#include "dynos.cpp.h" extern "C" { #include "geo_commands.h" #define STB_IMAGE_WRITE_IMPLEMENTATION #include "stb/stb_image_write.h" } #define LAYER_FORCE 0 #define LAYER_OPAQUE 1 #define LAYER_OPAQUE_DECAL 2 #define LAYER_OPAQUE_INTER 3 #define LAYER_ALPHA 4 #define LAYER_TRANSPARENT 5 #define LAYER_TRANSPARENT_DECAL 6 #define LAYER_TRANSPARENT_INTER 7 #define DISPLAY_LIST_SIZE_PER_TOKEN 4 #define GEO_LAYOUT_SIZE_PER_TOKEN 4 #pragma GCC diagnostic push #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wnarrowing" static DataNode* ParseDisplayListData(GfxData* aGfxData, DataNode* aNode); static DataNode* ParseGeoLayoutData(GfxData* aGfxData, DataNode* aNode, bool aDisplayPercent); // // Model files // enum { COMMENT_NONE = 0, COMMENT_START, // first slash COMMENT_SINGLE_LINE, // double slash, reset to COMMENT_NONE if \\n is hit COMMENT_BLOCK, // slash-star, set to comment block end if * is hit COMMENT_BLOCK_END, // slash-star-star, set to comment none if / is hit, else return to COMMENT_BLOCK }; struct IfDefPtr { const char *mPtr; u64 mSize; bool mErase; }; static IfDefPtr GetNearestIfDefPointer(char *pFileBuffer) { static const IfDefPtr sIfDefs[] = { { "#ifdef VERSION_JP", 17, true }, { "#ifndef VERSION_JP", 18, false }, { "#ifdef VERSION_EU", 17, true }, { "#ifdef TEXTURE_FIX", 18, false }, }; IfDefPtr _Nearest = { NULL, 0, false }; for (const auto &_IfDef : sIfDefs) { const char *_Ptr = strstr(pFileBuffer, _IfDef.mPtr); if (_Ptr != NULL && (_Nearest.mPtr == NULL || _Nearest.mPtr > _Ptr)) { _Nearest.mPtr = _Ptr; _Nearest.mSize = _IfDef.mSize; _Nearest.mErase = _IfDef.mErase; } } return _Nearest; } static char *LoadFileBuffer(FILE* aFile, GfxData* aGfxData) { fseek(aFile, 0, SEEK_END); s32 _Length = ftell(aFile); if (aGfxData && aGfxData->mModelIdentifier == 0) { aGfxData->mModelIdentifier = (u32) _Length; } // Remove comments rewind(aFile); char *_FileBuffer = New(_Length + 1); char *pFileBuffer = _FileBuffer; char _Previous = 0; char _Current = 0; s32 _CommentType = 0; while (fread(&_Current, 1, 1, aFile)) { if (_CommentType == COMMENT_NONE) { if (_Current == '/') { _CommentType = COMMENT_START; } else { *(pFileBuffer++) = _Current; } } else if (_CommentType == COMMENT_START) { if (_Current == '/') { _CommentType = COMMENT_SINGLE_LINE; } else if (_Current == '*') { _CommentType = COMMENT_BLOCK; } else { _CommentType = COMMENT_NONE; *(pFileBuffer++) = _Previous; *(pFileBuffer++) = _Current; } } else if (_CommentType == COMMENT_SINGLE_LINE) { if (_Current == '\n') { _CommentType = COMMENT_NONE; *(pFileBuffer++) = _Current; } } else if (_CommentType == COMMENT_BLOCK) { if (_Current == '*') { _CommentType = COMMENT_BLOCK_END; } } else if (_CommentType == COMMENT_BLOCK_END) { if (_Current == '/') { _CommentType = COMMENT_NONE; } else { _CommentType = COMMENT_BLOCK; } } _Previous = _Current; } *(pFileBuffer++) = 0; // Remove ifdef blocks // Doesn't support nested blocks for (pFileBuffer = _FileBuffer; pFileBuffer != NULL;) { IfDefPtr _IfDefPtr = GetNearestIfDefPointer(pFileBuffer); if (_IfDefPtr.mPtr) { char *pIfDef = (char *) _IfDefPtr.mPtr; char *pElse = (char *) strstr(_IfDefPtr.mPtr, "#else"); char *pEndIf = (char *) strstr(_IfDefPtr.mPtr, "#endif"); if (pElse && pElse < pEndIf) { if (_IfDefPtr.mErase) memset(pIfDef, ' ', pElse + 5 - pIfDef); else memset(pElse, ' ', pEndIf - pElse); } else { if (_IfDefPtr.mErase) memset(pIfDef, ' ', pEndIf - pIfDef); } memset(pIfDef, ' ', _IfDefPtr.mSize); memset(pEndIf, ' ', 6); pFileBuffer = pEndIf; } else { pFileBuffer = NULL; } } return _FileBuffer; } template static void AppendNewNode(GfxData *aGfxData, DataNodes &aNodes, const String &aName, String *&aDataName, Array *&aDataTokens) { DataNode *_Node = New>(); _Node->mName = aName; _Node->mModelIdentifier = aGfxData->mModelIdentifier; aNodes.Add(_Node); aDataName = &_Node->mName; aDataTokens = &_Node->mTokens; } static void ScanModelFile(GfxData *aGfxData, const SysPath &aFilename) { FILE *_File = fopen(aFilename.c_str(), "rb"); if (!_File) return; // Load file into a buffer while removing all comments char *_FileBuffer = LoadFileBuffer(_File, aGfxData); fclose(_File); // Scanning the loaded data s32 _DataType = DATA_TYPE_NONE; String* pDataName = NULL; Array *pDataTokens = NULL; char *pDataStart = NULL; bool _DataIgnore = false; // Needed to ignore the '#include "file.h"' strings String _Buffer = ""; for (char *c = _FileBuffer; *c != 0; ++c) { // Scanning data type if (_DataType == DATA_TYPE_NONE) { // Reading data type name if ((*c >= 'A' && *c <= 'Z') || (*c >= 'a' && *c <= 'z') || (*c >= '0' && *c <= '9') || (*c == '_') || (*c == '\"')) { if (*c == '\"') { _DataIgnore = !_DataIgnore; } else if (!_DataIgnore) { _Buffer.Add(*c); } } // Retrieving data type else if (_Buffer.Length() != 0) { if (_Buffer == "static") { // Ignore static keyword } else if (_Buffer == "const") { // Ignore const keyword } else if (_Buffer == "inline") { // Ignore inline keyword } else if (_Buffer == "include") { // Ignore include keyword } else if (_Buffer == "ALIGNED8") { // Ignore ALIGNED8 keyword } else if (_Buffer == "UNUSED") { // Ignore UNUSED keyword } else if (_Buffer == "u64") { _DataType = DATA_TYPE_UNUSED; } else if (_Buffer == "Lights1") { _DataType = DATA_TYPE_LIGHT; } else if (_Buffer == "u8") { _DataType = DATA_TYPE_TEXTURE; } else if (_Buffer == "Texture") { _DataType = DATA_TYPE_TEXTURE; } else if (_Buffer == "Vtx") { _DataType = DATA_TYPE_VERTEX; } else if (_Buffer == "Gfx") { _DataType = DATA_TYPE_DISPLAY_LIST; } else if (_Buffer == "GeoLayout") { _DataType = DATA_TYPE_GEO_LAYOUT; } else { PrintError(" ERROR: Unknown type name: %s", _Buffer.begin()); } _Buffer.Clear(); } } // Scanning data identifier else if (!pDataTokens) { // Reading data identifier name if ((*c >= 'A' && *c <= 'Z') || (*c >= 'a' && *c <= 'z') || (*c >= '0' && *c <= '9') || (*c == '_')) { _Buffer.Add(*c); } // Adding new data node else if (_Buffer.Length() != 0) { switch (_DataType) { case DATA_TYPE_LIGHT: AppendNewNode(aGfxData, aGfxData->mLights, _Buffer, pDataName, pDataTokens); break; case DATA_TYPE_TEXTURE: AppendNewNode(aGfxData, aGfxData->mTextures, _Buffer, pDataName, pDataTokens); break; case DATA_TYPE_VERTEX: AppendNewNode(aGfxData, aGfxData->mVertices, _Buffer, pDataName, pDataTokens); break; case DATA_TYPE_DISPLAY_LIST: AppendNewNode(aGfxData, aGfxData->mDisplayLists, _Buffer, pDataName, pDataTokens); break; case DATA_TYPE_GEO_LAYOUT: AppendNewNode(aGfxData, aGfxData->mGeoLayouts, _Buffer, pDataName, pDataTokens); break; case DATA_TYPE_UNUSED: pDataTokens = (Array *) 1; break; } _Buffer.Clear(); } } // Looking for data else if (pDataStart == 0) { if (*c == '=') { pDataStart = c + 1; } else if (*c == ';') { PrintError(" ERROR: %s: Unexpected end of data", pDataName->begin()); } } // Data end else if (*c == ';') { if (_DataType != DATA_TYPE_UNUSED) { char* pDataEnd = &*c; String _Token = ""; for (u8 _Bracket = 0; pDataStart <= pDataEnd; pDataStart++) { if (*pDataStart == '(') _Bracket++; if (*pDataStart == ' ' || *pDataStart == '\t' || *pDataStart == '\r' || *pDataStart == '\n') continue; if (_Bracket <= 1 && (*pDataStart == '(' || *pDataStart == ')' || *pDataStart == ',' || *pDataStart == '{' || *pDataStart == '}' || *pDataStart == ';')) { if (_Token.Length() != 0) { pDataTokens->Add(_Token); _Token.Clear(); } } else { _Token.Add(*pDataStart); } if (*pDataStart == ')') _Bracket--; } } _DataType = DATA_TYPE_NONE; pDataName = NULL; pDataTokens = NULL; pDataStart = NULL; _DataIgnore = false; _Buffer = ""; } } Delete(_FileBuffer); Print("Data read from file \"%s\"", aFilename.c_str()); } // // Lights // static DataNode* ParseLightData(GfxData* aGfxData, DataNode* aNode) { if (aNode->mData) return aNode; // Check tokens count if (aNode->mTokens.Count() < 10) { PrintError(" ERROR: %s: not enough data", aNode->mName.begin()); return aNode; } // Parse def token if (aNode->mTokens[0] != "gdSPDefLights1") { PrintError(" ERROR: Invalid def token: should be gdSPDefLights1, is %s", aNode->mTokens[0].begin()); return aNode; } // Parse data tokens u8 ar = (u8) aNode->mTokens[1].ParseInt(); u8 ag = (u8) aNode->mTokens[2].ParseInt(); u8 ab = (u8) aNode->mTokens[3].ParseInt(); u8 r1 = (u8) aNode->mTokens[4].ParseInt(); u8 g1 = (u8) aNode->mTokens[5].ParseInt(); u8 b1 = (u8) aNode->mTokens[6].ParseInt(); s8 x1 = (s8) aNode->mTokens[7].ParseInt(); s8 y1 = (s8) aNode->mTokens[8].ParseInt(); s8 z1 = (s8) aNode->mTokens[9].ParseInt(); aNode->mData = New(); *aNode->mData = gdSPDefLights1(ar, ag, ab, r1, g1, b1, x1, y1, z1); aNode->mLoadIndex = aGfxData->mLoadIndex++; return aNode; } // // Textures // static TexData* LoadTextureFromFile(GfxData *aGfxData, const String& aFile) { // Image file String _TexturePath = aFile.SubString(aFile.Find('/') + 1); // Remove the "actors/" SysPath _Filename = fstring("%s/%s.png", aGfxData->mPackFolder.c_str(), _TexturePath.begin()); FILE *_File = fopen(_Filename.c_str(), "rb"); if (!