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2020-12-28 15:15:37 +00:00
#!/usr/bin/python3 -i
# Copyright (c) 2013-2020 The Khronos Group Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
"""Base class for source/header/doc generators, as well as some utility functions."""
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import io
import os
import pdb
import re
import shutil
import sys
import tempfile
from pathlib import Path
except ImportError:
from pathlib2 import Path
from spec_tools.util import getElemName, getElemType
def write(*args, **kwargs):
file = kwargs.pop('file', sys.stdout)
end = kwargs.pop('end', '\n')
file.write(' '.join(str(arg) for arg in args))
def noneStr(s):
"""Return string argument, or "" if argument is None.
Used in converting etree Elements into text.
s - string to convert"""
if s:
return s
return ""
def enquote(s):
"""Return string argument with surrounding quotes,
for serialization into Python code."""
if s:
return "'{}'".format(s)
return None
def regSortCategoryKey(feature):
"""Sort key for regSortFeatures.
Sorts by category of the feature name string:
- Core API features (those defined with a `<feature>` tag)
- ARB/KHR/OES (Khronos extensions)
- other (EXT/vendor extensions)"""
if feature.elem.tag == 'feature':
return 0
if (feature.category == 'ARB'
or feature.category == 'KHR'
or feature.category == 'OES'):
return 1
return 2
def regSortOrderKey(feature):
"""Sort key for regSortFeatures - key is the sortorder attribute."""
# print("regSortOrderKey {} -> {}".format(, feature.sortorder))
return feature.sortorder
def regSortFeatureVersionKey(feature):
"""Sort key for regSortFeatures - key is the feature version.
`<extension>` elements all have version number 0."""
return float(feature.versionNumber)
def regSortExtensionNumberKey(feature):
"""Sort key for regSortFeatures - key is the extension number.
`<feature>` elements all have extension number 0."""
return int(feature.number)
def regSortFeatures(featureList):
"""Default sort procedure for features.
- Sorts by explicit sort order (default 0) relative to other features
- then by feature category ('feature' or 'extension'),
- then by version number (for features)
- then by extension number (for extensions)"""
class GeneratorOptions:
"""Base class for options used during header/documentation production.
These options are target language independent, and used by
Registry.apiGen() and by base OutputGenerator objects."""
def __init__(self,
- conventions - may be mandatory for some generators:
an object that implements ConventionsBase
- filename - basename of file to generate, or None to write to stdout.
- directory - directory in which to generate files
- genpath - path to previously generated files, such as
- apiname - string matching `<api>` 'apiname' attribute, e.g. 'gl'.
- profile - string specifying API profile , e.g. 'core', or None.
- versions - regex matching API versions to process interfaces for.
Normally `'.*'` or `'[0-9][.][0-9]'` to match all defined versions.
- emitversions - regex matching API versions to actually emit
interfaces for (though all requested versions are considered
when deciding which interfaces to generate). For GL 4.3 glext.h,
this might be `'1[.][2-5]|[2-4][.][0-9]'`.
- defaultExtensions - If not None, a string which must in its
entirety match the pattern in the "supported" attribute of
the `<extension>`. Defaults to None. Usually the same as apiname.
- addExtensions - regex matching names of additional extensions
to include. Defaults to None.
- removeExtensions - regex matching names of extensions to
remove (after defaultExtensions and addExtensions). Defaults
to None.
- emitExtensions - regex matching names of extensions to actually emit
interfaces for (though all requested versions are considered when
deciding which interfaces to generate).
- reparentEnums - move <enum> elements which extend an enumerated
type from <feature> or <extension> elements to the target <enums>
element. This is required for almost all purposes, but the
InterfaceGenerator relies on the list of interfaces in the <feature>
or <extension> being complete. Defaults to True.
- sortProcedure - takes a list of FeatureInfo objects and sorts
them in place to a preferred order in the generated output.
Default is core API versions, ARB/KHR/OES extensions, all other
extensions, by core API version number or extension number in each
The regex patterns can be None or empty, in which case they match
self.conventions = conventions
"""may be mandatory for some generators:
an object that implements ConventionsBase"""
self.filename = filename
"basename of file to generate, or None to write to stdout."
self.genpath = genpath
"""path to previously generated files, such as""" = directory
"directory in which to generate filename"
self.apiname = apiname
"string matching `<api>` 'apiname' attribute, e.g. 'gl'."
self.profile = profile
"string specifying API profile , e.g. 'core', or None."
self.versions = self.emptyRegex(versions)
"""regex matching API versions to process interfaces for.
