-- AUTOGENERATED FOR CODE EDITORS -- math.randomseed(get_time()) -------------- -- CObjects -- -------------- _CObjectPool = {} _CObject = { __index = function (t,k) return _get_field(t['_lot'], t['_pointer'], k, t) end, __newindex = function (t,k,v) _set_field(t['_lot'], t['_pointer'], k, v, t) end, __tostring = function(t) return 'CObject: ' .. t['_lot'] .. ', [' .. string.format('0x%08X', t['_pointer']) .. ']' end, __eq = function (a, b) return a['_pointer'] == b['_pointer'] and a['_lot'] == b['_lot'] and a['_pointer'] ~= nil and a['_lot'] ~= nil end } function _NewCObject(lot, pointer) if _CObjectPool[lot] == nil then _CObjectPool[lot] = {} end if _CObjectPool[lot][pointer] == nil then local obj = {} rawset(obj, '_pointer', pointer) rawset(obj, '_lot', lot) setmetatable(obj, _CObject) _CObjectPool[lot][pointer] = obj return obj end return _CObjectPool[lot][pointer] end local _CPointerPool = {} _CPointer = { __index = function (t,k) return nil end, __newindex = function (t,k,v) end, __tostring = function(t) return 'CPointer: ' .. t['_lvt'] .. ', [' .. string.format('0x%08X', t['_pointer']) .. ']' end, __eq = function (a, b) return a['_pointer'] == b['_pointer'] and a['_pointer'] ~= nil and a['_lvt'] ~= nil end } function _NewCPointer(lvt, pointer) if _CPointerPool[lvt] == nil then _CPointerPool[lvt] = {} end if _CPointerPool[lvt][pointer] == nil then local obj = {} rawset(obj, '_pointer', pointer) rawset(obj, '_lvt', lvt) setmetatable(obj, _CPointer) _CPointerPool[lvt][pointer] = obj return obj end return _CPointerPool[lvt][pointer] end _SyncTable = { __index = function (t,k) local _table = rawget(t, '_table') return _table[k] end, __newindex = function (t,k,v) local _table = rawget(t, '_table') if _table[k] == v then return end _set_sync_table_field(t, k, v) end } _ReadOnlyTable = { __index = function (t,k) local _table = rawget(t, '_table') return _table[k] end, __newindex = function (t,k,v) end } -------------------- -- math functions -- -------------------- --- @param dest Vec3f --- @param src Vec3f --- @return Vec3f function vec3f_copy(dest, src) dest.x = src.x dest.y = src.y dest.z = src.z return dest end --- @param dest Vec3f --- @param x number --- @param y number --- @param z number --- @return Vec3f function vec3f_set(dest, x, y, z) dest.x = x dest.y = y dest.z = z return dest end --- @param dest Vec3f --- @param a Vec3f --- @return Vec3f function vec3f_add(dest, a) dest.x = dest.x + a.x dest.y = dest.y + a.y dest.z = dest.z + a.z return dest end --- @param dest Vec3f --- @param a Vec3f --- @param b Vec3f --- @return Vec3f function vec3f_sum(dest, a, b) dest.x = a.x + b.x dest.y = a.y + b.y dest.z = a.z + b.z return dest end --- @param dest Vec3f --- @param a number --- @return Vec3f function vec3f_mul(dest, a) dest.x = dest.x * a dest.y = dest.y * a dest.z = dest.z * a return dest end --- @param dest Vec3f --- @return Vec3f function vec3f_normalize(dest) local divisor = math.sqrt(dest.x * dest.x + dest.y * dest.y + dest.z * dest.z) if divisor == 0 then return dest end local invsqrt = 1.0 / divisor dest.x = dest.x * invsqrt dest.y = dest.y * invsqrt dest.z = dest.z * invsqrt return dest end --- @param a Vec3f --- @return number function vec3f_length(a) return math.sqrt(a.x * a.x + a.y * a.y + a.z * a.z) end --- @param a Vec3f --- @param b Vec3f --- @return number function vec3f_dot(a, b) return a.x * b.x + a.y * b.y + a.z * b.z end --- @param vec Vec3f --- @param onto Vec3f --- @return Vec3f function vec3f_project(vec, onto) local numerator = vec3f_dot(vec, onto) local denominator = vec3f_dot(onto, onto) local out = {} vec3f_copy(out, onto) vec3f_mul(out, numerator / denominator) return out end --- @param v1 Vec3f --- @param v2 Vec3f --- @return number function vec3f_dist(v1, v2) dx = v1.x - v2.x dy = v1.y - v2.y dz = v1.z - v2.z return math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz) end --- @param dest Vec3s --- @param src Vec3s --- @return Vec3s function vec3s_copy(dest, src) dest.x = src.x dest.y = src.y dest.z = src.z return dest end --- @param dest Vec3s --- @param x number --- @param y number --- @param z number --- @return Vec3s function vec3s_set(dest, x, y, z) dest.x = x dest.y = y dest.z = z return dest end --- @param dest Vec3s --- @param a Vec3s --- @return Vec3s function vec3s_add(dest, a) dest.x = dest.x + a.x dest.y = dest.y + a.y dest.z = dest.z + a.z return dest end --- @param dest Vec3s --- @param a Vec3s --- @param b Vec3s --- @return Vec3s function vec3s_sum(dest, a, b) dest.x = a.x + b.x dest.y = a.y + b.y dest.z = a.z + b.z return dest end --- @param dest Vec3s --- @param a number --- @return Vec3s function vec3s_mul(dest, a) dest.x = dest.x * a dest.y = dest.y * a dest.z = dest.z * a return dest end --- @param v1 Vec3s --- @param v2 Vec3s --- @return number function vec3s_dist(v1, v2) dx = v1.x - v2.x dy = v1.y - v2.y dz = v1.z - v2.z return math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz) end --- @param current number --- @param target number --- @param inc number --- @param dec number --- @return number function approach_f32(current, target, inc, dec) if current < target then current = current + inc if current > target then current = target end else current = current - dec if current < target then current = target end end return current end --- @param current integer --- @param target integer --- @param inc integer --- @param dec integer --- @return integer function approach_s32(current, target, inc, dec) if current < target then current = current + inc if current > target then current = target end else current = current - dec if current < target then current = target end end -- keep within 32 bits if current > 2147483647 then current = -2147483648 + (current - 2147483647) elseif current < -2147483648 then current = 2147483647 + (current - (-2147483648)) end return current end ----------- -- sound -- ----------- --- @type Vec3f gGlobalSoundSource = { x = 0, y = 0, z = 0 } --- @param bank number --- @param soundID number --- @param priority number --- @param flags number --- @return number function SOUND_ARG_LOAD(bank, soundID, priority, flags) if flags == nil then flags = 0 end return (bank << 28) | (soundID << 16) | (priority << 8) | flags | SOUND_STATUS_WAITING end ------------- -- courses -- ------------- --- @type integer COURSE_NONE = 0 --- @type integer COURSE_BOB = 1 --- @type integer COURSE_WF = 2 --- @type integer COURSE_JRB = 3 --- @type integer COURSE_CCM = 4 --- @type integer COURSE_BBH = 5 --- @type integer COURSE_HMC = 6 --- @type integer COURSE_LLL = 7 --- @type integer COURSE_SSL = 8 --- @type integer COURSE_DDD = 9 --- @type integer COURSE_SL = 10 --- @type integer COURSE_WDW = 11 --- @type integer COURSE_TTM = 12 --- @type integer COURSE_THI = 13 --- @type integer COURSE_TTC = 14 --- @type integer COURSE_RR = 15 --- @type integer COURSE_BITDW = 16 --- @type integer COURSE_BITFS = 17 --- @type integer COURSE_BITS = 18 --- @type integer COURSE_PSS = 19 --- @type integer COURSE_COTMC = 20 --- @type integer COURSE_TOTWC = 21 --- @type integer COURSE_VCUTM = 22 --- @type integer COURSE_WMOTR = 23 --- @type integer COURSE_SA = 24 --- @type integer COURSE_CAKE_END = 25 --- @type integer COURSE_END = 26 --- @type integer COURSE_MAX = 25 --- @type integer COURSE_COUNT = 25 --- @type integer COURSE_MIN = 1 ----------------- -- legacy font -- ----------------- FONT_TINY = -1 --- @type integer INSTANT_WARP_INDEX_START = 0x00 --- @type integer INSTANT_WARP_INDEX_STOP = 0x04 --- @type integer MAX_AREAS = 16 --- @type integer WARP_TRANSITION_FADE_FROM_BOWSER = 0x12 --- @type integer WARP_TRANSITION_FADE_FROM_CIRCLE = 0x0A --- @type integer WARP_TRANSITION_FADE_FROM_COLOR = 0x00 --- @type integer WARP_TRANSITION_FADE_FROM_MARIO = 0x10 --- @type integer WARP_TRANSITION_FADE_FROM_STAR = 0x08 --- @type integer WARP_TRANSITION_FADE_INTO_BOWSER = 0x13 --- @type integer WARP_TRANSITION_FADE_INTO_CIRCLE = 0x0B --- @type integer WARP_TRANSITION_FADE_INTO_COLOR = 0x01 --- @type integer WARP_TRANSITION_FADE_INTO_MARIO = 0x11 --- @type integer WARP_TRANSITION_FADE_INTO_STAR = 0x09 --- @class BehaviorId --- @type BehaviorId id_bhv1Up = 0 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhv1upJumpOnApproach = 1 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhv1upRunningAway = 2 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhv1upSliding = 3 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhv1upWalking = 4 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvActivatedBackAndForthPlatform = 5 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvActSelector = 6 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvActSelectorStarType = 7 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvAirborneDeathWarp = 8 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvAirborneStarCollectWarp = 9 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvAirborneWarp = 10 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvAlphaBooKey = 11 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvAmbientSounds = 12 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvAnimatedTexture = 13 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvAnimatesOnFloorSwitchPress = 14 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvAnotherElavator = 15 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvAnotherTiltingPlatform = 16 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvArrowLift = 17 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBalconyBigBoo = 18 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBbhTiltingTrapPlatform = 19 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBbhTumblingBridge = 20 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBeginningLakitu = 21 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBeginningPeach = 22 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBetaBooKey = 23 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBetaBowserAnchor = 24 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBetaChestBottom = 25 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBetaChestLid = 26 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBetaFishSplashSpawner = 27 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBetaHoldableObject = 28 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBetaMovingFlames = 29 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBetaMovingFlamesSpawn = 30 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBetaTrampolineSpring = 31 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBetaTrampolineTop = 32 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBigBoulder = 33 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBigBoulderGenerator = 34 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBigBully = 35 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBigBullyWithMinions = 36 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBigChillBully = 37 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBigSnowmanWhole = 38 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBird = 39 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBirdsSoundLoop = 40 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBitfsSinkingCagePlatform = 41 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBitfsSinkingPlatforms = 42 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBitfsTiltingInvertedPyramid = 43 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBlackSmokeBowser = 44 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBlackSmokeMario = 45 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBlackSmokeUpward = 46 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBlueBowserFlame = 47 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBlueCoinJumping = 48 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBlueCoinSliding = 49 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBlueCoinSwitch = 50 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBlueFish = 51 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBlueFlamesGroup = 52 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBobBowlingBallSpawner = 53 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBobomb = 54 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBobombAnchorMario = 55 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBobombBuddy = 56 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBobombBuddyOpensCannon = 57 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBobombBullyDeathSmoke = 58 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBobombExplosionBubble = 59 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBobombExplosionBubble3600 = 60 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBobombFuseSmoke = 61 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBoo = 62 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBooBossSpawnedBridge = 63 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBooCage = 64 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBooInCastle = 65 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBookendSpawn = 66 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBookSwitch = 67 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBooWithCage = 68 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBouncingFireball = 69 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBouncingFireballFlame = 70 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBowlingBall = 71 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBowser = 72 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBowserBodyAnchor = 73 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBowserBomb = 74 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBowserBombExplosion = 75 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBowserBombSmoke = 76 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBowserCourseRedCoinStar = 77 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBowserFlameSpawn = 78 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBowserKey = 79 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBowserKeyCourseExit = 80 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBowserKeyUnlockDoor = 81 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBowserShockWave = 82 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBowsersSub = 83 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBowserSubDoor = 84 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBowserTailAnchor = 85 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBreakableBox = 86 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBreakableBoxSmall = 87 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBreakBoxTriangle = 88 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBreathParticleSpawner = 89 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBub = 90 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBubba = 91 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBubbleMaybe = 92 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBubbleParticleSpawner = 93 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBubblePlayer = 94 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBubbleSplash = 95 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBulletBill = 96 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBulletBillCannon = 97 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvButterfly = 98 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvCameraLakitu = 99 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvCannon = 100 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvCannonBarrel = 101 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvCannonBarrelBubbles = 102 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvCannonBaseUnused = 103 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvCannonClosed = 104 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvCapSwitch = 105 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvCapSwitchBase = 106 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvCarrySomething1 = 107 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvCarrySomething2 = 108 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvCarrySomething3 = 109 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvCarrySomething4 = 110 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvCarrySomething5 = 111 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvCarrySomething6 = 112 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvCastleFlagWaving = 113 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvCastleFloorTrap = 114 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvCcmTouchedStarSpawn = 115 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvCelebrationStar = 116 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvCelebrationStarSparkle = 117 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvChainChomp = 118 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvChainChompChainPart = 119 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvChainChompGate = 120 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvCheckerboardElevatorGroup = 121 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvCheckerboardPlatformSub = 122 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvChirpChirp = 123 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvChirpChirpUnused = 124 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvChuckya = 125 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvChuckyaAnchorMario = 126 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvCirclingAmp = 127 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvClamShell = 128 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvClockHourHand = 129 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvClockMinuteHand = 130 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvCloud = 131 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvCloudPart = 132 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvCoffin = 133 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvCoffinSpawner = 134 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvCoinFormation = 135 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvCoinFormationSpawn = 136 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvCoinInsideBoo = 137 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvCoinSparkles = 138 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvControllablePlatform = 139 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvControllablePlatformSub = 140 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvCourtyardBooTriplet = 141 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvCutOutObject = 142 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvDddMovingPole = 143 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvDDDPole = 144 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvDddWarp = 145 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvDeathWarp = 146 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvDecorativePendulum = 147 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvDirtParticleSpawner = 148 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvDonutPlatform = 149 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvDonutPlatformSpawner = 150 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvDoor = 151 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvDoorWarp = 152 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvDorrie = 153 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvEndBirds1 = 154 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvEndBirds2 = 155 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvEndPeach = 156 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvEndToad = 157 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvEnemyLakitu = 158 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvExclamationBox = 159 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvExitPodiumWarp = 160 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvExplosion = 161 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvEyerokBoss = 162 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvEyerokHand = 163 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvFadingWarp = 164 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvFallingBowserPlatform = 165 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvFallingPillar = 166 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvFallingPillarHitbox = 167 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvFerrisWheelAxle = 168 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvFerrisWheelPlatform = 169 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvFewBlueFishSpawner = 170 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvFireParticleSpawner = 171 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvFirePiranhaPlant = 172 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvFireSpitter = 173 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvFish = 174 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvFishGroup = 175 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvFishSpawner = 176 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvFlame = 177 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvFlameBouncing = 178 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvFlameBowser = 179 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvFlameFloatingLanding = 180 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvFlameLargeBurningOut = 181 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvFlameMovingForwardGrowing = 182 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvFlamethrower = 183 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvFlamethrowerFlame = 184 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvFloorSwitchAnimatesObject = 185 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvFloorSwitchGrills = 186 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvFloorSwitchHardcodedModel = 187 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvFloorSwitchHiddenObjects = 188 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvFloorTrapInCastle = 189 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvFlyGuy = 190 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvFlyguyFlame = 191 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvFlyingBookend = 192 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvFlyingWarp = 193 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvFreeBowlingBall = 194 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvGhostHuntBigBoo = 195 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvGhostHuntBoo = 196 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvGiantPole = 197 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvGoldenCoinSparkles = 198 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvGoomba = 199 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvGoombaTripletSpawner = 200 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvGrandStar = 201 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvGrindel = 202 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvHardAirKnockBackWarp = 203 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvHauntedBookshelf = 204 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvHauntedBookshelfManager = 205 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvHauntedChair = 206 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvHeaveHo = 207 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvHeaveHoThrowMario = 208 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvHidden1up = 209 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvHidden1upInPole = 210 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvHidden1upInPoleSpawner = 211 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvHidden1upInPoleTrigger = 212 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvHidden1upTrigger = 213 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvHiddenAt120Stars = 214 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvHiddenBlueCoin = 215 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvHiddenObject = 216 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvHiddenRedCoinStar = 217 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvHiddenStaircaseStep = 218 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvHiddenStar = 219 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvHiddenStarTrigger = 220 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvHmcElevatorPlatform = 221 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvHomingAmp = 222 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvHoot = 223 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvHorizontalGrindel = 224 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvHorStarParticleSpawner = 225 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvIdleWaterWave = 226 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvIgloo = 227 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvInitializeChangingWaterLevel = 228 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvInsideCannon = 229 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvInstantActiveWarp = 230 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvInSunkenShip = 231 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvInSunkenShip2 = 232 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvInSunkenShip3 = 233 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvIntroScene = 234 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvInvisibleObjectsUnderBridge = 235 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvJetStream = 236 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvJetStreamRingSpawner = 237 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvJetStreamWaterRing = 238 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvJrbFloatingBox = 239 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvJrbFloatingPlatform = 240 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvJrbSlidingBox = 241 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvJumpingBox = 242 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvKickableBoard = 243 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvKingBobomb = 244 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvKlepto = 245 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvKoopa = 246 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvKoopaFlag = 247 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvKoopaRaceEndpoint = 248 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvKoopaShell = 249 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvKoopaShellFlame = 250 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvKoopaShellUnderwater = 251 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvLargeBomp = 252 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvLaunchDeathWarp = 253 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvLaunchStarCollectWarp = 254 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvLeafParticleSpawner = 255 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvLllBowserPuzzle = 256 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvLllBowserPuzzlePiece = 257 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvLllDrawbridge = 258 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvLllDrawbridgeSpawner = 259 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvLllFloatingWoodBridge = 260 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvLllHexagonalMesh = 261 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvLllMovingOctagonalMeshPlatform = 262 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvLllRollingLog = 263 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvLllRotatingBlockWithFireBars = 264 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvLllRotatingHexagonalPlatform = 265 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvLllRotatingHexagonalRing = 266 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvLllRotatingHexFlame = 267 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvLllSinkingRectangularPlatform = 268 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvLllSinkingRockBlock = 269 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvLllSinkingSquarePlatforms = 270 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvLllTiltingInvertedPyramid = 271 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvLllTumblingBridge = 272 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvLllVolcanoFallingTrap = 273 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvLllWoodPiece = 274 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvMacroUkiki = 275 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvMadPiano = 276 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvMantaRay = 277 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvMantaRayRingManager = 278 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvMantaRayWaterRing = 279 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvManyBlueFishSpawner = 280 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvMario = 281 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvMenuButton = 282 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvMenuButtonManager = 283 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvMerryGoRound = 284 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvMerryGoRoundBigBoo = 285 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvMerryGoRoundBoo = 286 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvMerryGoRoundBooManager = 287 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvMeshElevator = 288 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvMessagePanel = 289 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvMetalCap = 290 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvMips = 291 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvMistCircParticleSpawner = 292 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvMistParticleSpawner = 293 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvMoatGrills = 294 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvMoneybag = 295 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvMoneybagHidden = 296 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvMontyMole = 297 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvMontyMoleHole = 298 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvMontyMoleRock = 299 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvMovingBlueCoin = 300 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvMovingYellowCoin = 301 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvMrBlizzard = 302 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvMrBlizzardSnowball = 303 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvMrI = 304 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvMrIBlueCoin = 305 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvMrIBody = 306 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvMrIParticle = 307 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvNormalCap = 308 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvObjectBubble = 309 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvObjectWaterSplash = 310 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvObjectWaterWave = 311 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvObjectWaveTrail = 312 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvOctagonalPlatformRotating = 313 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvOneCoin = 314 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvOpenableCageDoor = 315 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvOpenableGrill = 316 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvOrangeNumber = 317 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvPaintingDeathWarp = 318 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvPaintingStarCollectWarp = 319 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvPenguinBaby = 320 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvPenguinRaceFinishLine = 321 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvPenguinRaceShortcutCheck = 322 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvPillarBase = 323 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvPiranhaPlant = 324 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvPiranhaPlantBubble = 325 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvPiranhaPlantWakingBubbles = 326 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvPitBowlingBall = 327 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvPlatformOnTrack = 328 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvPlaysMusicTrackWhenTouched = 329 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvPlungeBubble = 330 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvPokey = 331 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvPokeyBodyPart = 332 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvPoleGrabbing = 333 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvPoundTinyStarParticle = 334 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvPunchTinyTriangle = 335 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvPurpleParticle = 336 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvPurpleSwitchHiddenBoxes = 337 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvPushableMetalBox = 338 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvPyramidElevator = 339 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvPyramidElevatorTrajectoryMarkerBall = 340 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvPyramidPillarTouchDetector = 341 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvPyramidTop = 342 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvPyramidTopFragment = 343 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvRacingPenguin = 344 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvRandomAnimatedTexture = 345 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvRecoveryHeart = 346 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvRedCoin = 347 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvRedCoinStarMarker = 348 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvRespawner = 349 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvRockSolid = 350 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvRotatingCounterClockwise = 351 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvRotatingExclamationMark = 352 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvRotatingPlatform = 353 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvRrCruiserWing = 354 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvRrElevatorPlatform = 355 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvRrRotatingBridgePlatform = 356 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvSandSoundLoop = 357 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvScuttlebug = 358 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvScuttlebugSpawn = 359 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvSeaweed = 360 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvSeaweedBundle = 361 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvSeesawPlatform = 362 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvShallowWaterSplash = 363 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvShallowWaterWave = 364 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvShipPart3 = 365 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvSignOnWall = 366 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvSingleCoinGetsSpawned = 367 