#ifdef _WIN32 #include #include #include #include #include "common/dynamic_library.h" #elif defined(__linux__) // ^^^ Windows ^^^ vvv Linux vvv #ifndef _GNU_SOURCE #define _GNU_SOURCE #endif #include #include #include #endif // ^^^ Linux ^^^ #include #include "common/alignment.h" #include "common/assert.h" #include "common/host_memory.h" #include "common/logging/log.h" #include "common/scope_exit.h" namespace Common { constexpr size_t PageAlignment = 0x1000; constexpr size_t HugePageSize = 0x200000; #ifdef _WIN32 // Manually imported for MinGW compatibility #ifndef MEM_RESERVE_PLACEHOLDER #define MEM_RESERVE_PLACEHOLDER 0x0004000 #endif #ifndef MEM_REPLACE_PLACEHOLDER #define MEM_REPLACE_PLACEHOLDER 0x00004000 #endif #ifndef MEM_COALESCE_PLACEHOLDERS #define MEM_COALESCE_PLACEHOLDERS 0x00000001 #endif #ifndef MEM_PRESERVE_PLACEHOLDER #define MEM_PRESERVE_PLACEHOLDER 0x00000002 #endif using PFN_CreateFileMapping2 = _Ret_maybenull_ HANDLE(WINAPI*)( _In_ HANDLE File, _In_opt_ SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES* SecurityAttributes, _In_ ULONG DesiredAccess, _In_ ULONG PageProtection, _In_ ULONG AllocationAttributes, _In_ ULONG64 MaximumSize, _In_opt_ PCWSTR Name, _Inout_updates_opt_(ParameterCount) MEM_EXTENDED_PARAMETER* ExtendedParameters, _In_ ULONG ParameterCount); using PFN_VirtualAlloc2 = _Ret_maybenull_ PVOID(WINAPI*)( _In_opt_ HANDLE Process, _In_opt_ PVOID BaseAddress, _In_ SIZE_T Size, _In_ ULONG AllocationType, _In_ ULONG PageProtection, _Inout_updates_opt_(ParameterCount) MEM_EXTENDED_PARAMETER* ExtendedParameters, _In_ ULONG ParameterCount); using PFN_MapViewOfFile3 = _Ret_maybenull_ __out_data_source(FILE) PVOID(WINAPI*)(_In_ HANDLE FileMapping, _In_opt_ HANDLE Process, _In_opt_ PVOID BaseAddress, _In_ ULONG64 Offset, _In_ SIZE_T ViewSize, _In_ ULONG AllocationType, _In_ ULONG PageProtection, _Inout_updates_opt_(ParameterCount) MEM_EXTENDED_PARAMETER* ExtendedParameters, _In_ ULONG ParameterCount); using PFN_UnmapViewOfFile2 = BOOL(WINAPI*)(_In_ HANDLE Process, _In_ PVOID BaseAddress, _In_ ULONG UnmapFlags); template static void GetFuncAddress(Common::DynamicLibrary& dll, const char* name, T& pfn) { if (!dll.GetSymbol(name, &pfn)) { LOG_CRITICAL(HW_Memory, "Failed to load {}", name); throw std::bad_alloc{}; } } class HostMemory::Impl { public: explicit Impl(size_t backing_size_, size_t virtual_size_) : backing_size{backing_size_}, virtual_size{virtual_size_}, process{GetCurrentProcess()}, kernelbase_dll("Kernelbase") { if (!kernelbase_dll.IsOpen()) { LOG_CRITICAL(HW_Memory, "Failed to load Kernelbase.dll"); throw std::bad_alloc{}; } GetFuncAddress(kernelbase_dll, "CreateFileMapping2", pfn_CreateFileMapping2); GetFuncAddress(kernelbase_dll, "VirtualAlloc2", pfn_VirtualAlloc2); GetFuncAddress(kernelbase_dll, "MapViewOfFile3", pfn_MapViewOfFile3); GetFuncAddress(kernelbase_dll, "UnmapViewOfFile2", pfn_UnmapViewOfFile2); // Allocate backing file map backing_handle = pfn_CreateFileMapping2(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, nullptr, FILE_MAP_WRITE | FILE_MAP_READ, PAGE_READWRITE, SEC_COMMIT, backing_size, nullptr, nullptr, 0); if (!backing_handle) { LOG_CRITICAL(HW_Memory, "Failed to allocate {} MiB of backing memory", backing_size >> 20); throw std::bad_alloc{}; } // Allocate a virtual memory for the backing file map as placeholder backing_base = static_cast(pfn_VirtualAlloc2(process, nullptr, backing_size, MEM_RESERVE | MEM_RESERVE_PLACEHOLDER, PAGE_NOACCESS, nullptr, 0)); if (!backing_base) { Release(); LOG_CRITICAL(HW_Memory, "Failed to reserve {} MiB of virtual memory", backing_size >> 20); throw std::bad_alloc{}; } // Map backing placeholder void* const ret = pfn_MapViewOfFile3(backing_handle, process, backing_base, 0, backing_size, MEM_REPLACE_PLACEHOLDER, PAGE_READWRITE, nullptr, 0); if (ret != backing_base) { Release(); LOG_CRITICAL(HW_Memory, "Failed to map {} MiB of virtual memory", backing_size >> 20); throw std::bad_alloc{}; } // Allocate virtual address placeholder virtual_base = static_cast(pfn_VirtualAlloc2(process, nullptr, virtual_size, MEM_RESERVE | MEM_RESERVE_PLACEHOLDER, PAGE_NOACCESS, nullptr, 0)); if (!virtual_base) { Release(); LOG_CRITICAL(HW_Memory, "Failed to reserve {} GiB of virtual memory", virtual_size >> 30); throw std::bad_alloc{}; } } ~Impl() { Release(); } void Map(size_t virtual_offset, size_t host_offset, size_t length) { std::unique_lock lock{placeholder_mutex}; if (!IsNiechePlaceholder(virtual_offset, length)) { Split(virtual_offset, length); } ASSERT(placeholders.find({virtual_offset, virtual_offset + length}) == placeholders.end()); TrackPlaceholder(virtual_offset, host_offset, length); MapView(virtual_offset, host_offset, length); } void Unmap(size_t virtual_offset, size_t length) { std::lock_guard lock{placeholder_mutex}; // Unmap until there are no more placeholders while (UnmapOnePlaceholder(virtual_offset, length)) { } } void Protect(size_t virtual_offset, size_t length, bool read, bool write) { DWORD new_flags{}; if (read && write) { new_flags = PAGE_READWRITE; } else if (read && !write) { new_flags = PAGE_READONLY; } else if (!read && !write) { new_flags = PAGE_NOACCESS; } else { UNIMPLEMENTED_MSG("Protection flag combination read={} write={}", read, write); } const size_t virtual_end = virtual_offset + length; std::lock_guard lock{placeholder_mutex}; auto [it, end] = placeholders.equal_range({virtual_offset, virtual_end}); while (it != end) { const size_t offset = std::max(it->lower(), virtual_offset); const size_t protect_length = std::min(it->upper(), virtual_end) - offset; DWORD old_flags{}; if (!VirtualProtect(virtual_base + offset, protect_length, new_flags, &old_flags)) { LOG_CRITICAL(HW_Memory, "Failed to change virtual memory protect rules"); } ++it; } } const size_t backing_size; ///< Size of the backing memory in bytes const size_t virtual_size; ///< Size of the virtual address placeholder in bytes u8* backing_base{}; u8* virtual_base{}; private: /// Release all resources in the object void Release() { if (!placeholders.empty()) { for (const auto& placeholder : placeholders) { if (!pfn_UnmapViewOfFile2(process, virtual_base + placeholder.lower(), MEM_PRESERVE_PLACEHOLDER)) { LOG_CRITICAL(HW_Memory, "Failed to unmap virtual memory placeholder"); } } Coalesce(0, virtual_size); } if (virtual_base) { if (!VirtualFree(virtual_base, 0, MEM_RELEASE)) { LOG_CRITICAL(HW_Memory, "Failed to free virtual memory"); } } if (backing_base) { if (!pfn_UnmapViewOfFile2(process, backing_base, MEM_PRESERVE_PLACEHOLDER)) { LOG_CRITICAL(HW_Memory, "Failed to unmap backing memory placeholder"); } if (!VirtualFreeEx(process, backing_base, 0, MEM_RELEASE)) { LOG_CRITICAL(HW_Memory, "Failed to free backing memory"); } } if (!CloseHandle(backing_handle)) { LOG_CRITICAL(HW_Memory, "Failed to free backing memory file handle"); } } /// Unmap one placeholder in the given range (partial unmaps are supported) /// Return true when there are no more placeholders to unmap bool UnmapOnePlaceholder(size_t virtual_offset, size_t length) { const auto it = placeholders.find({virtual_offset, virtual_offset + length}); const auto begin = placeholders.begin(); const auto end = placeholders.end(); if (it == end) { return false; } const size_t placeholder_begin = it->lower(); const size_t placeholder_end = it->upper(); const size_t unmap_begin = std::max(virtual_offset, placeholder_begin); const size_t unmap_end = std::min(virtual_offset + length, placeholder_end); ASSERT(unmap_begin >= placeholder_begin && unmap_begin < placeholder_end); ASSERT(unmap_end <= placeholder_end && unmap_end > placeholder_begin); const auto host_pointer_it = placeholder_host_pointers.find(placeholder_begin); ASSERT(host_pointer_it != placeholder_host_pointers.end()); const size_t host_offset = host_pointer_it->second; const bool split_left = unmap_begin > placeholder_begin; const bool split_right = unmap_end < placeholder_end; if (!pfn_UnmapViewOfFile2(process, virtual_base + placeholder_begin, MEM_PRESERVE_PLACEHOLDER)) { LOG_CRITICAL(HW_Memory, "Failed to unmap placeholder"); } // If we have to remap memory regions due to partial unmaps, we are in a data race as // Windows doesn't support remapping memory without unmapping first. Avoid adding any extra // logic within the panic region described below. // Panic region, we are in a data race right now if (split_left || split_right) { Split(unmap_begin, unmap_end - unmap_begin); } if (split_left) { MapView(placeholder_begin, host_offset, unmap_begin - placeholder_begin); } if (split_right) { MapView(unmap_end, host_offset + unmap_end - placeholder_begin, placeholder_end - unmap_end); } // End panic region size_t coalesce_begin = unmap_begin; if (!split_left) { // Try to coalesce pages to the left coalesce_begin = it == begin ? 