// FFMPEG Video Encoder Integration for OBS Studio // Copyright (c) 2019-2022 Michael Fabian Dirks // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all // copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE // SOFTWARE. #include "encoder-ffmpeg.hpp" #include "strings.hpp" #include "codecs/hevc.hpp" #include "ffmpeg/tools.hpp" #include "handlers/debug_handler.hpp" #include "obs/gs/gs-helper.hpp" #include "plugin.hpp" #include "warning-disable.hpp" #include #include "warning-enable.hpp" extern "C" { #include "warning-disable.hpp" #include #include "warning-enable.hpp" #include "warning-disable.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include "warning-enable.hpp" } #ifdef ENABLE_ENCODER_FFMPEG_AMF #include "handlers/amf_h264_handler.hpp" #include "handlers/amf_hevc_handler.hpp" #endif #ifdef ENABLE_ENCODER_FFMPEG_NVENC #include "handlers/nvenc_h264_handler.hpp" #include "handlers/nvenc_hevc_handler.hpp" #endif #ifdef ENABLE_ENCODER_FFMPEG_PRORES #include "handlers/prores_aw_handler.hpp" #endif #ifdef ENABLE_ENCODER_FFMPEG_DNXHR #include "handlers/dnxhd_handler.hpp" #endif #ifdef WIN32 #include "ffmpeg/hwapi/d3d11.hpp" #endif // FFmpeg #define ST_I18N_FFMPEG "Encoder.FFmpeg" #define ST_I18N_FFMPEG_SUFFIX ST_I18N_FFMPEG ".Suffix" #define ST_I18N_FFMPEG_CUSTOMSETTINGS ST_I18N_FFMPEG ".CustomSettings" #define ST_KEY_FFMPEG_CUSTOMSETTINGS "FFmpeg.CustomSettings" #define ST_I18N_FFMPEG_THREADS ST_I18N_FFMPEG ".Threads" #define ST_KEY_FFMPEG_THREADS "FFmpeg.Threads" #define ST_I18N_FFMPEG_FRAMERATE ST_I18N_FFMPEG ".Framerate" #define ST_KEY_FFMPEG_FRAMERATE "FFmpeg.Framerate" #define ST_I18N_FFMPEG_GPU ST_I18N_FFMPEG ".GPU" #define ST_KEY_FFMPEG_GPU "FFmpeg.GPU" #define ST_I18N_KEYFRAMES ST_I18N_FFMPEG ".KeyFrames" #define ST_I18N_KEYFRAMES_INTERVALTYPE ST_I18N_KEYFRAMES ".IntervalType" #define ST_I18N_KEYFRAMES_INTERVALTYPE_(x) ST_I18N_KEYFRAMES_INTERVALTYPE "." x #define ST_KEY_KEYFRAMES_INTERVALTYPE "KeyFrames.IntervalType" #define ST_I18N_KEYFRAMES_INTERVAL ST_I18N_KEYFRAMES ".Interval" #define ST_KEY_KEYFRAMES_INTERVAL_SECONDS "KeyFrames.Interval.Seconds" #define ST_KEY_KEYFRAMES_INTERVAL_FRAMES "KeyFrames.Interval.Frames" using namespace streamfx::encoder::ffmpeg; using namespace streamfx::encoder::codec; enum class keyframe_type { SECONDS, FRAMES }; ffmpeg_instance::ffmpeg_instance(obs_data_t* settings, obs_encoder_t* self, bool is_hw) : encoder_instance(settings, self, is_hw), _factory(reinterpret_cast(obs_encoder_get_type_data(self))), _codec(_factory->get_avcodec()), _context(nullptr), _handler(ffmpeg_manager::get()->get_handler(_codec->name)), _scaler(), _packet(), _hwapi(), _hwinst(), _lag_in_frames(0), _sent_frames(0), _have_first_frame(false), _extra_data(), _sei_data(), _free_frames(), _used_frames(), _free_frames_last_used() { // Initialize GPU Stuff if (is_hw) { // Abort if user specified manual override. if ((obs_data_get_int(settings, ST_KEY_FFMPEG_GPU) != -1) || (obs_encoder_scaling_enabled(_self)) || (video_output_get_info(obs_encoder_video(_self))->format != VIDEO_FORMAT_NV12)) { throw std::runtime_error( "Selected settings prevent the use of hardware encoding, falling back to software."); } #ifdef WIN32 auto gctx = streamfx::obs::gs::context(); if (gs_get_device_type() == GS_DEVICE_DIRECT3D_11) { _hwapi = std::make_shared<::streamfx::ffmpeg::hwapi::d3d11>(); } #endif if (!_hwapi) { throw std::runtime_error("Failed to create acceleration context."); } _hwinst = _hwapi->create_from_obs(); } // Initialize context. _context = avcodec_alloc_context3(_codec); if (!