-- name: Hide and Seek -- incompatible: gamemode -- description: A simple hide-and-seek gamemode for\nCo-op.\n\nThe game is split into two teams:\n\nHiders and Seekers. The goal is for all\n\Hiders to be converted into a Seeker within a certain timeframe.\n\nAll Seekers appear as a metal character, and are given boosted speed\n\and jump height.\n\nHiders are given no enhancements, and\n\become a Seeker upon dying.\n\nEnjoy! :D\n\nConcept by: Super Keeberghrh -- globally sync enabled state gGlobalSyncTable.hideAndSeek = true -- keep track of round info for popup ROUND_END_UNKNOWN = 1 ROUND_END_SEEKER_WIN = 2 ROUND_END_HIDER_WIN = 3 gGlobalSyncTable.roundNumber = 0 gGlobalSyncTable.roundEnded = ROUND_END_UNKNOWN sRoundEndedTimer = 0 sRoundIntermissionTime = 5 * 30 -- five seconds -- server keeps track of last player turned seeker sLastSeekerIndex = 0 -- keep track of the amount of time since someone was turned into seeker sLastSeekerTimer = 0 sLastSeekerTimeout = 3 * 60 * 30 -- three minutes -- keep track of distance moved recently (camping detection) sLastPos = {} sLastPos.x = 0 sLastPos.y = 0 sLastPos.z = 0 sDistanceMoved = 0 sDistanceTimer = 0 function server_update(m) -- figure out state of the game local hasSeeker = false local hasHider = false local activePlayers = {} local connectedCount = 0 for i=0,(MAX_PLAYERS-1) do if gNetworkPlayers[i].connected then connectedCount = connectedCount + 1 table.insert(activePlayers, gPlayerSyncTable[i]) if gPlayerSyncTable[i].seeking then hasSeeker = true else hasHider = true end end end -- only change state if there are 2+ players if connectedCount < 2 then sRoundEndedTimer = 0 sLastSeekerTimer = 0 return end -- check to see if the round should end if gGlobalSyncTable.roundEnded == 0 then if not hasHider or not hasSeeker or sLastSeekerTimer > sLastSeekerTimeout then if not hasHider then gGlobalSyncTable.roundEnded = ROUND_END_SEEKER_WIN elseif sLastSeekerTimer > sLastSeekerTimeout then gGlobalSyncTable.roundEnded = ROUND_END_HIDER_WIN else gGlobalSyncTable.roundEnded = ROUND_END_UNKNOWN end sRoundEndedTimer = 0 else return end end -- if round was over for 5 seconds sRoundEndedTimer = sRoundEndedTimer + 1 if sRoundEndedTimer >= sRoundIntermissionTime then -- reset seekers for i=0,(MAX_PLAYERS-1) do gPlayerSyncTable[i].seeking = false end hasSeeker = false -- set seeker to last one turned into seeker local np = gNetworkPlayers[sLastSeekerIndex] if np.connected then local s = gPlayerSyncTable[sLastSeekerIndex] s.seeking = true hasSeeker = true end -- pick random seeker if last turned to seeker is invalid if not hasSeeker then local s = activePlayers[math.random(#activePlayers)] s.seeking = true end -- increment round number gGlobalSyncTable.roundNumber = gGlobalSyncTable.roundNumber + 1 gGlobalSyncTable.roundEnded = 0 end end function camping_detection(m) -- this code only runs for the local player local s = gPlayerSyncTable[m.playerIndex] -- track how far the local player has moved recently sDistanceMoved = sDistanceMoved - 0.25 + vec3f_dist(sLastPos, m.pos) * 0.02 vec3f_copy(sLastPos, m.pos) -- clamp between 0 to 100 if sDistanceMoved < 0 then sDistanceMoved = 0 end if sDistanceMoved > 100 then sDistanceMoved = 100 end -- if player hasn't moved enough, start a timer if sDistanceMoved < 10 and not s.seeking then sDistanceTimer = sDistanceTimer + 1 end -- if the player has moved enough, reset the timer if sDistanceMoved > 20 then sDistanceTimer = 0 end -- inform the player that they need to move, or make them a seeker if sDistanceTimer == 30 * 1 then djui_popup_create('\\#ff4040\\Keep moving!', 3) elseif sDistanceTimer > 30 * 6 then s.seeking = true end end function update() -- check gamemode enabled state if not gGlobalSyncTable.hideAndSeek then return end -- only allow the server to figure out the seeker if network_is_server() then server_update(gMarioStates[0]) end -- check if local player is camping if gGlobalSyncTable.roundEnded == 0 then camping_detection(gMarioStates[0]) else sDistanceTimer = 0 end -- update sLastSeekerTimer if gGlobalSyncTable.roundEnded == 0 then sLastSeekerTimer = sLastSeekerTimer + 1 local timeLeft = sLastSeekerTimeout - sLastSeekerTimer if timeLeft == 60 * 30 then djui_popup_create('\\#ff4040\\Seekers have one minute to get someone!', 3) elseif timeLeft == 30 * 30 then djui_popup_create('\\#ff4040\\Seekers have 30 seconds to get someone!', 3) elseif timeLeft == 10 * 30 then djui_popup_create('\\#ff4040\\Seekers