2024-01-01 21:13:11 +00:00
-- name: [CS] Extra Characters
2024-03-09 19:22:36 +00:00
-- description: [CS] Extra Characters\nBy Coop Deluxe Team\n\nThis Character Select pack adds other characters from the Mario series! Currently, The only character that has been added is \\#ff46a1\\Toadette\\#dcdcdc\\.
if not _G.charSelectExists then
local first = false
hook_event ( HOOK_ON_LEVEL_INIT , function ( )
if not first then
first = true
play_sound ( SOUND_MENU_CAMERA_BUZZ , gGlobalSoundSource )
djui_chat_message_create ( " \\ #ffffa0 \\ Extra Characters requires Character Select to be enabled. \n Please rehost with it enabled. " )
end )
2024-01-01 21:13:11 +00:00
local E_MODEL_TOADETTE = smlua_model_util_get_id ( " toadette_geo " )
2024-03-09 19:22:36 +00:00
local TEX_TOADETTE = get_texture_info ( " toadette_icon " )
2024-01-01 21:13:11 +00:00
2024-03-09 19:22:36 +00:00
[ CHAR_SOUND_ATTACKED ] = " toadette_hurt_hard.ogg " ,
[ CHAR_SOUND_GROUND_POUND_WAH ] = " toadette_wah.ogg " ,
[ CHAR_SOUND_HAHA ] = " toadette_haahaa.ogg " ,
[ CHAR_SOUND_HAHA_2 ] = " toadette_haahaa.ogg " ,
[ CHAR_SOUND_HERE_WE_GO ] = " toadette_here_we_go.ogg " ,
[ CHAR_SOUND_HOOHOO ] = " toadette_jump.ogg " ,
[ CHAR_SOUND_ON_FIRE ] = " toadette_burning.ogg " ,
[ CHAR_SOUND_OOOF ] = " toadette_oof.ogg " ,
[ CHAR_SOUND_OOOF2 ] = " toadette_oof_2.ogg " ,
[ CHAR_SOUND_PUNCH_HOO ] = " toadette_hoo.ogg " ,
[ CHAR_SOUND_PUNCH_WAH ] = " toadette_wah.ogg " ,
[ CHAR_SOUND_PUNCH_YAH ] = " toadette_yah.ogg " ,
[ CHAR_SOUND_SO_LONGA_BOWSER ] = " toadette_bowser.ogg " ,
[ CHAR_SOUND_TWIRL_BOUNCE ] = " toadette_boing.ogg " ,
[ CHAR_SOUND_WAAAOOOW ] = " toadette_fall.ogg " ,
[ CHAR_SOUND_WAH2 ] = " toadette_jump.ogg " ,
[ CHAR_SOUND_WHOA ] = " toadette_woah.ogg " ,
[ CHAR_SOUND_YAHOO ] = " toadette_yahoo.ogg " ,
[ CHAR_SOUND_YAHOO_WAHA_YIPPEE ] = { " toadette_yahoo.ogg " , " toadette_yippee.ogg " } ,
[ CHAR_SOUND_YAH_WAH_HOO ] = { " toadette_yah.ogg " , " toadette_wah.ogg " , " toadette_hoo.ogg " } ,
[ CHAR_SOUND_OKEY_DOKEY ] = " toadette_okay.ogg " ,
[ CHAR_SOUND_LETS_A_GO ] = " toadette_lets_a_go.ogg " ,
[ CHAR_SOUND_DYING ] = " toadette_dead.ogg " ,
[ CHAR_SOUND_DROWNING ] = " toadette_drowning.ogg " ,
[ CHAR_SOUND_EEUH ] = " toadette_eugh.ogg " ,
[ CHAR_SOUND_MAMA_MIA ] = " toadette_ooh.ogg " ,
[ CHAR_SOUND_DOH ] = " toadette_oof.ogg " ,
[ CHAR_SOUND_HRMM ] = " toadette_pickup.ogg " ,
[ CHAR_SOUND_PANTING ] = " toadette_pant.ogg " ,
[ CHAR_SOUND_UH ] = " toadette_oof.ogg "
2024-01-01 21:13:11 +00:00
2024-03-09 19:22:36 +00:00
_G.charSelect . character_add ( " Toadette " , { " A female toad who debutted in " , " 2003 as a partner for Toad in " , " Mario Kart: Double Dash! " } , " Toadette " , { r = 255 , g = 70 , b = 161 } , E_MODEL_TOADETTE , CT_TOAD , TEX_TOADETTE )
_G.charSelect . character_add_voice ( E_MODEL_TOADETTE , VOICETABLE_TOADETTE )
2024-01-01 21:13:11 +00:00
2024-03-09 19:22:36 +00:00
hook_event ( HOOK_MARIO_UPDATE , function ( m )
if _G.charSelect . character_get_voice ( m ) == VOICETABLE_TOADETTE then _G.charSelect . voice.snore ( m ) end
end )
hook_event ( HOOK_CHARACTER_SOUND , function ( m , sound )
if _G.charSelect . character_get_voice ( m ) == VOICETABLE_TOADETTE then return _G.charSelect . voice.sound ( m , sound ) end
end )