - b[2]) * (b[0] - a[0]); dest[2] = (b[0] - a[0]) * (c[1] - b[1]) - (c[0] - b[0]) * (b[1] - a[1]); return dest; } /// Make vector 'dest' the cross product of vectors a and b. void *vec3f_cross(Vec3f dest, Vec3f a, Vec3f b) { dest[0] = a[1] * b[2] - b[1] * a[2]; dest[1] = a[2] * b[0] - b[2] * a[0]; dest[2] = a[0] * b[1] - b[0] * a[1]; return dest; } /// Scale vector 'dest' so it has length 1 void *vec3f_normalize(Vec3f dest) { //! Possible division by zero f32 invsqrt = 1.0f / sqrtf(dest[0] * dest[0] + dest[1] * dest[1] + dest[2] * dest[2]); dest[0] *= invsqrt; dest[1] *= invsqrt; dest[2] *= invsqrt; return dest; } /// Get length of vector 'a' f32 vec3f_length(Vec3f a) { return sqrtf(a[0] * a[0] + a[1] * a[1] + a[2] * a[2]); } /// Get dot product of vectors 'a' and 'b' f32 vec3f_dot(Vec3f a, Vec3f b) { return a[0] * b[0] + a[1] * b[1] + a[2] * b[2]; } #pragma GCC diagnostic pop /// Copy matrix 'src' to 'dest' void mtxf_copy(Mat4 dest, Mat4 src) { register s32 i; register u32 *d = (u32 *) dest; register u32 *s = (u32 *) src; for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { *d++ = *s++; } } /** * Set mtx to the identity matrix */ void mtxf_identity(Mat4 mtx) { register s32 i; register f32 *dest; // These loops must be one line to match on -O2 // initialize everything except the first and last cells to 0 for (dest = (f32 *) mtx + 1, i = 0; i < 14; dest++, i++) *dest = 0; // initialize the diagonal cells to 1 for (dest = (f32 *) mtx, i = 0; i < 4; dest += 5, i++) *dest = 1; } /** * Set dest to a translation matrix of vector b */ void mtxf_translate(Mat4 dest, Vec3f b) { mtxf_identity(dest); dest[3][0] = b[0]; dest[3][1] = b[1]; dest[3][2] = b[2]; } /** * Set mtx to a look-at matrix for the camera. The resulting transformation * transforms the world as if there exists a camera at position 'from' pointed * at the position 'to'. The up-vector is assumed to be (0, 1, 0), but the 'roll' * angle allows a bank rotation of the camera. */ void mtxf_lookat(Mat4 mtx, Vec3f from, Vec3f to, s16 roll) { register f32 invLength; f32 dx; f32 dz; f32 xColY; f32 yColY; f32 zColY; f32 xColZ; f32 yColZ; f32 zColZ; f32 xColX; f32 yColX; f32 zColX; dx = to[0] - from[0]; dz = to[2] - from[2]; invLength = -1.0 / sqrtf(dx * dx + dz * dz); dx *= invLength; dz *= invLength; yColY = coss(roll); xColY = sins(roll) * dz; zColY = -sins(roll) * dx; xColZ = to[0] - from[0]; yColZ = to[1] - from[1]; zColZ = to[2] - from[2]; invLength = -1.0 / sqrtf(xColZ * xColZ + yColZ * yColZ + zColZ * zColZ); xColZ *= invLength; yColZ *= invLength; zColZ *= invLength; xColX = yColY * zColZ - zColY * yColZ; yColX = zColY * xColZ - xColY * zColZ; zColX = xColY * yColZ - yColY * xColZ; invLength = 1.0 / sqrtf(xColX * xColX + yColX * yColX + zColX * zColX); xColX *= invLength; yColX *= invLength; zColX *= invLength; xColY = yColZ * zColX - zColZ * yColX; yColY = zColZ * xColX - xColZ * zColX; zColY = xColZ * yColX - yColZ * xColX; invLength = 1.0 / sqrtf(xColY * xColY + yColY * yColY + zColY * zColY); xColY *= invLength; yColY *= invLength; zColY *= invLength; mtx[0][0] = xColX; mtx[1][0] = yColX; mtx[2][0] = zColX; mtx[3][0] = -(from[0] * xColX + from[1] * yColX + from[2] * zColX); mtx[0][1] = xColY; mtx[1][1] = yColY; mtx[2][1] = zColY; mtx[3][1] = -(from[0] * xColY + from[1] * yColY + from[2] * zColY); mtx[0][2] = xColZ; mtx[1][2] = yColZ; mtx[2][2] = zColZ; mtx[3][2] = -(from[0] * xColZ + from[1] * yColZ + from[2] * zColZ); mtx[0][3] = 0; mtx[1][3] = 0; mtx[2][3] = 0; mtx[3][3] = 1; } /** * Build a matrix that rotates around the z axis, then the x axis, then the y * axis, and then translates. */ void mtxf_rotate_zxy_and_translate(Mat4 dest, Vec3f translate, Vec3s rotate) { register f32 sx = sins(rotate[0]); register f32 cx = coss(rotate[0]); register f32 sy = sins(rotate[1]); register f32 cy = coss(rotate[1]); register f32 sz = sins(rotate[2]); register f32 cz = coss(rotate[2]); dest[0][0] = cy * cz + sx * sy * sz; dest[1][0] = -cy * sz + sx * sy * cz; dest[2][0] = cx * sy; dest[3][0] = translate[0]; dest[0][1] = cx * sz; dest[1][1] = cx * cz; dest[2][1] = -sx; dest[3][1] = translate[1]; dest[0][2] = -sy * cz + sx * cy * sz; dest[1][2] = sy * sz + sx * cy * cz; dest[2][2] = cx * cy; dest[3][2] = translate[2]; dest[0][3] = dest[1][3] = dest[2][3] = 0.0f; dest[3][3] = 1.0f; } /** * Build a matrix that rotates around the x axis, then the y axis, then the z * axis, and then translates. */ void mtxf_rotate_xyz_and_translate(Mat4 dest, Vec3f b, Vec3s c) { register f32 sx = sins(c[0]); register f32 cx = coss(c[0]); register f32 sy = sins(c[1]); register f32 cy = coss(c[1]); register f32 sz = sins(c[2]); register f32 cz = coss(c[2]); dest[0][0] = cy * cz; dest[0][1] = cy * sz; dest[0][2] = -sy; dest[0][3] = 0; dest[1][0] = sx * sy * cz - cx * sz; dest[1][1] = sx * sy * sz + cx * cz; dest[1][2] = sx * cy; dest[1][3] = 0; dest[2][0] = cx * sy * cz + sx * sz; dest[2][1] = cx * sy * sz - sx * cz; dest[2][2] = cx * cy; dest[2][3] = 0; dest[3][0] = b[0]; dest[3][1] = b[1]; dest[3][2] = b[2]; dest[3][3] = 1; } /** * Set 'dest' to a transformation matrix that turns an object to face the camera. * 'mtx' is the look-at matrix from the camera * 'position' is the position of the object in the world * 'angle' rotates the object while still facing the camera. */ void mtxf_billboard(Mat4 dest, Mat4 mtx, Vec3f position, s16 angle) { dest[0][0] = coss(angle); dest[0][1] = sins(angle); dest[0][2] = 0; dest[0][3] = 0; dest[1][0] = -dest[0][1]; dest[1][1] = dest[0][0]; dest[1][2] = 0; dest[1][3] = 0; dest[2][0] = 0; dest[2][1] = 0; dest[2][2] = 1; dest[2][3] = 0; dest[3][0] = mtx[0][0] * position[0] + mtx[1][0] * position[1] + mtx[2][0] * position[2] + mtx[3][0]; dest[3][1] = mtx[0][1] * position[0] + mtx[1][1] * position[1] + mtx[2][1] * position[2] + mtx[3][1]; dest[3][2] = mtx[0][2] * position[0] + mtx[1][2] * position[1] + mtx[2][2] * position[2] + mtx[3][2]; dest[3][3] = 1; } // straight up mtxf_billboard but minus the dest[1][n] lines. transform for cylindrical billboards void mtxf_cylboard(Mat4 dest, Mat4 mtx, Vec3f position, s16 angle) { dest[0][0] = coss(angle); dest[0][1] = sins(angle); dest[0][2] = 