Michael Fabian 'Xaymar' Dirks 5a3954ae0e project: Fix License, License headers and Copyright information
Fixes several files incorrectly stated a different license from the actual project, as well as the copyright headers included in all files. This change has no effect on the licensing terms, it should clear up a bit of confusion by contributors. Plus the files get a bit smaller, and we have less duplicated information across the entire project.

Overall the project is GPLv2 if not built with Qt, and GPLv3 if it is built with Qt. There are no parts licensed under a different license, all have been adapted from other compatible licenses into GPLv2 or GPLv3.
2023-04-05 18:59:08 +02:00

550 lines
16 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2020-2023 Michael Fabian 'Xaymar' Dirks <info@xaymar.com>
#include "updater.hpp"
#include "version.hpp"
#include "configuration.hpp"
#include "plugin.hpp"
#include "util/util-logging.hpp"
#include "warning-disable.hpp"
#include <fstream>
#include <mutex>
#include <regex>
#include <string_view>
#include "warning-enable.hpp"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define ST_PREFIX "<%s> "
#define D_LOG_INFO(x, ...) P_LOG_INFO(ST_PREFIX##x, __FUNCTION_SIG__, __VA_ARGS__)
#define ST_PREFIX "<updater> "
// TODO:
// - Cache result in the configuration directory (not as a configuration value).
// - Move 'autoupdater.last_checked_at' to out of the configuration.
// - Figure out if nightly updates are viable at all.
#define ST_CFG_DATASHARING "updater.datasharing"
#define ST_CFG_AUTOMATION "updater.automation"
#define ST_CFG_CHANNEL "updater.channel"
#define ST_CFG_LASTCHECKEDAT "updater.lastcheckedat"
streamfx::version_stage streamfx::stage_from_string(std::string_view str)
if (str == "a") {
return version_stage::ALPHA;
} else if (str == "b") {
return version_stage::BETA;
} else if (str == "c") {
return version_stage::CANDIDATE;
} else {
return version_stage::STABLE;
std::string_view streamfx::stage_to_string(version_stage t)
switch (t) {
case version_stage::ALPHA:
return "a";
case version_stage::BETA:
return "b";
case version_stage::CANDIDATE:
return "c";
case version_stage::STABLE:
return ".";
void streamfx::to_json(nlohmann::json& json, const version_stage& stage)
json = stage_to_string(stage);
void streamfx::from_json(const nlohmann::json& json, version_stage& stage)
stage = stage_from_string(json.get<std::string>());
: major(0), minor(0), patch(0), tweak(0), stage(version_stage::STABLE), url(""), name("")
streamfx::version_info::version_info(const std::string text) : version_info()
// text can be:
// 0.0.0 (Stable)
// 0.0.0a0 (Testing)
// 0.0.0b0 (Testing)
// 0.0.0c0 (Testing)
// 0.0.0_0 (Development)
static const std::regex re_version(
std::smatch matches;
if (std::regex_match(text, matches, re_version,
std::regex_constants::match_any | std::regex_constants::match_continuous)) {
major = static_cast<uint16_t>(strtoul(matches[1].str().c_str(), nullptr, 10));
minor = static_cast<uint16_t>(strtoul(matches[2].str().c_str(), nullptr, 10));
patch = static_cast<uint16_t>(strtoul(matches[3].str().c_str(), nullptr, 10));
if (matches.size() >= 5) {
stage = stage_from_string(matches[5].str());
tweak = static_cast<uint16_t>(strtoul(matches[6].str().c_str(), nullptr, 10));
} else {
throw std::invalid_argument("Provided string is not a version.");
void streamfx::to_json(nlohmann::json& json, const version_info& info)
auto version = nlohmann::json::object();
version["major"] = info.major;
version["minor"] = info.minor;
version["patch"] = info.patch;
version["type"] = info.stage;
version["tweak"] = info.tweak;
json["version"] = version;
json["url"] = info.url;
json["name"] = info.name;
void streamfx::from_json(const nlohmann::json& json, version_info& info)
if (json.find("html_url") == json.end()) {
auto version = json.at("version");
info.major = version.at("major").get<uint16_t>();
info.minor = version.at("minor").get<uint16_t>();
info.patch = version.at("patch").get<uint16_t>();
info.stage = version.at("type");
info.tweak = version.at("tweak").get<uint16_t>();
info.url = json.at("url").get<std::string>();
info.name = json.at("name").get<std::string>();
} else {
// This is a response from GitHub.
