if SM64COOPDX_VERSION == nil then return end -- localize functions to improve performance local string_format,table_insert,math_floor,math_ceil,level_is_vanilla_level,djui_hud_get_color,djui_hud_set_color,djui_hud_print_text,type,obj_get_first_with_behavior_id = string.format,table.insert,math.floor,math.ceil,level_is_vanilla_level,djui_hud_get_color,djui_hud_set_color,djui_hud_print_text,type,obj_get_first_with_behavior_id --- @param cond boolean --- Human readable ternary operator function if_then_else(cond, ifTrue, ifFalse) if cond then return ifTrue end return ifFalse end --- @param s string --- Splits a string into a table by spaces function split(s) local result = {} for match in (s):gmatch(string_format("[^%s]+", " ")) do table_insert(result, match) end return result end --- @param x number --- @return integer --- Rounds up or down depending on the decimal position of `x` function math_round(x) return if_then_else(x - math_floor(x) >= 0.5, math_ceil(x), math_floor(x)) end --- @param a number --- @param b number --- @param t number --- Linearly interpolates between two points using a delta function lerp(a, b, t) return a * (1 - t) + b * t end --- @param a number --- @param b number --- @param t number --- Linearly interpolates between two points using a delta but rounds the final value function lerp_round(a, b, t) return math_round(lerp(a, b, t)) end --- @param a number --- @param b number --- @param t number --- Linearly interpolates between two points using a delta but ceils the final value function lerp_ceil(a, b, t) return math_ceil(lerp(a, b, t)) end --- @param a Color --- @param b Color --- @return Color --- Linearly interpolates between two colors using a delta function color_lerp(a, b, t) return { r = lerp_round(a.r, b.r, t), g = lerp_round(a.g, b.g, t), b = lerp_round(a.b, b.b, t) } end --- @param priority integer --- @param seqId SeqId function SEQUENCE_ARGS(priority, seqId) return ((priority << 8) | seqId) end --- @param value boolean --- Returns an on or off string depending on value function on_or_off(value) if value then return "\\#00ff00\\ON" end return "\\#ff0000\\OFF" end --- @param levelNum LevelNum --- Returns whether or not the local player is in a vanilla level function in_vanilla_level(levelNum) return gNetworkPlayers[0].currLevelNum == levelNum and level_is_vanilla_level(levelNum) end --- @param message string --- @param x number --- @param y number --- @param scale number --- @param outlineBrightness number --- Prints outlined DJUI HUD text function djui_hud_print_outlined_text(message, x, y, scale, outlineBrightness) local color = djui_hud_get_color() djui_hud_set_color(color.r * outlineBrightness, color.g * outlineBrightness, color.b * outlineBrightness, color.a) djui_hud_print_text(message, x - 1, y, scale) djui_hud_print_text(message, x + 1, y, scale) djui_hud_print_text(message, x, y - 1, scale) djui_hud_print_text(message, x, y + 1, scale) djui_hud_set_color(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a) djui_hud_print_text(message, x, y, scale) end --- @param table table --- Clones a table out of an existing one, useful for making referenceless tables function table_clone(table) local clone = {} for key, value in pairs(table) do if type(value) == "table" then clone[key] = table_clone(value) -- recursive call for nested tables else clone[key] = value end end return clone end function check_common_hud_render_cancels() local action = gMarioStates[0].action return obj_get_first_with_behavior_id(id_bhvActSelector) ~= nil or gNetworkPlayers[0].currActNum == 99 or action == ACT_END_PEACH_CUTSCENE or action == ACT_END_WAVING_CUTSCENE or action == ACT_CREDITS_CUTSCENE end