_File) { PrintError(" ERROR: Unable to open file \"%s\"", _Filename.c_str()); return NULL; } // Texture data fseek(_File, 0, SEEK_END); TexData* _Texture = New(); _Texture->mPngData.Resize(ftell(_File)); rewind(_File); fread(_Texture->mPngData.begin(), sizeof(u8), _Texture->mPngData.Count(), _File); fclose(_File); return _Texture; } static void ConvertTextureDataToPng(GfxData *aGfxData, TexData* aTexture) { // Convert to RGBA32 const u8 *_Palette = (aGfxData->mGfxContext.mCurrentPalette ? aGfxData->mGfxContext.mCurrentPalette->mData->mRawData.begin() : NULL); u8 *_Buffer = DynOS_Gfx_TextureConvertToRGBA32(aTexture->mRawData.begin(), aTexture->mRawData.Count(), aTexture->mRawFormat, aTexture->mRawSize, _Palette); if (_Buffer == NULL) { PrintError(" ERROR: Unknown texture format"); return; } // Convert to PNG s32 _PngLength = 0; u8 *_PngData = stbi_write_png_to_mem(_Buffer, 0, aTexture->mRawWidth, aTexture->mRawHeight, 4, &_PngLength); if (!_PngData || !_PngLength) { PrintError(" ERROR: Cannot convert texture to PNG"); return; } aTexture->mPngData = Array(_PngData, _PngData + _PngLength); Delete(_PngData); } static DataNode* ParseTextureData(GfxData* aGfxData, DataNode* aNode) { if (aNode->mData) return aNode; // Check tokens Count if (aNode->mTokens.Count() < 1) { PrintError(" ERROR: %s: not enough data", aNode->mName.begin()); return aNode; } // #include"[texture].inc.c" s32 i0 = aNode->mTokens[0].Find("#include"); if (i0 != -1) { s32 i1 = aNode->mTokens[0].Find(".inc.c"); if (i1 == -1) { PrintError(" ERROR: %s: missing .inc.c in String %s", aNode->mName.begin(), aNode->mTokens[0].begin()); return aNode; } // Filename String _Filename = aNode->mTokens[0].SubString(i0 + 9, i1 - i0 - 9); aNode->mData = LoadTextureFromFile(aGfxData, _Filename); aNode->mLoadIndex = aGfxData->mLoadIndex++; return aNode; } // double quoted String s32 dq0 = aNode->mTokens[0].Find('\"'); if (dq0 != -1) { s32 dq1 = aNode->mTokens[0].Find('\"', dq0 + 1); if (dq1 == -1) { PrintError(" ERROR: %s: missing second quote in String %s", aNode->mName.begin(), aNode->mTokens[0].begin()); return aNode; } // Filename String _Filename = aNode->mTokens[0].SubString(dq0 + 1, dq1 - dq0 - 1); aNode->mData = LoadTextureFromFile(aGfxData, _Filename); aNode->mLoadIndex = aGfxData->mLoadIndex++; return aNode; } // Stream of bytes aNode->mData = New(); aNode->mData->mRawWidth = -1; // Unknown for now, will be set later aNode->mData->mRawHeight = -1; // Unknown for now, will be set later aNode->mData->mRawFormat = -1; // Unknown for now, will be set later aNode->mData->mRawSize = -1; // Unknown for now, will be set later aNode->mData->mRawData.Resize(aNode->mTokens.Count()); for (u64 j = 0; j != aNode->mTokens.Count(); ++j) { aNode->mData->mRawData[j] = aNode->mTokens[j].ParseInt(); } aNode->mLoadIndex = aGfxData->mLoadIndex++; return aNode; } // // Vertices // static DataNode* ParseVertexData(GfxData* aGfxData, DataNode* aNode) { if (aNode->mData) return aNode; // Vertex data aNode->mSize = (u32) (aNode->mTokens.Count() / 10); aNode->mData = New(aNode->mSize); for (u32 i = 0; i != aNode->mSize; ++i) { f32 px = (f32) aNode->mTokens[10 * i + 0].ParseFloat(); f32 py = (f32) aNode->mTokens[10 * i + 1].ParseFloat(); f32 pz = (f32) aNode->mTokens[10 * i + 2].ParseFloat(); u8 fl = (u8) aNode->mTokens[10 * i + 3].ParseInt(); s16 tu = (s16) aNode->mTokens[10 * i + 4].ParseInt(); s16 tv = (s16) aNode->mTokens[10 * i + 5].ParseInt(); u8 nx = (u8) aNode->mTokens[10 * i + 6].ParseInt(); u8 ny = (u8) aNode->mTokens[10 * i + 7].ParseInt(); u8 nz = (u8) aNode->mTokens[10 * i + 8].ParseInt(); u8 a = (u8) aNode->mTokens[10 * i + 9].ParseInt(); aNode->mData[i] = { { { px, py, pz }, fl, { tu, tv }, { nx, ny, nz, a } } }; } aNode->mLoadIndex = aGfxData->mLoadIndex++; return aNode; } // // Display lists // #define gfx_constant(x) if (_Arg == #x) { return (s64) (x); } static s64 ParseGfxSymbolArg(GfxData* aGfxData, DataNode* aNode, u64* pTokenIndex, const char *aPrefix) { assert(aPrefix != NULL); String _Token = (pTokenIndex != NULL ? aNode->mTokens[(*pTokenIndex)++] : ""); String _Arg("%s%s", aPrefix, _Token.begin()); // Offset s32 _Offset = 0; s32 _Plus = _Arg.Find('+'); if (_Plus != -1) { _Offset = _Arg.SubString(_Plus + 1).ParseInt(); _Arg = _Arg.SubString(0, _Plus); } // Constants gfx_constant(NULL); gfx_constant(G_ON); gfx_constant(G_OFF); // Combine modes gfx_constant(G_CCMUX_COMBINED); gfx_constant(G_CCMUX_TEXEL0); gfx_constant(G_CCMUX_TEXEL1); gfx_constant(G_CCMUX_PRIMITIVE); gfx_constant(G_CCMUX_SHADE); gfx_constant(G_CCMUX_ENVIRONMENT); gfx_constant(G_CCMUX_CENTER); gfx_constant(G_CCMUX_SCALE); gfx_constant(G_CCMUX_COMBINED_ALPHA); gfx_constant(G_CCMUX_TEXEL0_ALPHA); gfx_constant(G_CCMUX_TEXEL1_ALPHA); gfx_constant(G_CCMUX_PRIMITIVE_ALPHA); gfx_constant(G_CCMUX_SHADE_ALPHA); gfx_constant(G_CCMUX_ENV_ALPHA); gfx_constant(G_CCMUX_LOD_FRACTION); gfx_constant(G_CCMUX_PRIM_LOD_FRAC); gfx_constant(G_CCMUX_NOISE); gfx_constant(G_CCMUX_K4); gfx_constant(G_CCMUX_K5); gfx_constant(G_CCMUX_1); gfx_constant(G_CCMUX_0); gfx_constant(G_ACMUX_COMBINED); gfx_constant(G_ACMUX_TEXEL0); gfx_constant(G_ACMUX_TEXEL1); gfx_constant(G_ACMUX_PRIMITIVE); gfx_constant(G_ACMUX_SHADE); gfx_constant(G_ACMUX_ENVIRONMENT); gfx_constant(G_ACMUX_LOD_FRACTION); gfx_constant(G_ACMUX_PRIM_LOD_FRAC); gfx_constant(G_ACMUX_1); gfx_constant(G_ACMUX_0); // Light constants gfx_constant(NUMLIGHTS_0); gfx_constant(NUMLIGHTS_1); gfx_constant(NUMLIGHTS_2); gfx_constant(NUMLIGHTS_3); gfx_constant(NUMLIGHTS_4); gfx_constant(NUMLIGHTS_5); gfx_constant(NUMLIGHTS_6); gfx_constant(NUMLIGHTS_7); // Image formats gfx_constant(G_IM_FMT_RGBA); gfx_constant(G_IM_FMT_YUV); gfx_constant(G_IM_FMT_CI); gfx_constant(G_IM_FMT_IA); gfx_constant(G_IM_FMT_I); gfx_constant(G_IM_SIZ_4b); gfx_constant(G_IM_SIZ_8b); gfx_constant(G_IM_SIZ_16b); gfx_constant(G_IM_SIZ_32b); gfx_constant(G_IM_SIZ_DD); // Image constants gfx_constant(G_IM_SIZ_4b_BYTES); gfx_constant(G_IM_SIZ_4b_TILE_BYTES); gfx_constant(G_IM_SIZ_4b_LINE_BYTES); gfx_constant(G_IM_SIZ_8b_BYTES); gfx_constant(G_IM_SIZ_8b_TILE_BYTES); gfx_constant(G_IM_SIZ_8b_LINE_BYTES); gfx_constant(G_IM_SIZ_16b_BYTES); gfx_constant(G_IM_SIZ_16b_TILE_BYTES); gfx_constant(G_IM_SIZ_16b_LINE_BYTES); gfx_constant(G_IM_SIZ_32b_BYTES); gfx_constant(G_IM_SIZ_32b_TILE_BYTES); gfx_constant(G_IM_SIZ_32b_LINE_BYTES); gfx_constant(G_IM_SIZ_4b_LOAD_BLOCK); gfx_constant(G_IM_SIZ_8b_LOAD_BLOCK); gfx_constant(G_IM_SIZ_16b_LOAD_BLOCK); gfx_constant(G_IM_SIZ_32b_LOAD_BLOCK); gfx_constant(G_IM_SIZ_4b_SHIFT); gfx_constant(G_IM_SIZ_8b_SHIFT); gfx_constant(G_IM_SIZ_16b_SHIFT); gfx_constant(G_IM_SIZ_32b_SHIFT); gfx_constant(G_IM_SIZ_4b_INCR); gfx_constant(G_IM_SIZ_8b_INCR); gfx_constant(G_IM_SIZ_16b_INCR); gfx_constant(G_IM_SIZ_32b_INCR); // Tile formats gfx_constant(G_TX_RENDERTILE); gfx_constant(G_TX_LOADTILE); gfx_constant(G_TX_NOMIRROR); gfx_constant(G_TX_WRAP); gfx_constant(G_TX_MIRROR); gfx_constant(G_TX_CLAMP); gfx_constant(G_TX_NOMASK); gfx_constant(G_TX_NOLOD); gfx_constant(G_TX_WRAP|G_TX_NOMIRROR); gfx_constant(G_TX_WRAP|G_TX_MIRROR); gfx_constant(G_TX_CLAMP|G_TX_NOMIRROR); gfx_constant(G_TX_CLAMP|G_TX_MIRROR); // Render modes