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2020-12-28 15:15:37 +00:00
/// SoundTouch - main class for tempo/pitch/rate adjusting routines.
/// Notes:
/// - Initialize the SoundTouch object instance by setting up the sound stream
/// parameters with functions 'setSampleRate' and 'setChannels', then set
/// desired tempo/pitch/rate settings with the corresponding functions.
/// - The SoundTouch class behaves like a first-in-first-out pipeline: The
/// samples that are to be processed are fed into one of the pipe by calling
/// function 'putSamples', while the ready processed samples can be read
/// from the other end of the pipeline with function 'receiveSamples'.
/// - The SoundTouch processing classes require certain sized 'batches' of
/// samples in order to process the sound. For this reason the classes buffer
/// incoming samples until there are enough of samples available for
/// processing, then they carry out the processing step and consequently
/// make the processed samples available for outputting.
/// - For the above reason, the processing routines introduce a certain
/// 'latency' between the input and output, so that the samples input to
/// SoundTouch may not be immediately available in the output, and neither
/// the amount of outputtable samples may not immediately be in direct
/// relationship with the amount of previously input samples.
/// - The tempo/pitch/rate control parameters can be altered during processing.
/// Please notice though that they aren't currently protected by semaphores,
/// so in multi-thread application external semaphore protection may be
/// required.
/// - This class utilizes classes 'TDStretch' for tempo change (without modifying
/// pitch) and 'RateTransposer' for changing the playback rate (that is, both
/// tempo and pitch in the same ratio) of the sound. The third available control
/// 'pitch' (change pitch but maintain tempo) is produced by a combination of
/// combining the two other controls.
/// Author : Copyright (c) Olli Parviainen
/// Author e-mail : oparviai 'at'
/// SoundTouch WWW:
// Last changed : $Date: 2017-07-30 12:35:00 +0300 (su, 30 heinä 2017) $
// File revision : $Revision: 4 $
// $Id: SoundTouch.h 253 2017-07-30 09:35:00Z oparviai $
// License :
// SoundTouch audio processing library
// Copyright (c) Olli Parviainen
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#ifndef SoundTouch_H
#define SoundTouch_H
#include "FIFOSamplePipe.h"
#include "STTypes.h"
namespace soundtouch
/// Soundtouch library version string
#define SOUNDTOUCH_VERSION "2.0.0"
/// SoundTouch library version id
// Available setting IDs for the 'setSetting' & 'get_setting' functions:
/// Enable/disable anti-alias filter in pitch transposer (0 = disable)
/// Pitch transposer anti-alias filter length (8 .. 128 taps, default = 32)
/// Enable/disable quick seeking algorithm in tempo changer routine
/// (enabling quick seeking lowers CPU utilization but causes a minor sound
/// quality compromising)
/// Time-stretch algorithm single processing sequence length in milliseconds. This determines
/// to how long sequences the original sound is chopped in the time-stretch algorithm.
/// See "STTypes.h" or README for more information.
/// Time-stretch algorithm seeking window length in milliseconds for algorithm that finds the
/// best possible overlapping location. This determines from how wide window the algorithm
/// may look for an optimal joining location when mixing the sound sequences back together.
/// See "STTypes.h" or README for more information.
/// Time-stretch algorithm overlap length in milliseconds. When the chopped sound sequences
/// are mixed back together, to form a continuous sound stream, this parameter defines over
/// how long period the two consecutive sequences are let to overlap each other.
/// See "STTypes.h" or README for more information.
/// Call "getSetting" with this ID to query processing sequence size in samples.
/// This value gives approximate value of how many input samples you'll need to
/// feed into SoundTouch after initial buffering to get out a new batch of
/// output samples.
/// This value does not include initial buffering at beginning of a new processing
/// stream, use SETTING_INITIAL_LATENCY to get the initial buffering size.