Normally `'.*'` or `'[0-9][.][0-9]'` to match all defined versions."""
self.emitversions = self.emptyRegex(emitversions)
"""regex matching API versions to actually emit
interfaces for (though all requested versions are considered
when deciding which interfaces to generate). For GL 4.3 glext.h,
this might be `'1[.][2-5]|[2-4][.][0-9]'`."""
self.defaultExtensions = defaultExtensions
"""If not None, a string which must in its
entirety match the pattern in the "supported" attribute of
the `<extension>`. Defaults to None. Usually the same as apiname."""
self.addExtensions = self.emptyRegex(addExtensions)
"""regex matching names of additional extensions
to include. Defaults to None."""
self.removeExtensions = self.emptyRegex(removeExtensions)
"""regex matching names of extensions to
remove (after defaultExtensions and addExtensions). Defaults
to None."""
self.emitExtensions = self.emptyRegex(emitExtensions)
"""regex matching names of extensions to actually emit
interfaces for (though all requested versions are considered when
deciding which interfaces to generate)."""
self.reparentEnums = reparentEnums
"""boolean specifying whether to remove <enum> elements from
<feature> or <extension> when extending an <enums> type."""
self.sortProcedure = sortProcedure
"""takes a list of FeatureInfo objects and sorts
them in place to a preferred order in the generated output.
Default is core API versions, ARB/KHR/OES extensions, all
other extensions, alphabetically within each group."""
self.codeGenerator = False
"""True if this generator makes compilable code"""
def emptyRegex(self, pat):
"""Substitute a regular expression which matches no version
or extension names for None or the empty string."""
if not pat:
return '_nomatch_^'
return pat
class OutputGenerator:
"""Generate specified API interfaces in a specific style, such as a C header.
Base class for generating API interfaces.
Manages basic logic, logging, and output file control.
Derived classes actually generate formatted output.
# categoryToPath - map XML 'category' to include file directory name
categoryToPath = {
'bitmask': 'flags',
'enum': 'enums',
'funcpointer': 'funcpointers',
'handle': 'handles',
'define': 'defines',
'basetype': 'basetypes',
def __init__(self, errFile=sys.stderr, warnFile=sys.stderr, diagFile=sys.stdout):
- errFile, warnFile, diagFile - file handles to write errors,
warnings, diagnostics to. May be None to not write."""
self.outFile = None
self.errFile = errFile
self.warnFile = warnFile
self.diagFile = diagFile
# Internal state
self.featureName = None
self.genOpts = None
self.registry = None
self.featureDictionary = {}
# Used for extension enum value generation
self.extBase = 1000000000
self.extBlockSize = 1000
self.madeDirs = {}
# API dictionary, which may be loaded by the beginFile method of
# derived generators.
self.apidict = None
def logMsg(self, level, *args):
"""Write a message of different categories to different
- `level`
- 'diag' (diagnostic, voluminous)
- 'warn' (warning)
- 'error' (fatal error - raises exception after logging)
- `*args` - print()-style arguments to direct to corresponding log"""
if level == 'error':
strfile = io.StringIO()
write('ERROR:', *args, file=strfile)
if self.errFile is not None:
write(strfile.getvalue(), file=self.errFile)
raise UserWarning(strfile.getvalue())
elif level == 'warn':
if self.warnFile is not None:
write('WARNING:', *args, file=self.warnFile)
elif level == 'diag':
if self.diagFile is not None:
write('DIAG:', *args, file=self.diagFile)
raise UserWarning(
'*** FATAL ERROR in Generator.logMsg: unknown level:' + level)
def enumToValue(self, elem, needsNum):
"""Parse and convert an `<enum>` tag into a value.
Returns a list:
- first element - integer representation of the value, or None
if needsNum is False. The value must be a legal number
if needsNum is True.
- second element - string representation of the value
There are several possible representations of values.
- A 'value' attribute simply contains the value.
- A 'bitpos' attribute defines a value by specifying the bit
position which is set in that value.
- An 'offset','extbase','extends' triplet specifies a value
as an offset to a base value defined by the specified
'extbase' extension name, which is then cast to the
typename specified by 'extends'. This requires probing
the registry database, and imbeds knowledge of the
API extension enum scheme in this function.