gfx_constant(G_RM_AA_ZB_OPA_SURF); gfx_constant(G_RM_AA_ZB_OPA_SURF2); gfx_constant(G_RM_AA_ZB_XLU_SURF); gfx_constant(G_RM_AA_ZB_XLU_SURF2); gfx_constant(G_RM_AA_ZB_OPA_DECAL); gfx_constant(G_RM_AA_ZB_OPA_DECAL2); gfx_constant(G_RM_AA_ZB_XLU_DECAL); gfx_constant(G_RM_AA_ZB_XLU_DECAL2); gfx_constant(G_RM_AA_ZB_OPA_INTER); gfx_constant(G_RM_AA_ZB_OPA_INTER2); gfx_constant(G_RM_AA_ZB_XLU_INTER); gfx_constant(G_RM_AA_ZB_XLU_INTER2); gfx_constant(G_RM_AA_ZB_XLU_LINE); gfx_constant(G_RM_AA_ZB_XLU_LINE2); gfx_constant(G_RM_AA_ZB_DEC_LINE); gfx_constant(G_RM_AA_ZB_DEC_LINE2); gfx_constant(G_RM_AA_ZB_TEX_EDGE); gfx_constant(G_RM_AA_ZB_TEX_EDGE2); gfx_constant(G_RM_AA_ZB_TEX_INTER); gfx_constant(G_RM_AA_ZB_TEX_INTER2); gfx_constant(G_RM_AA_ZB_SUB_SURF); gfx_constant(G_RM_AA_ZB_SUB_SURF2); gfx_constant(G_RM_AA_ZB_PCL_SURF); gfx_constant(G_RM_AA_ZB_PCL_SURF2); gfx_constant(G_RM_AA_ZB_OPA_TERR); gfx_constant(G_RM_AA_ZB_OPA_TERR2); gfx_constant(G_RM_AA_ZB_TEX_TERR); gfx_constant(G_RM_AA_ZB_TEX_TERR2); gfx_constant(G_RM_AA_ZB_SUB_TERR); gfx_constant(G_RM_AA_ZB_SUB_TERR2); gfx_constant(G_RM_RA_ZB_OPA_SURF); gfx_constant(G_RM_RA_ZB_OPA_SURF2); gfx_constant(G_RM_RA_ZB_OPA_DECAL); gfx_constant(G_RM_RA_ZB_OPA_DECAL2); gfx_constant(G_RM_RA_ZB_OPA_INTER); gfx_constant(G_RM_RA_ZB_OPA_INTER2); gfx_constant(G_RM_AA_OPA_SURF); gfx_constant(G_RM_AA_OPA_SURF2); gfx_constant(G_RM_AA_XLU_SURF); gfx_constant(G_RM_AA_XLU_SURF2); gfx_constant(G_RM_AA_XLU_LINE); gfx_constant(G_RM_AA_XLU_LINE2); gfx_constant(G_RM_AA_DEC_LINE); gfx_constant(G_RM_AA_DEC_LINE2); gfx_constant(G_RM_AA_TEX_EDGE); gfx_constant(G_RM_AA_TEX_EDGE2); gfx_constant(G_RM_AA_SUB_SURF); gfx_constant(G_RM_AA_SUB_SURF2); gfx_constant(G_RM_AA_PCL_SURF); gfx_constant(G_RM_AA_PCL_SURF2); gfx_constant(G_RM_AA_OPA_TERR); gfx_constant(G_RM_AA_OPA_TERR2); gfx_constant(G_RM_AA_TEX_TERR); gfx_constant(G_RM_AA_TEX_TERR2); gfx_constant(G_RM_AA_SUB_TERR); gfx_constant(G_RM_AA_SUB_TERR2); gfx_constant(G_RM_RA_OPA_SURF); gfx_constant(G_RM_RA_OPA_SURF2); gfx_constant(G_RM_ZB_OPA_SURF); gfx_constant(G_RM_ZB_OPA_SURF2); gfx_constant(G_RM_ZB_XLU_SURF); gfx_constant(G_RM_ZB_XLU_SURF2); gfx_constant(G_RM_ZB_OPA_DECAL); gfx_constant(G_RM_ZB_OPA_DECAL2); gfx_constant(G_RM_ZB_XLU_DECAL); gfx_constant(G_RM_ZB_XLU_DECAL2); gfx_constant(G_RM_ZB_CLD_SURF); gfx_constant(G_RM_ZB_CLD_SURF2); gfx_constant(G_RM_ZB_OVL_SURF); gfx_constant(G_RM_ZB_OVL_SURF2); gfx_constant(G_RM_ZB_PCL_SURF); gfx_constant(G_RM_ZB_PCL_SURF2); gfx_constant(G_RM_OPA_SURF); gfx_constant(G_RM_OPA_SURF2); gfx_constant(G_RM_XLU_SURF); gfx_constant(G_RM_XLU_SURF2); gfx_constant(G_RM_CLD_SURF); gfx_constant(G_RM_CLD_SURF2); gfx_constant(G_RM_TEX_EDGE); gfx_constant(G_RM_TEX_EDGE2); gfx_constant(G_RM_PCL_SURF); gfx_constant(G_RM_PCL_SURF2); gfx_constant(G_RM_ADD); gfx_constant(G_RM_ADD2); gfx_constant(G_RM_NOOP); gfx_constant(G_RM_NOOP2); gfx_constant(G_RM_VISCVG); gfx_constant(G_RM_VISCVG2); gfx_constant(G_RM_OPA_CI); gfx_constant(G_RM_OPA_CI2); gfx_constant(G_RM_CUSTOM_AA_ZB_XLU_SURF); gfx_constant(G_RM_CUSTOM_AA_ZB_XLU_SURF2); gfx_constant(G_RM_FOG_SHADE_A); gfx_constant(G_RM_FOG_PRIM_A); gfx_constant(G_RM_PASS); // Geometry modes gfx_constant(G_ZBUFFER); gfx_constant(G_SHADE); gfx_constant(G_TEXTURE_ENABLE); gfx_constant(G_SHADING_SMOOTH); gfx_constant(G_CULL_FRONT); gfx_constant(G_CULL_BACK); gfx_constant(G_CULL_BOTH); gfx_constant(G_FOG); gfx_constant(G_LIGHTING); gfx_constant(G_TEXTURE_GEN); gfx_constant(G_TEXTURE_GEN_LINEAR); gfx_constant(G_LOD); gfx_constant(G_CLIPPING); gfx_constant(G_FOG|G_TEXTURE_GEN); gfx_constant(G_LIGHTING|G_CULL_BACK); gfx_constant(G_LIGHTING|G_SHADING_SMOOTH); gfx_constant(G_CULL_BACK|G_SHADING_SMOOTH); gfx_constant(G_LIGHTING|G_CULL_BACK|G_SHADING_SMOOTH); gfx_constant(G_TEXTURE_GEN|G_SHADING_SMOOTH); gfx_constant(G_TEXTURE_GEN|G_LIGHTING|G_CULL_BACK); gfx_constant(G_TEXTURE_GEN|G_CULL_BACK|G_SHADING_SMOOTH); // Alpha modes gfx_constant(G_AC_NONE); gfx_constant(G_AC_THRESHOLD); gfx_constant(G_AC_DITHER); // Other modes gfx_constant(G_MDSFT_ALPHACOMPARE); gfx_constant(G_MDSFT_ZSRCSEL); gfx_constant(G_MDSFT_RENDERMODE); gfx_constant(G_MDSFT_BLENDER); gfx_constant(G_MDSFT_BLENDMASK); gfx_constant(G_MDSFT_ALPHADITHER); gfx_constant(G_MDSFT_RGBDITHER); gfx_constant(G_MDSFT_COMBKEY); gfx_constant(G_MDSFT_TEXTCONV); gfx_constant(G_MDSFT_TEXTFILT); gfx_constant(G_MDSFT_TEXTLUT); gfx_constant(G_MDSFT_TEXTLOD); gfx_constant(G_MDSFT_TEXTDETAIL); gfx_constant(G_MDSFT_TEXTPERSP); gfx_constant(G_MDSFT_CYCLETYPE); gfx_constant(G_MDSFT_COLORDITHER); gfx_constant(G_MDSFT_PIPELINE); gfx_constant(G_PM_1PRIMITIVE); gfx_constant(G_PM_NPRIMITIVE); gfx_constant(G_CYC_1CYCLE); gfx_constant(G_CYC_2CYCLE); gfx_constant(G_CYC_COPY); gfx_constant(G_CYC_FILL); gfx_constant(G_TP_NONE); gfx_constant(G_TP_PERSP); gfx_constant(G_TD_CLAMP); gfx_constant(G_TD_SHARPEN); gfx_constant(G_TD_DETAIL); gfx_constant(G_TL_TILE); gfx_constant(G_TL_LOD); gfx_constant(G_TT_NONE); gfx_constant(G_TT_RGBA16); gfx_constant(G_TT_IA16); gfx_constant(G_TF_POINT); gfx_constant(G_TF_AVERAGE); gfx_constant(G_TF_BILERP); gfx_constant(G_TC_CONV); gfx_constant(G_TC_FILTCONV); gfx_constant(G_TC_FILT); gfx_constant(G_CK_NONE); gfx_constant(G_CK_KEY); gfx_constant(G_CD_MAGICSQ); gfx_constant(G_CD_BAYER); gfx_constant(G_CD_NOISE); gfx_constant(G_CD_DISABLE); gfx_constant(G_CD_ENABLE); gfx_constant(G_AD_PATTERN); gfx_constant(G_AD_NOTPATTERN); gfx_constant(G_AD_NOISE); gfx_constant(G_AD_DISABLE); gfx_constant(G_AC_NONE); gfx_constant(G_AC_THRESHOLD); gfx_constant(G_AC_DITHER); gfx_constant(G_ZS_PIXEL); gfx_constant(G_ZS_PRIM); // Common values gfx_constant((4-1)<mLights) { // Light pointer if (_Arg == _Node->mName) { return (s64) ParseLightData(aGfxData, _Node)->mData; } // Ambient pointer String _Ambient("&%s.a", _Node->mName.begin()); if (_Arg == _Ambient) { return (s64) &(ParseLightData(aGfxData, _Node)->mData->a); } // Diffuse pointer String _Diffuse("&%s.l", _Node->mName.begin()); if (_Arg == _Diffuse) { return (s64) &(ParseLightData(aGfxData, _Node)->mData->l[0]); } } // Textures for (auto& _Node : aGfxData->mTextures) { if (_Arg == _Node->mName) { return (s64) ParseTextureData(aGfxData, _Node); } } // Vertex arrays for (auto& _Node : aGfxData->mVertices) { if (_Arg == _Node->mName) { return (s64) (ParseVertexData(aGfxData, _Node)->mData + _Offset); } } // Display lists for (auto& _Node : aGfxData->mDisplayLists) { if (_Arg == _Node->mName) { return (s64) ParseDisplayListData(aGfxData, _Node); } } // Integers s32 x; if ((_Arg[1] == 'x' && sscanf(_Arg.begin(), "%x", &x) == 1) || (sscanf(_Arg.begin(), "%d", &x) == 1)) { return (s64) x; } // Unknown PrintError(" ERROR: Unknown gfx arg: %s", _Arg.begin()); return 0; } #define gfx_symbol_0(symb) \ if (_Symbol == #symb) { \ Gfx _Gfx[] = { symb() }; \ memcpy(aHead, _Gfx, sizeof(_Gfx)); \ aHead += (sizeof(_Gfx) / sizeof(_Gfx[0])); \ return; \ } #define gfx_symbol_1(symb, ptr) \ if (_Symbol == #symb) { \ s64 _Arg0 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); \ if (ptr) { aGfxData->mPointerList.Add(aHead); } \ Gfx _Gfx[] = { symb(_Arg0) }; \ memcpy(aHead, _Gfx, sizeof(_Gfx)); \ aHead += (sizeof(_Gfx) / sizeof(_Gfx[0])); \ return; \ } #define gfx_symbol_2(symb, ptr) \ if (_Symbol == #symb) { \ s64 _Arg0 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); \ s64 _Arg1 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); \ if (ptr) { aGfxData->mPointerList.Add(aHead); } \ Gfx _Gfx[] = { symb(_Arg0, _Arg1) }; \ memcpy(aHead, _Gfx, sizeof(_Gfx)); \ aHead += (sizeof(_Gfx) / sizeof(_Gfx[0])); \ return; \ } #define gfx_symbol_3(symb, ptr) \ if (_Symbol == #symb) { \ s64 _Arg0 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); \ s64 _Arg1 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); \ s64 _Arg2 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); \ if (ptr) { aGfxData->mPointerList.Add(aHead); } \ Gfx _Gfx[] = { symb(_Arg0, _Arg1, _Arg2) }; \ memcpy(aHead, _Gfx, sizeof(_Gfx)); \ aHead += (sizeof(_Gfx) / sizeof(_Gfx[0])); \ return; \ } #define gfx_symbol_4(symb) \ if (_Symbol == #symb) { \ s64 _Arg0 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); \ s64 _Arg1 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); \ s64 _Arg2 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); \ s64 _Arg3 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); \ Gfx _Gfx[] = { symb(_Arg0, _Arg1, _Arg2, _Arg3) }; \ memcpy(aHead, _Gfx, sizeof(_Gfx)); \ aHead += (sizeof(_Gfx) / sizeof(_Gfx[0])); \ return; \ } #define gfx_symbol_5(symb) \ if (_Symbol == #symb) { \ s64 _Arg0 