_context) { DLOG_ERROR("Failed to create context for encoder '%s'.", _codec->name); throw std::runtime_error("Failed to create encoder context."); } // Allocate a small packet for later use. _packet = {av_packet_alloc(), [](AVPacket* ptr) { av_packet_free(&ptr); }}; av_new_packet(_packet.get(), 8 * 1024 * 1024); // 8 MiB is usually enough for compressed data. // Initialize if (is_hw) { initialize_hw(settings); } else { initialize_sw(settings); } { // Set up framerate division. _framerate_divisor = obs_data_get_int(settings, ST_KEY_FFMPEG_FRAMERATE); _context->ticks_per_frame = 1; _context->time_base.num *= _framerate_divisor; _context->framerate.den *= _framerate_divisor; } // Update settings update(settings); // Initialize Encoder auto gctx = streamfx::obs::gs::context(); int res = avcodec_open2(_context, _codec, NULL); if (res < 0) { throw std::runtime_error(::streamfx::ffmpeg::tools::get_error_description(res)); } } ffmpeg_instance::~ffmpeg_instance() { auto gctx = streamfx::obs::gs::context(); if (_context) { // Flush encoders that require it. if ((_codec->capabilities & AV_CODEC_CAP_DELAY) != 0) { avcodec_send_frame(_context, nullptr); while (avcodec_receive_packet(_context, _packet.get()) >= 0) { avcodec_send_frame(_context, nullptr); std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(1)); } } // Close and free context. avcodec_close(_context); avcodec_free_context(&_context); } av_packet_unref(_packet.get()); _scaler.finalize(); } void ffmpeg_instance::get_properties(obs_properties_t* props) { if (_handler) _handler->get_properties(props, _codec, _context, _handler->is_hardware_encoder(_factory)); obs_property_set_enabled(obs_properties_get(props, ST_KEY_KEYFRAMES_INTERVALTYPE), false); obs_property_set_enabled(obs_properties_get(props, ST_KEY_KEYFRAMES_INTERVAL_SECONDS), false); obs_property_set_enabled(obs_properties_get(props, ST_KEY_KEYFRAMES_INTERVAL_FRAMES), false); obs_property_set_enabled(obs_properties_get(props, ST_KEY_FFMPEG_THREADS), false); obs_property_set_enabled(obs_properties_get(props, ST_KEY_FFMPEG_GPU), false); } void ffmpeg_instance::migrate(obs_data_t* settings, uint64_t version) { if (_handler) _handler->migrate(settings, version, _codec, _context); } bool ffmpeg_instance::update(obs_data_t* settings) { bool support_reconfig = false; bool support_reconfig_threads = false; bool support_reconfig_gpu = false; bool support_reconfig_keyframes = false; if (_handler) { support_reconfig = _handler->supports_reconfigure(_factory, support_reconfig_threads, support_reconfig_gpu, support_reconfig_keyframes); } if (!_context->internal) { // FFmpeg Options _context->debug = 0; _context->strict_std_compliance = FF_COMPLIANCE_NORMAL; } if (!_context->internal || (support_reconfig && support_reconfig_threads)) { /// Threading if (!_hwinst) { _context->thread_type = 0; if (_codec->capabilities & AV_CODEC_CAP_FRAME_THREADS) { _context->thread_type |= FF_THREAD_FRAME; } if (_codec->capabilities & AV_CODEC_CAP_SLICE_THREADS) { _context->thread_type |= FF_THREAD_SLICE; } if (_context->thread_type != 0) { int64_t threads = obs_data_get_int(settings, ST_I18N_FFMPEG_THREADS); if (threads > 0) { _context->thread_count = static_cast(threads); } else { _context->thread_count = static_cast(std::thread::hardware_concurrency()); } } else { _context->thread_count = 1; } // Frame Delay (Lag In Frames) _context->delay = _context->thread_count; } else { _context->delay = 0; } } if (!_context->internal || (support_reconfig && support_reconfig_gpu)) { // Apply GPU Selection if (!_hwinst && ::streamfx::ffmpeg::tools::can_hardware_encode(_codec)) { av_opt_set_int(_context, "gpu", (int)obs_data_get_int(settings, ST_KEY_FFMPEG_GPU), AV_OPT_SEARCH_CHILDREN); } } if (!_context->internal || (support_reconfig && support_reconfig_keyframes)) { // Keyframes if (_handler && _handler->has_keyframe_support(_factory)) { // Key-Frame Options obs_video_info ovi; if (!obs_get_video_info(&ovi)) { throw std::runtime_error("obs_get_video_info failed, restart OBS Studio to fix it (hopefully)."); } int64_t kf_type = obs_data_get_int(settings, ST_KEY_KEYFRAMES_INTERVALTYPE); bool is_seconds = (kf_type == 0); if (is_seconds) { double framerate = static_cast(ovi.fps_num) / (static_cast(ovi.fps_den) * _framerate_divisor); _context->gop_size = static_cast(obs_data_get_double(settings, ST_KEY_KEYFRAMES_INTERVAL_SECONDS) * framerate); } else { _context->gop_size = static_cast(obs_data_get_int(settings, ST_KEY_KEYFRAMES_INTERVAL_FRAMES)); } _context->keyint_min = _context->gop_size; } } if (!