Michael Fabian 'Xaymar' Dirks 5a3954ae0e project: Fix License, License headers and Copyright information
Fixes several files incorrectly stated a different license from the actual project, as well as the copyright headers included in all files. This change has no effect on the licensing terms, it should clear up a bit of confusion by contributors. Plus the files get a bit smaller, and we have less duplicated information across the entire project.

Overall the project is GPLv2 if not built with Qt, and GPLv3 if it is built with Qt. There are no parts licensed under a different license, all have been adapted from other compatible licenses into GPLv2 or GPLv3.
2023-04-05 18:59:08 +02:00

186 lines
5 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2019-2023 Michael Fabian 'Xaymar' Dirks <info@xaymar.com>
// Copyright (C) 2022 lainon <GermanAizek@yandex.ru>
#include "gs-effect.hpp"
#include "obs/gs/gs-helper.hpp"
#include "util/util-platform.hpp"
#include "warning-disable.hpp"
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <vector>
#include "warning-enable.hpp"
#define MAX_EFFECT_SIZE 32 * 1024 * 1024 // 32 MiB, big enough for everything.
static std::string load_file_as_code(const std::filesystem::path& shader_file, bool is_top_level = true)
std::stringstream shader_stream;
const std::filesystem::path shader_path = std::filesystem::absolute(shader_file.native());
const std::filesystem::path shader_root = std::filesystem::path(shader_path.native()).remove_filename();
// Ensure it meets size limits.
uintmax_t size = std::filesystem::file_size(shader_path);
if (size > MAX_EFFECT_SIZE) {
throw std::runtime_error("File is too large to be loaded.");
// Try to open as-is.
std::ifstream ifs(shader_path, std::ios::in);
if (!ifs.is_open() || ifs.bad()) {
throw std::runtime_error("Failed to open file.");
// Push Graphics API to shader.
if (is_top_level) {
auto gctx = streamfx::obs::gs::context();
switch (gs_get_device_type()) {
shader_stream << "#define GS_DEVICE_DIRECT3D_11" << std::endl;
shader_stream << "#define GS_DEVICE_DIRECT3D" << std::endl;
shader_stream << "#define GS_DEVICE_OPENGL" << std::endl;
// Pre-process the shader.
std::string line;
while (std::getline(ifs, line)) {
std::string line_trimmed = line;
{ // Figure out the length of the trim.
size_t trim_length = 0;
for (size_t idx = 0, edx = line_trimmed.length(); idx < edx; idx++) {
char ch = line_trimmed.at(idx);
if ((ch != ' ') && (ch != '\t')) {
trim_length = idx;
if (trim_length > 0) {
line_trimmed.erase(0, trim_length);
// Handle '#include'
if (line_trimmed.substr(0, 8) == "#include") {
std::string include_str = line_trimmed.substr(10, line_trimmed.size() - 11); // '#include "'
std::filesystem::path include_path = include_str;
if (!include_path.is_absolute()) {
include_path = shader_root / include_str;
line = load_file_as_code(include_path, false);
shader_stream << line << std::endl;
return shader_stream.str();
streamfx::obs::gs::effect::effect(std::string_view code, std::string_view name)
auto gctx = streamfx::obs::gs::context();
char* error_buffer = nullptr;
gs_effect_t* effect = gs_effect_create(code.data(), name.data(), &error_buffer);
if (!effect) {
throw error_buffer ? std::runtime_error(error_buffer)
: std::runtime_error("Unknown error during effect compile.");
reset(effect, [](gs_effect_t* ptr) { gs_effect_destroy(ptr); });
streamfx::obs::gs::effect::effect(std::filesystem::path file)
: effect(load_file_as_code(file),
auto gctx = streamfx::obs::gs::context();
std::size_t streamfx::obs::gs::effect::count_techniques()
return static_cast<size_t>(get()->techniques.num);
streamfx::obs::gs::effect_technique streamfx::obs::gs::effect::get_technique(std::size_t idx)
if (idx >= count_techniques()) {
return nullptr;
return streamfx::obs::gs::effect_technique(get()->techniques.array + idx, *this);
streamfx::obs::gs::effect_technique streamfx::obs::gs::effect::get_technique(std::string_view name)
for (std::size_t idx = 0; idx < count_techniques(); idx++) {
auto ptr = get()->techniques.array + idx;
if (strcmp(ptr->name, name.data()) == 0) {
return streamfx::obs::gs::effect_technique(ptr, *this);
return nullptr;
bool streamfx::obs::gs::effect::has_technique(std::string_view name)
if (get_technique(name))
return true;
return false;
std::size_t streamfx::obs::gs::effect::count_parameters()
return get()->params.num;
streamfx::obs::gs::effect_parameter streamfx::obs::gs::effect::get_parameter(std::size_t idx)
if (idx >= count_parameters()) {
throw std::out_of_range("Index is out of range.");
return streamfx::obs::gs::effect_parameter(get()->params.array + idx, *this);
streamfx::obs::gs::effect_parameter streamfx::obs::gs::effect::get_parameter(std::string_view name)
for (std::size_t idx = 0; idx < count_parameters(); idx++) {
auto ptr = get()->params.array + idx;
if (strcmp(ptr->name, name.data()) == 0) {
return streamfx::obs::gs::effect_parameter(ptr, *this);
return nullptr;
bool streamfx::obs::gs::effect::has_parameter(std::string_view name)
if (get_parameter(name))
return true;
return false;
bool streamfx::obs::gs::effect::has_parameter(std::string_view name, effect_parameter::type type)
auto eprm = get_parameter(name);
if (eprm)
return eprm.get_type() == type;
return false;