/// Notices:
/// - This is read-only parameter, i.e. setSetting ignores this parameter
/// - This parameter value is not constant but change depending on
/// tempo/pitch/rate/samplerate settings.
/// Call "getSetting" with this ID to query nominal average processing output
/// size in samples. This value tells approcimate value how many output samples
/// SoundTouch outputs once it does DSP processing run for a batch of input samples.
/// Notices:
/// - This is read-only parameter, i.e. setSetting ignores this parameter
/// - This parameter value is not constant but change depending on
/// tempo/pitch/rate/samplerate settings.
/// Call "getSetting" with this ID to query initial processing latency, i.e.
/// approx. how many samples you'll need to enter to SoundTouch pipeline before
/// you can expect to get first batch of ready output samples out.
/// After the first output batch, you can then expect to get approx.
/// SETTING_NOMINAL_OUTPUT_SEQUENCE ready samples out for every
/// SETTING_NOMINAL_INPUT_SEQUENCE samples that you enter into SoundTouch.
/// Example:
/// processing with parameter -tempo=5
/// => initial latency = 5509 samples
/// input sequence = 4167 samples
/// output sequence = 3969 samples
/// Accordingly, you can expect to feed in approx. 5509 samples at beginning of
/// the stream, and then you'll get out the first 3969 samples. After that, for
/// every approx. 4167 samples that you'll put in, you'll receive again approx.
/// 3969 samples out.
/// This also means that average latency during stream processing is
/// INITIAL_LATENCY-OUTPUT_SEQUENCE/2, in the above example case 5509-3969/2
/// = 3524 samples
/// Notices:
/// - This is read-only parameter, i.e. setSetting ignores this parameter
/// - This parameter value is not constant but change depending on
/// tempo/pitch/rate/samplerate settings.
class SoundTouch : public FIFOProcessor
/// Rate transposer class instance
class RateTransposer *pRateTransposer;
/// Time-stretch class instance
class TDStretch *pTDStretch;
/// Virtual pitch parameter. Effective rate & tempo are calculated from these parameters.
double virtualRate;
/// Virtual pitch parameter. Effective rate & tempo are calculated from these parameters.
double virtualTempo;
/// Virtual pitch parameter. Effective rate & tempo are calculated from these parameters.
double virtualPitch;
/// Flag: Has sample rate been set?
bool bSrateSet;
/// Accumulator for how many samples in total will be expected as output vs. samples put in,
/// considering current processing settings.
double samplesExpectedOut;
/// Accumulator for how many samples in total have been read out from the processing so far
long samplesOutput;
/// Calculates effective rate & tempo valuescfrom 'virtualRate', 'virtualTempo' and
/// 'virtualPitch' parameters.
void calcEffectiveRateAndTempo();
protected :
/// Number of channels
uint channels;
/// Effective 'rate' value calculated from 'virtualRate', 'virtualTempo' and 'virtualPitch'
double rate;
/// Effective 'tempo' value calculated from 'virtualRate', 'virtualTempo' and 'virtualPitch'
double tempo;
virtual ~SoundTouch();
/// Get SoundTouch library version string
static const char *getVersionString();
/// Get SoundTouch library version Id
static uint getVersionId();
/// Sets new rate control value. Normal rate = 1.0, smaller values
/// represent slower rate, larger faster rates.
void setRate(double newRate);
/// Sets new tempo control value. Normal tempo = 1.0, smaller values
/// represent slower tempo, larger faster tempo.
void setTempo(double newTempo);
/// Sets new rate control value as a difference in percents compared
/// to the original rate (-50 .. +100 %)
void setRateChange(double newRate);
/// Sets new tempo control value as a difference in percents compared
/// to the original tempo (-50 .. +100 %)
void setTempoChange(double newTempo);
/// Sets new pitch control value. Original pitch = 1.0, smaller values
/// represent lower pitches, larger values higher pitch.