_context->internal || support_reconfig) { // Handler Options if (_handler) _handler->update(settings, _codec, _context); { // FFmpeg Custom Options const char* opts = obs_data_get_string(settings, ST_KEY_FFMPEG_CUSTOMSETTINGS); std::size_t opts_len = strnlen(opts, 65535); parse_ffmpeg_commandline(std::string{opts, opts + opts_len}); } // Handler Overrides if (_handler) _handler->override_update(this, settings); } // Handler Logging if (!_context->internal || support_reconfig) { DLOG_INFO("[%s] Configuration:", _codec->name); DLOG_INFO("[%s] FFmpeg:", _codec->name); DLOG_INFO("[%s] Custom Settings: %s", _codec->name, obs_data_get_string(settings, ST_KEY_FFMPEG_CUSTOMSETTINGS)); DLOG_INFO("[%s] Standard Compliance: %s", _codec->name, ::streamfx::ffmpeg::tools::get_std_compliance_name(_context->strict_std_compliance)); DLOG_INFO("[%s] Threading: %s (with %i threads)", _codec->name, ::streamfx::ffmpeg::tools::get_thread_type_name(_context->thread_type), _context->thread_count); DLOG_INFO("[%s] Video:", _codec->name); if (_hwinst) { DLOG_INFO("[%s] Texture: %" PRId32 "x%" PRId32 " %s %s %s", _codec->name, _context->width, _context->height, ::streamfx::ffmpeg::tools::get_pixel_format_name(_context->sw_pix_fmt), ::streamfx::ffmpeg::tools::get_color_space_name(_context->colorspace), av_color_range_name(_context->color_range)); } else { DLOG_INFO("[%s] Input: %" PRId32 "x%" PRId32 " %s %s %s", _codec->name, _scaler.get_source_width(), _scaler.get_source_height(), ::streamfx::ffmpeg::tools::get_pixel_format_name(_scaler.get_source_format()), ::streamfx::ffmpeg::tools::get_color_space_name(_scaler.get_source_colorspace()), _scaler.is_source_full_range() ? "Full" : "Partial"); DLOG_INFO("[%s] Output: %" PRId32 "x%" PRId32 " %s %s %s", _codec->name, _scaler.get_target_width(), _scaler.get_target_height(), ::streamfx::ffmpeg::tools::get_pixel_format_name(_scaler.get_target_format()), ::streamfx::ffmpeg::tools::get_color_space_name(_scaler.get_target_colorspace()), _scaler.is_target_full_range() ? "Full" : "Partial"); if (!_hwinst) DLOG_INFO("[%s] On GPU Index: %lli", _codec->name, obs_data_get_int(settings, ST_KEY_FFMPEG_GPU)); } DLOG_INFO("[%s] Framerate: %" PRId32 "/%" PRId32 " (%f FPS)", _codec->name, _context->time_base.den, _context->time_base.num, static_cast(_context->time_base.den) / static_cast(_context->time_base.num)); DLOG_INFO("[%s] Keyframes: ", _codec->name); if (_context->keyint_min != _context->gop_size) { DLOG_INFO("[%s] Minimum: %i frames", _codec->name, _context->keyint_min); DLOG_INFO("[%s] Maximum: %i frames", _codec->name, _context->gop_size); } else { DLOG_INFO("[%s] Distance: %i frames", _codec->name, _context->gop_size); } if (_handler) { _handler->log_options(settings, _codec, _context); } } return true; } static inline void copy_data(encoder_frame* frame, AVFrame* vframe) { int h_chroma_shift, v_chroma_shift; av_pix_fmt_get_chroma_sub_sample(static_cast(vframe->format), &h_chroma_shift, &v_chroma_shift); for (std::size_t idx = 0; idx < MAX_AV_PLANES; idx++) { if (!frame->data[idx] || !vframe->data[idx]) continue; std::size_t plane_height = static_cast(vframe->height) >> (idx ? v_chroma_shift : 0); if (static_cast(vframe->linesize[idx]) == frame->linesize[idx]) { std::memcpy(vframe->data[idx], frame->data[idx], frame->linesize[idx] * plane_height); } else { std::size_t ls_in = static_cast(frame->linesize[idx]); std::size_t ls_out = static_cast(vframe->linesize[idx]); std::size_t bytes = ls_in < ls_out ? ls_in : ls_out; uint8_t* to = vframe->data[idx]; uint8_t* from = frame->data[idx]; for (std::size_t y = 0; y < plane_height; y++) { std::memcpy(to, from, bytes); to += ls_out; from += ls_in; } } } } bool ffmpeg_instance::encode_audio(struct encoder_frame* frame, struct encoder_packet* packet, bool* received_packet) { throw std::logic_error("The method or operation is not implemented."); } bool ffmpeg_instance::encode_video(struct encoder_frame* frame, struct encoder_packet* packet, bool* received_packet) { if ((_framerate_divisor > 1) && (frame->pts % _framerate_divisor != 0)) { return true; } std::shared_ptr vframe = pop_free_frame(); // Retrieve an empty frame. // Convert frame. { vframe->height = _context->height; vframe->format = _context->pix_fmt; vframe->color_range = _context->color_range; vframe->colorspace = _context->colorspace; vframe->color_primaries = _context->color_primaries; vframe->color_trc = _context->color_trc; vframe->pts = frame->pts; if ((_scaler.is_source_full_range() == _scaler.is_target_full_range()) && (_scaler.get_source_colorspace() == _scaler.get_target_colorspace()) && (_scaler.get_source_format() == _scaler.get_target_format())) { copy_data(frame, vframe.get()); } else { int res = _scaler.convert(reinterpret_cast(frame->data), reinterpret_cast(frame->linesize), 0, _context->height, vframe->data, vframe->linesize); if (res <= 0) { DLOG_ERROR("Failed to convert frame: %s (%" PRId32 ").", ::streamfx::ffmpeg::tools::get_error_description(res), res); return false; } } } if (!encode_avframe(vframe, packet, received_packet)) return false; return true; } bool ffmpeg_instance::encode_video(uint32_t handle, int64_t pts, uint64_t lock_key, uint64_t* next_key, struct encoder_packet* packet, bool* received_packet) { if ((_framerate_divisor > 1) && (pts % _framerate_divisor != 0)) { *next_key = lock_key; return true; } #ifdef D_PLATFORM_WINDOWS if (handle == GS_INVALID_HANDLE) { DLOG_ERROR("Received invalid handle."); *next_key = lock_key; return false; } std::shared_ptr vframe = pop_free_frame(); _hwinst->copy_from_obs(_context->hw_frames_ctx, handle, lock_key, next_key, vframe); vframe->color_range = _context->color_range; vframe->colorspace = _context->colorspace; vframe->color_primaries = _context->color_primaries; vframe->color_trc = _context->color_trc; vframe->pts = pts; if (!encode_avframe(vframe, packet, received_packet)) return false; *next_key = lock_key; return true; #else return false; #endif } void ffmpeg_instance::initialize_sw(obs_data_t* settings) { if (_codec->type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO) { // Initialize Video Encoding auto voi = video_output_get_info(obs_encoder_video(_self)); // Figure out a suitable pixel format to convert to if necessary. AVPixelFormat pix_fmt_source = ::streamfx::ffmpeg::tools::obs_videoformat_to_avpixelformat(voi->format); AVPixelFormat pix_fmt_target = AV_PIX_FMT_NONE; { if (_codec->pix_fmts) { pix_fmt_target = ::streamfx::ffmpeg::tools::get_least_lossy_format(_codec->pix_fmts, pix_fmt_source); } else { // If there are no supported formats, just pass in the current one. pix_fmt_target = pix_fmt_source; } if (_handler) // Allow Handler to override the automatic color format for sanity reasons. _handler->override_colorformat(pix_fmt_target, settings, _codec, _context); } // Setup from OBS information. ::streamfx::ffmpeg::tools::context_setup_from_obs(voi, _context); // Override with other information. _context->width = static_cast(obs_encoder_get_width(_self)); _context->height = static_cast(obs_encoder_get_height(_self)); _context->pix_fmt = pix_fmt_target; _scaler.set_source_size(static_cast(_context->width), static_cast(_context->height)); _scaler.set_source_color(_context->color_range == AVCOL_RANGE_JPEG, _context->colorspace); _scaler.set_source_format(pix_fmt_source); _scaler.set_target_size(static_cast(_context->width), static_cast(_context->height)); _scaler.set_target_color(_context->color_range == AVCOL_RANGE_JPEG, _context->colorspace); _scaler.set_target_format(pix_fmt_target); // Create Scaler if (!