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# Generic
Advanced="Advanced Options"
# Blur
Blur.Type.Box.Description="Box blur (named for its distinct shape) is a simple average over a number of pixels, resulting in a box like look."
Blur.Type.BoxLinear="Box Linear"
Blur.Type.BoxLinear.Description="Box blur (named for its distinct shape) is a simple average over a number of pixels, resulting in a box like look.\nThis is a linear optimized version of the normal Box blur."
Blur.Type.Gaussian.Description="Gaussian blur uses the Gaussian Bell curve as a weight for each sampled pixel, resulting in a smooth look."
Blur.Type.GaussianLinear="Gaussian Linear"
Blur.Type.GaussianLinear.Description="Gaussian blur uses the Gaussian Bell curve as a weight for each sampled pixel, resulting in a smooth look.\nThis is a linear optimized version of the normal Gaussian blur, but might look slightly worse."
Blur.Type.DualFiltering="Dual Filtering"
Blur.Type.DualFiltering.Description="Dual Filtering is a Gaussian approximation that is able to get similar results as Gaussian blur at much lower cost."
Blur.Subtype.Area.Description="Area blur is a two dimensional blur that smoothes out all pixels evenly.\nIt can be compared with an object that is out of focus in a camera."
Blur.Subtype.Directional.Description="Directional blur is a one dimensional blur that smoothes out all pixels in the same direction.\nIt can be compared with moving a camera in one direction."
Blur.Subtype.Rotational.Description="Rotational blur is a multi dimensional blur that smoothes out pixels by rotating around a center point.\nIt can be compared to rolling a camera in place."
Blur.Subtype.Zoom.Description="Zoom blur is a directional blur where the direction and strength of the blur is determined by the position and distance to a center point.\nIt can be compared with moving a camera forwards and backwards."
# Mip Generator
MipGenerator="Mip-Map Generator"
MipGenerator.Description="Which Mip-Map generator should be used?"
MipGenerator.Point.Description="Simple point sampling resulting in a very aliased image, comparable to no Mip-Mapping at all."
MipGenerator.Linear.Description="Linear sampled Mip-Maps which can be quickly generated, but only result in okay looking smooth Mip-Maps."
MipGenerator.Sharpen.Description="Linear sampled Mip-Maps with additional sharpen, allowing details to be kept in the Mip-Maps."
MipGenerator.Smoothen.Description="Linear sampled Mip-Maps with additional smoothing, reducing details in the Mip-Maps."
MipGenerator.Intensity.Description="Intensity of the generator."
# Filter - Blur
Filter.Blur.Type.Description="The type of blur to apply."
Filter.Blur.Subtype.Description="The way this blur should be applied."
Filter.Blur.Size.Description="Size of the blur filter to apply. Large sizes may have a negative effect on performance."
Filter.Blur.Angle="Angle (Degrees)"
Filter.Blur.Angle.Description="Angle of the Blur"
Filter.Blur.Center.X="Center (X) (Percent)"
Filter.Blur.Center.X.Description="The horizontal center of the blur effect, in percent."
Filter.Blur.Center.Y="Center (Y) (Percent)"
Filter.Blur.Center.Y.Description="The vertical center of the blur effect, in percent."
Filter.Blur.StepScale="Step Scaling"
Filter.Blur.StepScale.Description="Scale the texel step used in the Blur shader, which allows for smaller Blur sizes to cover more space, at the cost of some quality.\nCan be combined with Directional Blur to change the behavior drastically."
Filter.Blur.StepScale.X="Step Scale X"
Filter.Blur.StepScale.Y="Step Scale Y"
Filter.Blur.Mask="Apply a Mask"
Filter.Blur.Mask.Description="Apply a mask to the area that needs to be blurred, which allows for more control over the blurred area."
Filter.Blur.Mask.Type="Mask Type"
Filter.Blur.Mask.Type.Description="What kind of mask to you want to apply?"
