#include #include "sm64.h" #include "game_init.h" #include "memory.h" #include "ingame_menu.h" #include "envfx_snow.h" #include "envfx_bubbles.h" #include "engine/surface_collision.h" #include "engine/math_util.h" #include "engine/behavior_script.h" #include "audio/external.h" #include "obj_behaviors.h" /** * This file contains the function that handles 'environment effects', * which are particle effects related to the level type that, unlike * object-based particle effects, are rendered more efficiently by manually * generating display lists instead of drawing each particle separately. * This file implements snow effects, while in 'envfx_bubbles.c' the * implementation for flowers (unused), lava bubbles and jet stream bubbles * can be found. * The main entry point for envfx is at the bottom of this file, which is * called from geo_envfx_main in level_geo.c */ // Might be duplicate struct SnowFlakeVertex { s16 x; s16 y; s16 z; }; struct EnvFxParticle *gEnvFxBuffer; Vec3i gSnowCylinderLastPos; s16 gSnowParticleCount; s16 gSnowParticleMaxCount; /* DATA */ s8 gEnvFxMode = 0; UNUSED s32 D_80330644 = 0; /// Template for a snow particle triangle Vtx gSnowTempVtx[3] = { { { { -5, 5, 0 }, 0, { 0, 0 }, { 0x7F, 0x7F, 0x7F, 0xFF } } }, { { { -5, -5, 0 }, 0, { 0, 960 }, { 0x7F, 0x7F, 0x7F, 0xFF } } }, { { { 5, 5, 0 }, 0, { 960, 0 }, { 0x7F, 0x7F, 0x7F, 0xFF } } } }; // Change these to make snowflakes smaller or bigger struct SnowFlakeVertex gSnowFlakeVertex1 = { -5, 5, 0 }; struct SnowFlakeVertex gSnowFlakeVertex2 = { -5, -5, 0 }; struct SnowFlakeVertex gSnowFlakeVertex3 = { 5, 5, 0 }; extern void *tiny_bubble_dl_0B006AB0; extern void *tiny_bubble_dl_0B006A50; extern void *tiny_bubble_dl_0B006CD8; static struct { Gfx *pos; Vtx vertices[15]; } sPrevSnowVertices[140 / 5]; static s16 sPrevSnowParticleCount; static u32 sPrevSnowTimestamp; void patch_interpolated_snow_particles(void) { int i; if (gGlobalTimer != sPrevSnowTimestamp + 1) { return; } for (i = 0; i < sPrevSnowParticleCount; i += 5) { gSPVertex(sPrevSnowVertices[i / 5].pos, VIRTUAL_TO_PHYSICAL(sPrevSnowVertices[i / 5].vertices), 15, 0); } } /** * Initialize snow particles by allocating a buffer for storing their state * and setting a start amount. */ s32 envfx_init_snow(s32 mode) { switch (mode) { case ENVFX_MODE_NONE: return 0; case ENVFX_SNOW_NORMAL: gSnowParticleMaxCount = 140; gSnowParticleCount = 5; break; case ENVFX_SNOW_WATER: gSnowParticleMaxCount = 30; gSnowParticleCount = 30; break; case ENVFX_SNOW_BLIZZARD: gSnowParticleMaxCount = 140; gSnowParticleCount = 140; break; } gEnvFxBuffer = mem_pool_alloc(gEffectsMemoryPool, gSnowParticleMaxCount * sizeof(struct EnvFxParticle)); if (!gEnvFxBuffer) { return 0; } bzero(gEnvFxBuffer, gSnowParticleMaxCount * sizeof(struct EnvFxParticle)); gEnvFxMode = mode; return 1; } /** * Update the amount of snow particles on screen. * Normal snow starts with few flakes and slowly increases to the