------------- -- globals -- ------------- --- @type MarioState[] --- Array of `MarioState`s, from 0 to `MAX_PLAYERS` - 1 --- - Uses the local index, which is different between every player --- - Index 0 always refers to the local player gMarioStates = {} --- @type NetworkPlayer[] --- Array of `NetworkPlayer`s, from 0 to `MAX_PLAYERS` - 1 --- - Uses the local index, which is different between every player --- - Index 0 always refers to the local player gNetworkPlayers = {} --- @type Mod[] --- Array of all mods loaded, starting from 0 --- - All mods are loaded in the same order for every player --- - Index 0 is the first mod in the list (the top of the mod list) gActiveMods = {} --- @type Character[] --- Array of every character, from 0 to `CT_MAX` - 1 --- - The contents or order of the characters can never change gCharacters = {} --- @type Controller[] --- Array of every controller, from 0 to `MAX_PLAYERS` - 1 --- - Uses the local index, which is different between every player --- - Index 0 always refers to the local player gControllers = {} --- @type GlobalTextures --- Struct containing HUD glyph textures gTextures = {} --- @type GlobalObjectAnimations --- Struct containing every object animation gObjectAnimations = {} --- @type GlobalObjectCollisionData --- Struct containing all object collision data gGlobalObjectCollisionData = {} --- @type PaintingValues --- Struct containing all paintings and their fields gPaintingValues = {} --- @alias SyncTable table --- @type SyncTable --- Any keys added and modified to this table will be synced among everyone. --- - This shouldn't be used to sync player-specific values; Use `gPlayerSyncTable` for that --- - Note: Does not support tables as keys gGlobalSyncTable = {} --- @type SyncTable[] --- Array of sync tables. Any change to any sync tables will be synced to everyone else. --- - This array takes in a local index, however it automatically translates to the global index --- - Note: Does not support tables as keys gPlayerSyncTable = {} --- @type LevelValues --- Struct containing fields that modify specific gameplay or level properties gLevelValues = {} --- @type BehaviorValues --- Struct containing fields that modify specific object behavior properties gBehaviorValues = {} --- @type FirstPersonCamera --- Struct that contains the fields for the first person camera gFirstPersonCamera = {} --- @type LakituState --- The primary struct that controls the camera --- - Local player only gLakituState = {} --- @type ServerSettings --- Struct containing the settings for the server --- - enablePlayersInLevelDisplay and enablePlayerList are not synced gServerSettings = {} --- @type NametagsSettings --- Struct containing the settings for Nametags gNametagsSettings = {} --- @type Area --- Struct containing the current area gCurrentArea = {} --- @type Camera --- Struct contaning camera fields --- - This camera is the same as `gMarioStates[i].area.camera` or `gCurrentArea.camera` gCamera = {} ----------- -- hooks -- ----------- --- @param behaviorId BehaviorId | integer? The behavior id of the object to modify. Pass in as `nil` to create a custom object --- @param objectList ObjectList | integer Object list --- @param replaceBehavior boolean Whether or not to completely replace the behavior --- @param initFunction? fun(obj:Object) Run on object creation --- @param loopFunction? fun(obj:Object) Run every frame --- @param behaviorName? string Optional --- @return BehaviorId BehaviorId Use if creating a custom object, otherwise can be ignored --- Modify an object's behavior or create a new custom object function hook_behavior(behaviorId, objectList, replaceBehavior, initFunction, loopFunction, behaviorName) -- ... end --- @param command string The command to run. Should be easy to type --- @param description string Should describe what the command does and how to use it --- @param func fun(msg:string): boolean Run upon activating the command. Return `true` to confirm the command has succeeded function hook_chat_command(command, description, func) -- ... end --- @param command string The command to change the description of --- @param description string The description to change to function update_chat_command_description(command, description) -- ... end --- @param hookEventType LuaHookedEventType When a function should run --- @param func fun(...: any): any The function to run --- Different hooks can pass in different parameters and have different return values. Be sure to read the hooks guide for more information. function hook_event(hookEventType, func) -- ... end --- @class ActionTable --- @field every_frame fun(m:MarioState):integer? --- @field gravity fun(m:MarioState):integer? --- @param actionId integer The action to replace --- @param funcOrFuncTable fun(m:MarioState):integer? | ActionTable The new behavior of the action --- @param interactionType? InteractionFlag Optional; The flag that determines how the action interacts with other objects --- If a function table is used, it must be in the