import os from xml.etree.ElementInclude import include from common import * from extract_constants import * in_filename = 'autogen/lua_constants/built-in.lua' out_filename = 'src/pc/lua/smlua_constants_autogen.c' out_filename_docs = 'docs/lua/' out_filename_defs = 'autogen/lua_definitions/constants.lua' in_files = [ "include/types.h", "include/sm64.h", "src/pc/lua/smlua_hooks.h", "src/game/camera.h", "include/mario_animation_ids.h", "include/sounds.h", "src/game/characters.h", "src/pc/network/network_player.h", "include/PR/os_cont.h", "src/game/interaction.c", "src/game/interaction.h", "src/pc/djui/djui_hud_utils.h", "include/behavior_table.h", "src/pc/lua/utils/smlua_model_utils.h", "include/object_constants.h", "include/mario_geo_switch_case_ids.h", "src/game/object_list_processor.h", "src/engine/graph_node.h", "levels/level_defines.h", "src/game/obj_behaviors.c", "src/game/save_file.h", ] exclude_constants = { '*': [ '^MAXCONTROLLERS$', '^AREA_[^T].*', '^AREA_T[HTO]', '^CONT_ERR.*', '^READ_MASK$', '^SIGN_RANGE$', ], 'src/game/obj_behaviors.c': ['^o$'], } include_constants = { "include/object_constants.h" : [ "^ACTIVE_FLAG_", "^ACTIVE_PARTICLE_", "^HELD_", "^OBJ_FLAG_", "^RESPAWN_INFO_", "^OBJ_MOVE_" ], } pretend_find = [ 'SOUND_ARG_LOAD' ] ############################################################################ seen_constants = [] totalConstants = 0 ############################################################################ def validate_identifiers(built_files): all_identifiers = [[1:] for x in re.finditer(r'[(, ][A-Z_][A-Z0-9_]*', built_files)] all_identifiers = set(all_identifiers) for ident in all_identifiers: if ident in pretend_find: continue if ident + ' = ' not in built_files: print('COULD NOT FIND ' + ident) ############################################################################ def saw_constant(identifier): if identifier in seen_constants: print("SAW DUPLICATE CONSTANT: " + identifier) return True else: global totalConstants totalConstants += 1 seen_constants.append(identifier) return False def allowed_identifier(filename, ident): exclude_list = exclude_constants['*'] if filename in exclude_constants: exclude_list.extend(exclude_constants[filename]) for exclude in exclude_list: if, ident) != None: return False if filename in include_constants: for include in include_constants[filename]: if, ident) != None: return True return False return True def process_enum(filename, line): _, ident, val = line.split(' ', 2) if '{' not in val or '}' not in val: #print('UNRECOGNIZED ENUM: ' + line) return None # grab inside body val = val.split('{', 1)[-1].rsplit('}', 1)[0] ret = {} ret['identifier'] = ident constants = [] set_to = None index = 0 fields = val.split(',') for field in fields: field = field.strip() if len(field) == 0: continue if '=' in field: ident, val = field.split('=', 2) constants.append([ident.strip(), val.strip()]) set_to = ident index = 1 continue if set_to is not None: constants.append([field, '((%s) + %d)' % (set_to, index)]) index += 1 continue if allowed_identifier(filename, field): constants.append([field, str(index)]) if saw_constant(field): print('>>> ' + line) index += 1 ret['constants'] = constants return ret def process_define(filename, line): _, ident, val = line.split(' ', 2) val = val.replace('(u8)', '') val = val.replace('(u64)', '') for p in val.split(' '): if p.startswith('0x'): continue p = re.sub(r'0x[a-fA-F0-9]+', '', p) if'[a-z]', p) != None: if 'gCurrentObject' not in line: print('UNRECOGNIZED DEFINE: ' + line) return None if not allowed_identifier(filename, ident): return None if saw_constant(ident): print('>>> ' + line) return [ident, val] def process_line(filename, line): if line.startswith('enum '): return process_enum(filename, line) elif line.startswith('#define '): return process_define(filename, line) else: print("UNRECOGNIZED LINE: " + line) return None def process_file(filename): processed_file = {} processed_file['filename'] = filename.replace('\\', '/').split('/')[-1] constants = [] lines = extract_constants(get_path(filename)).splitlines() for line in lines: c = process_line(filename, line) if c != None: constants.append(c) processed_file['constants'] = constants