Filter.Blur.Mask.Region.Left="Left Edge"
Filter.Blur.Mask.Region.Left.Description="Distance to left edge of the source in percent."
Filter.Blur.Mask.Region.Top="Top Edge"
Filter.Blur.Mask.Region.Top.Description="Distance to top edge of the source in percent."
Filter.Blur.Mask.Region.Right="Right Edge"
Filter.Blur.Mask.Region.Right.Description="Distance to right edge of the source in percent."
Filter.Blur.Mask.Region.Bottom="Bottom Edge"
Filter.Blur.Mask.Region.Bottom.Description="Distance to bottom edge of the source in percent."
Filter.Blur.Mask.Region.Feather="Feather Area"
Filter.Blur.Mask.Region.Feather.Description="The size of the feathering area in percent of the source size.\nFeathering allows for a smooth gradient between blurred and original image."
Filter.Blur.Mask.Region.Feather.Shift="Feather Shift"
Filter.Blur.Mask.Region.Feather.Shift.Description="The shift of the feathering area in percent.\nPositive values push the feathering area into the region, while negative values push the feathering area out of the region."
Filter.Blur.Mask.Region.Invert="Invert Region"
Filter.Blur.Mask.Region.Invert.Description="Invert the region so that everything but this area is blurred."
Filter.Blur.Mask.Image="Image Mask"
Filter.Blur.Mask.Image.Description="Image to use for the mask."
Filter.Blur.Mask.Source="Source Mask"
Filter.Blur.Mask.Source.Description="Source to use for the mask."
Filter.Blur.Mask.Color="Mask Color Filter"
Filter.Blur.Mask.Color.Description="Filter the mask by this color before applying it."
Filter.Blur.Mask.Alpha="Mask Alpha Filter"
Filter.Blur.Mask.Alpha.Description="Filter the mask by this alpha value before applying it."
Filter.Blur.Mask.Multiplier="Mask Multiplier"
Filter.Blur.Mask.Multiplier.Description="Multiply the final mask value by this value."
# Filter - Displacement
Filter.Displacement="Displacement Mapping"
Filter.Displacement.File.Types="Images (*.png *.jpeg *.jpg *.bmp *.tga);;All Files (*)"
# Filter - Dynamic Mask
Filter.DynamicMask="Dynamic Mask"
Filter.DynamicMask.Input="Input Source"
Filter.DynamicMask.Channel.Value="%s Channel Value"
Filter.DynamicMask.Channel.Multiplier="%s Channel Multiplier"
Filter.DynamicMask.Channel.Input="%s Channel Value from %s Input Channel"
# Filter - SDF Effects
Filter.SDFEffects="Signed Distance Field Effects"
Filter.SDFEffects.Shadow.Inner="Inner Shadow"
Filter.SDFEffects.Shadow.Inner.Description="Draw a shadow on the inside of the source?"
Filter.SDFEffects.Shadow.Inner.Range.Minimum="Inner Shadow Minimum Distance"
Filter.SDFEffects.Shadow.Inner.Range.Maximum="Inner Shadow Maximum Distance"
Filter.SDFEffects.Shadow.Inner.Offset.X="Inner Shadow Offset X"
Filter.SDFEffects.Shadow.Inner.Offset.Y="Inner Shadow Offset Y"
Filter.SDFEffects.Shadow.Inner.Color="Inner Shadow Color"
Filter.SDFEffects.Shadow.Inner.Alpha="Inner Shadow Alpha"
Filter.SDFEffects.Shadow.Outer="Outer Shadow"
Filter.SDFEffects.Shadow.Outer.Description="Draw a shadow on the outside of the source?"