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); \ s64 _Arg1 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); \ s64 _Arg2 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); \ s64 _Arg3 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); \ s64 _Arg4 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); \ Gfx _Gfx[] = { symb(_Arg0, _Arg1, _Arg2, _Arg3, _Arg4) }; \ memcpy(aHead, _Gfx, sizeof(_Gfx)); \ aHead += (sizeof(_Gfx) / sizeof(_Gfx[0])); \ return; \ } #define gfx_symbol_6(symb) \ if (_Symbol == #symb) { \ s64 _Arg0 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); \ s64 _Arg1 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); \ s64 _Arg2 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); \ s64 _Arg3 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); \ s64 _Arg4 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); \ s64 _Arg5 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); \ Gfx _Gfx[] = { symb(_Arg0, _Arg1, _Arg2, _Arg3, _Arg4, _Arg5) }; \ memcpy(aHead, _Gfx, sizeof(_Gfx)); \ aHead += (sizeof(_Gfx) / sizeof(_Gfx[0])); \ return; \ } #define gfx_symbol_7(symb) \ if (_Symbol == #symb) { \ s64 _Arg0 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); \ s64 _Arg1 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); \ s64 _Arg2 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); \ s64 _Arg3 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); \ s64 _Arg4 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); \ s64 _Arg5 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); \ s64 _Arg6 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); \ Gfx _Gfx[] = { symb(_Arg0, _Arg1, _Arg2, _Arg3, _Arg4, _Arg5, _Arg6) }; \ memcpy(aHead, _Gfx, sizeof(_Gfx)); \ aHead += (sizeof(_Gfx) / sizeof(_Gfx[0])); \ return; \ } #define gfx_symbol_8(symb) \ if (_Symbol == #symb) { \ s64 _Arg0 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); \ s64 _Arg1 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); \ s64 _Arg2 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); \ s64 _Arg3 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); \ s64 _Arg4 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); \ s64 _Arg5 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); \ s64 _Arg6 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); \ s64 _Arg7 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); \ Gfx _Gfx[] = { symb(_Arg0, _Arg1, _Arg2, _Arg3, _Arg4, _Arg5, _Arg6, _Arg7) }; \ memcpy(aHead, _Gfx, sizeof(_Gfx)); \ aHead += (sizeof(_Gfx) / sizeof(_Gfx[0])); \ return; \ } #define gfx_arg_with_suffix(argname, suffix) \ const String& argname##_token = aNode->mTokens[aTokenIndex]; \ String _Token##suffix = String("%s%s", argname##_token.begin(), #suffix); \ s64 argname = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, NULL, _Token##suffix.begin()); \ #define STR_VALUE_2(...) #__VA_ARGS__ #define STR_VALUE(...) STR_VALUE_2(__VA_ARGS__) #define gfx_set_combine_mode_arg(x) if (_Arg == #x) { return String("%s", STR_VALUE(x)); } static String ConvertSetCombineModeArgToString(GfxData *aGfxData, const String& _Arg) { gfx_set_combine_mode_arg(G_CC_PRIMITIVE); gfx_set_combine_mode_arg(G_CC_SHADE); gfx_set_combine_mode_arg(G_CC_MODULATEI); gfx_set_combine_mode_arg(G_CC_MODULATEIDECALA); gfx_set_combine_mode_arg(G_CC_MODULATEIFADE); gfx_set_combine_mode_arg(G_CC_MODULATERGB); gfx_set_combine_mode_arg(G_CC_MODULATERGBDECALA); gfx_set_combine_mode_arg(G_CC_MODULATERGBFADE); gfx_set_combine_mode_arg(G_CC_MODULATEIA); gfx_set_combine_mode_arg(G_CC_MODULATEIFADEA); gfx_set_combine_mode_arg(G_CC_MODULATEFADE); gfx_set_combine_mode_arg(G_CC_MODULATERGBA); gfx_set_combine_mode_arg(G_CC_MODULATERGBFADEA); gfx_set_combine_mode_arg(G_CC_MODULATEI_PRIM); gfx_set_combine_mode_arg(G_CC_MODULATEIA_PRIM); gfx_set_combine_mode_arg(G_CC_MODULATEIDECALA_PRIM); gfx_set_combine_mode_arg(G_CC_MODULATERGB_PRIM); gfx_set_combine_mode_arg(G_CC_MODULATERGBA_PRIM); gfx_set_combine_mode_arg(G_CC_MODULATERGBDECALA_PRIM); gfx_set_combine_mode_arg(G_CC_FADE); gfx_set_combine_mode_arg(G_CC_FADEA); gfx_set_combine_mode_arg(G_CC_DECALRGB); gfx_set_combine_mode_arg(G_CC_DECALRGBA); gfx_set_combine_mode_arg(G_CC_DECALFADE); gfx_set_combine_mode_arg(G_CC_DECALFADEA); gfx_set_combine_mode_arg(G_CC_BLENDI); gfx_set_combine_mode_arg(G_CC_BLENDIA); gfx_set_combine_mode_arg(G_CC_BLENDIDECALA); gfx_set_combine_mode_arg(G_CC_BLENDRGBA); gfx_set_combine_mode_arg(G_CC_BLENDRGBDECALA); gfx_set_combine_mode_arg(G_CC_BLENDRGBFADEA); gfx_set_combine_mode_arg(G_CC_ADDRGB); gfx_set_combine_mode_arg(G_CC_ADDRGBDECALA); gfx_set_combine_mode_arg(G_CC_ADDRGBFADE); gfx_set_combine_mode_arg(G_CC_REFLECTRGB); gfx_set_combine_mode_arg(G_CC_REFLECTRGBDECALA); gfx_set_combine_mode_arg(G_CC_HILITERGB); gfx_set_combine_mode_arg(G_CC_HILITERGBA); gfx_set_combine_mode_arg(G_CC_HILITERGBDECALA); gfx_set_combine_mode_arg(G_CC_SHADEDECALA); gfx_set_combine_mode_arg(G_CC_SHADEFADEA); gfx_set_combine_mode_arg(G_CC_BLENDPE); gfx_set_combine_mode_arg(G_CC_BLENDPEDECALA); gfx_set_combine_mode_arg(_G_CC_BLENDPE); gfx_set_combine_mode_arg(_G_CC_BLENDPEDECALA); gfx_set_combine_mode_arg(_G_CC_TWOCOLORTEX); gfx_set_combine_mode_arg(_G_CC_SPARSEST); gfx_set_combine_mode_arg(G_CC_TEMPLERP); gfx_set_combine_mode_arg(G_CC_TRILERP); gfx_set_combine_mode_arg(G_CC_INTERFERENCE); gfx_set_combine_mode_arg(G_CC_1CYUV2RGB); gfx_set_combine_mode_arg(G_CC_YUV2RGB); gfx_set_combine_mode_arg(G_CC_PASS2); gfx_set_combine_mode_arg(G_CC_MODULATEI2); gfx_set_combine_mode_arg(G_CC_MODULATEIA2); gfx_set_combine_mode_arg(G_CC_MODULATERGB2); gfx_set_combine_mode_arg(G_CC_MODULATERGBA2); gfx_set_combine_mode_arg(G_CC_MODULATEI_PRIM2); gfx_set_combine_mode_arg(G_CC_MODULATEIA_PRIM2); gfx_set_combine_mode_arg(G_CC_MODULATERGB_PRIM2); gfx_set_combine_mode_arg(G_CC_MODULATERGBA_PRIM2); gfx_set_combine_mode_arg(G_CC_DECALRGB2); gfx_set_combine_mode_arg(G_CC_BLENDI2); gfx_set_combine_mode_arg(G_CC_BLENDIA2); gfx_set_combine_mode_arg(G_CC_CHROMA_KEY2); gfx_set_combine_mode_arg(G_CC_HILITERGB2); gfx_set_combine_mode_arg(G_CC_HILITERGBA2); gfx_set_combine_mode_arg(G_CC_HILITERGBDECALA2); gfx_set_combine_mode_arg(G_CC_HILITERGBPASSA2); PrintError(" ERROR: Unknown gfx gsDPSetCombineMode arg: %s", _Arg.begin()); return ""; } static Array ParseGfxSetCombineMode(GfxData* aGfxData, DataNode* aNode, u64* pTokenIndex) { String _Buffer = ConvertSetCombineModeArgToString(aGfxData, aNode->mTokens[(*pTokenIndex)++]); Array _Args; String _Token; for (u64 i = 0, n = _Buffer.Length(); i <= n; ++i) { if (i == n || _Buffer[i] == ' ' || _Buffer[i] == '\t' || _Buffer[i] == ',') { if (_Token.Length() != 0) { String _Arg("%s%s", (_Args.Count() < 4 ? "G_CCMUX_" : "G_ACMUX_"), _Token.begin()); _Args.Add(ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, NULL, _Arg.begin())); _Token.Clear(); } } else { _Token.Add(_Buffer[i]); } } if (_Args.Count() < 8) { PrintError(" ERROR: gsDPSetCombineMode %s: Not enough arguments", _Buffer.begin()); } return _Args; } static void UpdateTextureInfo(GfxData* aGfxData, s64 *aTexPtr, s32 aFormat, s32 aSize, s32 aWidth, s32 aHeight) { // Update current texture pointers if (aTexPtr && (*aTexPtr)) { aGfxData->mGfxContext.mCurrentPalette = aGfxData->mGfxContext.mCurrentTexture; aGfxData->mGfxContext.mCurrentTexture = (DataNode*) (*aTexPtr); } // Update texture info if not loaded from a file if (aGfxData->mGfxContext.mCurrentTexture && aGfxData->mGfxContext.mCurrentTexture->mData && aGfxData->mGfxContext.mCurrentTexture->mData->mPngData.Empty()) { if (aFormat != -1) aGfxData->mGfxContext.mCurrentTexture->mData->mRawFormat = aFormat; if (aSize != -1) aGfxData->mGfxContext.mCurrentTexture->mData->mRawSize = aSize; if (aWidth != -1) aGfxData->mGfxContext.mCurrentTexture->mData->mRawWidth = aWidth; if (aHeight != -1) aGfxData->mGfxContext.mCurrentTexture->mData->mRawHeight = aHeight; } } static void ParseGfxSymbol(GfxData* aGfxData, DataNode* aNode, Gfx*& aHead, u64& aTokenIndex) { const String& _Symbol = aNode->mTokens[aTokenIndex++]; // Simple symbols