- An 'alias' attribute contains the name of another enum
which this is an alias of. The other enum must be
declared first when emitting this enum."""
name = elem.get('name')
numVal = None
if 'value' in elem.keys():
value = elem.get('value')
# print('About to translate value =', value, 'type =', type(value))
if needsNum:
numVal = int(value, 0)
# If there's a non-integer, numeric 'type' attribute (e.g. 'u' or
# 'ull'), append it to the string value.
# t = enuminfo.elem.get('type')
# if t is not None and t != '' and t != 'i' and t != 's':
# value += enuminfo.type
self.logMsg('diag', 'Enum', name, '-> value [', numVal, ',', value, ']')
return [numVal, value]
if 'bitpos' in elem.keys():
value = elem.get('bitpos')
bitpos = int(value, 0)
numVal = 1 << bitpos
value = '0x%08x' % numVal
if bitpos >= 32:
value = value + 'ULL'
self.logMsg('diag', 'Enum', name, '-> bitpos [', numVal, ',', value, ']')
return [numVal, value]
if 'offset' in elem.keys():
# Obtain values in the mapping from the attributes
enumNegative = False
offset = int(elem.get('offset'), 0)
extnumber = int(elem.get('extnumber'), 0)
extends = elem.get('extends')
if 'dir' in elem.keys():
enumNegative = True
self.logMsg('diag', 'Enum', name, 'offset =', offset,
'extnumber =', extnumber, 'extends =', extends,
'enumNegative =', enumNegative)
# Now determine the actual enumerant value, as defined
# in the "Layers and Extensions" appendix of the spec.
numVal = self.extBase + (extnumber - 1) * self.extBlockSize + offset
if enumNegative:
numVal *= -1
value = '%d' % numVal
# More logic needed!
self.logMsg('diag', 'Enum', name, '-> offset [', numVal, ',', value, ']')
return [numVal, value]
if 'alias' in elem.keys():
return [None, elem.get('alias')]
return [None, None]
def checkDuplicateEnums(self, enums):
"""Sanity check enumerated values.
- enums - list of `<enum>` Elements
returns the list with duplicates stripped"""
# Dictionaries indexed by name and numeric value.
# Entries are [ Element, numVal, strVal ] matching name or value
nameMap = {}
valueMap = {}
stripped = []
for elem in enums:
name = elem.get('name')
(numVal, strVal) = self.enumToValue(elem, True)
if name in nameMap:
# Duplicate name found; check values
(name2, numVal2, strVal2) = nameMap[name]
# Duplicate enum values for the same name are benign. This
# happens when defining the same enum conditionally in
# several extension blocks.
if (strVal2 == strVal or (numVal is not None
and numVal == numVal2)):
# self.logMsg('info', 'checkDuplicateEnums: Duplicate enum (' + name +
# ') found with the same value:' + strVal)
self.logMsg('warn', 'checkDuplicateEnums: Duplicate enum (' + name
+ ') found with different values:' + strVal
+ ' and ' + strVal2)
# Don't add the duplicate to the returned list
elif numVal in valueMap:
# Duplicate value found (such as an alias); report it, but
# still add this enum to the list.
(name2, numVal2, strVal2) = valueMap[numVal]
msg = 'Two enums found with the same value: {} = {} = {}'.format(
name, name2.get('name'), strVal)
self.logMsg('error', msg)
# Track this enum to detect followon duplicates
nameMap[name] = [elem, numVal, strVal]
if numVal is not None:
valueMap[numVal] = [elem, numVal, strVal]
# Add this enum to the list
# Return the list
return stripped
def buildEnumCDecl(self, expand, groupinfo, groupName):
"""Generate the C declaration for an enum"""
