# Build Instructions The project is compatible with being included directly in an obs-studio build, but can be built standalone. Depending on which you chose, the instructions differ greatly. ## Building with OBS Studio 1. Prepare OBS Studio for building on your platform. 2. Navigate to /plugins in a git-enabled shell. 3. Run `git submodule add https://github.com/Xaymar/obs-stream-effects.git obs-stream-effects` and wait for it to complete. 4. Edit the CMakeLists.txt in the same directory and append `add_subdirectory(obs-stream-effects)`. 5. Use CMake to reconfigure OBS Studio, at which point it should detect the new plugin and allow you to build it. 6. Done. ## Building Standalone This mode of building is used by CI providers and offers the fastest compile time, but does not allow quick testing as it requires a working OBS Studio installation to test. 1. Install CMake (3.1 or newer) and if you aren't using Windows, build the PACKAGE target in OBS Studio, which will generate a CPack archive in the build folder. 2. Clone the obs-stream-effects repository using git or a comparable tool. 3. Configure obs-stream-effects using CMake to build a subdirectory or any other location that is not the same as the source directory, and adjust the following options to suit your needs: - OBS_STUDIO_DIR: Path to a normal or CPack OBS Studio build. - OBS_DOWNLOAD_VERSION: The version to attempt to automatically download and use if no OBS Studio is detected (may not work on all platforms). - CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX: Path that the INSTALL target copies files to. - CMAKE_PACKAGE_PREFIX: Path for the archives generated by PACKAGE_ZIP and PACKAGE_7Z. - CMAKE_PACKAGE_NAME: Name for the archives generated by PACKAGE_ZIP and PACKAGE_7Z. - CMAKE_PACKAGE_SUFFIX_OVERRIDE: 4. Build obs-stream-effects. ### Installing into a local OBS Studio Installation Modify CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to point at your OBS Studio installation directory (not the data directory) and build the INSTALL target. ### Packaging Release Archives Generate release archives by building either PACKAGE_ZIP or PACKAGE_7Z. To generate a full release archive, CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX has to be set to a directory that only contains release files for this plugin. See the CI scripts for an example on this. # Commits Commits should always only focus on a single change that is necessary for that commit to work. For example, a commit that changes how something logs messages should not also include a new blur effect. In those cases, the commit should be split up into two, so that they can be reverted independently from another. ## Commit Subject The subject line of a commit should begin with the prefix followed by a `: `, and then followed by a summary of what the change does, which should be no longer than 52 alphanumerical characters including whitespace. The prefix is determined by the file being modified, simply remove the extension or find the group that a file belongs to. For example, a modifiation to blur.effect would have the category effects, due to it being re-usable. ### Special Prefixes - effects: Anything modifying generic effects like blur.effect, color-conversion.effect, mask.effect, etc. - locale: Changes in `/data/locale`. - shaders: Changes in `/data/shaders` that are not directly influenced by a change to custom shaders. - project: Changes to files like README, CONTRIBUTING, AUTHORS, etc. - cmake: Changes to CMake build scripts. - ci: Changes to Continuous Integration. ## Commit Messages The commit message should always convey why this change was necessary, what is being changed and how it affects the code when being run. There are rare cases where this can be left out (formatting, refactoring, ...) but it should always be descriptive of what is actually being done.