#include #include "debug_utils.h" #include "gd_main.h" #include "gd_math.h" #include "gd_types.h" #include "joints.h" #include "macros.h" #include "objects.h" #include "particles.h" #include "renderer.h" #include "skin.h" #include "skin_movement.h" // bss struct ObjNet *gGdSkinNet; // @ 801BAAF0 static s32 D_801BAAF4; static s32 sNetCount; // @ 801BAAF8 /* 2406E0 -> 240894 */ void func_80191F10(struct ObjNet *net) { func_8017BCB0(); if (net->unk1D0 != NULL) { apply_to_obj_types_in_group(OBJ_TYPE_ALL, (applyproc_t) func_8017BD20, net->unk1D0); } // L80191F58 if (net->unk1C8 != NULL) { apply_to_obj_types_in_group(OBJ_TYPE_ALL, (applyproc_t) func_8017BD20, net->unk1C8); } // L80191F8C D_801B9DA0.p0.x *= net->unk1AC.x; D_801B9DA0.p1.x *= net->unk1AC.x; D_801B9DA0.p0.y *= net->unk1AC.y; D_801B9DA0.p1.y *= net->unk1AC.y; D_801B9DA0.p0.z *= net->unk1AC.z; D_801B9DA0.p1.z *= net->unk1AC.z; net->unkBC.p0.x = D_801B9DA0.p0.x; net->unkBC.p0.y = D_801B9DA0.p0.y; net->unkBC.p0.z = D_801B9DA0.p0.z; net->unkBC.p1.x = D_801B9DA0.p1.x; net->unkBC.p1.y = D_801B9DA0.p1.y; net->unkBC.p1.z = D_801B9DA0.p1.z; } /* 240894 -> 240A64; orig name: func_801920C4 */ void reset_net(struct ObjNet *net) { struct ObjGroup *grp; // 24 // based on move_net strings, unk38 is the likely parameter printf("reset_net %d\n", net->unk38); net->unk14.x = net->unk20.x; net->unk14.y = net->unk20.y; net->unk14.z = net->unk20.z; net->unk50.x = net->unk50.y = net->unk50.z = 0.0f; net->unkA4.x = net->unkA4.y = net->unkA4.z = 0.0f; func_80191F10(net); gd_print_vec("net scale: ", &net->unk1AC); gd_print_plane("net box: ", &net->unkBC); gGdSkinNet = net; D_801BAAF4 = 0; gd_set_identity_mat4(&net->mat168); gd_set_identity_mat4(&net->matE8); gd_rot_mat_about_vec(&net->matE8, &net->unk68); // set rot mtx to initial rotation? gd_add_vec3f_to_mat4f_offset(&net->matE8, &net->unk14); // set to initial position? gd_copy_mat4f(&net->matE8, &net->mat128); if ((grp = net->unk1C8) != NULL) { apply_to_obj_types_in_group(OBJ_TYPE_JOINTS, (applyproc_t) func_80191604, grp); apply_to_obj_types_in_group(OBJ_TYPE_JOINTS, (applyproc_t) func_80191220, grp); apply_to_obj_types_in_group(OBJ_TYPE_BONES, (applyproc_t) func_8018FB58, grp); apply_to_obj_types_in_group(OBJ_TYPE_BONES, (applyproc_t) func_8018FA68, grp); } } /* 240A64 -> 240ACC */ void func_80192294(struct ObjNet *net) { UNUSED s32 sp1C = 0; if (net->unk1E8 == NULL) { restart_timer("childpos"); sp1C = func_8017F054(&net->header, NULL); split_timer("childpos"); } } /* 240ACC -> 240B84 */ void func_801922FC(struct ObjNet *net) { struct ObjGroup *group; // 24 UNUSED u32 pad18[2]; gGdSkinNet = net; // TODO: netype constants? if (net->netType == 4) { if (net->unk1A8 != NULL) { D_801B9E38 = &net->mat128; func_80181760(net->unk1A8->vtxGroup); } if ((group = net->unk1C8) != NULL) { apply_to_obj_types_in_group(OBJ_TYPE_JOINTS, (applyproc_t) func_80181B88, group); } } } /* 240B84 -> 240CF8 */ struct ObjNet *make_net(UNUSED s32 a0, struct ObjShape *shapedata, struct ObjGroup *a2, struct ObjGroup *a3, struct ObjGroup *a4) { struct ObjNet *net; // 24 net = (struct ObjNet *) make_object(OBJ_TYPE_NETS); gd_set_identity_mat4(&net->mat128); net->unk20.x = net->unk20.y = net->unk20.z = 0.0f; net->unk38 = ++sNetCount; net->unk1AC.x = net->unk1AC.y = net->unk1AC.z = 1.0f; net->unk1A8 = shapedata; net->unk1C8 = a2; net->unk1CC = a3; net->unk1D0 = a4; net->netType = 0; net->unk210 = 0; net->unk21C = NULL; net->unk3C = 1; net->unk40 = 0; net->skinGrp = NULL; reset_net(net); return net; } /* 240CF8 -> 240E74 */ void func_80192528(struct ObjNet *net) { net->unk44.x = net->unk44.y = net->unk44.z = 0.0f; net->unk74.x = net->unk74.y = net->unk74.z = 0.0f; net->unk80.x = net->unk80.y = net->unk80.z = 0.0f; net->unkD4.x = net->unkD4.y = net->unkD4.z = 0.0f; net->unkE0 = 0.0f; gGdCounter.ctr0 = 0; gGdCounter.ctr1 = 0; D_801B9E18.x = 0.0f; D_801B9E18.y = 0.0f; D_801B9E18.z = 0.0f; D_801B9E28.x = 0.0f; D_801B9E28.y = 0.0f; D_801B9E28.z = 0.0f; D_801B9E34 = 0.0f; if (net->unk34 & 0x1) { net->unk50.y += -4.0; //? 4.0f } net->unk14.x += net->unk50.x / 1.0f; net->unk14.y += net->unk50.y / 1.0f; net->unk14.z += net->unk50.z / 1.0f; } /* 240E74 -> 2412A0 */ void func_801926A4(struct ObjNet *net) { if (gGdCounter.ctr1 != 0) { if (D_801B9E34 != 0.0f) { D_801B9E28.x /= D_801B9E34; D_801B9E28.y /= D_801B9E34; D_801B9E28.z /= D_801B9E34; } D_801B9E28.x *= 1.0 / gGdCounter.ctr1; // !1.0f D_801B9E28.y *= 1.0 / gGdCounter.ctr1; // !1.0f D_801B9E28.z *= 1.0 / gGdCounter.ctr1; // !1.0f D_801B9E18.x *= 1.0 / gGdCounter.ctr1; // !1.0f D_801B9E18.y *= 1.0 / gGdCounter.ctr1; // !1.0f D_801B9E18.z *= 1.0 / gGdCounter.ctr1; // !1.0f func_8017E584(gGdSkinNet, &D_801B9E28, &D_801B9E18); func_8017E838(gGdSkinNet, &D_801B9E28, &D_801B9E18); } net->unkA4.x += net->unk80.x; net->unkA4.y += net->unk80.y; net->unkA4.z += net->unk80.z; net->unk74.x *= 1.0; // 1.0f; net->unk74.y *= 1.0; // 1.0f; net->unk74.z *= 1.0; // 1.0f; net->unk50.x += net->unk74.x; net->unk50.y += net->unk74.y; net->unk50.z += net->unk74.z; net->unk14.x += net->unk74.x; net->unk14.y += net->unk74.y; net->unk14.z += net->unk74.z; func_8017E9EC(net); net->unkA4.x *= 0.98; //? 0.98f net->unkA4.z *= 0.98; //? 0.98f net->unkA4.y *= 0.9; //? 0.9f } /* 2412A0 -> 24142C; not called */ void func_80192AD0(struct ObjNet *net) { UNUSED u32 pad64; struct ObjGroup *sp60; UNUSED u32 pad20[0x10]; UNUSED u32 sp1C; struct ObjNet *sp18; if ((sp60 = net->unk1C8) == NULL) { return; } sp18 = net->unk1F0; net->unk14.x = net->unk1F4.x; net->unk14.y = net->unk1F4.y; net->unk14.z = net->unk1F4.z; gd_rotate_and_translate_vec3f(&net->unk14, &sp18->mat128); net->unk14.x += net->unk1F0->unk14.x; net->unk14.y += net->unk1F0->unk14.y; net->unk14.z += net->unk1F0->unk14.z; net->unk200.x = 0.0f; net->unk200.y = 10.0f; net->unk200.z = -4.0f; gd_rotate_and_translate_vec3f(&net->unk200, &sp18->mat128); apply_to_obj_types_in_group(OBJ_TYPE_JOINTS, (applyproc_t) func_80191824, sp60); func_80191E88(sp60); apply_to_obj_types_in_group(OBJ_TYPE_BONES, (applyproc_t) func_8018F328, net->unk20C); } /* 24142C -> 24149C; orig name: func_80192C5C */ void move_bonesnet(struct ObjNet *net) { struct ObjGroup *sp24; UNUSED u32 pad18[3]; add_to_stacktrace("move_bonesnet"); gd_set_identity_mat4(&D_801B9DC8); if ((sp24 = net->unk1C8) != NULL) { apply_to_obj_types_in_group(OBJ_TYPE_JOINTS, (applyproc_t) func_801913C0, sp24); } imout(); } /* 24149C -> 241768 */ void func_80192CCC(struct ObjNet *net) { Mat4f sp38; UNUSED struct GdControl *ctrl; // 34 struct ObjGroup *group; // 30 struct GdVec3f sp24; ctrl = &gGdCtrl; if (gGdCtrl.unk2C != NULL) { func_8017E2B8(); } gd_set_identity_mat4(&D_801B9DC8); if (gGdCtrl.unk30 != NULL) { sp24.x = net->mat128[0][0]; sp24.y = net->mat128[0][1]; sp24.z = net->mat128[0][2]; gd_create_rot_mat_angular(&sp38, &sp24, 4.0f); gd_mult_mat4f(&sp38, &D_801B9DC8, &D_801B9DC8); net->unkA4.x = net->unkA4.y = net->unkA4.z = 0.0f; } if (gGdCtrl.unk28 != NULL) { sp24.x = net->mat128[0][0]; sp24.y = net->mat128[0][1]; sp24.z = net->mat128[0][2]; gd_create_rot_mat_angular(&sp38, &sp24, -4.0f); gd_mult_mat4f(&sp38, &D_801B9DC8, &D_801B9DC8); net->unkA4.x = net->unkA4.y = net->unkA4.z = 0.0f; } if (gGdCtrl.newStartPress) { return; } // start was pressed switch (net->unk210) { case 2: break; } func_80192528(net); if ((group = net->unk1C8) != NULL) { apply_to_obj_types_in_group(OBJ_TYPE_JOINTS, (applyproc_t) func_80191220, group); apply_to_obj_types_in_group(OBJ_TYPE_JOINTS, (applyproc_t) func_801913F0, group); apply_to_obj_types_in_group(OBJ_TYPE_JOINTS, (applyproc_t) func_801914F8, group); apply_to_obj_types_in_group(OBJ_TYPE_JOINTS, (applyproc_t) func_801911A8, group); } func_801926A4(net); gd_mult_mat4f(&net->mat128, &D_801B9DC8, &net->mat128); if (group != NULL) { apply_to_obj_types_in_group(OBJ_TYPE_JOINTS, (applyproc_t) func_801913C0, group); apply_to_obj_types_in_group(OBJ_TYPE_BONES, (applyproc_t) func_8018FA68, group); } } /* 241768 -> 241AB4; orig name: func_80192F98 */ void convert_gd_verts_to_Vn(struct ObjGroup *grp) { UNUSED u8 pad[0x40 - 0x2c]; Vtx *vn; // 28 u8 nx, ny, nz; // 24, 25, 26 UNUSED u32 pad20; register struct VtxLink *vtxlink; // a1 register s16 x; // a3 register s16 y; // t0 register s16 z; // t1 register struct ObjVertex *vtx; // t2 register struct Links *link; // t3 struct GdObj *obj; // sp4 for (link = grp->link1C; link != NULL; link = link->next) { obj = link->obj; vtx = (struct ObjVertex *) obj; x = (s16) vtx->pos.x; y = (s16) vtx->pos.y; z = (s16) vtx->pos.z; nx = (u8)(vtx->normal.x * 255.0f); ny = (u8)(vtx->normal.y * 255.0f); nz = (u8)(vtx->normal.z * 255.0f); for (vtxlink = vtx->gbiVerts; vtxlink != NULL; vtxlink = vtxlink->prev) { vn = vtxlink->data; vn->n.ob[0] = x; vn->n.ob[1] = y; vn->n.ob[2] = z; vn->n.n[0] = nx; vn->n.n[1] = ny; vn->n.n[2] = nz; } } } /* 241AB4 -> 241BCC; orig name: func_801932E4 */ void convert_gd_verts_to_Vtx(struct ObjGroup *grp) { UNUSED u32 pad24[6]; register struct VtxLink *vtxlink; // a1 register s16 x; // a3 register s16 y; // t0 register s16 z; // t1 register struct ObjVertex *vtx; // t2 register struct Links *link; // t3 struct GdObj *obj; // sp4 for (link = grp->link1C; link != NULL; link = link->next) { obj = link->obj; vtx = (struct ObjVertex *) obj; x = (s16) vtx->pos.x; y = (s16) vtx->pos.y; z = (s16) vtx->pos.z; for (vtxlink = vtx->gbiVerts; vtxlink != NULL; vtxlink = vtxlink->prev) { vtxlink->data->v.ob[0] = x; vtxlink->data->v.ob[1] = y; vtxlink->data->v.ob[2] = z; } } } /* 241BCC -> 241CA0; orig name: Proc801933FC */ void convert_net_verts(struct ObjNet *net) { if (net->unk1A8 != NULL) { if (net->unk1A8->unk30) { convert_gd_verts_to_Vn(net->unk1A8->vtxGroup); } } switch (net->netType) { case 2: if (net->unk1A8 != NULL) { convert_gd_verts_to_Vtx(net->unk1A8->unk24); } break; } } /* 241CA0 -> 241D6C */ void func_801934D0(struct ObjNet *net) { struct ObjGroup *grp; // 2c register struct Links *link; // s0 