maximum. * For water snow, this is dependent on how deep underwater you are. * Blizzard snows starts at the maximum amount and doesn't change. */ void envfx_update_snowflake_count(s32 mode, Vec3s marioPos) { s32 timer = gGlobalTimer; f32 waterLevel; switch (mode) { case ENVFX_SNOW_NORMAL: if (gSnowParticleMaxCount > gSnowParticleCount) { if ((timer & 0x3F) == 0) { gSnowParticleCount += 5; } } break; case ENVFX_SNOW_WATER: waterLevel = find_water_level(marioPos[0], marioPos[2]); gSnowParticleCount = (((s32)((waterLevel - 400.f - (f32) marioPos[1]) * 1.0e-3) << 0x10) >> 0x10) * 5; if (gSnowParticleCount < 0) { gSnowParticleCount = 0; } if (gSnowParticleCount > gSnowParticleMaxCount) { gSnowParticleCount = gSnowParticleMaxCount; } break; case ENVFX_SNOW_BLIZZARD: break; } } /** * Deallocate the buffer storing snow particles and set the environment effect * to none. */ void envfx_cleanup_snow(void *snowParticleArray) { if (gEnvFxMode) { if (snowParticleArray) { mem_pool_free(gEffectsMemoryPool, snowParticleArray); } gEnvFxMode = ENVFX_MODE_NONE; } } /** * Given two points, return the vector from one to the other represented * as Euler angles and a length */ void orbit_from_positions(Vec3s from, Vec3s to, s16 *radius, s16 *pitch, s16 *yaw) { f32 dx = to[0] - from[0]; f32 dy = to[1] - from[1]; f32 dz = to[2] - from[2]; *radius = (s16) sqrtf(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz); *pitch = atan2s(sqrtf(dx * dx + dz * dz), dy); *yaw = atan2s(dz, dx); } /** * Calculate the 'result' vector as the position of the 'origin' vector * with a vector added represented by radius, pitch and yaw. */ void pos_from_orbit(Vec3s origin, Vec3s result, s16 radius, s16 pitch, s16 yaw) { result[0] = origin[0] + radius * coss(pitch) * sins(yaw); result[1] = origin[1] + radius * sins(pitch); result[2] = origin[2] + radius * coss(pitch) * coss(yaw); } /** * Check whether the snowflake with the given index is inside view, where * 'view' is a cylinder of radius 300 and height 400 centered at the input * x, y and z. */ s32 envfx_is_snowflake_alive(s32 index, s32 snowCylinderX, s32 snowCylinderY, s32 snowCylinderZ) { s32 x = (gEnvFxBuffer + index)->xPos; s32 y = (gEnvFxBuffer + index)->yPos; s32 z = (gEnvFxBuffer + index)->zPos; if (sqr(x - snowCylinderX) + sqr(z - snowCylinderZ) > sqr(300)) { return 0; } if ((y < snowCylinderY - 201) || (snowCylinderY + 201 < y)) { return 0; } return 1; } /** * Update the position of each snowflake. Snowflakes wiggle by having a * random value added to their position each frame. If snowflakes get out * of view (where view = a small cylinder in front of the camera) their * position is reset to somewhere in view. * Since the cylinder of snow is so close to the camera, snow flakes would * move out of view very quickly when the camera moves. To mitigate this, * a portion of the difference between the previous and current snowCylinder * position is added to snowflakes