-- name: Football (soccer) -- description: Play football in the castle grounds.\nOnly use a save that has lowered the water in the moat. --------------- -- constants -- --------------- ballGravity = 1.5 ballRadius = 50 ballFriction = 0.988 ballRestitution = 0.65 ballWaterDrag = 0.9 ballParallelInertia = 0.3 ballPerpendicularInertia = 1 ballActionValues = { [ACT_WATER_PUNCH] = { xz = 20, y = 40, directionless = false }, [ACT_MOVE_PUNCHING] = { xz = 35, y = 0, directionless = false }, [ACT_PUNCHING] = { xz = 35, y = 0, directionless = false }, [ACT_GROUND_POUND] = { xz = 40, y = 40, directionless = true }, [ACT_GROUND_POUND_LAND] = { xz = 40, y = 40, directionless = true }, [ACT_JUMP_KICK] = { xz = 10, y = 32, directionless = false }, [ACT_SLIDE_KICK_SLIDE] = { xz = -7, y = 25, directionless = false }, [ACT_SLIDE_KICK] = { xz = -7, y = 25, directionless = false }, [ACT_LONG_JUMP] = { xz = 0, y = 0, directionless = false }, [ACT_CROUCH_SLIDE] = { xz = 0, y = 0, directionless = false }, } --------------- -- globals -- --------------- gBallTouchedLocal = false gCachedBalls = {} ----------- -- utils -- ----------- function clamp(x, a, b) if x < a then return a end if x > b then return b end return x end function vec3f_degrees_between(a, b) local ansAgain = math.acos(vec3f_dot(a, b) / (vec3f_length(a) * vec3f_length(b))) return math.deg(ansAgain) end function my_global_index() return gNetworkPlayers[gMarioStates[0].playerIndex].globalIndex end function my_location() local np = gNetworkPlayers[gMarioStates[0].playerIndex] return tostring(np.currCourseNum) .. '-' .. tostring(np.currLevelNum) .. '-' .. tostring(np.currAreaIndex) .. '-' .. tostring(np.currActNum) end function active_player(m) local np = gNetworkPlayers[m.playerIndex] if m.playerIndex == 0 then return true end if not np.connected then return false end return is_player_active(m) end function get_cached_ball(obj) local key = my_location() .. '-' .. tostring(obj.oSyncID) if gCachedBalls[key] == nil then local cb = {} cb.oGlobalOwner = obj.oGlobalOwner cb.oHitTime = obj.oHitTime cb.oNetworkTime = obj.oNetworkTime cb.oPosX = obj.oPosX cb.oPosY = obj.oPosY cb.oPosZ = obj.oPosZ cb.oVelX = obj.oVelX cb.oVelY = obj.oVelY cb.oVelZ = obj.oVelZ gCachedBalls[key] = cb end return gCachedBalls[key] end function should_reject_packet(obj) local cb = get_cached_ball(obj) if obj.oHitTime < cb.oHitTime then return true end if obj.oHitTime == cb.oHitTime and obj.oGlobalOwner > cb.oGlobalOwner then return true end if obj.oHitTime == cb.oHitTime and obj.oGlobalOwner == cb.oGlobalOwner and obj.oNetworkTime < cb.oNetworkTime then return true end return false end function find_ball() local obj = obj_get_first(OBJ_LIST_DEFAULT) while obj ~= nil do if get_id_from_behavior(obj.behavior) == id_bhvBall then return obj end obj = obj_get_next(obj) end return nil end function spawn_or_move_ball(x, y, z) -- search for ball local obj = find_ball() if obj ~= nil then -- move ball obj.oPosX = x obj.oPosY = y obj.oPosZ = z obj.oVelX = 0 obj.oVelY = 0 obj.oVelZ = 0 obj.oGlobalOwner = my_global_index() obj.oHitTime = get_network_area_timer() obj.oNetworkTime = get_network_area_timer() network_send_object(obj, false) return obj end -- don't spawn unless server if my_global_index() ~= 0 then return nil end -- spawn ball return spawn_sync_object( id_bhvBall, E_MODEL_SPINY_BALL, x, y, z, function(obj) obj.oGlobalOwner = my_global_index() end) end -------------- -- behavior -- -------------- -- define ball's custom fields define_custom_obj_fields({ oNetworkTime = 'u32', oHitTime = 'u32', oGlobalOwner = 'u32', oFrozen = 'u32', }) function bhv_ball_particle_trail(obj) local spi = obj_get_temp_spawn_particles_info(E_MODEL_SPARKLES) if spi == nil then return nil end spi.behParam = 2 spi.count = 1 spi.offsetY = -1 * ballRadius spi.forwardVelBase = 8 spi.forwardVelRange = 0 spi.velYBase = 6 spi.velYRange = 0 spi.gravity = 0 spi.dragStrength = 5 spi.sizeBase = 10 spi.sizeRange = 30 cur_obj_spawn_particles(spi) end function bhv_ball_particle_bounce(obj) local spi = obj_get_temp_spawn_particles_info(E_MODEL_MIST) if spi == nil then return nil end spi.behParam = 3 spi.count = 5 spi.offsetY = -1 * ballRadius spi.forwardVelBase = 6 spi.forwardVelRange = -6 spi.velYBase = 6 spi.velYRange = -6 spi.gravity = 0 spi.dragStrength = 5 spi.sizeBase = 8 spi.sizeRange = 13 cur_obj_spawn_particles(spi) end function bhv_ball_init(obj) -- flags and such obj.oFlags = OBJ_FLAG_UPDATE_GFX_POS_AND_ANGLE obj.oGraphYOffset = 0 cur_obj_scale(1.4) -- physics obj.oWallHitboxRadius = 40.00 obj.oGravity = 2.50 obj.oBounciness = -0.75 obj.oDragStrength = 0.00 obj.oFriction = 0.99 obj.oBuoyancy = -2.00 -- hitbox obj.hitboxRadius = 100 obj.hitboxHeight = 100 -- custom values obj.oNetworkTime = 0 obj.oHitTime = 0 obj.oFrozen = 0 -- cache local cb = get_cached_ball(obj) network_init_object(obj, false, { 'oPosX', 'oPosY', 'oPosZ', 'oVelX', 'oVelY', 'oVelZ', 'oGlobalOwner', 'oNetworkTime', 'oHitTime', }) end function bhv_ball_player_collision(obj) local alterPos = { x = 0, y = 0, z = 0} local m = nearest_mario_state_to_object(obj) if m == nil then return alterPos end local player = m.marioObj if player == nil then return alterPos end local playerRadius = 37 local playerHeight = 160 local objPoint = { x = obj.oPosX, y = obj.oPosY, z = obj.oPosZ } local v = { x = obj.oVelX, y = obj.oVelY, z = obj.oVelZ } -- figure out player-to-ball radius local alterBallFlags = (ACT_FLAG_ATTACKING | ACT_FLAG_BUTT_OR_STOMACH_SLIDE | ACT_FLAG_DIVING) local playerBallRadius = ballRadius if ballActionValues[m.action] ~= nil or (m.action & alterBallFlags) ~= 0 then playerBallRadius = playerBallRadius + 50 end ------------------------------------------------ -- calculate position and determine collision -- ------------------------------------------------ -- calculate cylinder values local cylY1 = player.oPosY + playerRadius local cylY2 = player.oPosY + playerHeight - playerRadius local cylPoint = { x = player.oPosX, y = clamp(obj.oPosY, cylY1, cylY2), z = player.oPosZ } local cylDist = vec3f_dist(cylPoint, objPoint) -- check for collision if cylDist > (playerBallRadius + playerRadius) then return alterPos end gBallTouchedLocal = (m.playerIndex == 0) local vDifference = { x = objPoint.x - cylPoint.x, y = objPoint.y - cylPoint.y, z = objPoint.z - cylPoint.z } local differenceDir = { x = vDifference.x, y = vDifference.y, z = vDifference.z } if vec3f_length(differenceDir) ~= 0 then vec3f_normalize(differenceDir) end alterPos.x = (cylPoint.x + differenceDir.x * (playerBallRadius + playerRadius + 1)) - objPoint.x alterPos.y = (cylPoint.y + differenceDir.y * (playerBallRadius + playerRadius + 1)) - objPoint.y alterPos.z = (cylPoint.z + differenceDir.z * (playerBallRadius + playerRadius + 1)) - objPoint.z ----------------------------------------- -- figure out player's attack velocity -- ----------------------------------------- local vPlayer = { x = player.oVelX, y = player.oVelY, z = player.oVelZ } local playerTheta = (m.faceAngle.y / 0x8000) * math.pi -- have attacks alter velocity further local alterXz = 0 local alterY = 0 local alterDirectionless = false if ballActionValues[m.action] ~= nil then alterXz = ballActionValues[m.action].xz alterY = ballActionValues[m.action].y alterDirectionless = ballActionValues[m.action].directionless elseif ((m.action & (ACT_FLAG_BUTT_OR_STOMACH_SLIDE | ACT_FLAG_DIVING)) ~= 0) or (m.action == ACT_SLIDE_KICK_SLIDE) or (m.action == ACT_SLIDE_KICK) then -- dive or slide sends it upward, and slows xz alterXz = -7 alterY = 25 elseif (m.action & ACT_FLAG_ATTACKING) ~= 0 then -- other attacks should just do something reasonable alterXz = 10 alterY = 10 end -- adjust angle local theta = playerTheta if alterDirectionless and differenceDir.z ~= 0 then theta = math.atan2(differenceDir.x, differenceDir.z) end vPlayer.x = vPlayer.x + math.sin(theta) * alterXz vPlayer.z = vPlayer.z + math.cos(theta) * alterXz if vPlayer.y < alterY then vPlayer.y = vPlayer.y + alterY end local vPlayerMag = vec3f_length(vPlayer) ------------------------------------------------- -- figure out which velocity interaction to do -- ------------------------------------------------- local v = { x = obj.oVelX, y = obj.oVelY, z = obj.oVelZ } local doReflection = (vPlayerMag == 0) -- make sure ball is offset in the vPlayer direction if not doReflection then local objCylDir = { x = cylPoint.x - objPoint.x, y = cylPoint.y - objPoint.y, z = cylPoint.z - objPoint.z } local objCylDirXZ = { x = objCylDir.x, y = 0, z = objCylDir.z } local objCylDirMag = vec3f_length(objCylDir) local vPlayerXZ = { x = vPlayer.x, y = 0, z = vPlayer.z } local vPlayerXZMag = vec3f_length(vPlayerXZ) if objCylDirMag > 0 and vPlayerXZMag > 0 then doReflection = (vec3f_degrees_between(vPlayer, objCylDir)) <= 120 and (vec3f_degrees_between(vPlayerXZ, objCylDirXZ)) <= 120 end end -- make sure player has a velocity if not doReflection and vPlayerMag == 0 then doReflection = true end -------------------------------------- -- calculate velocity (interaction) -- -------------------------------------- if not doReflection then local vPlayerDir = { x = vPlayer.x, y = vPlayer.y, z = vPlayer.z } vec3f_normalize(vPlayerDir) -- split velocity into parallel/perpendicular to normal local perpendicular = vec3f_project(v, vPlayerDir) local parallel = { x = v.x - perpendicular.x, y = v.y - perpendicular.y, z = v.z - perpendicular.z } -- apply friction vec3f_mul(parallel, 0.5) local parallelMag = vec3f_length(parallel) local perpendicularMag = vec3f_length(perpendicular) if perpendicularMag == 0 or perpendicularMag < vPlayerMag then vec3f_copy(perpendicular, vPlayer) end -- reflect velocity along normal local reflect = { x = parallel.x + perpendicular.x, y = parallel.y + perpendicular.y, z = parallel.z + perpendicular.z } -- set new velocity obj.oVelX = reflect.x obj.oVelY = reflect.y obj.oVelZ = reflect.z end ------------------------------------- -- calculate velocity (reflection) -- ------------------------------------- if doReflection then -- split velocity into parallel/perpendicular to normal local perpendicular = vec3f_project(v, differenceDir) local parallel = { x = v.x - perpendicular.x, y = v.y - perpendicular.y, z = v.z - perpendicular.z } -- apply friction and restitution vec3f_mul(parallel, ballFriction) vec3f_mul(perpendicular, ballRestitution) -- play sounds local parallelLength = vec3f_length(parallel) local perpendicularLength = vec3f_length(perpendicular) if perpendicularLength > 5 then cur_obj_play_sound_2(SOUND_GENERAL_BOX_LANDING_2) elseif parallelLength > 3 then cur_obj_play_sound_2(SOUND_ENV_SLIDING) end local pushOutMag = 10 -- reflect velocity along normal local reflect = { x = parallel.x - perpendicular.x, y = parallel.y - perpendicular.y, z = parallel.z - perpendicular.z } -- set new velocity obj.oVelX = reflect.x + differenceDir.x * pushOutMag obj.oVelY = reflect.y + differenceDir.y * pushOutMag obj.oVelZ = reflect.z + differenceDir.z * pushOutMag end return alterPos end function bhv_ball_resolve(obj, offset) local a = { x = obj.oPosX + 0, y = obj.oPosY + 0, z = obj.oPosZ + 0 } local dir = { x = offset.x * -1.0, y = offset.y * -1.0, z = offset.z * -1.0} info = collision_find_surface_on_ray( a.x, a.y, a.z, dir.x, dir.y, dir.z) obj.oPosX = info.hitPos.x + offset.x obj.oPosY = info.hitPos.y + offset.y obj.oPosZ = info.hitPos.z + offset.z if info.surface == nil then return nil end return { x = info.surface.normal.x, y = info.surface.normal.y, z = info.surface.normal.z } end function bhv_ball_loop(obj) if obj.oFrozen ~= 0 then return end gBallTouchedLocal = false local cb = get_cached_ball(obj) -- detect when a packet was received if obj.oNetworkTime ~= cb.oNetworkTime then if should_reject_packet(obj) then -- reject packet obj.oGlobalOwner = cb.oGlobalOwner obj.oHitTime = cb.oHitTime obj.oNetworkTime = cb.oNetworkTime obj.oPosX = cb.oPosX obj.oPosY = cb.oPosY obj.oPosZ = cb.oPosZ obj.oVelX = cb.oVelX obj.oVelY = cb.oVelY obj.oVelZ = cb.oVelZ end end local orig = { x = obj.oPosX, y = obj.oPosY, z = obj.oPosZ } obj.oVelY = obj.oVelY - ballGravity if obj.oVelX == 0 and obj.oVelY == 0 and obj.oVelZ == 0 then obj.oVelY = obj.oVelY + 0.01 end -- detect player collisions local alterPos = bhv_ball_player_collision(obj) -- alter end-point based on player collisions