struct GdObj *obj; // 24 if ((grp = net->unk1C8) != NULL) { for (link = grp->link1C; link != NULL; link = link->next) { obj = link->obj; switch (obj->type) { case OBJ_TYPE_JOINTS: if (((struct ObjJoint *) obj)->fn2C != NULL) { (*((struct ObjJoint *) obj)->fn2C)((struct ObjJoint *) obj); } break; default:; } } } } /* 241D6C -> 241E94; orig name: func_8019359C */ void move_net(struct ObjNet *net) { gGdSkinNet = net; switch (net->netType) { case 1: break; case 7: func_80192CCC(net); break; case 4: restart_timer("move_bones"); move_bonesnet(net); split_timer("move_bones"); break; case 2: restart_timer("move_skin"); move_skin(net); split_timer("move_skin"); break; case 3: func_801934D0(net); break; case 5: func_801823A0(net); break; case 6: break; default: fatal_printf("move_net(%d(%d)): Undefined net type", net->unk38, net->netType); } } /* 241E94 -> 241F0C; orig name: func_801936C4 */ void move_nets(struct ObjGroup *group) { add_to_stacktrace("move_nets"); restart_timer("move_nets"); apply_to_obj_types_in_group(OBJ_TYPE_NETS, (applyproc_t) func_80192294, group); apply_to_obj_types_in_group(OBJ_TYPE_NETS, (applyproc_t) move_net, group); split_timer("move_nets"); imout(); } /* 241F0C -> 242018 */ void func_8019373C(struct ObjNet *net) { register struct Links *link; // s0 struct ObjVertex *vtx; // 20 switch (net->netType) { case 2: if (net->unk1A8 != NULL) { net->unk1A8->unk24 = make_group(0); for (link = net->unk1A8->vtxGroup->link1C; link != NULL; link = link->next) { vtx = (struct ObjVertex *) link->obj; if (vtx->scaleFactor != 1.0) //? 1.0f { addto_group(net->unk1A8->unk24, &vtx->header); } } } break; } } /* 242018 -> 24208C */ void func_80193848(struct ObjGroup *group) { apply_to_obj_types_in_group(OBJ_TYPE_NETS, (applyproc_t) reset_net, group); apply_to_obj_types_in_group(OBJ_TYPE_NETS, (applyproc_t) func_80192294, group); apply_to_obj_types_in_group(OBJ_TYPE_NETS, (applyproc_t) func_801922FC, group); apply_to_obj_types_in_group(OBJ_TYPE_NETS, (applyproc_t) func_8019373C, group); } /* 24208C -> 2422E0; not called; orig name: func_801938BC */ void gd_print_net(struct ObjNet *net) { gd_printf("Flags:%x\n", net->unk34); gd_print_vec("World:", &net->unk14); gd_print_vec("Force:", &net->unk44); gd_print_vec("Vel:", &net->unk50); gd_print_vec("Rot:", &net->unk5C); gd_print_vec("CollDisp:", &net->unk74); gd_print_vec("CollTorque:", &net->unk80); gd_print_vec("CollTorqueL:", &net->unk8C); gd_print_vec("CollTorqueD:", &net->unk98); gd_print_vec("Torque:", &net->unkA4); gd_print_vec("CofG:", &net->unkB0); gd_print_plane("BoundBox:", &net->unkBC); gd_print_vec("CollDispOff:", &net->unkD4); gd_printf("CollMaxD: %f\n", net->unkE0); gd_printf("MaxRadius: %f\n", net->unkE4); gd_print_mtx("Matrix:", &net->mat128); if (net->unk1A8 != NULL) { gd_printf("ShapePtr: %x (%s)\n", (u32) (uintptr_t) net->unk1A8, net->unk1A8->name); } else { gd_printf("ShapePtr: NULL\n"); } gd_print_vec("Scale:", &net->unk1AC); gd_printf("Mass: %f\n", net->unk1B8); gd_printf("NumModes: %d\n", net->unk1BC); gd_printf("NodeGroup: %x\n", (u32) (uintptr_t) net->unk1C8); gd_printf("PlaneGroup: %x\n", (u32) (uintptr_t) net->unk1CC); gd_printf("VertexGroup: %x\n", (u32) (uintptr_t) net->unk1D0); } /* 2422E0 -> 2422F8; orig name: func_80193B10 */ void reset_net_count(void) { sNetCount = 0; }