// Retrieve entries from the release object.
auto entry_tag_name = json.find("tag_name");
auto entry_name = json.find("name");
auto entry_url = json.find("html_url");
if ((entry_tag_name == json.end()) || (entry_name == json.end()) || (entry_url == json.end())) {
throw std::runtime_error("JSON is missing one or more required keys.");
// Parse the information.
std::string tag_name = entry_tag_name->get<std::string>();
info = {tag_name};
info.url = entry_url->get<std::string>();
info.name = entry_name->get<std::string>();
bool streamfx::version_info::is_older_than(const version_info other)
// 'true' if other is newer, otherwise false.
// Except for stable releases, this simply compares the numbers of the version.
// Compare Major version:
// - Theirs is greater: Remote is newer.
// - Ours is greater: Remote is older.
// - Continue the check.
if (major < other.major)
return true;
if (major > other.major)
return false;
// Compare Minor version:
// - Theirs is greater: Remote is newer.
// - Ours is greater: Remote is older.
// - Continue the check.
if (minor < other.minor)
return true;
if (minor > other.minor)
return false;
// Compare Patch version:
// - Theirs is greater: Remote is newer.
// - Ours is greater: Remote is older.
// - Continue the check.
if (patch < other.patch)
return true;
if (patch > other.patch)
return false;
// Compare Tweak and Stage version:
// - Theirs is greater: Remote is newer.
// - Ours is greater: Special logic.
// - Continue the check.
if (tweak < other.tweak)
return true;
if ((tweak > other.tweak) && (other.stage != version_stage::STABLE)) {
// If the remote isn't a stable release, it's always considered older.
return false;
// 0.12.0 vs 0.12.0
// Major: equal, continue
// Minor: equal, continue
// Patch: equal, continue
// Tweak: equal, continue
// Ours is older?
// As a last effort, compare the stage.
// - Theirs is greater: Remote is older.
// - Ours is greater: Remote is newer.
// - Continue the check.
if (stage < other.stage)
return false;
if (stage > other.stage)
return true;
// If there are no further tests, assume this version is older.
return true;
streamfx::version_info::operator std::string()
std::vector<char> buffer(25, 0);
if (stage != version_stage::STABLE) {
auto types = stage_to_string(stage);
int len = snprintf(buffer.data(), buffer.size(), "%" PRIu16 ".%" PRIu16 ".%" PRIu16 "%.1s%" PRIu16, major,
minor, patch, types.data(), tweak);
return std::string(buffer.data(), buffer.data() + len);
} else {
int len = snprintf(buffer.data(), buffer.size(), "%" PRIu16 ".%" PRIu16 ".%" PRIu16, major, minor, patch);
return std::string(buffer.data(), buffer.data() + len);
void streamfx::updater::task(streamfx::util::threadpool::task_data_t)
try {
auto query_fn = [](std::vector<char>& buffer) {
static constexpr std::string_view ST_API_URL =
streamfx::util::curl curl;
size_t buffer_offset = 0;
// Set headers (User-Agent is needed so Github can contact us!).
curl.set_header("User-Agent", "StreamFX Updater v" STREAMFX_VERSION_STRING);
curl.set_header("Accept", "application/vnd.github.v3+json");
// Set up request.
curl.set_option(CURLOPT_HTTPGET, true); // GET
curl.set_option(CURLOPT_POST, false); // Not POST
curl.set_option(CURLOPT_URL, ST_API_URL);
curl.set_option(CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 30); // 10s until we fail.