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvSkeeter = 368 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvSkeeterWave = 369 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvSlidingPlatform2 = 370 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvSlidingSnowMound = 371 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvSLSnowmanWind = 372 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvSLWalkingPenguin = 373 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvSmallBomp = 374 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvSmallBully = 375 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvSmallChillBully = 376 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvSmallParticle = 377 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvSmallParticleBubbles = 378 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvSmallParticleSnow = 379 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvSmallPenguin = 380 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvSmallPiranhaFlame = 381 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvSmallWaterWave = 382 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvSmallWaterWave398 = 383 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvSmallWhomp = 384 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvSmoke = 385 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvSnowBall = 386 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvSnowmansBodyCheckpoint = 387 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvSnowmansBottom = 388 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvSnowmansHead = 389 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvSnowMoundSpawn = 390 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvSnowParticleSpawner = 391 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvSnufit = 392 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvSnufitBalls = 393 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvSoundSpawner = 394 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvSparkle = 395 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvSparkleParticleSpawner = 396 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvSparkleSpawn = 397 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvSpawnedStar = 398 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvSpawnedStarNoLevelExit = 399 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvSpinAirborneCircleWarp = 400 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvSpinAirborneWarp = 401 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvSpindel = 402 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvSpindrift = 403 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvSpiny = 404 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvSquarishPathMoving = 405 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvSquarishPathParent = 406 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvSquishablePlatform = 407 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvSslMovingPyramidWall = 408 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvStar = 409 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvStarDoor = 410 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvStarKeyCollectionPuffSpawner = 411 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvStarSpawnCoordinates = 412 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvStaticCheckeredPlatform = 413 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvStaticObject = 414 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvStrongWindParticle = 415 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvStub = 416 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvStub1D0C = 417 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvStub1D70 = 418 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvSunkenShipPart = 419 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvSunkenShipPart2 = 420 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvSunkenShipSetRotation = 421 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvSushiShark = 422 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvSushiSharkCollisionChild = 423 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvSwimmingWarp = 424 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvSwingPlatform = 425 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvSwoop = 426 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvTankFishGroup = 427 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvTemporaryYellowCoin = 428 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvTenCoinsSpawn = 429 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvThiBowlingBallSpawner = 430 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvThiHugeIslandTop = 431 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvThiTinyIslandTop = 432 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvThreeCoinsSpawn = 433 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvThwomp = 434 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvThwomp2 = 435 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvTiltingBowserLavaPlatform = 436 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvTinyStrongWindParticle = 437 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvToadMessage = 438 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvTower = 439 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvTowerDoor = 440 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvTowerPlatformGroup = 441 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvToxBox = 442 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvTrackBall = 443 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvTreasureChestBottom = 444 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvTreasureChests = 445 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvTreasureChestsJrb = 446 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvTreasureChestsShip = 447 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvTreasureChestTop = 448 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvTree = 449 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvTreeLeaf = 450 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvTreeSnow = 451 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvTriangleParticleSpawner = 452 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvTripletButterfly = 453 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvTTC2DRotator = 454 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvTTCCog = 455 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvTTCElevator = 456 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvTTCMovingBar = 457 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvTTCPendulum = 458 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvTTCPitBlock = 459 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvTTCRotatingSolid = 460 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvTTCSpinner = 461 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvTTCTreadmill = 462 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvTtmBowlingBallSpawner = 463 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvTtmRollingLog = 464 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvTumblingBridgePlatform = 465 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvTuxiesMother = 466 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvTweester = 467 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvTweesterSandParticle = 468 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvUkiki = 469 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvUkikiCage = 470 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvUkikiCageChild = 471 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvUkikiCageStar = 472 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvUnagi = 473 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvUnagiSubobject = 474 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvUnlockDoorStar = 475 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvUnused05A8 = 476 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvUnused0DFC = 477 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvUnused1820 = 478 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvUnused1F30 = 479 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvUnused20E0 = 480 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvUnused2A10 = 481 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvUnused2A54 = 482 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvUnusedFakeStar = 483 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvUnusedParticleSpawn = 484 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvUnusedPoundablePlatform = 485 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvVanishCap = 486 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvVertStarParticleSpawner = 487 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvVolcanoFlames = 488 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvVolcanoSoundLoop = 489 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvWallTinyStarParticle = 490 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvWarp = 491 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvWarpPipe = 492 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvWaterAirBubble = 493 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvWaterBomb = 494 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvWaterBombCannon = 495 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvWaterBombShadow = 496 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvWaterBombSpawner = 497 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvWaterDroplet = 498 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvWaterDropletSplash = 499 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvWaterfallSoundLoop = 500 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvWaterLevelDiamond = 501 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvWaterLevelPillar = 502 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvWaterMist = 503 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvWaterMist2 = 504 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvWaterSplash = 505 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvWaveTrail = 506 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvWdwExpressElevator = 507 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvWdwExpressElevatorPlatform = 508 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvWdwRectangularFloatingPlatform = 509 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvWdwSquareFloatingPlatform = 510 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvWfBreakableWallLeft = 511 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvWfBreakableWallRight = 512 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvWfElevatorTowerPlatform = 513 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvWfRotatingWoodenPlatform = 514 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvWfSlidingPlatform = 515 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvWfSlidingTowerPlatform = 516 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvWfSolidTowerPlatform = 517 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvWfTumblingBridge = 518 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvWhirlpool = 519 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvWhitePuff1 = 520 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvWhitePuff2 = 521 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvWhitePuffExplosion = 522 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvWhitePuffSmoke = 523 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvWhitePuffSmoke2 = 524 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvWhompKingBoss = 525 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvWigglerBody = 526 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvWigglerHead = 527 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvWind = 528 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvWingCap = 529 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvWoodenPost = 530 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvYellowBackgroundInMenu = 531 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvYellowBall = 532 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvYellowCoin = 533 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvYoshi = 534 --- @type BehaviorId id_RM_Scroll_Texture = 535 --- @type BehaviorId id_editor_Scroll_Texture = 536 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvBlueCoinNumber = 537 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhvStarNumber = 538 --- @type BehaviorId id_bhv_max_count = 539 --- @type integer CAMERA_MODE_8_DIRECTIONS = 0x0E --- @type integer CAMERA_MODE_BEHIND_MARIO = 0x03 --- @type integer CAMERA_MODE_BOSS_FIGHT = 0x0B --- @type integer CAMERA_MODE_CLOSE = 0x04 --- @type integer CAMERA_MODE_C_UP = 0x06 --- @type integer CAMERA_MODE_FIXED = 0x0D --- @type integer CAMERA_MODE_FREE_ROAM = 0x10 --- @type integer CAMERA_MODE_INSIDE_CANNON = 0x0A --- @type integer CAMERA_MODE_NEWCAM = 0x12 --- @type integer CAMERA_MODE_NONE = 0x00 --- @type integer CAMERA_MODE_OUTWARD_RADIAL = 0x02 --- @type integer CAMERA_MODE_PARALLEL_TRACKING = 0x0C --- @type integer CAMERA_MODE_RADIAL = 0x01 --- @type integer CAMERA_MODE_ROM_HACK = 0x13 --- @type integer CAMERA_MODE_SLIDE_HOOT = 0x09 --- @type integer CAMERA_MODE_SPIRAL_STAIRS = 0x11 --- @type integer CAMERA_MODE_WATER_SURFACE = 0x08 --- @type integer CAM_ANGLE_LAKITU = 2 --- @type integer CAM_ANGLE_MARIO = 1 --- @type integer CAM_EVENT_BOWSER_INIT = 4 --- @type integer CAM_EVENT_BOWSER_JUMP = 7 --- @type integer CAM_EVENT_BOWSER_THROW_BOUNCE = 8 --- @type integer CAM_EVENT_CANNON = 1 --- @type integer CAM_EVENT_DOOR = 6 --- @type integer CAM_EVENT_DOOR_WARP = 5 --- @type integer CAM_EVENT_SHOT_FROM_CANNON = 2 --- @type integer CAM_EVENT_START_CREDITS = 13 --- @type integer CAM_EVENT_START_ENDING = 11 --- @type integer CAM_EVENT_START_END_WAVING = 12 --- @type integer CAM_EVENT_START_GRAND_STAR = 10 --- @type integer CAM_EVENT_START_INTRO = 9 --- @type integer CAM_EVENT_UNUSED_3 = 3 --- @type integer CAM_FLAG_BEHIND_MARIO_POST_DOOR = 0x8000 --- @type integer CAM_FLAG_BLOCK_AREA_PROCESSING = 0x1000 --- @type integer CAM_FLAG_BLOCK_SMOOTH_MOVEMENT = 0x0002 --- @type integer CAM_FLAG_CAM_NEAR_WALL = 0x0020 --- @type integer CAM_FLAG_CCM_SLIDE_SHORTCUT = 0x0010 --- @type integer CAM_FLAG_CHANGED_PARTRACK_INDEX = 0x0008 --- @type integer CAM_FLAG_COLLIDED_WITH_WALL = 0x0200 --- @type integer CAM_FLAG_FRAME_AFTER_CAM_INIT = 0x0004 --- @type integer CAM_FLAG_SLEEPING = 0x0040 --- @type integer CAM_FLAG_SMOOTH_MOVEMENT = 0x0001 --- @type integer CAM_FLAG_START_TRANSITION = 0x0400 --- @type integer CAM_FLAG_TRANSITION_OUT_OF_C_UP = 0x0800 --- @type integer CAM_FLAG_UNUSED_13 = 0x2000 --- @type integer CAM_FLAG_UNUSED_7 = 0x0080 --- @type integer CAM_FLAG_UNUSED_8 = 0x0100 --- @type integer CAM_FLAG_UNUSED_CUTSCENE_ACTIVE = 0x4000 --- @type integer CAM_FOV_APP_20 = 6 --- @type integer CAM_FOV_APP_30 = 10 --- @type integer CAM_FOV_APP_45 = 4 --- @type integer CAM_FOV_APP_60 = 11 --- @type integer CAM_FOV_APP_80 = 9 --- @type integer CAM_FOV_BBH = 7 --- @type integer CAM_FOV_DEFAULT = 2 --- @type integer CAM_FOV_SET_29 = 13 --- @type integer CAM_FOV_SET_30 = 5 --- @type integer CAM_FOV_SET_45 = 1 --- @type integer CAM_FOV_ZOOM_30 = 12 --- @type integer CAM_MODE_LAKITU_WAS_ZOOMED_OUT = 0x02 --- @type integer CAM_MODE_MARIO_ACTIVE = 0x01 --- @type integer CAM_MODE_MARIO_SELECTED = 0x04 --- @type integer CAM_MOVE_ALREADY_ZOOMED_OUT = 0x1000 --- @type integer CAM_MOVE_C_UP_MODE = 0x2000 --- @type integer CAM_MOVE_ENTERED_ROTATE_SURFACE = 0x0010 --- @type integer CAM_MOVE_FIX_IN_PLACE = 0x0040 --- @type integer CAM_MOVE_INIT_CAMERA = 0x0800 --- @type integer CAM_MOVE_METAL_BELOW_WATER = 0x0020 --- @type integer CAM_MOVE_PAUSE_SCREEN = 0x8000 --- @type integer CAM_MOVE_RESTRICT = (CAM_MOVE_ENTERED_ROTATE_SURFACE | CAM_MOVE_METAL_BELOW_WATER | CAM_MOVE_FIX_IN_PLACE | CAM_MOVE_UNKNOWN_8) --- @type integer CAM_MOVE_RETURN_TO_MIDDLE = 0x0001 --- @type integer CAM_MOVE_ROTATE = (CAM_MOVE_ROTATE_RIGHT | CAM_MOVE_ROTATE_LEFT | CAM_MOVE_RETURN_TO_MIDDLE) --- @type integer CAM_MOVE_ROTATE_LEFT = 0x0008 --- @type integer CAM_MOVE_ROTATE_RIGHT = 0x0004 --- @type integer CAM_MOVE_STARTED_EXITING_C_UP = 0x0200 --- @type integer CAM_MOVE_SUBMERGED = 0x4000 --- @type integer CAM_MOVE_UNKNOWN_11 = 0x0400 --- @type integer CAM_MOVE_UNKNOWN_8 = 0x0080 --- @type integer CAM_MOVE_ZOOMED_OUT = 0x0002 --- @type integer CAM_MOVING_INTO_MODE = 0x0100 --- @type integer CAM_SELECTION_FIXED = 2 --- @type integer CAM_SELECTION_MARIO = 1 --- @type integer CAM_SOUND_C_UP_PLAYED = 0x01 --- @type integer CAM_SOUND_FIXED_ACTIVE = 0x20 --- @type integer CAM_SOUND_MARIO_ACTIVE = 0x02 --- @type integer CAM_SOUND_NORMAL_ACTIVE = 0x04 --- @type integer CAM_SOUND_UNUSED_SELECT_FIXED = 0x10 --- @type integer CAM_SOUND_UNUSED_SELECT_MARIO = 0x08 --- @type integer CAM_STATUS_C_DOWN = 1 << 3 --- @type integer CAM_STATUS_C_MODE_GROUP = (CAM_STATUS_C_DOWN | CAM_STATUS_C_UP) --- @type integer CAM_STATUS_C_UP = 1 << 4 --- @type integer CAM_STATUS_FIXED = 1 << 2 --- @type integer CAM_STATUS_LAKITU = 1 << 1 --- @type integer CAM_STATUS_MARIO = 1 << 0 --- @type integer CAM_STATUS_MODE_GROUP = (CAM_STATUS_MARIO | CAM_STATUS_LAKITU | CAM_STATUS_FIXED) --- @type integer CAM_STATUS_NONE = 0 --- @type integer CUTSCENE_0F_UNUSED = 145 --- @type integer CUTSCENE_CAP_SWITCH_PRESS = 161 --- @type integer CUTSCENE_CREDITS = 178 --- @type integer CUTSCENE_DANCE_CLOSEUP = 166 --- @type integer CUTSCENE_DANCE_DEFAULT = 175 --- @type integer CUTSCENE_DANCE_FLY_AWAY = 165 --- @type integer CUTSCENE_DANCE_ROTATE = 143 --- @type integer CUTSCENE_DEATH_EXIT = 135 --- @type integer CUTSCENE_DEATH_ON_BACK = 154 --- @type integer CUTSCENE_DEATH_ON_STOMACH = 153 --- @type integer CUTSCENE_DIALOG = 162 --- @type integer CUTSCENE_DOOR_PULL = 130 --- @type integer CUTSCENE_DOOR_PULL_MODE = 140 --- @type integer CUTSCENE_DOOR_PUSH = 131 --- @type integer CUTSCENE_DOOR_PUSH_MODE = 141 --- @type integer CUTSCENE_DOOR_WARP = 139 --- @type integer CUTSCENE_ENDING = 172 --- @type integer CUTSCENE_END_WAVING = 177 --- @type integer CUTSCENE_ENTER_BOWSER_ARENA = 144 --- @type integer CUTSCENE_ENTER_CANNON = 133 --- @type integer CUTSCENE_ENTER_PAINTING = 134 --- @type integer CUTSCENE_ENTER_POOL = 181 --- @type integer CUTSCENE_ENTER_PYRAMID_TOP = 164 --- @type integer CUTSCENE_EXIT_BOWSER_DEATH = 158 --- @type integer CUTSCENE_EXIT_BOWSER_SUCC = 157 --- @type integer CUTSCENE_EXIT_FALL_WMOTR = 180 --- @type integer CUTSCENE_EXIT_PAINTING_SUCC = 160 --- @type integer CUTSCENE_EXIT_SPECIAL_SUCC = 169 --- @type integer CUTSCENE_EXIT_WATERFALL = 179 --- @type integer CUTSCENE_GRAND_STAR = 174 --- @type integer CUTSCENE_INTRO_PEACH = 142 --- @type integer CUTSCENE_KEY_DANCE = 167 --- @type integer CUTSCENE_LOOP = 0x7FFF --- @type integer CUTSCENE_NONPAINTING_DEATH = 170 --- @type integer CUTSCENE_PREPARE_CANNON = 150 --- @type integer CUTSCENE_QUICKSAND_DEATH = 155 --- @type integer CUTSCENE_RACE_DIALOG = 163 --- @type integer CUTSCENE_READ_MESSAGE = 171 --- @type integer CUTSCENE_RED_COIN_STAR_SPAWN = 176 --- @type integer CUTSCENE_SLIDING_DOORS_OPEN = 149 --- @type integer CUTSCENE_SSL_PYRAMID_EXPLODE = 168 --- @type integer CUTSCENE_STANDING_DEATH = 152 --- @type integer CUTSCENE_STAR_SPAWN = 173 --- @type integer CUTSCENE_STOP = 0x8000 --- @type integer CUTSCENE_SUFFOCATION_DEATH = 156 --- @type integer CUTSCENE_UNLOCK_KEY_DOOR = 151 --- @type integer CUTSCENE_UNUSED_EXIT = 147 --- @type integer CUTSCENE_WATER_DEATH = 159 --- @type integer DOOR_DEFAULT = 0 --- @type integer DOOR_ENTER_LOBBY = 2 --- @type integer DOOR_LEAVING_SPECIAL = 1 --- @type integer HAND_CAM_SHAKE_CUTSCENE = 1 --- @type integer HAND_CAM_SHAKE_HANG_OWL = 3 --- @type integer HAND_CAM_SHAKE_HIGH = 4 --- @type integer HAND_CAM_SHAKE_LOW = 6 --- @type integer HAND_CAM_SHAKE_OFF = 0 --- @type integer HAND_CAM_SHAKE_STAR_DANCE = 5 --- @type integer HAND_CAM_SHAKE_UNUSED = 2 --- @type integer SHAKE_ATTACK = 1 --- @type integer SHAKE_ENV_BOWSER_JUMP = 3 --- @type integer SHAKE_ENV_BOWSER_THROW_BOUNCE = 2 --- @type integer SHAKE_ENV_EXPLOSION = 1 --- @type integer SHAKE_ENV_FALLING_BITS_PLAT = 10 --- @type integer SHAKE_ENV_JRB_SHIP_DRAIN = 9 --- @type integer SHAKE_ENV_PYRAMID_EXPLODE = 8 --- @type integer SHAKE_ENV_UNUSED_5 = 5 --- @type integer SHAKE_ENV_UNUSED_6 = 6 --- @type integer SHAKE_ENV_UNUSED_7 = 7 --- @type integer SHAKE_FALL_DAMAGE = 9 --- @type integer SHAKE_FOV_LARGE = 4 --- @type integer SHAKE_FOV_MEDIUM = 3 --- @type integer SHAKE_FOV_SMALL = 1 --- @type integer SHAKE_FOV_UNUSED = 2 --- @type integer SHAKE_GROUND_POUND = 2 --- @type integer SHAKE_HIT_FROM_BELOW = 8 --- @type integer SHAKE_LARGE_DAMAGE = 5 --- @type integer SHAKE_MED_DAMAGE = 4 --- @type integer SHAKE_POS_BOWLING_BALL = 4 --- @type integer SHAKE_POS_LARGE = 3 --- @type integer SHAKE_POS_MEDIUM = 2 --- @type integer SHAKE_POS_SMALL = 1 --- @type integer SHAKE_SHOCK = 10 --- @type integer SHAKE_SMALL_DAMAGE = 3 --- @class RomhackCameraOverride --- @type RomhackCameraOverride RCO_ALL = 0 --- @type RomhackCameraOverride RCO_ALL_EXCEPT_BOWSER = 1 --- @type RomhackCameraOverride RCO_NONE = 2 --- @class CharacterSound --- @type CharacterSound CHAR_SOUND_YAH_WAH_HOO = 0 --- @type CharacterSound CHAR_SOUND_HOOHOO = 1 --- @type CharacterSound CHAR_SOUND_YAHOO = 2 --- @type CharacterSound CHAR_SOUND_UH = 3 --- @type CharacterSound CHAR_SOUND_HRMM = 4 --- @type CharacterSound CHAR_SOUND_WAH2 = 5 --- @type CharacterSound CHAR_SOUND_WHOA = 6 --- @type CharacterSound CHAR_SOUND_EEUH = 7 --- @type CharacterSound CHAR_SOUND_ATTACKED = 8 --- @type CharacterSound CHAR_SOUND_OOOF = 9 --- @type CharacterSound CHAR_SOUND_OOOF2 = 10 --- @type CharacterSound CHAR_SOUND_HERE_WE_GO = 11 --- @type CharacterSound CHAR_SOUND_YAWNING = 12 --- @type CharacterSound CHAR_SOUND_SNORING1 = 13 --- @type CharacterSound CHAR_SOUND_SNORING2 = 14 --- @type CharacterSound CHAR_SOUND_WAAAOOOW = 15 --- @type CharacterSound CHAR_SOUND_HAHA = 16 --- @type CharacterSound CHAR_SOUND_HAHA_2 = 17 --- @type CharacterSound CHAR_SOUND_UH2 = 18 --- @type CharacterSound CHAR_SOUND_UH2_2 = 19 --- @type CharacterSound CHAR_SOUND_ON_FIRE = 20 --- @type CharacterSound CHAR_SOUND_DYING = 21 --- @type CharacterSound CHAR_SOUND_PANTING_COLD = 22 --- @type CharacterSound CHAR_SOUND_PANTING = 23 --- @type CharacterSound CHAR_SOUND_COUGHING1 = 24 --- @type CharacterSound CHAR_SOUND_COUGHING2 = 25 --- @type CharacterSound CHAR_SOUND_COUGHING3 = 26 --- @type CharacterSound CHAR_SOUND_PUNCH_YAH = 27 --- @type CharacterSound CHAR_SOUND_PUNCH_HOO = 28 --- @type CharacterSound CHAR_SOUND_MAMA_MIA = 29 --- @type CharacterSound CHAR_SOUND_GROUND_POUND_WAH = 30 --- @type CharacterSound CHAR_SOUND_DROWNING = 31 --- @type CharacterSound CHAR_SOUND_PUNCH_WAH = 32 --- @type CharacterSound CHAR_SOUND_YAHOO_WAHA_YIPPEE = 33 --- @type CharacterSound CHAR_SOUND_DOH = 34 --- @type CharacterSound CHAR_SOUND_GAME_OVER = 35 --- @type CharacterSound CHAR_SOUND_HELLO = 36 --- @type CharacterSound CHAR_SOUND_PRESS_START_TO_PLAY = 37 --- @type CharacterSound CHAR_SOUND_TWIRL_BOUNCE = 38 --- @type CharacterSound CHAR_SOUND_SNORING3 = 39 --- @type CharacterSound CHAR_SOUND_SO_LONGA_BOWSER = 40 --- @type CharacterSound CHAR_SOUND_IMA_TIRED = 41 --- @type CharacterSound CHAR_SOUND_LETS_A_GO = 42 --- @type CharacterSound CHAR_SOUND_OKEY_DOKEY = 43 --- @type CharacterSound CHAR_SOUND_MAX = 44 --- @class CharacterType --- @type CharacterType CT_MARIO = 0 --- @type CharacterType CT_LUIGI = 1 --- @type CharacterType CT_TOAD = 2 --- @type CharacterType CT_WALUIGI = 3 --- @type CharacterType CT_WARIO = 4 --- @type CharacterType CT_MAX = 5 --- @class PalettePreset --- @type PalettePreset PALETTE_MARIO = 0 --- @type PalettePreset PALETTE_LUIGI = 1 --- @type PalettePreset PALETTE_TOAD = 2 --- @type PalettePreset PALETTE_WARIO = 3 --- @type PalettePreset PALETTE_WALUIGI = 4 --- @type PalettePreset PALETTE_TOADETTE = 5 --- @type PalettePreset PALETTE_YOSHI = 6 --- @type PalettePreset PALETTE_BUCKEN_BERRY = 7 --- @type PalettePreset PALETTE_ALA_GOLD = 8 --- @type PalettePreset PALETTE_FIRE_MARIO = 9 --- @type PalettePreset PALETTE_FIRE_LUIGI = 10 --- @type PalettePreset PALETTE_ICE_MARIO = 11 --- @type PalettePreset PALETTE_ICE_LUIGI = 12 --- @type PalettePreset PALETTE_TOADSWORTH = 13 --- @type PalettePreset PALETTE_PEACH = 14 --- @type PalettePreset PALETTE_DAISY = 15 --- @type PalettePreset PALETTE_WARIO_WOODS = 16 --- @type PalettePreset PALETTE_GB = 17 --- @type PalettePreset PALETTE_N64 = 18 --- @type PalettePreset PALETTE_SNES = 19 --- @type PalettePreset PALETTE_SWITCH = 20 --- @type PalettePreset PALETTE_CLOVER = 21 --- @type PalettePreset PALETTE_COBALT = 22 --- @type PalettePreset PALETTE_RUBY = 23 --- @type PalettePreset PALETTE_FURY = 24 --- @type PalettePreset PALETTE_HOT_PINK = 25 --- @type PalettePreset PALETTE_NICE_PINK = 26 --- @type PalettePreset PALETTE_SEAFOAM = 27 --- @type PalettePreset PALETTE_LILAC = 28 --- @type PalettePreset PALETTE_COPPER = 29 --- @type PalettePreset PALETTE_AZURE = 30 --- @type PalettePreset PALETTE_BURGUNDY = 31 --- @type PalettePreset PALETTE_MINT = 32 --- @type PalettePreset PALETTE_ORANGE = 33 --- @type PalettePreset PALETTE_ARCTIC = 34 --- @type PalettePreset PALETTE_BLACK = 35 --- @type PalettePreset PALETTE_BUBBLEGUM = 36 --- @type PalettePreset PALETTE_BUSY_BEE = 37 --- @type PalettePreset PALETTE_FORTRESS = 38 --- @type PalettePreset PALETTE_BLUEBERRY_PIE = 39 --- @type PalettePreset PALETTE_RASPBERRY = 40 --- @type PalettePreset PALETTE_COFFEE = 41 --- @type PalettePreset PALETTE_MARGIN = 42 --- @type PalettePreset PALETTE_PUMPKIN = 43 --- @type PalettePreset PALETTE_SOIL = 44 --- @type PalettePreset PALETTE_CREVASE = 45 --- @type PalettePreset PALETTE_PRESET_MAX = 46 --- @class PlayerPart --- @type PlayerPart PANTS = 0 --- @type PlayerPart SHIRT = 1 --- @type PlayerPart GLOVES = 2 --- @type PlayerPart SHOES = 3 --- @type PlayerPart HAIR = 4 --- @type PlayerPart SKIN = 5 --- @type PlayerPart CAP = 6 --- @type PlayerPart PLAYER_PART_MAX = 7 --- @type PlayerPart METAL = CAP --- @class DialogId --- @type DialogId DIALOG_000 = 0 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_001 = 1 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_002 = 2 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_003 = 3 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_004 = 4 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_005 = 5 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_006 = 6 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_007 = 7 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_008 = 8 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_009 = 9 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_010 = 10 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_011 = 11 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_012 = 12 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_013 = 13 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_014 = 14 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_015 = 15 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_016 = 16 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_017 = 17 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_018 = 18 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_019 = 19 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_020 = 20 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_021 = 21 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_022 = 22 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_023 = 23 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_024 = 24 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_025 = 25 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_026 = 26 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_027 = 27 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_028 = 28 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_029 = 29 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_030 = 30 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_031 = 31 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_032 = 32 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_033 = 33 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_034 = 34 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_035 = 35 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_036 = 36 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_037 = 37 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_038 = 38 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_039 = 39 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_040 = 40 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_041 = 41 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_042 = 42 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_043 = 43 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_044 = 44 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_045 = 45 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_046 = 46 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_047 = 47 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_048 = 48 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_049 = 49 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_050 = 50 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_051 = 51 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_052 = 52 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_053 = 53 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_054 = 54 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_055 = 55 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_056 = 56 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_057 = 57 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_058 = 58 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_059 = 59 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_060 = 60 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_061 = 61 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_062 = 62 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_063 = 63 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_064 = 64 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_065 = 65 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_066 = 66 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_067 = 67 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_068 = 68 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_069 = 69 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_070 = 70 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_071 = 71 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_072 = 72 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_073 = 73 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_074 = 74 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_075 = 75 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_076 = 76 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_077 = 77 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_078 = 78 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_079 = 79 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_080 = 80 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_081 = 81 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_082 = 82 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_083 = 83 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_084 = 84 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_085 = 85 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_086 = 86 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_087 = 87 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_088 = 88 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_089 = 89 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_090 = 90 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_091 = 91 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_092 = 92 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_093 = 93 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_094 = 94 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_095 = 95 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_096 = 96 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_097 = 97 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_098 = 98 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_099 = 99 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_100 = 100 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_101 = 101 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_102 = 102 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_103 = 103 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_104 = 104 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_105 = 105 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_106 = 106 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_107 = 107 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_108 = 108 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_109 = 109 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_110 = 110 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_111 = 111 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_112 = 112 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_113 = 113 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_114 = 114 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_115 = 115 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_116 = 116 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_117 = 117 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_118 = 118 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_119 = 119 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_120 = 120 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_121 = 121 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_122 = 122 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_123 = 123 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_124 = 124 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_125 = 125 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_126 = 126 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_127 = 127 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_128 = 128 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_129 = 129 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_130 = 130 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_131 = 131 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_132 = 132 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_133 = 133 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_134 = 134 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_135 = 135 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_136 = 136 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_137 = 137 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_138 = 138 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_139 = 139 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_140 = 140 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_141 = 141 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_142 = 142 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_143 = 143 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_144 = 144 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_145 = 145 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_146 = 146 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_147 = 147 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_148 = 148 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_149 = 149 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_150 = 150 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_151 = 151 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_152 = 152 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_153 = 153 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_154 = 154 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_155 = 155 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_156 = 156 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_157 = 157 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_158 = 158 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_159 = 159 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_160 = 160 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_161 = 161 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_162 = 162 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_163 = 163 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_164 = 164 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_165 = 165 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_166 = 166 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_167 = 167 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_168 = 168 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_169 = 169 --- @type DialogId DIALOG_COUNT = 170 --- @class ConsoleMessageLevel --- @type ConsoleMessageLevel CONSOLE_MESSAGE_INFO = 0 --- @type ConsoleMessageLevel CONSOLE_MESSAGE_WARNING = 1 --- @type ConsoleMessageLevel CONSOLE_MESSAGE_ERROR = 2 --- @class DjuiFontType --- @type DjuiFontType FONT_NORMAL = 0 --- @type DjuiFontType FONT_MENU = 1 --- @type DjuiFontType FONT_HUD = 2 --- @type DjuiFontType FONT_ALIASED = 3 --- @type DjuiFontType FONT_CUSTOM_HUD = 4 --- @type DjuiFontType FONT_RECOLOR_HUD = 5 --- @type DjuiFontType FONT_COUNT = 6 --- @class HudUtilsFilter --- @type HudUtilsFilter FILTER_NEAREST = 0 --- @type HudUtilsFilter FILTER_LINEAR = 1 --- @type HudUtilsFilter FILTER_COUNT = 2 --- @class HudUtilsResolution --- @type HudUtilsResolution RESOLUTION_DJUI = 0 --- @type HudUtilsResolution RESOLUTION_N64 = 1 --- @type HudUtilsResolution RESOLUTION_COUNT = 2 --- @type integer ENVFX_BUBBLE_START = 10 --- @type integer ENVFX_FLOWERS = 11 --- @type integer ENVFX_JETSTREAM_BUBBLES = 14 --- @type integer ENVFX_LAVA_BUBBLES = 12 --- @type integer ENVFX_MODE_NONE = 0 --- @type integer ENVFX_MODE_NO_OVERRIDE = -1 --- @type integer ENVFX_SNOW_BLIZZARD = 3 --- @type integer ENVFX_SNOW_NORMAL = 1 --- @type integer ENVFX_SNOW_WATER = 2 --- @type integer ENVFX_WHIRLPOOL_BUBBLES = 13 --- @type integer DS_DIFF = DS_TUXIE --- @type integer SEQ_PLAYER_ENV = 1 --- @type integer SEQ_PLAYER_LEVEL = 0 --- @type integer SEQ_PLAYER_SFX = 2 --- @class DialogSound --- @type DialogSound DS_UKIKI = 0 --- @type DialogSound DS_TUXIE = 1 --- @type DialogSound DS_BOWS1 = 2 --- @type DialogSound DS_KOOPA = 3 --- @type DialogSound DS_KBOMB = 4 --- @type DialogSound DS_BOO = 5 --- @type DialogSound DS_BOMB = 6 --- @type DialogSound DS_BOWS2 = 7 --- @type DialogSound DS_GRUNT = 8 --- @type DialogSound DS_WIGLR = 9 --- @type DialogSound DS_YOSHI = 10 --- @type DialogSound DS_MAX = 11 --- @type DialogSound DS_NONE = 0xff --- @type integer FIRST_PERSON_DEFAULT_FOV = 70 --- @type integer FIRST_PERSON_MARIO_HEAD_POS = 120 --- @type integer FIRST_PERSON_MARIO_HEAD_POS_SHORT = 60 --- @type integer BACKGROUND_ABOVE_CLOUDS = 8 --- @type integer BACKGROUND_BELOW_CLOUDS = 3 --- @type integer BACKGROUND_CUSTOM = 10 --- @type integer BACKGROUND_DESERT = 5 --- @type integer BACKGROUND_FLAMING_SKY = 1 --- @type integer BACKGROUND_GREEN_SKY = 7 --- @type integer BACKGROUND_HAUNTED = 6 --- @type integer BACKGROUND_OCEAN_SKY = 0 --- @type integer BACKGROUND_PURPLE_SKY = 9 --- @type integer BACKGROUND_SNOW_MOUNTAINS = 4 --- @type integer BACKGROUND_UNDERWATER_CITY = 2 --- @type integer GEO_CONTEXT_AREA_INIT = 4 --- @type integer GEO_CONTEXT_AREA_LOAD = 3 --- @type integer GEO_CONTEXT_AREA_UNLOAD = 2 --- @type integer GEO_CONTEXT_CREATE = 0 --- @type integer GEO_CONTEXT_HELD_OBJ = 5 --- @type integer GEO_CONTEXT_RENDER = 1 --- @type integer GFX_NUM_MASTER_LISTS = 8 --- @type integer GRAPH_EXTRA_FORCE_3D = (1 << 0) --- @type integer GRAPH_NODE_TYPE_400 = 0x400 --- @type integer GRAPH_NODE_TYPE_ANIMATED_PART = 0x019 --- @type integer GRAPH_NODE_TYPE_BACKGROUND = (0x02C | GRAPH_NODE_TYPE_FUNCTIONAL) --- @type integer GRAPH_NODE_TYPE_BILLBOARD = 0x01A --- @type integer GRAPH_NODE_TYPE_CAMERA = (0x014 | GRAPH_NODE_TYPE_FUNCTIONAL) --- @type integer GRAPH_NODE_TYPE_CULLING_RADIUS = 0x02F --- @type integer GRAPH_NODE_TYPE_DISPLAY_LIST = 0x01B --- @type integer GRAPH_NODE_TYPE_FUNCTIONAL = 0x100 --- @type integer GRAPH_NODE_TYPE_GENERATED_LIST = (0x02A | GRAPH_NODE_TYPE_FUNCTIONAL) --- @type integer GRAPH_NODE_TYPE_HELD_OBJ = (0x02E | GRAPH_NODE_TYPE_FUNCTIONAL) --- @type integer GRAPH_NODE_TYPE_LEVEL_OF_DETAIL = 0x00B --- @type integer GRAPH_NODE_TYPE_MASTER_LIST = 0x004 --- @type integer GRAPH_NODE_TYPE_OBJECT = 0x018 --- @type integer GRAPH_NODE_TYPE_OBJECT_PARENT = 0x029 --- @type integer GRAPH_NODE_TYPE_ORTHO_PROJECTION = 0x002 --- @type integer GRAPH_NODE_TYPE_PERSPECTIVE = (0x003 | GRAPH_NODE_TYPE_FUNCTIONAL) --- @type integer GRAPH_NODE_TYPE_ROOT = 0x001 --- @type integer GRAPH_NODE_TYPE_ROTATION = 0x017 --- @type integer GRAPH_NODE_TYPE_SCALE = 0x01C --- @type integer GRAPH_NODE_TYPE_SHADOW = 0x028 --- @type integer GRAPH_NODE_TYPE_START = 0x00A --- @type integer GRAPH_NODE_TYPE_SWITCH_CASE = (0x00C | GRAPH_NODE_TYPE_FUNCTIONAL) --- @type integer GRAPH_NODE_TYPE_TRANSLATION = 0x016 --- @type integer GRAPH_NODE_TYPE_TRANSLATION_ROTATION = 0x015 --- @type integer GRAPH_RENDER_ACTIVE = (1 << 0) --- @type integer GRAPH_RENDER_BILLBOARD = (1 << 2) --- @type integer GRAPH_RENDER_CHILDREN_FIRST = (1 << 1) --- @type integer GRAPH_RENDER_CYLBOARD = (1 << 6) --- @type integer GRAPH_RENDER_HAS_ANIMATION = (1 << 5) --- @type integer GRAPH_RENDER_INVISIBLE = (1 << 4) --- @type integer GRAPH_RENDER_PLAYER = (1 << 7) --- @type integer GRAPH_RENDER_Z_BUFFER = (1 << 3) --- @type integer ATTACK_FAST_ATTACK = 5 --- @type integer ATTACK_FROM_ABOVE = 3 --- @type integer ATTACK_FROM_BELOW = 6 --- @type integer ATTACK_GROUND_POUND_OR_TWIRL = 4 --- @type integer ATTACK_KICK_OR_TRIP = 2 --- @type integer ATTACK_PUNCH = 1 --- @type integer INT_ANY_ATTACK = (INT_GROUND_POUND_OR_TWIRL | INT_PUNCH | INT_KICK | INT_TRIP | INT_SLIDE_KICK | INT_FAST_ATTACK_OR_SHELL | INT_HIT_FROM_ABOVE | INT_HIT_FROM_BELOW) --- @type integer INT_ATTACK_NOT_FROM_BELOW = (INT_GROUND_POUND_OR_TWIRL | INT_PUNCH | INT_KICK | INT_TRIP | INT_SLIDE_KICK | INT_FAST_ATTACK_OR_SHELL | INT_HIT_FROM_ABOVE) --- @type integer INT_ATTACK_NOT_WEAK_FROM_ABOVE = (INT_GROUND_POUND_OR_TWIRL | INT_PUNCH | INT_KICK | INT_TRIP | INT_HIT_FROM_BELOW) --- @type integer INT_ATTACK_SLIDE = (INT_SLIDE_KICK | INT_FAST_ATTACK_OR_SHELL) --- @type integer INT_STATUS_ATTACKED_MARIO = (1 << 13) --- @type integer INT_STATUS_ATTACK_MASK = 0x000000FF --- @type integer INT_STATUS_GRABBED_MARIO = (1 << 11) --- @type integer INT_STATUS_HIT_BY_SHOCKWAVE = (1 << 4) --- @type integer INT_STATUS_HIT_MINE = (1 << 21) --- @type integer INT_STATUS_HOOT_GRABBED_BY_MARIO = (1 << 0) --- @type integer INT_STATUS_INTERACTED = (1 << 15) --- @type integer INT_STATUS_MARIO_DROP_OBJECT = (1 << 3) --- @type integer INT_STATUS_MARIO_UNK1 = (1 << 1) --- @type integer INT_STATUS_MARIO_UNK2 = (1 << 2) --- @type integer INT_STATUS_MARIO_UNK5 = (1 << 5) --- @type integer INT_STATUS_MARIO_UNK6 = (1 << 6) --- @type integer INT_STATUS_MARIO_UNK7 = (1 << 7) --- @type integer INT_STATUS_STOP_RIDING = (1 << 22) --- @type integer INT_STATUS_TOUCHED_BOB_OMB = (1 << 23) --- @type integer INT_STATUS_TRAP_TURN = (1 << 20) --- @type integer INT_STATUS_WAS_ATTACKED = (1 << 14) --- @type integer INT_SUBTYPE_BIG_KNOCKBACK = 0x00000008 --- @type integer INT_SUBTYPE_DELAY_INVINCIBILITY = 0x00000002 --- @type integer INT_SUBTYPE_DROP_IMMEDIATELY = 0x00000040 --- @type integer INT_SUBTYPE_EATS_MARIO = 0x00002000 --- @type integer INT_SUBTYPE_FADING_WARP = 0x00000001 --- @type integer INT_SUBTYPE_GRABS_MARIO = 0x00000004 --- @type integer INT_SUBTYPE_GRAND_STAR = 0x00000800 --- @type integer INT_SUBTYPE_HOLDABLE_NPC = 0x00000010 --- @type integer INT_SUBTYPE_KICKABLE = 0x00000100 --- @type integer INT_SUBTYPE_NOT_GRABBABLE = 0x00000200 --- @type integer INT_SUBTYPE_NO_EXIT = 0x00000400 --- @type integer INT_SUBTYPE_NPC = 0x00004000 --- @type integer INT_SUBTYPE_SIGN = 0x00001000 --- @type integer INT_SUBTYPE_STAR_DOOR = 0x00000020 --- @type integer INT_SUBTYPE_TWIRL_BOUNCE = 0x00000080 --- @class InteractionFlag --- @type InteractionFlag INT_GROUND_POUND = (1 << 0) --- @type InteractionFlag INT_PUNCH = (1 << 1) --- @type InteractionFlag INT_KICK = (1 << 2) --- @type InteractionFlag INT_TRIP = (1 << 3) --- @type InteractionFlag INT_SLIDE_KICK = (1 << 4) --- @type InteractionFlag INT_FAST_ATTACK_OR_SHELL = (1 << 5) --- @type InteractionFlag INT_HIT_FROM_ABOVE = (1 << 6) --- @type InteractionFlag INT_HIT_FROM_BELOW = (1 << 7) --- @type InteractionFlag INT_TWIRL = (1 << 8) --- @type InteractionFlag INT_GROUND_POUND_OR_TWIRL = (INT_GROUND_POUND | INT_TWIRL) --- @class InteractionType --- @type InteractionType INTERACT_HOOT = (1 << 0) --- @type InteractionType INTERACT_GRABBABLE = (1 << 1) --- @type InteractionType INTERACT_DOOR = (1 << 2) --- @type InteractionType INTERACT_DAMAGE = (1 << 3) --- @type InteractionType INTERACT_COIN = (1 << 4) --- @type InteractionType INTERACT_CAP = (1 << 5) --- @type InteractionType INTERACT_POLE = (1 << 6) --- @type InteractionType INTERACT_KOOPA = (1 << 7) --- @type InteractionType INTERACT_UNKNOWN_08 = (1 << 8) --- @type InteractionType INTERACT_BREAKABLE = (1 << 9) --- @type InteractionType INTERACT_STRONG_WIND = (1 << 10) --- @type InteractionType INTERACT_WARP_DOOR = (1 << 11) --- @type InteractionType INTERACT_STAR_OR_KEY = (1 << 12) --- @type InteractionType INTERACT_WARP = (1 << 13) --- @type InteractionType INTERACT_CANNON_BASE = (1 << 14) --- @type InteractionType INTERACT_BOUNCE_TOP = (1 << 15) --- @type InteractionType INTERACT_WATER_RING = (1 << 16) --- @type InteractionType INTERACT_BULLY = (1 << 17) --- @type InteractionType INTERACT_FLAME = (1 << 18) --- @type InteractionType INTERACT_KOOPA_SHELL = (1 << 19) --- @type InteractionType INTERACT_BOUNCE_TOP2 = (1 << 20) --- @type InteractionType INTERACT_MR_BLIZZARD = (1 << 21) --- @type InteractionType INTERACT_HIT_FROM_BELOW = (1 << 22) --- @type InteractionType INTERACT_TEXT = (1 << 23) --- @type InteractionType INTERACT_TORNADO = (1 << 24) --- @type InteractionType INTERACT_WHIRLPOOL = (1 << 25) --- @type InteractionType INTERACT_CLAM_OR_BUBBA = (1 << 26) --- @type InteractionType INTERACT_BBH_ENTRANCE = (1 << 27) --- @type InteractionType INTERACT_SNUFIT_BULLET = (1 << 28) --- @type InteractionType INTERACT_SHOCK = (1 << 29) --- @type InteractionType INTERACT_IGLOO_BARRIER = (1 << 30) --- @type InteractionType INTERACT_PLAYER = (1 << 31) --- @type integer WARP_CHECKPOINT = 0x80 --- @type integer WARP_NO_CHECKPOINT = 0x00 --- @class LevelNum --- @type LevelNum LEVEL_NONE = 0 --- @type LevelNum LEVEL_UNKNOWN_1 = 1 --- @type LevelNum LEVEL_UNKNOWN_2 = 2 --- @type LevelNum LEVEL_UNKNOWN_3 = 3 --- @type LevelNum LEVEL_BBH = 4 --- @type LevelNum LEVEL_CCM = 5 --- @type LevelNum LEVEL_CASTLE = 6 --- @type LevelNum LEVEL_HMC = 7 --- @type LevelNum LEVEL_SSL = 8 --- @type LevelNum LEVEL_BOB = 9 --- @type LevelNum LEVEL_SL = 10 --- @type LevelNum LEVEL_WDW = 11 --- @type LevelNum LEVEL_JRB = 12 --- @type LevelNum LEVEL_THI = 13 --- @type LevelNum LEVEL_TTC = 14 --- @type LevelNum LEVEL_RR = 15 --- @type LevelNum LEVEL_CASTLE_GROUNDS = 16 --- @type LevelNum LEVEL_BITDW = 17 --- @type LevelNum LEVEL_VCUTM = 18 --- @type LevelNum LEVEL_BITFS = 19 --- @type LevelNum LEVEL_SA = 20 --- @type LevelNum LEVEL_BITS = 21 --- @type LevelNum LEVEL_LLL = 22 --- @type LevelNum LEVEL_DDD = 23 --- @type LevelNum LEVEL_WF = 24 --- @type LevelNum LEVEL_ENDING = 25 --- @type LevelNum LEVEL_CASTLE_COURTYARD = 26 --- @type LevelNum LEVEL_PSS = 27 --- @type LevelNum LEVEL_COTMC = 28 --- @type LevelNum LEVEL_TOTWC = 29 --- @type LevelNum LEVEL_BOWSER_1 = 30 --- @type LevelNum LEVEL_WMOTR = 31 --- @type LevelNum LEVEL_UNKNOWN_32 = 32 --- @type LevelNum LEVEL_BOWSER_2 = 33 --- @type LevelNum LEVEL_BOWSER_3 = 34 --- @type LevelNum LEVEL_UNKNOWN_35 = 35 --- @type LevelNum LEVEL_TTM = 36 --- @type LevelNum LEVEL_UNKNOWN_37 = 37 --- @type LevelNum LEVEL_UNKNOWN_38 = 38 --- @type LevelNum LEVEL_COUNT = 39 --- @type integer MARIO_SPAWN_AIRBORNE = 0x12 --- @type integer MARIO_SPAWN_AIRBORNE_DEATH = 0x23 --- @type integer MARIO_SPAWN_AIRBORNE_STAR_COLLECT = 0x22 --- @type integer MARIO_SPAWN_DEATH = 0x15 --- @type integer MARIO_SPAWN_DOOR_WARP = 0x01 --- @type integer MARIO_SPAWN_FLYING = 0x17 --- @type integer MARIO_SPAWN_HARD_AIR_KNOCKBACK = 0x13 --- @type integer MARIO_SPAWN_INSTANT_ACTIVE = 0x10 --- @type integer MARIO_SPAWN_LAUNCH_DEATH = 0x25 --- @type integer MARIO_SPAWN_LAUNCH_STAR_COLLECT = 0x24 --- @type integer MARIO_SPAWN_PAINTING_DEATH = 0x21 --- @type integer MARIO_SPAWN_PAINTING_STAR_COLLECT = 0x20 --- @type integer MARIO_SPAWN_SPIN_AIRBORNE = 0x16 --- @type integer MARIO_SPAWN_SPIN_AIRBORNE_CIRCLE = 0x14 --- @type integer MARIO_SPAWN_SWIMMING = 0x11 --- @type integer MARIO_SPAWN_TELEPORT = 0x04 --- @type integer MARIO_SPAWN_UNKNOWN_02 = 0x02 --- @type integer MARIO_SPAWN_UNKNOWN_03 = 0x03 --- @type integer MARIO_SPAWN_UNKNOWN_27 = 0x27 --- @type integer PRESS_START_DEMO_TIMER = 800 --- @type integer SPECIAL_WARP_CAKE = -1 --- @type integer SPECIAL_WARP_GODDARD = -2 --- @type integer SPECIAL_WARP_GODDARD_GAMEOVER = -3 --- @type integer SPECIAL_WARP_LEVEL_SELECT = -9 --- @type integer SPECIAL_WARP_TITLE = -8 --- @type integer TIMER_CONTROL_HIDE = 3 --- @type integer TIMER_CONTROL_SHOW = 0 --- @type integer TIMER_CONTROL_START = 1 --- @type integer TIMER_CONTROL_STOP = 2 --- @type integer WARP_NODE_CREDITS_END = 0xFA --- @type integer WARP_NODE_CREDITS_MIN = 0xF8 --- @type integer WARP_NODE_CREDITS_NEXT = 0xF9 --- @type integer WARP_NODE_CREDITS_START = 0xF8 --- @type integer WARP_NODE_DEATH = 0xF1 --- @type integer WARP_NODE_F0 = 0xF0 --- @type integer WARP_NODE_F2 = 0xF2 --- @type integer WARP_NODE_WARP_FLOOR = 0xF3 --- @type integer WARP_OP_CREDITS_END = 0x15 --- @type integer WARP_OP_CREDITS_NEXT = 0x18 --- @type integer WARP_OP_CREDITS_START = 0x17 --- @type integer WARP_OP_DEATH = 0x12 --- @type integer WARP_OP_DEMO_END = 0x19 --- @type integer WARP_OP_DEMO_NEXT = 0x16 --- @type integer WARP_OP_EXIT = 0x21 --- @type integer WARP_OP_FORCE_SYNC = 0x20 --- @type integer WARP_OP_GAME_OVER = 0x14 --- @type integer WARP_OP_LOOK_UP = 0x01 --- @type integer WARP_OP_NONE = 0x00 --- @type integer WARP_OP_SPIN_SHRINK = 0x02 --- @type integer WARP_OP_STAR_EXIT = 0x11 --- @type integer WARP_OP_TELEPORT = 0x05 --- @type integer WARP_OP_TRIGGERS_LEVEL_SELECT = 0x10 --- @type integer WARP_OP_WARP_DOOR = 0x03 --- @type integer WARP_OP_WARP_FLOOR = 0x13 --- @type integer WARP_OP_WARP_OBJECT = 0x04 --- @type integer WARP_TYPE_CHANGE_AREA = 2 --- @type integer WARP_TYPE_CHANGE_LEVEL = 1 --- @type integer WARP_TYPE_NOT_WARPING = 0 --- @type integer WARP_TYPE_SAME_AREA = 3 --- @class HUDDisplayFlag --- @type HUDDisplayFlag HUD_DISPLAY_FLAG_LIVES = 0x0001 --- @type HUDDisplayFlag HUD_DISPLAY_FLAG_COIN_COUNT = 0x0002 --- @type HUDDisplayFlag HUD_DISPLAY_FLAG_STAR_COUNT = 0x0004 --- @type HUDDisplayFlag HUD_DISPLAY_FLAG_CAMERA_AND_POWER = 0x0008 --- @type HUDDisplayFlag HUD_DISPLAY_FLAG_KEYS = 0x0010 --- @type HUDDisplayFlag HUD_DISPLAY_FLAG_UNKNOWN_0020 = 0x0020 --- @type HUDDisplayFlag HUD_DISPLAY_FLAG_TIMER = 0x0040 --- @type HUDDisplayFlag HUD_DISPLAY_FLAG_CAMERA = 0x0080 --- @type HUDDisplayFlag HUD_DISPLAY_FLAG_POWER = 0x0100 --- @type HUDDisplayFlag HUD_DISPLAY_FLAG_EMPHASIZE_POWER = 0x8000 --- @type HUDDisplayFlag HUD_DISPLAY_NONE = 0x0000 --- @type HUDDisplayFlag HUD_DISPLAY_DEFAULT = HUD_DISPLAY_FLAG_LIVES | HUD_DISPLAY_FLAG_COIN_COUNT | HUD_DISPLAY_FLAG_STAR_COUNT | HUD_DISPLAY_FLAG_CAMERA_AND_POWER | HUD_DISPLAY_FLAG_CAMERA | HUD_DISPLAY_FLAG_POWER | HUD_DISPLAY_FLAG_KEYS | HUD_DISPLAY_FLAG_UNKNOWN_0020 --- @class CharacterAnimID --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_SLOW_LEDGE_GRAB = 0 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_FALL_OVER_BACKWARDS = 1 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_BACKWARD_AIR_KB = 2 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_DYING_ON_BACK = 3 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_BACKFLIP = 4 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_CLIMB_UP_POLE = 5 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_GRAB_POLE_SHORT = 6 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_GRAB_POLE_SWING_PART1 = 7 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_GRAB_POLE_SWING_PART2 = 8 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_HANDSTAND_IDLE = 9 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_HANDSTAND_JUMP = 10 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_START_HANDSTAND = 11 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_RETURN_FROM_HANDSTAND = 12 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_IDLE_ON_POLE = 13 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_A_POSE = 14 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_SKID_ON_GROUND = 15 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_STOP_SKID = 16 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_CROUCH_FROM_FAST_LONGJUMP = 17 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_CROUCH_FROM_SLOW_LONGJUMP = 18 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_FAST_LONGJUMP = 19 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_SLOW_LONGJUMP = 20 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_AIRBORNE_ON_STOMACH = 21 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_WALK_WITH_LIGHT_OBJ = 22 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_RUN_WITH_LIGHT_OBJ = 23 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_SLOW_WALK_WITH_LIGHT_OBJ = 24 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_SHIVERING_WARMING_HAND = 25 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_SHIVERING_RETURN_TO_IDLE = 26 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_SHIVERING = 27 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_CLIMB_DOWN_LEDGE = 28 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_CREDITS_WAVING = 29 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_CREDITS_LOOK_UP = 30 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_CREDITS_RETURN_FROM_LOOK_UP = 31 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_CREDITS_RAISE_HAND = 32 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_CREDITS_LOWER_HAND = 33 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_CREDITS_TAKE_OFF_CAP = 34 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_CREDITS_START_WALK_LOOK_UP = 35 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_CREDITS_LOOK_BACK_THEN_RUN = 36 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_FINAL_BOWSER_RAISE_HAND_SPIN = 37 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_FINAL_BOWSER_WING_CAP_TAKE_OFF = 38 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_CREDITS_PEACE_SIGN = 39 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_STAND_UP_FROM_LAVA_BOOST = 40 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_FIRE_LAVA_BURN = 41 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_WING_CAP_FLY = 42 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_HANG_ON_OWL = 43 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_LAND_ON_STOMACH = 44 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_AIR_FORWARD_KB = 45 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_DYING_ON_STOMACH = 46 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_SUFFOCATING = 47 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_COUGHING = 48 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_THROW_CATCH_KEY = 49 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_DYING_FALL_OVER = 50 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_IDLE_ON_LEDGE = 51 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_FAST_LEDGE_GRAB = 52 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_HANG_ON_CEILING = 53 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_PUT_CAP_ON = 54 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_TAKE_CAP_OFF_THEN_ON = 55 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_QUICKLY_PUT_CAP_ON = 56 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_HEAD_STUCK_IN_GROUND = 57 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_GROUND_POUND_LANDING = 58 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_TRIPLE_JUMP_GROUND_POUND = 59 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_START_GROUND_POUND = 60 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_GROUND_POUND = 61 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_BOTTOM_STUCK_IN_GROUND = 62 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_IDLE_WITH_LIGHT_OBJ = 63 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_JUMP_LAND_WITH_LIGHT_OBJ = 64 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_JUMP_WITH_LIGHT_OBJ = 65 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_FALL_LAND_WITH_LIGHT_OBJ = 66 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_FALL_WITH_LIGHT_OBJ = 67 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_FALL_FROM_SLIDING_WITH_LIGHT_OBJ = 68 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_SLIDING_ON_BOTTOM_WITH_LIGHT_OBJ = 69 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_STAND_UP_FROM_SLIDING_WITH_LIGHT_OBJ = 70 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_RIDING_SHELL = 71 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_WALKING = 72 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_FORWARD_FLIP = 73 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_JUMP_RIDING_SHELL = 74 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_LAND_FROM_DOUBLE_JUMP = 75 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_DOUBLE_JUMP_FALL = 76 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_SINGLE_JUMP = 77 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_LAND_FROM_SINGLE_JUMP = 78 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_AIR_KICK = 79 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_DOUBLE_JUMP_RISE = 80 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_START_FORWARD_SPINNING = 81 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_THROW_LIGHT_OBJECT = 82 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_FALL_FROM_SLIDE_KICK = 83 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_BEND_KNESS_RIDING_SHELL = 84 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_LEGS_STUCK_IN_GROUND = 85 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_GENERAL_FALL = 86 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_GENERAL_LAND = 87 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_BEING_GRABBED = 88 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_GRAB_HEAVY_OBJECT = 89 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_SLOW_LAND_FROM_DIVE = 90 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_FLY_FROM_CANNON = 91 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_MOVE_ON_WIRE_NET_RIGHT = 92 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_MOVE_ON_WIRE_NET_LEFT = 93 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_MISSING_CAP = 94 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_PULL_DOOR_WALK_IN = 95 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_PUSH_DOOR_WALK_IN = 96 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_UNLOCK_DOOR = 97 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_START_REACH_POCKET = 98 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_REACH_POCKET = 99 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_STOP_REACH_POCKET = 100 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_GROUND_THROW = 101 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_GROUND_KICK = 102 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_FIRST_PUNCH = 103 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_SECOND_PUNCH = 104 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_FIRST_PUNCH_FAST = 105 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_SECOND_PUNCH_FAST = 106 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_PICK_UP_LIGHT_OBJ = 107 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_PUSHING = 108 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_START_RIDING_SHELL = 109 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_PLACE_LIGHT_OBJ = 110 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_FORWARD_SPINNING = 111 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_BACKWARD_SPINNING = 112 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_BREAKDANCE = 113 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_RUNNING = 114 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_RUNNING_UNUSED = 115 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_SOFT_BACK_KB = 116 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_SOFT_FRONT_KB = 117 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_DYING_IN_QUICKSAND = 118 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_IDLE_IN_QUICKSAND = 119 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_MOVE_IN_QUICKSAND = 120 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_ELECTROCUTION = 121 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_SHOCKED = 122 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_BACKWARD_KB = 123 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_FORWARD_KB = 124 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_IDLE_HEAVY_OBJ = 125 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_STAND_AGAINST_WALL = 126 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_SIDESTEP_LEFT = 127 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_SIDESTEP_RIGHT = 128 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_START_SLEEP_IDLE = 129 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_START_SLEEP_SCRATCH = 130 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_START_SLEEP_YAWN = 131 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_START_SLEEP_SITTING = 132 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_SLEEP_IDLE = 133 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_SLEEP_START_LYING = 134 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_SLEEP_LYING = 135 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_DIVE = 136 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_SLIDE_DIVE = 137 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_GROUND_BONK = 138 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_STOP_SLIDE_LIGHT_OBJ = 139 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_SLIDE_KICK = 140 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_CROUCH_FROM_SLIDE_KICK = 141 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_SLIDE_MOTIONLESS = 142 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_STOP_SLIDE = 143 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_FALL_FROM_SLIDE = 144 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_SLIDE = 145 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_TIPTOE = 146 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_TWIRL_LAND = 147 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_TWIRL = 148 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_START_TWIRL = 149 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_STOP_CROUCHING = 150 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_START_CROUCHING = 151 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_CROUCHING = 152 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_CRAWLING = 153 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_STOP_CRAWLING = 154 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_START_CRAWLING = 155 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_SUMMON_STAR = 156 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_RETURN_STAR_APPROACH_DOOR = 157 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_BACKWARDS_WATER_KB = 158 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_SWIM_WITH_OBJ_PART1 = 159 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_SWIM_WITH_OBJ_PART2 = 160 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_FLUTTERKICK_WITH_OBJ = 161 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_WATER_ACTION_END_WITH_OBJ = 162 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_STOP_GRAB_OBJ_WATER = 163 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_WATER_IDLE_WITH_OBJ = 164 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_DROWNING_PART1 = 165 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_DROWNING_PART2 = 166 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_WATER_DYING = 167 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_WATER_FORWARD_KB = 168 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_FALL_FROM_WATER = 169 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_SWIM_PART1 = 170 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_SWIM_PART2 = 171 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_FLUTTERKICK = 172 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_WATER_ACTION_END = 173 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_WATER_PICK_UP_OBJ = 174 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_WATER_GRAB_OBJ_PART2 = 175 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_WATER_GRAB_OBJ_PART1 = 176 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_WATER_THROW_OBJ = 177 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_WATER_IDLE = 178 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_WATER_STAR_DANCE = 179 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_RETURN_FROM_WATER_STAR_DANCE = 180 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_GRAB_BOWSER = 181 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_SWINGING_BOWSER = 182 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_RELEASE_BOWSER = 183 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_HOLDING_BOWSER = 184 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_HEAVY_THROW = 185 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_WALK_PANTING = 186 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_WALK_WITH_HEAVY_OBJ = 187 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_TURNING_PART1 = 188 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_TURNING_PART2 = 189 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_SLIDEFLIP_LAND = 190 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_SLIDEFLIP = 191 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_TRIPLE_JUMP_LAND = 192 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_TRIPLE_JUMP = 193 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_FIRST_PERSON = 194 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_IDLE_HEAD_LEFT = 195 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_IDLE_HEAD_RIGHT = 196 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_IDLE_HEAD_CENTER = 197 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_HANDSTAND_LEFT = 198 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_HANDSTAND_RIGHT = 199 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_WAKE_FROM_SLEEP = 200 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_WAKE_FROM_LYING = 201 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_START_TIPTOE = 202 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_SLIDEJUMP = 203 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_START_WALLKICK = 204 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_STAR_DANCE = 205 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_RETURN_FROM_STAR_DANCE = 206 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_FORWARD_SPINNING_FLIP = 207 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_TRIPLE_JUMP_FLY = 208 --- @type CharacterAnimID CHAR_ANIM_MAX = 209 --- @class MarioAnimID --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_SLOW_LEDGE_GRAB = 0 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_FALL_OVER_BACKWARDS = 1 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_BACKWARD_AIR_KB = 2 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_DYING_ON_BACK = 3 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_BACKFLIP = 4 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_CLIMB_UP_POLE = 5 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_GRAB_POLE_SHORT = 6 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_GRAB_POLE_SWING_PART1 = 7 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_GRAB_POLE_SWING_PART2 = 8 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_HANDSTAND_IDLE = 9 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_HANDSTAND_JUMP = 10 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_START_HANDSTAND = 11 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_RETURN_FROM_HANDSTAND = 12 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_IDLE_ON_POLE = 13 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_A_POSE = 14 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_SKID_ON_GROUND = 15 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_STOP_SKID = 16 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_CROUCH_FROM_FAST_LONGJUMP = 17 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_CROUCH_FROM_SLOW_LONGJUMP = 18 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_FAST_LONGJUMP = 19 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_SLOW_LONGJUMP = 20 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_AIRBORNE_ON_STOMACH = 21 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_WALK_WITH_LIGHT_OBJ = 22 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_RUN_WITH_LIGHT_OBJ = 23 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_SLOW_WALK_WITH_LIGHT_OBJ = 24 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_SHIVERING_WARMING_HAND = 25 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_SHIVERING_RETURN_TO_IDLE = 26 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_SHIVERING = 27 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_CLIMB_DOWN_LEDGE = 28 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_CREDITS_WAVING = 29 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_CREDITS_LOOK_UP = 30 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_CREDITS_RETURN_FROM_LOOK_UP = 31 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_CREDITS_RAISE_HAND = 32 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_CREDITS_LOWER_HAND = 33 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_CREDITS_TAKE_OFF_CAP = 34 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_CREDITS_START_WALK_LOOK_UP = 35 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_CREDITS_LOOK_BACK_THEN_RUN = 36 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_FINAL_BOWSER_RAISE_HAND_SPIN = 37 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_FINAL_BOWSER_WING_CAP_TAKE_OFF = 38 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_CREDITS_PEACE_SIGN = 39 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_STAND_UP_FROM_LAVA_BOOST = 40 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_FIRE_LAVA_BURN = 41 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_WING_CAP_FLY = 42 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_HANG_ON_OWL = 43 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_LAND_ON_STOMACH = 44 