2022-11-05 15:35:56 +01:00

705 lines
24 KiB
Executable file

// Copyright (c) 2016 Klemens D. Morgenstern
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
#include <boost/process/detail/config.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/split.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/case_conv.hpp>
#include <boost/iterator/transform_iterator.hpp>
#include <boost/filesystem/path.hpp>
#if defined(BOOST_POSIX_API)
#include <boost/process/detail/posix/environment.hpp>
#elif defined(BOOST_WINDOWS_API)
#include <boost/process/detail/windows/environment.hpp>
namespace boost { namespace process {
namespace detail {
template<typename Char, typename Environment>
struct const_entry
using value_type = Char ;
using pointer = const value_type * ;
using string_type = std::basic_string<value_type> ;
using range = boost::iterator_range<pointer> ;
using environment_t = Environment ;
std::vector<string_type> to_vector() const
if (_data == nullptr)
return std::vector<string_type>();
std::vector<string_type> data;
auto str = string_type(_data);
struct splitter
bool operator()(wchar_t w) const {return w == api::env_seperator<wchar_t>();}
bool operator()(char c) const {return c == api::env_seperator<char> ();}
} s;
boost::split(data, _data, s);
return data;
string_type to_string() const
if (_data != nullptr)
return string_type(_data);
return string_type();
string_type get_name() const {return string_type(_name.begin(), _name.end());}
explicit const_entry(string_type&& name, pointer data, environment_t & env_) :
_name(std::move(name)), _data(data), _env(&env_) {}
explicit const_entry(string_type &&name, environment_t & env) :
_name(std::move(name)), _data(nullptr), _env(&env) {}
const_entry(const const_entry&) = default;
const_entry& operator=(const const_entry&) = default;
void reload()
auto p = _env->find(_name);
if (p == _env->end())
_data = nullptr;
_data = p->_data;
bool empty() const
return _data == nullptr;
string_type _name;
pointer _data;
environment_t * _env;
template<typename Char, typename Environment>
struct entry : const_entry<Char, Environment>
using father = const_entry<Char, Environment>;
using value_type = typename father::value_type;
using string_type = typename father::string_type;
using pointer = typename father::pointer;
using environment_t = typename father::environment_t;
explicit entry(string_type&& name, pointer data, environment_t & env) :
father(std::move(name), data, env) {}
explicit entry(string_type &&name, environment_t & env_) :
father(std::move(name), env_) {}
entry(const entry&) = default;
entry& operator=(const entry&) = default;
void assign(const string_type &value)
this->_env->set(this->_name, value);
void assign(const std::vector<string_type> &value)
string_type data;
for (auto &v : value)
if (&v != &value.front())
data += api::env_seperator<value_type>();
data += v;
this->_env->set(this->_name, data);
void assign(const std::initializer_list<string_type> &value)
string_type data;
for (auto &v : value)
if (&v != &*value.begin())
data += api::env_seperator<value_type>();
data += v;
this->_env->set(this->_name, data);
void append(const string_type &value)
if (this->_data == nullptr)
this->_env->set(this->_name, value);
string_type st = this->_data;
this->_env->set(this->_name, st + api::env_seperator<value_type>() + value);
void clear()
this->_data = nullptr;
entry &operator=(const string_type & value)
return *this;
entry &operator=(const std::vector<string_type> & value)
return *this;
entry &operator=(const std::initializer_list<string_type> & value)
return *this;
entry &operator+=(const string_type & value)
return *this;
template<typename Char, typename Environment>
struct make_entry
make_entry(const make_entry&) = default;
make_entry& operator=(const make_entry&) = default;
Environment *env;
make_entry(Environment & env) : env(&env) {};
entry<Char, Environment> operator()(const Char* data) const
auto p = data;
while ((*p != equal_sign<Char>()) && (*p != null_char<Char>()))
auto name = std::basic_string<Char>(data, p);
p++; //go behind equal sign
return entry<Char, Environment>(std::move(name), p, *env);
template<typename Char, typename Environment>
struct make_const_entry
make_const_entry(const make_const_entry&) = default;
make_const_entry& operator=(const make_const_entry&) = default;
Environment *env;
make_const_entry(Environment & env) : env(&env) {};
const_entry<Char, Environment> operator()(const Char* data) const
auto p = data;
while ((*p != equal_sign<Char>()) && (*p != null_char<Char>()))
auto name = std::basic_string<Char>(data, p);