gfx_symbol_0(gsDPFullSync); gfx_symbol_0(gsDPTileSync); gfx_symbol_0(gsDPPipeSync); gfx_symbol_0(gsDPLoadSync); gfx_symbol_0(gsDPNoOp); gfx_symbol_1(gsDPNoOpTag, false); gfx_symbol_1(gsDPSetCycleType, false); gfx_symbol_2(gsSPLight, true); gfx_symbol_3(gsSPVertex, true); gfx_symbol_4(gsSP1Triangle); gfx_symbol_8(gsSP2Triangles); gfx_symbol_1(gsSPNumLights, false); gfx_symbol_1(gsDPSetDepthSource, false); gfx_symbol_1(gsDPSetTextureLUT, false); gfx_symbol_2(gsDPLoadTLUTCmd, false); gfx_symbol_5(gsDPLoadBlock); gfx_symbol_2(gsDPSetRenderMode, false); gfx_symbol_2(gsSPGeometryMode, false); gfx_symbol_6(gsDPSetPrimColor); gfx_symbol_4(gsDPSetEnvColor); gfx_symbol_4(gsDPSetFogColor); gfx_symbol_2(gsSPFogPosition, false); gfx_symbol_1(gsDPSetAlphaCompare, false); #ifdef COOP gfx_symbol_2(gsSPCopyLightEXT, false); #endif // Special symbols if (_Symbol == "gsSPTexture") { s64 _Arg0 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); s64 _Arg1 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); s64 _Arg2 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); s64 _Arg3 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); s64 _Arg4 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); gSPTexture(aHead++, _Arg0, _Arg1, _Arg2, _Arg3, _Arg4); return; } if (_Symbol == "gsSPSetGeometryMode") { s64 _Arg0 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); gSPSetGeometryMode(aHead++, _Arg0); return; } if (_Symbol == "gsSPClearGeometryMode") { s64 _Arg0 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); gSPClearGeometryMode(aHead++, _Arg0); return; } if (_Symbol == "gsSPDisplayList") { s64 _Arg0 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); aGfxData->mPointerList.Add(aHead); gSPDisplayList(aHead++, _Arg0); return; } if (_Symbol == "gsSPBranchList") { s64 _Arg0 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); aGfxData->mPointerList.Add(aHead); gSPBranchList(aHead++, _Arg0); return; } if (_Symbol == "gsSPEndDisplayList") { gSPEndDisplayList(aHead++); // Convert raw texture to PNG if all raw members are set if (aGfxData->mGfxContext.mCurrentTexture != NULL && aGfxData->mGfxContext.mCurrentTexture->mData != NULL && aGfxData->mGfxContext.mCurrentTexture->mData->mPngData.Empty() && aGfxData->mGfxContext.mCurrentTexture->mData->mRawFormat != -1 && aGfxData->mGfxContext.mCurrentTexture->mData->mRawSize != -1 && aGfxData->mGfxContext.mCurrentTexture->mData->mRawWidth != -1 && aGfxData->mGfxContext.mCurrentTexture->mData->mRawHeight != -1) { ConvertTextureDataToPng(aGfxData, aGfxData->mGfxContext.mCurrentTexture->mData); } // End the display list parsing after hitting gsSPEndDisplayList aTokenIndex = 0x7FFFFFFF; return; } // Complex symbols if (_Symbol == "gsSPSetLights1") { Lights1 *_Light = (Lights1 *) ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); gSPNumLights(aHead++, NUMLIGHTS_1); aGfxData->mPointerList.Add(aHead); gSPLight(aHead++, &_Light->l[0], 1); aGfxData->mPointerList.Add(aHead); gSPLight(aHead++, &_Light->a, 2); return; } if (_Symbol == "gsDPSetCombineMode") { Array _Args0 = ParseGfxSetCombineMode(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex); Array _Args1 = ParseGfxSetCombineMode(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex); Gfx _Gfx = {{ _SHIFTL(G_SETCOMBINE, 24, 8) | _SHIFTL(GCCc0w0(_Args0[0x0], _Args0[0x2], _Args0[0x4], _Args0[0x6]) | GCCc1w0(_Args1[0x0], _Args1[0x2]), 0, 24), (u32) (GCCc0w1(_Args0[0x1], _Args0[0x3], _Args0[0x5], _Args0[0x7]) | GCCc1w1(_Args1[0x1], _Args1[0x4], _Args1[0x6], _Args1[0x3], _Args1[0x5], _Args1[0x7])) }}; *(aHead++) = _Gfx; return; } if (_Symbol == "gsDPSetCombineLERP") { s64 _Arg0 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, "G_CCMUX_"); s64 _Arg1 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, "G_CCMUX_"); s64 _Arg2 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, "G_CCMUX_"); s64 _Arg3 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, "G_CCMUX_"); s64 _Arg4 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, "G_ACMUX_"); s64 _Arg5 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, "G_ACMUX_"); s64 _Arg6 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, "G_ACMUX_"); s64 _Arg7 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, "G_ACMUX_"); s64 _Arg8 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, "G_CCMUX_"); s64 _Arg9 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, "G_CCMUX_"); s64 _ArgA = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, "G_CCMUX_"); s64 _ArgB = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, "G_CCMUX_"); s64 _ArgC = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, "G_ACMUX_"); s64 _ArgD = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, "G_ACMUX_"); s64 _ArgE = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, "G_ACMUX_"); s64 _ArgF = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, "G_ACMUX_"); Gfx _Gfx = {{ _SHIFTL(G_SETCOMBINE, 24, 8) | _SHIFTL(GCCc0w0(_Arg0, _Arg2, _Arg4, _Arg6) | GCCc1w0(_Arg8, _ArgA), 0, 24), (u32) (GCCc0w1(_Arg1, _Arg3, _Arg5, _Arg7) | GCCc1w1(_Arg9, _ArgC, _ArgE, _ArgB, _ArgD, _ArgF)) }}; *(aHead++) = _Gfx; return; } // TexData symbols if (_Symbol == "gsDPSetTextureImage") { s64 _Arg0 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); s64 _Arg1 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); s64 _Arg2 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); s64 _Arg3 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); UpdateTextureInfo(aGfxData, &_Arg3, (s32) _Arg0, (s32) _Arg1, -1, -1); aGfxData->mPointerList.Add(aHead); gDPSetTextureImage(aHead++, _Arg0, _Arg1, _Arg2, _Arg3); return; } if (_Symbol == "gsDPSetTile") { s64 _Arg0 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); s64 _Arg1 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); s64 _Arg2 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); s64 _Arg3 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); s64 _Arg4 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); s64 _Arg5 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); s64 _Arg6 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); s64 _Arg7 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); s64 _Arg8 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); s64 _Arg9 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); s64 _ArgA = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); s64 _ArgB = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); UpdateTextureInfo(aGfxData, NULL, (s32) _Arg0, (s32) _Arg1, -1, -1); gDPSetTile(aHead++, _Arg0, _Arg1, _Arg2, _Arg3, _Arg4, _Arg5, _Arg6, _Arg7, _Arg8, _Arg9, _ArgA, _ArgB); return; } if (_Symbol == "gsDPLoadTile") { s64 _Arg0 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); s64 _Arg1 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); s64 _Arg2 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); s64 _Arg3 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); s64 _Arg4 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); UpdateTextureInfo(aGfxData, NULL, -1, -1, (s32) (_Arg3 >> G_TEXTURE_IMAGE_FRAC) + 1, (s32) (_Arg4 >> G_TEXTURE_IMAGE_FRAC) + 1); gDPLoadTile(aHead++, _Arg0, _Arg1, _Arg2, _Arg3, _Arg4); return; } if (_Symbol == "gsDPSetTileSize") { s64 _Arg0 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); s64 _Arg1 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); s64 _Arg2 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); s64 _Arg3 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); s64 _Arg4 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); UpdateTextureInfo(aGfxData, NULL, -1, -1, (s32) (_Arg3 >> G_TEXTURE_IMAGE_FRAC) + 1, (s32) (_Arg4 >> G_TEXTURE_IMAGE_FRAC) + 1); gDPSetTileSize(aHead++, _Arg0, _Arg1, _Arg2, _Arg3, _Arg4); return; } if (_Symbol == "gsDPLoadTextureBlock") { s64 _Arg0 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); s64 _Arg1 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); gfx_arg_with_suffix(arg2_0, _LOAD_BLOCK); gfx_arg_with_suffix(arg2_1, _INCR); gfx_arg_with_suffix(arg2_2, _SHIFT); gfx_arg_with_suffix(arg2_3, _BYTES); gfx_arg_with_suffix(arg2_4, _LINE_BYTES); s64 _Arg2 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); s64 _Arg3 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); s64 _Arg4 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); s64 _Arg5 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); s64 _Arg6 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); s64 _Arg7 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); s64 _Arg8 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); s64 _Arg9 = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); s64 _ArgA = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); s64 _ArgB = ParseGfxSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, &aTokenIndex, ""); UpdateTextureInfo(aGfxData, &_Arg0, (s32) _Arg1, (s32) _Arg2, (s32) _Arg3, (s32) _Arg4); aGfxData->mPointerList.Add(aHead); gDPSetTextureImage(aHead++, _Arg1, arg2_0, 1, _Arg0); gDPSetTile(aHead++, _Arg1, arg2_0, 0, 0, G_TX_LOADTILE, 0, _Arg7, _Arg9, _ArgB, _Arg6, _Arg8, _ArgA); gDPLoadSync(aHead++); gDPLoadBlock(aHead++, G_TX_LOADTILE, 0, 0, (((_Arg3) * (_Arg4) + arg2_1) >> arg2_2) - 1, CALC_DXT(_Arg3, arg2_3)); gDPPipeSync(aHead++); gDPSetTile(aHead++, _Arg1, _Arg2, ((((_Arg3) * arg2_4) + 7) >> 3), 0, G_TX_RENDERTILE, _Arg5, _Arg7, _Arg9, _ArgB, _Arg6, _Arg8, _ArgA); gDPSetTileSize(aHead++, G_TX_RENDERTILE, 0, 0, ((_Arg3) - 1) << G_TEXTURE_IMAGE_FRAC, ((_Arg4) - 1) << G_TEXTURE_IMAGE_FRAC); return; } // Unknown PrintError(" ERROR: Unknown gfx symbol: %s", _Symbol.begin()); } static DataNode* ParseDisplayListData(GfxData* aGfxData, DataNode* aNode) { if (aNode->mData) return aNode; // Display list data aNode->mData = New(aNode->mTokens.Count() * DISPLAY_LIST_SIZE_PER_TOKEN); Gfx* _Head = aNode->mData; for (u64 _TokenIndex = 0; _TokenIndex < aNode->mTokens.Count();) { // Don't increment _TokenIndex here! ParseGfxSymbol(aGfxData, aNode, _Head, _TokenIndex); } aNode->mSize = (u32) (_Head - aNode->mData); aNode->mLoadIndex = aGfxData->mLoadIndex++; return aNode; } // // Geo layouts // #define geo_constant(x) if (_Arg == #x) { return (s64) (x); } static s64 ParseGeoSymbolArg(GfxData* aGfxData, DataNode* aNode, u64& aTokenIndex) { const String& _Arg = aNode->mTokens[aTokenIndex++]; // Geo functions void *_GeoFunctionPtr = DynOS_Geo_GetFunctionPointerFromName(_Arg); if (_GeoFunctionPtr != NULL) { return (s64) _GeoFunctionPtr; } // Layer constants geo_constant(LAYER_FORCE); geo_constant(LAYER_OPAQUE); geo_constant(LAYER_OPAQUE_DECAL); geo_constant(LAYER_OPAQUE_INTER); geo_constant(LAYER_ALPHA); geo_constant(LAYER_TRANSPARENT); geo_constant(LAYER_TRANSPARENT_DECAL); geo_constant(LAYER_TRANSPARENT_INTER); // Background constants geo_constant(BACKGROUND_OCEAN_SKY); geo_constant(BACKGROUND_FLAMING_SKY); geo_constant(BACKGROUND_UNDERWATER_CITY); geo_constant(BACKGROUND_BELOW_CLOUDS); geo_constant(BACKGROUND_SNOW_MOUNTAINS); geo_constant(BACKGROUND_DESERT); geo_constant(BACKGROUND_HAUNTED); geo_constant(BACKGROUND_GREEN_SKY); geo_constant(BACKGROUND_ABOVE_CLOUDS); geo_constant(BACKGROUND_PURPLE_SKY); // Shadow constants geo_constant(SHADOW_CIRCLE_9_VERTS); geo_constant(SHADOW_CIRCLE_4_VERTS); geo_constant(SHADOW_CIRCLE_4_VERTS_FLAT_UNUSED); geo_constant(SHADOW_SQUARE_PERMANENT); geo_constant(SHADOW_SQUARE_SCALABLE); geo_constant(SHADOW_SQUARE_TOGGLABLE); geo_constant(SHADOW_RECTANGLE_HARDCODED_OFFSET); geo_constant(SHADOW_CIRCLE_PLAYER); // Other constants geo_constant(NULL); geo_constant(SCREEN_WIDTH); geo_constant(SCREEN_HEIGHT); geo_constant(SCREEN_WIDTH/2); geo_constant(SCREEN_HEIGHT/2); // Display lists for (auto& _Node : aGfxData->mDisplayLists) { if (_Arg == _Node->mName) { return (s64) ParseDisplayListData(aGfxData, _Node); } } // Geo layouts for (auto& _Node : aGfxData->mGeoLayouts) { if (_Arg == _Node->mName) { return (s64) ParseGeoLayoutData(aGfxData, _Node, false)->mData; } } // Integers s32 x; if ((_Arg[1] == 'x' && sscanf(_Arg.begin(), "%x", &x) == 1) || (sscanf(_Arg.begin(), "%d", &x) == 1)) { return (s64) x; } // Unknown PrintError(" ERROR: Unknown geo arg: %s", _Arg.begin()); return 0; } #define geo_symbol_0(symb) \ if (_Symbol == #symb) { \ GeoLayout _Gl[] = { symb() }; \ memcpy(aHead, _Gl, sizeof(_Gl)); \ aHead += (sizeof(_Gl) / sizeof(_Gl[0])); \ return; \ } #define geo_symbol_1(symb, n) \ if (_Symbol == #symb) { \ s64 _Arg0 = ParseGeoSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, aTokenIndex); \ if (n != 0) { aGfxData->mPointerList.Add(aHead + n); } \ GeoLayout _Gl[] = { symb(_Arg0) }; \ memcpy(aHead, _Gl, sizeof(_Gl)); \ aHead += (sizeof(_Gl) / sizeof(_Gl[0])); \ return; \ } #define geo_symbol_2(symb, n) \ if (_Symbol == #symb) { \ s64 _Arg0 = ParseGeoSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, aTokenIndex); \ s64 _Arg1 = ParseGeoSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, aTokenIndex); \ if (n != 0) { aGfxData->mPointerList.Add(aHead + n); } \ GeoLayout _Gl[] = { symb(_Arg0, _Arg1) }; \ memcpy(aHead, _Gl, sizeof(_Gl)); \ aHead += (sizeof(_Gl) / sizeof(_Gl[0])); \ return; \ } #define geo_symbol_3(symb, n) \ if (_Symbol == #symb) { \ s64 _Arg0 = ParseGeoSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, aTokenIndex); \ s64 _Arg1 = ParseGeoSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, aTokenIndex); \ s64 _Arg2 = ParseGeoSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, aTokenIndex); \ if (n != 0) { aGfxData->mPointerList.Add(aHead + n); } \ GeoLayout _Gl[] = { symb(_Arg0, _Arg1, _Arg2) }; \ memcpy(aHead, _Gl, sizeof(_Gl)); \ aHead += (sizeof(_Gl) / sizeof(_Gl[0])); \ return; \ } #define geo_symbol_4(symb, n) \ if (_Symbol == #symb) { \ s64 _Arg0 = ParseGeoSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, aTokenIndex); \ s64 _Arg1 = ParseGeoSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, aTokenIndex); \ s64 _Arg2 = ParseGeoSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, aTokenIndex); \ s64 _Arg3 = ParseGeoSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, aTokenIndex); \ if (n != 0) { aGfxData->mPointerList.Add(aHead + n); } \ GeoLayout _Gl[] = { symb(_Arg0, _Arg1, _Arg2, _Arg3) }; \ memcpy(aHead, _Gl, sizeof(_Gl)); \ aHead += (sizeof(_Gl) / sizeof(_Gl[0])); \ return; \ } #define geo_symbol_5(symb, n) \ if (_Symbol == #symb) { \ s64 _Arg0 = ParseGeoSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, aTokenIndex); \ s64 _Arg1 = ParseGeoSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, aTokenIndex); \ s64 _Arg2 = ParseGeoSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, aTokenIndex); \ s64 _Arg3 = ParseGeoSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, aTokenIndex); \ s64 _Arg4 = ParseGeoSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, aTokenIndex); \ if (n != 0) { aGfxData->mPointerList.Add(aHead + n); } \ GeoLayout _Gl[] = { symb(_Arg0, _Arg1, _Arg2, _Arg3, _Arg4) }; \ memcpy(aHead, _Gl, sizeof(_Gl)); \ aHead += (sizeof(_Gl) / sizeof(_Gl[0])); \ return; \ } #define geo_symbol_6(symb, n) \ if (_Symbol == #symb) { \ s64 _Arg0 = ParseGeoSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, aTokenIndex); \ s64 _Arg1 = ParseGeoSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, aTokenIndex); \ s64 _Arg2 = ParseGeoSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, aTokenIndex); \ s64 _Arg3 = ParseGeoSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, aTokenIndex); \ s64 _Arg4 = ParseGeoSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, aTokenIndex); \ s64 _Arg5 = ParseGeoSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, aTokenIndex); \ if (n != 0) { aGfxData->mPointerList.Add(aHead + n); } \ GeoLayout _Gl[] = { symb(_Arg0, _Arg1, _Arg2, _Arg3, _Arg4, _Arg5) }; \ memcpy(aHead, _Gl, sizeof(_Gl)); \ aHead += (sizeof(_Gl) / sizeof(_Gl[0])); \ return; \ } #define geo_symbol_7(symb, n) \ if (_Symbol == #symb) { \ s64 _Arg0 = ParseGeoSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, aTokenIndex); \ s64 _Arg1 = ParseGeoSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, aTokenIndex); \ s64 _Arg2 = ParseGeoSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, aTokenIndex); \ s64 _Arg3 = ParseGeoSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, aTokenIndex); \ s64 _Arg4 = ParseGeoSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, aTokenIndex); \ s64 _Arg5 = ParseGeoSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, aTokenIndex); \ s64 _Arg6 = ParseGeoSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, aTokenIndex); \ if (n != 0) { aGfxData->mPointerList.Add(aHead + n); } \ GeoLayout _Gl[] = { symb(_Arg0, _Arg1, _Arg2, _Arg3, _Arg4, _Arg5, _Arg6) }; \ memcpy(aHead, _Gl, sizeof(_Gl)); \ aHead += (sizeof(_Gl) / sizeof(_Gl[0])); \ return; \ } #define geo_symbol_8(symb, n) \ if (_Symbol == #symb) { \ s64 _Arg0 = ParseGeoSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, aTokenIndex); \ s64 _Arg1 = ParseGeoSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, aTokenIndex); \ s64 _Arg2 = ParseGeoSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, aTokenIndex); \ s64 _Arg3 = ParseGeoSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, aTokenIndex); \ s64 _Arg4 = ParseGeoSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, aTokenIndex); \ s64 _Arg5 = ParseGeoSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, aTokenIndex); \ s64 _Arg6 = ParseGeoSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, aTokenIndex); \ s64 _Arg7 = ParseGeoSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, aTokenIndex); \ if (n != 0) { aGfxData->mPointerList.Add(aHead + n); } \ GeoLayout _Gl[] = { symb(_Arg0, _Arg1, _Arg2, _Arg3, _Arg4, _Arg5, _Arg6, _Arg7) }; \ memcpy(aHead, _Gl, sizeof(_Gl)); \ aHead += (sizeof(_Gl) / sizeof(_Gl[0])); \ return; \ } static void ParseGeoSymbol(GfxData* aGfxData, DataNode* aNode, GeoLayout*& aHead, u64& aTokenIndex, Array& aSwitchNodes) { const String& _Symbol = aNode->mTokens[aTokenIndex++]; // Restore context after each command if inside a switch if (!aSwitchNodes.Empty() && !aGfxData->mGeoNodeStack.Empty()) { aGfxData->mGfxContext = aGfxData->mGeoNodeStack[aGfxData->mGeoNodeStack.Count() - 1]; } geo_symbol_1(GEO_BRANCH_AND_LINK, 1); geo_symbol_0(GEO_END); geo_symbol_2(GEO_BRANCH, 1); geo_symbol_0(GEO_RETURN); geo_symbol_5(GEO_NODE_SCREEN_AREA, 0); geo_symbol_1(GEO_NODE_ORTHO, 0); geo_symbol_3(GEO_CAMERA_FRUSTUM, 0); geo_symbol_4(GEO_CAMERA_FRUSTUM_WITH_FUNC, 2); geo_symbol_0(GEO_NODE_START); geo_symbol_1(GEO_ZBUFFER, 0); geo_symbol_2(GEO_RENDER_RANGE, 0); geo_symbol_8(GEO_CAMERA, 4); geo_symbol_7(GEO_TRANSLATE_ROTATE, 0); geo_symbol_8(GEO_TRANSLATE_ROTATE_WITH_DL, 4); geo_symbol_4(GEO_TRANSLATE, 0); geo_symbol_5(GEO_TRANSLATE_WITH_DL, 2); geo_symbol_4(GEO_ROTATE, 0); geo_symbol_5(GEO_ROTATE_WITH_DL, 2); geo_symbol_2(GEO_ROTATE_Y, 0); geo_symbol_3(GEO_ROTATE_Y_WITH_DL, 1); geo_symbol_4(GEO_TRANSLATE_NODE, 0); geo_symbol_5(GEO_TRANSLATE_NODE_WITH_DL, 2); geo_symbol_4(GEO_ROTATION_NODE, 0); geo_symbol_5(GEO_ROTATION_NODE_WITH_DL, 2); geo_symbol_5(GEO_ANIMATED_PART, 2); geo_symbol_4(GEO_BILLBOARD_WITH_PARAMS, 0); geo_symbol_5(GEO_BILLBOARD_WITH_PARAMS_AND_DL, 2); geo_symbol_0(GEO_BILLBOARD); geo_symbol_2(GEO_DISPLAY_LIST, 1); geo_symbol_3(GEO_SHADOW, 0); geo_symbol_0(GEO_RENDER_OBJ); geo_symbol_2(GEO_ASM, 1); geo_symbol_2(GEO_BACKGROUND, 1); geo_symbol_1(GEO_BACKGROUND_COLOR, 0); geo_symbol_0(GEO_NOP_1A); geo_symbol_5(GEO_HELD_OBJECT, 2); geo_symbol_2(GEO_SCALE, 0); geo_symbol_3(GEO_SCALE_WITH_DL, 2); geo_symbol_0(GEO_NOP_1E); geo_symbol_0(GEO_NOP_1F); geo_symbol_1(GEO_CULLING_RADIUS, 0); // Switch node if (_Symbol == "GEO_SWITCH_CASE") { // Start a switch aSwitchNodes.Add(0); s64 _Arg0 = ParseGeoSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, aTokenIndex); s64 _Arg1 = ParseGeoSymbolArg(aGfxData, aNode, aTokenIndex); aGfxData->mPointerList.Add(aHead + 1); GeoLayout _Gl[] = { GEO_SWITCH_CASE(_Arg0, _Arg1) }; memcpy(aHead, _Gl, sizeof(_Gl)); aHead += (sizeof(_Gl) / sizeof(_Gl[0])); return; } // Open node if (_Symbol == "GEO_OPEN_NODE") { // We're inside a switch if (!aSwitchNodes.Empty()) { aSwitchNodes[aSwitchNodes.Count() - 1]++; } // Push context aGfxData->mGeoNodeStack.Add(aGfxData->mGfxContext); *(aHead++) = GEO_OPEN_NODE(); return; } // Close node if (_Symbol == "GEO_CLOSE_NODE") { // Are we still inside a switch? if (!aSwitchNodes.Empty()) { aSwitchNodes[aSwitchNodes.Count() - 1]--; // We're not anymore if (aSwitchNodes[aSwitchNodes.Count() - 1] == 0) { aSwitchNodes.Pop(); } } // Pop context if (!aGfxData->mGeoNodeStack.Empty()) { aGfxData->mGfxContext = aGfxData->mGeoNodeStack[aGfxData->mGeoNodeStack.Count() - 1]; aGfxData->mGeoNodeStack.Pop(); } *(aHead++) = GEO_CLOSE_NODE(); return; } // Unknown PrintError(" ERROR: Unknown geo symbol: %s", _Symbol.begin()); } static DataNode* ParseGeoLayoutData(GfxData* aGfxData, DataNode* aNode, bool aDisplayPercent) { if (aNode->mData) return aNode; // Geo layout data aNode->mData = New(aNode->mTokens.Count() * GEO_LAYOUT_SIZE_PER_TOKEN); GeoLayout* _Head = aNode->mData; Array _SwitchNodes; for (u64 _TokenIndex = 0; _TokenIndex < aNode->mTokens.Count();) { // Don't increment _TokenIndex here! ParseGeoSymbol(aGfxData, aNode, _Head, _TokenIndex, _SwitchNodes); if (aDisplayPercent && aGfxData->mErrorCount == 0) { PrintNoNewLine("%3d%%\b\b\b\b", (s32) (_TokenIndex * 100) / aNode->mTokens.Count()); } } if (aDisplayPercent && aGfxData->mErrorCount == 0) { Print("100%%"); } aNode->mSize = (u32)(_Head - aNode->mData); aNode->mLoadIndex = aGfxData->mLoadIndex++; return aNode; } // // Animation files // static void ScanAnimationDataFile(GfxData *aGfxData, const SysPath &aFilename) { FILE *_File = fopen(aFilename.c_str(), "rb"); if (!_File) { PrintError(" ERROR: Unable to open file \"%s\"", aFilename.c_str()); } // Load file into a buffer while removing all comments char *_FileBuffer = LoadFileBuffer(_File, NULL); fclose(_File); // Parse animation data u8 _DataType = DATA_TYPE_NONE; String _DataName; bool _IsData = false; Array _Data; Array _Tokens = Split(_FileBuffer, " []()=&,;\t\r\n\b"); for (const auto &_Token : _Tokens) { // Data type if (_DataType == DATA_TYPE_NONE) { if (_Token == "s16" || _Token == "u16" || _Token == "s16") { _DataType = DATA_TYPE_ANIMATION_VALUE; } else if (_Token == "Animation") { _DataType = DATA_TYPE_ANIMATION; } } // Data name else if (_DataName.Empty()) { _DataName = _Token; if (_DataType == DATA_TYPE_ANIMATION_VALUE && (_DataName.Find("index") != -1 || _DataName.Find("indices") != -1)) { _DataType = DATA_TYPE_ANIMATION_INDEX; } } // Is data? else if (!_IsData) { if (_Token == "{") { _IsData = true; } } // Data else { if (_Token == "}") { switch (_DataType) { case DATA_TYPE_ANIMATION_VALUE: { AnimBuffer *_AnimValues = New>(); _AnimValues->first = _DataName; for (const auto &_Value : _Data) { _AnimValues->second.Add(_Value.ParseInt()); } aGfxData->mAnimValues.Add(_AnimValues); } break; case DATA_TYPE_ANIMATION_INDEX: { AnimBuffer *_AnimIndices = New>(); _AnimIndices->first = _DataName; for (const auto &_Index : _Data) { _AnimIndices->second.Add(_Index.ParseInt()); } aGfxData->mAnimIndices.Add(_AnimIndices); } break; case DATA_TYPE_ANIMATION: { if (_Data.Count() < 10) { PrintError(" ERROR: %s: Not enough data", _DataName.begin()); break; } DataNode *_Node = New>(); _Node->mName = _DataName; _Node->mData = New(); _Node->mData->mFlags = (s16) _Data[0].ParseInt(); _Node->mData->mUnk02 = (s16) _Data[1].ParseInt(); _Node->mData->mUnk04 = (s16) _Data[2].ParseInt(); _Node->mData->mUnk06 = (s16) _Data[3].ParseInt(); _Node->mData->mUnk08 = (s16) _Data[4].ParseInt(); _Node->mData->mUnk0A.first = _Data[6]; // 5 is "ANIMINDEX_NUMPARTS" _Node->mData->mValues.first = _Data[7]; _Node->mData->mIndex.first = _Data[8]; _Node->mData->mLength = (u32) _Data[9].ParseInt(); aGfxData->mAnimations.Add(_Node); } break; } _DataType = DATA_TYPE_NONE; _DataName.Clear(); _IsData = false; _Data.Clear(); } else { _Data.Add(_Token); } } } Delete(_FileBuffer); } static void ScanAnimationTableFile(GfxData *aGfxData, const SysPath &aFilename) { FILE *_File = fopen(aFilename.c_str(), "rb"); if (!_File) { PrintError(" ERROR: Unable to open file \"%s\"", aFilename.c_str()); } // Load file into a buffer while removing all comments char *_FileBuffer = LoadFileBuffer(_File, NULL); fclose(_File); // Retrieve animation names bool _IsAnimName = false; Array _Tokens = Split(_FileBuffer, " =&,;\t\r\n\b"); for (const auto &_Token : _Tokens) { if (_Token == "{") { _IsAnimName = true; } else if (_Token == "}") { _IsAnimName = false; } else if (_IsAnimName) { aGfxData->mAnimationTable.Add({ _Token, NULL }); } } Delete(_FileBuffer); } static void ScanAnimationFolder(GfxData *aGfxData, const SysPath &aAnimsFolder) { DIR *_AnimsDir = opendir(aAnimsFolder.c_str()); if (!