0; dest[0][3] = 0; dest[1][0] = mtx[1][0]; dest[1][1] = mtx[1][1]; dest[1][2] = mtx[1][2]; dest[1][3] = 0; dest[2][0] = 0; dest[2][1] = 0; dest[2][2] = 1; dest[2][3] = 0; dest[3][0] = mtx[0][0] * position[0] + mtx[1][0] * position[1] + mtx[2][0] * position[2] + mtx[3][0]; dest[3][1] = mtx[0][1] * position[0] + mtx[1][1] * position[1] + mtx[2][1] * position[2] + mtx[3][1]; dest[3][2] = mtx[0][2] * position[0] + mtx[1][2] * position[1] + mtx[2][2] * position[2] + mtx[3][2]; dest[3][3] = 1; } /** * Set 'dest' to a transformation matrix that aligns an object with the terrain * based on the normal. Used for enemies. * 'upDir' is the terrain normal * 'yaw' is the angle which it should face * 'pos' is the object's position in the world */ void mtxf_align_terrain_normal(Mat4 dest, Vec3f upDir, Vec3f pos, s16 yaw) { Vec3f lateralDir; Vec3f leftDir; Vec3f forwardDir; vec3f_set(lateralDir, sins(yaw), 0, coss(yaw)); vec3f_normalize(upDir); vec3f_cross(leftDir, upDir, lateralDir); vec3f_normalize(leftDir); vec3f_cross(forwardDir, leftDir, upDir); vec3f_normalize(forwardDir); dest[0][0] = leftDir[0]; dest[0][1] = leftDir[1]; dest[0][2] = leftDir[2]; dest[3][0] = pos[0]; dest[1][0] = upDir[0]; dest[1][1] = upDir[1]; dest[1][2] = upDir[2]; dest[3][1] = pos[1]; dest[2][0] = forwardDir[0]; dest[2][1] = forwardDir[1]; dest[2][2] = forwardDir[2]; dest[3][2] = pos[2]; dest[0][3] = 0.0f; dest[1][3] = 0.0f; dest[2][3] = 0.0f; dest[3][3] = 1.0f; } /** * Set 'mtx' to a transformation matrix that aligns an object with the terrain * based on 3 height samples in an equilateral triangle around the object. * Used for Mario when crawling or sliding. * 'yaw' is the angle which it should face * 'pos' is the object's position in the world * 'radius' is the distance from each triangle vertex to the center */ void mtxf_align_terrain_triangle(Mat4 mtx, Vec3f pos, s16 yaw, f32 radius) { struct Surface *sp74; Vec3f point0; Vec3f point1; Vec3f point2; Vec3f forward; Vec3f xColumn; Vec3f yColumn; Vec3f zColumn; f32 avgY; f32 minY = -radius * 3; point0[0] = pos[0] + radius * sins(yaw + 0x2AAA); point0[2] = pos[2] + radius * coss(yaw + 0x2AAA); point1[0] = pos[0] + radius * sins(yaw + 0x8000); point1[2] = pos[2] + radius * coss(yaw + 0x8000); point2[0] = pos[0] + radius * sins(yaw + 0xD555); point2[2] = pos[2] + radius * coss(yaw + 0xD555); point0[1] = find_floor(point0[0], pos[1] + 150, point0[2], &sp74); point1[1] = find_floor(point1[0], pos[1] + 150, point1[2], &sp74); point2[1] = find_floor(point2[0], pos[1] + 150, point2[2], &sp74); if (point0[1] - pos[1] < minY) { point0[1] = pos[1]; } if (point1[1] - pos[1] < minY) { point1[1] = pos[1]; } if (point2[1] - pos[1] < minY) { point2[1] = pos[1]; } avgY = (point0[1] + point1[1] + point2[1]) / 3; vec3f_set(forward, sins(yaw), 0, coss(yaw)); find_vector_perpendicular_to_plane(yColumn, point0, point1, point2); vec3f_normalize(yColumn); vec3f_cross(xColumn, yColumn, forward); vec3f_normalize(xColumn); vec3f_cross(zColumn, xColumn, yColumn); vec3f_normalize(zColumn); mtx[0][0] = xColumn[0]; mtx[0][1] = xColumn[1]; mtx[0][2] = xColumn[2]; mtx[3][0] = pos[0]; mtx[1][0] = yColumn[0]; mtx[1][1] = yColumn[1]; mtx[1][2] = yColumn[2]; mtx[3][1] = (avgY < pos[1]) ? pos[1] : avgY; mtx[2][0] = zColumn[0]; mtx[2][1] = zColumn[1]; mtx[2][2] = zColumn[2]; mtx[3][2] = pos[2]; mtx[0][3] = 0; mtx[1][3] = 0; mtx[2][3] = 0; mtx[3][3] = 1; } /** * Sets matrix 'dest' to the matrix product b * a assuming they are both * transformation matrices with a w-component of 1. Since the bottom row * is assumed to equal [0, 0, 0, 1], it saves some multiplications and * addition. * The resulting matrix represents first applying transformation b and * then a. */ void mtxf_mul(Mat4 dest, Mat4 a, Mat4 b) { Mat4 temp; register f32 entry0; register f32 entry1; register f32 entry2; // column 0 entry0 = a[0][0]; entry1 = a[0][1]; entry2 = a[0][2]; temp[0][0] = entry0 * b[0][0] + entry1 * b[1][0] + entry2 * b[2][0]; temp[0][1] = entry0 * b[0][1] + entry1 * b[1][1] + entry2 * b[2][1]; temp[0][2] = entry0 * b[0][2] + entry1 * b[1][2] + entry2 * b[2][2]; // column 1 entry0 = a[1][0]; entry1 = a[1][1]; entry2 = a[1][2]; temp[1][0] = entry0 * b[0][0] + entry1 * b[1][0] + entry2 * b[2][0]; temp[1][1] = entry0 * b[0][1] + entry1 * b[1][1] + entry2 * b[2][1]; temp[1][2] = entry0 * b[0][2] + entry1 * b[1][2] + entry2 * b[2][2]; // column 2 entry0 = a[2][0]; entry1 = a[2][1]; entry2 = a[2][2]; temp[2][0] = entry0 * b[0][0] + entry1 * b[1][0] + entry2 * b[2][0]; temp[2][1] = entry0 * b[0][1] + entry1 * b[1][1] + entry2 * b[2][1]; temp[2][2] = entry0 * b[0][2] + entry1 * b[1][2] + entry2 * b[2][2]; // column 3 entry0 = a[3][0]; entry1 = a[3][1]; entry2 = a[3][2]; temp[3][0] = entry0 * b[0][0] + entry1 * b[1][0] + entry2 * b[2][0] + b[3][0]; temp[3][1] = entry0 * b[0][1] + entry1 * b[1][1] + entry2 * b[2][1] + b[3][1]; temp[3][2] = entry0 * b[0][2] + entry1 * b[1][2] + entry2 * b[2][2] + b[3][2]; temp[0][3] = temp[1][3] = temp[2][3] = 0; temp[3][3] = 1; mtxf_copy(dest, temp); } /** * Set matrix 'dest' to 'mtx' scaled by vector s */ void mtxf_scale_vec3f(Mat4 dest, Mat4 mtx, Vec3f s) { register s32 i; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { dest[0][i] = mtx[0][i] * s[0]; dest[1][i] = mtx[1][i] * s[1]; dest[2][i] = mtx[2][i] * s[2]; dest[3][i] = mtx[3][i]; } } /** * Multiply a vector with a transformation matrix, which applies the transformation * to the point. Note that the bottom row is assumed to be [0, 0, 0, 1], which is * true for transformation matrices if the translation has a w component of 1. */ void mtxf_mul_vec3s(Mat4 mtx, Vec3s b) { register f32 x = b[0]; register f32 y = b[1]; register f32 z = b[2]; b[0] = x * mtx[0][0] + y * mtx[1][0] + z * mtx[2][0] + mtx[3][0]; b[1] = x * mtx[0][1] + y * mtx[1][1] + z * mtx[2][1] + mtx[3][1]; b[2] = x * mtx[0][2] + y * mtx[1][2] + z * mtx[2][2] + mtx[3][2]; } /** * Convert float matrix 'src' to fixed point matrix 'dest'. * The float matrix may not contain entries larger than 65536 or the console * crashes. The fixed point matrix has entries with a 16-bit integer part, so * the floating point numbers are multiplied by 