_scaler.initialize(SWS_SINC | SWS_FULL_CHR_H_INT | SWS_FULL_CHR_H_INP | SWS_ACCURATE_RND | SWS_BITEXACT)) { std::stringstream sstr; sstr << "Initializing scaler failed for conversion from '" << ::streamfx::ffmpeg::tools::get_pixel_format_name(_scaler.get_source_format()) << "' to '" << ::streamfx::ffmpeg::tools::get_pixel_format_name(_scaler.get_target_format()) << "' with color space '" << ::streamfx::ffmpeg::tools::get_color_space_name(_scaler.get_source_colorspace()) << "' and " << (_scaler.is_source_full_range() ? "full" : "partial") << " range."; throw std::runtime_error(sstr.str()); } } } void ffmpeg_instance::initialize_hw(obs_data_t*) { #ifndef D_PLATFORM_WINDOWS throw std::runtime_error("OBS Studio currently does not support zero copy encoding for this platform."); #else // Initialize Video Encoding const video_output_info* voi = video_output_get_info(obs_encoder_video(_self)); // Apply pixel format settings. ::streamfx::ffmpeg::tools::context_setup_from_obs(voi, _context); _context->sw_pix_fmt = _context->pix_fmt; _context->pix_fmt = AV_PIX_FMT_D3D11; // Try to create a hardware context. _context->hw_device_ctx = _hwinst->create_device_context(); _context->hw_frames_ctx = av_hwframe_ctx_alloc(_context->hw_device_ctx); if (!_context->hw_frames_ctx) { throw std::runtime_error("Creating hardware context failed."); } // Initialize Hardware Context AVHWFramesContext* ctx = reinterpret_cast(_context->hw_frames_ctx->data); ctx->width = _context->width; ctx->height = _context->height; ctx->format = _context->pix_fmt; ctx->sw_format = _context->sw_pix_fmt; if (int32_t res = av_hwframe_ctx_init(_context->hw_frames_ctx); res < 0) { std::array buffer; int len = snprintf(buffer.data(), buffer.size(), "Failed initialize hardware context: %s (%" PRIu32 ")", ::streamfx::ffmpeg::tools::get_error_description(res), res); throw std::runtime_error(std::string(buffer.data(), buffer.data() + len)); } #endif } void ffmpeg_instance::push_free_frame(std::shared_ptr frame) { auto now = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); if (_free_frames.size() > 0) { if ((now - _free_frames_last_used) < std::chrono::seconds(1)) { _free_frames.push(frame); } } else { _free_frames.push(frame); _free_frames_last_used = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); } } std::shared_ptr ffmpeg_instance::pop_free_frame() { std::shared_ptr frame; if (_free_frames.size() > 0) { // Re-use existing frames first. frame = _free_frames.top(); _free_frames.pop(); } else { if (_hwinst) { frame = _hwinst->allocate_frame(_context->hw_frames_ctx); } else { frame = std::shared_ptr(av_frame_alloc(), [](AVFrame* frame) { av_frame_unref(frame); av_frame_free(&frame); }); frame->width = _context->width; frame->height = _context->height; frame->format = _context->pix_fmt; int res = av_frame_get_buffer(frame.get(), 32); if (res < 0) { throw std::runtime_error(::streamfx::ffmpeg::tools::get_error_description(res)); } } } return frame; } void ffmpeg_instance::push_used_frame(std::shared_ptr frame) { _used_frames.push(frame); } std::shared_ptr ffmpeg_instance::pop_used_frame() { auto frame = _used_frames.front(); _used_frames.pop(); return frame; } bool ffmpeg_instance::get_extra_data(uint8_t** data, size_t* size) { if (!_have_first_frame) return false; *data = _extra_data.data(); *size = _extra_data.size(); return true; } bool ffmpeg_instance::get_sei_data(uint8_t** data, size_t* size) { if (!_have_first_frame) return false; *data = _sei_data.data(); *size = _sei_data.size(); return true; } void ffmpeg_instance::get_video_info(struct video_scale_info* info) { if (!is_hardware_encode()) { // Override input with supported format if software encode. info->format = ::streamfx::ffmpeg::tools::avpixelformat_to_obs_videoformat(_scaler.get_source_format()); } } int ffmpeg_instance::receive_packet(bool* received_packet, struct encoder_packet* packet) { int res = 0; av_packet_unref(_packet.get()); { auto gctx = streamfx::obs::gs::context(); res = avcodec_receive_packet(_context, _packet.get()); } if (res != 0) { return res; } if (!