p++; //go behind equal sign
return const_entry<Char, Environment>(std::move(name), p, *env);
template<typename Char, template <class> class Implementation = detail::api::basic_environment_impl>
class basic_environment_impl : public Implementation<Char>
Char** _get_end() const
auto p = this->_env_impl;
while (*p != nullptr)
return p;
using string_type = std::basic_string<Char>;
using implementation_type = Implementation<Char>;
using base_type = basic_environment_impl<Char, Implementation>;
using entry_maker = detail::make_entry<Char, base_type>;
using entry_type = detail::entry <Char, base_type>;
using const_entry_type = detail::const_entry <Char, const base_type>;
using const_entry_maker = detail::make_const_entry<Char, const base_type>;
friend entry_type;
friend const_entry_type;
using iterator = boost::transform_iterator< entry_maker, Char**, entry_type, entry_type>;
using const_iterator = boost::transform_iterator<const_entry_maker, Char**, const_entry_type, const_entry_type>;
using size_type = std::size_t;
iterator begin() {return iterator(this->_env_impl, entry_maker(*this));}
const_iterator begin() const {return const_iterator(this->_env_impl, const_entry_maker(*this));}
const_iterator cbegin() const {return const_iterator(this->_env_impl, const_entry_maker(*this));}
iterator end() {return iterator(_get_end(), entry_maker(*this));}
const_iterator end() const {return const_iterator(_get_end(), const_entry_maker(*this));}
const_iterator cend() const {return const_iterator(_get_end(), const_entry_maker(*this));}
iterator find( const string_type& key )
auto p = this->_env_impl;
auto st1 = key + ::boost::process::detail::equal_sign<Char>();
while (*p != nullptr)
if (std::equal(st1.begin(), st1.end(), *p))
return iterator(p, entry_maker(*this));
const_iterator find( const string_type& key ) const
auto p = this->_env_impl;
auto st1 = key + ::boost::process::detail::equal_sign<Char>();
while (*p != nullptr)
if (std::equal(st1.begin(), st1.end(), *p))
return const_iterator(p, const_entry_maker(*this));
std::size_t count(const string_type & st) const
auto p = this->_env_impl;
auto st1 = st + ::boost::process::detail::equal_sign<Char>();
while (*p != nullptr)
if (std::equal(st1.begin(), st1.end(), *p))
return 1u;
return 0u;
void erase(const string_type & id)
std::pair<iterator,bool> emplace(const string_type & id, const string_type & value)
auto f = find(id);
if (f == end())
implementation_type::set(id, value);
return std::pair<iterator, bool>(find(id), true);
return std::pair<iterator, bool>(f, false);
using implementation_type::implementation_type;
using implementation_type::operator=;
using native_handle_type = typename implementation_type::native_handle_type;
using implementation_type::native_handle;
//copy ctor if impl is copy-constructible
bool empty()
return *this->_env_impl == nullptr;
std::size_t size() const
return (_get_end() - this->_env_impl);
void clear()
std::vector<string_type> names;
std::transform(cbegin(), cend(), names.begin(), [](const const_entry_type & cet){return cet.get_name();});
for (auto & nm : names)
entry_type at( const string_type& key )
auto f = find(key);
if (f== end())
throw std::out_of_range(key + " not found");
return *f;
const_entry_type at( const string_type& key ) const
auto f = find(key);
if (f== end())
throw std::out_of_range(key + " not found");
return *f;
entry_type operator[](const string_type & key)
auto p = find(key);
if (p != end())
return *p;
return entry_type(string_type(key), *this);
/**Template representation of environments. It takes a character type (`char` or `wchar_t`)
* as template parameter to implement the environment
template<typename Char>
class basic_environment
typedef std::basic_string<Char> string_type;
typedef boost::transform_iterator< entry_maker, Char**> iterator ;
typedef boost::transform_iterator<const_entry_maker, Char**> const_iterator ;
typedef std::size_t size_type ;
iterator begin() ; ///<Returns an iterator to the beginning
const_iterator begin() const ; ///<Returns an iterator to the beginning
const_iterator cbegin() const ; ///<Returns an iterator to the beginning
iterator end() ; ///<Returns an iterator to the end
const_iterator end() const; ///<Returns an iterator to the end
const_iterator cend() const; ///<Returns an iterator to the end
iterator find( const string_type& key ); ///<Find a variable by its name
const_iterator find( const string_type& key ) const; ///<Find a variable by its name
std::size_t count(const string_type & st) const; ///<Number of variables
void erase(const string_type & id); ///<Erase variable by id.
