Michael Fabian 'Xaymar' Dirks 3952c33c60 filter-blur: Add Directional Blur (Motion Blur) and Step Scaling
Directional Blur (also known as Motion Blur in some art software) enables full control over the direction the passes are applied in, which can further be combined with the scaling option. With this very simple blur effects can have a massively bigger influence.

Step Scaling allows for improved control over individual Blur passes and can be combined with Directional Blur to imitate certain effects. It also allows smaller Blur sizes to cover a larger area, although with a drastic loss in final quality. For example, if someone is streaming at 720p and wants to have their dynamic 2160p background blurry to a very high degree, this option would allow that at next to no quality loss in the final stream. The actual values that need to be used vary for each source and encoder however, so they will have to be chosen carefully.
2018-12-23 19:54:57 +01:00

220 lines
5.8 KiB

* Modern effects for a modern Streamer
* Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Michael Fabian Dirks
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#pragma once
#include <chrono>
#include <functional>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include "gfx-source-texture.h"
#include "gs-effect.h"
#include "gs-helper.h"
#include "gs-texture.h"
#include "gs-rendertarget.h"
#include "plugin.h"
extern "C" {
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable : 4201)
#include "callback/signal.h"
#pragma warning(pop)
namespace filter {
namespace blur {
enum type : int64_t {
enum mask_type : int64_t {
class blur_instance {
obs_source_t* m_source;
std::shared_ptr<gs::rendertarget> rt_source;
std::shared_ptr<gs::rendertarget> rt_primary;
std::shared_ptr<gs::rendertarget> rt_secondary;
// blur
std::shared_ptr<gs::effect> blur_effect;
std::string blur_technique;
filter::blur::type type;
uint64_t size;
// bilateral
double_t bilateral_smoothing;
double_t bilateral_sharpness;
// Masking
struct {
bool enabled;
mask_type type;
struct {
float_t left;
float_t top;
float_t right;
float_t bottom;
float_t feather;
float_t feather_shift;
bool invert;
} region;
struct {
std::string path;
std::string path_old;
std::shared_ptr<gs::texture> texture;
} image;
struct {
std::string name_old;
std::string name;
bool is_scene;
std::shared_ptr<gfx::source_texture> source_texture;
std::shared_ptr<gs::texture> texture;
} source;
struct {
float_t r;
float_t g;
float_t b;
float_t a;
} color;
float_t multiplier;
} mask;
// Directional
bool directional;
double_t angle;
// Scale
bool scaling;
std::pair<double_t, double_t> scale;
// advanced
uint64_t color_format;
bool apply_shared_param(gs_texture_t* input, float texelX, float texelY);
bool apply_bilateral_param();
bool apply_gaussian_param(uint8_t width);
bool apply_mask_parameters(std::shared_ptr<gs::effect> effect, gs_texture_t* original_texture,
gs_texture_t* blurred_texture);
static bool modified_properties(void* ptr, obs_properties_t* props, obs_property* prop,
obs_data_t* settings);
// Logging
std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point last_log;
bool can_log();
blur_instance(obs_data_t* settings, obs_source_t* self);
obs_properties_t* get_properties();
void update(obs_data_t*);
uint32_t get_width();
uint32_t get_height();
void activate();
void deactivate();
void video_tick(float);
void video_render(gs_effect_t*);
class blur_factory {
obs_source_info source_info;
std::list<blur_instance*> sources;
std::shared_ptr<gs::effect> color_converter_effect;
std::shared_ptr<gs::effect> mask_effect;
std::shared_ptr<gs::effect> blur_effect;
std::map<filter::blur::type, std::shared_ptr<gs::texture>> kernels;
std::map<uint8_t, std::shared_ptr<std::vector<float_t>>> gaussian_kernels;
std::map<std::string, obs_scene_t*> scenes;
void on_list_fill();
void on_list_empty();
void generate_gaussian_kernels();
void generate_kernel_textures();
static void* create(obs_data_t* settings, obs_source_t* self);
static void destroy(void* source);
static void get_defaults(obs_data_t* settings);
static obs_properties_t* get_properties(void* source);
static void update(void* source, obs_data_t* settings);
static const char* get_name(void* source);
static uint32_t get_width(void* source);
static uint32_t get_height(void* source);
static void activate(void* source);
static void deactivate(void* source);
static void video_tick(void* source, float delta);
static void video_render(void* source, gs_effect_t* effect);
static void scene_create_handler(void* ptr, calldata_t* data);
static void scene_destroy_handler(void* ptr, calldata_t* data);
std::shared_ptr<gs::effect> get_effect(filter::blur::type type);
std::string get_technique(filter::blur::type type);
std::shared_ptr<gs::effect> get_color_converter_effect();
std::shared_ptr<gs::effect> get_mask_effect();
std::shared_ptr<gs::texture> get_kernel(filter::blur::type type);
std::shared_ptr<std::vector<float_t>> get_gaussian_kernel(uint8_t size);
obs_scene_t* get_scene(std::string name);
void enum_scenes(std::function<bool(obs_scene_t*)> fnc);
public: // Singleton
static void initialize();
static void finalize();
static blur_factory* get();
} // namespace blur
} // namespace filter