0 : std::prev(it)->upper(); if (coalesce_begin != placeholder_begin) { Coalesce(coalesce_begin, unmap_end - coalesce_begin); } } if (!split_right) { // Try to coalesce pages to the right const auto next = std::next(it); const size_t next_begin = next == end ? virtual_size : next->lower(); if (placeholder_end != next_begin) { // We can coalesce to the right Coalesce(coalesce_begin, next_begin - coalesce_begin); } } // Remove and reinsert placeholder trackers UntrackPlaceholder(it); if (split_left) { TrackPlaceholder(placeholder_begin, host_offset, unmap_begin - placeholder_begin); } if (split_right) { TrackPlaceholder(unmap_end, host_offset + unmap_end - placeholder_begin, placeholder_end - unmap_end); } return true; } void MapView(size_t virtual_offset, size_t host_offset, size_t length) { if (!pfn_MapViewOfFile3(backing_handle, process, virtual_base + virtual_offset, host_offset, length, MEM_REPLACE_PLACEHOLDER, PAGE_READWRITE, nullptr, 0)) { LOG_CRITICAL(HW_Memory, "Failed to map placeholder"); } } void Split(size_t virtual_offset, size_t length) { if (!VirtualFreeEx(process, reinterpret_cast(virtual_base + virtual_offset), length, MEM_RELEASE | MEM_PRESERVE_PLACEHOLDER)) { LOG_CRITICAL(HW_Memory, "Failed to split placeholder"); } } void Coalesce(size_t virtual_offset, size_t length) { if (!VirtualFreeEx(process, reinterpret_cast(virtual_base + virtual_offset), length, MEM_RELEASE | MEM_COALESCE_PLACEHOLDERS)) { LOG_CRITICAL(HW_Memory, "Failed to coalesce placeholders"); } } void TrackPlaceholder(size_t virtual_offset, size_t host_offset, size_t length) { placeholders.insert({virtual_offset, virtual_offset + length}); placeholder_host_pointers.emplace(virtual_offset, host_offset); } void UntrackPlaceholder(boost::icl::separate_interval_set::iterator it) { placeholders.erase(it); placeholder_host_pointers.erase(it->lower()); } /// Return true when a given memory region is a "nieche" and the placeholders don't have to be /// splitted. bool IsNiechePlaceholder(size_t virtual_offset, size_t length) const { const auto it = placeholders.upper_bound({virtual_offset, virtual_offset + length}); if (it != placeholders.end() && it->lower() == virtual_offset + length) { const bool is_root = it == placeholders.begin() && virtual_offset == 0; return is_root || std::prev(it)->upper() == virtual_offset; } return false; } HANDLE process{}; ///< Current process handle HANDLE backing_handle{}; ///< File based backing memory DynamicLibrary kernelbase_dll; PFN_CreateFileMapping2 pfn_CreateFileMapping2{}; PFN_VirtualAlloc2 pfn_VirtualAlloc2{}; PFN_MapViewOfFile3 pfn_MapViewOfFile3{}; PFN_UnmapViewOfFile2 pfn_UnmapViewOfFile2{}; std::mutex placeholder_mutex; ///< Mutex for placeholders boost::icl::separate_interval_set placeholders; ///< Mapped placeholders std::unordered_map placeholder_host_pointers; ///< Placeholder backing offset }; #elif defined(__linux__) // ^^^ Windows ^^^ vvv Linux vvv class HostMemory::Impl { public: explicit Impl(size_t backing_size_, size_t virtual_size_) : backing_size{backing_size_}, virtual_size{virtual_size_} { bool good = false; SCOPE_EXIT({ if (!good) { Release(); } }); // Backing memory initialization fd = memfd_create("HostMemory", 0); if (fd == -1) { LOG_CRITICAL(HW_Memory, "memfd_create failed: {}", strerror(errno)); throw std::bad_alloc{}; } // Defined to extend the file with zeros int ret = ftruncate(fd, backing_size); if (ret != 0) { LOG_CRITICAL(HW_Memory, "ftruncate failed with {}, are you out-of-memory?", strerror(errno)); throw