local a = { x = obj.oPosX, y = obj.oPosY, z = obj.oPosZ } local v = { x = obj.oVelX, y = obj.oVelY, z = obj.oVelZ } local b = { x = v.x, y = v.y, z = v.z } vec3f_sum(b, b, alterPos) -- regular movement local info = collision_find_surface_on_ray( a.x, a.y, a.z, b.x, b.y, b.z) obj.oPosX = info.hitPos.x obj.oPosY = info.hitPos.y obj.oPosZ = info.hitPos.z -- detect normal along movement vector local vMag = vec3f_length(v) if vMag > 0 then local vNorm = { x = v.x / vMag, y = v.y / vMag, z = v.z / vMag } b = { x = v.x + vNorm.x * (vMag + ballRadius), y = v.y + vNorm.y * (vMag + ballRadius), z = v.z + vNorm.z * (vMag + ballRadius) } end info = collision_find_surface_on_ray( a.x, a.y, a.z, b.x, b.y, b.z) -- figure out the standard normal local colNormals = {} if info.surface ~= nil then table.insert(colNormals, { x = info.surface.normal.x, y = info.surface.normal.y, z = info.surface.normal.z }) if vMag > 5 then bhv_ball_particle_bounce(obj) end else table.insert(colNormals, nil) end -- resolve collisions around ball table.insert(colNormals, bhv_ball_resolve(obj, { x = ballRadius, y = 0, z = 0 })) table.insert(colNormals, bhv_ball_resolve(obj, { x = -ballRadius, y = 0, z = 0 })) table.insert(colNormals, bhv_ball_resolve(obj, { x = 0, y = 0, z = ballRadius })) table.insert(colNormals, bhv_ball_resolve(obj, { x = 0, y = 0, z = -ballRadius })) table.insert(colNormals, bhv_ball_resolve(obj, { x = 0, y = ballRadius, z = 0 })) table.insert(colNormals, bhv_ball_resolve(obj, { x = 0, y = -ballRadius, z = 0 })) -- figure out collision normal local collisionN = { x = 0, y = 0, z = 0 } local collisionCount = 0 for _, colN in ipairs(colNormals) do if colN ~= nil then vec3f_sum(collisionN, collisionN, colN) collisionCount = collisionCount + 1 end end -- reflect collisions if collisionCount > 0 then -- calculate total normal vec3f_mul(collisionN, 1.0 / collisionCount) vec3f_normalize(collisionN) -- split velocity into parallel/perpendicular to normal local perpendicular = vec3f_project(v, collisionN) local parallel = { x = v.x - perpendicular.x, y = v.y - perpendicular.y, z = v.z - perpendicular.z } -- apply friction and restitution vec3f_mul(parallel, ballFriction) vec3f_mul(perpendicular, ballRestitution) -- stop ball in parallel axis local parallelLength = vec3f_length(parallel) if parallelLength < ballParallelInertia then vec3f_mul(parallel, 0) end -- stop ball in perpendicular axis local perpendicularLength = vec3f_length(perpendicular) if perpendicularLength < ballPerpendicularInertia then vec3f_mul(perpendicular, 0) end -- play sounds if perpendicularLength > 5 then cur_obj_play_sound_2(SOUND_GENERAL_BOX_LANDING_2) elseif parallelLength > 3 then cur_obj_play_sound_2(SOUND_ENV_SLIDING) end -- reflect velocity along normal local reflect = { x = parallel.x - perpendicular.x, y = parallel.y - perpendicular.y, z = parallel.z - perpendicular.z } -- set new velocity obj.oVelX = reflect.x obj.oVelY = reflect.y obj.oVelZ = reflect.z end -- float in water local waterLevel = find_water_level(obj.oPosX, obj.oPosZ) if obj.oPosY < waterLevel then obj.oVelX = obj.oVelX * ballWaterDrag obj.oVelY = obj.oVelY * ballWaterDrag + 2 obj.oVelZ = obj.oVelZ * ballWaterDrag end -- sanity check floor local floor = find_floor_height(obj.oPosX, obj.oPosY, obj.oPosZ) if obj.oPosY <= floor or floor <= -10000 then obj.oPosX = orig.x obj.oPosY = orig.y obj.oPosZ = orig.z obj.oVelX = -obj.oVelX obj.oVelY = -obj.oVelY obj.oVelZ = -obj.oVelZ end -- update rotation if obj.oVelX ~= 0 or obj.oVelZ ~= 0 then local moveAngle = atan2s(obj.oVelZ * 100, obj.oVelX * 100) local xzMag = math.sqrt(obj.oVelX * obj.oVelX + obj.oVelZ * obj.oVelZ) obj.oFaceAngleYaw = moveAngle obj.oFaceAnglePitch = obj.oFaceAnglePitch + xzMag * 100 end -- send out object if we touched it local updateRateSend = (obj.oGlobalOwner == my_global_index() and (get_network_area_timer() - obj.oNetworkTime) > 5) if gBallTouchedLocal or updateRateSend then if gBallTouchedLocal then obj.oGlobalOwner = my_global_index() obj.oHitTime = get_network_area_timer() end obj.oNetworkTime = get_network_area_timer() network_send_object(obj, false) end -- spawn a particle trail if vMag > 50 then bhv_ball_particle_trail(obj) end -- hack: make sure we never set velocity to nan if obj.oVelX ~= obj.oVelX then obj.oVelX = 0 end if obj.oVelY ~= obj.oVelY then obj.oVelY = 0 end if obj.oVelZ ~= obj.oVelZ then obj.oVelZ = 0 end -- hack: save pos/vel to detect packets cb.oGlobalOwner = obj.oGlobalOwner cb.oHitTime = obj.oHitTime cb.oNetworkTime = obj.oNetworkTime cb.oPosX = obj.oPosX cb.oPosY = obj.oPosY cb.oPosZ = obj.oPosZ cb.oVelX = obj.oVelX cb.oVelY = obj.oVelY cb.oVelZ = obj.oVelZ end id_bhvBall = hook_behavior(nil, OBJ_LIST_DEFAULT, true, bhv_ball_init, bhv_ball_loop) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- -- gamemode -- -------------- GAME_STATE_WAIT = 0 GAME_STATE_ACTIVE = 1 GAME_STATE_SCORE = 2 GAME_STATE_OOB = 3 GAME_STATE_OVER = 4 sSoccerBall = nil sBallSpawnPos = { x = (4573 + -4634) / 2, y = -50, z = (-2077 + -212) / 2 } sBallHidePos = { x = sBallSpawnPos.x, y = -5000, z = sBallSpawnPos.z } sGameModeInitialized = false sWaitTimeout = 30 * 5 sOobTimeout = 30 * 5 sScoreTimeout = 30 * 5 sOverTimeout = 30 * 15 sStateTimer = sWaitTimeout sMaxScore = 5 gGlobalSyncTable.gameState = GAME_STATE_WAIT gGlobalSyncTable.displayText = ' ' gGlobalSyncTable.displayFont = FONT_HUD gGlobalSyncTable.displayColor = 0xFFFFFF gGlobalSyncTable.scoreRed = 0 gGlobalSyncTable.scoreBlue = 0 function gamemode_initialize() -- hide the SM64 HUD hud_hide() -- prevent warp doors from working local wasRefreshed = false local obj = obj_get_first(OBJ_LIST_SURFACE) while obj ~= nil do local behaviorId = get_id_from_behavior(obj.behavior) if behaviorId == id_bhvDoorWarp then obj.oInteractType = 0 end -- hide exclamation box if behaviorId == id_bhvExclamationBox then obj.oPosX = sBallHidePos.x obj.oPosY = sBallHidePos.y obj.oPosZ = sBallHidePos.z end if behaviorId == id_bhvLllHexagonalMesh then wasRefreshed = true end obj = obj_get_next(obj) end -- server spawns objects if my_global_index() == 0 and not wasRefreshed then -- block vanish cap spawn_sync_object( id_bhvLllHexagonalMesh, E_MODEL_TRAMPOLINE, -3390, -512, -2023, function (obj) obj.oOpacity = 255 obj.header.gfx.scale.x = 3 obj.header.gfx.scale.z = 3; end) -- block basement door spawn_sync_object( id_bhvLllHexagonalMesh, E_MODEL_TRAMPOLINE, 3279 + 45, -511, -2937 + 45, function (obj) obj.oOpacity = 255 obj.header.gfx.scale.x = 2 obj.header.gfx.scale.z = 2 obj.oFaceAngleYaw = 0x6000 obj.oFaceAngleRoll = 0x4000 end) -- block area near ramp spawn_sync_object( id_bhvStaticCheckeredPlatform, E_MODEL_CHECKERBOARD_PLATFORM, 4430 - 65, 545 + 250 - 5, -6000 - 65, function (obj) obj.oOpacity = 255 obj.oFaceAngleYaw = 0x2000 obj.oFaceAngleRoll = 0x4000 end) -- block area near ramp for i=0,6 do spawn_sync_object( id_bhvStaticCheckeredPlatform, E_MODEL_CHECKERBOARD_PLATFORM, 4460, 545 + 250, -6000 + i * 305, function (obj) obj.oOpacity = 255 obj.oFaceAngleYaw = 0 obj.oFaceAngleRoll = 0x4000 end) end -- block cannon spawn_sync_object( id_bhvLllHexagonalMesh, E_MODEL_TRAMPOLINE, 2385, 88, 1956, function (obj) obj.oOpacity = 255 obj.header.gfx.scale.x = 0.9 obj.header.gfx.scale.z = 0.9 end) end sGameModeInitialized = true end function gamemode_shuffle() local t = {} local count = 0 -- create table of players for i = 0, (MAX_PLAYERS-1) do local m = gMarioStates[i] local s = gPlayerSyncTable[i] if active_player(m) then table.insert(t, s) count = count + 1 end end -- shuffle for i = #t, 2, -1 do local j = math.random(i) t[i], t[j] = t[j], t[i] end -- assign teams local team1Count = 0 local team2Count = 0 local oddS = nil for i, s in ipairs(t) do if (i - 1) < count / 2 then s.team = 1 team1Count = team1Count + 1 oddS = s else s.team = 2 team2Count = team2Count + 1 end end -- shuffle odd player if team1Count > team2Count then oddS.team = math.random(1, 2) end end function gamemode_wait() sSoccerBall = spawn_or_move_ball(sBallSpawnPos.x, sBallSpawnPos.y, sBallSpawnPos.z) -- server only if my_global_index() == 0 then -- claim the ball if sSoccerBall.oGlobalOwner ~= my_global_index() then sSoccerBall.oGlobalOwner = my_global_index() sSoccerBall.oHitTime = get_network_area_timer() sSoccerBall.oNetworkTime = get_network_area_timer() network_send_object(sSoccerBall, false) end -- clear sparkles for i=0,(MAX_PLAYERS-1) do local sm = gPlayerSyncTable[i] sm.sparkle = false end -- decrement timer sStateTimer = sStateTimer - 1 -- update the visible timer if math.floor(sStateTimer / 30) ~= math.floor((sStateTimer + 1) / 30) then gGlobalSyncTable.displayFont = FONT_HUD gGlobalSyncTable.displayText = tostring(1 + math.floor(sStateTimer / 30)) gGlobalSyncTable.displayColor = 0xFFFFFF end -- start the round if sStateTimer <= 0 then gGlobalSyncTable.gameState = GAME_STATE_ACTIVE gGlobalSyncTable.displayFont = FONT_HUD gGlobalSyncTable.displayText = ' ' gGlobalSyncTable.displayColor = 0xFFFFFF end end end function gamemode_active() -- server only if my_global_index() == 0 then local validGoalY = ((sSoccerBall.oPosY + ballRadius) < -550) local validGoalZ = (sSoccerBall.oPosX < sBallSpawnPos.x and sSoccerBall.oPosZ < -2846) or (sSoccerBall.oPosX > sBallSpawnPos.x and sSoccerBall.oPosZ > -1205) if validGoalY and validGoalZ then if sSoccerBall.oPosX < sBallSpawnPos.x and sSoccerBall.oPosZ < -2846 then end spawn_sync_object(id_bhvExplosion, E_MODEL_EXPLOSION, sSoccerBall.oPosX, sSoccerBall.oPosY, sSoccerBall.oPosZ, nil) local scoringTeam = 0 if sSoccerBall.oPosX < sBallSpawnPos.x then scoringTeam = 1 else scoringTeam = 2 end local gameOver = false local displayName = '' local scorerNp = network_player_from_global_index(sSoccerBall.oGlobalOwner) if scorerNp ~= nil then local scorerS = gPlayerSyncTable[scorerNp.localIndex] if scorerS.team == scoringTeam then displayName = ' (' .. scorerNp.name .. ')' end end if scoringTeam == 1 then gGlobalSyncTable.scoreRed = gGlobalSyncTable.scoreRed + 1 gGlobalSyncTable.displayFont = FONT_NORMAL gGlobalSyncTable.displayColor = 0xFF9999 if gGlobalSyncTable.scoreRed >= sMaxScore then gGlobalSyncTable.displayText = 'red team wins!' gameOver = true else gGlobalSyncTable.displayText = 'red team scored' .. displayName end else gGlobalSyncTable.scoreBlue = gGlobalSyncTable.scoreBlue + 1 gGlobalSyncTable.displayFont = FONT_NORMAL gGlobalSyncTable.displayColor = 0x9999FF if gGlobalSyncTable.scoreBlue >= sMaxScore then gGlobalSyncTable.displayText = 'blue team wins!' gameOver = true else gGlobalSyncTable.displayText = 'blue team scored' .. displayName end end if gameOver then -- set sparkle for i=0,(MAX_PLAYERS-1) do local im = gMarioStates[i] local sm = gPlayerSyncTable[i] if active_player(im) then if sm.team == scoringTeam then sm.sparkle = true end end end gGlobalSyncTable.gameState = GAME_STATE_OVER sStateTimer = sOverTimeout else -- set sparkle local scorerS = gPlayerSyncTable[scorerNp.localIndex] if scorerNp ~= nil and scorerS.team == scoringTeam then scorerS.sparkle = true end gGlobalSyncTable.gameState = GAME_STATE_SCORE sStateTimer = sScoreTimeout end end -- check for oob local ignoreOob = (sSoccerBall.oPosX >= 3230 and sSoccerBall.oPosX <= 4460 and sSoccerBall.oPosZ >= -6230 and sSoccerBall.oPosZ <= -2725) -- ramp near bridge if not ignoreOob and sSoccerBall.oPosY > 0 then local floorHeight = find_floor_height(sSoccerBall.oPosX, sSoccerBall.oPosY, sSoccerBall.oPosZ) if sSoccerBall.oPosY - ballRadius - 10 < floorHeight then gGlobalSyncTable.gameState = GAME_STATE_OOB sStateTimer = sOobTimeout end end -- check for other OOB if validGoalY and not validGoalZ then gGlobalSyncTable.gameState = GAME_STATE_OOB sStateTimer = sOobTimeout end end end function gamemode_score() sSoccerBall = spawn_or_move_ball(sBallHidePos.x, sBallHidePos.y, sBallHidePos.z) -- server only if my_global_index() == 0 then -- decrement timer sStateTimer = sStateTimer - 1 -- start the round if sStateTimer <= 0 then gGlobalSyncTable.gameState = GAME_STATE_WAIT sStateTimer = sWaitTimeout end end end function gamemode_oob() sSoccerBall = spawn_or_move_ball(sBallHidePos.x, sBallHidePos.y, sBallHidePos.z) -- server only if my_global_index() == 0 then -- decrement timer sStateTimer = sStateTimer - 1 gGlobalSyncTable.displayFont = FONT_NORMAL gGlobalSyncTable.displayText = 'out of bounds' gGlobalSyncTable.displayColor = 0xFFFFFF -- start the round if sStateTimer <= 0 then gGlobalSyncTable.gameState = GAME_STATE_WAIT sStateTimer = sWaitTimeout end end end function gamemode_over() sSoccerBall = spawn_or_move_ball(sBallHidePos.x, sBallHidePos.y, sBallHidePos.z) -- server only if my_global_index() == 0 then -- decrement timer sStateTimer = sStateTimer - 1 -- start the round if sStateTimer <= 0 then -- shuffle teams gamemode_shuffle() gGlobalSyncTable.scoreRed = 0 gGlobalSyncTable.scoreBlue = 0 gGlobalSyncTable.gameState = GAME_STATE_WAIT sStateTimer = sWaitTimeout end end end function gamemode_update() if not sGameModeInitialized then gamemode_initialize() end if sSoccerBall == nil then sSoccerBall = find_ball() else if gGlobalSyncTable.gameState == GAME_STATE_WAIT then sSoccerBall.oFrozen = 1 else sSoccerBall.oFrozen = 0 end end if gGlobalSyncTable.gameState == GAME_STATE_WAIT then gamemode_wait() elseif gGlobalSyncTable.gameState == GAME_STATE_ACTIVE then gamemode_active() elseif gGlobalSyncTable.gameState == GAME_STATE_SCORE then gamemode_score() elseif gGlobalSyncTable.gameState == GAME_STATE_OOB then gamemode_oob() elseif gGlobalSyncTable.gameState == GAME_STATE_OVER then gamemode_over() end end function on_player_connected(m) -- only run on server if not network_is_server() then return end -- figure out team local selectTeam = math.random(1, 2) local playersTeam1 = 0 local playersTeam2 = 0 for i=0,(MAX_PLAYERS-1) do local im = gMarioStates[i] local sm = gPlayerSyncTable[i] if active_player(im) and i ~= m.playerIndex then if sm.team == 1 then playersTeam1 = playersTeam1 + 1 elseif sm.team == 2 then playersTeam2 = playersTeam2 + 1 end end end if playersTeam1 < playersTeam2 then selectTeam = 1 elseif playersTeam2 < playersTeam1 then selectTeam = 2 end -- set team local s = gPlayerSyncTable[m.playerIndex] local np = gNetworkPlayers[m.playerIndex] s.team = selectTeam end function hud_score_render() djui_hud_set_font(FONT_HUD) -- get width of screen and text local screenWidth = djui_hud_get_screen_width() local width = 32 local height = 16 local x = (screenWidth - width) / 2.0 local y = 5 local xOffset = 20 local textOffset = 8 if gPlayerSyncTable[0].team == 2 then xOffset = xOffset * -1 end -- render djui_hud_set_color(255, 100, 100, 180); djui_hud_render_rect(x - xOffset, y, width, height + 4); djui_hud_set_color(100, 100, 255, 180); djui_hud_render_rect(x + xOffset, y, width, height + 4); djui_hud_set_color(255, 255, 255, 255); djui_hud_print_text(tostring(gGlobalSyncTable.scoreRed), x - xOffset + textOffset, y + 2, 1); djui_hud_print_text(tostring(gGlobalSyncTable.scoreBlue), x + xOffset + textOffset, y + 2, 1); end function on_hud_render() -- render to N64 screen space, with the HUD font djui_hud_set_resolution(RESOLUTION_N64) hud_score_render() if gGlobalSyncTable.displayText == ' ' then return end djui_hud_set_font(gGlobalSyncTable.displayFont) -- set text local text = gGlobalSyncTable.displayText -- set scale local scale = 1 local height = 1 if gGlobalSyncTable.displayFont == FONT_HUD then height = 16 * scale elseif gGlobalSyncTable.displayFont == FONT_NORMAL then scale = 0.5 height = 32 * scale end -- get width of screen and text local screenWidth = djui_hud_get_screen_width() local screenHeight = djui_hud_get_screen_height() local width = djui_hud_measure_text(text) * scale local x = (screenWidth - width) / 2.0 local y = (screenHeight * 0.6 - height) / 2.0 -- render djui_hud_set_color(0, 0, 0, 128); djui_hud_render_rect(x - 6 * scale, y - 6 * scale, width + 12 * scale, height + 12 * scale); local r = (gGlobalSyncTable.displayColor & 0xFF0000) >> (8 * 2) local g = (gGlobalSyncTable.displayColor & 0x00FF00) >> (8 * 1) local b = (gGlobalSyncTable.displayColor & 0x0000FF) >> (8 * 0) djui_hud_set_color(r, g, b, 255); djui_hud_print_text(text, x, y, scale); end function on_football_reset_command(msg) if not network_is_server() then djui_chat_message_create('Only the server can change this setting!') return true end if msg == 'ball' then djui_chat_message_create('Resetting the