void setPitch(double newPitch);
/// Sets pitch change in octaves compared to the original pitch
/// (-1.00 .. +1.00)
void setPitchOctaves(double newPitch);
/// Sets pitch change in semi-tones compared to the original pitch
/// (-12 .. +12)
void setPitchSemiTones(int newPitch);
void setPitchSemiTones(double newPitch);
/// Sets the number of channels, 1 = mono, 2 = stereo
void setChannels(uint numChannels);
/// Sets sample rate.
void setSampleRate(uint srate);
/// Get ratio between input and output audio durations, useful for calculating
/// processed output duration: if you'll process a stream of N samples, then
/// you can expect to get out N * getInputOutputSampleRatio() samples.
/// This ratio will give accurate target duration ratio for a full audio track,
/// given that the the whole track is processed with same processing parameters.
/// If this ratio is applied to calculate intermediate offsets inside a processing
/// stream, then this ratio is approximate and can deviate +- some tens of milliseconds
/// from ideal offset, yet by end of the audio stream the duration ratio will become
/// exact.
/// Example: if processing with parameters "-tempo=15 -pitch=-3", the function
/// will return value 0.8695652... Now, if processing an audio stream whose duration
/// is exactly one million audio samples, then you can expect the processed
/// output duration be 0.869565 * 1000000 = 869565 samples.
double getInputOutputSampleRatio();
/// Flushes the last samples from the processing pipeline to the output.
/// Clears also the internal processing buffers.
/// Note: This function is meant for extracting the last samples of a sound
/// stream. This function may introduce additional blank samples in the end
/// of the sound stream, and thus it's not recommended to call this function
/// in the middle of a sound stream.
void flush();
/// Adds 'numSamples' pcs of samples from the 'samples' memory position into
/// the input of the object. Notice that sample rate _has_to_ be set before
/// calling this function, otherwise throws a runtime_error exception.
virtual void putSamples(
const SAMPLETYPE *samples, ///< Pointer to sample buffer.
uint numSamples ///< Number of samples in buffer. Notice
///< that in case of stereo-sound a single sample
///< contains data for both channels.
/// Output samples from beginning of the sample buffer. Copies requested samples to
/// output buffer and removes them from the sample buffer. If there are less than
/// 'numsample' samples in the buffer, returns all that available.
/// \return Number of samples returned.
virtual uint receiveSamples(SAMPLETYPE *output, ///< Buffer where to copy output samples.
uint maxSamples ///< How many samples to receive at max.
/// Adjusts book-keeping so that given number of samples are removed from beginning of the
/// sample buffer without copying them anywhere.
/// Used to reduce the number of samples in the buffer when accessing the sample buffer directly
/// with 'ptrBegin' function.
virtual uint receiveSamples(uint maxSamples ///< Remove this many samples from the beginning of pipe.
/// Clears all the samples in the object's output and internal processing
/// buffers.
virtual void clear();
/// Changes a setting controlling the processing system behaviour. See the
/// 'SETTING_...' defines for available setting ID's.
/// \return 'true' if the setting was succesfully changed
bool setSetting(int settingId, ///< Setting ID number. see SETTING_... defines.
int value ///< New setting value.
/// Reads a setting controlling the processing system behaviour. See the
/// 'SETTING_...' defines for available setting ID's.
/// \return the setting value.
int getSetting(int settingId ///< Setting ID number, see SETTING_... defines.
) const;
/// Returns number of samples currently unprocessed.
virtual uint numUnprocessedSamples() const;
/// Return number of channels
uint numChannels() const
return channels;
/// Other handy functions that are implemented in the ancestor classes (see
/// classes 'FIFOProcessor' and 'FIFOSamplePipe')
/// - receiveSamples() : Use this function to receive 'ready' processed samples from SoundTouch.
/// - numSamples() : Get number of 'ready' samples that can be received with
/// function 'receiveSamples()'
/// - isEmpty() : Returns nonzero if there aren't any 'ready' samples.
/// - clear() : Clears all samples from ready/processing buffers.