form of `{ act_hook = [func], ... }`. Current action hooks include: --- - every_frame --- - gravity function hook_mario_action(actionId, funcOrFuncTable, interactionType) -- ... end --- @param syncTable SyncTable Must be the gGlobalSyncTable or gPlayerSyncTable[] or one of their child tables --- @param field string Field name --- @param tag any An additional parameter --- @param func fun(tag:any, oldVal:any, newVal:any) Run when the specified field has been changed function hook_on_sync_table_change(syncTable, field, tag, func) -- ... end --- @param name string The text to show on the button --- @param func fun(index:integer) The function that is called when the button is pressed --- Hooks a DJUI button into the mod menu function hook_mod_menu_button(name, func) -- ... end --- @param name string The text to show on the left --- @param defaultValue boolean The default state of the checkbox --- @param func fun(index:integer, value:boolean) The function that is called when the checkbox is changed --- Hooks a DJUI checkbox into the mod menu function hook_mod_menu_checkbox(name, defaultValue, func) -- ... end --- @param name string The text to show on the left --- @param defaultValue integer The default value of the slider --- @param min integer The lowest the slider can go --- @param max integer The highest the slider can go --- @param func fun(index:integer, value:integer) The function that is called when the value of the slider changes --- Hooks a DJUI slider into the mod menu function hook_mod_menu_slider(name, defaultValue, min, max, func) -- ... end --- @param name string The text to show on the left --- @param defaultValue string The default text in the inputbox --- @param stringLength integer The max length of the inputbox --- @param func fun(index:integer, value:string) The function that is called when the value of the inputbox changes --- Hooks a DJUI inputbox into the mod menu function hook_mod_menu_inputbox(name, defaultValue, stringLength, func) -- ... end --- @param index integer The index of the element in the order in which they were hooked --- @param name string The name to change to --- Updates a mod menu element's text --- - NOTE: `index` is zero-indexed function update_mod_menu_element_name(index, name) -- ... end --------------- -- functions -- --------------- --- @param t number Angle --- @return number function sins(t) -- ... end --- @param t number Angle --- @return number function coss(t) -- ... end --- @param y number --- @param x number --- @return integer function atan2s(y, x) -- ... end --- @param objFieldTable table --- Keys must start with `o` and values must be `"u32"`, `"s32"`, or `"f32"` function define_custom_obj_fields(objFieldTable) -- ... end --- @param object Object Object to sync --- @param standardSync boolean Automatically syncs common fields and syncs with distance. If `false`, all syncing must be done with `network_send_object`. --- @param fieldTable table The fields to sync --- All synced fields must start with `o` and there should not be any keys, just values function network_init_object(object, standardSync, fieldTable) -- ... end --- @param object Object Object to sync --- @param reliable boolean Whether or not the game should try to resend the packet in case it gets lost, good for important packets --- Sends a sync packet to sync up the object with everyone else function network_send_object(object, reliable) -- ... end --- @param reliable boolean Whether or not the game should try to resend the packet in case its lost, good for important packets --- @param dataTable table Table of values to be included in the packet --- `dataTable` can only contain strings, integers, numbers, booleans, and nil function network_send(reliable, dataTable) -- ... end --- @param toLocalIndex integer The local index to send the packet to --- @param reliable boolean Whether or not the game should try to resend the packet in case its lost, good for important packets --- @param dataTable table Table of values to be included in the packet --- `dataTable` can only contain strings, integers, numbers, booleans, and nil function network_send_to(toLocalIndex, reliable, dataTable) -- ... end --- @param textureName string The texture name --- @return TextureInfo --- Gets the `TextureInfo` of a texture by name --- - Note: This also works with vanilla textures function get_texture_info(textureName) -- ... end --- @param texInfo TextureInfo The texture --- @param x number Where the texture is horizontally (left anchored) --- @param y number Where the texture is vertically (top anchored) --- @param scaleW number The scaled width of the texture --- @param scaleH number The scaled height of the texture --- Renders a texture to the screen function djui_hud_render_texture(texInfo, x, y, scaleW, scaleH) -- ... end --- @param texInfo TextureInfo The texture --- @param x number Where the texture is horizontally (left anchored) --- @param y number Where the texture is vertically (top anchored) --- @param scaleW number The