std::bad_alloc{}; } backing_base = static_cast( mmap(nullptr, backing_size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0)); if (backing_base == MAP_FAILED) { LOG_CRITICAL(HW_Memory, "mmap failed: {}", strerror(errno)); throw std::bad_alloc{}; } // Virtual memory initialization virtual_base = static_cast( mmap(nullptr, virtual_size, PROT_NONE, MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0)); if (virtual_base == MAP_FAILED) { LOG_CRITICAL(HW_Memory, "mmap failed: {}", strerror(errno)); throw std::bad_alloc{}; } good = true; } ~Impl() { Release(); } void Map(size_t virtual_offset, size_t host_offset, size_t length) { void* ret = mmap(virtual_base + virtual_offset, length, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED | MAP_FIXED, fd, host_offset); ASSERT_MSG(ret != MAP_FAILED, "mmap failed: {}", strerror(errno)); } void Unmap(size_t virtual_offset, size_t length) { // The method name is wrong. We're still talking about the virtual range. // We don't want to unmap, we want to reserve this memory. void* ret = mmap(virtual_base + virtual_offset, length, PROT_NONE, MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS | MAP_FIXED, -1, 0); ASSERT_MSG(ret != MAP_FAILED, "mmap failed: {}", strerror(errno)); } void Protect(size_t virtual_offset, size_t length, bool read, bool write) { int flags = 0; if (read) { flags |= PROT_READ; } if (write) { flags |= PROT_WRITE; } int ret = mprotect(virtual_base + virtual_offset, length, flags); ASSERT_MSG(ret == 0, "mprotect failed: {}", strerror(errno)); } const size_t backing_size; ///< Size of the backing memory in bytes const size_t virtual_size; ///< Size of the virtual address placeholder in bytes u8* backing_base{reinterpret_cast(MAP_FAILED)}; u8* virtual_base{reinterpret_cast(MAP_FAILED)}; private: /// Release all resources in the object void Release() { if (virtual_base != MAP_FAILED) { int ret = munmap(virtual_base, virtual_size); ASSERT_MSG(ret == 0, "munmap failed: {}", strerror(errno)); } if (backing_base != MAP_FAILED) { int ret = munmap(backing_base, backing_size); ASSERT_MSG(ret == 0, "munmap failed: {}", strerror(errno)); } if (fd != -1) { int ret = close(fd); ASSERT_MSG(ret == 0, "close failed: {}", strerror(errno)); } } int fd{-1}; // memfd file descriptor, -1 is the error value of memfd_create }; #else // ^^^ Linux ^^^ #error Please implement the host memory for your platform #endif HostMemory::HostMemory(size_t backing_size_, size_t virtual_size_) : backing_size(backing_size_), virtual_size(virtual_size_), impl{std::make_unique( AlignUp(backing_size, PageAlignment), AlignUp(virtual_size, PageAlignment) + 3 * HugePageSize)}, backing_base{impl->backing_base}, virtual_base{impl->virtual_base} { virtual_base += 2 * HugePageSize - 1; virtual_base -= reinterpret_cast(virtual_base) & (HugePageSize - 1); virtual_base_offset = virtual_base - impl->virtual_base; } HostMemory::~HostMemory() = default; HostMemory::HostMemory(HostMemory&&) noexcept = default; HostMemory& HostMemory::operator=(HostMemory&&) noexcept = default; void HostMemory::Map(size_t virtual_offset, size_t host_offset, size_t length) { ASSERT(virtual_offset % PageAlignment == 0); ASSERT(host_offset % PageAlignment == 0); ASSERT(length % PageAlignment == 0); ASSERT(virtual_offset + length <= virtual_size); ASSERT(host_offset + length <= backing_size); if (length == 0) { return; } impl->Map(virtual_offset + virtual_base_offset, host_offset, length); } void HostMemory::Unmap(size_t virtual_offset, size_t length) { ASSERT(virtual_offset % PageAlignment == 0); ASSERT(length % PageAlignment == 0); ASSERT(virtual_offset + length <= virtual_size); if (length == 0) { return; } impl->Unmap(virtual_offset + virtual_base_offset, length); } void HostMemory::Protect(size_t virtual_offset, size_t length, bool read, bool write) { ASSERT(virtual_offset % PageAlignment == 0); ASSERT(length % PageAlignment == 0); ASSERT(virtual_offset + length <= virtual_size); if (length == 0) { return; } impl->Protect(virtual_offset + virtual_base_offset, length, read, write); } } // namespace Common