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_AIR_FORWARD_KB = 45 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_DYING_ON_STOMACH = 46 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_SUFFOCATING = 47 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_COUGHING = 48 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_THROW_CATCH_KEY = 49 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_DYING_FALL_OVER = 50 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_IDLE_ON_LEDGE = 51 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_FAST_LEDGE_GRAB = 52 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_HANG_ON_CEILING = 53 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_PUT_CAP_ON = 54 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_TAKE_CAP_OFF_THEN_ON = 55 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_QUICKLY_PUT_CAP_ON = 56 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_HEAD_STUCK_IN_GROUND = 57 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_GROUND_POUND_LANDING = 58 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_TRIPLE_JUMP_GROUND_POUND = 59 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_START_GROUND_POUND = 60 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_GROUND_POUND = 61 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_BOTTOM_STUCK_IN_GROUND = 62 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_IDLE_WITH_LIGHT_OBJ = 63 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_JUMP_LAND_WITH_LIGHT_OBJ = 64 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_JUMP_WITH_LIGHT_OBJ = 65 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_FALL_LAND_WITH_LIGHT_OBJ = 66 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_FALL_WITH_LIGHT_OBJ = 67 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_FALL_FROM_SLIDING_WITH_LIGHT_OBJ = 68 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_SLIDING_ON_BOTTOM_WITH_LIGHT_OBJ = 69 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_STAND_UP_FROM_SLIDING_WITH_LIGHT_OBJ = 70 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_RIDING_SHELL = 71 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_WALKING = 72 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_FORWARD_FLIP = 73 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_JUMP_RIDING_SHELL = 74 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_LAND_FROM_DOUBLE_JUMP = 75 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_DOUBLE_JUMP_FALL = 76 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_SINGLE_JUMP = 77 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_LAND_FROM_SINGLE_JUMP = 78 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_AIR_KICK = 79 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_DOUBLE_JUMP_RISE = 80 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_START_FORWARD_SPINNING = 81 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_THROW_LIGHT_OBJECT = 82 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_FALL_FROM_SLIDE_KICK = 83 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_BEND_KNESS_RIDING_SHELL = 84 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_LEGS_STUCK_IN_GROUND = 85 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_GENERAL_FALL = 86 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_GENERAL_LAND = 87 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_BEING_GRABBED = 88 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_GRAB_HEAVY_OBJECT = 89 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_SLOW_LAND_FROM_DIVE = 90 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_FLY_FROM_CANNON = 91 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_MOVE_ON_WIRE_NET_RIGHT = 92 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_MOVE_ON_WIRE_NET_LEFT = 93 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_MISSING_CAP = 94 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_PULL_DOOR_WALK_IN = 95 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_PUSH_DOOR_WALK_IN = 96 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_UNLOCK_DOOR = 97 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_START_REACH_POCKET = 98 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_REACH_POCKET = 99 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_STOP_REACH_POCKET = 100 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_GROUND_THROW = 101 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_GROUND_KICK = 102 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_FIRST_PUNCH = 103 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_SECOND_PUNCH = 104 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_FIRST_PUNCH_FAST = 105 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_SECOND_PUNCH_FAST = 106 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_PICK_UP_LIGHT_OBJ = 107 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_PUSHING = 108 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_START_RIDING_SHELL = 109 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_PLACE_LIGHT_OBJ = 110 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_FORWARD_SPINNING = 111 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_BACKWARD_SPINNING = 112 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_BREAKDANCE = 113 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_RUNNING = 114 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_RUNNING_UNUSED = 115 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_SOFT_BACK_KB = 116 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_SOFT_FRONT_KB = 117 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_DYING_IN_QUICKSAND = 118 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_IDLE_IN_QUICKSAND = 119 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_MOVE_IN_QUICKSAND = 120 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_ELECTROCUTION = 121 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_SHOCKED = 122 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_BACKWARD_KB = 123 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_FORWARD_KB = 124 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_IDLE_HEAVY_OBJ = 125 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_STAND_AGAINST_WALL = 126 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_SIDESTEP_LEFT = 127 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_SIDESTEP_RIGHT = 128 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_START_SLEEP_IDLE = 129 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_START_SLEEP_SCRATCH = 130 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_START_SLEEP_YAWN = 131 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_START_SLEEP_SITTING = 132 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_SLEEP_IDLE = 133 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_SLEEP_START_LYING = 134 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_SLEEP_LYING = 135 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_DIVE = 136 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_SLIDE_DIVE = 137 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_GROUND_BONK = 138 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_STOP_SLIDE_LIGHT_OBJ = 139 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_SLIDE_KICK = 140 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_CROUCH_FROM_SLIDE_KICK = 141 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_SLIDE_MOTIONLESS = 142 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_STOP_SLIDE = 143 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_FALL_FROM_SLIDE = 144 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_SLIDE = 145 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_TIPTOE = 146 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_TWIRL_LAND = 147 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_TWIRL = 148 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_START_TWIRL = 149 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_STOP_CROUCHING = 150 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_START_CROUCHING = 151 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_CROUCHING = 152 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_CRAWLING = 153 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_STOP_CRAWLING = 154 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_START_CRAWLING = 155 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_SUMMON_STAR = 156 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_RETURN_STAR_APPROACH_DOOR = 157 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_BACKWARDS_WATER_KB = 158 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_SWIM_WITH_OBJ_PART1 = 159 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_SWIM_WITH_OBJ_PART2 = 160 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_FLUTTERKICK_WITH_OBJ = 161 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_WATER_ACTION_END_WITH_OBJ = 162 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_STOP_GRAB_OBJ_WATER = 163 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_WATER_IDLE_WITH_OBJ = 164 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_DROWNING_PART1 = 165 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_DROWNING_PART2 = 166 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_WATER_DYING = 167 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_WATER_FORWARD_KB = 168 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_FALL_FROM_WATER = 169 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_SWIM_PART1 = 170 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_SWIM_PART2 = 171 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_FLUTTERKICK = 172 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_WATER_ACTION_END = 173 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_WATER_PICK_UP_OBJ = 174 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_WATER_GRAB_OBJ_PART2 = 175 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_WATER_GRAB_OBJ_PART1 = 176 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_WATER_THROW_OBJ = 177 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_WATER_IDLE = 178 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_WATER_STAR_DANCE = 179 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_RETURN_FROM_WATER_STAR_DANCE = 180 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_GRAB_BOWSER = 181 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_SWINGING_BOWSER = 182 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_RELEASE_BOWSER = 183 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_HOLDING_BOWSER = 184 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_HEAVY_THROW = 185 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_WALK_PANTING = 186 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_WALK_WITH_HEAVY_OBJ = 187 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_TURNING_PART1 = 188 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_TURNING_PART2 = 189 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_SLIDEFLIP_LAND = 190 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_SLIDEFLIP = 191 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_TRIPLE_JUMP_LAND = 192 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_TRIPLE_JUMP = 193 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_FIRST_PERSON = 194 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_IDLE_HEAD_LEFT = 195 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_IDLE_HEAD_RIGHT = 196 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_IDLE_HEAD_CENTER = 197 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_HANDSTAND_LEFT = 198 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_HANDSTAND_RIGHT = 199 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_WAKE_FROM_SLEEP = 200 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_WAKE_FROM_LYING = 201 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_START_TIPTOE = 202 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_SLIDEJUMP = 203 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_START_WALLKICK = 204 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_STAR_DANCE = 205 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_RETURN_FROM_STAR_DANCE = 206 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_FORWARD_SPINNING_FLIP = 207 --- @type MarioAnimID MARIO_ANIM_TRIPLE_JUMP_FLY = 208 --- @class MarioCapGSCId --- @type MarioCapGSCId MARIO_HAS_DEFAULT_CAP_ON = 0 --- @type MarioCapGSCId MARIO_HAS_DEFAULT_CAP_OFF = 1 --- @type MarioCapGSCId MARIO_HAS_WING_CAP_ON = 2 --- @type MarioCapGSCId MARIO_HAS_WING_CAP_OFF = 3 --- @class MarioEyesGSCId --- @type MarioEyesGSCId MARIO_EYES_BLINK = 0 --- @type MarioEyesGSCId MARIO_EYES_OPEN = 1 --- @type MarioEyesGSCId MARIO_EYES_HALF_CLOSED = 2 --- @type MarioEyesGSCId MARIO_EYES_CLOSED = 3 --- @type MarioEyesGSCId MARIO_EYES_LOOK_LEFT = 4 --- @type MarioEyesGSCId MARIO_EYES_LOOK_RIGHT = 5 --- @type MarioEyesGSCId MARIO_EYES_LOOK_UP = 6 --- @type MarioEyesGSCId MARIO_EYES_LOOK_DOWN = 7 --- @type MarioEyesGSCId MARIO_EYES_DEAD = 8 --- @class MarioGrabPosGSCId --- @type MarioGrabPosGSCId GRAB_POS_NULL = 0 --- @type MarioGrabPosGSCId GRAB_POS_LIGHT_OBJ = 1 --- @type MarioGrabPosGSCId GRAB_POS_HEAVY_OBJ = 2 --- @type MarioGrabPosGSCId GRAB_POS_BOWSER = 3 --- @class MarioHandGSCId --- @type MarioHandGSCId MARIO_HAND_FISTS = 0 --- @type MarioHandGSCId MARIO_HAND_OPEN = 1 --- @type MarioHandGSCId MARIO_HAND_PEACE_SIGN = 2 --- @type MarioHandGSCId MARIO_HAND_HOLDING_CAP = 3 --- @type MarioHandGSCId MARIO_HAND_HOLDING_WING_CAP = 4 --- @type MarioHandGSCId MARIO_HAND_RIGHT_OPEN = 5 --- @type integer MAX_KEYS = 512 --- @type integer MAX_KEY_VALUE_LENGTH = 256 --- @type integer PACKET_LENGTH = 3000 --- @type integer SYNC_DISTANCE_INFINITE = 0 --- @type integer SYNC_DISTANCE_ONLY_DEATH = -1 --- @type integer SYNC_DISTANCE_ONLY_EVENTS = -2 --- @class BouncyLevelBounds --- @type BouncyLevelBounds BOUNCY_LEVEL_BOUNDS_OFF = 0 --- @type BouncyLevelBounds BOUNCY_LEVEL_BOUNDS_ON = 1 --- @type BouncyLevelBounds BOUNCY_LEVEL_BOUNDS_ON_CAP = 2 --- @class NetworkSystemType --- @type NetworkSystemType NS_SOCKET = 0 --- @type NetworkSystemType NS_COOPNET = 1 --- @type NetworkSystemType NS_MAX = 2 --- @class PlayerInteractions --- @type PlayerInteractions PLAYER_INTERACTIONS_NONE = 0 --- @type PlayerInteractions PLAYER_INTERACTIONS_SOLID = 1 --- @type PlayerInteractions PLAYER_INTERACTIONS_PVP = 2 --- @type integer MAX_RX_SEQ_IDS = 256 --- @type integer NETWORK_PLAYER_PING_TIMEOUT = 3 --- @type integer NETWORK_PLAYER_TIMEOUT = 15 --- @type integer UNKNOWN_GLOBAL_INDEX = (-1) --- @type integer UNKNOWN_LOCAL_INDEX = (-1) --- @type integer UNKNOWN_NETWORK_INDEX = (-1) --- @type integer USE_REAL_PALETTE_VAR = 0xFF --- @class NetworkPlayerType --- @type NetworkPlayerType NPT_UNKNOWN = 0 --- @type NetworkPlayerType NPT_LOCAL = 1 --- @type NetworkPlayerType NPT_SERVER = 2 --- @type NetworkPlayerType NPT_CLIENT = 3 --- @type integer OBJ_COL_FLAGS_LANDED = (OBJ_COL_FLAG_GROUNDED | OBJ_COL_FLAG_NO_Y_VEL) --- @type integer OBJ_COL_FLAG_GROUNDED = (1 << 0) --- @type integer OBJ_COL_FLAG_HIT_WALL = (1 << 1) --- @type integer OBJ_COL_FLAG_NO_Y_VEL = (1 << 3) --- @type integer OBJ_COL_FLAG_UNDERWATER = (1 << 2) --- @type integer ATTACK_HANDLER_DIE_IF_HEALTH_NON_POSITIVE = 1 --- @type integer ATTACK_HANDLER_KNOCKBACK = 2 --- @type integer ATTACK_HANDLER_NOP = 0 --- @type integer ATTACK_HANDLER_SET_SPEED_TO_ZERO = 5 --- @type integer ATTACK_HANDLER_SPECIAL_HUGE_GOOMBA_WEAKLY_ATTACKED = 7 --- @type integer ATTACK_HANDLER_SPECIAL_KOOPA_LOSE_SHELL = 4 --- @type integer ATTACK_HANDLER_SPECIAL_WIGGLER_JUMPED_ON = 6 --- @type integer ATTACK_HANDLER_SQUISHED = 3 --- @type integer ATTACK_HANDLER_SQUISHED_WITH_BLUE_COIN = 8 --- @type integer ACTIVATED_BF_PLAT_TYPE_BITFS_ELEVATOR = 2 --- @type integer ACTIVATED_BF_PLAT_TYPE_BITFS_MESH_PLAT = 1 --- @type integer ACTIVATED_BF_PLAT_TYPE_BITS_ARROW_PLAT = 0 --- @type integer ACTIVE_FLAG_ACTIVE = (1 << 0) --- @type integer ACTIVE_FLAG_DEACTIVATED = 0 --- @type integer ACTIVE_FLAG_DITHERED_ALPHA = (1 << 7) --- @type integer ACTIVE_FLAG_DORMANT = (1 << 11) --- @type integer ACTIVE_FLAG_FAR_AWAY = (1 << 1) --- @type integer ACTIVE_FLAG_INITIATED_TIME_STOP = (1 << 5) --- @type integer ACTIVE_FLAG_IN_DIFFERENT_ROOM = (1 << 3) --- @type integer ACTIVE_FLAG_MOVE_THROUGH_GRATE = (1 << 6) --- @type integer ACTIVE_FLAG_UNIMPORTANT = (1 << 4) --- @type integer ACTIVE_FLAG_UNK10 = (1 << 10) --- @type integer ACTIVE_FLAG_UNK2 = (1 << 2) --- @type integer ACTIVE_FLAG_UNK8 = (1 << 8) --- @type integer ACTIVE_FLAG_UNK9 = (1 << 9) --- @type integer ACTIVE_PARTICLE_BREATH = (1 << 17) --- @type integer ACTIVE_PARTICLE_BUBBLE = (1 << 5) --- @type integer ACTIVE_PARTICLE_DIRT = (1 << 14) --- @type integer ACTIVE_PARTICLE_DUST = (1 << 0) --- @type integer ACTIVE_PARTICLE_FIRE = (1 << 11) --- @type integer ACTIVE_PARTICLE_H_STAR = (1 << 4) --- @type integer ACTIVE_PARTICLE_IDLE_WATER_WAVE = (1 << 7) --- @type integer ACTIVE_PARTICLE_LEAF = (1 << 13) --- @type integer ACTIVE_PARTICLE_MIST_CIRCLE = (1 << 15) --- @type integer ACTIVE_PARTICLE_PLUNGE_BUBBLE = (1 << 9) --- @type integer ACTIVE_PARTICLE_SHALLOW_WATER_SPLASH = (1 << 12) --- @type integer ACTIVE_PARTICLE_SHALLOW_WATER_WAVE = (1 << 8) --- @type integer ACTIVE_PARTICLE_SNOW = (1 << 16) --- @type integer ACTIVE_PARTICLE_SPARKLES = (1 << 3) --- @type integer ACTIVE_PARTICLE_TRIANGLE = (1 << 19) --- @type integer ACTIVE_PARTICLE_UNUSED_1 = (1 << 1) --- @type integer ACTIVE_PARTICLE_UNUSED_2 = (1 << 2) --- @type integer ACTIVE_PARTICLE_V_STAR = (1 << 18) --- @type integer ACTIVE_PARTICLE_WATER_SPLASH = (1 << 6) --- @type integer ACTIVE_PARTICLE_WAVE_TRAIL = (1 << 10) --- @type integer AMP_ACT_ATTACK_COOLDOWN = 4 --- @type integer AMP_ACT_IDLE = 2 --- @type integer AMP_BP_ROT_RADIUS_0 = 3 --- @type integer AMP_BP_ROT_RADIUS_200 = 0 --- @type integer AMP_BP_ROT_RADIUS_300 = 1 --- @type integer AMP_BP_ROT_RADIUS_400 = 2 --- @type integer ARROW_LIFT_ACT_IDLE = 0 --- @type integer ARROW_LIFT_ACT_MOVING_AWAY = 1 --- @type integer ARROW_LIFT_ACT_MOVING_BACK = 2 --- @type integer ARROW_LIFT_DONE_MOVING = 1 --- @type integer ARROW_LIFT_NOT_DONE_MOVING = 0 --- @type integer BBALL_ACT_INITIALIZE = 0 --- @type integer BBALL_ACT_ROLL = 1 --- @type integer BBALL_BP_STYPE_BOB_LOWER = 2 --- @type integer BBALL_BP_STYPE_BOB_UPPER = 0 --- @type integer BBALL_BP_STYPE_THI_LARGE = 3 --- @type integer BBALL_BP_STYPE_THI_SMALL = 4 --- @type integer BBALL_BP_STYPE_TTM = 1 --- @type integer BBH_DYNAMIC_SURFACE_ROOM = 0 --- @type integer BBH_NEAR_MERRY_GO_ROUND_ROOM = 10 --- @type integer BBH_OUTSIDE_ROOM = 13 --- @type integer BBH_TILTING_TRAP_PLATFORM_ACT_MARIO_OFF = 1 --- @type integer BBH_TILTING_TRAP_PLATFORM_ACT_MARIO_ON = 0 --- @type integer BETA_BOO_KEY_ACT_DROPPED = 2 --- @type integer BETA_BOO_KEY_ACT_DROPPING = 1 --- @type integer BETA_BOO_KEY_ACT_IN_BOO = 0 --- @type integer BETA_CHEST_ACT_IDLE_CLOSED = 0 --- @type integer BETA_CHEST_ACT_IDLE_OPEN = 2 --- @type integer BETA_CHEST_ACT_OPENING = 1 --- @type integer BIRD_ACT_FLY = 1 --- @type integer BIRD_ACT_INACTIVE = 0 --- @type integer BIRD_BP_SPAWNED = 0 --- @type integer BIRD_BP_SPAWNER = 1 --- @type integer BLUE_COIN_SWITCH_ACT_IDLE = 0 --- @type integer BLUE_COIN_SWITCH_ACT_RECEDING = 1 --- @type integer BLUE_COIN_SWITCH_ACT_RESPAWNING = 3 --- @type integer BLUE_COIN_SWITCH_ACT_TICKING = 2 --- @type integer BLUE_FISH_ACT_ASCEND = 2 --- @type integer BLUE_FISH_ACT_DIVE = 0 --- @type integer BLUE_FISH_ACT_DUPLICATE = 2 --- @type integer BLUE_FISH_ACT_ROOM = 1 --- @type integer BLUE_FISH_ACT_SPAWN = 0 --- @type integer BLUE_FISH_ACT_TURN = 1 --- @type integer BLUE_FISH_ACT_TURN_BACK = 3 --- @type integer BOBOMB_ACT_CHASE_MARIO = 2 --- @type integer BOBOMB_ACT_DEATH_PLANE_DEATH = 101 --- @type integer BOBOMB_ACT_EXPLODE = 3 --- @type integer BOBOMB_ACT_LAUNCHED = 1 --- @type integer BOBOMB_ACT_LAVA_DEATH = 100 --- @type integer BOBOMB_ACT_PATROL = 0 --- @type integer BOBOMB_BP_STYPE_GENERIC = 0 --- @type integer BOBOMB_BP_STYPE_STATIONARY = 1 --- @type integer BOBOMB_BUDDY_ACT_IDLE = 0 --- @type integer BOBOMB_BUDDY_ACT_TALK = 3 --- @type integer BOBOMB_BUDDY_ACT_TURN_TO_TALK = 2 --- @type integer BOBOMB_BUDDY_BP_STYPE_BOB_CANNON_KBB = 2 --- @type integer BOBOMB_BUDDY_BP_STYPE_BOB_GRASS = 3 --- @type integer BOBOMB_BUDDY_BP_STYPE_BOB_GRASS_KBB = 1 --- @type integer BOBOMB_BUDDY_BP_STYPE_GENERIC = 0 --- @type integer BOBOMB_BUDDY_CANNON_OPENED = 2 --- @type integer BOBOMB_BUDDY_CANNON_OPENING = 1 --- @type integer BOBOMB_BUDDY_CANNON_STOP_TALKING = 3 --- @type integer BOBOMB_BUDDY_CANNON_UNOPENED = 0 --- @type integer BOBOMB_BUDDY_HAS_NOT_TALKED = 0 --- @type integer BOBOMB_BUDDY_HAS_TALKED = 2 --- @type integer BOBOMB_BUDDY_ROLE_ADVICE = 0 --- @type integer BOBOMB_BUDDY_ROLE_CANNON = 1 --- @type integer BOMP_ACT_EXTEND = 2 --- @type integer BOMP_ACT_POKE_OUT = 1 --- @type integer BOMP_ACT_RETRACT = 3 --- @type integer BOMP_ACT_WAIT = 0 --- @type integer BOO_ATTACKED = 1 --- @type integer BOO_BOUNCED_ON = -1 --- @type integer BOO_CAGE_ACT_FALLING = 1 --- @type integer BOO_CAGE_ACT_IN_BOO = 0 --- @type integer BOO_CAGE_ACT_MARIO_JUMPING_IN = 3 --- @type integer BOO_CAGE_ACT_ON_GROUND = 2 --- @type integer BOO_CAGE_ACT_USELESS = 4 --- @type integer BOO_DEATH_STATUS_ALIVE = 0 --- @type integer BOO_DEATH_STATUS_DEAD = 2 --- @type integer BOO_DEATH_STATUS_DYING = 1 --- @type integer BOO_NOT_ATTACKED = 0 --- @type integer BOWSER_PUZZLE_ACT_DONE = 2 --- @type integer BOWSER_PUZZLE_ACT_SPAWN_PIECES = 0 --- @type integer BOWSER_PUZZLE_ACT_WAIT_FOR_COMPLETE = 1 --- @type integer BULLY_ACT_ACTIVATE_AND_FALL = 5 --- @type integer BULLY_ACT_BACK_UP = 3 --- @type integer BULLY_ACT_CHASE_MARIO = 1 --- @type integer BULLY_ACT_DEATH_PLANE_DEATH = 101 --- @type integer BULLY_ACT_INACTIVE = 4 --- @type integer BULLY_ACT_KNOCKBACK = 2 --- @type integer BULLY_ACT_LAVA_DEATH = 100 --- @type integer BULLY_ACT_PATROL = 0 --- @type integer BULLY_BP_SIZE_BIG = 1 --- @type integer BULLY_BP_SIZE_SMALL = 0 --- @type integer BULLY_STYPE_CHILL = 16 --- @type integer BULLY_STYPE_GENERIC = 0 --- @type integer BULLY_STYPE_MINION = 1 --- @type integer BUTTERFLY_ACT_FOLLOW_MARIO = 1 --- @type integer BUTTERFLY_ACT_RESTING = 0 --- @type integer BUTTERFLY_ACT_RETURN_HOME = 2 --- @type integer CAMERA_LAKITU_BP_FOLLOW_CAMERA = 0 --- @type integer CAMERA_LAKITU_BP_INTRO = 1 --- @type integer CAMERA_LAKITU_INTRO_ACT_SPAWN_CLOUD = 1 --- @type integer CAMERA_LAKITU_INTRO_ACT_TRIGGER_CUTSCENE = 0 --- @type integer CAMERA_LAKITU_INTRO_ACT_UNK2 = 2 --- @type integer CANNON_TRAP_DOOR_ACT_CAM_ZOOM = 1 --- @type integer CANNON_TRAP_DOOR_ACT_CLOSED = 0 --- @type integer CANNON_TRAP_DOOR_ACT_OPEN = 3 --- @type integer CANNON_TRAP_DOOR_ACT_OPENING = 2 --- @type integer CELEB_STAR_ACT_FACE_CAMERA = 1 --- @type integer CELEB_STAR_ACT_SPIN_AROUND_MARIO = 0 --- @type integer CHAIN_CHOMP_ACT_MOVE = 1 --- @type integer CHAIN_CHOMP_ACT_UNINITIALIZED = 0 --- @type integer CHAIN_CHOMP_ACT_UNLOAD_CHAIN = 2 --- @type integer CHAIN_CHOMP_CHAIN_PART_BP_PIVOT = 0 --- @type integer CHAIN_CHOMP_NOT_RELEASED = 0 --- @type integer CHAIN_CHOMP_RELEASED_BREAK_GATE = 3 --- @type integer CHAIN_CHOMP_RELEASED_END_CUTSCENE = 5 --- @type integer CHAIN_CHOMP_RELEASED_JUMP_AWAY = 4 --- @type integer CHAIN_CHOMP_RELEASED_LUNGE_AROUND = 2 --- @type integer CHAIN_CHOMP_RELEASED_TRIGGER_CUTSCENE = 1 --- @type integer CHAIN_CHOMP_SUB_ACT_LUNGE = 1 --- @type integer CHAIN_CHOMP_SUB_ACT_TURN = 0 --- @type integer CLOUD_ACT_FWOOSH_HIDDEN = 3 --- @type integer CLOUD_ACT_MAIN = 1 --- @type integer CLOUD_ACT_SPAWN_PARTS = 0 --- @type integer CLOUD_ACT_UNLOAD = 2 --- @type integer CLOUD_BP_FWOOSH = 0 --- @type integer CLOUD_BP_LAKITU_CLOUD = 1 --- @type integer COFFIN_ACT_IDLE = 0 --- @type integer COFFIN_ACT_STAND_UP = 1 --- @type integer COFFIN_BP_STATIC = 0 --- @type integer COFFIN_SPAWNER_ACT_COFFINS_UNLOADED = 0 --- @type integer DIALOG_UNK1_AWAIT_DIALOG = 3 --- @type integer DIALOG_UNK1_BEGIN_DIALOG = 2 --- @type integer DIALOG_UNK1_DISABLE_TIME_STOP = 4 --- @type integer DIALOG_UNK1_ENABLE_TIME_STOP = 0 --- @type integer DIALOG_UNK1_FLAG_4 = (1 << 4) --- @type integer DIALOG_UNK1_FLAG_DEFAULT = (1 << 1) --- @type integer DIALOG_UNK1_FLAG_RESPONSE = (1 << 2) --- @type integer DIALOG_UNK1_INTERRUPT_MARIO_ACTION = 1 --- @type integer DIALOG_UNK2_AWAIT_DIALOG = 2 --- @type integer DIALOG_UNK2_ENABLE_TIME_STOP = 0 --- @type integer DIALOG_UNK2_END_DIALOG = 3 --- @type integer DIALOG_UNK2_FLAG_0 = (1 << 0) --- @type integer DIALOG_UNK2_LEAVE_TIME_STOP_ENABLED = (1 << 4) --- @type integer DIALOG_UNK2_TURN_AND_INTERRUPT_MARIO_ACTION = 1 --- @type integer DORRIE_ACT_LOWER_HEAD = 1 --- @type integer DORRIE_ACT_MOVE = 0 --- @type integer DORRIE_ACT_RAISE_HEAD = 2 --- @type integer ENEMY_LAKITU_ACT_MAIN = 1 --- @type integer ENEMY_LAKITU_ACT_UNINITIALIZED = 0 --- @type integer ENEMY_LAKITU_SUB_ACT_HOLD_SPINY = 1 --- @type integer ENEMY_LAKITU_SUB_ACT_NO_SPINY = 0 --- @type integer ENEMY_LAKITU_SUB_ACT_THROW_SPINY = 2 --- @type integer EYEROK_BOSS_ACT_DEAD = 5 --- @type integer EYEROK_BOSS_ACT_DIE = 4 --- @type integer EYEROK_BOSS_ACT_FIGHT = 3 --- @type integer EYEROK_BOSS_ACT_PAUSE = 6 --- @type integer EYEROK_BOSS_ACT_SHOW_INTRO_TEXT = 2 --- @type integer EYEROK_BOSS_ACT_SLEEP = 0 --- @type integer EYEROK_BOSS_ACT_WAKE_UP = 1 --- @type integer EYEROK_HAND_ACT_ATTACKED = 12 --- @type integer EYEROK_HAND_ACT_BECOME_ACTIVE = 14 --- @type integer EYEROK_HAND_ACT_BEGIN_DOUBLE_POUND = 10 --- @type integer EYEROK_HAND_ACT_CLOSE = 4 --- @type integer EYEROK_HAND_ACT_DEAD = 16 --- @type integer EYEROK_HAND_ACT_DIE = 15 --- @type integer EYEROK_HAND_ACT_DOUBLE_POUND = 11 --- @type integer EYEROK_HAND_ACT_FIST_PUSH = 8 --- @type integer EYEROK_HAND_ACT_FIST_SWEEP = 9 --- @type integer EYEROK_HAND_ACT_IDLE = 1 --- @type integer EYEROK_HAND_ACT_OPEN = 2 --- @type integer EYEROK_HAND_ACT_PAUSE = 17 --- @type integer EYEROK_HAND_ACT_RECOVER = 13 --- @type integer EYEROK_HAND_ACT_RETREAT = 5 --- @type integer EYEROK_HAND_ACT_SHOW_EYE = 3 --- @type integer EYEROK_HAND_ACT_SLEEP = 0 --- @type integer EYEROK_HAND_ACT_SMASH = 7 --- @type integer EYEROK_HAND_ACT_TARGET_MARIO = 6 --- @type integer FAKE_MONEYBAG_COIN_ACT_IDLE = 0 --- @type integer FAKE_MONEYBAG_COIN_ACT_TRANSFORM = 1 --- @type integer FALLING_PILLAR_ACT_FALLING = 2 --- @type integer FALLING_PILLAR_ACT_IDLE = 0 --- @type integer FALLING_PILLAR_ACT_TURNING = 1 --- @type integer FIRE_PIRANHA_PLANT_ACT_GROW = 1 --- @type integer FIRE_PIRANHA_PLANT_ACT_HIDE = 0 --- @type integer FIRE_SPITTER_ACT_IDLE = 0 --- @type integer FIRE_SPITTER_ACT_SPIT_FIRE = 1 --- @type integer FISH_ACT_FLEE = 2 --- @type integer FISH_ACT_INIT = 0 --- @type integer FISH_ACT_ROAM = 1 --- @type integer FISH_SPAWNER_ACT_IDLE = 1 --- @type integer FISH_SPAWNER_ACT_RESPAWN = 2 --- @type integer FISH_SPAWNER_ACT_SPAWN = 0 --- @type integer FISH_SPAWNER_BP_FEW_BLUE = 1 --- @type integer FISH_SPAWNER_BP_FEW_CYAN = 3 --- @type integer FISH_SPAWNER_BP_MANY_BLUE = 0 --- @type integer FISH_SPAWNER_BP_MANY_CYAN = 2 --- @type integer FLY_GUY_ACT_APPROACH_MARIO = 1 --- @type integer FLY_GUY_ACT_IDLE = 0 --- @type integer FLY_GUY_ACT_LUNGE = 2 --- @type integer FLY_GUY_ACT_SHOOT_FIRE = 3 --- @type integer FREE_BBALL_ACT_IDLE = 0 --- @type integer FREE_BBALL_ACT_RESET = 2 --- @type integer FREE_BBALL_ACT_ROLL = 1 --- @type integer GOOMBA_ACT_ATTACKED_MARIO = 1 --- @type integer GOOMBA_ACT_JUMP = 2 --- @type integer GOOMBA_ACT_WALK = 0 --- @type integer GOOMBA_BP_SIZE_MASK = 0x00000003 --- @type integer GOOMBA_BP_TRIPLET_FLAG_MASK = 0x000000FC --- @type integer GOOMBA_SIZE_HUGE = 1 --- @type integer GOOMBA_SIZE_REGULAR = 0 --- @type integer GOOMBA_SIZE_TINY = 2 --- @type integer GOOMBA_TRIPLET_SPAWNER_ACT_LOADED = 1 --- @type integer GOOMBA_TRIPLET_SPAWNER_ACT_UNLOADED = 0 --- @type integer GOOMBA_TRIPLET_SPAWNER_BP_EXTRA_GOOMBAS_MASK = 0x000000FC --- @type integer GOOMBA_TRIPLET_SPAWNER_BP_SIZE_MASK = 0x00000003 --- @type integer HAUNTED_BOOKSHELF_ACT_IDLE = 0 --- @type integer HAUNTED_BOOKSHELF_ACT_RECEDE = 1 --- @type integer HELD_DROPPED = 3 --- @type integer HELD_FREE = 0 --- @type integer HELD_HELD = 1 --- @type integer HELD_THROWN = 2 --- @type integer HIDDEN_BLUE_COIN_ACT_ACTIVE = 2 --- @type integer HIDDEN_BLUE_COIN_ACT_INACTIVE = 0 --- @type integer HIDDEN_BLUE_COIN_ACT_WAITING = 1 --- @type integer HOMING_AMP_ACT_APPEAR = 1 --- @type integer HOMING_AMP_ACT_ATTACK_COOLDOWN = 4 --- @type integer HOMING_AMP_ACT_CHASE = 2 --- @type integer HOMING_AMP_ACT_GIVE_UP = 3 --- @type integer HOMING_AMP_ACT_INACTIVE = 0 --- @type integer HOOT_ACT_ASCENT = 0 --- @type integer HOOT_ACT_CARRY = 1 --- @type integer HOOT_ACT_TIRED = 2 --- @type integer HOOT_AVAIL_ASLEEP_IN_TREE = 0 --- @type integer HOOT_AVAIL_READY_TO_FLY = 2 --- @type integer HOOT_AVAIL_WANTS_TO_TALK = 1 --- @type integer JS_RING_SPAWNER_ACT_ACTIVE = 0 --- @type integer JS_RING_SPAWNER_ACT_INACTIVE = 1 --- @type integer KLEPTO_ACT_APPROACH_TARGET_HOLDING = 1 --- @type integer KLEPTO_ACT_CIRCLE_TARGET_HOLDING = 0 --- @type integer KLEPTO_ACT_DIVE_AT_MARIO = 4 --- @type integer KLEPTO_ACT_RESET_POSITION = 5 --- @type integer KLEPTO_ACT_RETREAT = 7 --- @type integer KLEPTO_ACT_STRUCK_BY_MARIO = 6 --- @type integer KLEPTO_ACT_TURN_TOWARD_MARIO = 3 --- @type integer KLEPTO_ACT_WAIT_FOR_MARIO = 2 --- @type integer KLEPTO_ANIM_STATE_HOLDING_CAP = 1 --- @type integer KLEPTO_ANIM_STATE_HOLDING_NOTHING = 0 --- @type integer KLEPTO_ANIM_STATE_HOLDING_STAR = 2 --- @type integer KOOPA_BP_KOOPA_THE_QUICK_BASE = 2 --- @type integer KOOPA_BP_KOOPA_THE_QUICK_BOB = (KOOPA_BP_KOOPA_THE_QUICK_BASE + KOOPA_THE_QUICK_BOB_INDEX) --- @type integer KOOPA_BP_KOOPA_THE_QUICK_THI = (KOOPA_BP_KOOPA_THE_QUICK_BASE + KOOPA_THE_QUICK_THI_INDEX) --- @type integer KOOPA_BP_NORMAL = 1 --- @type integer KOOPA_BP_TINY = 4 --- @type integer KOOPA_BP_UNSHELLED = 0 --- @type integer KOOPA_SHELLED_ACT_DIE = 4 --- @type integer KOOPA_SHELLED_ACT_LYING = 3 --- @type integer KOOPA_SHELLED_ACT_RUN_FROM_MARIO = 2 --- @type integer KOOPA_SHELLED_ACT_STOPPED = 0 --- @type integer KOOPA_SHELLED_ACT_WALK = 1 --- @type integer KOOPA_SHELLED_SUB_ACT_START_WALK = 0 --- @type integer KOOPA_SHELLED_SUB_ACT_STOP_WALK = 2 --- @type integer KOOPA_SHELLED_SUB_ACT_WALK = 1 --- @type integer KOOPA_THE_QUICK_ACT_AFTER_RACE = 6 --- @type integer KOOPA_THE_QUICK_ACT_DECELERATE = 4 --- @type integer KOOPA_THE_QUICK_ACT_RACE = 3 --- @type integer KOOPA_THE_QUICK_ACT_SHOW_INIT_TEXT = 2 --- @type integer KOOPA_THE_QUICK_ACT_STOP = 5 --- @type integer KOOPA_THE_QUICK_ACT_UNUSED1 = 1 --- @type integer KOOPA_THE_QUICK_ACT_WAIT_BEFORE_RACE = 0 --- @type integer KOOPA_THE_QUICK_BOB_INDEX = 0 --- @type integer KOOPA_THE_QUICK_SUB_ACT_JUMP = 2 --- @type integer KOOPA_THE_QUICK_SUB_ACT_RUN = 1 --- @type integer KOOPA_THE_QUICK_SUB_ACT_START_RUN = 0 --- @type integer KOOPA_THE_QUICK_THI_INDEX = 1 --- @type integer KOOPA_UNSHELLED_ACT_DIVE = 1 --- @type integer KOOPA_UNSHELLED_ACT_LYING = 2 --- @type integer KOOPA_UNSHELLED_ACT_RUN = 0 --- @type integer KOOPA_UNSHELLED_ACT_UNUSED3 = 3 --- @type integer LLL_DRAWBRIDGE_ACT_LOWER = 0 --- @type integer LLL_DRAWBRIDGE_ACT_RAISE = 1 --- @type integer MAD_PIANO_ACT_ATTACK = 1 --- @type integer MAD_PIANO_ACT_WAIT = 0 --- @type integer MANTA_ACT_NO_RINGS = 1 --- @type integer MANTA_ACT_SPAWN_RINGS = 0 --- @type integer MIPS_ACT_FALL_DOWN = 3 --- @type integer MIPS_ACT_FOLLOW_PATH = 1 --- @type integer MIPS_ACT_IDLE = 4 --- @type integer MIPS_ACT_WAIT_FOR_ANIMATION_DONE = 2 --- @type integer MIPS_ACT_WAIT_FOR_NEARBY_MARIO = 0 --- @type integer MIPS_STAR_STATUS_ALREADY_SPAWNED_STAR = 2 --- @type integer MIPS_STAR_STATUS_HAVENT_SPAWNED_STAR = 0 --- @type integer MIPS_STAR_STATUS_SHOULD_SPAWN_STAR = 1 --- @type integer MONEYBAG_ACT_APPEAR = 0 --- @type integer MONEYBAG_ACT_DEATH = 5 --- @type integer MONEYBAG_ACT_DISAPPEAR = 4 --- @type integer MONEYBAG_ACT_MOVE_AROUND = 2 --- @type integer MONEYBAG_ACT_RETURN_HOME = 3 --- @type integer MONEYBAG_ACT_UNUSED_APPEAR = 1 --- @type integer MONEYBAG_JUMP_JUMP = 2 --- @type integer MONEYBAG_JUMP_JUMP_AND_BOUNCE = 3 --- @type integer MONEYBAG_JUMP_LANDING = 0 --- @type integer MONEYBAG_JUMP_PREPARE = 1 --- @type integer MONEYBAG_JUMP_WALK_AROUND = 4 --- @type integer MONEYBAG_JUMP_WALK_HOME = 5 --- @type integer MONTY_MOLE_ACT_BEGIN_JUMP_INTO_HOLE = 3 --- @type integer MONTY_MOLE_ACT_HIDE = 6 --- @type integer MONTY_MOLE_ACT_JUMP_INTO_HOLE = 5 --- @type integer MONTY_MOLE_ACT_JUMP_OUT_OF_HOLE = 7 --- @type integer MONTY_MOLE_ACT_RISE_FROM_HOLE = 1 --- @type integer MONTY_MOLE_ACT_SELECT_HOLE = 0 --- @type integer MONTY_MOLE_ACT_SPAWN_ROCK = 2 --- @type integer MONTY_MOLE_ACT_THROW_ROCK = 4 --- @type integer MONTY_MOLE_BP_NO_ROCK = 0 --- @type integer MONTY_MOLE_ROCK_ACT_HELD = 0 --- @type integer MONTY_MOLE_ROCK_ACT_MOVE = 1 --- @type integer MOV_BCOIN_ACT_MOVING = 1 --- @type integer MOV_BCOIN_ACT_STILL = 0 --- @type integer MOV_YCOIN_ACT_BLINKING = 1 --- @type integer MOV_YCOIN_ACT_DEATH_PLANE_DEATH = 101 --- @type integer MOV_YCOIN_ACT_IDLE = 0 --- @type integer MOV_YCOIN_ACT_LAVA_DEATH = 100 --- @type integer MR_BLIZZARD_ACT_BURROW = 5 --- @type integer MR_BLIZZARD_ACT_DEATH = 6 --- @type integer MR_BLIZZARD_ACT_HIDE_UNHIDE = 1 --- @type integer MR_BLIZZARD_ACT_JUMP = 7 --- @type integer MR_BLIZZARD_ACT_RISE_FROM_GROUND = 2 --- @type integer MR_BLIZZARD_ACT_ROTATE = 3 --- @type integer MR_BLIZZARD_ACT_SPAWN_SNOWBALL = 0 --- @type integer MR_BLIZZARD_ACT_THROW_SNOWBALL = 4 --- @type integer MR_BLIZZARD_STYPE_JUMPING = 1 --- @type integer MR_BLIZZARD_STYPE_NO_CAP = 0 --- @type integer OBJ_ACT_DEATH_PLANE_DEATH = 101 --- @type integer OBJ_ACT_HORIZONTAL_KNOCKBACK = 100 --- @type integer OBJ_ACT_LAVA_DEATH = 100 --- @type integer OBJ_ACT_SQUISHED = 102 --- @type integer OBJ_ACT_VERTICAL_KNOCKBACK = 101 --- @type integer OBJ_FLAG_0020 = (1 << 5) --- @type integer OBJ_FLAG_0100 = (1 << 8) --- @type integer OBJ_FLAG_1000 = (1 << 12) --- @type integer OBJ_FLAG_30 = (1 << 30) --- @type integer OBJ_FLAG_8000 = (1 << 15) --- @type integer OBJ_FLAG_ACTIVE_FROM_AFAR = (1 << 7) --- @type integer OBJ_FLAG_COMPUTE_ANGLE_TO_MARIO = (1 << 13) --- @type integer OBJ_FLAG_COMPUTE_DIST_TO_MARIO = (1 << 6) --- @type integer OBJ_FLAG_HOLDABLE = (1 << 10) --- @type integer OBJ_FLAG_MOVE_XZ_USING_FVEL = (1 << 1) --- @type integer OBJ_FLAG_MOVE_Y_WITH_TERMINAL_VEL = (1 << 2) --- @type integer OBJ_FLAG_PERSISTENT_RESPAWN = (1 << 14) --- @type integer OBJ_FLAG_SET_FACE_ANGLE_TO_MOVE_ANGLE = (1 << 4) --- @type integer OBJ_FLAG_SET_FACE_YAW_TO_MOVE_YAW = (1 << 3) --- @type integer OBJ_FLAG_SET_THROW_MATRIX_FROM_TRANSFORM = (1 << 11) --- @type integer OBJ_FLAG_TRANSFORM_RELATIVE_TO_PARENT = (1 << 9) --- @type integer OBJ_FLAG_UPDATE_GFX_POS_AND_ANGLE = (1 << 0) --- @type integer OBJ_MOVE_ABOVE_DEATH_BARRIER = (1 << 14) --- @type integer OBJ_MOVE_ABOVE_LAVA = (1 << 11) --- @type integer OBJ_MOVE_AT_WATER_SURFACE = (1 << 4) --- @type integer OBJ_MOVE_BOUNCE = (1 << 13) --- @type integer OBJ_MOVE_ENTERED_WATER = (1 << 3) --- @type integer OBJ_MOVE_HIT_EDGE = (1 << 10) --- @type integer OBJ_MOVE_HIT_WALL = (1 << 9) --- @type integer OBJ_MOVE_IN_AIR = (1 << 7) --- @type integer OBJ_MOVE_LANDED = (1 << 0) --- @type integer OBJ_MOVE_LEAVING_WATER = (1 << 12) --- @type integer OBJ_MOVE_LEFT_GROUND = (1 << 2) --- @type integer OBJ_MOVE_MASK_IN_WATER = ( OBJ_MOVE_ENTERED_WATER | OBJ_MOVE_AT_WATER_SURFACE | OBJ_MOVE_UNDERWATER_OFF_GROUND | OBJ_MOVE_UNDERWATER_ON_GROUND) --- @type integer OBJ_MOVE_MASK_ON_GROUND = (OBJ_MOVE_LANDED | OBJ_MOVE_ON_GROUND) --- @type integer OBJ_MOVE_ON_GROUND = (1 << 1) --- @type integer OBJ_MOVE_OUT_SCOPE = (1 << 8) --- @type integer OBJ_MOVE_UNDERWATER_OFF_GROUND = (1 << 