groupElem = groupinfo.elem
# Determine the required bit width for the enum group.
# 32 is the default, which generates C enum types for the values.
bitwidth = 32
# If the constFlagBits preference is set, 64 is the default for bitmasks
if self.genOpts.conventions.constFlagBits and groupElem.get('type') == 'bitmask':
bitwidth = 64
# Check for an explicitly defined bitwidth, which will override any defaults.
if groupElem.get('bitwidth'):
bitwidth = int(groupElem.get('bitwidth'))
except ValueError as ve:
self.logMsg('error', 'Invalid value for bitwidth attribute (', groupElem.get('bitwidth'), ') for ', groupName, ' - must be an integer value\n')
# Bitmask types support 64-bit flags, so have different handling
if groupElem.get('type') == 'bitmask':
# Validate the bitwidth and generate values appropriately
# Bitmask flags up to 64-bit are generated as static const uint64_t values
# Bitmask flags up to 32-bit are generated as C enum values
if bitwidth > 64:
self.logMsg('error', 'Invalid value for bitwidth attribute (', groupElem.get('bitwidth'), ') for bitmask type ', groupName, ' - must be less than or equal to 64\n')
elif bitwidth > 32:
return self.buildEnumCDecl_Bitmask(groupinfo, groupName)
return self.buildEnumCDecl_Enum(expand, groupinfo, groupName)
# Validate the bitwidth and generate values appropriately
# Enum group types up to 32-bit are generated as C enum values
if bitwidth > 32:
self.logMsg('error', 'Invalid value for bitwidth attribute (', groupElem.get('bitwidth'), ') for enum type ', groupName, ' - must be less than or equal to 32\n')
return self.buildEnumCDecl_Enum(expand, groupinfo, groupName)
def buildEnumCDecl_Bitmask(self, groupinfo, groupName):
"""Generate the C declaration for an "enum" that is actually a
set of flag bits"""
groupElem = groupinfo.elem
flagTypeName = groupinfo.flagType.elem.get('name')
# Prefix
body = "// Flag bits for " + flagTypeName + "\n"
# Maximum allowable value for a flag (unsigned 64-bit integer)
maxValidValue = 2**(64) - 1
minValidValue = 0
# Loop over the nested 'enum' tags.
for elem in groupElem.findall('enum'):
# Convert the value to an integer and use that to track min/max.
# Values of form -(number) are accepted but nothing more complex.
# Should catch exceptions here for more complex constructs. Not yet.
(numVal, strVal) = self.enumToValue(elem, True)
name = elem.get('name')
# Range check for the enum value
if numVal is not None and (numVal > maxValidValue or numVal < minValidValue):
self.logMsg('error', 'Allowable range for flag types in C is [', minValidValue, ',', maxValidValue, '], but', name, 'flag has a value outside of this (', strVal, ')\n')
body += "static const {} {} = {};\n".format(flagTypeName, name, strVal)
# Postfix
return ("bitmask", body)
def buildEnumCDecl_Enum(self, expand, groupinfo, groupName):
"""Generate the C declaration for an enumerated type"""
groupElem = groupinfo.elem
# Break the group name into prefix and suffix portions for range
# enum generation
expandName = re.sub(r'([0-9a-z_])([A-Z0-9])', r'\1_\2', groupName).upper()
expandPrefix = expandName
expandSuffix = ''
expandSuffixMatch ='[A-Z][A-Z]+$', groupName)
if expandSuffixMatch:
expandSuffix = '_' +
# Strip off the suffix from the prefix
expandPrefix = expandName.rsplit(expandSuffix, 1)[0]
# Prefix
body = ["typedef enum %s {" % groupName]
# @@ Should use the type="bitmask" attribute instead
isEnum = ('FLAG_BITS' not in expandPrefix)
# Allowable range for a C enum - which is that of a signed 32-bit integer
maxValidValue = 2**(32 - 1) - 1
minValidValue = (maxValidValue * -1) - 1
# Get a list of nested 'enum' tags.
enums = groupElem.findall('enum')
# Check for and report duplicates, and return a list with them
# removed.
enums = self.checkDuplicateEnums(enums)
# Loop over the nested 'enum' tags. Keep track of the minimum and
# maximum numeric values, if they can be determined; but only for
# core API enumerants, not extension enumerants. This is inferred
# by looking for 'extends' attributes.
minName = None
# Accumulate non-numeric enumerant values separately and append
# them following the numeric values, to allow for aliases.
# NOTE: this doesn't do a topological sort yet, so aliases of
# aliases can still get in the wrong order.
aliasText = []
for elem in enums:
# Convert the value to an integer and use that to track min/max.
# Values of form -(number) are accepted but nothing more complex.
# Should catch exceptions here for more complex constructs. Not yet.
(numVal, strVal) = self.enumToValue(elem, True)
name = elem.get('name')
# Extension enumerants are only included if they are required
if self.isEnumRequired(elem):
decl = " {} = {},".format(name, strVal)
if numVal is not None:
# Range check for the enum value
if numVal is not None and (numVal > maxValidValue or numVal < minValidValue):
self.logMsg('error', 'Allowable range for C enum types is [', minValidValue, ',', maxValidValue, '], but', name, 'has a value outside of this (', strVal, ')\n')
# Don't track min/max for non-numbers (numVal is None)
if isEnum and numVal is not None and elem.get('extends') is None:
if minName is None:
minName = maxName = name
minValue = maxValue = numVal
elif numVal < minValue:
minName = name
minValue = numVal
elif numVal > maxValue:
maxName = name
maxValue = numVal
# Now append the non-numeric enumerant values
# Generate min/max value tokens - legacy use case.
if isEnum and expand:
body.extend((" {}_BEGIN_RANGE{} = {},".format(expandPrefix, expandSuffix, minName),
" {}_END_RANGE{} = {},".format(
expandPrefix, expandSuffix, maxName),
" {}_RANGE_SIZE{} = ({} - {} + 1),".format(expandPrefix, expandSuffix, maxName, minName)))
# Generate a range-padding value to ensure the enum is 32 bits, but
# only in code generators, so it doesn't appear in documentation
if (self.genOpts.codeGenerator or
body.append(" {}_MAX_ENUM{} = 0x7FFFFFFF".format(
expandPrefix, expandSuffix))
# Postfix
body.append("} %s;" % groupName)
# Determine appropriate section for this declaration
if groupElem.get('type') == 'bitmask':
section = 'bitmask'
section = 'group'
return (section, '\n'.join(body))
def makeDir(self, path):
"""Create a directory, if not already done.
Generally called from derived generators creating hierarchies."""
self.logMsg('diag', 'OutputGenerator::makeDir(' + path + ')')
if path not in self.madeDirs:
# This can get race conditions with multiple writers, see
if not os.path.exists(path):
self.madeDirs[path] = None
def beginFile(self, genOpts):
"""Start a new interface file
- genOpts - GeneratorOptions controlling what's generated and how"""
self.genOpts = genOpts
self.should_insert_may_alias_macro = \
# Try to import the API dictionary,, if it exists. Nothing in
# cannot be extracted directly from the XML, and in the
# future we should do that.
if self.genOpts.genpath is not None:
sys.path.insert(0, self.genOpts.genpath)
import api
self.apidict = api
except ImportError:
self.apidict = None
self.conventions = genOpts.conventions
# Open a temporary file for accumulating output.
if self.genOpts.filename is not None:
self.outFile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', encoding='utf-8', newline='\n', delete=False)
self.outFile = sys.stdout
def endFile(self):
if self.errFile:
if self.warnFile:
if self.diagFile:
if self.outFile != sys.stdout and self.outFile != sys.stderr:
# On successfully generating output, move the temporary file to the
# target file.
if self.genOpts.filename is not None:
if sys.platform == 'win32':
directory = Path(
if not Path.exists(directory):
shutil.copy(, + '/' + self.genOpts.filename)
self.genOpts = None
def beginFeature(self, interface, emit):
"""Write interface for a feature and tag generated features as having been done.
- interface - element for the `<version>` / `<extension>` to generate
- emit - actually write to the header only when True"""
self.emit = emit
self.featureName = interface.get('name')
# If there's an additional 'protect' attribute in the feature, save it
self.featureExtraProtect = interface.get('protect')
def endFeature(self):
"""Finish an interface file, closing it when done.
Derived classes responsible for emitting feature"""
self.featureName = None
self.featureExtraProtect = None
def validateFeature(self, featureType, featureName):
"""Validate we're generating something only inside a `<feature>` tag"""
if self.featureName is None:
raise UserWarning('Attempt to generate', featureType,
featureName, 'when not in feature')
def genType(self, typeinfo, name, alias):
"""Generate interface for a type
- typeinfo - TypeInfo for a type
Extend to generate as desired in your derived class."""
self.validateFeature('type', name)
def genStruct(self, typeinfo, typeName, alias):
"""Generate interface for a C "struct" type.
- typeinfo - TypeInfo for a type interpreted as a struct
Extend to generate as desired in your derived class."""
self.validateFeature('struct', typeName)
# The mixed-mode <member> tags may contain no-op <comment> tags.
# It is convenient to remove them here where all output generators
# will benefit.
for member in typeinfo.elem.findall('.//member'):
for comment in member.findall('comment'):
def genGroup(self, groupinfo, groupName, alias):
"""Generate interface for a group of enums (C "enum")
- groupinfo - GroupInfo for a group.