Filter.SDFEffects.Shadow.Outer.Range.Minimum="Outer Shadow Minimum Distance"
Filter.SDFEffects.Shadow.Outer.Range.Maximum="Outer Shadow Maximum Distance"
Filter.SDFEffects.Shadow.Outer.Offset.X="Outer Shadow Offset X"
Filter.SDFEffects.Shadow.Outer.Offset.Y="Outer Shadow Offset Y"
Filter.SDFEffects.Shadow.Outer.Color="Outer Shadow Color"
Filter.SDFEffects.Shadow.Outer.Alpha="Outer Shadow Alpha"
Filter.SDFEffects.Glow.Outer="Outer Glow"
Filter.SDFEffects.Glow.Outer.Description="Draw an outline?"
Filter.SDFEffects.Glow.Outer.Color="Outer Glow Color"
Filter.SDFEffects.Glow.Outer.Color.Description="Color of the Glow."
Filter.SDFEffects.Glow.Outer.Alpha="Outer Glow Alpha"
Filter.SDFEffects.Glow.Outer.Alpha.Description="Alpha of the Glow."
Filter.SDFEffects.Glow.Outer.Width="Outer Glow Width"
Filter.SDFEffects.Glow.Outer.Width.Description="Size of the glow from the center line."
Filter.SDFEffects.Glow.Outer.Sharpness="Outer Glow Sharpness"
Filter.SDFEffects.Glow.Outer.Sharpness.Description="The sharpness of the glow in percent, with higher values being sharper."
Filter.SDFEffects.Glow.Inner="Inner Glow"
Filter.SDFEffects.Glow.Inner.Description="Draw an outline?"
Filter.SDFEffects.Glow.Inner.Color="Inner Glow Color"
Filter.SDFEffects.Glow.Inner.Color.Description="Color of the Glow."
Filter.SDFEffects.Glow.Inner.Alpha="Inner Glow Alpha"
Filter.SDFEffects.Glow.Inner.Alpha.Description="Alpha of the Glow."
Filter.SDFEffects.Glow.Inner.Width="Inner Glow Width"
Filter.SDFEffects.Glow.Inner.Width.Description="Size of the glow from the center."
Filter.SDFEffects.Glow.Inner.Sharpness="Inner Glow Sharpness"
Filter.SDFEffects.Glow.Inner.Sharpness.Description="The sharpness of the glow in percent, with higher values being sharper."
Filter.SDFEffects.Outline.Description="Draw an outline?"
Filter.SDFEffects.Outline.Color="Outline Color"
Filter.SDFEffects.Outline.Color.Description="Color of the Outline."
Filter.SDFEffects.Outline.Alpha="Outline Alpha"
Filter.SDFEffects.Outline.Alpha.Description="Alpha of the Outline."
Filter.SDFEffects.Outline.Width="Outline Width"
Filter.SDFEffects.Outline.Width.Description="Size of the outline in both direction from the center."
Filter.SDFEffects.Outline.Offset="Outline Offset"
Filter.SDFEffects.Outline.Offset.Description="Moves the center line by the given offset.\nA positive offset pushes the outline away from the source, while a negative one pulls it into the source."
Filter.SDFEffects.Outline.Sharpness="Outline Sharpness"
Filter.SDFEffects.Outline.Sharpness.Description="The sharpness of the outline in percent, with higher values being sharper."
Filter.SDFEffects.SDF.Scale="SDF Texture Scale"
Filter.SDFEffects.SDF.Scale.Description="Percentage to scale the SDF Texture Size by, relative to the Source Size.\nA higher value results in better quality, but slower updates,\n while lower values result in faster updates, but lower quality."
Filter.SDFEffects.SDF.Threshold="SDF Alpha Threshold"
Filter.SDFEffects.SDF.Threshold.Description="Minimum opacity value in percent for SDF generation to consider the pixel solid."
# Filter - Transform
Filter.Transform="3D Transform"
Filter.Transform.Camera.Description="Projection mode used by the camera."
Filter.Transform.Camera.FieldOfView="Field Of View"
Filter.Transform.Camera.FieldOfView.Description="Vertical Field of View of the camera."
Filter.Transform.Position.Description="Position of the rendered quad."