_AnimsDir) return; struct dirent *_AnimsEnt = NULL; while ((_AnimsEnt = readdir(_AnimsDir)) != NULL) { // Skip if (SysPath(_AnimsEnt->d_name) == ".") continue; if (SysPath(_AnimsEnt->d_name) == "..") continue; if (SysPath(_AnimsEnt->d_name) == "data.inc.c") continue; // Animation file SysPath _AnimsFilename = fstring("%s/%s", aAnimsFolder.c_str(), _AnimsEnt->d_name); if (fs_sys_file_exists(_AnimsFilename.c_str())) { // Table file if (SysPath(_AnimsEnt->d_name) == "table.inc.c") { ScanAnimationTableFile(aGfxData, _AnimsFilename); } // Data file else { ScanAnimationDataFile(aGfxData, _AnimsFilename); } } } closedir(_AnimsDir); } // // Read & Generate // // Free data pointers, but keep nodes and tokens intact // Delete nodes generated from GfxDynCmds template static void ClearGfxDataNodes(DataNodes &aDataNodes) { for (s32 i = aDataNodes.Count(); i != 0; --i) { Delete(aDataNodes[i - 1]->mData); } } static DataNode *GetGeoLayout(GfxData *aGfxData, const String& aGeoRoot) { for (DataNode *_Node : aGfxData->mGeoLayouts) { if (_Node->mName == aGeoRoot) { return _Node; } } return NULL; } static String GetActorFolder(const Array> &aActorsFolders, u64 aModelIdentifier) { for (const auto &_Pair : aActorsFolders) { if (_Pair.first == aModelIdentifier) { return _Pair.second; } } return String(); } #ifdef COOP static bool DynOS_Gfx_GeneratePack_Internal(const SysPath &aPackFolder, Array> _ActorsFolders, GfxData *_GfxData, bool onlyConsiderActors) { bool generated = false; for (auto &_GeoNode : _GfxData->mGeoLayouts) { String _GeoRootName = _GeoNode->mName; const void* actor = DynOS_Geo_GetActorLayoutFromName(_GeoRootName.begin()); if (onlyConsiderActors && actor == NULL) { continue; } if (!onlyConsiderActors && _GeoNode != _GfxData->mGeoLayouts[_GfxData->mGeoLayouts.Count() - 1]) { continue; } DataNode *_GeoRoot = GetGeoLayout(_GfxData, _GeoRootName); if (_GeoRoot != NULL) { // If there is an existing binary file for this layout, skip and go to the next actor SysPath _BinFilename = fstring("%s/%s.bin", aPackFolder.c_str(), _GeoRootName.begin()); if (fs_sys_file_exists(_BinFilename.c_str())) { continue; } // Init _GfxData->mLoadIndex = 0; _GfxData->mErrorCount = 0; _GfxData->mModelIdentifier = _GeoRoot->mModelIdentifier; _GfxData->mPackFolder = aPackFolder; _GfxData->mPointerList = { NULL }; // The NULL pointer is needed, so we add it here _GfxData->mGfxContext.mCurrentTexture = NULL; _GfxData->mGfxContext.mCurrentPalette = NULL; _GfxData->mGeoNodeStack.Clear(); // Parse data PrintNoNewLine("%s.bin: Model identifier: %X - Processing... ", _GeoRootName.begin(), _GfxData->mModelIdentifier); ParseGeoLayoutData(_GfxData, _GeoRoot, true); // Init animation data for (auto &_AnimBuffer : _GfxData->mAnimValues) Delete(_AnimBuffer); for (auto &_AnimBuffer : _GfxData->mAnimIndices) Delete(_AnimBuffer); for (auto &_AnimNode : _GfxData->mAnimations) Delete(_AnimNode); _GfxData->mAnimValues.Clear(); _GfxData->mAnimIndices.Clear(); _GfxData->mAnimations.Clear(); _GfxData->mAnimationTable.Clear(); // Scan anims folder for animation data String _ActorFolder = GetActorFolder(_ActorsFolders, _GfxData->mModelIdentifier); SysPath _AnimsFolder = fstring("%s/%s/anims", aPackFolder.c_str(), _ActorFolder.begin()); ScanAnimationFolder(_GfxData, _AnimsFolder); // Create table for player model animations if ((_GeoRootName == "mario_geo" || _GeoRootName == "luigi_geo" || _GeoRootName == "toad_player_geo" || _GeoRootName == "wario_geo" || _GeoRootName == "waluigi_geo") && !_GfxData->mAnimations.Empty()) { _GfxData->mAnimationTable.Resize(256); for (s32 i = 0; i != 256; ++i) { String _AnimName("anim_%02X", i); if (_GfxData->mAnimations.FindIf([&_AnimName](const DataNode *aNode) { return aNode->mName == _AnimName; }) != -1) { _GfxData->mAnimationTable[i] = { _AnimName, NULL }; } else { _GfxData->mAnimationTable[i] = { "NULL", NULL }; } } } // Write if no error if (_GfxData->mErrorCount == 0) { DynOS_Gfx_WriteBinary(_BinFilename, _GfxData); } else { Print(" %u error(s): Unable to parse data", _GfxData->mErrorCount); } // Clear data pointers ClearGfxDataNodes(_GfxData->mLights); ClearGfxDataNodes(_GfxData->mTextures); ClearGfxDataNodes(_GfxData->mVertices); ClearGfxDataNodes(_GfxData->mDisplayLists); ClearGfxDataNodes(_GfxData->mGeoLayouts); generated = true; } } return generated; } #endif void DynOS_Gfx_GeneratePack(const SysPath &aPackFolder) { Print("---------- Pack folder: \"%s\" ----------", aPackFolder.c_str()); Array> _ActorsFolders; GfxData *_GfxData = New(); // Read all the model.inc.c files and geo.inc.c files from the subfolders of the pack folder // Animations are processed separately DIR *aPackDir = opendir(aPackFolder.c_str()); if (aPackDir) { struct dirent *_PackEnt = NULL; while ((_PackEnt = readdir(aPackDir)) != NULL) { // Skip . and .. if (SysPath(_PackEnt->d_name) == ".") continue; if (SysPath(_PackEnt->d_name) == "..") continue; // For each subfolder, read tokens from model.inc.c and geo.inc.c SysPath _Folder = fstring("%s/%s", aPackFolder.c_str(), _PackEnt->d_name); if (fs_sys_dir_exists(_Folder.c_str())) { _GfxData->mModelIdentifier = 0; ScanModelFile(_GfxData, fstring("%s/model.inc.c", _Folder.c_str())); ScanModelFile(_GfxData, fstring("%s/geo.inc.c", _Folder.c_str())); if (_GfxData->mModelIdentifier != 0) { _ActorsFolders.Add({ _GfxData->mModelIdentifier, String(_PackEnt->d_name) }); } } } closedir(aPackDir); } // Generate a binary file for each actor found in the GfxData #ifdef COOP bool foundActor = DynOS_Gfx_GeneratePack_Internal(aPackFolder, _ActorsFolders, _GfxData, true); if (!foundActor) { DynOS_Gfx_GeneratePack_Internal(aPackFolder, _ActorsFolders, _GfxData, false); } #else for (s32 i = 0; i != DynOS_Geo_GetActorCount(); ++i) { String _GeoRootName = DynOS_Geo_GetActorName(i); DataNode *_GeoRoot = GetGeoLayout(_GfxData, _GeoRootName); if (_GeoRoot != NULL) { // If there is an existing binary file for this layout, skip and go to the next actor SysPath _BinFilename = fstring("%s/%s.bin", aPackFolder.c_str(), _GeoRootName.begin()); if (fs_sys_file_exists(_BinFilename.c_str())) { continue; } // Init _GfxData->mLoadIndex = 0; _GfxData->mErrorCount = 0; _GfxData->mModelIdentifier = _GeoRoot->mModelIdentifier; _GfxData->mPackFolder = aPackFolder; _GfxData->mPointerList = { NULL }; // The NULL pointer is needed, so we add it here _GfxData->mGfxContext.mCurrentTexture = NULL; _GfxData->mGfxContext.mCurrentPalette = NULL; _GfxData->mGeoNodeStack.Clear(); // Parse data PrintNoNewLine("%s.bin: Model identifier: %X - Processing... ", _GeoRootName.begin(), _GfxData->mModelIdentifier); ParseGeoLayoutData(_GfxData, _GeoRoot, true); // Init animation data for (auto &_AnimBuffer : _GfxData->mAnimValues) Delete(_AnimBuffer); for (auto &_AnimBuffer : _GfxData->mAnimIndices) Delete(_AnimBuffer); for (auto &_AnimNode : _GfxData->mAnimations) Delete(_AnimNode); _GfxData->mAnimValues.Clear(); _GfxData->mAnimIndices.Clear(); _GfxData->mAnimations.Clear(); _GfxData->mAnimationTable.Clear(); // Scan anims folder for animation data String _ActorFolder = GetActorFolder(_ActorsFolders, _GfxData->mModelIdentifier); SysPath _AnimsFolder = fstring("%s/%s/anims", aPackFolder.c_str(), _ActorFolder.begin()); ScanAnimationFolder(_GfxData, _AnimsFolder); // Create table for mario_geo animations or luigi_geo animations if ((_GeoRootName == "mario_geo" || _GeoRootName == "luigi_geo") && !_GfxData->mAnimations.Empty()) { _GfxData->mAnimationTable.Resize(256); for (s32 i = 0; i != 256; ++i) { String _AnimName("anim_%02X", i); if (_GfxData->mAnimations.FindIf([&_AnimName](const DataNode *aNode) { return aNode->mName == _AnimName; }) != -1) { _GfxData->mAnimationTable[i] = { _AnimName, NULL }; } else { _GfxData->mAnimationTable[i] = { "NULL", NULL }; } } } // Write if no error if (_GfxData->mErrorCount == 0) { DynOS_Gfx_WriteBinary(_BinFilename, _GfxData); } else { Print(" %u error(s): Unable to parse data", _GfxData->mErrorCount); } // Clear data pointers ClearGfxDataNodes(_GfxData->mLights); ClearGfxDataNodes(_GfxData->mTextures); ClearGfxDataNodes(_GfxData->mVertices); ClearGfxDataNodes(_GfxData->mDisplayLists); ClearGfxDataNodes(_GfxData->mGeoLayouts); } } #endif DynOS_Gfx_Free(_GfxData); } #pragma GCC diagnostic pop