
147 lines
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2023-12-16 18:25:28 +00:00
local characterVoices = {}
local TEX_UNKNOWN_CHAR = get_texture_info("unknown-icon")
local E_MODEL_ARMATURE = smlua_model_util_get_id("armature_geo")
local table_insert = table.insert
local type = type
-- API --
---@param name string|nil Underscores turn into Spaces
---@param description table|nil {"string"}
---@param credit string|nil
---@param color Color|nil {r, g, b}
---@param modelInfo ModelExtendedId|table|nil Use smlua_model_util_get_id()
---@param forceChar CharacterType|nil CT_MARIO, CT_LUIGI, CT_TOAD, CT_WALUIGI, CT_WARIO
---@param lifeIcon TextureInfo|nil Use get_texture_info()
---@return integer
local character_add = function(name, description, credit, color, modelInfo, forceChar, lifeIcon)
table_insert(characterTable, {
name = name and string_space_to_underscore(name) or "Untitled",
description = description and description or {"No description has been provided"},
credit = credit and credit or "Unknown",
color = color and color or menuColorTable[8],
model = modelInfo and (type(modelInfo) == "table" and modelInfo[1] or modelInfo) or E_MODEL_ARMATURE,
capModels = type(modelInfo) == "table" and modelInfo[2] or nil,
forceChar = forceChar and forceChar or CT_MARIO,
lifeIcon = lifeIcon and lifeIcon or TEX_UNKNOWN_CHAR,
return #characterTable
---@param charNum integer Use _G.charSelect.character_get_number_from_string() or _G.charSelect.character_add()'s return value
---@param name string|nil Underscores turn into Spaces
---@param description table|nil {"string"}
---@param credit string|nil
---@param color Color|nil {r, g, b}
---@param modelInfo ModelExtendedId|integer|table|nil Use smlua_model_util_get_id()
---@param forceChar CharacterType|nil CT_MARIO, CT_LUIGI, CT_TOAD, CT_WALUIGI, CT_WARIO
---@param lifeIcon TextureInfo|nil Use get_texture_info()
local character_edit = function(charNum, name, description, credit, color, modelInfo, forceChar, lifeIcon)
characterTable[charNum] = characterTable[charNum] and {
name = name and string_space_to_underscore(name) or characterTable[charNum].name,
description = description and description or characterTable[charNum].description,
credit = credit and credit or characterTable[charNum].credit,
color = color and color or characterTable[charNum].color,
model = modelInfo and (type(modelInfo) == "table" and modelInfo[1] or modelInfo) or characterTable[charNum].model,
capModels = type(modelInfo) == "table" and modelInfo[2] or characterTable[charNum].capModels,
forceChar = forceChar and forceChar or characterTable[charNum].forceChar,
lifeIcon = lifeIcon and lifeIcon or characterTable[charNum].lifeIcon,
} or nil
---@param modelInfo ModelExtendedId|integer
---@param clips table
local character_add_voice = function(modelInfo, clips)
characterVoices[modelInfo] = clips
---@return table
local character_get_current_table = function ()
return characterTable[currChar]
local character_get_current_model_number = function ()
return currChar
---@param name string
local character_get_number_from_string = function (name)
for i = 2, #characterTable do
if characterTable[i].name == name or characterTable[i].name == string_space_to_underscore(name) then
return i
return false
---@param m MarioState
local character_get_voice = function (m)
return characterVoices[gPlayerSyncTable[m.playerIndex].modelId]
local version_get = function ()
return modVersion
local is_menu_open = function ()
return menu
local hook_allow_menu_open = function (func)
table.insert(allowMenu, func)
local is_options_open = function ()
return options
local optionTableRef = {
openInputs = 1,
menuColor = 2,
anims = 3,
inputLatency = 4,
localModels = 5,
prefToDefault = 6,
local controller = {
buttonDown = 0,
buttonPressed = 0,
extStickX = 0,
extStickY = 0,
rawStickX = 0,
rawStickY = 0,
stickMag = 0,
stickX = 0,
stickY = 0
---@param tableNum integer
local get_status = function (tableNum)
return optionTable[tableNum].toggle
_G.charSelectExists = true -- Ace
_G.charSelect = {
character_add = character_add,
character_edit = character_edit,
character_add_voice = character_add_voice,
character_get_current_table = character_get_current_table,
character_get_current_model_number = character_get_current_model_number,
character_get_number_from_string = character_get_number_from_string,
character_get_voice = character_get_voice,
version_get = version_get,
is_menu_open = is_menu_open,
hook_allow_menu_open = hook_allow_menu_open,
is_options_open = is_options_open,
get_status = get_status,
optionTableRef = optionTableRef,
controller = controller,
2023-12-18 22:01:33 +00:00