have 10 seconds to get someone!', 3) end end end function mario_update(m) -- check gamemode enabled state if not gGlobalSyncTable.hideAndSeek then return end -- this code runs for all players local s = gPlayerSyncTable[m.playerIndex] -- if the local player died, make them a seeker if m.playerIndex == 0 and m.health <= 0x110 then s.seeking = true end -- display all seekers as metal if s.seeking then m.marioBodyState.modelState = MODEL_STATE_METAL m.health = 0x880 end end function mario_before_phys_step(m) -- prevent physics from being altered when bubbled if m.action == ACT_BUBBLED then return end -- check gamemode enabled state if not gGlobalSyncTable.hideAndSeek then return end local s = gPlayerSyncTable[m.playerIndex] -- only make seekers faster if not s.seeking then return end local hScale = 1.0 local vScale = 1.0 -- make swimming seekers 5% faster if (m.action & ACT_FLAG_SWIMMING) ~= 0 then hScale = hScale * 1.05 if m.action ~= ACT_WATER_PLUNGE then vScale = vScale * 1.05 end end -- faster ground movement if (m.action & ACT_FLAG_MOVING) ~= 0 then hScale = hScale * 1.19 end m.vel.x = m.vel.x * hScale m.vel.y = m.vel.y * vScale m.vel.z = m.vel.z * hScale end function on_pvp_attack(attacker, victim) -- check gamemode enabled state if not gGlobalSyncTable.hideAndSeek then return end -- this code runs when a player attacks another player local sAttacker = gPlayerSyncTable[attacker.playerIndex] local sVictim = gPlayerSyncTable[victim.playerIndex] -- only consider local player if victim.playerIndex ~= 0 then return end -- make victim a seeker if sAttacker.seeking and not sVictim.seeking then sVictim.seeking = true end end function on_player_connected(m) -- start out as a non-seeker local s = gPlayerSyncTable[m.playerIndex] s.seeking = false end function on_hide_and_seek_command(msg) if not network_is_server() then djui_chat_message_create('Only the server can change this setting!') return true end if msg == 'on' then djui_chat_message_create('Hide-and-seek mod: enabled') gGlobalSyncTable.hideAndSeek = true return true elseif msg == 'off' then djui_chat_message_create('Hide-and-seek mod: disabled') gGlobalSyncTable.hideAndSeek = false return true end return false end ----------------------- -- network callbacks -- ----------------------- function on_round_number_changed(tag, oldVal, newVal) -- inform players when a new round has begun if oldVal < newVal then djui_popup_create('\\#a0ffa0\\a new round has begun', 2) sDistanceMoved = 100 sDistanceTimer = 0 play_character_sound(gMarioStates[0], CHAR_SOUND_HERE_WE_GO) end end function on_round_ended_changed(tag, oldVal, newVal) -- inform players when a round has ended local tColor = '\\#ffa0a0\\' if newVal == ROUND_END_UNKNOWN then djui_popup_create(tColor .. 'the round has ended', 2) elseif newVal == ROUND_END_HIDER_WIN then if not gPlayerSyncTable[0].seeking then tColor = '\\#a0ffa0\\' end djui_popup_create(tColor .. 'Hiders win!', 2) elseif newVal == ROUND_END_SEEKER_WIN then if gPlayerSyncTable[0].seeking then tColor = '\\#a0ffa0\\' end djui_popup_create(tColor .. 'Seekers win!', 2) end if oldVal == 0 and newVal ~= 0 then sLastSeekerTimer = 0 elseif newVal == 0 and oldVal ~= 0 then sLastSeekerTimer = 0 end end function on_seeking_changed(tag, oldVal, newVal) local m = gMarioStates[tag] local np = gNetworkPlayers[tag] -- play sound and create popup if became a seeker if newVal and not oldVal then play_sound(SOUND_OBJ_BOWSER_LAUGH, m.marioObj.header.gfx.cameraToObject) playerColor = network_get_player_text_color_string(m.playerIndex) djui_popup_create(playerColor .. np.name .. '\\#ffa0a0\\ is now a seeker', 2) sLastSeekerIndex = m.playerIndex sLastSeekerTimer = 0 end end ----------- -- hooks -- ----------- hook_event(HOOK_UPDATE, update) hook_event(HOOK_MARIO_UPDATE, mario_update) hook_event(HOOK_BEFORE_PHYS_STEP, mario_before_phys_step) hook_event(HOOK_ON_PVP_ATTACK, on_pvp_attack) hook_event(HOOK_ON_PLAYER_CONNECTED, on_player_connected) hook_chat_command('hide-and-seek', "[on|off] turn hide-and-seek on or off", on_hide_and_seek_command) -- call functions when certain sync table values change hook_on_sync_table_change(gGlobalSyncTable, 'roundNumber', 0, on_round_number_changed) hook_on_sync_table_change(gGlobalSyncTable, 'roundEnded', 0, on_round_ended_changed) for i=0,(MAX_PLAYERS-1) do gPlayerSyncTable[i].seeking = false hook_on_sync_table_change(gPlayerSyncTable[i], 'seeking', i, on_seeking_changed) end