to keep them in view for longer. That's * why the snow looks a bit off in 3d, it's a lot closer than you'd think * but appears to be further by means of hacky position updates. This might * have been done because larger, further away snowflakes are occluded easily * by level geometry, wasting many particles. */ void envfx_update_snow_normal(s32 snowCylinderX, s32 snowCylinderY, s32 snowCylinderZ) { s32 i; s32 deltaX = snowCylinderX - gSnowCylinderLastPos[0]; s32 deltaY = snowCylinderY - gSnowCylinderLastPos[1]; s32 deltaZ = snowCylinderZ - gSnowCylinderLastPos[2]; for (i = 0; i < gSnowParticleCount; i++) { (gEnvFxBuffer + i)->isAlive = envfx_is_snowflake_alive(i, snowCylinderX, snowCylinderY, snowCylinderZ); if ((gEnvFxBuffer + i)->isAlive == 0) { (gEnvFxBuffer + i)->xPos = 400.0f * random_float() - 200.0f + snowCylinderX + (s16)(deltaX * 2); (gEnvFxBuffer + i)->zPos = 400.0f * random_float() - 200.0f + snowCylinderZ + (s16)(deltaZ * 2); (gEnvFxBuffer + i)->yPos = 200.0f * random_float() + snowCylinderY; (gEnvFxBuffer + i)->isAlive = 1; (gEnvFxBuffer + i)->spawnTimestamp = gGlobalTimer; } else { (gEnvFxBuffer + i)->xPos += random_float() * 2 - 1.0f + (s16)(deltaX / 1.2); (gEnvFxBuffer + i)->yPos -= 2 -(s16)(deltaY * 0.8); (gEnvFxBuffer + i)->zPos += random_float() * 2 - 1.0f + (s16)(deltaZ / 1.2); } } gSnowCylinderLastPos[0] = snowCylinderX; gSnowCylinderLastPos[1] = snowCylinderY; gSnowCylinderLastPos[2] = snowCylinderZ; } /** * Unused function. Basically a copy-paste of envfx_update_snow_normal, * but an extra 20 units is added to each snowflake x and snowflakes can * respawn in y-range [-200, 200] instead of [0, 200] relative to snowCylinderY * They also fall a bit faster (with vertical speed -5 instead of -2). */ void envfx_update_snow_blizzard(s32 snowCylinderX, s32 snowCylinderY, s32 snowCylinderZ) { s32 i; s32 deltaX = snowCylinderX - gSnowCylinderLastPos[0]; s32 deltaY = snowCylinderY - gSnowCylinderLastPos[1]; s32 deltaZ = snowCylinderZ - gSnowCylinderLastPos[2]; for (i = 0; i < gSnowParticleCount; i++) { (gEnvFxBuffer + i)->isAlive = envfx_is_snowflake_alive(i, snowCylinderX, snowCylinderY, snowCylinderZ); if ((gEnvFxBuffer + i)->isAlive == 0) { (gEnvFxBuffer + i)->xPos = 400.0f * random_float() - 200.0f + snowCylinderX + (s16)(deltaX * 2); (gEnvFxBuffer + i)->zPos = 400.0f * random_float() - 200.0f + snowCylinderZ + (s16)(deltaZ * 2); (gEnvFxBuffer + i)->yPos = 400.0f * random_float() - 200.0f + snowCylinderY; (gEnvFxBuffer + i)->isAlive = 1; (gEnvFxBuffer + i)->spawnTimestamp = gGlobalTimer; } else { (gEnvFxBuffer + i)->xPos += random_float() * 2 - 1.0f + (s16)(deltaX / 1.2) + 20.0f; (gEnvFxBuffer + i)->yPos -= 5 -(s16)(deltaY * 0.8); (gEnvFxBuffer + i)->zPos += random_float() * 2 - 1.0f + (s16)(deltaZ / 1.2); } } gSnowCylinderLastPos[0] = snowCylinderX; gSnowCylinderLastPos[1] = snowCylinderY; gSnowCylinderLastPos[2] = snowCylinderZ; } /*! Unused function. Checks whether