-- name: Cheats -- incompatible: cheats -- description: Cheats\nA mod that adds a bunch of cheats to the mod menu, accessible through the pause menu. -- pausable: true -- localize functions to improve performance local math_floor,smlua_text_utils_get_language,table_insert,approach_s32,set_mario_action,get_network_area_timer = math.floor,smlua_text_utils_get_language,table.insert,approach_s32,set_mario_action,get_network_area_timer --- @class Cheat --- @field public codename string --- @field public names table --- @field public hook LuaHookedEventType --- @field public func function --- @field public allowHazardSurfaces boolean --- @type Cheat[] local sCheats = {} --- @param m MarioState --- Checks if `m` is active local function active_player(m) local np = gNetworkPlayers[m.playerIndex] if m.playerIndex == 0 then return true end if not np.connected then return false end if np.currCourseNum ~= gNetworkPlayers[0].currCourseNum then return false end if np.currActNum ~= gNetworkPlayers[0].currActNum then return false end if np.currLevelNum ~= gNetworkPlayers[0].currLevelNum then return false end if np.currAreaIndex ~= gNetworkPlayers[0].currAreaIndex then return false end return true end --- @param num integer --- Limits an integer in the s16 range local function s16(num) num = math_floor(num) & 0xFFFF if num >= 32768 then return num - 65536 end return num end local function lang_string(strings) local table = strings[smlua_text_utils_get_language()] if table == nil then return strings["English"] end return table end --- @param codename string --- @param names table --- @param hook LuaHookedEventType --- @param func function --- @param allowHazardSurfaces boolean --- Registers a cheat --- --- Supported hooks: --- - `HOOK_MARIO_UPDATE` --- - `HOOK_BEFORE_MARIO_UPDATE` --- - `HOOK_BEFORE_PHYS_STEP` local function register_cheat(codename, names, hook, func, allowHazardSurfaces) table_insert(sCheats, { codename = codename, names = names, hook = hook, func = func, allowHazardSurfaces = allowHazardSurfaces }) for i = 0, MAX_PLAYERS - 1 do gPlayerSyncTable[i][codename] = false end end --- @param m MarioState local function moon_jump_update(m) if m.controller.buttonDown & L_TRIG ~= 0 then m.faceAngle.y = m.intendedYaw - approach_s32(s16(m.intendedYaw - m.faceAngle.y), 0, 0x800, 0x800) m.vel.y = 40 if m.action == ACT_FORWARD_GROUND_KB or m.action == ACT_BACKWARD_GROUND_KB or m.action == ACT_SOFT_FORWARD_GROUND_KB or m.action == ACT_HARD_BACKWARD_GROUND_KB or m.action == ACT_FORWARD_AIR_KB or m.action == ACT_BACKWARD_AIR_KB or m.action == ACT_HARD_FORWARD_AIR_KB or m.action == ACT_HARD_BACKWARD_AIR_KB or m.action == ACT_AIR_HIT_WALL then set_mario_action(m, ACT_FREEFALL, 0) end end end --- @param m MarioState local function god_mode_update(m) m.health = 0x880 m.healCounter = 0 m.hurtCounter = 0 m.peakHeight = m.pos.y end --- @param m MarioState local function infinite_lives_update(m) m.numLives = 100 end --- @param m MarioState local function super_speed_update(m) if m.action ~= ACT_BUBBLED and m.action ~= ACT_WATER_JUMP and m.action ~= ACT_HOLD_WATER_JUMP then m.vel.x = m.vel.x * 4 m.vel.z = m.vel.z * 4 end end --- @param m MarioState local function responsive_controls_update(m) if m.action == ACT_WALKING or m.action == ACT_HOLD_WALKING or m.action == ACT_HOLD_HEAVY_WALKING or m.action == ACT_FINISH_TURNING_AROUND or m.action == ACT_CRAWLING then m.faceAngle.y = m.intendedYaw end end --- @param m MarioState local function rapid_fire_update(m) if (m.controller.buttonDown & A_BUTTON) ~= 0 and get_network_area_timer() % 2 == 0 then m.controller.buttonPressed = m.controller.buttonPressed | A_BUTTON end end local function blj_anywhere_update(m) if m.action == ACT_LONG_JUMP and m.controller.buttonDown & Z_TRIG ~= 0 and m.forwardVel < -15 then m.vel.y = -30 end end local function always_triple_jump_update(m, action) if m.forwardVel < 20 and m.action == ACT_DOUBLE_JUMP_LAND and action == ACT_JUMP then return ACT_TRIPLE_JUMP end end register_cheat( "moonJump", { ["Czech"] = "Nekonečný Skok", ["Dutch"] = "Maan Sprong", ["English"] = "Moon Jump", ["French"] = "Saut Antigravité", ["German"] = "Mond-Sprung", ["Italian"] = "Salto della Luna", ["Polish"] = "Skok Ksiezycowy", ["Portuguese"] = "Pulo da Lua", ["Russian"] = "Супер прыжок", ["Spanish"] = "Salto Lunar" }, HOOK_MARIO_UPDATE, moon_jump_update, true ) register_cheat( "godMode", { ["Czech"] = "Nenech Se Zranit", ["Dutch"] = "God Modus", ["English"] = "God Mode", ["French"] = "Mode Invincible", ["German"] = "Gott