Extend to generate as desired in your derived class."""
self.validateFeature('group', groupName)
def genEnum(self, enuminfo, typeName, alias):
"""Generate interface for an enum (constant).
- enuminfo - EnumInfo for an enum
- name - enum name
Extend to generate as desired in your derived class."""
self.validateFeature('enum', typeName)
def genCmd(self, cmd, cmdinfo, alias):
"""Generate interface for a command.
- cmdinfo - CmdInfo for a command
Extend to generate as desired in your derived class."""
self.validateFeature('command', cmdinfo)
def makeProtoName(self, name, tail):
"""Turn a `<proto>` `<name>` into C-language prototype
and typedef declarations for that name.
- name - contents of `<name>` tag
- tail - whatever text follows that tag in the Element"""
return self.genOpts.apientry + name + tail
def makeTypedefName(self, name, tail):
"""Make the function-pointer typedef name for a command."""
return '(' + self.genOpts.apientryp + 'PFN_' + name + tail + ')'
def makeCParamDecl(self, param, aligncol):
"""Return a string which is an indented, formatted
declaration for a `<param>` or `<member>` block (e.g. function parameter
or structure/union member).
- param - Element (`<param>` or `<member>`) to format
- aligncol - if non-zero, attempt to align the nested `<name>` element
at this column"""
indent = ' '
paramdecl = indent + noneStr(param.text)
for elem in param:
text = noneStr(elem.text)
tail = noneStr(elem.tail)
if self.should_insert_may_alias_macro and self.genOpts.conventions.is_voidpointer_alias(elem.tag, text, tail):
# OpenXR-specific macro insertion - but not in apiinc for the spec
tail = self.genOpts.conventions.make_voidpointer_alias(tail)
if elem.tag == 'name' and aligncol > 0:
self.logMsg('diag', 'Aligning parameter', elem.text, 'to column', self.genOpts.alignFuncParam)
# Align at specified column, if possible
paramdecl = paramdecl.rstrip()
oldLen = len(paramdecl)
# This works around a problem where very long type names -
# longer than the alignment column - would run into the tail
# text.
paramdecl = paramdecl.ljust(aligncol - 1) + ' '
newLen = len(paramdecl)
self.logMsg('diag', 'Adjust length of parameter decl from', oldLen, 'to', newLen, ':', paramdecl)
paramdecl += text + tail
if aligncol == 0:
# Squeeze out multiple spaces other than the indentation
paramdecl = indent + ' '.join(paramdecl.split())
return paramdecl
def getCParamTypeLength(self, param):
"""Return the length of the type field is an indented, formatted
declaration for a `<param>` or `<member>` block (e.g. function parameter
or structure/union member).
- param - Element (`<param>` or `<member>`) to identify"""
# Allow for missing <name> tag
newLen = 0
paramdecl = ' ' + noneStr(param.text)
for elem in param:
text = noneStr(elem.text)
tail = noneStr(elem.tail)
if self.should_insert_may_alias_macro and self.genOpts.conventions.is_voidpointer_alias(elem.tag, text, tail):
# OpenXR-specific macro insertion
tail = self.genOpts.conventions.make_voidpointer_alias(tail)
if elem.tag == 'name':
# Align at specified column, if possible
newLen = len(paramdecl.rstrip())
self.logMsg('diag', 'Identifying length of', elem.text, 'as', newLen)
paramdecl += text + tail
return newLen
def getMaxCParamTypeLength(self, info):
"""Return the length of the longest type field for a member/parameter.
- info - TypeInfo or CommandInfo.
lengths = (self.getCParamTypeLength(member)
for member in info.getMembers())
return max(lengths)
def getHandleParent(self, typename):
"""Get the parent of a handle object."""
info = self.registry.typedict.get(typename)
if info is None:
return None
elem = info.elem
if elem is not None:
return elem.get('parent')
return None
def iterateHandleAncestors(self, typename):
"""Iterate through the ancestors of a handle type."""
current = self.getHandleParent(typename)
while current is not None:
yield current
current = self.getHandleParent(current)
def getHandleAncestors(self, typename):
"""Get the ancestors of a handle object."""
return list(self.iterateHandleAncestors(typename))
def getTypeCategory(self, typename):
"""Get the category of a type."""
info = self.registry.typedict.get(typename)
if info is None:
return None
elem = info.elem
if elem is not None:
return elem.get('category')
return None
def isStructAlwaysValid(self, structname):
"""Try to do check if a structure is always considered valid (i.e. there's no rules to its acceptance)."""