a position is laterally within 3000 units * to the point (x: 3380, z: -520). Considering there is an unused blizzard * snow mode, this could have been used to check whether Mario is in a * 'blizzard area'. In Cool Cool Mountain and Snowman's Land the area lies * near the starting point and doesn't seem meaningful. Notably, the point is * close to the entrance of SL, so maybe there were plans for an extra hint to * find it. The radius of 3000 units is quite large for that though, covering * more than half of the mirror room. */ static s32 is_in_mystery_snow_area(s32 x, UNUSED s32 y, s32 z) { if (sqr(x - 3380) + sqr(z + 520) < sqr(3000)) { return 1; } return 0; } /** * Update the position of underwater snow particles. Since they are stationary, * they merely jump back into view when they are out of view. */ void envfx_update_snow_water(s32 snowCylinderX, s32 snowCylinderY, s32 snowCylinderZ) { s32 i; for (i = 0; i < gSnowParticleCount; i++) { (gEnvFxBuffer + i)->isAlive = envfx_is_snowflake_alive(i, snowCylinderX, snowCylinderY, snowCylinderZ); if ((gEnvFxBuffer + i)->isAlive == 0) { (gEnvFxBuffer + i)->xPos = 400.0f * random_float() - 200.0f + snowCylinderX; (gEnvFxBuffer + i)->zPos = 400.0f * random_float() - 200.0f + snowCylinderZ; (gEnvFxBuffer + i)->yPos = 400.0f * random_float() - 200.0f + snowCylinderY; (gEnvFxBuffer + i)->isAlive = 1; (gEnvFxBuffer + i)->spawnTimestamp = gGlobalTimer; } } } /** * Rotates the input vertices according to the give pitch and yaw. This * is needed for billboarding of particles. */ void rotate_triangle_vertices(Vec3s vertex1, Vec3s vertex2, Vec3s vertex3, s16 pitch, s16 yaw) { f32 cosPitch = coss(pitch); f32 sinPitch = sins(pitch); f32 cosMYaw = coss(-yaw); f32 sinMYaw = sins(-yaw); Vec3f v1, v2, v3; v1[0] = vertex1[0]; v1[1] = vertex1[1]; v1[2] = vertex1[2]; v2[0] = vertex2[0]; v2[1] = vertex2[1]; v2[2] = vertex2[2]; v3[0] = vertex3[0]; v3[1] = vertex3[1]; v3[2] = vertex3[2]; vertex1[0] = v1[0] * cosMYaw + v1[1] * (sinPitch * sinMYaw) + v1[2] * (-sinMYaw * cosPitch); vertex1[1] = v1[1] * cosPitch + v1[2] * sinPitch; vertex1[2] = v1[0] * sinMYaw + v1[1] * (-sinPitch * cosMYaw) + v1[2] * (cosPitch * cosMYaw); vertex2[0] = v2[0] * cosMYaw + v2[1] * (sinPitch * sinMYaw) + v2[2] * (-sinMYaw * cosPitch); vertex2[1] = v2[1] * cosPitch + v2[2] * sinPitch; vertex2[2] = v2[0] * sinMYaw + v2[1] * (-sinPitch * cosMYaw) + v2[2] * (cosPitch * cosMYaw); vertex3[0] = v3[0] * cosMYaw + v3[1] * (sinPitch * sinMYaw) + v3[2] * (-sinMYaw * cosPitch); vertex3[1] = v3[1] * cosPitch + v3[2] * sinPitch; vertex3[2] = v3[0] * sinMYaw + v3[1] * (-sinPitch * cosMYaw) + v3[2] * (cosPitch * cosMYaw); } /** * Append 15 vertices to 'gfx', which is enough for 5 snowflakes starting at * 'index' in the buffer. The 3 input vertices represent the rotated triangle * around (0,0,0) that will be translated to snowflake positions to draw the * snowflake image. * * TODO: (Scrub C) */ void