5) --- @type integer OBJ_MOVE_UNDERWATER_ON_GROUND = (1 << 6) --- @type integer PENGUIN_ANIM_IDLE = 3 --- @type integer PENGUIN_ANIM_WALK = 0 --- @type integer PENGUIN_WALK_BABY = 0 --- @type integer PENGUIN_WALK_BIG = 1 --- @type integer PIRANHA_PLANT_ACT_ATTACKED = 5 --- @type integer PIRANHA_PLANT_ACT_BITING = 2 --- @type integer PIRANHA_PLANT_ACT_IDLE = 0 --- @type integer PIRANHA_PLANT_ACT_RESPAWN = 8 --- @type integer PIRANHA_PLANT_ACT_SHRINK_AND_DIE = 6 --- @type integer PIRANHA_PLANT_ACT_SLEEPING = 1 --- @type integer PIRANHA_PLANT_ACT_STOPPED_BITING = 4 --- @type integer PIRANHA_PLANT_ACT_WAIT_TO_RESPAWN = 7 --- @type integer PIRANHA_PLANT_ACT_WOKEN_UP = 3 --- @type integer PIRANHA_PLANT_BUBBLE_ACT_BURST = 2 --- @type integer PIRANHA_PLANT_BUBBLE_ACT_GROW_SHRINK_LOOP = 1 --- @type integer PIRANHA_PLANT_BUBBLE_ACT_IDLE = 0 --- @type integer PLATFORM_ON_TRACK_ACT_FALL = 4 --- @type integer PLATFORM_ON_TRACK_ACT_INIT = 0 --- @type integer PLATFORM_ON_TRACK_ACT_MOVE_ALONG_TRACK = 2 --- @type integer PLATFORM_ON_TRACK_ACT_PAUSE_BRIEFLY = 3 --- @type integer PLATFORM_ON_TRACK_ACT_WAIT_FOR_MARIO = 1 --- @type integer PLATFORM_ON_TRACK_BP_DONT_DISAPPEAR = (1 << 9) --- @type integer PLATFORM_ON_TRACK_BP_DONT_TURN_ROLL = (1 << 11) --- @type integer PLATFORM_ON_TRACK_BP_DONT_TURN_YAW = (1 << 10) --- @type integer PLATFORM_ON_TRACK_BP_MASK_PATH = 0xF --- @type integer PLATFORM_ON_TRACK_BP_MASK_TYPE = (0x7 << 4) --- @type integer PLATFORM_ON_TRACK_BP_RETURN_TO_START = (1 << 8) --- @type integer PLATFORM_ON_TRACK_TYPE_CARPET = 0 --- @type integer PLATFORM_ON_TRACK_TYPE_CHECKERED = 2 --- @type integer PLATFORM_ON_TRACK_TYPE_GRATE = 3 --- @type integer PLATFORM_ON_TRACK_TYPE_SKI_LIFT = 1 --- @type integer POKEY_ACT_UNINITIALIZED = 0 --- @type integer POKEY_ACT_UNLOAD_PARTS = 2 --- @type integer POKEY_ACT_WANDER = 1 --- @type integer PURPLE_SWITCH_IDLE = 0 --- @type integer PURPLE_SWITCH_PRESSED = 1 --- @type integer PURPLE_SWITCH_TICKING = 2 --- @type integer PURPLE_SWITCH_UNPRESSED = 3 --- @type integer PURPLE_SWITCH_WAIT_FOR_MARIO_TO_GET_OFF = 4 --- @type integer PYRAMID_ELEVATOR_AT_BOTTOM = 4 --- @type integer PYRAMID_ELEVATOR_CONSTANT_VELOCITY = 2 --- @type integer PYRAMID_ELEVATOR_END_MOVING = 3 --- @type integer PYRAMID_ELEVATOR_IDLE = 0 --- @type integer PYRAMID_ELEVATOR_START_MOVING = 1 --- @type integer PYRAMID_TOP_ACT_CHECK_IF_SOLVED = 0 --- @type integer PYRAMID_TOP_ACT_EXPLODE = 2 --- @type integer PYRAMID_TOP_ACT_SPINNING = 1 --- @type integer PYRAMID_WALL_ACT_MOVING_DOWN = 0 --- @type integer PYRAMID_WALL_ACT_MOVING_UP = 1 --- @type integer PYRAMID_WALL_BP_POSITION_HIGH = 0 --- @type integer PYRAMID_WALL_BP_POSITION_LOW = 2 --- @type integer PYRAMID_WALL_BP_POSITION_MIDDLE = 1 --- @type integer RACING_PENGUIN_ACT_FINISH_RACE = 4 --- @type integer RACING_PENGUIN_ACT_PREPARE_FOR_RACE = 2 --- @type integer RACING_PENGUIN_ACT_RACE = 3 --- @type integer RACING_PENGUIN_ACT_SHOW_FINAL_TEXT = 5 --- @type integer RACING_PENGUIN_ACT_SHOW_INIT_TEXT = 1 --- @type integer RACING_PENGUIN_ACT_WAIT_FOR_MARIO = 0 --- @type integer RESPAWN_INFO_DONT_RESPAWN = 0xFF --- @type integer RESPAWN_INFO_TYPE_16 = 2 --- @type integer RESPAWN_INFO_TYPE_32 = 1 --- @type integer RESPAWN_INFO_TYPE_NULL = 0 --- @type integer SKEETER_ACT_IDLE = 0 --- @type integer SKEETER_ACT_LUNGE = 1 --- @type integer SKEETER_ACT_WALK = 2 --- @type integer SL_SNOWMAN_WIND_ACT_BLOWING = 2 --- @type integer SL_SNOWMAN_WIND_ACT_IDLE = 0 --- @type integer SL_SNOWMAN_WIND_ACT_TALKING = 1 --- @type integer SL_WALKING_PENGUIN_ACT_MOVING_FORWARDS = 0 --- @type integer SL_WALKING_PENGUIN_ACT_RETURNING = 2 --- @type integer SL_WALKING_PENGUIN_ACT_TURNING_BACK = 1 --- @type integer SL_WALKING_PENGUIN_ACT_TURNING_FORWARDS = 3 --- @type integer SNUFIT_ACT_IDLE = 0 --- @type integer SNUFIT_ACT_SHOOT = 1 --- @type integer SPINY_ACT_ATTACKED_MARIO = 3 --- @type integer SPINY_ACT_HELD_BY_LAKITU = 1 --- @type integer SPINY_ACT_THROWN_BY_LAKITU = 2 --- @type integer SPINY_ACT_WALK = 0 --- @type integer SWOOP_ACT_IDLE = 0 --- @type integer SWOOP_ACT_MOVE = 1 --- @type integer TRIPLET_BUTTERFLY_ACT_ACTIVATE = 2 --- @type integer TRIPLET_BUTTERFLY_ACT_EXPLODE = 3 --- @type integer TRIPLET_BUTTERFLY_ACT_INIT = 0 --- @type integer TRIPLET_BUTTERFLY_ACT_WANDER = 1 --- @type integer TRIPLET_BUTTERFLY_BP_BUTTERFLY_NUM = 0x00000003 --- @type integer TRIPLET_BUTTERFLY_BP_NO_BOMBS = 0x00000004 --- @type integer TRIPLET_BUTTERFLY_TYPE_EXPLODES = 0 --- @type integer TRIPLET_BUTTERFLY_TYPE_NORMAL = -1 --- @type integer TRIPLET_BUTTERFLY_TYPE_SPAWN_1UP = 1 --- @type integer TTC_2D_ROTATOR_BP_2D_COG = 1 --- @type integer TTC_2D_ROTATOR_BP_HAND = 0 --- @type integer TTC_COG_BP_DIR_CCW = (0 << 0) --- @type integer TTC_COG_BP_DIR_CW = (1 << 0) --- @type integer TTC_COG_BP_DIR_MASK = 0x00000001 --- @type integer TTC_COG_BP_SHAPE_HEXAGON = (0 << 1) --- @type integer TTC_COG_BP_SHAPE_MASK = 0x00000002 --- @type integer TTC_COG_BP_SHAPE_TRIANGLE = (1 << 1) --- @type integer TTC_MOVING_BAR_ACT_EXTEND = 2 --- @type integer TTC_MOVING_BAR_ACT_PULL_BACK = 1 --- @type integer TTC_MOVING_BAR_ACT_RETRACT = 3 --- @type integer TTC_MOVING_BAR_ACT_WAIT = 0 --- @type integer TTC_ROTATING_SOLID_BP_CUBE = 0 --- @type integer TTC_ROTATING_SOLID_BP_TRIANGULAR_PRISM = 1 --- @type integer TTC_SPEED_FAST = 1 --- @type integer TTC_SPEED_RANDOM = 2 --- @type integer TTC_SPEED_SLOW = 0 --- @type integer TTC_SPEED_STOPPED = 3 --- @type integer TWEESTER_ACT_CHASE = 1 --- @type integer TWEESTER_ACT_HIDE = 2 --- @type integer TWEESTER_ACT_IDLE = 0 --- @type integer TWEESTER_SUB_ACT_CHASE = 0 --- @type integer TWEESTER_SUB_ACT_WAIT = 0 --- @type integer UKIKI_ACT_GO_TO_CAGE = 4 --- @type integer UKIKI_ACT_IDLE = 0 --- @type integer UKIKI_ACT_JUMP = 3 --- @type integer UKIKI_ACT_RETURN_HOME = 7 --- @type integer UKIKI_ACT_RUN = 1 --- @type integer UKIKI_ACT_TURN_TO_MARIO = 2 --- @type integer UKIKI_ACT_UNUSED_TURN = 6 --- @type integer UKIKI_ACT_WAIT_TO_RESPAWN = 5 --- @type integer UKIKI_ANIM_HANDSTAND = 10 --- @type integer UKIKI_ANIM_HELD = 12 --- @type integer UKIKI_ANIM_ITCH = 9 --- @type integer UKIKI_ANIM_JUMP = 8 --- @type integer UKIKI_ANIM_JUMP_CLAP = 5 --- @type integer UKIKI_ANIM_LAND = 7 --- @type integer UKIKI_ANIM_RUN = 0 --- @type integer UKIKI_ANIM_SCREECH = 4 --- @type integer UKIKI_ANIM_STATE_CAP_ON = 2 --- @type integer UKIKI_ANIM_STATE_DEFAULT = 0 --- @type integer UKIKI_ANIM_STATE_EYE_CLOSED = 1 --- @type integer UKIKI_ANIM_TURN = 11 --- @type integer UKIKI_ANIM_UNUSED_APOSE = 2 --- @type integer UKIKI_ANIM_UNUSED_DEATH = 3 --- @type integer UKIKI_ANIM_UNUSED_HOP = 6 --- @type integer UKIKI_ANIM_UNUSED_WALK = 1 --- @type integer UKIKI_CAGE = 0 --- @type integer UKIKI_CAGE_ACT_FALL = 2 --- @type integer UKIKI_CAGE_ACT_HIDE = 3 --- @type integer UKIKI_CAGE_ACT_SPIN = 1 --- @type integer UKIKI_CAGE_ACT_WAIT_FOR_UKIKI = 0 --- @type integer UKIKI_CAGE_STAR_ACT_IN_CAGE = 0 --- @type integer UKIKI_CAGE_STAR_ACT_SPAWN_STAR = 1 --- @type integer UKIKI_CAP = 1 --- @type integer UKIKI_CAP_ON = 1 --- @type integer UKIKI_SUB_ACT_CAGE_DESPAWN = 7 --- @type integer UKIKI_SUB_ACT_CAGE_JUMP_TO_CAGE = 4 --- @type integer UKIKI_SUB_ACT_CAGE_LAND_ON_CAGE = 5 --- @type integer UKIKI_SUB_ACT_CAGE_RUN_TO_CAGE = 0 --- @type integer UKIKI_SUB_ACT_CAGE_SPIN_ON_CAGE = 6 --- @type integer UKIKI_SUB_ACT_CAGE_TALK_TO_MARIO = 2 --- @type integer UKIKI_SUB_ACT_CAGE_TURN_TO_CAGE = 3 --- @type integer UKIKI_SUB_ACT_CAGE_WAIT_FOR_MARIO = 1 --- @type integer UKIKI_SUB_ACT_TAUNT_HANDSTAND = 4 --- @type integer UKIKI_SUB_ACT_TAUNT_ITCH = 1 --- @type integer UKIKI_SUB_ACT_TAUNT_JUMP_CLAP = 3 --- @type integer UKIKI_SUB_ACT_TAUNT_NONE = 0 --- @type integer UKIKI_SUB_ACT_TAUNT_SCREECH = 2 --- @type integer UKIKI_TEXT_CAGE_TEXTBOX = 1 --- @type integer UKIKI_TEXT_DEFAULT = 0 --- @type integer UKIKI_TEXT_DO_NOT_LET_GO = 6 --- @type integer UKIKI_TEXT_GAVE_CAP_BACK = 5 --- @type integer UKIKI_TEXT_GO_TO_CAGE = 2 --- @type integer UKIKI_TEXT_HAS_CAP = 4 --- @type integer UKIKI_TEXT_STEAL_CAP = 7 --- @type integer UKIKI_TEXT_STOLE_CAP = 3 --- @type integer WATER_BOMB_ACT_DROP = 2 --- @type integer WATER_BOMB_ACT_EXPLODE = 3 --- @type integer WATER_BOMB_ACT_INIT = 1 --- @type integer WATER_BOMB_ACT_SHOT_FROM_CANNON = 0 --- @type integer WATER_LEVEL_DIAMOND_ACT_CHANGE_WATER_LEVEL = 2 --- @type integer WATER_LEVEL_DIAMOND_ACT_IDLE = 1 --- @type integer WATER_LEVEL_DIAMOND_ACT_IDLE_SPINNING = 3 --- @type integer WATER_LEVEL_DIAMOND_ACT_INIT = 0 --- @type integer WATER_RING_ACT_COLLECTED = 1 --- @type integer WATER_RING_ACT_NOT_COLLECTED = 0 --- @type integer WF_SLID_BRICK_PTFM_ACT_EXTEND = 1 --- @type integer WF_SLID_BRICK_PTFM_ACT_RETRACT = 2 --- @type integer WF_SLID_BRICK_PTFM_ACT_WAIT = 0 --- @type integer WF_SLID_BRICK_PTFM_BP_MOV_VEL_10 = 1 --- @type integer WF_SLID_BRICK_PTFM_BP_MOV_VEL_15 = 2 --- @type integer WF_SLID_BRICK_PTFM_BP_MOV_VEL_20 = 3 --- @type integer WIGGLER_ACT_FALL_THROUGH_FLOOR = 5 --- @type integer WIGGLER_ACT_JUMPED_ON = 3 --- @type integer WIGGLER_ACT_KNOCKBACK = 2 --- @type integer WIGGLER_ACT_SHRINK = 4 --- @type integer WIGGLER_ACT_UNINITIALIZED = 0 --- @type integer WIGGLER_ACT_WALK = 1 --- @type integer WIGGLER_TEXT_STATUS_AWAIT_DIALOG = 0 --- @type integer WIGGLER_TEXT_STATUS_COMPLETED_DIALOG = 2 --- @type integer WIGGLER_TEXT_STATUS_SHOWING_DIALOG = 1 --- @type integer WOODEN_POST_BP_NO_COINS_MASK = 0x0000FF00 --- @type integer YOSHI_ACT_CREDITS = 10 --- @type integer YOSHI_ACT_FINISH_JUMPING_AND_DESPAWN = 4 --- @type integer YOSHI_ACT_GIVE_PRESENT = 5 --- @type integer YOSHI_ACT_IDLE = 0 --- @type integer YOSHI_ACT_TALK = 2 --- @type integer YOSHI_ACT_WALK = 1 --- @type integer YOSHI_ACT_WALK_JUMP_OFF_ROOF = 3 --- @type integer OBJECT_POOL_CAPACITY = 1200 --- @type integer TIME_STOP_ACTIVE = (1 << 6) --- @type integer TIME_STOP_ALL_OBJECTS = (1 << 4) --- @type integer TIME_STOP_DIALOG = (1 << 2) --- @type integer TIME_STOP_ENABLED = (1 << 1) --- @type integer TIME_STOP_MARIO_AND_DOORS = (1 << 3) --- @type integer TIME_STOP_MARIO_OPENED_DOOR = (1 << 5) --- @type integer TIME_STOP_UNKNOWN_0 = (1 << 0) --- @class ObjectList --- @type ObjectList OBJ_LIST_PLAYER = 0 --- @type ObjectList OBJ_LIST_EXT = 1 --- @type ObjectList OBJ_LIST_DESTRUCTIVE = 2 --- @type ObjectList OBJ_LIST_UNUSED_3 = 3 --- @type ObjectList OBJ_LIST_GENACTOR = 4 --- @type ObjectList OBJ_LIST_PUSHABLE = 5 --- @type ObjectList OBJ_LIST_LEVEL = 6 --- @type ObjectList OBJ_LIST_UNUSED_7 = 7 --- @type ObjectList OBJ_LIST_DEFAULT = 8 --- @type ObjectList OBJ_LIST_SURFACE = 9 --- @type ObjectList OBJ_LIST_POLELIKE = 10 --- @type ObjectList OBJ_LIST_SPAWNER = 11 --- @type ObjectList OBJ_LIST_UNIMPORTANT = 12 --- @type ObjectList NUM_OBJ_LISTS = 13 --- @type integer A_BUTTON = CONT_A --- @type integer B_BUTTON = CONT_B --- @type integer CONT_A = 0x8000 --- @type integer CONT_ABSOLUTE = 0x0001 --- @type integer CONT_ADDR_CRC_ER = 0x04 --- @type integer CONT_B = 0x4000 --- @type integer CONT_C = 0x0002 --- @type integer CONT_CARD_ON = 0x01 --- @type integer CONT_CARD_PULL = 0x02 --- @type integer CONT_COLLISION_ERROR = 0x1 --- @type integer CONT_D = 0x0004 --- @type integer CONT_DOWN = 0x0400 --- @type integer CONT_E = 0x0008 --- @type integer CONT_EEP16K = 0x4000 --- @type integer CONT_EEPROM = 0x8000 --- @type integer CONT_EEPROM_BUSY = 0x80 --- @type integer CONT_F = 0x0001 --- @type integer CONT_FRAME_ERROR = 0x2 --- @type integer CONT_G = 0x2000 --- @type integer CONT_JOYPORT = 0x0004 --- @type integer CONT_L = 0x0020 --- @type integer CONT_LEFT = 0x0200 --- @type integer CONT_NO_RESPONSE_ERROR = 0x8 --- @type integer CONT_OVERRUN_ERROR = 0x4 --- @type integer CONT_R = 0x0010 --- @type integer CONT_RELATIVE = 0x0002 --- @type integer CONT_RIGHT = 0x0100 --- @type integer CONT_START = 0x1000 --- @type integer CONT_TYPE_MASK = 0x1f07 --- @type integer CONT_TYPE_MOUSE = 0x0002 --- @type integer CONT_TYPE_NORMAL = 0x0005 --- @type integer CONT_TYPE_VOICE = 0x0100 --- @type integer CONT_UP = 0x0800 --- @type integer CONT_X = 0x0040 --- @type integer CONT_Y = 0x0080 --- @type integer D_CBUTTONS = CONT_D --- @type integer D_JPAD = CONT_DOWN --- @type integer L_CBUTTONS = CONT_C --- @type integer L_JPAD = CONT_LEFT --- @type integer L_TRIG = CONT_L --- @type integer R_CBUTTONS = CONT_F --- @type integer R_JPAD = CONT_RIGHT --- @type integer R_TRIG = CONT_R --- @type integer START_BUTTON = CONT_START --- @type integer U_CBUTTONS = CONT_E --- @type integer U_JPAD = CONT_UP --- @type integer X_BUTTON = CONT_X --- @type integer Y_BUTTON = CONT_Y --- @type integer Z_TRIG = CONT_G --- @type integer EEPROM_SIZE = 0x200 --- @type integer NUM_SAVE_FILES = 4 --- @type integer SAVE_FLAG_CAP_ON_GROUND = (1 << 16) --- @type integer SAVE_FLAG_CAP_ON_KLEPTO = (1 << 17) --- @type integer SAVE_FLAG_CAP_ON_MR_BLIZZARD = (1 << 19) --- @type integer SAVE_FLAG_CAP_ON_UKIKI = (1 << 18) --- @type integer SAVE_FLAG_COLLECTED_MIPS_STAR_1 = (1 << 27) --- @type integer SAVE_FLAG_COLLECTED_MIPS_STAR_2 = (1 << 28) --- @type integer SAVE_FLAG_COLLECTED_TOAD_STAR_1 = (1 << 24) --- @type integer SAVE_FLAG_COLLECTED_TOAD_STAR_2 = (1 << 25) --- @type integer SAVE_FLAG_COLLECTED_TOAD_STAR_3 = (1 << 26) --- @type integer SAVE_FLAG_DDD_MOVED_BACK = (1 << 8) --- @type integer SAVE_FLAG_FILE_EXISTS = (1 << 0) --- @type integer SAVE_FLAG_HAVE_KEY_1 = (1 << 4) --- @type integer SAVE_FLAG_HAVE_KEY_2 = (1 << 5) --- @type integer SAVE_FLAG_HAVE_METAL_CAP = (1 << 2) --- @type integer SAVE_FLAG_HAVE_VANISH_CAP = (1 << 3) --- @type integer SAVE_FLAG_HAVE_WING_CAP = (1 << 1) --- @type integer SAVE_FLAG_MOAT_DRAINED = (1 << 9) --- @type integer SAVE_FLAG_UNLOCKED_50_STAR_DOOR = (1 << 20) --- @type integer SAVE_FLAG_UNLOCKED_BASEMENT_DOOR = (1 << 6) --- @type integer SAVE_FLAG_UNLOCKED_BITDW_DOOR = (1 << 14) --- @type integer SAVE_FLAG_UNLOCKED_BITFS_DOOR = (1 << 15) --- @type integer SAVE_FLAG_UNLOCKED_CCM_DOOR = (1 << 12) --- @type integer SAVE_FLAG_UNLOCKED_JRB_DOOR = (1 << 13) --- @type integer SAVE_FLAG_UNLOCKED_PSS_DOOR = (1 << 10) --- @type integer SAVE_FLAG_UNLOCKED_UPSTAIRS_DOOR = (1 << 7) --- @type integer SAVE_FLAG_UNLOCKED_WF_DOOR = (1 << 11) --- @class SaveFileIndex --- @type SaveFileIndex SAVE_FILE_A = 0 --- @type SaveFileIndex SAVE_FILE_B = 1 --- @type SaveFileIndex SAVE_FILE_C = 2 --- @type SaveFileIndex SAVE_FILE_D = 3 --- @type integer SEQ_BASE_ID = 0x7f --- @type integer SEQ_VARIATION = 0x80 --- @class SeqId --- @type SeqId SEQ_SOUND_PLAYER = 0 --- @type SeqId SEQ_EVENT_CUTSCENE_COLLECT_STAR = 1 --- @type SeqId SEQ_MENU_TITLE_SCREEN = 2 --- @type SeqId SEQ_LEVEL_GRASS = 3 --- @type SeqId SEQ_LEVEL_INSIDE_CASTLE = 4 --- @type SeqId SEQ_LEVEL_WATER = 5 --- @type SeqId SEQ_LEVEL_HOT = 6 --- @type SeqId SEQ_LEVEL_BOSS_KOOPA = 7 --- @type SeqId SEQ_LEVEL_SNOW = 8 --- @type SeqId SEQ_LEVEL_SLIDE = 9 --- @type SeqId SEQ_LEVEL_SPOOKY = 10 --- @type SeqId SEQ_EVENT_PIRANHA_PLANT = 11 --- @type SeqId SEQ_LEVEL_UNDERGROUND = 12 --- @type SeqId SEQ_MENU_STAR_SELECT = 13 --- @type SeqId SEQ_EVENT_POWERUP = 14 --- @type SeqId SEQ_EVENT_METAL_CAP = 15 --- @type SeqId SEQ_EVENT_KOOPA_MESSAGE = 16 --- @type SeqId SEQ_LEVEL_KOOPA_ROAD = 17 --- @type SeqId SEQ_EVENT_HIGH_SCORE = 18 --- @type SeqId SEQ_EVENT_MERRY_GO_ROUND = 19 --- @type SeqId SEQ_EVENT_RACE = 20 --- @type SeqId SEQ_EVENT_CUTSCENE_STAR_SPAWN = 21 --- @type SeqId SEQ_EVENT_BOSS = 22 --- @type SeqId SEQ_EVENT_CUTSCENE_COLLECT_KEY = 23 --- @type SeqId SEQ_EVENT_ENDLESS_STAIRS = 24 --- @type SeqId SEQ_LEVEL_BOSS_KOOPA_FINAL = 25 --- @type SeqId SEQ_EVENT_CUTSCENE_CREDITS = 26 --- @type SeqId SEQ_EVENT_SOLVE_PUZZLE = 27 --- @type SeqId SEQ_EVENT_TOAD_MESSAGE = 28 --- @type SeqId SEQ_EVENT_PEACH_MESSAGE = 29 --- @type SeqId SEQ_EVENT_CUTSCENE_INTRO = 30 --- @type SeqId SEQ_EVENT_CUTSCENE_VICTORY = 31 --- @type SeqId SEQ_EVENT_CUTSCENE_ENDING = 32 --- @type SeqId SEQ_MENU_FILE_SELECT = 33 --- @type SeqId SEQ_EVENT_CUTSCENE_LAKITU = 34 --- @type SeqId SEQ_COUNT = 35 --- @type integer ACT_AIR_HIT_WALL = 0x000008A7 --- @type integer ACT_AIR_THROW = 0x830008AB --- @type integer ACT_AIR_THROW_LAND = 0x80000A36 --- @type integer ACT_BACKFLIP = 0x01000883 --- @type integer ACT_BACKFLIP_LAND = 0x0400047A --- @type integer ACT_BACKFLIP_LAND_STOP = 0x0800022F --- @type integer ACT_BACKWARD_AIR_KB = 0x010208B0 --- @type integer ACT_BACKWARD_GROUND_KB = 0x00020462 --- @type integer ACT_BACKWARD_ROLLOUT = 0x010008AD --- @type integer ACT_BACKWARD_WATER_KB = 0x300222C5 --- @type integer ACT_BBH_ENTER_JUMP = 0x00001934 --- @type integer ACT_BBH_ENTER_SPIN = 0x00001535 --- @type integer ACT_BEGIN_SLIDING = 0x00000050 --- @type integer ACT_BRAKING = 0x04000445 --- @type integer ACT_BRAKING_STOP = 0x0C00023D --- @type integer ACT_BREASTSTROKE = 0x300024D0 --- @type integer ACT_BUBBLED = (0x173 | ACT_FLAG_MOVING | ACT_FLAG_PAUSE_EXIT) --- @type integer ACT_BURNING_FALL = 0x010208B5 --- @type integer ACT_BURNING_GROUND = 0x00020449 --- @type integer ACT_BURNING_JUMP = 0x010208B4 --- @type integer ACT_BUTT_SLIDE = 0x00840452 --- @type integer ACT_BUTT_SLIDE_AIR = 0x0300088E --- @type integer ACT_BUTT_SLIDE_STOP = 0x0C00023E --- @type integer ACT_BUTT_STUCK_IN_GROUND = 0x0002033B --- @type integer ACT_CAUGHT_IN_WHIRLPOOL = 0x300222E3 --- @type integer ACT_CLIMBING_POLE = 0x00100343 --- @type integer ACT_COUGHING = 0x0C40020A --- @type integer ACT_CRAWLING = 0x04008448 --- @type integer ACT_CRAZY_BOX_BOUNCE = 0x000008AE --- @type integer ACT_CREDITS_CUTSCENE = 0x00001319 --- @type integer ACT_CROUCHING = 0x0C008220 --- @type integer ACT_CROUCH_SLIDE = 0x04808459 --- @type integer ACT_DEATH_EXIT = 0x00001928 --- @type integer ACT_DEATH_EXIT_LAND = 0x00020467 --- @type integer ACT_DEATH_ON_BACK = 0x00021316 --- @type integer ACT_DEATH_ON_STOMACH = 0x00021315 --- @type integer ACT_DEBUG_FREE_MOVE = 0x0000130F --- @type integer ACT_DECELERATING = 0x0400044A --- @type integer ACT_DISAPPEARED = 0x00001300 --- @type integer ACT_DIVE = 0x0188088A --- @type integer ACT_DIVE_PICKING_UP = 0x00000385 --- @type integer ACT_DIVE_SLIDE = 0x00880456 --- @type integer ACT_DOUBLE_JUMP = 0x03000881 --- @type integer ACT_DOUBLE_JUMP_LAND = 0x04000472 --- @type integer ACT_DOUBLE_JUMP_LAND_STOP = 0x0C000231 --- @type integer ACT_DROWNING = 0x300032C4 --- @type integer ACT_EATEN_BY_BUBBA = 0x00021317 --- @type integer ACT_ELECTROCUTION = 0x00021313 --- @type integer ACT_EMERGE_FROM_PIPE = 0x00001923 --- @type integer ACT_END_PEACH_CUTSCENE = 0x00001918 --- @type integer ACT_END_WAVING_CUTSCENE = 0x0000131A --- @type integer ACT_ENTERING_STAR_DOOR = 0x00001331 --- @type integer ACT_EXIT_AIRBORNE = 0x00001926 --- @type integer ACT_EXIT_LAND_SAVE_DIALOG = 0x00001327 --- @type integer ACT_FALLING_DEATH_EXIT = 0x0000192A --- @type integer ACT_FALLING_EXIT_AIRBORNE = 0x0000192D --- @type integer ACT_FALL_AFTER_STAR_GRAB = 0x00001904 --- @type integer ACT_FEET_STUCK_IN_GROUND = 0x0002033C --- @type integer ACT_FINISH_TURNING_AROUND = 0x00000444 --- @type integer ACT_FIRST_PERSON = 0x0C000227 --- @type integer ACT_FLAG_AIR = (1 << 11) --- @type integer ACT_FLAG_ALLOW_FIRST_PERSON = (1 << 26) --- @type integer ACT_FLAG_ALLOW_VERTICAL_WIND_ACTION = (1 << 24) --- @type integer ACT_FLAG_ATTACKING = (1 << 23) --- @type integer ACT_FLAG_BUTT_OR_STOMACH_SLIDE = (1 << 18) --- @type integer ACT_FLAG_CONTROL_JUMP_HEIGHT = (1 << 25) --- @type integer ACT_FLAG_CUSTOM_ACTION = (1 << 30) --- @type integer ACT_FLAG_DIVING = (1 << 19) --- @type integer ACT_FLAG_FLYING = (ACT_FLAG_AIR | ACT_FLAG_DIVING | ACT_FLAG_ATTACKING | ACT_FLAG_SWIMMING_OR_FLYING) --- @type integer ACT_FLAG_HANGING = (1 << 21) --- @type integer ACT_FLAG_IDLE = (1 << 22) --- @type integer ACT_FLAG_INTANGIBLE = (1 << 12) --- @type integer ACT_FLAG_INVULNERABLE = (1 << 17) --- @type integer ACT_FLAG_METAL_WATER = (1 << 14) --- @type integer ACT_FLAG_MOVING = (1 << 10) --- @type integer ACT_FLAG_ON_POLE = (1 << 20) --- @type integer ACT_FLAG_PAUSE_EXIT = (1 << 27) --- @type integer ACT_FLAG_RIDING_SHELL = (1 << 16) --- @type integer ACT_FLAG_SHORT_HITBOX = (1 << 15) --- @type integer ACT_FLAG_STATIONARY = (1 << 9) --- @type integer ACT_FLAG_SWIMMING = (1 << 13) --- @type integer ACT_FLAG_SWIMMING_OR_FLYING = (1 << 28) --- @type integer ACT_FLAG_THROWING = (1 << 31) --- @type integer ACT_FLAG_WATER_OR_TEXT = (1 << 29) --- @type integer ACT_FLUTTER_KICK = 0x300024D2 --- @type integer ACT_FLYING = 0x10880899 --- @type integer ACT_FLYING_TRIPLE_JUMP = 0x03000894 --- @type integer ACT_FORWARD_AIR_KB = 0x010208B1 --- @type integer ACT_FORWARD_GROUND_KB = 0x00020463 --- @type integer ACT_FORWARD_ROLLOUT = 0x010008A6 --- @type integer ACT_FORWARD_WATER_KB = 0x300222C6 --- @type integer ACT_FREEFALL = 0x0100088C --- @type integer ACT_FREEFALL_LAND = 0x04000471 --- @type integer ACT_FREEFALL_LAND_STOP = 0x0C000232 --- @type integer ACT_GETTING_BLOWN = 0x010208B8 --- @type integer ACT_GRABBED = 0x00020370 --- @type integer ACT_GRAB_POLE_FAST = 0x00100342 --- @type integer ACT_GRAB_POLE_SLOW = 0x00100341 --- @type integer ACT_GROUND_BONK = 0x00020466 --- @type integer ACT_GROUND_POUND = 0x008008A9 --- @type integer ACT_GROUND_POUND_LAND = 0x0080023C --- @type integer ACT_GROUP_AIRBORNE = (2 << 6) --- @type integer ACT_GROUP_AUTOMATIC = (5 << 6) --- @type integer ACT_GROUP_CUTSCENE = (4 << 6) --- @type integer ACT_GROUP_MASK = 0x000001C0 --- @type integer ACT_GROUP_MOVING = (1 << 6) --- @type integer ACT_GROUP_OBJECT = (6 << 6) --- @type integer ACT_GROUP_STATIONARY = (0 << 6) --- @type integer ACT_GROUP_SUBMERGED = (3 << 6) --- @type integer ACT_HANGING = 0x00200349 --- @type integer ACT_HANG_MOVING = 0x0020054A --- @type integer ACT_HARD_BACKWARD_AIR_KB = 0x010208B3 --- @type integer ACT_HARD_BACKWARD_GROUND_KB = 0x00020460 --- @type integer ACT_HARD_FORWARD_AIR_KB = 0x010208B2 --- @type integer ACT_HARD_FORWARD_GROUND_KB = 0x00020461 --- @type integer ACT_HEAD_STUCK_IN_GROUND = 0x0002033A --- @type integer ACT_HEAVY_THROW = 0x80000589 --- @type integer ACT_HOLDING_BOWSER = 0x00000391 --- @type integer ACT_HOLDING_POLE = 0x08100340 --- @type integer ACT_HOLD_BEGIN_SLIDING = 0x00000051 --- @type integer ACT_HOLD_BREASTSTROKE = 0x300024D3 --- @type integer ACT_HOLD_BUTT_SLIDE = 0x00840454 --- @type integer ACT_HOLD_BUTT_SLIDE_AIR = 0x010008A2 --- @type integer ACT_HOLD_BUTT_SLIDE_STOP = 0x0800043F --- @type integer ACT_HOLD_DECELERATING = 0x0000044B --- @type integer ACT_HOLD_FLUTTER_KICK = 0x300024D5 --- @type integer ACT_HOLD_FREEFALL = 0x010008A1 --- @type integer ACT_HOLD_FREEFALL_LAND = 0x00000475 --- @type integer ACT_HOLD_FREEFALL_LAND_STOP = 0x08000235 --- @type integer ACT_HOLD_HEAVY_IDLE = 0x08000208 --- @type integer ACT_HOLD_HEAVY_WALKING = 0x00000447 --- @type integer ACT_HOLD_IDLE = 0x08000207 --- @type integer ACT_HOLD_JUMP = 0x030008A0 --- @type integer ACT_HOLD_JUMP_LAND = 0x00000474 --- @type integer ACT_HOLD_JUMP_LAND_STOP = 0x08000234 --- @type integer ACT_HOLD_METAL_WATER_FALLING = 0x000042F5 --- @type integer ACT_HOLD_METAL_WATER_FALL_LAND = 0x000042F7 --- @type integer ACT_HOLD_METAL_WATER_JUMP = 0x000044F9 --- @type integer ACT_HOLD_METAL_WATER_JUMP_LAND = 0x000044FB --- @type integer ACT_HOLD_METAL_WATER_STANDING = 0x080042F1 --- @type integer ACT_HOLD_METAL_WATER_WALKING = 0x000044F3 --- @type integer ACT_HOLD_PANTING_UNUSED = 0x08000206 --- @type integer ACT_HOLD_QUICKSAND_JUMP_LAND = 0x00000477 --- @type integer ACT_HOLD_STOMACH_SLIDE = 0x008C0455 --- @type integer ACT_HOLD_SWIMMING_END = 0x300024D4 --- @type integer ACT_HOLD_WALKING = 0x00000442 --- @type integer ACT_HOLD_WATER_ACTION_END = 0x300022C3 --- @type integer ACT_HOLD_WATER_IDLE = 0x380022C1 --- @type integer ACT_HOLD_WATER_JUMP = 0x010008A3 --- @type integer ACT_IDLE = 0x0C400201 --- @type integer ACT_ID_MASK = 0x000001FF --- @type integer ACT_INDEX_MASK = (ACT_ID_MASK & ~ACT_GROUP_MASK) --- @type integer ACT_INTRO_CUTSCENE = 0x04001301 --- @type integer ACT_IN_CANNON = 0x00001371 --- @type integer ACT_IN_QUICKSAND = 0x0002020D --- @type integer ACT_JUMBO_STAR_CUTSCENE = 0x00001909 --- @type integer ACT_JUMP = 0x03000880 --- @type integer ACT_JUMP_KICK = 0x018008AC --- @type integer ACT_JUMP_LAND = 0x04000470 --- @type integer ACT_JUMP_LAND_STOP = 0x0C000230 --- @type integer ACT_LAVA_BOOST = 0x010208B7 --- @type integer ACT_LAVA_BOOST_LAND = 0x08000239 --- @type integer ACT_LEDGE_CLIMB_DOWN = 0x0000054E --- @type integer ACT_LEDGE_CLIMB_FAST = 0x0000054F --- @type integer ACT_LEDGE_CLIMB_SLOW_1 = 0x0000054C --- @type integer ACT_LEDGE_CLIMB_SLOW_2 = 0x0000054D --- @type integer ACT_LEDGE_GRAB = 0x0800034B --- @type integer ACT_LONG_JUMP = 0x03000888 --- @type integer ACT_LONG_JUMP_LAND = 0x00000479 --- @type integer ACT_LONG_JUMP_LAND_STOP = 0x0800023B --- @type integer ACT_METAL_WATER_FALLING = 0x000042F4 --- @type integer ACT_METAL_WATER_FALL_LAND = 0x000042F6 --- @type integer ACT_METAL_WATER_JUMP = 0x000044F8 --- @type integer ACT_METAL_WATER_JUMP_LAND = 0x000044FA --- @type integer ACT_METAL_WATER_STANDING = 0x080042F0 --- @type integer ACT_METAL_WATER_WALKING = 0x000044F2 --- @type integer ACT_MOVE_PUNCHING = 0x00800457 --- @type integer ACT_NUM_ACTIONS_PER_GROUP = (ACT_INDEX_MASK + 1) --- @type integer ACT_NUM_GROUPS = ((ACT_GROUP_MASK >> 6) + 1) --- @type integer ACT_PANTING = 0x0C400205 --- @type integer ACT_PICKING_UP = 0x00000383 --- @type integer ACT_PICKING_UP_BOWSER = 0x00000390 --- @type integer ACT_PLACING_DOWN = 0x00000387 --- @type integer ACT_PULLING_DOOR = 0x00001320 --- @type integer ACT_PUNCHING = 0x00800380 --- @type integer ACT_PUSHING_DOOR = 0x00001321 --- @type integer ACT_PUTTING_ON_CAP = 0x0000133D --- @type integer ACT_QUICKSAND_DEATH = 0x00021312 --- @type integer ACT_QUICKSAND_JUMP_LAND = 0x00000476 --- @type integer ACT_READING_AUTOMATIC_DIALOG = 0x20001305 --- @type integer ACT_READING_NPC_DIALOG = 0x20001306 --- @type integer ACT_READING_SIGN = 0x00001308 --- @type integer ACT_RELEASING_BOWSER = 0x00000392 --- @type integer ACT_RIDING_HOOT = 0x000004A8 --- @type integer ACT_RIDING_SHELL_FALL = 0x0081089B --- @type integer ACT_RIDING_SHELL_GROUND = 0x20810446 --- @type integer ACT_RIDING_SHELL_JUMP = 0x0281089A --- @type integer ACT_SHIVERING = 0x0C40020B --- @type integer ACT_SHOCKED = 0x00020338 --- @type integer ACT_SHOCKWAVE_BOUNCE = 0x00020226 --- @type integer ACT_SHOT_FROM_CANNON = 0x00880898 --- @type integer ACT_SIDE_FLIP = 0x01000887 --- @type integer ACT_SIDE_FLIP_LAND = 0x04000473 --- @type integer ACT_SIDE_FLIP_LAND_STOP = 0x0C000233 --- @type integer ACT_SLEEPING = 0x0C000203 --- @type integer ACT_SLIDE_KICK = 0x018008AA --- @type integer ACT_SLIDE_KICK_SLIDE = 0x0080045A --- @type integer ACT_SLIDE_KICK_SLIDE_STOP = 0x08000225 --- @type integer ACT_SOFT_BACKWARD_GROUND_KB = 0x00020464 --- @type integer ACT_SOFT_BONK = 0x010208B6 --- @type integer ACT_SOFT_FORWARD_GROUND_KB = 0x00020465 --- @type integer ACT_SPAWN_NO_SPIN_AIRBORNE = 0x00001932 --- @type integer ACT_SPAWN_NO_SPIN_LANDING = 0x00001333 --- @type integer ACT_SPAWN_SPIN_AIRBORNE = 0x00001924 --- @type integer ACT_SPAWN_SPIN_LANDING = 0x00001325 --- @type integer ACT_SPECIAL_DEATH_EXIT = 0x0000192C --- @type integer ACT_SPECIAL_EXIT_AIRBORNE = 0x0000192B --- @type integer ACT_SPECIAL_TRIPLE_JUMP = 0x030008AF --- @type integer ACT_SQUISHED = 0x00020339 --- @type integer ACT_STANDING_AGAINST_WALL = 0x0C400209 --- @type integer ACT_STANDING_DEATH = 0x00021311 --- @type integer ACT_START_CRAWLING = 0x0C008223 --- @type integer ACT_START_CROUCHING = 0x0C008221 --- @type integer ACT_START_HANGING = 0x08200348 --- @type integer ACT_START_SLEEPING = 0x0C400202 --- @type integer ACT_STAR_DANCE_EXIT = 0x00001302 --- @type integer ACT_STAR_DANCE_NO_EXIT = 0x00001307 --- @type integer ACT_STAR_DANCE_WATER = 0x00001303 --- @type integer ACT_STEEP_JUMP = 0x03000885 --- @type integer ACT_STOMACH_SLIDE = 0x008C0453 --- @type integer ACT_STOMACH_SLIDE_STOP = 0x00000386 --- @type integer ACT_STOP_CRAWLING = 0x0C008224 --- @type integer ACT_STOP_CROUCHING = 0x0C008222 --- @type integer ACT_SUFFOCATION = 0x00021314 --- @type integer ACT_SWIMMING_END = 0x300024D1 --- @type integer ACT_TELEPORT_FADE_IN = 0x00001337 --- @type integer ACT_TELEPORT_FADE_OUT = 0x00001336 --- @type integer ACT_THROWING = 0x80000588 --- @type integer ACT_THROWN_BACKWARD = 0x010208BE --- @type integer ACT_THROWN_FORWARD = 0x010208BD --- @type integer ACT_TOP_OF_POLE = 0x00100345 --- @type integer ACT_TOP_OF_POLE_JUMP = 0x0300088D --- @type integer ACT_TOP_OF_POLE_TRANSITION = 0x00100344 --- @type integer ACT_TORNADO_TWIRLING = 0x10020372 --- @type integer ACT_TRIPLE_JUMP = 0x01000882 --- @type integer ACT_TRIPLE_JUMP_LAND = 0x04000478 --- @type integer ACT_TRIPLE_JUMP_LAND_STOP = 0x0800023A --- @type integer ACT_TURNING_AROUND = 0x00000443 --- @type integer ACT_TWIRLING = 0x108008A4 --- @type integer ACT_TWIRL_LAND = 0x18800238 --- @type integer ACT_UNINITIALIZED = 0x00000000 --- @type integer ACT_UNKNOWN_0002020E = 0x0002020E --- @type integer ACT_UNLOCKING_KEY_DOOR = 0x0000132E --- @type integer ACT_UNLOCKING_STAR_DOOR = 0x0000132F --- @type integer ACT_UNUSED_DEATH_EXIT = 0x00001929 --- @type integer ACT_VERTICAL_WIND = 0x1008089C --- @type integer ACT_WAITING_FOR_DIALOG = 0x0000130A --- @type integer ACT_WAKING_UP = 0x0C000204 --- @type integer ACT_WALKING = 0x04000440 --- @type integer ACT_WALL_KICK_AIR = 0x03000886 --- @type integer ACT_WARP_DOOR_SPAWN = 0x00001322 --- @type integer ACT_WATER_ACTION_END = 0x300022C2 --- @type integer ACT_WATER_DEATH = 0x300032C7 --- @type integer ACT_WATER_IDLE = 0x380022C0 --- @type integer ACT_WATER_JUMP = 0x01000889 --- @type integer ACT_WATER_PLUNGE = 0x300022E2 --- @type integer ACT_WATER_PUNCH = 0x300024E1 --- @type integer ACT_WATER_SHELL_SWIMMING = 0x300024D6 --- @type integer ACT_WATER_SHOCKED = 0x300222C8 --- @type integer ACT_WATER_THROW = 0x300024E0 --- @type integer AIR_STEP_CHECK_HANG = 0x00000002 --- @type integer AIR_STEP_CHECK_LEDGE_GRAB = 0x00000001 --- @type integer AIR_STEP_GRABBED_CEILING = 4 --- @type integer AIR_STEP_GRABBED_LEDGE = 3 --- @type integer AIR_STEP_HIT_LAVA_WALL = 6 --- @type integer AIR_STEP_HIT_WALL = 2 --- @type integer AIR_STEP_LANDED = 1 --- @type integer AIR_STEP_NONE = 0 --- @type integer C_BUTTONS = (U_CBUTTONS | D_CBUTTONS | L_CBUTTONS | R_CBUTTONS ) --- @type integer END_DEMO = (1 << 7) --- @type integer GROUND_STEP_HIT_WALL = 2 --- @type integer GROUND_STEP_HIT_WALL_CONTINUE_QSTEPS = 3 --- @type integer GROUND_STEP_HIT_WALL_STOP_QSTEPS = 2 --- @type integer GROUND_STEP_LEFT_GROUND = 0 --- @type integer GROUND_STEP_NONE = 1 --- @type integer INPUT_ABOVE_SLIDE = 0x0008 --- @type integer INPUT_A_DOWN = 0x0080 --- @type integer INPUT_A_PRESSED = 0x0002 --- @type integer INPUT_B_PRESSED = 0x2000 --- @type integer INPUT_FIRST_PERSON = 0x0010 --- @type integer INPUT_INTERACT_OBJ_GRABBABLE = 0x0800 --- @type integer INPUT_IN_POISON_GAS = 0x0100 --- @type integer INPUT_IN_WATER = 0x0200 --- @type integer INPUT_NONZERO_ANALOG = 0x0001 --- @type integer INPUT_OFF_FLOOR = 0x0004 --- @type integer INPUT_SQUISHED = 0x0040 --- @type integer INPUT_UNKNOWN_10 = 0x0400 --- @type integer INPUT_UNKNOWN_12 = 0x1000 --- @type integer INPUT_ZERO_MOVEMENT = 0x0020 --- @type integer INPUT_Z_DOWN = 0x4000 --- @type integer INPUT_Z_PRESSED = 0x8000 --- @type integer LAYER_ALPHA = 4 --- @type integer LAYER_FORCE = 0 --- @type integer LAYER_OPAQUE = 1 --- @type integer LAYER_OPAQUE_DECAL = 2 --- @type integer LAYER_OPAQUE_INTER = 3 --- @type integer LAYER_TRANSPARENT = 5 --- @type integer LAYER_TRANSPARENT_DECAL = 6 --- @type integer LAYER_TRANSPARENT_INTER = 7 --- @type integer MARIO_ACTION_SOUND_PLAYED = 0x00010000 --- @type integer MARIO_CAPS = (MARIO_NORMAL_CAP | MARIO_SPECIAL_CAPS) --- @type integer MARIO_CAP_IN_HAND = 0x00000020 --- @type integer MARIO_CAP_ON_HEAD = 0x00000010 --- @type integer MARIO_KICKING = 0x00200000 --- @type integer MARIO_MARIO_SOUND_PLAYED = 0x00020000 --- @type integer MARIO_METAL_CAP = 0x00000004 --- @type integer MARIO_METAL_SHOCK = 0x00000040 --- @type integer MARIO_NORMAL_CAP = 0x00000001 --- @type integer MARIO_PUNCHING = 0x00100000 --- @type integer MARIO_SPECIAL_CAPS = (MARIO_VANISH_CAP | MARIO_METAL_CAP | MARIO_WING_CAP) --- @type integer MARIO_TELEPORTING = 0x00000080 --- @type integer MARIO_TRIPPING = 0x00400000 --- @type integer MARIO_UNKNOWN_08 = 0x00000100 --- @type integer MARIO_UNKNOWN_13 = 0x00002000 --- @type integer MARIO_UNKNOWN_18 = 0x00040000 --- @type integer MARIO_UNKNOWN_25 = 0x02000000 --- @type integer MARIO_UNKNOWN_30 = 0x40000000 --- @type integer MARIO_UNKNOWN_31 = 0x80000000 --- @type integer MARIO_VANISH_CAP = 0x00000002 --- @type integer MARIO_WING_CAP = 0x00000008 --- @type integer MODEL_STATE_METAL = 0x200 --- @type integer MODEL_STATE_NOISE_ALPHA = 0x180 --- @type integer PARTICLE_19 = (1 << 19) --- @type integer PARTICLE_2 = (1 << 2) --- @type integer PARTICLE_BREATH = (1 << 17) --- @type integer PARTICLE_BUBBLE = (1 << 5) --- @type integer PARTICLE_DIRT = (1 << 15) --- @type integer PARTICLE_DUST = (1 << 0) --- @type integer PARTICLE_FIRE = (1 << 11) --- @type integer PARTICLE_HORIZONTAL_STAR = (1 << 4) --- @type integer PARTICLE_IDLE_WATER_WAVE = (1 << 7) --- @type integer PARTICLE_LEAF = (1 << 13) --- @type integer PARTICLE_MIST_CIRCLE = (1 << 16) --- @type integer PARTICLE_PLUNGE_BUBBLE = (1 << 9) --- @type integer PARTICLE_SHALLOW_WATER_SPLASH = (1 << 12) --- @type integer PARTICLE_SHALLOW_WATER_WAVE = (1 << 8) --- @type integer PARTICLE_SNOW = (1 << 14) --- @type integer PARTICLE_SPARKLES = (1 << 3) --- @type integer PARTICLE_TRIANGLE = (1 << 18) --- @type integer PARTICLE_VERTICAL_STAR = (1 << 1) --- @type integer PARTICLE_WATER_SPLASH = (1 << 6) --- @type integer PARTICLE_WAVE_TRAIL = (1 << 10) --- @type integer STEP_TYPE_AIR = 2 --- @type integer STEP_TYPE_GROUND = 1 --- @type integer STEP_TYPE_HANG = 4 --- @type integer STEP_TYPE_WATER = 3 --- @type integer VALID_BUTTONS = (A_BUTTON | B_BUTTON | Z_TRIG | START_BUTTON | U_JPAD | D_JPAD | L_JPAD | R_JPAD | L_TRIG | R_TRIG | X_BUTTON | Y_BUTTON | U_CBUTTONS | D_CBUTTONS | L_CBUTTONS | R_CBUTTONS ) --- @type integer WATER_STEP_CANCELLED = 3 --- @type integer WATER_STEP_HIT_CEILING = 2 --- @type integer WATER_STEP_HIT_FLOOR = 1 --- @type integer WATER_STEP_HIT_WALL = 4 --- @type integer WATER_STEP_NONE = 0 --- @class LuaActionHookType --- @type LuaActionHookType ACTION_HOOK_EVERY_FRAME = 0 --- @type LuaActionHookType ACTION_HOOK_GRAVITY = 1 --- @type LuaActionHookType ACTION_HOOK_MAX = 2 --- @class LuaHookedEventType --- @type LuaHookedEventType HOOK_UPDATE = 0 --- @type LuaHookedEventType HOOK_MARIO_UPDATE = 1 --- @type LuaHookedEventType HOOK_BEFORE_MARIO_UPDATE = 2 --- @type LuaHookedEventType HOOK_ON_SET_MARIO_ACTION = 3 --- @type LuaHookedEventType HOOK_BEFORE_PHYS_STEP = 4 --- @type LuaHookedEventType HOOK_ALLOW_PVP_ATTACK = 5 --- @type LuaHookedEventType HOOK_ON_PVP_ATTACK = 6 --- @type LuaHookedEventType HOOK_ON_PLAYER_CONNECTED = 7 --- @type LuaHookedEventType HOOK_ON_PLAYER_DISCONNECTED = 8 --- @type LuaHookedEventType HOOK_ON_HUD_RENDER = 9 --- @type LuaHookedEventType HOOK_ALLOW_INTERACT = 10 --- @type LuaHookedEventType HOOK_ON_INTERACT = 11 --- @type LuaHookedEventType HOOK_ON_LEVEL_INIT = 12 --- @type LuaHookedEventType HOOK_ON_WARP = 13 --- @type LuaHookedEventType HOOK_ON_SYNC_VALID = 14 --- @type LuaHookedEventType HOOK_ON_OBJECT_UNLOAD = 15 --- @type LuaHookedEventType HOOK_ON_SYNC_OBJECT_UNLOAD = 16 --- @type LuaHookedEventType HOOK_ON_PAUSE_EXIT = 17 --- @type LuaHookedEventType HOOK_GET_STAR_COLLECTION_DIALOG = 18 --- @type LuaHookedEventType HOOK_ON_SET_CAMERA_MODE = 19 --- @type LuaHookedEventType HOOK_ON_OBJECT_RENDER = 20 --- @type LuaHookedEventType HOOK_ON_DEATH = 21 --- @type LuaHookedEventType HOOK_ON_PACKET_RECEIVE = 22 --- @type LuaHookedEventType HOOK_USE_ACT_SELECT = 23 --- @type LuaHookedEventType