// Callbacks
curl.set_write_callback([&buffer, &buffer_offset](void* data, size_t s1, size_t s2) {
size_t size = s1 * s2;
if (buffer.size() < (size + buffer_offset))
buffer.resize(buffer_offset + size);
memcpy(buffer.data() + buffer_offset, data, size);
buffer_offset += size;
return s1 * s2;
//std::bind(&streamfx::updater::task_write_cb, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3)
// Clear any unknown data and reserve 64KiB of memory.
// Finally, execute the request.
D_LOG_DEBUG("Querying for latest releases...", "");
if (CURLcode res = curl.perform(); res != CURLE_OK) {
D_LOG_ERROR("Performing query failed with error: %s", curl_easy_strerror(res));
throw std::runtime_error(curl_easy_strerror(res));
int32_t status_code = 0;
if (CURLcode res = curl.get_info(CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE, status_code); res != CURLE_OK) {
D_LOG_ERROR("Retrieving status code failed with error: %s", curl_easy_strerror(res));
throw std::runtime_error(curl_easy_strerror(res));
D_LOG_DEBUG("API returned status code %d.", status_code);
if (status_code != 200) {
D_LOG_ERROR("API returned unexpected status code %d.", status_code);
throw std::runtime_error("Request failed due to one or more reasons.");
auto parse_fn = [this](nlohmann::json json) {
// Check if it was parsed as an object.
if (json.type() != nlohmann::json::value_t::array) {
throw std::runtime_error("Invalid response from API.");
// Decide on the latest version for all update channels.
std::lock_guard<decltype(_lock)> lock(_lock);
for (auto obj : json) {
try {
auto info = obj.get<streamfx::version_info>();
switch (info.stage) {
case version_stage::STABLE:
if (get_update_info(version_stage::STABLE).is_older_than(info)) {
_updates.emplace(version_stage::STABLE, info);
case version_stage::CANDIDATE:
if (get_update_info(version_stage::CANDIDATE).is_older_than(info)) {
_updates.emplace(version_stage::CANDIDATE, info);
case version_stage::BETA:
if (get_update_info(version_stage::BETA).is_older_than(info)) {
_updates.emplace(version_stage::BETA, info);
case version_stage::ALPHA:
if (get_update_info(version_stage::ALPHA).is_older_than(info)) {
_updates.emplace(version_stage::ALPHA, info);
} catch (const std::exception& ex) {
D_LOG_DEBUG("Failed to parse entry, error: %s", ex.what());
{ // Query and parse the response.
nlohmann::json json;
// Query the API or parse a crafted response.
auto debug_path = streamfx::config_file_path("github_release_query_response.json");
if (std::filesystem::exists(debug_path)) {
std::ifstream fs{debug_path};
json = nlohmann::json::parse(fs);
} else {
std::vector<char> buffer;
json = nlohmann::json::parse(buffer.begin(), buffer.end());
// Parse the JSON response from the API.
// Print all update information to the log file.
D_LOG_INFO("Current Version: %s", static_cast<std::string>(_current_info).c_str());
D_LOG_INFO("Latest Stable Version: %s",
D_LOG_INFO("Latest Candidate Version: %s",
D_LOG_INFO("Latest Beta Version: %s", static_cast<std::string>(get_update_info(version_stage::BETA)).c_str());
D_LOG_INFO("Latest Alpha Version: %s", static_cast<std::string>(get_update_info(version_stage::ALPHA)).c_str());
if (is_update_available()) {
D_LOG_INFO("Update is available.", "");
// Notify listeners of the update.
} catch (const std::exception& ex) {
// Notify about the error.