_have_first_frame) { if (_codec->id == AV_CODEC_ID_H264) { uint8_t* tmp_packet; uint8_t* tmp_header; uint8_t* tmp_sei; std::size_t sz_packet, sz_header, sz_sei; obs_extract_avc_headers(_packet->data, static_cast(_packet->size), &tmp_packet, &sz_packet, &tmp_header, &sz_header, &tmp_sei, &sz_sei); if (sz_header) { _extra_data.resize(sz_header); std::memcpy(_extra_data.data(), tmp_header, sz_header); } if (sz_sei) { _sei_data.resize(sz_sei); std::memcpy(_sei_data.data(), tmp_sei, sz_sei); } // Not required, we only need the Extra Data and SEI Data anyway. //std::memcpy(_current_packet.data, tmp_packet, sz_packet); //_current_packet.size = static_cast(sz_packet); bfree(tmp_packet); bfree(tmp_header); bfree(tmp_sei); } else if (_codec->id == AV_CODEC_ID_HEVC) { hevc::extract_header_sei(_packet->data, static_cast(_packet->size), _extra_data, _sei_data); } else if (_context->extradata != nullptr) { _extra_data.resize(static_cast(_context->extradata_size)); std::memcpy(_extra_data.data(), _context->extradata, static_cast(_context->extradata_size)); } _have_first_frame = true; } // Allow Handler Post-Processing if (_handler) _handler->process_avpacket(_packet, _codec, _context); // Build packet for use in OBS. packet->type = OBS_ENCODER_VIDEO; packet->pts = _packet->pts; packet->dts = _packet->dts; packet->data = _packet->data; packet->size = static_cast(_packet->size); packet->keyframe = !!(_packet->flags & AV_PKT_FLAG_KEY); *received_packet = true; // Figure out priority and drop_priority. // In theory, this is done by OBS, but its not doing a great job. packet->priority = packet->keyframe ? 3 : 2; packet->drop_priority = 3; for (size_t idx = 0, edx = static_cast(_packet->side_data_elems); idx < edx; idx++) { auto& side_data = _packet->side_data[idx]; if (side_data.type == AV_PKT_DATA_NEW_EXTRADATA) { _extra_data.resize(side_data.size); std::memcpy(_extra_data.data(), side_data.data, side_data.size); } else if (side_data.type == AV_PKT_DATA_QUALITY_STATS) { // Decisions based on picture type, if present. switch (side_data.data[sizeof(uint32_t)]) { case AV_PICTURE_TYPE_I: // I-Frame case AV_PICTURE_TYPE_SI: // Switching I-Frame if (_packet->flags & AV_PKT_FLAG_KEY) { // Recovery only via IDR-Frame. packet->priority = 3; // OBS_NAL_PRIORITY_HIGHEST packet->drop_priority = 2; // OBS_NAL_PRIORITY_HIGH } else { // Recovery via I- or IDR-Frame. packet->priority = 2; // OBS_NAL_PRIORITY_HIGH packet->drop_priority = 2; // OBS_NAL_PRIORITY_HIGH } break; case AV_PICTURE_TYPE_P: // P-Frame case AV_PICTURE_TYPE_SP: // Switching P-Frame // Recovery via I- or IDR-Frame. packet->priority = 1; // OBS_NAL_PRIORITY_LOW packet->drop_priority = 2; // OBS_NAL_PRIORITY_HIGH break; case AV_PICTURE_TYPE_B: // B-Frame // Recovery via I- or IDR-Frame. packet->priority = 0; // OBS_NAL_PRIORITY_DISPOSABLE packet->drop_priority = 2; // OBS_NAL_PRIORITY_HIGH break; case AV_PICTURE_TYPE_BI: // BI-Frame, theoretically identical to I-Frame. // Recovery via I- or IDR-Frame. packet->priority = 2; // OBS_NAL_PRIORITY_HIGH packet->drop_priority = 2; // OBS_NAL_PRIORITY_HIGH break; default: // Unknown picture type. // Recovery only via IDR-Frame packet->priority = 2; // OBS_NAL_PRIORITY_HIGH packet->drop_priority = 3; // OBS_NAL_PRIORITY_HIGHEST break; } } } // Push free frame back into pool. push_free_frame(pop_used_frame()); return res; } int ffmpeg_instance::send_frame(std::shared_ptr const frame) { int res = 0; { auto gctx = streamfx::obs::gs::context(); res = avcodec_send_frame(_context, frame.get()); } if (res == 0) { push_used_frame(frame); } return res; } bool ffmpeg_instance::encode_avframe(std::shared_ptr frame, encoder_packet* packet, bool* received_packet) { bool sent_frame = false; bool recv_packet = false; bool should_lag = (_sent_frames >= _lag_in_frames); auto loop_begin = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); auto loop_end = loop_begin + std::chrono::milliseconds(50); while ((!sent_frame || (should_lag && !recv_packet)) && !