/* * Modern effects for a modern Streamer * Copyright (C) 2017 Michael Fabian Dirks * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #include "source-mirror.h" #include "strings.h" #include #include #include #define S_SOURCE_MIRROR "Source.Mirror" #define P_SOURCE "Source.Mirror.Source" #define P_SOURCE_SIZE "Source.Mirror.Source.Size" #define P_SCALING "Source.Mirror.Scaling" #define P_SCALING_METHOD "Source.Mirror.Scaling.Method" #define P_SCALING_METHOD_POINT "Source.Mirror.Scaling.Method.Point" #define P_SCALING_METHOD_BILINEAR "Source.Mirror.Scaling.Method.Bilinear" #define P_SCALING_METHOD_BILINEARLOWRES "Source.Mirror.Scaling.Method.BilinearLowRes" #define P_SCALING_METHOD_BICUBIC "Source.Mirror.Scaling.Method.Bicubic" #define P_SCALING_METHOD_LANCZOS "Source.Mirror.Scaling.Method.Lanczos" #define P_SCALING_SIZE "Source.Mirror.Scaling.Size" enum class ScalingMethod : int64_t { Point, Bilinear, BilinearLowRes, Bicubic, Lanczos, }; Source::MirrorAddon* inst; INITIALIZER(SourceMirrorInit) { initializerFunctions.push_back([] { inst = new Source::MirrorAddon(); }); finalizerFunctions.push_back([] { delete inst; }); } Source::MirrorAddon::MirrorAddon() { memset(&osi, 0, sizeof(obs_source_info)); osi.id = "obs-stream-effects-source-mirror"; osi.type = OBS_SOURCE_TYPE_INPUT; osi.output_flags = OBS_SOURCE_VIDEO | OBS_SOURCE_CUSTOM_DRAW; osi.get_name = get_name; osi.get_defaults = get_defaults; osi.get_properties = get_properties; osi.get_width = get_width; osi.get_height = get_height; osi.create = create; osi.destroy = destroy; osi.update = update; osi.activate = activate; osi.deactivate = deactivate; osi.video_tick = video_tick; osi.video_render = video_render; obs_register_source(&osi); } Source::MirrorAddon::~MirrorAddon() {} const char * Source::MirrorAddon::get_name(void *) { return P_TRANSLATE(S_SOURCE_MIRROR); } void Source::MirrorAddon::get_defaults(obs_data_t *data) { obs_data_set_default_string(data, P_SOURCE, ""); obs_data_set_default_bool(data, P_SCALING, false); obs_data_set_default_string(data, P_SCALING_SIZE, "100x100"); obs_data_set_default_int(data, P_SCALING_METHOD, (int64_t)ScalingMethod::Bilinear); } bool Source::MirrorAddon::modified_properties(obs_properties_t *pr, obs_property_t *p, obs_data_t *data) { if (obs_properties_get(pr, P_SOURCE) == p) { obs_source_t* target = obs_get_source_by_name(obs_data_get_string(data, P_SOURCE)); if (target) { std::vector buf(256); sprintf_s(buf.data(), buf.size(), "%ldx%ld\0", obs_source_get_width(target), obs_source_get_height(target)); obs_data_set_string(data, P_SOURCE_SIZE, buf.data()); } else { obs_data_set_string(data, P_SOURCE_SIZE, "0x0"); } } if (obs_properties_get(pr, P_SCALING) == p) { bool show = obs_data_get_bool(data, P_SCALING); obs_property_set_visible(obs_properties_get(pr, P_SCALING_METHOD), show); obs_property_set_visible(obs_properties_get(pr, P_SCALING_SIZE), show); return true; } return false; } bool UpdateSourceListCB(void *ptr, obs_source_t* src) { obs_property_t* p = (obs_property_t*)ptr; obs_property_list_add_string(p, obs_source_get_name(src), obs_source_get_name(src)); return true; } void UpdateSourceList(obs_property_t* p) { obs_property_list_clear(p); obs_enum_sources(UpdateSourceListCB, p); } obs_properties_t * Source::MirrorAddon::get_properties(void *ptr) { obs_properties_t* pr = obs_properties_create(); obs_property_t* p = nullptr; p = obs_properties_add_list(pr, P_SOURCE, P_TRANSLATE(P_SOURCE), OBS_COMBO_TYPE_LIST, OBS_COMBO_FORMAT_STRING); obs_property_set_long_description(p, P_TRANSLATE(P_DESC(P_SOURCE))); obs_property_set_modified_callback(p, modified_properties); UpdateSourceList(p); p = obs_properties_add_text(pr, P_SOURCE_SIZE, P_TRANSLATE(P_SOURCE_SIZE), OBS_TEXT_DEFAULT); obs_property_set_long_description(p, P_TRANSLATE(P_DESC(P_SOURCE_SIZE))); obs_property_set_enabled(p, false); p = obs_properties_add_bool(pr, P_SCALING, P_TRANSLATE(P_SCALING)); obs_property_set_long_description(p, P_TRANSLATE(P_DESC(P_SCALING))); obs_property_set_modified_callback(p, modified_properties); p = obs_properties_add_list(pr, P_SCALING_METHOD, P_TRANSLATE(P_SCALING_METHOD), OBS_COMBO_TYPE_LIST, OBS_COMBO_FORMAT_INT); obs_property_set_long_description(p, P_TRANSLATE(P_DESC(P_SCALING_METHOD))); obs_property_list_add_int(p, P_TRANSLATE(P_SCALING_METHOD_POINT), (int64_t)ScalingMethod::Point); obs_property_list_add_int(p, P_TRANSLATE(P_SCALING_METHOD_BILINEAR), (int64_t)ScalingMethod::Bilinear); obs_property_list_add_int(p, P_TRANSLATE(P_SCALING_METHOD_BILINEARLOWRES), (int64_t)ScalingMethod::BilinearLowRes); obs_property_list_add_int(p, P_TRANSLATE(P_SCALING_METHOD_BICUBIC), (int64_t)ScalingMethod::Bicubic); obs_property_list_add_int(p, P_TRANSLATE(P_SCALING_METHOD_LANCZOS), (int64_t)ScalingMethod::Lanczos); p = obs_properties_add_text(pr, P_SCALING_SIZE, P_TRANSLATE(P_SCALING_SIZE), OBS_TEXT_DEFAULT); obs_property_set_long_description(p, P_TRANSLATE(P_DESC(P_SCALING_SIZE))); return pr; } void * Source::MirrorAddon::create(obs_data_t *data, obs_source_t *source) { return new Source::Mirror(data, source); } void Source::MirrorAddon::destroy(void *p) { delete static_cast(p); } uint32_t Source::MirrorAddon::get_width(void *p) { return static_cast(p)->get_width(); } uint32_t Source::MirrorAddon::get_height(void *p) { return static_cast(p)->get_height(); } void Source::MirrorAddon::update(void *p, obs_data_t *data) { static_cast(p)->update(data); } void Source::MirrorAddon::activate(void *p) { static_cast(p)->activate(); } void Source::MirrorAddon::deactivate(void *p) { static_cast(p)->deactivate(); } void Source::MirrorAddon::video_tick(void *p, float t) { static_cast(p)->video_tick(t); } void Source::MirrorAddon::video_render(void *p, gs_effect_t *ef) { static_cast(p)->video_render(ef); } Source::Mirror::Mirror(obs_data_t* data, obs_source_t* src) { m_active = true; m_source = src; m_target = nullptr; m_rescale = false; m_width = m_height = 1; m_renderTarget = std::make_unique(GS_RGBA, GS_ZS_NONE); m_scalingEffect = obs_get_base_effect(obs_base_effect::OBS_EFFECT_DEFAULT); update(data); } Source::Mirror::~Mirror() { } uint32_t Source::Mirror::get_width() { if (m_rescale && m_width > 0) return m_width; if (m_target && m_target != m_source) return obs_source_get_width(m_target); return 1; } uint32_t Source::Mirror::get_height() { if (m_rescale && m_height > 0) return m_height; if (m_target && m_target != m_source) return obs_source_get_height(m_target); return 1; } void Source::Mirror::update(obs_data_t* data) { // Update selected source. const char* source = obs_data_get_string(data, P_SOURCE); m_target = obs_get_source_by_name(source); m_targetName = source; // Rescaling m_rescale = obs_data_get_bool(data, P_SCALING); if (m_rescale) { // Parse rescaling settings. uint32_t width, height; // Read value. const char* size = obs_data_get_string(data, P_SCALING_SIZE); const char* xpos = strchr(size, 'x'); if (xpos != nullptr) { // Width width = strtoul(size, nullptr, 10); if (errno == ERANGE || width == 0) { m_rescale = false; m_width = 1; } else { m_width = width; } height = strtoul(xpos + 1, nullptr, 10); if (errno == ERANGE || height == 0) { m_rescale = false; m_height = 1; } else { m_height = height; } } else { m_rescale = false; m_width = 1; m_height = 1; } ScalingMethod scaler = (ScalingMethod)obs_data_get_int(data, P_SCALING_METHOD); switch (scaler) { case ScalingMethod::Bilinear: m_scalingEffect = obs_get_base_effect(obs_base_effect::OBS_EFFECT_DEFAULT); break; case ScalingMethod::BilinearLowRes: m_scalingEffect = obs_get_base_effect(obs_base_effect::OBS_EFFECT_BILINEAR_LOWRES); break; case ScalingMethod::Bicubic: m_scalingEffect = obs_get_base_effect(obs_base_effect::OBS_EFFECT_BICUBIC); break; case ScalingMethod::Lanczos: m_scalingEffect = obs_get_base_effect(obs_base_effect::OBS_EFFECT_LANCZOS); break; case ScalingMethod::Point: default: m_scalingEffect = obs_get_base_effect(obs_base_effect::OBS_EFFECT_DEFAULT); break; } } } void Source::Mirror::activate() { m_active = true; } void Source::Mirror::deactivate() { m_active = false; } void Source::Mirror::video_tick(float) { if (!m_target) m_target = obs_get_source_by_name(m_targetName.c_str()); } void Source::Mirror::video_render(gs_effect_t* effect) { if (!m_active || (m_source == m_target) || (m_width == 0 || m_height == 0)) return; if (m_rescale && m_width > 0 && m_height > 0 && m_scalingEffect) { uint32_t sw, sh; sw = obs_source_get_width(m_target); sh = obs_source_get_height(m_target); // Store original Source Texture try { vec4 black; vec4_zero(&black); auto op = m_renderTarget->Render(m_width, m_height); gs_ortho(0, sw, 0, sh, 0, 1); gs_clear(GS_CLEAR_COLOR, &black, 0, 0); gs_eparam_t *scale_param = gs_effect_get_param_by_name(m_scalingEffect, "base_dimension_i"); if (scale_param) { struct vec2 base_res_i = { 1.0f / (float)sw, 1.0f / (float)sh }; gs_effect_set_vec2(scale_param, &base_res_i); } while (gs_effect_loop(m_scalingEffect, "Draw")) { obs_source_video_render(m_target); } } catch (...) { return; } while (gs_effect_loop(obs_get_base_effect(OBS_EFFECT_DEFAULT), "Draw")) { obs_source_draw(m_renderTarget->GetTextureObject(), 0, 0, m_width, m_height, false); } } else { obs_source_video_render(m_target); } }