Filter.Transform.Position.X="Position (X)"
Filter.Transform.Position.Y="Position (Y)"
Filter.Transform.Position.Z="Position (Z)"
Filter.Transform.Scale.Description="Scale of the rendered quad."
Filter.Transform.Scale.X="Scale (X)"
Filter.Transform.Scale.Y="Scale (Y)"
Filter.Transform.Shear.Description="Shearing of the rendered quad."
Filter.Transform.Shear.X="Shear (X)"
Filter.Transform.Shear.Y="Shear (Y)"
Filter.Transform.Rotation.Order="Rotation Order"
Filter.Transform.Rotation.Order.Description="The order in which to apply the euler angles to the rendered quad."
Filter.Transform.Rotation.Order.XYZ="Pitch, Yaw, Roll"
Filter.Transform.Rotation.Order.XZY="Pitch, Roll, Yaw"
Filter.Transform.Rotation.Order.YXZ="Yaw, Pitch, Roll"
Filter.Transform.Rotation.Order.YZX="Yaw, Roll, Pitch"
Filter.Transform.Rotation.Order.ZXY="Roll, Pitch, Yaw"
Filter.Transform.Rotation.Order.ZYX="Roll, Yaw, Pitch"
Filter.Transform.Rotation.Description="Euler rotation of the rendered quad, applied using the rotation order."
Filter.Transform.Rotation.X="Pitch (X)"
Filter.Transform.Rotation.Y="Yaw (Y)"
Filter.Transform.Rotation.Z="Roll (Z)"
Filter.Transform.Mipmapping="Enable Mipmapping"
Filter.Transform.Mipmapping.Description="Generate mipmaps for the source, so that angled and far away parts are smoother."
# Source - Mirror
Source.Mirror="Source Mirror"
Source.Mirror.Source.Description="Which Source should be mirrored?"
Source.Mirror.Source.Size="Source Size"
Source.Mirror.Source.Size.Description="The size of the source being mirrored. (Automatically updated)"
Source.Mirror.Source.Audio="Enable Audio"
Source.Mirror.Source.Audio.Description="Enables audio mirroring from this source."
Source.Mirror.Scaling="Rescale Source"
Source.Mirror.Scaling.Description="Should the source be rescaled?"
Source.Mirror.Scaling.Method.Description="Which filter should be used for rescaling?"
Source.Mirror.Scaling.Method.BilinearLowRes="Bilinear (Low Resolution)"
Source.Mirror.Scaling.Size.Description="What size should we rescale to? (WxH format)"
Source.Mirror.Scaling.TransformKeepOriginal="Use Original Size for Transforms"
Source.Mirror.Scaling.TransformKeepOriginal.Description="Should the filter not modify the size of the source?"
Source.Mirror.Scaling.Bounds="Bounds Type"
Source.Mirror.Scaling.Bounds.Description="How should the source be rescaled?"
Source.Mirror.Scaling.Bounds.Stretch.Description="Stretch will rescale the source to match exactly the width and height of the given area.\nThis option will destroy Aspect Ratio."
Source.Mirror.Scaling.Bounds.Fit.Description="Fit will rescale the source to match either the height or width, whichever is smaller, of the given area.\nThis option will keep Aspect Ratio."
Source.Mirror.Scaling.Bounds.Fill.Description="Fill will rescale the source to match either the height or width, whichever is larger, of the given area.\nThis option will keep Aspect Ratio."
Source.Mirror.Scaling.Bounds.FillWidth="Fill to Width"
Source.Mirror.Scaling.Bounds.FillWidth.Description="Fill to Width will rescale the source to match the height of the given area.\nThis option will keep Aspect Ratio."
Source.Mirror.Scaling.Bounds.FillHeight="Fill to Height"
Source.Mirror.Scaling.Bounds.FillHeight.Description="Fill to Height will rescale the source to match the height of the given area.\nThis option will keep Aspect Ratio."