return processed_file def process_files(): seen_constants = [] processed_files = [] files = sorted(in_files, key=lambda d: d.split('/')[-1]) for f in files: processed_files.append(process_file(f)) return processed_files ############################################################################ def build_constant(processed_constant): constants = processed_constant s = '' is_enum = 'identifier' in processed_constant if is_enum: constants = processed_constant['constants'] else: constants = [processed_constant] for c in constants: s += '%s = %s\n' % (c[0], c[1]) return s def build_file(processed_file): s = '' for c in processed_file['constants']: s += build_constant(c) return s def build_files(processed_files): s = '' for file in processed_files: s += build_file(file) return s def build_to_c(built_files): txt = '' with open(get_path(in_filename), 'r') as f: txt = txt += '\n' + built_files while ('\n\n' in txt): txt = txt.replace('\n\n', '\n') lines = txt.splitlines() txt = 'char gSmluaConstants[] = ""\n' for line in lines: txt += '"%s\\n"\n' % line txt += ';' return txt ############################################################################ def doc_constant_index(processed_files): s = '# Supported Constants\n' for processed_file in processed_files: s += '- [%s](#%s)\n' % (processed_file['filename'], processed_file['filename'].replace('.', '')) constants = [x for x in processed_file['constants'] if 'identifier' in x] constants = sorted(constants, key=lambda d: d['identifier']) for c in constants: s += ' - [enum %s](#enum-%s)\n' % (c['identifier'], c['identifier']) s += '\n
\n\n' return s def doc_constant(processed_constant): constants = processed_constant s = '' is_enum = 'identifier' in processed_constant if is_enum: constants = processed_constant['constants'] if len(constants) == 0: return '' enum = 'enum ' + processed_constant['identifier'] s += '\n### [%s](#%s)\n' % (enum, processed_constant['identifier']) s += '| Identifier | Value |\n' s += '| :--------- | :---- |\n' for c in constants: s += '| %s | %s |\n' % (c[0], c[1]) return s for c in [processed_constant]: s += '- %s\n' % (c[0]) return s def doc_file(processed_file): s = '## [%s](#%s)\n' % (processed_file['filename'], processed_file['filename']) constants = sorted(processed_file['constants'], key=lambda d: 'zzz' + d['identifier'] if 'identifier' in d else d[0]) for c in constants: s += doc_constant(c) s += '\n[:arrow_up_small:](#)\n' s += '\n
\n\n' return s def doc_files(processed_files): s = '## [:rewind: Lua Reference](\n\n' s += doc_constant_index(processed_files) for file in processed_files: s += doc_file(file) return s ############################################################################ def def_constant(processed_constant): constants = processed_constant s = '' is_enum = 'identifier' in processed_constant if is_enum: s += '\n--- @class %s\n' % translate_to_def(processed_constant['identifier']) constants = processed_constant['constants'] if len(constants) == 0: return '' for c in constants: s += '\n--- @type %s\n' % translate_to_def(processed_constant['identifier']) s += '%s = %s\n' % (c[0], c[1]) return s for c in [processed_constant]: s += '\n--- @type integer\n' s += '%s = %s\n' % (c[0], c[1]) return s def build_to_def(processed_files): s = '-- AUTOGENERATED FOR CODE EDITORS --\n\n' with open(get_path(in_filename), 'r') as f: s += s += '\n' for file in processed_files: constants = sorted(file['constants'], key=lambda d: 'zzz' + d['identifier'] if 'identifier' in d else d[0]) for c in constants: s += def_constant(c) return s ############################################################################ def main(): processed_files = process_files() built_files = build_files(processed_files) validate_identifiers(built_files) built_c = build_to_c(built_files) with open(get_path(out_filename), 'w') as out: out.write(built_c) doc = doc_files(processed_files) with open(get_path(out_filename_docs), 'w') as out: out.write(doc) defs = build_to_def(processed_files) with open(get_path(out_filename_defs), 'w') as out: out.write(defs) global totalConstants print("Total constants: " + str(totalConstants)) main()