(std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() > loop_end)) { bool eagain_is_stupid = false; if (!sent_frame) { int res = send_frame(frame); switch (res) { case 0: sent_frame = true; frame = nullptr; break; case AVERROR(EAGAIN): // This means we should call receive_packet again, but what do we do with that data? // Why can't we queue on both? Do I really have to implement threading for this stuff? if (*received_packet == true) { DLOG_WARNING("Skipped frame due to EAGAIN when a packet was already returned."); sent_frame = true; } eagain_is_stupid = true; break; case AVERROR(EOF): DLOG_ERROR("Skipped frame due to end of stream."); sent_frame = true; break; default: DLOG_ERROR("Failed to encode frame: %s (%" PRId32 ").", ::streamfx::ffmpeg::tools::get_error_description(res), res); return false; } } if (!recv_packet) { int res = receive_packet(received_packet, packet); switch (res) { case 0: recv_packet = true; break; case AVERROR(EOF): DLOG_ERROR("Received end of file."); recv_packet = true; break; case AVERROR(EAGAIN): if (sent_frame) { recv_packet = true; } if (eagain_is_stupid) { DLOG_ERROR("Both send and recieve returned EAGAIN, encoder is broken."); return false; } break; default: DLOG_ERROR("Failed to receive packet: %s (%" PRId32 ").", ::streamfx::ffmpeg::tools::get_error_description(res), res); return false; } } if (!sent_frame || !recv_packet) { std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(1)); } } if (!sent_frame) push_free_frame(frame); return true; } bool ffmpeg_instance::is_hardware_encode() { return _hwinst != nullptr; } const AVCodec* ffmpeg_instance::get_avcodec() { return _codec; } const AVCodecContext* ffmpeg_instance::get_avcodeccontext() { return _context; } void ffmpeg_instance::parse_ffmpeg_commandline(std::string_view text) { // Steps to properly parse a command line: // 1. Split by space and package by quotes. // 2. Parse each resulting option individually. // First, we split by space and of course respect quotes while doing so. // That means that "-foo= bar" is stored as std::string("-foo= bar"), // and things like -foo="bar" is stored as std::string("-foo=\"bar\""). // However "-foo"=bar" -foo2=bar" is stored as std::string("-foo=bar -foo2=bar") // because the quote was not escaped. std::list opts; std::stringstream opt_stream{std::ios_base::in | std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::binary}; std::stack quote_stack; for (std::size_t p = 0; p <= text.size(); p++) { char here = p < text.size() ? text.at(p) : 0; if (here == '\\') { std::size_t p2 = p + 1; if (p2 < text.size()) { char here2 = text.at(p2); if (isdigit(here2)) { // Octal // Not supported yet. p++; } else if (here2 == 'x') { // Hexadecimal // Not supported yet. p += 3; } else if (here2 == 'u') { // 4 or 8 wide Unicode. // Not supported yet. } else if (here2 == 'a') { opt_stream << '\a'; p++; } else if (here2 == 'b') { opt_stream << '\b'; p++; } else if (here2 == 'f') { opt_stream << '\f'; p++; } else if (here2 == 'n') { opt_stream << '\n'; p++; } else if (here2 == 'r') { opt_stream << '\r'; p++; } else if (here2 == 't') { opt_stream << '\t'; p++; } else if (here2 == 'v') { opt_stream << '\v'; p++; } else if (here2 == '\\') { opt_stream << '\\'; p++; } else if (here2 == '\'') { opt_stream << '\''; p++; } else if (here2 == '"') { opt_stream << '"'; p++; } else if (here2 == '?') { opt_stream << '\?'; p++; } } } else if ((here == '\'') || (here == '"')) { if (quote_stack.size() > 1) { opt_stream << here; } if (quote_stack.size() == 0) { quote_stack.push(here); } else if (quote_stack.top() == here) { quote_stack.pop(); } else { quote_stack.push(here); } } else if ((here == 0) || ((here == ' ') && (quote_stack.size() == 0))) { std::string ropt = opt_stream.str(); if (ropt.size() > 0) { opts.push_back(ropt); opt_stream.str(std::string()); opt_stream.clear(); } } else { opt_stream << here; } } // Now that we have a list of parameters as neatly grouped strings, and // have also dealt with escaping for the most part. We want to parse // an FFmpeg commandline option set here, so the first character in // the string must be a '-'. for (const auto& opt : opts) { // Skip empty options. if (opt.size() == 0) continue; // Skip options that don't start with a '-'. if (opt.at(0) != '-') { DLOG_WARNING("Option '%s' is malformed, must start with a '-'.", opt.c_str()); continue; } // Skip options that don't contain a '='. const char* cstr = opt.c_str(); const char* eq_at = strchr(cstr, '='); if (eq_at == nullptr) { DLOG_WARNING("Option '%s' is