HOOK_ON_CHANGE_CAMERA_ANGLE = 24 --- @type LuaHookedEventType HOOK_ON_SCREEN_TRANSITION = 25 --- @type LuaHookedEventType HOOK_ALLOW_HAZARD_SURFACE = 26 --- @type LuaHookedEventType HOOK_ON_CHAT_MESSAGE = 27 --- @type LuaHookedEventType HOOK_OBJECT_SET_MODEL = 28 --- @type LuaHookedEventType HOOK_CHARACTER_SOUND = 29 --- @type LuaHookedEventType HOOK_BEFORE_SET_MARIO_ACTION = 30 --- @type LuaHookedEventType HOOK_JOINED_GAME = 31 --- @type LuaHookedEventType HOOK_ON_OBJECT_ANIM_UPDATE = 32 --- @type LuaHookedEventType HOOK_ON_DIALOG = 33 --- @type LuaHookedEventType HOOK_ON_EXIT = 34 --- @type LuaHookedEventType HOOK_DIALOG_SOUND = 35 --- @type LuaHookedEventType HOOK_ON_HUD_RENDER_BEHIND = 36 --- @type LuaHookedEventType HOOK_ON_COLLIDE_LEVEL_BOUNDS = 37 --- @type LuaHookedEventType HOOK_MIRROR_MARIO_RENDER = 38 --- @type LuaHookedEventType HOOK_OVERRIDE_PHYS_STEP_DEFACTO_SPEED = 39 --- @type LuaHookedEventType HOOK_ON_OBJECT_LOAD = 40 --- @type LuaHookedEventType HOOK_ON_PLAY_SOUND = 41 --- @type LuaHookedEventType HOOK_MAX = 42 --- @class HudDisplayFlags --- @type HudDisplayFlags HUD_DISPLAY_FLAGS_NONE = 0x0000 --- @type HudDisplayFlags HUD_DISPLAY_FLAGS_LIVES = 0x0001 --- @type HudDisplayFlags HUD_DISPLAY_FLAGS_COIN_COUNT = 0x0002 --- @type HudDisplayFlags HUD_DISPLAY_FLAGS_STAR_COUNT = 0x0004 --- @type HudDisplayFlags HUD_DISPLAY_FLAGS_CAMERA_AND_POWER = 0x0008 --- @type HudDisplayFlags HUD_DISPLAY_FLAGS_KEYS = 0x0010 --- @type HudDisplayFlags HUD_DISPLAY_FLAGS_UNKNOWN_0020 = 0x0020 --- @type HudDisplayFlags HUD_DISPLAY_FLAGS_TIMER = 0x0040 --- @type HudDisplayFlags HUD_DISPLAY_FLAGS_CAMERA = 0x0080 --- @type HudDisplayFlags HUD_DISPLAY_FLAGS_POWER = 0x0100 --- @type HudDisplayFlags HUD_DISPLAY_FLAGS_EMPHASIZE_POWER = 0x8000 --- @class HudDisplayValue --- @type HudDisplayValue HUD_DISPLAY_LIVES = 0 --- @type HudDisplayValue HUD_DISPLAY_COINS = 1 --- @type HudDisplayValue HUD_DISPLAY_STARS = 2 --- @type HudDisplayValue HUD_DISPLAY_WEDGES = 3 --- @type HudDisplayValue HUD_DISPLAY_KEYS = 4 --- @type HudDisplayValue HUD_DISPLAY_FLAGS = 5 --- @type HudDisplayValue HUD_DISPLAY_TIMER = 6 --- @type HudDisplayValue HUD_DISPLAY_CAMERA_STATUS = 7 --- @class ModelExtendedId --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_NONE = 0 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_MARIO = 1 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_SMOKE = 2 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_SPARKLES = 3 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BUBBLE = 4 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_SMALL_WATER_SPLASH = 5 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_IDLE_WATER_WAVE = 6 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_WATER_SPLASH = 7 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_WAVE_TRAIL = 8 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_YELLOW_COIN = 9 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_STAR = 10 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_TRANSPARENT_STAR = 11 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_WOODEN_SIGNPOST = 12 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_WHITE_PARTICLE_SMALL = 13 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_RED_FLAME = 14 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BLUE_FLAME = 15 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BURN_SMOKE = 16 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_LEAVES = 17 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_PURPLE_MARBLE = 18 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_TRAMPOLINE = 19 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_TRAMPOLINE_CENTER = 20 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_TRAMPOLINE_BASE = 21 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_FISH = 22 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_FISH_SHADOW = 23 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_SPARKLES_ANIMATION = 24 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_SAND_DUST = 25 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BUTTERFLY = 26 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BURN_SMOKE_UNUSED = 27 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_PEBBLE = 28 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_MIST = 29 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_WHITE_PUFF = 30 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_WHITE_PARTICLE_DL = 31 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_WHITE_PARTICLE = 32 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_YELLOW_COIN_NO_SHADOW = 33 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BLUE_COIN = 34 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BLUE_COIN_NO_SHADOW = 35 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_MARIOS_WINGED_METAL_CAP = 36 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_MARIOS_METAL_CAP = 37 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_MARIOS_WING_CAP = 38 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_MARIOS_CAP = 39 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BOWSER_KEY_CUTSCENE = 40 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BOWSER_KEY = 41 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_RED_FLAME_SHADOW = 42 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_1UP = 43 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_RED_COIN = 44 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_RED_COIN_NO_SHADOW = 45 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_NUMBER = 46 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_EXPLOSION = 47 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_DIRT_ANIMATION = 48 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_CARTOON_STAR = 49 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BLUE_COIN_SWITCH = 50 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_AMP = 51 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_PURPLE_SWITCH = 52 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_CHECKERBOARD_PLATFORM = 53 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BREAKABLE_BOX = 54 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BREAKABLE_BOX_SMALL = 55 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_EXCLAMATION_BOX_OUTLINE = 56 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_EXCLAMATION_BOX = 57 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_GOOMBA = 58 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_EXCLAMATION_POINT = 59 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_KOOPA_SHELL = 60 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_METAL_BOX = 61 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_METAL_BOX_DL = 62 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BLACK_BOBOMB = 63 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BOBOMB_BUDDY = 64 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_DL_CANNON_LID = 65 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BOWLING_BALL = 66 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_CANNON_BARREL = 67 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_CANNON_BASE = 68 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_HEART = 69 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_FLYGUY = 70 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_CHUCKYA = 71 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_TRAJECTORY_MARKER_BALL = 72 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BULLET_BILL = 73 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_YELLOW_SPHERE = 74 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_HOOT = 75 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_YOSHI_EGG = 76 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_THWOMP = 77 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_HEAVE_HO = 78 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BLARGG = 79 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BULLY = 80 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BULLY_BOSS = 81 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_WATER_BOMB = 82 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_WATER_BOMB_SHADOW = 83 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_KING_BOBOMB = 84 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_MANTA_RAY = 85 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_UNAGI = 86 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_SUSHI = 87 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_DL_WHIRLPOOL = 88 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_CLAM_SHELL = 89 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_POKEY_HEAD = 90 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_POKEY_BODY_PART = 91 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_TWEESTER = 92 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_KLEPTO = 93 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_EYEROK_LEFT_HAND = 94 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_EYEROK_RIGHT_HAND = 95 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_DL_MONTY_MOLE_HOLE = 96 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_MONTY_MOLE = 97 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_UKIKI = 98 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_FWOOSH = 99 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_SPINDRIFT = 100 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_MR_BLIZZARD_HIDDEN = 101 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_MR_BLIZZARD = 102 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_PENGUIN = 103 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_CAP_SWITCH_EXCLAMATION = 104 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_CAP_SWITCH = 105 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_CAP_SWITCH_BASE = 106 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BOO = 107 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BETA_BOO_KEY = 108 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_HAUNTED_CHAIR = 109 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_MAD_PIANO = 110 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BOOKEND_PART = 111 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BOOKEND = 112 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_HAUNTED_CAGE = 113 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BIRDS = 114 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_PEACH = 115 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_YOSHI = 116 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_ENEMY_LAKITU = 117 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_SPINY_BALL = 118 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_SPINY = 119 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_WIGGLER_HEAD = 120 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_WIGGLER_BODY = 121 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BUBBA = 122 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BOWSER = 123 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BOWSER_BOMB_CHILD_OBJ = 124 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BOWSER_BOMB = 125 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BOWSER_SMOKE = 126 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BOWSER_FLAMES = 127 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BOWSER_WAVE = 128 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BOWSER2 = 129 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BUB = 130 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_TREASURE_CHEST_BASE = 131 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_TREASURE_CHEST_LID = 132 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_CYAN_FISH = 133 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_WATER_RING = 134 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_WATER_MINE = 135 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_SEAWEED = 136 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_SKEETER = 137 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_PIRANHA_PLANT = 138 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_WHOMP = 139 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_KOOPA_WITH_SHELL = 140 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_KOOPA_WITHOUT_SHELL = 141 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_METALLIC_BALL = 142 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_CHAIN_CHOMP = 143 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_KOOPA_FLAG = 144 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_WOODEN_POST = 145 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_MIPS = 146 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BOO_CASTLE = 147 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_LAKITU = 148 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_TOAD = 149 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_CHILL_BULLY = 150 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BIG_CHILL_BULLY = 151 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_MONEYBAG = 152 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_SWOOP = 153 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_SCUTTLEBUG = 154 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_MR_I_IRIS = 155 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_MR_I = 156 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_DORRIE = 157 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_SNUFIT = 158 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_ERROR_MODEL = 159 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BUBBLY_TREE = 160 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_COURTYARD_SPIKY_TREE = 161 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_SNOW_TREE = 162 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_PALM_TREE = 163 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_CASTLE_CASTLE_DOOR = 164 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BBH_HAUNTED_DOOR = 165 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_HMC_WOODEN_DOOR = 166 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_HMC_METAL_DOOR = 167 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_HMC_HAZY_MAZE_DOOR = 168 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_CASTLE_DOOR_0_STARS = 169 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_CASTLE_DOOR_1_STAR = 170 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_CASTLE_DOOR_3_STARS = 171 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_CASTLE_STAR_DOOR_8_STARS = 172 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_CASTLE_STAR_DOOR_30_STARS = 173 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_CASTLE_STAR_DOOR_50_STARS = 174 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_CASTLE_STAR_DOOR_70_STARS = 175 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_CASTLE_KEY_DOOR = 176 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_CCM_CABIN_DOOR = 177 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_CASTLE_METAL_DOOR = 178 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_CASTLE_GROUNDS_METAL_DOOR = 179 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_WF_TOWER_TRAPEZOID_PLATORM = 180 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_WF_TOWER_SQUARE_PLATORM = 181 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_WF_TOWER_SQUARE_PLATORM_UNUSED = 182 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_WF_TOWER_SQUARE_PLATORM_ELEVATOR = 183 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BBH_STAIRCASE_STEP = 184 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BBH_TILTING_FLOOR_PLATFORM = 185 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BBH_TUMBLING_PLATFORM = 186 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BBH_TUMBLING_PLATFORM_PART = 187 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BBH_MOVING_BOOKSHELF = 188 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BBH_MESH_ELEVATOR = 189 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BBH_MERRY_GO_ROUND = 190 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BBH_WOODEN_TOMB = 191 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_CCM_ROPEWAY_LIFT = 192 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_CCM_SNOWMAN_HEAD = 193 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_CASTLE_BOWSER_TRAP = 194 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_CASTLE_WATER_LEVEL_PILLAR = 195 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_CASTLE_CLOCK_MINUTE_HAND = 196 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_CASTLE_CLOCK_HOUR_HAND = 197 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_CASTLE_CLOCK_PENDULUM = 198 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_HMC_METAL_PLATFORM = 199 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_HMC_METAL_ARROW_PLATFORM = 200 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_HMC_ELEVATOR_PLATFORM = 201 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_HMC_ROLLING_ROCK = 202 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_HMC_ROCK_PIECE = 203 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_HMC_ROCK_SMALL_PIECE = 204 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_HMC_RED_GRILLS = 205 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_SSL_PYRAMID_TOP = 206 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_SSL_GRINDEL = 207 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_SSL_SPINDEL = 208 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_SSL_MOVING_PYRAMID_WALL = 209 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_SSL_PYRAMID_ELEVATOR = 210 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_SSL_TOX_BOX = 211 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BOB_CHAIN_CHOMP_GATE = 212 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BOB_SEESAW_PLATFORM = 213 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BOB_BARS_GRILLS = 214 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_SL_SNOW_TRIANGLE = 215 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_SL_CRACKED_ICE = 216 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_SL_CRACKED_ICE_CHUNK = 217 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_WDW_SQUARE_FLOATING_PLATFORM = 218 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_WDW_ARROW_LIFT = 219 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_WDW_WATER_LEVEL_DIAMOND = 220 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_WDW_HIDDEN_PLATFORM = 221 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_WDW_EXPRESS_ELEVATOR = 222 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_WDW_RECTANGULAR_FLOATING_PLATFORM = 223 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_WDW_ROTATING_PLATFORM = 224 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_JRB_SHIP_LEFT_HALF_PART = 225 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_JRB_SHIP_BACK_LEFT_PART = 226 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_JRB_SHIP_RIGHT_HALF_PART = 227 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_JRB_SHIP_BACK_RIGHT_PART = 228 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_JRB_SUNKEN_SHIP = 229 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_JRB_SUNKEN_SHIP_BACK = 230 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_JRB_ROCK = 231 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_JRB_SLIDING_BOX = 232 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_JRB_FALLING_PILLAR = 233 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_JRB_FALLING_PILLAR_BASE = 234 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_JRB_FLOATING_PLATFORM = 235 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_THI_HUGE_ISLAND_TOP = 236 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_THI_TINY_ISLAND_TOP = 237 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_TTC_ROTATING_CUBE = 238 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_TTC_ROTATING_PRISM = 239 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_TTC_PENDULUM = 240 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_TTC_LARGE_TREADMILL = 241 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_TTC_SMALL_TREADMILL = 242 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_TTC_PUSH_BLOCK = 243 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_TTC_ROTATING_HEXAGON = 244 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_TTC_ROTATING_TRIANGLE = 245 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_TTC_PIT_BLOCK = 246 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_TTC_PIT_BLOCK_UNUSED = 247 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_TTC_ELEVATOR_PLATFORM = 248 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_TTC_CLOCK_HAND = 249 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_TTC_SPINNER = 250 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_TTC_SMALL_GEAR = 251 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_TTC_LARGE_GEAR = 252 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_RR_SLIDING_PLATFORM = 253 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_RR_FLYING_CARPET = 254 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_RR_OCTAGONAL_PLATFORM = 255 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_RR_ROTATING_BRIDGE_PLATFORM = 256 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_RR_TRIANGLE_PLATFORM = 257 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_RR_CRUISER_WING = 258 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_RR_SEESAW_PLATFORM = 259 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_RR_L_SHAPED_PLATFORM = 260 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_RR_SWINGING_PLATFORM = 261 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_RR_DONUT_PLATFORM = 262 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_RR_ELEVATOR_PLATFORM = 263 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_RR_TRICKY_TRIANGLES = 264 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_RR_TRICKY_TRIANGLES_FRAME1 = 265 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_RR_TRICKY_TRIANGLES_FRAME2 = 266 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_RR_TRICKY_TRIANGLES_FRAME3 = 267 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_RR_TRICKY_TRIANGLES_FRAME4 = 268 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BITDW_SQUARE_PLATFORM = 269 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BITDW_SEESAW_PLATFORM = 270 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BITDW_SLIDING_PLATFORM = 271 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BITDW_FERRIS_WHEEL_AXLE = 272 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BITDW_BLUE_PLATFORM = 273 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BITDW_STAIRCASE_FRAME4 = 274 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BITDW_STAIRCASE_FRAME3 = 275 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BITDW_STAIRCASE_FRAME2 = 276 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BITDW_STAIRCASE_FRAME1 = 277 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BITDW_STAIRCASE = 278 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BITFS_PLATFORM_ON_TRACK = 279 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BITFS_TILTING_SQUARE_PLATFORM = 280 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BITFS_SINKING_PLATFORMS = 281 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BITFS_BLUE_POLE = 282 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BITFS_SINKING_CAGE_PLATFORM = 283 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BITFS_ELEVATOR = 284 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BITFS_STRETCHING_PLATFORMS = 285 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BITFS_SEESAW_PLATFORM = 286 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BITFS_MOVING_SQUARE_PLATFORM = 287 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BITFS_SLIDING_PLATFORM = 288 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BITFS_TUMBLING_PLATFORM_PART = 289 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BITFS_TUMBLING_PLATFORM = 290 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BITS_SLIDING_PLATFORM = 291 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BITS_TWIN_SLIDING_PLATFORMS = 292 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BITS_OCTAGONAL_PLATFORM = 293 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BITS_BLUE_PLATFORM = 294 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BITS_FERRIS_WHEEL_AXLE = 295 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BITS_ARROW_PLATFORM = 296 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BITS_SEESAW_PLATFORM = 297 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BITS_TILTING_W_PLATFORM = 298 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BITS_STAIRCASE = 299 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BITS_STAIRCASE_FRAME1 = 300 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BITS_STAIRCASE_FRAME2 = 301 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BITS_STAIRCASE_FRAME3 = 302 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BITS_STAIRCASE_FRAME4 = 303 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BITS_WARP_PIPE = 304 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_LLL_DRAWBRIDGE_PART = 305 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_LLL_ROTATING_BLOCK_FIRE_BARS = 306 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_LLL_ROTATING_HEXAGONAL_RING = 307 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_LLL_SINKING_RECTANGULAR_PLATFORM = 308 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_LLL_SINKING_SQUARE_PLATFORMS = 309 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_LLL_TILTING_SQUARE_PLATFORM = 310 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_LLL_BOWSER_PIECE_1 = 311 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_LLL_BOWSER_PIECE_2 = 312 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_LLL_BOWSER_PIECE_3 = 313 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_LLL_BOWSER_PIECE_4 = 314 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_LLL_BOWSER_PIECE_5 = 315 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_LLL_BOWSER_PIECE_6 = 316 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_LLL_BOWSER_PIECE_7 = 317 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_LLL_BOWSER_PIECE_8 = 318 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_LLL_BOWSER_PIECE_9 = 319 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_LLL_BOWSER_PIECE_10 = 320 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_LLL_BOWSER_PIECE_11 = 321 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_LLL_BOWSER_PIECE_12 = 322 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_LLL_BOWSER_PIECE_13 = 323 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_LLL_BOWSER_PIECE_14 = 324 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_LLL_MOVING_OCTAGONAL_MESH_PLATFORM = 325 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_LLL_SINKING_ROCK_BLOCK = 326 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_LLL_ROLLING_LOG = 327 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_LLL_WOOD_BRIDGE = 328 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_LLL_LARGE_WOOD_BRIDGE = 329 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_LLL_FALLING_PLATFORM = 330 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_LLL_LARGE_FALLING_PLATFORM = 331 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_LLL_VOLCANO_FALLING_TRAP = 332 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_DDD_BOWSER_SUB_DOOR = 333 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_DDD_BOWSER_SUB = 334 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_DDD_POLE = 335 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_WF_BREAKABLE_WALL_RIGHT = 336 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_WF_BREAKABLE_WALL_LEFT = 337 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_WF_KICKABLE_BOARD = 338 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_WF_TOWER_DOOR = 339 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_WF_KICKABLE_BOARD_FELLED = 340 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_CASTLE_GROUNDS_VCUTM_GRILL = 341 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_CASTLE_GROUNDS_FLAG = 342 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_CASTLE_GROUNDS_CANNON_GRILL = 343 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BOWSER_2_TILTING_ARENA = 344 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BOWSER_3_FALLING_PLATFORM_1 = 345 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BOWSER_3_FALLING_PLATFORM_2 = 346 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BOWSER_3_FALLING_PLATFORM_3 = 347 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BOWSER_3_FALLING_PLATFORM_4 = 348 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BOWSER_3_FALLING_PLATFORM_5 = 349 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BOWSER_3_FALLING_PLATFORM_6 = 350 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BOWSER_3_FALLING_PLATFORM_7 = 351 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BOWSER_3_FALLING_PLATFORM_8 = 352 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BOWSER_3_FALLING_PLATFORM_9 = 353 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BOWSER_3_FALLING_PLATFORM_10 = 354 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_TTM_ROLLING_LOG = 355 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_TTM_STAR_CAGE = 356 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_TTM_BLUE_SMILEY = 357 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_TTM_YELLOW_SMILEY = 358 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_TTM_STAR_SMILEY = 359 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_TTM_MOON_SMILEY = 360 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_BUBBLE_PLAYER = 361 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_LUIGI = 362 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_LUIGIS_CAP = 363 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_LUIGIS_METAL_CAP = 364 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_LUIGIS_WING_CAP = 365 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_LUIGIS_WINGED_METAL_CAP = 366 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_TOAD_PLAYER = 367 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_TOADS_CAP = 368 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_TOADS_METAL_CAP = 369 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_TOADS_WING_CAP = 370 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_WALUIGI = 371 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_WALUIGIS_CAP = 372 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_WALUIGIS_METAL_CAP = 373 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_WALUIGIS_WING_CAP = 374 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_WALUIGIS_WINGED_METAL_CAP = 375 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_WARIO = 376 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_WARIOS_CAP = 377 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_WARIOS_METAL_CAP = 378 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_WARIOS_WING_CAP = 379 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_WARIOS_WINGED_METAL_CAP = 380 --- @type ModelExtendedId E_MODEL_MAX = 381 --- @type integer NO_SOUND = 0 --- @type integer SOUNDARGS_MASK_BANK = 0xF0000000 --- @type integer SOUNDARGS_MASK_PRIORITY = 0x0000FF00 --- @type integer SOUNDARGS_MASK_SOUNDID = 0x00FF0000 --- @type integer SOUNDARGS_MASK_STATUS = 0x0000000F --- @type integer SOUNDARGS_SHIFT_BANK = 28 --- @type integer SOUNDARGS_SHIFT_PRIORITY = 8 --- @type integer SOUNDARGS_SHIFT_SOUNDID = 16 --- @type integer SOUND_ACTION_BONK = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ACTION, 0x45, 0xA0, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_ACTION_BOUNCE_OFF_OBJECT = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ACTION, 0x59, 0xB0, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_ACTION_BRUSH_HAIR = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ACTION, 0x40, 0x80, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_ACTION_CLAP_HANDS_COLD = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ACTION, 0x2C, 0x00, SOUND_VIBRATO | SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_ACTION_CLIMB_DOWN_TREE = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ACTION, 0x3B, 0x00, 0) --- @type integer SOUND_ACTION_CLIMB_UP_POLE = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ACTION, 0x41, 0x80, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_ACTION_CLIMB_UP_TREE = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ACTION, 0x3A, 0x80, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_ACTION_FLYING_FAST = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ACTION, 0x56, 0x80, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_ACTION_HANGING_STEP = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ACTION, 0x2D, 0xA0, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_ACTION_HIT = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ACTION, 0x44, 0xC0, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_ACTION_HIT_2 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ACTION, 0x44, 0xB0, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_ACTION_HIT_3 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ACTION, 0x44, 0xA0, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_ACTION_INTRO_UNK45E = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ACTION, 0x5E, 0x80, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_ACTION_INTRO_UNK45F = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ACTION, 0x5F, 0x80, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_ACTION_KEY_SWISH = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ACTION, 0x36, 0x80, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_ACTION_METAL_BONK = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ACTION, 0x42, 0x80, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_ACTION_METAL_HEAVY_LANDING = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ACTION, 0x2B, 0x90, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_ACTION_METAL_JUMP = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ACTION, 0x28, 0x90, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_ACTION_METAL_JUMP_WATER = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ACTION, 0x50, 0x90, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_ACTION_METAL_LANDING = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ACTION, 0x29, 0x90, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_ACTION_METAL_LAND_WATER = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ACTION, 0x51, 0x90, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_ACTION_METAL_STEP = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ACTION, 0x2A, 0x90, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_ACTION_METAL_STEP_TIPTOE = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ACTION, 0x2F, 0x90, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_ACTION_METAL_STEP_WATER = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ACTION, 0x52, 0x90, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_ACTION_PAT_BACK = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ACTION, 0x3F, 0x80, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_ACTION_QUICKSAND_STEP = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ACTION, 0x2E, 0x00, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_ACTION_READ_SIGN = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ACTION, 0x5B, 0xFF, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_ACTION_SHRINK_INTO_BBH = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ACTION, 0x46, 