#include "dynos.cpp.h" extern "C" { #define STB_IMAGE_WRITE_IMPLEMENTATION #include "stb/stb_image_write.h" } /////////// // Utils // /////////// static bool FileTypeExists(SysPath& aFolder, const char* fileType) { DIR *_Dir = opendir(aFolder.c_str()); if (!_Dir) { return false; } int fileTypeLen = strlen(fileType); struct dirent *_Ent = NULL; while ((_Ent = readdir(_Dir)) != NULL) { int nameLen = strlen(_Ent->d_name); if (nameLen > fileTypeLen && !strcmp(&_Ent->d_name[nameLen - fileTypeLen], fileType)) { closedir(_Dir); return true; } } closedir(_Dir); return false; } static TexData* LoadTextureFromFile(GfxData *aGfxData, const char* aFile) { // Image file SysPath _Filename; int fileNameLen = strlen(aFile); if (aGfxData->mPackFolder.length() == 0) { _Filename = aFile; } else if (fileNameLen > 4 && !strcmp(&aFile[fileNameLen - 4], ".png")) { _Filename = fstring("%s/%s", aGfxData->mPackFolder.c_str(), aFile); } else { _Filename = fstring("%s/%s.png", aGfxData->mPackFolder.c_str(), aFile); } FILE *_File = fopen(_Filename.c_str(), "rb"); // Check as if we're an Actor. if (!_File) { SysPath _ActorFilename = ""; const char* _SubString = strchr(aFile, '/'); // Remove the "actors/" if (_SubString && *_SubString) { _SubString++; _ActorFilename = fstring("%s/%s.png", aGfxData->mPackFolder.c_str(), _SubString); _File = fopen(_ActorFilename.c_str(), "rb"); } // The file does not exist in either spot! if (!_File) { PrintError(" ERROR: Unable to open file at \"%s\" or \"%s\"", _Filename.c_str(), _ActorFilename.c_str()); return NULL; } } // Texture data fseek(_File, 0, SEEK_END); TexData* _Texture = New(); _Texture->mPngData.Resize(ftell(_File)); rewind(_File); fread(_Texture->mPngData.begin(), sizeof(u8), _Texture->mPngData.Count(), _File); fclose(_File); return _Texture; } void DynOS_Tex_ConvertTextureDataToPng(GfxData *aGfxData, TexData* aTexture) { // Convert to RGBA32 const u8 *_Palette = (aGfxData->mGfxContext.mCurrentPalette ? aGfxData->mGfxContext.mCurrentPalette->mData->mRawData.begin() : NULL); u8 *_Buffer = DynOS_Tex_ConvertToRGBA32(aTexture->mRawData.begin(), aTexture->mRawData.Count(), aTexture->mRawFormat, aTexture->mRawSize, _Palette); if (_Buffer == NULL) { PrintError(" ERROR: Unknown texture format"); return; } // Convert to PNG s32 _PngLength = 0; u8 *_PngData = stbi_write_png_to_mem(_Buffer, 0, aTexture->mRawWidth, aTexture->mRawHeight, 4, &_PngLength); if (!_PngData || !_PngLength) { PrintError(" ERROR: Cannot convert texture to PNG"); return; } aTexture->mPngData = Array(_PngData, _PngData + _PngLength); Delete(_PngData); } ///////////// // Parsing // ///////////// DataNode* DynOS_Tex_Parse(GfxData* aGfxData, DataNode* aNode) { if (aNode->mData) return aNode; // Check tokens Count if (aNode->mTokens.Count() < 1) { PrintError(" ERROR: %s: not enough data", aNode->mName.begin()); return aNode; } // #include"[texture].inc.c" s32 i0 = aNode->mTokens[0].Find("#include"); if (i0 != -1) { s32 i1 = aNode->mTokens[0].Find(".inc.c"); if (i1 == -1) { PrintError(" ERROR: %s: missing .inc.c in String %s", aNode->mName.begin(), aNode->mTokens[0].begin()); return aNode; } // Filename String _Filename = aNode->mTokens[0].SubString(i0 + 9, i1 - i0 - 9); aNode->mData = LoadTextureFromFile(aGfxData, _Filename.begin()); aNode->mLoadIndex = aGfxData->mLoadIndex++; return aNode; } // double quoted String s32 dq0 = aNode->mTokens[0].Find('\"'); if (dq0 != -1) { s32 dq1 = aNode->mTokens[0].Find('\"', dq0 + 1); if (dq1 == -1) { PrintError(" ERROR: %s: missing second quote in String %s", aNode->mName.begin(), aNode->mTokens[0].begin()); return aNode; } // Filename String _Filename = aNode->mTokens[0].SubString(dq0 + 1, dq1 - dq0 - 1); aNode->mData = LoadTextureFromFile(aGfxData, _Filename.begin()); aNode->mLoadIndex = aGfxData->mLoadIndex++; return aNode; } // Stream of bytes aNode->mData = New(); aNode->mData->mRawWidth = -1; // Unknown for now, will be set later aNode->mData->mRawHeight = -1; // Unknown for now, will be set later aNode->mData->mRawFormat = -1; // Unknown for now, will be set later aNode->mData->mRawSize = -1; // Unknown for now, will be set later aNode->mData->mRawData.Resize(aNode->mTokens.Count()); for (u64 j = 0; j != aNode->mTokens.Count(); ++j) { aNode->mData->mRawData[j] = aNode->mTokens[j].ParseInt(); } aNode->mLoadIndex = aGfxData->mLoadIndex++; return aNode; } ///////////// // Writing // ///////////// void DynOS_Tex_Write(FILE* aFile, GfxData* aGfxData, DataNode *aNode) { if (!aNode->mData) return; // Header WriteBytes(aFile, DATA_TYPE_TEXTURE); aNode->mName.Write(aFile); // Data // Look for texture duplicates // If that's the case, store the name of the texture node instead of the whole PNG data // (Don't bother to look for duplicates if there is no data to write) if (!aNode->mData->mPngData.Empty()) { for (const auto& _Node : aGfxData->mTextures) { if (_Node->mLoadIndex < aNode->mLoadIndex && // Check load order: duplicates should reference only an already loaded node _Node->mData != NULL && // Check node data aNode->mData->mPngData.Count() == _Node->mData->mPngData.Count() && // Check PNG data lengths memcmp(aNode->mData->mPngData.begin(), _Node->mData->mPngData.begin(), aNode->mData->mPngData.Count()) == 0) // Check PNG data content { WriteBytes(aFile, TEX_REF_CODE); _Node->mName.Write(aFile); return; } } } aNode->mData->mPngData.Write(aFile); } static bool DynOS_Tex_WriteBinary(GfxData* aGfxData, const SysPath &aOutputFilename, String& aName, TexData* aTexData, bool aRawTexture) { FILE *_File = fopen(aOutputFilename.c_str(), "wb"); if (!_File) { PrintError(" ERROR: Unable to create file \"%s\"", aOutputFilename.c_str()); return false; } if (!aRawTexture) { // Write png-texture // Header WriteBytes(_File, DATA_TYPE_TEXTURE); aName.Write(_File); // Data aTexData->mPngData.Write(_File); fclose(_File); return true; } // Write raw-texture // Header WriteBytes(_File, DATA_TYPE_TEXTURE_RAW); aName.Write(_File); // load u8 *_RawData = stbi_load_from_memory(aTexData->mPngData.begin(), aTexData->mPngData.Count(), &aTexData->mRawWidth, &aTexData->mRawHeight, NULL, 4); aTexData->mRawFormat = G_IM_FMT_RGBA; aTexData->mRawSize = G_IM_SIZ_32b; aTexData->mRawData = Array(_RawData, _RawData + (aTexData->mRawWidth * aTexData->mRawHeight * 4)); free(_RawData); // Data WriteBytes(_File, aTexData->mRawFormat); WriteBytes(_File, aTexData->mRawSize); WriteBytes(_File, aTexData->mRawWidth); WriteBytes(_File, aTexData->mRawHeight); aTexData->mRawData.Write(_File); fclose(_File); return