ball.') sSoccerBall = spawn_or_move_ball(sBallSpawnPos.x, sBallSpawnPos.y, sBallSpawnPos.z) return true elseif msg == 'game' then djui_chat_message_create('Resetting the game.') gamemode_shuffle() gGlobalSyncTable.scoreRed = 0 gGlobalSyncTable.scoreBlue = 0 gGlobalSyncTable.displayText = ' ' gGlobalSyncTable.gameState = GAME_STATE_WAIT sStateTimer = sWaitTimeout return true end return false end ------------------ -- update stuff -- ------------------ function mario_update_local(m) local np = gNetworkPlayers[m.playerIndex] local s = gPlayerSyncTable[m.playerIndex] if (m.controller.buttonPressed & D_JPAD) ~= 0 then --print(m.pos.x, m.pos.y, m.pos.z) --sSoccerBall = spawn_or_move_ball(m.pos.x, m.pos.y, m.pos.z) end -- force players into certain positions and angles if gGlobalSyncTable.gameState == GAME_STATE_WAIT then -- figure out team index local teamIndex = 0 for i=1,(MAX_PLAYERS-1) do local mi = gMarioStates[i] local ni = gNetworkPlayers[i] local si = gPlayerSyncTable[i] if active_player(mi) and si.team == s.team then if ni.globalIndex < np.globalIndex then teamIndex = teamIndex + 1 end end end -- center camera m.controller.buttonDown = m.controller.buttonDown | L_TRIG -- figure out spawn position local teamTheta = (3.14 / -2) local teamDistance = 1550 if (teamIndex % 2) == 0 then teamTheta = teamTheta - (teamIndex % 4) * 0.1 teamDistance = teamDistance + math.floor(teamIndex / 4) * 500 else teamTheta = teamTheta + (teamIndex % 4) * 0.1 teamDistance = teamDistance + math.floor(teamIndex / 4) * 500 end -- set spawn position local playerPos = { x = sBallSpawnPos.x, y = -511, z = sBallSpawnPos.z } if s.team == 1 then playerPos.x = playerPos.x - math.sin(teamTheta) * teamDistance playerPos.z = playerPos.z - math.cos(teamTheta) * teamDistance m.faceAngle.y = -0x4000 elseif s.team == 2 then playerPos.x = playerPos.x + math.sin(teamTheta) * teamDistance playerPos.z = playerPos.z + math.cos(teamTheta) * teamDistance m.faceAngle.y = 0x4000 end m.faceAngle.x = 0 m.faceAngle.z = 0 m.pos.x = playerPos.x m.pos.y = playerPos.y m.pos.z = playerPos.z m.vel.x = 0 m.vel.y = 0 m.vel.z = 0 m.forwardVel = 0 m.slideVelX = 0 m.slideVelZ = 0 set_mario_action(m, ACT_READING_AUTOMATIC_DIALOG, 0) -- fix vanilla camera if m.area.camera.mode == CAMERA_MODE_WATER_SURFACE then set_camera_mode(m.area.camera, CAMERA_MODE_FREE_ROAM, 1) end elseif m.action == ACT_READING_AUTOMATIC_DIALOG then set_mario_action(m, ACT_IDLE, 0) end end function mario_update(m) if m.playerIndex == 0 then mario_update_local(m) end -- update pos/angle if m.action == ACT_READING_AUTOMATIC_DIALOG then vec3f_copy(m.marioObj.header.gfx.pos, m.pos) vec3s_set(m.marioObj.header.gfx.angle, -m.faceAngle.x, m.faceAngle.y, m.faceAngle.z) end -- set metal state and health local s = gPlayerSyncTable[m.playerIndex] local np = gNetworkPlayers[m.playerIndex] if s.team == 2 then np.overridePaletteIndex = 7 m.marioBodyState.modelState = 0 elseif s.team == 1 then np.overridePaletteIndex = 15 m.marioBodyState.modelState = 0 else np.overridePaletteIndex = np.paletteIndex m.marioBodyState.modelState = MODEL_STATE_NOISE_ALPHA end m.health = 0x880 -- update description if s.team == 1 then network_player_set_description(np, "red", 255, 64, 64, 255) elseif s.team == 2 then network_player_set_description(np, "blue", 64, 64, 255, 255) else network_player_set_description(np, "unknown", 64, 64, 64, 255) end if gPlayerSyncTable[m.playerIndex].sparkle then m.particleFlags = m.particleFlags | PARTICLE_SPARKLES else m.particleFlags = (m.particleFlags & (~PARTICLE_SPARKLES)) end end function update() local m = gMarioStates[0] local np = gNetworkPlayers[m.playerIndex] if np.currAreaSyncValid then gamemode_update() end end ----------- -- hooks -- ----------- hook_event(HOOK_MARIO_UPDATE, mario_update) hook_event(HOOK_UPDATE, update) hook_event(HOOK_ON_HUD_RENDER, on_hud_render) hook_event(HOOK_ON_PLAYER_CONNECTED, on_player_connected) hook_chat_command('football-reset', "[game|ball] resets the game or ball", on_football_reset_command) for i=0,(MAX_PLAYERS-1) do local s = gPlayerSyncTable[i] s.team = 0 s.sparkle = false end