# A conventions object is required for this call.
if not self.conventions:
raise RuntimeError("To use isStructAlwaysValid, be sure your options include a Conventions object.")
if self.conventions.type_always_valid(structname):
return True
category = self.getTypeCategory(structname)
if self.conventions.category_requires_validation(category):
return False
info = self.registry.typedict.get(structname)
assert(info is not None)
members = info.getMembers()
for member in members:
member_name = getElemName(member)
if member_name in (self.conventions.structtype_member_name,
return False
if member.get('noautovalidity'):
return False
member_type = getElemType(member)
if member_type in ('void', 'char') or self.paramIsArray(member) or self.paramIsPointer(member):
return False
if self.conventions.type_always_valid(member_type):
member_category = self.getTypeCategory(member_type)
if self.conventions.category_requires_validation(member_category):
return False
if member_category in ('struct', 'union'):
if self.isStructAlwaysValid(member_type) is False:
return False
return True
def isEnumRequired(self, elem):
"""Return True if this `<enum>` element is
required, False otherwise
- elem - `<enum>` element to test"""
required = elem.get('required') is not None
self.logMsg('diag', 'isEnumRequired:', elem.get('name'),
'->', required)
return required
# @@@ This code is overridden by equivalent code now run in
# @@@ Registry.generateFeature
required = False
extname = elem.get('extname')
if extname is not None:
# 'supported' attribute was injected when the <enum> element was
# moved into the <enums> group in Registry.parseTree()
if self.genOpts.defaultExtensions == elem.get('supported'):
required = True
elif re.match(self.genOpts.addExtensions, extname) is not None:
required = True
elif elem.get('version') is not None:
required = re.match(self.genOpts.emitversions, elem.get('version')) is not None
required = True
return required
def makeCDecls(self, cmd):
"""Return C prototype and function pointer typedef for a
`<command>` Element, as a two-element list of strings.
- cmd - Element containing a `<command>` tag"""
proto = cmd.find('proto')
params = cmd.findall('param')
# Begin accumulating prototype and typedef strings
pdecl = self.genOpts.apicall
tdecl = 'typedef '
# Insert the function return type/name.
# For prototypes, add APIENTRY macro before the name
# For typedefs, add (APIENTRY *<name>) around the name and
# use the PFN_cmdnameproc naming convention.
# Done by walking the tree for <proto> element by element.
# etree has elem.text followed by (elem[i], elem[i].tail)
# for each child element and any following text
# Leading text
pdecl += noneStr(proto.text)
tdecl += noneStr(proto.text)
# For each child element, if it's a <name> wrap in appropriate
# declaration. Otherwise append its contents and tail contents.
for elem in proto:
text = noneStr(elem.text)
tail = noneStr(elem.tail)
if elem.tag == 'name':
pdecl += self.makeProtoName(text, tail)
tdecl += self.makeTypedefName(text, tail)
pdecl += text + tail
tdecl += text + tail
if self.genOpts.alignFuncParam == 0:
# Squeeze out multiple spaces - there is no indentation
pdecl = ' '.join(pdecl.split())
tdecl = ' '.join(tdecl.split())
# Now add the parameter declaration list, which is identical
# for prototypes and typedefs. Concatenate all the text from
# a <param> node without the tags. No tree walking required
# since all tags are ignored.
# Uses: self.indentFuncProto
# self.indentFuncPointer
# self.alignFuncParam
n = len(params)
# Indented parameters
if n > 0:
indentdecl = '(\n'
indentdecl += ',\n'.join(self.makeCParamDecl(p, self.genOpts.alignFuncParam)
for p in params)
indentdecl += ');'
indentdecl = '(void);'
# Non-indented parameters
paramdecl = '('
if n > 0:
paramnames = (''.join(t for t in p.itertext())
for p in params)
paramdecl += ', '.join(paramnames)
paramdecl += 'void'
paramdecl += ");"
return [pdecl + indentdecl, tdecl + paramdecl]
def newline(self):
"""Print a newline to the output file (utility function)"""
write('', file=self.outFile)
def setRegistry(self, registry):
self.registry = registry