--- name: "Suggest an Enhancment to a Feature or a new Feature" title: "Replace Me Or Have Your Request Closed" description: "Is there something that StreamFX is lacking or you'd like to see in OBS Studio?" labels: ["type:enhancement", "status:help-wanted"] body: - type: textarea attributes: label: "Explain the Feature/Enhancement" description: "Describe the feature or enhancement in as much detail as possible, leave nothing out. If you think images or example videos help describe the Feature/Enhancement, include them." validations: required: true - type: textarea attributes: label: "What makes this feature/enhancement useful for StreamFX and its users?" description: "Why should this feature/enhancement become part of the StreamFX plugin, instead of becoming or remaining a third-party plug-in? What benefits do other users of StreamFX get from this?" validations: required: true - type: checkboxes attributes: label: "Checklist" description: "Check all that apply." options: - label: "I am offering a monetary bounty/reward for the implementation of this Feature/Enhancement." - label: "There is no other way to currently do this in StreamFX or OBS Studio." - type: textarea attributes: label: "Any additional Information we need to know?"