2^16 before being cast to a s32 * integer. If this doesn't fit, the N64 and iQue consoles will throw an * exception. On Wii and Wii U Virtual Console the value will simply be clamped * and no crashes occur. */ void mtxf_to_mtx(Mtx *dest, Mat4 src) { #ifdef AVOID_UB // Avoid type-casting which is technically UB by calling the equivalent // guMtxF2L function. This helps little-endian systems, as well. guMtxF2L(src, dest); #else s32 asFixedPoint; register s32 i; register s16 *a3 = (s16 *) dest; // all integer parts stored in first 16 bytes register s16 *t0 = (s16 *) dest + 16; // all fraction parts stored in last 16 bytes register f32 *t1 = (f32 *) src; for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { asFixedPoint = *t1++ * (1 << 16); //! float-to-integer conversion responsible for PU crashes *a3++ = GET_HIGH_S16_OF_32(asFixedPoint); // integer part *t0++ = GET_LOW_S16_OF_32(asFixedPoint); // fraction part } #endif } /** * Set 'mtx' to a transformation matrix that rotates around the z axis. */ void mtxf_rotate_xy(Mtx *mtx, s16 angle) { Mat4 temp; mtxf_identity(temp); temp[0][0] = coss(angle); temp[0][1] = sins(angle); temp[1][0] = -temp[0][1]; temp[1][1] = temp[0][0]; mtxf_to_mtx(mtx, temp); } /** * Extract a position given an object's transformation matrix and a camera matrix. * This is used for determining the world position of the held object: since objMtx * inherits the transformation from both the camera and Mario, it calculates this * by taking the camera matrix and inverting its transformation by first rotating * objMtx back from screen orientation to world orientation, and then subtracting * the camera position. */ void get_pos_from_transform_mtx(Vec3f dest, Mat4 objMtx, Mat4 camMtx) { f32 camX = camMtx[3][0] * camMtx[0][0] + camMtx[3][1] * camMtx[0][1] + camMtx[3][2] * camMtx[0][2]; f32 camY = camMtx[3][0] * camMtx[1][0] + camMtx[3][1] * camMtx[1][1] + camMtx[3][2] * camMtx[1][2]; f32 camZ = camMtx[3][0] * camMtx[2][0] + camMtx[3][1] * camMtx[2][1] + camMtx[3][2] * camMtx[2][2]; dest[0] = objMtx[3][0] * camMtx[0][0] + objMtx[3][1] * camMtx[0][1] + objMtx[3][2] * camMtx[0][2] - camX; dest[1] = objMtx[3][0] * camMtx[1][0] + objMtx[3][1] * camMtx[1][1] + objMtx[3][2] * camMtx[1][2] - camY; dest[2] = objMtx[3][0] * camMtx[2][0] + objMtx[3][1] * camMtx[2][1] + objMtx[3][2] * camMtx[2][2] - camZ; } /** * Take the vector starting at 'from' pointed at 'to' an retrieve the length * of that vector, as well as the yaw and pitch angles. * Basically it converts the direction to spherical coordinates. */ void vec3f_get_dist_and_angle(Vec3f from, Vec3f to, f32 *dist, s16 *pitch, s16 *yaw) { register f32 x = to[0] - from[0]; register f32 y = to[1] - from[1]; register f32 z = to[2] - from[2]; *dist = sqrtf(x * x + y * y + z * z); *pitch = atan2s(sqrtf(x * x + z * z), y); *yaw = atan2s(z, x); } /** * Construct the 'to' point which is distance 'dist' away from the 'from' position, * and has the angles pitch and yaw. */ void vec3f_set_dist_and_angle(Vec3f from, Vec3f to, f32 dist, s16 pitch, s16 yaw) { to[0] = from[0] + dist * coss(pitch) * sins(yaw); to[1] = from[1] + dist * sins(pitch); to[2] = from[2] + dist * coss(pitch) * coss(yaw); } /** * Return the value 'current' after it tries to approach target, going up at * most 'inc' and going down at most 'dec'. */ s32 approach_s32(s32 current, s32 target, s32 inc, s32 dec) { //! If target is close to the max or min s32, then it's possible to overflow // past it without stopping. if (current < target) { current += inc; if (current > target) { current = target; } } else { current -= dec; if (current < target) { current = target; } } return current; } /** * Return the value 'current' after it tries to approach target, going up at * most 'inc' and going down at most 'dec'. */ f32 approach_f32(f32 current, f32 target, f32 inc, f32 dec) { if (current < target) { current += inc; if (current > target) { current = target; } } else { current -= dec; if (current < target) { current = target; } } return current; } /** * Helper function for atan2s. Does a look up of the arctangent of y/x assuming * the resulting angle is in range [0, 0x2000] (1/8 of a circle). */ static u16 atan2_lookup(f32 y, f32 x) { u16 ret; if (x == 0) { ret = gArctanTable[0]; } else { s32 index = (s32)(y / x * 1024 + 0.5f); if (index >= 0x401 || index < 0) { index = 0; } ret = gArctanTable[index]; } return ret; } /** * Compute the angle from (0, 0) to (x, y) as a s16. Given that terrain is in * the xz-plane, this is commonly called with (z, x) to get a yaw angle. */ s16 atan2s(f32 y, f32 x) { u16 ret; if (x >= 0) { if (y >= 0) { if (y >= x) { ret = atan2_lookup(x, y); } else { ret = 0x4000 - atan2_lookup(y, x); } } else { y = -y; if (y < x) { ret = 0x4000 + atan2_lookup(y, x); } else { ret = 0x8000 - atan2_lookup(x, y); } } } else { x = -x; if (y < 0) { y = -y; if (y >= x) { ret = 0x8000 + atan2_lookup(x, y); } else { ret = 0xC000 - atan2_lookup(y, x); } } else { if (y < x) { ret = 0xC000 + atan2_lookup(y, x); } else { ret = -atan2_lookup(x, y); } } } return ret; } /** * Compute the atan2 in radians by calling atan2s and converting the result. */ f32 atan2f(f32 y, f32 x) { return (f32) atan2s(y, x) * M_PI / 0x8000; } #define CURVE_BEGIN_1 1 #define CURVE_BEGIN_2 2 #define CURVE_MIDDLE 3 #define CURVE_END_1 4 #define CURVE_END_2 5 /** * Set 'result' to a 4-vector with weights corresponding to interpolation * value t in [0, 1] and gSplineState. Given the current control point P, these * weights are for P[0], P[1], P[2] and P[3] to obtain an interpolated point. * The weights naturally sum to 1, and they are also always in range [0, 1] so * the interpolated point will never overshoot. The curve is guaranteed to go * through the first and last point, but not through intermediate points. * * gSplineState ensures that the curve is clamped: the first two points * and last two points have different weight formulas. These are the weights * just before gSplineState transitions: * 1: [1, 0, 0, 0] * 1->2: [0, 3/12, 7/12, 2/12] * 2->3: [0, 1/6, 4/6, 1/6] * 3->3: [0, 1/6, 4/6, 1/6] (repeats) * 3->4: [0, 1/6, 4/6, 1/6] * 4->5: [0, 2/12, 7/12, 