true; } ///////////// // Reading // ///////////// DataNode* DynOS_Tex_Load(FILE *aFile, GfxData *aGfxData) { DataNode *_Node = New>(); // Name _Node->mName.Read(aFile); // Data _Node->mData = New(); _Node->mData->mUploaded = false; // Check for the texture ref magic s32 _FileOffset = (s32) ftell(aFile); u32 _TexRefCode = ReadBytes(aFile); if (_TexRefCode == TEX_REF_CODE) { // That's a duplicate, find the original node and copy its content String _NodeName; _NodeName.Read(aFile); for (const auto& _LoadedNode : aGfxData->mTextures) { if (_LoadedNode->mName == _NodeName) { _Node->mData->mPngData = _LoadedNode->mData->mPngData; _Node->mData->mRawData = _LoadedNode->mData->mRawData; _Node->mData->mRawWidth = _LoadedNode->mData->mRawWidth; _Node->mData->mRawHeight = _LoadedNode->mData->mRawHeight; _Node->mData->mRawFormat = _LoadedNode->mData->mRawFormat; _Node->mData->mRawSize = _LoadedNode->mData->mRawSize; break; } } } else { fseek(aFile, _FileOffset, SEEK_SET); _Node->mData->mPngData.Read(aFile); if (!_Node->mData->mPngData.Empty()) { u8 *_RawData = stbi_load_from_memory(_Node->mData->mPngData.begin(), _Node->mData->mPngData.Count(), &_Node->mData->mRawWidth, &_Node->mData->mRawHeight, NULL, 4); _Node->mData->mRawFormat = G_IM_FMT_RGBA; _Node->mData->mRawSize = G_IM_SIZ_32b; _Node->mData->mRawData = Array(_RawData, _RawData + (_Node->mData->mRawWidth * _Node->mData->mRawHeight * 4)); free(_RawData); } else { // Probably a palette _Node->mData->mRawData = Array(); _Node->mData->mRawWidth = 0; _Node->mData->mRawHeight = 0; _Node->mData->mRawFormat = 0; _Node->mData->mRawSize = 0; } } // Append if (aGfxData) { aGfxData->mTextures.Add(_Node); } return _Node; } DataNode* DynOS_Tex_LoadFromBinary(const SysPath &aPackFolder, const SysPath &aFilename, const char *aTexName, bool aAddToPack) { // Look for pack in cache PackData* _Pack = DynOS_Pack_GetFromPath(aPackFolder); // Look for tex in pack if (_Pack) { auto _Tex = DynOS_Pack_GetTex(_Pack, aTexName); if (_Tex != NULL) { return _Tex; } } // Load data from binary file DataNode* _TexNode = NULL; FILE *_File = fopen(aFilename.c_str(), "rb"); if (!_File) { return NULL; } u8 type = ReadBytes(_File); if (type == DATA_TYPE_TEXTURE) { // load png-texture _TexNode = New>(); _TexNode->mData = New(); _TexNode->mName.Read(_File); _TexNode->mData->mPngData.Read(_File); fclose(_File); if (aAddToPack) { if (!_Pack) { _Pack = DynOS_Pack_Add(aPackFolder); } DynOS_Pack_AddTex(_Pack, _TexNode); } return _TexNode; } else if (type != DATA_TYPE_TEXTURE_RAW) { fclose(_File); return NULL; } // load raw-texture _TexNode = New>(); _TexNode->mData = New(); _TexNode->mName.Read(_File); _TexNode->mData->mRawFormat = ReadBytes(_File); _TexNode->mData->mRawSize = ReadBytes(_File); _TexNode->mData->mRawWidth = ReadBytes(_File); _TexNode->mData->mRawHeight = ReadBytes(_File); _TexNode->mData->mRawData.Read(_File); fclose(_File); if (aAddToPack) { if (!