///Emplace an environment variable.
std::pair<iterator,bool> emplace(const string_type & id, const string_type & value);
///Default constructor
///Copy constructor.
basic_environment(const basic_environment & );
///Move constructor.
basic_environment(basic_environment && );
///Copy assignment.
basic_environment& operator=(const basic_environment & );
///Move assignment.
basic_environment& operator=(basic_environment && );
typedef typename detail::implementation_type::native_handle_type native_handle;
///Check if environment has entries.
bool empty();
///Get the number of variables.
std::size_t size() const;
///Clear the environment. @attention Use with care, passed environment cannot be empty.
void clear();
///Get the entry with the key. Throws if it does not exist.
entry_type at( const string_type& key );
///Get the entry with the key. Throws if it does not exist.
const_entry_type at( const string_type& key ) const;
///Get the entry with the given key. It creates the entry if it doesn't exist.
entry_type operator[](const string_type & key);
/**Proxy class used for read access to members by [] or .at()
* @attention Holds a reference to the environment it was created from.
template<typename Char, typename Environment>
struct const_entry_type
typedef Char value_type;
typedef const value_type * pointer;
typedef std::basic_string<value_type> string_type;
typedef boost::iterator_range<pointer> range;
typedef Environment environment_t;
///Split the entry by ";" or ":" and return it as a vector. Used by PATH.
std::vector<string_type> to_vector() const
///Get the value as string.
string_type to_string() const
///Get the name of this entry.
string_type get_name() const {return string_type(_name.begin(), _name.end());}
///Copy Constructor
const_entry(const const_entry&) = default;
///Move Constructor
const_entry& operator=(const const_entry&) = default;
///Check if the entry is empty.
bool empty() const;
/**Proxy class used for read and write access to members by [] or .at()
* @attention Holds a reference to the environment it was created from.
template<typename Char, typename Environment>
struct entry_type
typedef Char value_type;
typedef const value_type * pointer;
typedef std::basic_string<value_type> string_type;
typedef boost::iterator_range<pointer> range;
typedef Environment environment_t;
///Split the entry by ";" or ":" and return it as a vector. Used by PATH.
std::vector<string_type> to_vector() const
///Get the value as string.
string_type to_string() const
///Get the name of this entry.
string_type get_name() const {return string_type(_name.begin(), _name.end());}
///Copy Constructor
entry(const entry&) = default;
///Move Constructor
entry& operator=(const entry&) = default;
///Check if the entry is empty.
bool empty() const;
///Assign a string to the value
void assign(const string_type &value);
///Assign a set of strings to the entry; they will be separated by ';' or ':'.
void assign(const std::vector<string_type> &value);
///Append a string to the end of the entry, it will separated by ';' or ':'.
void append(const string_type &value);
///Reset the value
void clear();
///Assign a string to the entry.
entry &operator=(const string_type & value);
///Assign a set of strings to the entry; they will be separated by ';' or ':'.
entry &operator=(const std::vector<string_type> & value);
///Append a string to the end of the entry, it will separated by ';' or ':'.
entry &operator+=(const string_type & value);
/**Template representation of the environment of this process. It takes a template
* as template parameter to implement the environment. All instances of this class
* refer to the same environment, but might not get updated if another one makes changes.
template<typename Char>
class basic_native_environment
typedef std::basic_string<Char> string_type;
typedef boost::transform_iterator< entry_maker, Char**> iterator ;
typedef boost::transform_iterator<const_entry_maker, Char**> const_iterator ;
typedef std::size_t size_type ;
iterator begin() ; ///<Returns an iterator to the beginning
const_iterator begin() const ; ///<Returns an iterator to the beginning
const_iterator cbegin() const ; ///<Returns an iterator to the beginning
iterator end() ; ///<Returns an iterator to the end
const_iterator end() const; ///<Returns an iterator to the end
const_iterator cend() const; ///<Returns an iterator to the end
iterator find( const string_type& key ); ///<Find a variable by its name
const_iterator find( const string_type& key ) const; ///<Find a variable by its name
std::size_t count(const string_type & st) const; ///<Number of variables
void erase(const string_type & id); ///<Erase variable by id.
///Emplace an environment variable.
std::pair<iterator,bool> emplace(const string_type & id, const string_type & value);
///Default constructor
///Move constructor.
basic_native_environment(basic_native_environment && );
///Move assignment.
basic_native_environment& operator=(basic_native_environment && );
typedef typename detail::implementation_type::native_handle_type native_handle;
///Check if environment has entries.
bool empty();
///Get the number of variables.
std::size_t size() const;
///Get the entry with the key. Throws if it does not exist.
entry_type at( const string_type& key );
///Get the entry with the key. Throws if it does not exist.
const_entry_type at( const string_type& key ) const;
///Get the entry with the given key. It creates the entry if it doesn't exist.
entry_type operator[](const string_type & key);
/**Proxy class used for read access to members by [] or .at()
* @attention Holds a reference to the environment it was created from.