scaled width of the texture --- @param scaleH number The scaled height of the texture --- @param tileX number Where the tile is horizontally (left anchored) --- @param tileY number Where the tile is vertically (top anchored) --- @param tileW number The width of the tile --- @param tileH number The height of the tile --- Renders a tile of a texture to the screen function djui_hud_render_texture_tile(texInfo, x, y, scaleW, scaleH, tileX, tileY, tileW, tileH) -- ... end --- @param texInfo TextureInfo The texture --- @param prevX number Where the texture previously was horizontally (left anchored) --- @param prevY number Where the texture previously was vertically (top anchored) --- @param prevScaleW number The previous scaled width of the texture --- @param prevScaleH number The previous scaled height of the texture --- @param x number Where the texture is horizontally (left anchored) --- @param y number Where the texture is vertically (top anchored) --- @param scaleW number The scaled width of the texture --- @param scaleH number The scaled height of the texture --- Renders an interpolated texture to the screen function djui_hud_render_texture_interpolated(texInfo, prevX, prevY, prevScaleW, prevScaleH, x, y, scaleW, scaleH) -- ... end --- @param texInfo TextureInfo The texture --- @param prevX number Where the texture previously was horizontally (left anchored) --- @param prevY number Where the texture previously was vertically (top anchored) --- @param prevScaleW number The previous scaled width of the texture --- @param prevScaleH number The previous scaled height of the texture --- @param x number Where the texture is horizontally (left anchored) --- @param y number Where the texture is vertically (top anchored) --- @param scaleW number The scaled width of the texture --- @param scaleH number The scaled height of the texture --- @param tileX number Where the tile is horizontally (left anchored) --- @param tileY number Where the tile is vertically (top anchored) --- @param tileW number The width of the tile --- @param tileH number The height of the tile --- Renders an interpolated tile of a texture to the screen function djui_hud_render_texture_tile_interpolated(texInfo, prevX, prevY, prevScaleW, prevScaleH, x, y, scaleW, scaleH, tileX, tileY, tileW, tileH) -- ... end --- @param textureName string The name of the texture --- @param overrideTexInfo TextureInfo The texture to override with --- Overrides a texture with a custom `TextureInfo` --- - `textureName` must be the codename of a vanilla texture, you can find these in files such as `texture.inc.c`s --- - `overrideTexInfo` can be any TextureInfo function texture_override_set(textureName, overrideTexInfo) -- ... end --- @param textureName string The name of the texture --- Resets an overridden texture function texture_override_reset(textureName) -- ... end --- @class bhvData --- @field behavior BehaviorId --- @field behaviorArg integer --- @param levelNum LevelNum | integer --- @param func fun(areaIndex:number, bhvData:bhvData, macroBhvIds:BehaviorId[], macroBhvArgs:integer[]) --- When `func` is called, arguments are filled depending on the level command: --- - `AREA` command: only `areaIndex` is filled. It's a number. --- - `OBJECT` command: only `bhvData` is filled. `bhvData` is a table with two fields: `behavior` and `behaviorArg`. --- - `MACRO` command: only `macroBhvIds` and `macroBhvArgs` are filled. `macrobhvIds` is a list of behavior ids. `macroBhvArgs` is a list of behavior params. Both lists have the same size and start at index 0. function level_script_parse(levelNum, func) -- ... end --- @param name string The name of the animation --- @param flags integer The flags of the animation (`ANIM_FLAG_*`) --- @param animYTransDivisor integer The vertical animation translation divisor --- @param startFrame integer What frame the animation starts on --- @param loopStart integer When the loop starts --- @param loopEnd integer When the loop ends --- @param values table The table containing animation values --- @param index table The table containing animation indices --- Registers an animation that can be used in objects if `smlua_anim_util_set_animation` is called function smlua_anim_util_register_animation(name, flags, animYTransDivisor, startFrame, loopStart, loopEnd, values, index) -- ... end --- @param message string The message to log --- @param level? ConsoleMessageLevel Optional; Determines whether the message should appear as info, a warning or an error. --- Logs a message to the in-game console function log_to_console(message, level) -- ... end --- @param index integer The index of the scroll target, should match up with the behavior param of RM_Scroll_Texture or editor_Scroll_Texture --- @param name string The name of the vertex buffer that should be used while scrolling the texture --- Registers a vertex buffer to be used for a scrolling texture. Should be used with RM_Scroll_Texture or editor_Scroll_Texture function add_scroll_target(index, name) -- ... end