0xA0, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_ACTION_SIDE_FLIP_UNK = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ACTION, 0x5A, 0x80, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_ACTION_SPIN = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ACTION, 0x37, 0x80, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_ACTION_SWIM = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ACTION, 0x33, 0x80, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_ACTION_SWIM_FAST = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ACTION, 0x47, 0xA0, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_ACTION_TELEPORT = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ACTION, 0x57, 0xC0, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_ACTION_TERRAIN_BODY_HIT_GROUND = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ACTION, 0x18, 0x80, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_ACTION_TERRAIN_HEAVY_LANDING = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ACTION, 0x60, 0x80, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_ACTION_TERRAIN_JUMP = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ACTION, 0x00, 0x80, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_ACTION_TERRAIN_LANDING = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ACTION, 0x08, 0x80, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_ACTION_TERRAIN_STEP = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ACTION, 0x10, 0x80, SOUND_VIBRATO | SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_ACTION_TERRAIN_STEP_TIPTOE = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ACTION, 0x20, 0x80, SOUND_VIBRATO | SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_ACTION_TERRAIN_STUCK_IN_GROUND = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ACTION, 0x48, 0x80, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_ACTION_THROW = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ACTION, 0x35, 0x80, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_ACTION_TWIRL = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ACTION, 0x38, 0x80, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_ACTION_UNK3C = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ACTION, 0x3C, 0x00, 0) --- @type integer SOUND_ACTION_UNK53 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ACTION, 0x53, 0x00, 0) --- @type integer SOUND_ACTION_UNK54 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ACTION, 0x54, 0x00, 0) --- @type integer SOUND_ACTION_UNK55 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ACTION, 0x55, 0x00, 0) --- @type integer SOUND_ACTION_UNK5D = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ACTION, 0x5D, 0x00, 0) --- @type integer SOUND_ACTION_UNKNOWN430 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ACTION, 0x30, 0xC0, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_ACTION_UNKNOWN431 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ACTION, 0x31, 0x60, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_ACTION_UNKNOWN432 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ACTION, 0x32, 0x80, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_ACTION_UNKNOWN434 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ACTION, 0x34, 0x80, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_ACTION_UNKNOWN43D = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ACTION, 0x3D, 0x80, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_ACTION_UNKNOWN43E = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ACTION, 0x3E, 0x80, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_ACTION_UNKNOWN458 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ACTION, 0x58, 0xA0, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_ACTION_UNKNOWN45C = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ACTION, 0x5C, 0x80, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_ACTION_UNSTUCK_FROM_GROUND = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ACTION, 0x43, 0x80, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_AIR_AMP_BUZZ = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_AIR, 0x03, 0x40, 0) --- @type integer SOUND_AIR_BLOW_FIRE = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_AIR, 0x04, 0x80, 0) --- @type integer SOUND_AIR_BLOW_WIND = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_AIR, 0x04, 0x40, 0) --- @type integer SOUND_AIR_BOBOMB_LIT_FUSE = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_AIR, 0x08, 0x60, 0) --- @type integer SOUND_AIR_BOWSER_SPIT_FIRE = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_AIR, 0x00, 0x00, 0) --- @type integer SOUND_AIR_CASTLE_OUTDOORS_AMBIENT = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_AIR, 0x10, 0x40, 0) --- @type integer SOUND_AIR_CHUCKYA_MOVE = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_AIR, 0x0A, 0x40, 0) --- @type integer SOUND_AIR_HEAVEHO_MOVE = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_AIR, 0x06, 0x40, 0) --- @type integer SOUND_AIR_HOWLING_WIND = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_AIR, 0x09, 0x80, 0) --- @type integer SOUND_AIR_LAKITU_FLY = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_AIR, 0x02, 0x80, 0) --- @type integer SOUND_AIR_LAKITU_FLY_HIGHPRIO = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_AIR, 0x02, 0xFF, 0) --- @type integer SOUND_AIR_PEACH_TWINKLE = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_AIR, 0x0B, 0x40, 0) --- @type integer SOUND_AIR_ROUGH_SLIDE = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_AIR, 0x05, 0x00, 0) --- @type integer SOUND_AIR_UNK01 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_AIR, 0x01, 0x00, 0) --- @type integer SOUND_AIR_UNK07 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_AIR, 0x07, 0x00, 0) --- @type integer SOUND_BANKS_ALL = ((1 << SOUND_BANK_COUNT) - 1) --- @type integer SOUND_BANKS_ALL_BITS = 0xffff --- @type integer SOUND_BANKS_BACKGROUND = (SOUND_BANKS_ALL & ~SOUND_BANKS_FOREGROUND) --- @type integer SOUND_BANKS_DISABLED_AFTER_CREDITS = ( (1 << SOUND_BANK_ACTION) | (1 << SOUND_BANK_MOVING) | (1 << SOUND_BANK_MARIO_VOICE) | (1 << SOUND_BANK_GENERAL) | (1 << SOUND_BANK_LUIGI_VOICE) | (1 << SOUND_BANK_WARIO_VOICE) | (1 << SOUND_BANK_TOAD_VOICE)) --- @type integer SOUND_BANKS_DISABLED_DURING_INTRO_CUTSCENE = ( (1 << SOUND_BANK_ENV) | (1 << SOUND_BANK_OBJ) | (1 << SOUND_BANK_GENERAL2) | (1 << SOUND_BANK_OBJ2)) --- @type integer SOUND_BANKS_FOREGROUND = ( (1 << SOUND_BANK_ACTION) | (1 << SOUND_BANK_MARIO_VOICE) | (1 << SOUND_BANK_MENU) | (1 << SOUND_BANK_LUIGI_VOICE) | (1 << SOUND_BANK_WARIO_VOICE) | (1 << SOUND_BANK_TOAD_VOICE)) --- @type integer SOUND_BANK_ACTION = 0 --- @type integer SOUND_BANK_AIR = 6 --- @type integer SOUND_BANK_COUNT = 13 --- @type integer SOUND_BANK_ENV = 4 --- @type integer SOUND_BANK_GENERAL = 3 --- @type integer SOUND_BANK_GENERAL2 = 8 --- @type integer SOUND_BANK_LUIGI_VOICE = 10 --- @type integer SOUND_BANK_MARIO_VOICE = 2 --- @type integer SOUND_BANK_MENU = 7 --- @type integer SOUND_BANK_MOVING = 1 --- @type integer SOUND_BANK_OBJ = 5 --- @type integer SOUND_BANK_OBJ2 = 9 --- @type integer SOUND_BANK_TOAD_VOICE = 12 --- @type integer SOUND_BANK_WARIO_VOICE = 11 --- @type integer SOUND_CONSTANT_FREQUENCY = 0x8000000 --- @type integer SOUND_DISCRETE = 0x80 --- @type integer SOUND_ENV_BOAT_ROCKING1 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ENV, 0x0B, 0x00, 0) --- @type integer SOUND_ENV_DRONING1 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ENV, 0x03, 0x00, SOUND_NO_VOLUME_LOSS) --- @type integer SOUND_ENV_DRONING2 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ENV, 0x04, 0x00, 0) --- @type integer SOUND_ENV_ELEVATOR1 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ENV, 0x02, 0x00, 0) --- @type integer SOUND_ENV_ELEVATOR2 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ENV, 0x08, 0x00, 0) --- @type integer SOUND_ENV_ELEVATOR3 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ENV, 0x0C, 0x00, 0) --- @type integer SOUND_ENV_ELEVATOR4 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ENV, 0x0D, 0x00, 0) --- @type integer SOUND_ENV_ELEVATOR4_2 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ENV, 0x0D, 0x00, SOUND_NO_VOLUME_LOSS) --- @type integer SOUND_ENV_MERRY_GO_ROUND_CREAKING = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ENV, 0x0F, 0x40, 0) --- @type integer SOUND_ENV_METAL_BOX_PUSH = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ENV, 0x17, 0x80, 0) --- @type integer SOUND_ENV_MOVINGSAND = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ENV, 0x0E, 0x00, 0) --- @type integer SOUND_ENV_MOVING_SAND_SNOW = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ENV, 0x06, 0x00, 0) --- @type integer SOUND_ENV_SINK_QUICKSAND = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ENV, 0x18, 0x80, 0) --- @type integer SOUND_ENV_SLIDING = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ENV, 0x13, 0x00, 0) --- @type integer SOUND_ENV_STAR = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ENV, 0x14, 0x00, SOUND_LOWER_BACKGROUND_MUSIC) --- @type integer SOUND_ENV_UNK07 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ENV, 0x07, 0x00, 0) --- @type integer SOUND_ENV_UNK12 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ENV, 0x12, 0x00, 0) --- @type integer SOUND_ENV_UNKNOWN2 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ENV, 0x0A, 0x00, 0) --- @type integer SOUND_ENV_UNKNOWN4 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ENV, 0x15, 0x00, SOUND_NO_VOLUME_LOSS) --- @type integer SOUND_ENV_WATER = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ENV, 0x09, 0x00, 0) --- @type integer SOUND_ENV_WATERFALL1 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ENV, 0x00, 0x00, 0) --- @type integer SOUND_ENV_WATERFALL2 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ENV, 0x01, 0x00, 0) --- @type integer SOUND_ENV_WATER_DRAIN = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ENV, 0x16, 0x00, SOUND_NO_VOLUME_LOSS) --- @type integer SOUND_ENV_WIND1 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ENV, 0x05, 0x00, 0) --- @type integer SOUND_ENV_WIND2 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_ENV, 0x10, 0x80, 0) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL2_1UP_APPEAR = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL2, 0x63, 0xD0, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL2_BIRD_CHIRP2 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL2, 0x50, 0x40, 0) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL2_BOBOMB_EXPLOSION = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL2, 0x2E, 0x20, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL2_BOWSER_EXPLODE = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL2, 0x60, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL2_BOWSER_KEY = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL2, 0x61, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL2_PURPLE_SWITCH = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL2, 0x3E, 0xC0, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL2_PYRAMID_TOP_EXPLOSION = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL2, 0x4C, 0xF0, SOUND_NO_VOLUME_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL2_PYRAMID_TOP_SPIN = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL2, 0x4B, 0xE0, SOUND_NO_VOLUME_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL2_RIGHT_ANSWER = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL2, 0x6A, 0xA0, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL2_ROTATING_BLOCK_ALERT = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL2, 0x59, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL2_ROTATING_BLOCK_CLICK = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL2, 0x40, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL2_SPINDEL_ROLL = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL2, 0x48, 0x20, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL2_STAR_APPEARS = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL2, 0x57, 0xFF, SOUND_LOWER_BACKGROUND_MUSIC | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL2_SWITCH_TICK_FAST = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL2, 0x54, 0xF0, SOUND_LOWER_BACKGROUND_MUSIC) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL2_SWITCH_TICK_SLOW = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL2, 0x55, 0xF0, SOUND_LOWER_BACKGROUND_MUSIC) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_ACTIVATE_CAP_SWITCH = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x00, 0x80, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_BIG_CLOCK = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x17, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_BIG_POUND = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x44, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_BIRDS_FLY_AWAY = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x69, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_BOAT_ROCK = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x75, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_BOAT_TILT1 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x34, 0x40, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_BOAT_TILT2 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x35, 0x40, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_BOING1 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x6C, 0x40, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_BOING2 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x6D, 0x40, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_BOING2_LOWPRIO = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x6D, 0x20, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_BOING3 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x72, 0x00, 0) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_BOWSER_BOMB_EXPLOSION = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x2F, 0x00, SOUND_NO_VOLUME_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_BOWSER_PLATFORM = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x62, 0x80, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_BOWSER_PLATFORM_2 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x62, 0x80, SOUND_NO_VOLUME_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_BOX_LANDING = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x24, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_BOX_LANDING_2 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x24, 0x00, SOUND_VIBRATO | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_BREAK_BOX = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x41, 0xC0, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_BUBBLES = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x08, 0x00, 0) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_BUTTON_PRESS = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x5A, 0x40, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_BUTTON_PRESS_2 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x5A, 0x40, SOUND_NO_VOLUME_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_BUTTON_PRESS_2_LOWPRIO = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x5A, 0x00, SOUND_NO_VOLUME_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_BUTTON_PRESS_LOWPRIO = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x5A, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_CAGE_OPEN = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x3F, 0xA0, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_CANNON_UP = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x47, 0x80, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_CASTLE_TRAP_OPEN = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x0E, 0x80, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_CHAIN_CHOMP1 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x39, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_CHAIN_CHOMP2 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x3A, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_CLAM_SHELL1 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x22, 0x80, SOUND_NO_VOLUME_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_CLAM_SHELL2 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x26, 0x40, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_CLAM_SHELL3 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x27, 0x40, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_CLOSE_IRON_DOOR = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x07, 0xC0, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_CLOSE_WOOD_DOOR = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x05, 0xC0, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_COIN = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x11, 0x80, SOUND_CONSTANT_FREQUENCY | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_COIN_DROP = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x36, 0x40, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_COIN_SPURT = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x30, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_COIN_SPURT_2 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x30, 0x00, SOUND_CONSTANT_FREQUENCY | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_COIN_SPURT_EU = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x30, 0x20, SOUND_CONSTANT_FREQUENCY | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_COIN_WATER = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x12, 0x80, SOUND_CONSTANT_FREQUENCY | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_COLLECT_1UP = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x58, 0xFF, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_DONUT_PLATFORM_EXPLOSION = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x2E, 0x20, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_DOOR_INSERT_KEY = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x42, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_DOOR_TURN_KEY = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x3B, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_ELEVATOR_MOVE = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x5B, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_ELEVATOR_MOVE_2 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x5B, 0x00, SOUND_NO_VOLUME_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_ENEMY_ALERT1 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x6F, 0x30, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_EXPLOSION6 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x31, 0x00, 0) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_EXPLOSION7 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x49, 0x00, 0) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_FLAME_OUT = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x03, 0x80, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_GRAND_STAR = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x73, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_GRAND_STAR_JUMP = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x74, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_GRINDEL_ROLL = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x48, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_HAUNTED_CHAIR = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x5D, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_HAUNTED_CHAIR_MOVE = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x5F, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_HEART_SPIN = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x64, 0xC0, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_LEVEL_SELECT_CHANGE = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x2B, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_LOUD_POUND = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x18, 0x00, 0) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_LOUD_POUND2 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x19, 0x00, 0) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_METAL_POUND = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x6B, 0x80, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_MOVING_IN_SAND = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x3C, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_MOVING_PLATFORM_SWITCH = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x3E, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_MOVING_WATER = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x09, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_OPEN_CHEST = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x20, 0x80, SOUND_NO_VOLUME_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_OPEN_IRON_DOOR = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x06, 0xC0, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_OPEN_WOOD_DOOR = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x04, 0xC0, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_PAINTING_EJECT = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x28, 0x00, SOUND_NO_VOLUME_LOSS | SOUND_CONSTANT_FREQUENCY | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_PENDULUM_SWING = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x38, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_PLATFORM = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x2D, 0x80, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_POUND_ROCK = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x56, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_POUND_WOOD_POST = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x65, 0xC0, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_QUIET_BUBBLE = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x0B, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_QUIET_BUBBLE2 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x0D, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_QUIET_POUND1 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x40, 0x40, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_QUIET_POUND1_LOWPRIO = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x40, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_QUIET_POUND2 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x43, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_RACE_GUN_SHOT = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x4D, 0x40, SOUND_NO_VOLUME_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_RED_COIN = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x68, 0x90, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_SHAKE_COFFIN = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x4A, 0x00, 0) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_SHORT_POUND1 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x1A, 0x00, 0) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_SHORT_POUND2 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x1B, 0x00, 0) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_SHORT_POUND3 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x1C, 0x00, 0) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_SHORT_POUND4 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x1D, 0x00, 0) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_SHORT_POUND5 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x1E, 0x00, 0) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_SHORT_POUND6 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x1F, 0x00, 0) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_SHORT_STAR = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x16, 0x00, SOUND_LOWER_BACKGROUND_MUSIC | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_SOFT_LANDING = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x5E, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_SPLATTERING = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x71, 0x30, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_STAR_APPEARS = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x57, 0xFF, SOUND_LOWER_BACKGROUND_MUSIC | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_STAR_DOOR_CLOSE = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x4F, 0xC0, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_STAR_DOOR_OPEN = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x4E, 0xC0, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_SWISH_AIR = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x5C, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_SWISH_AIR_2 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x5C, 0x00, SOUND_NO_VOLUME_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_SWISH_WATER = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x0A, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_SWITCH_DOOR_OPEN = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x67, 0xA0, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_UNK32 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x32, 0x00, 0) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_UNK45 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x45, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_UNK46 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x46, 0x80, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_UNK46_LOWPRIO = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x46, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_UNKNOWN1 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x25, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_UNKNOWN1_2 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x25, 0x00, SOUND_VIBRATO | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_UNKNOWN3 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x37, 0x80, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_UNKNOWN3_2 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x37, 0x80, SOUND_CONSTANT_FREQUENCY | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_UNKNOWN3_LOWPRIO = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x37, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_UNKNOWN4 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x3D, 0x80, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_UNKNOWN4_LOWPRIO = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x3D, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_VANISH_SFX = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x76, 0x20, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_VOLCANO_EXPLOSION = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x0C, 0x80, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_WALL_EXPLOSION = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x0F, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_WATER_LEVEL_TRIG = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x66, 0x80, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_YOSHI_TALK = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x70, 0x30, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_GENERAL_YOSHI_WALK = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_GENERAL, 0x6E, 0x20, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_LOWER_BACKGROUND_MUSIC = 0x10 --- @type integer SOUND_MARIO_ATTACKED = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MARIO_VOICE, 0x0A, 0xFF, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_MARIO_COUGHING1 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MARIO_VOICE, 0x1B, 0x80, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_MARIO_COUGHING2 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MARIO_VOICE, 0x1C, 0x80, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_MARIO_COUGHING3 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MARIO_VOICE, 0x1D, 0x80, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_MARIO_DOH = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MARIO_VOICE, 0x30, 0x80, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_MARIO_DROWNING = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MARIO_VOICE, 0x23, 0xF0, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_MARIO_DYING = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MARIO_VOICE, 0x15, 0xFF, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_MARIO_EEUH = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MARIO_VOICE, 0x09, 0x80, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_MARIO_GAME_OVER = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MARIO_VOICE, 0x31, 0xFF, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_MARIO_GROUND_POUND_WAH = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MARIO_VOICE, 0x22, 0x80, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_MARIO_HAHA = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MARIO_VOICE, 0x11, 0x80, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_MARIO_HAHA_2 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MARIO_VOICE, 0x11, 0xF0, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_MARIO_HELLO = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MARIO_VOICE, 0x32, 0xFF, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_MARIO_HERE_WE_GO = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MARIO_VOICE, 0x0C, 0x80, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_MARIO_HOOHOO = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MARIO_VOICE, 0x03, 0x80, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_MARIO_HRMM = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MARIO_VOICE, 0x06, 0x80, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_MARIO_IMA_TIRED = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MARIO_VOICE, 0x37, 0x80, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_MARIO_MAMA_MIA = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MARIO_VOICE, 0x20, 0x80, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_MARIO_OKEY_DOKEY = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MARIO_VOICE, 0x21, 0x00, 0) --- @type integer SOUND_MARIO_ON_FIRE = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MARIO_VOICE, 0x14, 0xA0, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_MARIO_OOOF = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MARIO_VOICE, 0x0B, 0x80, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_MARIO_OOOF2 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MARIO_VOICE, 0x0B, 0xD0, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_MARIO_PANTING = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MARIO_VOICE, 0x18, 0x80, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_MARIO_PANTING_COLD = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MARIO_VOICE, 0x16, 0x80, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_MARIO_PRESS_START_TO_PLAY = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MARIO_VOICE, 0x33, 0xFF, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_NO_ECHO | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_MARIO_PUNCH_HOO = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MARIO_VOICE, 0x1F, 0x80, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_MARIO_PUNCH_WAH = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MARIO_VOICE, 0x24, 0x80, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_MARIO_PUNCH_YAH = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MARIO_VOICE, 0x1E, 0x80, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_MARIO_SNORING1 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MARIO_VOICE, 0x0E, 0x80, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_MARIO_SNORING2 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MARIO_VOICE, 0x0F, 0x80, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_MARIO_SNORING3 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MARIO_VOICE, 0x35, 0xFF, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_MARIO_SO_LONGA_BOWSER = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MARIO_VOICE, 0x36, 0x80, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_MARIO_TWIRL_BOUNCE = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MARIO_VOICE, 0x34, 0x80, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_MARIO_UH = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MARIO_VOICE, 0x05, 0x80, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_MARIO_UH2 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MARIO_VOICE, 0x13, 0xD0, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_MARIO_UH2_2 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MARIO_VOICE, 0x13, 0x80, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_MARIO_WAAAOOOW = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MARIO_VOICE, 0x10, 0xC0, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_MARIO_WAH2 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MARIO_VOICE, 0x07, 0x80, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_MARIO_WHOA = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MARIO_VOICE, 0x08, 0xC0, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_MARIO_YAHOO = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MARIO_VOICE, 0x04, 0x80, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_MARIO_YAHOO_WAHA_YIPPEE = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MARIO_VOICE, 0x2B, 0x80, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_MARIO_YAH_WAH_HOO = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MARIO_VOICE, 0x00, 0x80, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_MARIO_YAWNING = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MARIO_VOICE, 0x0D, 0x80, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_MENU_BOWSER_LAUGH = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MENU, 0x18, 0x80, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_MENU_CAMERA_BUZZ = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MENU, 0x0E, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_MENU_CAMERA_TURN = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MENU, 0x0F, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_MENU_CAMERA_UNUSED1 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MENU, 0x1B, 0x00, 0) --- @type integer SOUND_MENU_CAMERA_UNUSED2 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MENU, 0x1C, 0x00, 0) --- @type integer SOUND_MENU_CAMERA_ZOOM_IN = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MENU, 0x06, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_MENU_CAMERA_ZOOM_OUT = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MENU, 0x07, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_MENU_CHANGE_SELECT = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MENU, 0x00, 0xF8, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_MENU_CLICK_CHANGE_VIEW = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MENU, 0x1A, 0x80, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_MENU_CLICK_FILE_SELECT = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MENU, 0x11, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_MENU_COIN_ITS_A_ME_MARIO = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MENU, 0x14, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_MENU_COLLECT_RED_COIN = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MENU, 0x28, 0x90, SOUND_CONSTANT_FREQUENCY | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_MENU_COLLECT_SECRET = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MENU, 0x30, 0x20, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_MENU_ENTER_HOLE = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MENU, 0x19, 0x80, SOUND_NO_VOLUME_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_MENU_ENTER_PIPE = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MENU, 0x16, 0xA0, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_MENU_EXIT_A_SIGN = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MENU, 0x21, 0x00, 0) --- @type integer SOUND_MENU_EXIT_PIPE = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MENU, 