template<typename Char, typename Environment>
struct const_entry_type
typedef Char value_type;
typedef const value_type * pointer;
typedef std::basic_string<value_type> string_type;
typedef boost::iterator_range<pointer> range;
typedef Environment environment_t;
///Split the entry by ";" or ":" and return it as a vector. Used by PATH.
std::vector<string_type> to_vector() const
///Get the value as string.
string_type to_string() const
///Get the name of this entry.
string_type get_name() const {return string_type(_name.begin(), _name.end());}
///Copy Constructor
const_entry(const const_entry&) = default;
///Move Constructor
const_entry& operator=(const const_entry&) = default;
///Check if the entry is empty.
bool empty() const;
/**Proxy class used for read and write access to members by [] or .at()
* @attention Holds a reference to the environment it was created from.
template<typename Char, typename Environment>
struct entry_type
typedef Char value_type;
typedef const value_type * pointer;
typedef std::basic_string<value_type> string_type;
typedef boost::iterator_range<pointer> range;
typedef Environment environment_t;
///Split the entry by ";" or ":" and return it as a vector. Used by PATH.
std::vector<string_type> to_vector() const
///Get the value as string.
string_type to_string() const
///Get the name of this entry.
string_type get_name() const {return string_type(_name.begin(), _name.end());}
///Copy Constructor
entry(const entry&) = default;
///Move Constructor
entry& operator=(const entry&) = default;
///Check if the entry is empty.
bool empty() const;
///Assign a string to the value
void assign(const string_type &value);
///Assign a set of strings to the entry; they will be separated by ';' or ':'.
void assign(const std::vector<string_type> &value);
///Append a string to the end of the entry, it will separated by ';' or ':'.
void append(const string_type &value);
///Reset the value
void clear();
///Assign a string to the entry.
entry &operator=(const string_type & value);
///Assign a set of strings to the entry; they will be separated by ';' or ':'.
entry &operator=(const std::vector<string_type> & value);
///Append a string to the end of the entry, it will separated by ';' or ':'.
entry &operator+=(const string_type & value);
///Definition of the environment for the current process.
template<typename Char>
class basic_native_environment : public basic_environment_impl<Char, detail::api::native_environment_impl>
using base_type = basic_environment_impl<Char, detail::api::native_environment_impl>;
using base_type::base_type;
using base_type::operator=;
///Type definition to hold a seperate environment.
template<typename Char>
class basic_environment : public basic_environment_impl<Char, detail::api::basic_environment_impl>
using base_type = basic_environment_impl<Char, detail::api::basic_environment_impl>;
using base_type::base_type;
using base_type::operator=;
#if !defined(BOOST_NO_ANSI_APIS)
///Definition of the environment for the current process.
typedef basic_native_environment<char> native_environment;
///Definition of the environment for the current process.
typedef basic_native_environment<wchar_t> wnative_environment;
#if !defined(BOOST_NO_ANSI_APIS)
///Type definition to hold a seperate environment.
typedef basic_environment<char> environment;
///Type definition to hold a seperate environment.
typedef basic_environment<wchar_t> wenvironment;
///Namespace containing information of the calling process.
namespace this_process
///Definition of the native handle type.
typedef ::boost::process::detail::api::native_handle_t native_handle_type;
#if !defined(BOOST_NO_ANSI_APIS)
///Definition of the environment for this process.
using ::boost::process::native_environment;
///Definition of the environment for this process.
using ::boost::process::wnative_environment;
///Get the process id of the current process.
inline int get_id() { return ::boost::process::detail::api::get_id();}
///Get the native handle of the current process.
inline native_handle_type native_handle() { return ::boost::process::detail::api::native_handle();}
#if !defined(BOOST_NO_ANSI_APIS)
///Get the enviroment of the current process.
inline native_environment environment() { return ::boost::process:: native_environment(); }
///Get the enviroment of the current process.
inline wnative_environment wenvironment() { return ::boost::process::wnative_environment(); }
///Get the path environment variable of the current process runs.
inline std::vector<boost::filesystem::path> path()
#if defined(BOOST_WINDOWS_API)
const ::boost::process::wnative_environment ne{};
typedef typename ::boost::process::wnative_environment::const_entry_type value_type;
static constexpr auto id = L"PATH";
const ::boost::process::native_environment ne{};
typedef typename ::boost::process::native_environment::const_entry_type value_type;
static constexpr auto id = "PATH";
auto itr = std::find_if(ne.cbegin(), ne.cend(),
[&](const value_type & e)
{return id == ::boost::to_upper_copy(e.get_name(), ::boost::process::detail::process_locale());});
if (itr == ne.cend())
return {};
auto vec = itr->to_vector();
std::vector<boost::filesystem::path> val;
std::copy(vec.begin(), vec.end(), val.begin());
return val;