append_snowflake_vertex_buffer(Gfx *gfx, s32 index, Vec3s vertex1, Vec3s vertex2, Vec3s vertex3) { s32 i = 0; Vtx *vertBuf = (Vtx *) alloc_display_list(15 * sizeof(Vtx)); Vtx *vertBufInterpolated = (Vtx *) alloc_display_list(15 * sizeof(Vtx)); Vtx *v; #ifdef VERSION_EU Vtx *p; #endif if (vertBuf == NULL) { return; } for (i = 0; i < 15; i += 3) { vertBuf[i] = gSnowTempVtx[0]; #ifdef VERSION_EU p = vertBuf; p += i; p[0].v.ob[0] = gEnvFxBuffer[index + i / 3].xPos + vertex1[0]; p[0].v.ob[1] = gEnvFxBuffer[index + i / 3].yPos + vertex1[1]; p[0].v.ob[2] = gEnvFxBuffer[index + i / 3].zPos + vertex1[2]; #else vertBuf[i].v.ob[0] = gEnvFxBuffer[index + i / 3].xPos + vertex1[0]; vertBuf[i].v.ob[1] = gEnvFxBuffer[index + i / 3].yPos + vertex1[1]; vertBuf[i].v.ob[2] = gEnvFxBuffer[index + i / 3].zPos + vertex1[2]; #endif vertBuf[i + 1] = gSnowTempVtx[1]; #ifdef VERSION_EU p = vertBuf; p += i; p[1].v.ob[0] = gEnvFxBuffer[index + i / 3].xPos + vertex2[0]; p[1].v.ob[1] = gEnvFxBuffer[index + i / 3].yPos + vertex2[1]; p[1].v.ob[2] = gEnvFxBuffer[index + i / 3].zPos + vertex2[2]; #else vertBuf[i + 1].v.ob[0] = gEnvFxBuffer[index + i / 3].xPos + vertex2[0]; vertBuf[i + 1].v.ob[1] = gEnvFxBuffer[index + i / 3].yPos + vertex2[1]; vertBuf[i + 1].v.ob[2] = gEnvFxBuffer[index + i / 3].zPos + vertex2[2]; #endif vertBuf[i + 2] = gSnowTempVtx[2]; #ifdef VERSION_EU p = vertBuf; p += i; p[2].v.ob[0] = gEnvFxBuffer[index + i / 3].xPos + vertex3[0]; p[2].v.ob[1] = gEnvFxBuffer[index + i / 3].yPos + vertex3[1]; p[2].v.ob[2] = gEnvFxBuffer[index + i / 3].zPos + vertex3[2]; #else vertBuf[i + 2].v.ob[0] = gEnvFxBuffer[index + i / 3].xPos + vertex3[0]; vertBuf[i + 2].v.ob[1] = gEnvFxBuffer[index + i / 3].yPos + vertex3[1]; vertBuf[i + 2].v.ob[2] = gEnvFxBuffer[index + i / 3].zPos + vertex3[2]; #endif } for (i = 0; i < 15; i++) { v = &sPrevSnowVertices[index / 5].vertices[i]; vertBufInterpolated[i] = gSnowTempVtx[i % 3]; if (index < sPrevSnowParticleCount && gGlobalTimer == sPrevSnowTimestamp + 1 && gGlobalTimer != gEnvFxBuffer[index + i / 3].spawnTimestamp) { vertBufInterpolated[i].v.ob[0] = (v->v.ob[0] + vertBuf[i].v.ob[0]) / 2; vertBufInterpolated[i].v.ob[1] = (v->v.ob[1] + vertBuf[i].v.ob[1]) / 2; vertBufInterpolated[i].v.ob[2] = (v->v.ob[2] + vertBuf[i].v.ob[2]) / 2; } else { vertBufInterpolated[i].v.ob[0] = vertBuf[i].v.ob[0]; vertBufInterpolated[i].v.ob[1] = vertBuf[i].v.ob[1]; vertBufInterpolated[i].v.ob[2] = vertBuf[i].v.ob[2]; } *v = vertBuf[i]; } sPrevSnowVertices[index / 5].pos = gfx; gSPVertex(gfx, VIRTUAL_TO_PHYSICAL(vertBufInterpolated), 15, 0); } /** * Updates positions of snow particles and returns a pointer to a display list * drawing all snowflakes. */ Gfx *envfx_update_snow(s32 snowMode, Vec3s marioPos, Vec3s camFrom, Vec3s camTo) { s32 i; s16 radius, pitch, yaw; Vec3s snowCylinderPos; struct SnowFlakeVertex vertex1, vertex2, vertex3; Gfx *gfxStart; Gfx *gfx; vertex1 = gSnowFlakeVertex1; vertex2 = gSnowFlakeVertex2; vertex3 = gSnowFlakeVertex3; gfxStart = (Gfx *) alloc_display_list((gSnowParticleCount * 6 + 3) * sizeof(Gfx)); gfx = gfxStart; if (gfxStart == NULL) { return NULL; } envfx_update_snowflake_count(snowMode, marioPos); // Note: to and from are inverted here, so the resulting vector goes towards the camera orbit_from_positions(camTo, camFrom, &radius, &pitch, &yaw); switch (snowMode) { case ENVFX_SNOW_NORMAL: // ensure the snow cylinder is no further than 250 units in front // of the camera, and no closer than 1 unit. if (radius > 250) { radius -= 250; } else { radius = 1; } pos_from_orbit(camTo, snowCylinderPos, radius, pitch, yaw); envfx_update_snow_normal(snowCylinderPos[0], snowCylinderPos[1], snowCylinderPos[2]); break; case ENVFX_SNOW_WATER: if (radius > 500) { radius -= 500; } else { radius = 1; } pos_from_orbit(camTo, snowCylinderPos, radius, pitch, yaw); envfx_update_snow_water(snowCylinderPos[0], snowCylinderPos[1], snowCylinderPos[2]); break; case ENVFX_SNOW_BLIZZARD: if (radius > 250) { radius -= 250; } else { radius = 1; } pos_from_orbit(camTo, snowCylinderPos, radius, pitch, yaw); envfx_update_snow_blizzard(snowCylinderPos[0], snowCylinderPos[1], snowCylinderPos[2]); break; } rotate_triangle_vertices((s16 *) &vertex1, (s16 *) &vertex2, (s16 *) &vertex3, pitch, yaw); if (snowMode == ENVFX_SNOW_NORMAL || snowMode == ENVFX_SNOW_BLIZZARD) { gSPDisplayList(gfx++, &tiny_bubble_dl_0B006A50); // snowflake with gray edge } else if (snowMode == ENVFX_SNOW_WATER) { gSPDisplayList(gfx++, &tiny_bubble_dl_0B006CD8); // snowflake with blue edge } for (i = 0; i < gSnowParticleCount; i += 5) { append_snowflake_vertex_buffer(gfx++, i, (s16 *) &vertex1, (s16 *) &vertex2, (s16 *) &vertex3); gSP1Triangle(gfx++, 0, 1, 2, 0); gSP1Triangle(gfx++, 3, 4, 5, 0); gSP1Triangle(gfx++, 6, 7, 8, 0); gSP1Triangle(gfx++, 9, 10, 11, 0); gSP1Triangle(gfx++, 12, 13, 14, 0); } sPrevSnowParticleCount = gSnowParticleCount; sPrevSnowTimestamp = gGlobalTimer; gSPDisplayList(gfx++, &tiny_bubble_dl_0B006AB0) gSPEndDisplayList(gfx++); return gfxStart; } /** * Updates the environment effects (snow, flowers, bubbles) * and returns a display list drawing them. */ Gfx *envfx_update_particles(s32 mode, Vec3s marioPos, Vec3s camTo, Vec3s camFrom) { Gfx *gfx; if (get_dialog_id() != -1) { return NULL; } if (gEnvFxMode != 0 && mode != gEnvFxMode) { mode = 0; } if (mode >= ENVFX_BUBBLE_START) { gfx = envfx_update_bubbles(mode, marioPos, camTo, camFrom); return gfx; } if (gEnvFxMode == 0 && envfx_init_snow(mode) == 0) { return NULL; } switch (mode) { case ENVFX_MODE_NONE: envfx_cleanup_snow(gEnvFxBuffer); return NULL; case ENVFX_SNOW_NORMAL: gfx = envfx_update_snow(1, marioPos, camFrom, camTo); break; case ENVFX_SNOW_WATER: gfx = envfx_update_snow(2, marioPos, camFrom, camTo); break; case ENVFX_SNOW_BLIZZARD: gfx = envfx_update_snow(3, marioPos, camFrom, camTo); break; default: return NULL; } return gfx; }