0x17, 0xA0, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_MENU_HAND_APPEAR = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MENU, 0x0A, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_MENU_HAND_DISAPPEAR = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MENU, 0x0B, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_MENU_LET_GO_MARIO_FACE = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MENU, 0x09, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_MENU_MARIO_CASTLE_WARP = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MENU, 0x1D, 0xB0, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_MENU_MARIO_CASTLE_WARP2 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MENU, 0x22, 0x20, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_MENU_MESSAGE_APPEAR = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MENU, 0x04, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_MENU_MESSAGE_DISAPPEAR = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MENU, 0x05, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_MENU_MESSAGE_NEXT_PAGE = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MENU, 0x13, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_MENU_PAUSE = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MENU, 0x02, 0xF0, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_MENU_PAUSE_2 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MENU, 0x03, 0xFF, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_MENU_PAUSE_HIGHPRIO = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MENU, 0x02, 0xFF, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_MENU_PINCH_MARIO_FACE = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MENU, 0x08, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_MENU_POWER_METER = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MENU, 0x0D, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_MENU_READ_A_SIGN = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MENU, 0x20, 0x00, 0) --- @type integer SOUND_MENU_REVERSE_PAUSE = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MENU, 0x01, 0x00, 0) --- @type integer SOUND_MENU_STAR_SOUND = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MENU, 0x1E, 0xFF, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_MENU_STAR_SOUND_LETS_A_GO = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MENU, 0x24, 0xFF, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_MENU_STAR_SOUND_OKEY_DOKEY = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MENU, 0x23, 0xFF, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_MENU_THANK_YOU_PLAYING_MY_GAME = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MENU, 0x1F, 0xFF, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_MENU_UNK0C = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MENU, 0x0C, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_MENU_UNK10 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MENU, 0x10, 0x00, 0) --- @type integer SOUND_MENU_YOSHI_GAIN_LIVES = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MENU, 0x15, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_MOVING_AIM_CANNON = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MOVING, 0x19, 0x20, SOUND_NO_VOLUME_LOSS | SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_CONSTANT_FREQUENCY) --- @type integer SOUND_MOVING_ALMOST_DROWNING = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MOVING, 0x18, 0x00, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_CONSTANT_FREQUENCY) --- @type integer SOUND_MOVING_FLYING = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MOVING, 0x17, 0x00, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS) --- @type integer SOUND_MOVING_LAVA_BURN = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MOVING, 0x10, 0x00, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS) --- @type integer SOUND_MOVING_QUICKSAND_DEATH = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MOVING, 0x14, 0x00, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS) --- @type integer SOUND_MOVING_RIDING_SHELL_LAVA = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MOVING, 0x28, 0x00, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS) --- @type integer SOUND_MOVING_SHOCKED = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MOVING, 0x16, 0x00, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS) --- @type integer SOUND_MOVING_SLIDE_DOWN_POLE = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MOVING, 0x11, 0x00, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS) --- @type integer SOUND_MOVING_SLIDE_DOWN_TREE = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MOVING, 0x12, 0x80, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS) --- @type integer SOUND_MOVING_TERRAIN_RIDING_SHELL = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MOVING, 0x20, 0x00, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS) --- @type integer SOUND_MOVING_TERRAIN_SLIDE = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MOVING, 0x00, 0x00, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS) --- @type integer SOUND_MOVING_UNK1A = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MOVING, 0x1A, 0x00, 0) --- @type integer SOUND_NO_ECHO = 0x20 --- @type integer SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS = 0x4000000 --- @type integer SOUND_NO_VOLUME_LOSS = 0x1000000 --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ2_BABY_PENGUIN_YELL = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ2, 0x45, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ2_BIRD_CHIRP1 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ2, 0x52, 0x40, 0) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ2_BOSS_DIALOG_GRUNT = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ2, 0x69, 0x40, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ2_BOWSER_PUZZLE_PIECE_MOVE = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ2, 0x19, 0x20, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ2_BOWSER_ROAR = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ2, 0x04, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ2_BOWSER_TELEPORT = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ2, 0x66, 0x80, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ2_BULLY_ATTACKED = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ2, 0x1C, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ2_EYEROK_SOUND_LONG = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ2, 0x5B, 0x00, SOUND_VIBRATO | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ2_EYEROK_SOUND_SHORT = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ2, 0x5A, 0x00, SOUND_NO_VOLUME_LOSS | SOUND_VIBRATO | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ2_KING_BOBOMB_DAMAGE = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ2, 0x42, 0x40, SOUND_NO_VOLUME_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ2_LARGE_BULLY_ATTACKED = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ2, 0x57, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ2_MONTY_MOLE_APPEAR = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ2, 0x67, 0x80, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ2_MRI_SPINNING = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ2, 0x6B, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ2_PIRANHA_PLANT_BITE = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ2, 0x10, 0x50, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ2_PIRANHA_PLANT_DYING = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ2, 0x11, 0x60, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ2_SCUTTLEBUG_ALERT = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ2, 0x44, 0x40, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ2_SCUTTLEBUG_WALK = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ2, 0x43, 0x40, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ2_SWOOP = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ2, 0x49, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ2_WHOMP_SOUND_SHORT = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ2, 0x5A, 0xC0, SOUND_NO_VOLUME_LOSS | SOUND_VIBRATO | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_BABY_PENGUIN_DIVE = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x1F, 0x40, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_BABY_PENGUIN_WALK = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x02, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_BIG_PENGUIN_WALK = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x09, 0x80, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_BIG_PENGUIN_YELL = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x2D, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_BIRD_CHIRP3 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x51, 0x40, 0) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_BOBOMB_BUDDY_TALK = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x58, 0x40, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_BOBOMB_WALK = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x27, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_BOO_BOUNCE_TOP = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x0A, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_BOO_LAUGH_LONG = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x48, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_BOO_LAUGH_SHORT = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x0B, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_BOWSER_DEFEATED = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x06, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_BOWSER_INHALING = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x08, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_BOWSER_INTRO_LAUGH = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x5F, 0x80, SOUND_LOWER_BACKGROUND_MUSIC | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_BOWSER_LAUGH = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x38, 0x80, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_BOWSER_SPINNING = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x07, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_BOWSER_TAIL_PICKUP = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x05, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_BOWSER_WALK = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x03, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_BUBBA_CHOMP = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x73, 0x40, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_BULLY_EXPLODE = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x18, 0xA0, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_BULLY_EXPLODE_2 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x18, 0xA0, SOUND_NO_VOLUME_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_BULLY_METAL = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x17, 0x80, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_BULLY_WALK = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x1B, 0x30, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_BULLY_WALKING = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x36, 0x60, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_CANNON1 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x0D, 0xF0, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_CANNON2 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x0E, 0xF0, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_CANNON3 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x0F, 0xF0, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_CANNON4 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x25, 0x40, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_CHUCKYA_DEATH = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x6E, 0x00, SOUND_NO_VOLUME_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_DEFAULT_DEATH = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x2C, 0x80, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_DIVING_INTO_WATER = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x32, 0x40, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_DIVING_IN_WATER = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x29, 0xA0, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_DORRIE = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x37, 0x60, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_DYING_ENEMY1 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x24, 0x40, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_DYING_ENEMY2 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x26, 0x00, 0) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_EEL = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x4A, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_EEL_2 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x4A, 0x00, SOUND_VIBRATO | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_ENEMY_DEATH_HIGH = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x60, 0xB0, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_ENEMY_DEATH_LOW = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x61, 0xB0, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_ENEMY_DEFEAT_SHRINK = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x74, 0x40, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_EVIL_LAKITU_THROW = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x22, 0x20, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_EYEROK_EXPLODE = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x6D, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_EYEROK_SHOW_EYE = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x4B, 0x00, SOUND_VIBRATO | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_FLAME_BLOWN = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x55, 0x80, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_GOOMBA_ALERT = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x2F, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_GOOMBA_WALK = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x20, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_HEAVEHO_TOSSED = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x5D, 0x40, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_JUMP_WALK_WATER = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x12, 0x00, 0) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_KING_BOBOMB = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x16, 0x80, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_KING_BOBOMB_JUMP = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x46, 0x80, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_KING_BOBOMB_TALK = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x41, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_KING_WHOMP_DEATH = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x47, 0xC0, SOUND_NO_VOLUME_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_KLEPTO1 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x3F, 0x40, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_KLEPTO2 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x40, 0x60, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_KOOPA_DAMAGE = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x3E, 0xA0, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_KOOPA_FLYGUY_DEATH = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x63, 0xB0, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_KOOPA_TALK = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x3D, 0xA0, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_KOOPA_THE_QUICK_WALK = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x34, 0x20, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_KOOPA_WALK = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x35, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_MAD_PIANO_CHOMPING = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x56, 0x40, SOUND_VIBRATO | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_MIPS_RABBIT = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x6A, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_MIPS_RABBIT_WATER = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x6C, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_MONTY_MOLE_ATTACK = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x22, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_MRI_DEATH = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x14, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_MRI_SHOOT = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x01, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_MR_BLIZZARD_ALERT = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x4C, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_PIRANHA_PLANT_APPEAR = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x54, 0x20, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_PIRANHA_PLANT_SHRINK = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x33, 0x40, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_POKEY_DEATH = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x63, 0xC0, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_POUNDING1 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x15, 0x50, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_POUNDING1_HIGHPRIO = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x15, 0x80, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_POUNDING_CANNON = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x1A, 0x50, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_POUNDING_LOUD = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x68, 0x40, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_SKEETER_WALK = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x4E, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_SNOWMAN_BOUNCE = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x64, 0xC0, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_SNOWMAN_EXPLODE = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x65, 0xD0, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_SNOW_SAND1 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x2A, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_SNOW_SAND2 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x2B, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_SNUFIT_SHOOT = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x4D, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_SNUFIT_SKEETER_DEATH = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x72, 0xC0, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_SOMETHING_LANDING = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x28, 0x80, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_SPINY_UNK59 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x59, 0x10, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_STOMPED = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x30, 0x80, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_SUSHI_SHARK_WATER_SOUND = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x00, 0x80, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_SWOOP_DEATH = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x62, 0xB0, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_THWOMP = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x0C, 0xA0, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_UKIKI_CHATTER_IDLE = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x3A, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_UKIKI_CHATTER_LONG = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x21, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_UKIKI_CHATTER_SHORT = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x39, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_UKIKI_STEP_DEFAULT = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x3B, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_UKIKI_STEP_LEAVES = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x3C, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_UNK23 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x23, 0x00, 0) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_UNKNOWN2 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x13, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_UNKNOWN3 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x1D, 0x80, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_UNKNOWN4 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x1E, 0xA0, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_UNKNOWN6 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x31, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_WALKING_WATER = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x4F, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_WATER_BOMB_BOUNCING = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x2E, 0x80, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_WHOMP_LOWPRIO = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x16, 0x60, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_WIGGLER_ATTACKED = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x70, 0x60, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_WIGGLER_DEATH = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x5E, 0x00, 0) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_WIGGLER_HIGH_PITCH = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x5C, 0x40, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_WIGGLER_JUMP = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x2F, 0x60, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_WIGGLER_LOW_PITCH = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x71, 0x20, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_OBJ_WIGGLER_TALK = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_OBJ, 0x6F, 0x00, SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_PEACH_BAKE_A_CAKE = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MARIO_VOICE, 0x3D, 0xFF, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_PEACH_DEAR_MARIO = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MARIO_VOICE, 0x28, 0xFF, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_PEACH_FOR_MARIO = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MARIO_VOICE, 0x3E, 0xFF, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_PEACH_MARIO = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MARIO_VOICE, 0x38, 0xFF, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_PEACH_MARIO2 = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MARIO_VOICE, 0x3F, 0xFF, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_PEACH_POWER_OF_THE_STARS = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MARIO_VOICE, 0x39, 0xFF, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_PEACH_SOMETHING_SPECIAL = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MARIO_VOICE, 0x3C, 0xFF, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_PEACH_THANKS_TO_YOU = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MARIO_VOICE, 0x3A, 0xFF, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_PEACH_THANK_YOU_MARIO = SOUND_ARG_LOAD(SOUND_BANK_MARIO_VOICE, 0x3B, 0xFF, SOUND_NO_PRIORITY_LOSS | SOUND_DISCRETE) --- @type integer SOUND_STATUS_PLAYING = 2 --- @type integer SOUND_STATUS_STOPPED = 0 --- @type integer SOUND_STATUS_WAITING = 1 --- @type integer SOUND_TERRAIN_DEFAULT = 0 --- @type integer SOUND_TERRAIN_GRASS = 1 --- @type integer SOUND_TERRAIN_ICE = 6 --- @type integer SOUND_TERRAIN_SAND = 7 --- @type integer SOUND_TERRAIN_SNOW = 5 --- @type integer SOUND_TERRAIN_SPOOKY = 4 --- @type integer SOUND_TERRAIN_STONE = 3 --- @type integer SOUND_TERRAIN_WATER = 2 --- @type integer SOUND_VIBRATO = 0x2000000 --- @type integer HAZARD_TYPE_LAVA_FLOOR = 1 --- @type integer HAZARD_TYPE_LAVA_WALL = 2 --- @type integer HAZARD_TYPE_QUICKSAND = 3 --- @type integer SURFACE_0004 = 0x0004 --- @type integer SURFACE_BOSS_FIGHT_CAMERA = 0x0065 --- @type integer SURFACE_BURNING = 0x0001 --- @type integer SURFACE_CAMERA_8_DIR = 0x0069 --- @type integer SURFACE_CAMERA_BOUNDARY = 0x0072 --- @type integer SURFACE_CAMERA_FREE_ROAM = 0x0066 --- @type integer SURFACE_CAMERA_MIDDLE = 0x006E --- @type integer SURFACE_CAMERA_ROTATE_LEFT = 0x0070 --- @type integer SURFACE_CAMERA_ROTATE_RIGHT = 0x006F --- @type integer SURFACE_CLASS_DEFAULT = 0x0000 --- @type integer SURFACE_CLASS_NOT_SLIPPERY = 0x0015 --- @type integer SURFACE_CLASS_SLIPPERY = 0x0014 --- @type integer SURFACE_CLASS_VERY_SLIPPERY = 0x0013 --- @type integer SURFACE_CLOSE_CAMERA = 0x000B --- @type integer SURFACE_DEATH_PLANE = 0x000A --- @type integer SURFACE_DEEP_MOVING_QUICKSAND = 0x0024 --- @type integer SURFACE_DEEP_QUICKSAND = 0x0022 --- @type integer SURFACE_DEFAULT = 0x0000 --- @type integer SURFACE_FLAG_DYNAMIC = (1 << 0) --- @type integer SURFACE_FLAG_NO_CAM_COLLISION = (1 << 1) --- @type integer SURFACE_FLAG_X_PROJECTION = (1 << 3) --- @type integer SURFACE_FLOWING_WATER = 0x000E --- @type integer SURFACE_HANGABLE = 0x0005 --- @type integer SURFACE_HARD = 0x0030 --- @type integer SURFACE_HARD_NOT_SLIPPERY = 0x0037 --- @type integer SURFACE_HARD_SLIPPERY = 0x0035 --- @type integer SURFACE_HARD_VERY_SLIPPERY = 0x0036 --- @type integer SURFACE_HORIZONTAL_WIND = 0x002C --- @type integer SURFACE_ICE = 0x002E --- @type integer SURFACE_INSTANT_MOVING_QUICKSAND = 0x002D --- @type integer SURFACE_INSTANT_QUICKSAND = 0x0023 --- @type integer SURFACE_INSTANT_WARP_1B = 0x001B --- @type integer SURFACE_INSTANT_WARP_1C = 0x001C --- @type integer SURFACE_INSTANT_WARP_1D = 0x001D --- @type integer SURFACE_INSTANT_WARP_1E = 0x001E --- @type integer SURFACE_INTANGIBLE = 0x0012 --- @type integer SURFACE_LOOK_UP_WARP = 0x002F --- @type integer SURFACE_MGR_MUSIC = 0x001A --- @type integer SURFACE_MOVING_QUICKSAND = 0x0027 --- @type integer SURFACE_NOISE_DEFAULT = 0x0029 --- @type integer SURFACE_NOISE_SLIPPERY = 0x002A --- @type integer SURFACE_NOISE_VERY_SLIPPERY = 0x0075 --- @type integer SURFACE_NOISE_VERY_SLIPPERY_73 = 0x0073 --- @type integer SURFACE_NOISE_VERY_SLIPPERY_74 = 0x0074 --- @type integer SURFACE_NOT_SLIPPERY = 0x0015 --- @type integer SURFACE_NO_CAM_COLLISION = 0x0076 --- @type integer SURFACE_NO_CAM_COLLISION_77 = 0x0077 --- @type integer SURFACE_NO_CAM_COL_SLIPPERY = 0x0079 --- @type integer SURFACE_NO_CAM_COL_VERY_SLIPPERY = 0x0078 --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WARP_D3 = 0x00D3 --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WARP_D4 = 0x00D4 --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WARP_D5 = 0x00D5 --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WARP_D6 = 0x00D6 --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WARP_D7 = 0x00D7 --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WARP_D8 = 0x00D8 --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WARP_D9 = 0x00D9 --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WARP_DA = 0x00DA --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WARP_DB = 0x00DB --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WARP_DC = 0x00DC --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WARP_DD = 0x00DD --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WARP_DE = 0x00DE --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WARP_DF = 0x00DF --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WARP_E0 = 0x00E0 --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WARP_E1 = 0x00E1 --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WARP_E2 = 0x00E2 --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WARP_E3 = 0x00E3 --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WARP_E4 = 0x00E4 --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WARP_E5 = 0x00E5 --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WARP_E6 = 0x00E6 --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WARP_E7 = 0x00E7 --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WARP_E8 = 0x00E8 --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WARP_E9 = 0x00E9 --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WARP_EA = 0x00EA --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WARP_EB = 0x00EB --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WARP_EC = 0x00EC --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WARP_ED = 0x00ED --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WARP_EE = 0x00EE --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WARP_EF = 0x00EF --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WARP_F0 = 0x00F0 --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WARP_F1 = 0x00F1 --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WARP_F2 = 0x00F2 --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WARP_F3 = 0x00F3 --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WARP_F7 = 0x00F7 --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WARP_F8 = 0x00F8 --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WARP_F9 = 0x00F9 --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WARP_FA = 0x00FA --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WARP_FB = 0x00FB --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WARP_FC = 0x00FC --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WOBBLE_A6 = 0x00A6 --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WOBBLE_A7 = 0x00A7 --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WOBBLE_A8 = 0x00A8 --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WOBBLE_A9 = 0x00A9 --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WOBBLE_AA = 0x00AA --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WOBBLE_AB = 0x00AB --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WOBBLE_AC = 0x00AC --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WOBBLE_AD = 0x00AD --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WOBBLE_AE = 0x00AE --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WOBBLE_AF = 0x00AF --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WOBBLE_B0 = 0x00B0 --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WOBBLE_B1 = 0x00B1 --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WOBBLE_B2 = 0x00B2 --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WOBBLE_B3 = 0x00B3 --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WOBBLE_B4 = 0x00B4 --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WOBBLE_B5 = 0x00B5 --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WOBBLE_B6 = 0x00B6 --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WOBBLE_B7 = 0x00B7 --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WOBBLE_B8 = 0x00B8 --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WOBBLE_B9 = 0x00B9 --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WOBBLE_BA = 0x00BA --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WOBBLE_BB = 0x00BB --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WOBBLE_BC = 0x00BC --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WOBBLE_BD = 0x00BD --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WOBBLE_BE = 0x00BE --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WOBBLE_BF = 0x00BF --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WOBBLE_C0 = 0x00C0 --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WOBBLE_C1 = 0x00C1 --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WOBBLE_C2 = 0x00C2 --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WOBBLE_C3 = 0x00C3 --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WOBBLE_C4 = 0x00C4 --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WOBBLE_C5 = 0x00C5 --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WOBBLE_C6 = 0x00C6 --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WOBBLE_C7 = 0x00C7 --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WOBBLE_C8 = 0x00C8 --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WOBBLE_C9 = 0x00C9 --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WOBBLE_CA = 0x00CA --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WOBBLE_CB = 0x00CB --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WOBBLE_CC = 0x00CC --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WOBBLE_CD = 0x00CD --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WOBBLE_CE = 0x00CE --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WOBBLE_CF = 0x00CF --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WOBBLE_D0 = 0x00D0 --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WOBBLE_D1 = 0x00D1 --- @type integer SURFACE_PAINTING_WOBBLE_D2 = 0x00D2 --- @type integer SURFACE_QUICKSAND = 0x0026 --- @type integer SURFACE_RAYCAST = 0x0003 --- @type integer SURFACE_SHALLOW_MOVING_QUICKSAND = 0x0025 --- @type integer SURFACE_SHALLOW_QUICKSAND = 0x0021 --- @type integer SURFACE_SLIPPERY = 0x0014 --- @type integer SURFACE_SLOW = 0x0009 --- @type integer SURFACE_SWITCH = 0x007A --- @type integer SURFACE_THI3_WALLKICK = 0x0068 --- @type integer SURFACE_TIMER_END = 0x0034 --- @type integer SURFACE_TIMER_START = 0x0033 --- @type integer SURFACE_TRAPDOOR = 0x00FF --- @type integer SURFACE_TTC_PAINTING_1 = 0x00F4 --- @type integer SURFACE_TTC_PAINTING_2 = 0x00F5 --- @type integer SURFACE_TTC_PAINTING_3 = 0x00F6 --- @type integer SURFACE_TTM_VINES = 0x0016 --- @type integer SURFACE_VANISH_CAP_WALLS = 0x007B --- @type integer SURFACE_VERTICAL_WIND = 0x0038 --- @type integer SURFACE_VERY_SLIPPERY = 0x0013 --- @type integer SURFACE_WALL_MISC = 0x0028 --- @type integer SURFACE_WARP = 0x0032 --- @type integer SURFACE_WATER = 0x000D --- @type integer SURFACE_WOBBLING_WARP = 0x00FD --- @type integer TERRAIN_GRASS = 0x0000 --- @type integer TERRAIN_LOAD_CONTINUE = 0x0041 --- @type integer TERRAIN_LOAD_END = 0x0042 --- @type integer TERRAIN_LOAD_ENVIRONMENT = 0x0044 --- @type integer TERRAIN_LOAD_OBJECTS = 0x0043 --- @type integer TERRAIN_LOAD_VERTICES = 0x0040 --- @type integer TERRAIN_MASK = 0x0007 --- @type integer TERRAIN_SAND = 0x0003 --- @type integer TERRAIN_SLIDE = 0x0006 --- @type integer TERRAIN_SNOW = 0x0002 --- @type integer TERRAIN_SPOOKY = 0x0004 --- @type integer TERRAIN_STONE = 0x0001 --- @type integer TERRAIN_WATER = 0x0005 --- @type integer ANIM_FLAG_2 = (1 << 2) --- @type integer ANIM_FLAG_5 = (1 << 5) --- @type integer ANIM_FLAG_6 = (1 << 6) --- @type integer ANIM_FLAG_7 = (1 << 7) --- @type integer ANIM_FLAG_FORWARD = (1 << 1) --- @type integer ANIM_FLAG_HOR_TRANS = (1 << 3) --- @type integer ANIM_FLAG_NOLOOP = (1 << 0) --- @type integer ANIM_FLAG_VERT_TRANS = (1 << 4) --- @type integer COOP_OBJ_FLAG_INITIALIZED = (1 << 3) --- @type integer COOP_OBJ_FLAG_LUA = (1 << 1) --- @type integer COOP_OBJ_FLAG_NETWORK = (1 << 0) --- @type integer COOP_OBJ_FLAG_NON_SYNC = (1 << 2) --- @type integer GRAPH_NODE_GUARD = 0xAA --- @type integer MAX_PLAYERS = 16 --- @type integer OBJECT_MAX_BHV_STACK = 16 --- @type integer PLAY_MODE_CHANGE_AREA = 3 --- @type integer PLAY_MODE_CHANGE_LEVEL = 4 --- @type integer PLAY_MODE_FRAME_ADVANCE = 5 --- @type integer PLAY_MODE_NORMAL = 0 --- @type integer PLAY_MODE_PAUSED = 2 --- @class AreaTimerType --- @type AreaTimerType AREA_TIMER_TYPE_NONE = 0 --- @type AreaTimerType AREA_TIMER_TYPE_LOOP = 1 --- @type AreaTimerType AREA_TIMER_TYPE_MAXIMUM = 2 --- @class SpTaskState --- @type SpTaskState SPTASK_STATE_NOT_STARTED = 0 --- @type SpTaskState SPTASK_STATE_RUNNING = 1 --- @type SpTaskState SPTASK_STATE_INTERRUPTED = 2 --- @type SpTaskState SPTASK_STATE_FINISHED = 3 --- @type SpTaskState SPTASK_STATE_FINISHED_DP = 4 --- @type integer MAX_LOCAL_VERSION_LENGTH = 36 --- @type integer MAX_VERSION_LENGTH = 32 --- @type integer MINOR_VERSION_NUMBER = 1 --- @type integer PATCH_VERSION_NUMBER = 0 --- @type string SM64COOPDX_VERSION = "0.2" --- @type integer VERSION_NUMBER = 36 --- @type string VERSION_REGION = "JP" --- @type string VERSION_REGION = "EU" --- @type string VERSION_REGION = "SH" --- @type string VERSION_REGION = "US" --- @type string VERSION_TEXT = "beta"