3/12] * 5: [0, 0, 0, 1] * * I suspect that the weight formulas will give a 3rd degree B-spline with the * common uniform clamped knot vector, e.g. for n points: * [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, ... n-1, n, n, n, n] * TODO: verify the classification of the spline / figure out how polynomials were computed */ void spline_get_weights(struct MarioState* m, Vec4f result, f32 t, UNUSED s32 c) { f32 tinv = 1 - t; f32 tinv2 = tinv * tinv; f32 tinv3 = tinv2 * tinv; f32 t2 = t * t; f32 t3 = t2 * t; switch (m->splineState) { case CURVE_BEGIN_1: result[0] = tinv3; result[1] = t3 * 1.75f - t2 * 4.5f + t * 3.0f; result[2] = -t3 * (11 / 12.0f) + t2 * 1.5f; result[3] = t3 * (1 / 6.0f); break; case CURVE_BEGIN_2: result[0] = tinv3 * 0.25f; result[1] = t3 * (7 / 12.0f) - t2 * 1.25f + t * 0.25f + (7 / 12.0f); result[2] = -t3 * 0.5f + t2 * 0.5f + t * 0.5f + (1 / 6.0f); result[3] = t3 * (1 / 6.0f); break; case CURVE_MIDDLE: result[0] = tinv3 * (1 / 6.0f); result[1] = t3 * 0.5f - t2 + (4 / 6.0f); result[2] = -t3 * 0.5f + t2 * 0.5f + t * 0.5f + (1 / 6.0f); result[3] = t3 * (1 / 6.0f); break; case CURVE_END_1: result[0] = tinv3 * (1 / 6.0f); result[1] = -tinv3 * 0.5f + tinv2 * 0.5f + tinv * 0.5f + (1 / 6.0f); result[2] = tinv3 * (7 / 12.0f) - tinv2 * 1.25f + tinv * 0.25f + (7 / 12.0f); result[3] = t3 * 0.25f; break; case CURVE_END_2: result[0] = tinv3 * (1 / 6.0f); result[1] = -tinv3 * (11 / 12.0f) + tinv2 * 1.5f; result[2] = tinv3 * 1.75f - tinv2 * 4.5f + tinv * 3.0f; result[3] = t3; break; } } /** * Initialize a spline animation. * 'keyFrames' should be an array of (s, x, y, z) vectors * s: the speed of the keyframe in 1000/frames, e.g. s=100 means the keyframe lasts 10 frames * (x, y, z): point in 3D space on the curve * The array should end with three entries with s=0 (infinite keyframe duration). * That's because the spline has a 3rd degree polynomial, so it looks 3 points ahead. */ void anim_spline_init(struct MarioState* m, Vec4s *keyFrames) { m->splineKeyframe = keyFrames; m->splineKeyframeFraction = 0; m->splineState = 1; } /** * Poll the next point from a spline animation. * anim_spline_init should be called before polling for vectors. * Returns TRUE when the last point is reached, FALSE otherwise. */ s32 anim_spline_poll(struct MarioState* m, Vec3f result) { Vec4f weights = { 0 }; s32 i; s32 hasEnded = FALSE; vec3f_copy(result, gVec3fZero); spline_get_weights(m, weights, m->splineKeyframeFraction, m->splineState); if (m->splineKeyframe == NULL) { return FALSE; } for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { result[0] += weights[i] * m->splineKeyframe[i][1]; result[1] += weights[i] * m->splineKeyframe[i][2]; result[2] += weights[i] * m->splineKeyframe[i][3]; } if ((m->splineKeyframeFraction += m->splineKeyframe[0][0] / 1000.0f) >= 1) { m->splineKeyframe++; m->splineKeyframeFraction--; switch (m->splineState) { case CURVE_END_2: hasEnded = TRUE; break; case CURVE_MIDDLE: if (m->splineKeyframe[2][0] == 0) { m->splineState = CURVE_END_1; } break; default: m->splineState++; break; } } return hasEnded; }