_Pack) { _Pack = DynOS_Pack_Add(aPackFolder); } DynOS_Pack_AddTex(_Pack, _TexNode); } return _TexNode; } ////////////// // Generate // ////////////// static bool is_level_number_png(SysPath& aPath) { // normalize String path = aPath.c_str(); char* p = path.begin(); while (*p != '\0') { if (*p == '\\') { *p = '/'; } break; } p = path.begin(); // compare 'levels/' s16 levelsLength = strlen("levels/"); if (strncmp(p, "levels/", levelsLength)) { return false; } // skip past level name p += levelsLength; while (*p != '\0') { if (*p == '/') { break; } p++; } if (*p != '/') { return false; } p++; return (*p >= '0' && *p <= '9'); } static void DynOS_Tex_GeneratePack_Recursive(const SysPath &aPackFolder, SysPath &aOutputFolder, SysPath& aRelativePath, SysPath& aPrefix, GfxData *aGfxData, bool aAllowCustomTextures) { SysPath _DirPath = fstring("%s/%s", aPackFolder.c_str(), aRelativePath.c_str()); // skip generation if any .c files exist, and it isn't levels/xxx/NUMBER bool containsC = FileTypeExists(_DirPath, ".c"); DIR *_PackDir = opendir(_DirPath.c_str()); if (!_PackDir) { return; } struct dirent *_PackEnt = NULL; while ((_PackEnt = readdir(_PackDir)) != NULL) { // Skip . and .. if (SysPath(_PackEnt->d_name) == ".") continue; if (SysPath(_PackEnt->d_name) == "..") continue; SysPath _Path = fstring("%s%s", _DirPath.c_str(), _PackEnt->d_name); // Recurse through subfolders if (fs_sys_dir_exists(_Path.c_str())) { SysPath _NextPath = fstring("%s%s/", aRelativePath.c_str(), _PackEnt->d_name); SysPath _Prefix = fstring("%s.", _PackEnt->d_name); DynOS_Tex_GeneratePack_Recursive(aPackFolder, aOutputFolder, _NextPath, _Prefix, aGfxData, aAllowCustomTextures); continue; } // skip files that don't end in '.png' size_t nameLen = strlen(_PackEnt->d_name); if (nameLen < 4) continue; if (strcmp(&_PackEnt->d_name[nameLen - 4], ".png")) { continue; } // read the file aGfxData->mModelIdentifier++; TexData* _TexData = LoadTextureFromFile(aGfxData, _Path.c_str()); if (_TexData == NULL) { PrintError("Error reading texture from file: %s", _Path.c_str()); continue; } SysPath _RelativePath = fstring("%s%s", aRelativePath.c_str(), _PackEnt->d_name); if (containsC && !is_level_number_png(_RelativePath)) { continue; } // write the file String _BaseName; const char* _OverrideName = DynOS_Builtin_Tex_GetNameFromFileName(_RelativePath.c_str()); if (_OverrideName) { _BaseName = _OverrideName; } else { _BaseName = _PackEnt->d_name; _BaseName = _BaseName.SubString(0, nameLen - 4); } // if we aren't overriding a texture, only generate textures in the output directory SysPath _OutputFolder = fstring("%s/", aOutputFolder.c_str()); if (_OverrideName == NULL && (!aAllowCustomTextures || strcmp(_DirPath.c_str(), _OutputFolder.c_str()))) { continue; } SysPath _OutputPath = fstring("%s/%s.tex", aOutputFolder.c_str(), _BaseName.begin()); // create output dir if it doesn't exist if (!fs_sys_dir_exists(aOutputFolder.c_str())) { fs_sys_mkdir(aOutputFolder.c_str()); } DynOS_Tex_WriteBinary(aGfxData, _OutputPath, _BaseName, _TexData, (_OverrideName != NULL)); } closedir(_PackDir); } void DynOS_Tex_GeneratePack(const SysPath &aPackFolder, SysPath &aOutputFolder, bool aAllowCustomTextures) { Print("---------- Texture pack folder: \"%s\" ----------", aPackFolder.c_str()); // skip generation if any .tex files exist if (FileTypeExists(aOutputFolder, ".tex")) { return; } GfxData *_GfxData = New(); _GfxData->mModelIdentifier = 0; SysPath _Empty = ""; DynOS_Tex_GeneratePack_Recursive(aPackFolder, aOutputFolder, _Empty, _Empty, _GfxData, aAllowCustomTextures); DynOS_Gfx_Free(_GfxData); }