Modus", ["Italian"] = "Modalità Dio", ["Polish"] = "Tryb Boga", ["Portuguese"] = "Modo Deus", ["Russian"] = "Режим бога", ["Spanish"] = "Modo Dios", }, HOOK_MARIO_UPDATE, god_mode_update, false ) register_cheat( "infiniteLives", { ["Czech"] = "Nekonečné Životy", ["Dutch"] = "Oneindige Levens", ["English"] = "Infinite Lives", ["French"] = "Vies Infinies", ["German"] = "Unbegrenzte Leben", ["Italian"] = "Vite Infinite", ["Polish"] = "Nieskonczone Zycia", ["Portuguese"] = "Vidas Infinitas", ["Russian"] = "Бесконечные жизни", ["Spanish"] = "Vidas Infinitas", }, HOOK_MARIO_UPDATE, infinite_lives_update, true ) register_cheat( "superSpeed", { ["Czech"] = "Super Rychlost", ["Dutch"] = "Super Snelheid", ["English"] = "Super Speed", ["French"] = "Super Vitesse", ["German"] = "Supergeschwindigkeit", ["Italian"] = "Super Velocità", ["Polish"] = "Super Szybkosc", ["Portuguese"] = "Super Velocidade", ["Russian"] = "Супер cкорость", ["Spanish"] = "Super Velocidad", }, HOOK_BEFORE_PHYS_STEP, super_speed_update, true ) register_cheat( "responsiveControls", { ["Czech"] = "Citlivé Ovládání", ["Dutch"] = "Snel Reagerende Controles", ["English"] = "Responsive Controls", ["French"] = "Contrôles Réactifs", ["German"] = "Reaktionsschnelle Steuerung", ["Italian"] = "Controlli Reattivi", ["Polish"] = "Responsywne Sterowanie", ["Portuguese"] = "Controle Responsivos", ["Russian"] = "Отзывчивое управление", ["Spanish"] = "Controles Responsivos", }, HOOK_MARIO_UPDATE, responsive_controls_update, true ) register_cheat( "rapidFire", { ["Czech"] = "Rychle Mačkat Tlačítko", ["Dutch"] = "Snel Vuur", ["English"] = "Rapid Fire", ["French"] = "Tir Rapide", ["German"] = "Schnellfeuer", ["Italian"] = "Fuoco Rapido", ["Polish"] = "Szybkostrzelnosc", ["Portuguese"] = "Fogo Rápido", ["Russian"] = "Быстрый огонь", ["Spanish"] = "Pulsación Rápida", }, HOOK_BEFORE_MARIO_UPDATE, rapid_fire_update, true ) register_cheat( "bljAnywhere", { ["Czech"] = "BLJ Všude", ["Dutch"] = "BLJ Overal", ["English"] = "BLJ Anywhere", ["French"] = "BLJ N'importe Où", ["German"] = "Überall Rückwertsweitspringen", ["Italian"] = "BLJ Ovunque", ["Polish"] = "BLJ Gdziekolwiek", ["Portuguese"] = "BLJ Em Qualquer Lugar", ["Russian"] = "BLJ в любом месте", ["Spanish"] = "BLJ Donde Sea", }, HOOK_BEFORE_MARIO_UPDATE, blj_anywhere_update, true ) register_cheat( "alwaysTripleJump", { ["Czech"] = "Vždy Trojitý Skok", ["Dutch"] = "Altijd Drievoudige Sprong", ["English"] = "Always Triple Jump", ["French"] = "Triple Sauts Infinis", ["German"] = "Immer Dreisprung", ["Italian"] = "Sempre Salto Triplo", ["Polish"] = "Potrojny Skok Zawsze", ["Portuguese"] = "Sempre Fazer Triple Jump", ["Russian"] = "Всегда тройной прыжок", ["Spanish"] = "Siempre Hacer Salto Triple", }, HOOK_BEFORE_SET_MARIO_ACTION, always_triple_jump_update, true ) --- @param hookType LuaHookedEventType local function generate_mario_hook_function(hookType) --- @param m MarioState return function(m) if not active_player(m) then return end for _, cheat in ipairs(sCheats) do if cheat.hook == hookType and gPlayerSyncTable[m.playerIndex][cheat.codename] then cheat.func(m) end end end end local function before_set_mario_action(m, action) if not active_player(m) then return end for _, cheat in ipairs(sCheats) do if cheat.hook == HOOK_BEFORE_SET_MARIO_ACTION and gPlayerSyncTable[m.playerIndex][cheat.codename] then return cheat.func(m, action) end end end --- @param m MarioState local function allow_hazard_surface(m) for _, cheat in ipairs(sCheats) do if gPlayerSyncTable[m.playerIndex][cheat.codename] and not cheat.allowHazardSurfaces then return false end end return true end local function on_language_changed() for i, cheat in ipairs(sCheats) do update_mod_menu_element_name(i - 1, lang_string(cheat.names)) end end --- @param index integer --- @param value boolean local function update_cheat(index, value) for i, cheat in ipairs(sCheats) do if i - 1 == index then gPlayerSyncTable[0][cheat.codename] = value end end end hook_event(HOOK_MARIO_UPDATE, generate_mario_hook_function(HOOK_MARIO_UPDATE)) hook_event(HOOK_BEFORE_MARIO_UPDATE, generate_mario_hook_function(HOOK_BEFORE_MARIO_UPDATE)) hook_event(HOOK_BEFORE_PHYS_STEP, generate_mario_hook_function(HOOK_BEFORE_PHYS_STEP)) hook_event(HOOK_BEFORE_SET_MARIO_ACTION, before_set_mario_action) hook_event(HOOK_ALLOW_HAZARD_SURFACE, allow_hazard_surface) hook_event(HOOK_ON_LANGUAGE_CHANGED, on_language_changed) for _, cheat in ipairs(sCheats) do hook_mod_menu_checkbox(lang_string(cheat.names), false, update_cheat) end