std::string message = ex.what();
events.error.call(*this, message);
bool streamfx::updater::can_check()
#ifdef _DEBUG
return true;
auto now = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::seconds>(std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch());
auto threshold = (_lastcheckedat + std::chrono::minutes(10));
return (now > threshold);
void streamfx::updater::load()
std::lock_guard<decltype(_lock)> lock(_lock);
if (auto config = streamfx::configuration::instance(); config) {
auto dataptr = config->get();
if (obs_data_has_user_value(dataptr.get(), ST_CFG_DATASHARING))
_data_sharing_allowed = obs_data_get_bool(dataptr.get(), ST_CFG_DATASHARING);
if (obs_data_has_user_value(dataptr.get(), ST_CFG_AUTOMATION))
_automation = obs_data_get_bool(dataptr.get(), ST_CFG_AUTOMATION);
if (obs_data_has_user_value(dataptr.get(), ST_CFG_CHANNEL))
_channel = static_cast<version_stage>(obs_data_get_int(dataptr.get(), ST_CFG_CHANNEL));
if (obs_data_has_user_value(dataptr.get(), ST_CFG_LASTCHECKEDAT))
_lastcheckedat = std::chrono::seconds(obs_data_get_int(dataptr.get(), ST_CFG_LASTCHECKEDAT));
void streamfx::updater::save()
if (auto config = streamfx::configuration::instance(); config) {
auto dataptr = config->get();
obs_data_set_bool(dataptr.get(), ST_CFG_DATASHARING, _data_sharing_allowed);
obs_data_set_bool(dataptr.get(), ST_CFG_AUTOMATION, _automation);
obs_data_set_int(dataptr.get(), ST_CFG_CHANNEL, static_cast<long long>(_channel));
obs_data_set_int(dataptr.get(), ST_CFG_LASTCHECKEDAT, static_cast<long long>(_lastcheckedat.count()));
: _lock(), _task(),
_data_sharing_allowed(false), _automation(true), _channel(version_stage::STABLE), _lastcheckedat(),
_current_info(), _updates(), _dirty(false)
// Load information from configuration.
// Build current version information.
try {
_current_info = {STREAMFX_VERSION_STRING};
} catch (...) {
D_LOG_ERROR("Failed to parse current version information, results may be inaccurate.", "");
bool streamfx::updater::is_data_sharing_allowed()
return _data_sharing_allowed;
void streamfx::updater::set_data_sharing_allowed(bool value)
_dirty = true;
_data_sharing_allowed = value;
events.gdpr_changed(*this, _data_sharing_allowed);
std::lock_guard<decltype(_lock)> lock(_lock);
D_LOG_INFO("User %s the processing of data.", _data_sharing_allowed ? "allowed" : "disallowed");
bool streamfx::updater::is_automated()
return _automation;
void streamfx::updater::set_automation(bool value)
_automation = value;
events.automation_changed(*this, _automation);
std::lock_guard<decltype(_lock)> lock(_lock);
D_LOG_INFO("Automatic checks at launch are now %s.", value ? "enabled" : "disabled");
streamfx::version_stage streamfx::updater::get_channel()
return _channel;
void streamfx::updater::set_channel(version_stage value)
std::lock_guard<decltype(_lock)> lock(_lock);
_dirty = true;
_channel = value;
events.channel_changed(*this, _channel);
D_LOG_INFO("Update channel changed to '%s'.", stage_to_string(value).data());
void streamfx::updater::refresh()
if (!_task.expired() || !is_data_sharing_allowed()) {
if (can_check()) {
std::lock_guard<decltype(_lock)> lock(_lock);
// Update last checked time.
_lastcheckedat =
// Spawn a new task.
_task = streamfx::threadpool()->push(std::bind(&streamfx::updater::task, this, std::placeholders::_1), nullptr);
} else {
bool streamfx::updater::is_update_available()
return _current_info.is_older_than(get_update_info());
bool streamfx::updater::is_update_available(version_stage channel)
return _current_info.is_older_than(get_update_info(channel));
streamfx::version_info streamfx::updater::get_current_info()
return _current_info;
streamfx::version_info streamfx::updater::get_update_info()
return get_update_info(_channel);
streamfx::version_info streamfx::updater::get_update_info(version_stage channel)
std::lock_guard<decltype(_lock)> lock(_lock);
if (auto iter = _updates.find(channel); iter != _updates.end()) {
return iter->second;
} else {
return {};
std::shared_ptr<streamfx::updater> streamfx::updater::instance()
static std::weak_ptr<streamfx::updater> _instance;
static std::mutex _lock;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_lock);
if (_instance.expired()) {
auto ptr = std::make_shared<streamfx::updater>();
_instance = ptr;
return ptr;
} else {
return _instance.lock();