sampler_state __LUTSampler { Filter = Linear; AddressU = Clamp; AddressV = Clamp; }; float4 generate_lut(uint bit_depth, float2 uv) { uint size = pow(2, bit_depth); uint z_size = pow(2, bit_depth / 2); uint container_size = pow(2, bit_depth + (bit_depth / 2)); uint2 xy = uint2(floor(uv * container_size)); uint2 rg = xy % size; uint2 bb = xy / size; return float4( rg.xy / float(size - 1), ((bb.y * z_size) + bb.x) / float(size - 1), 1. ); }; float4 generate_lut2(float2 uv, uint4 params0) { uint size = params0.r; uint z_size = params0.g; uint container_size = params0.b; uint2 xy = uint2(floor(uv * container_size)); uint2 rg = xy % size; uint2 bb = xy / size; return float4( rg.xy / float(size - 1), ((bb.y * z_size) + bb.x) / float(size - 1), 1. ); }; float3 sample_lut(float3 color, uint bit_depth, texture2D lut_texture) { uint size = pow(2, bit_depth); uint z_size = pow(2, bit_depth / 2); uint container_size = pow(2, bit_depth + (bit_depth / 2)); float inverse_size = 1. / size; float inverse_z_size = 1. / z_size; float inverse_container_size = 1. / container_size; float half_texel = inverse_container_size / 2.; // Linear sampling is weird. // Due to our LUT not actually being a cube but a plane pretending to be a cube, // we have to do some conversion into the grid structure in order to be successful. // 1. Clamp everything to a reasonable range. color = saturate(color); // 2. Rescale everything into 0..(size - 1) color *= (size - 1); // 3. Convert red and green into initial grid cell UVs. float2 xy_uv = color.xy * inverse_container_size; // 4. Figure out the high and low parts for interpolation. uint z_lo = floor(color.z); uint z_hi = z_lo + 1; // 5. Figure out the X location of the cell in the grid. uint z_lo_x = z_lo % z_size; uint z_hi_x = z_hi % z_size; // 6. Figure out the Y location of the cell in the grid. uint z_lo_y = z_lo / z_size; uint z_hi_y = z_hi / z_size; // 7. Convert the X and Y locations into UV coordinates. float2 z_lo_uv = float2(z_lo_x, z_lo_y) * inverse_z_size; float2 z_hi_uv = float2(z_hi_x, z_hi_y) * inverse_z_size; // 8. Sample both low and high points. float3 c_lo = lut_texture.Sample(__LUTSampler, xy_uv + z_lo_uv + half_texel).rgb; float3 c_hi = lut_texture.Sample(__LUTSampler, xy_uv + z_hi_uv + half_texel).rgb; // 9. Return an interpolated version based on the fraction of Z. return lerp(c_lo, c_hi, frac(color.z)); }; float3 sample_lut2(float3 color, texture2D lut_texture, int4 params0, float4 params1) { uint size = params0.r; uint z_size = params0.g; uint container_size = params0.b; float inverse_size = params1.r; float inverse_z_size = params1.g; float inverse_container_size = params1.b; float half_texel = params1.a; // Due to our LUT not actually being a cube but a plane pretending to be a cube, // we have to do some conversion into the grid structure in order to be successful. // 1. Clamp everything to a reasonable range. color = saturate(color); // 2. Rescale everything into 0..(size - 1) color *= (size - 1); // 3. Convert red and green into initial grid cell UVs. float2 xy_uv = color.xy * inverse_container_size; // 4. Figure out the high and low parts for interpolation. uint z_lo = floor(color.z); uint z_hi = z_lo + 1; // 5. Figure out the X location of the cell in the grid. uint z_lo_x = z_lo % z_size; uint z_hi_x = z_hi % z_size; // 6. Figure out the Y location of the cell in the grid. uint z_lo_y = z_lo / z_size; uint z_hi_y = z_hi / z_size; // 7. Convert the X and Y locations into UV coordinates. float2 z_lo_uv = float2(z_lo_x, z_lo_y) * inverse_z_size; float2 z_hi_uv = float2(z_hi_x, z_hi_y) * inverse_z_size; // 8. Sample both low and high points. float3 c_lo = lut_texture.Sample(__LUTSampler, xy_uv + z_lo_uv + half_texel).rgb; float3 c_hi = lut_texture.Sample(__LUTSampler, xy_uv + z_hi_uv + half_texel).rgb; // 9. Return an interpolated version based on the fraction of Z. return lerp(c_lo, c_hi, frac(color.z)); };