malformed, must contain a '='.", opt.c_str()); continue; } try { std::string key = opt.substr(1, static_cast((eq_at - cstr) - 1)); std::string value = opt.substr(static_cast((eq_at - cstr) + 1)); int res = av_opt_set(_context, key.c_str(), value.c_str(), AV_OPT_SEARCH_CHILDREN); if (res < 0) { DLOG_WARNING("Option '%s' (key: '%s', value: '%s') encountered error: %s", opt.c_str(), key.c_str(), value.c_str(), ::streamfx::ffmpeg::tools::get_error_description(res)); } } catch (const std::exception& ex) { DLOG_ERROR("Option '%s' encountered exception: %s", opt.c_str(), ex.what()); } } } ffmpeg_factory::ffmpeg_factory(const AVCodec* codec) : _avcodec(codec) { // Generate default identifier. { std::stringstream str; str << S_PREFIX << _avcodec->name; _id = str.str(); } { // Generate default name. std::stringstream str; if (_avcodec->long_name) { str << _avcodec->long_name; str << " (" << _avcodec->name << ")"; } else { str << _avcodec->name; } str << D_TRANSLATE(ST_I18N_FFMPEG_SUFFIX); _name = str.str(); } // Try and find a codec name that libOBS understands. if (auto* desc = avcodec_descriptor_get(_avcodec->id); desc) { _codec = desc->name; } else { // If FFmpeg doesn't know better, fall back to the name. _codec = _avcodec->name; } // Find any available handlers for this codec. if (_handler = ffmpeg_manager::get()->get_handler(_avcodec->name); _handler) { // Override any found info with the one specified by the handler. _handler->adjust_info(this, _avcodec, _id, _name, _codec); // Add texture capability for hardware encoders. if (_handler->is_hardware_encoder(this)) { _info.caps |= OBS_ENCODER_CAP_PASS_TEXTURE; } } else { // If there are no handlers, default to mark it deprecated. _info.caps |= OBS_ENCODER_CAP_DEPRECATED; } { // Build Info structure. _info.id = _id.c_str(); _info.codec = _codec.c_str(); if (_avcodec->type == AVMediaType::AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO) { _info.type = obs_encoder_type::OBS_ENCODER_VIDEO; } else if (_avcodec->type == AVMediaType::AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO) { _info.type = obs_encoder_type::OBS_ENCODER_AUDIO; } } // Register encoder and proxies. finish_setup(); const std::string proxies[] = { std::string("streamfx--") + _avcodec->name, std::string("StreamFX-") + _avcodec->name, std::string("obs-ffmpeg-encoder_") + _avcodec->name, }; for (auto proxy_id : proxies) { register_proxy(proxy_id); if (_info.caps & OBS_ENCODER_CAP_PASS_TEXTURE) { std::string proxy_fallback_id = proxy_id + "_sw"; register_proxy(proxy_fallback_id); } } } ffmpeg_factory::~ffmpeg_factory() {} const char* ffmpeg_factory::get_name() { return _name.c_str(); } void ffmpeg_factory::get_defaults2(obs_data_t* settings) { if (_handler) _handler->get_defaults(settings, _avcodec, nullptr, _handler->is_hardware_encoder(this)); if ((_avcodec->capabilities & AV_CODEC_CAP_INTRA_ONLY) == 0) { obs_data_set_default_int(settings, ST_KEY_KEYFRAMES_INTERVALTYPE, 0); obs_data_set_default_double(settings, ST_KEY_KEYFRAMES_INTERVAL_SECONDS, 2.0); obs_data_set_default_int(settings, ST_KEY_KEYFRAMES_INTERVAL_FRAMES, 300); } { // Integrated Options // FFmpeg obs_data_set_default_string(settings, ST_KEY_FFMPEG_CUSTOMSETTINGS, ""); obs_data_set_default_int(settings, ST_KEY_FFMPEG_THREADS, 0); obs_data_set_default_int(settings, ST_KEY_FFMPEG_GPU, -1); } } void ffmpeg_factory::migrate(obs_data_t* data, uint64_t version) { if (_handler) _handler->migrate(data, version, _avcodec, nullptr); } static bool modified_keyframes(obs_properties_t* props, obs_property_t*, obs_data_t* settings) noexcept { try { bool is_seconds = obs_data_get_int(settings, ST_KEY_KEYFRAMES_INTERVALTYPE) == 0; obs_property_set_visible(obs_properties_get(props, ST_KEY_KEYFRAMES_INTERVAL_FRAMES), !is_seconds); obs_property_set_visible(obs_properties_get(props, ST_KEY_KEYFRAMES_INTERVAL_SECONDS), is_seconds); return true; } catch (const std::exception& ex) { DLOG_ERROR("Unexpected exception in function '%s': %s.", __FUNCTION_NAME__, ex.what()); return false; } catch (...) { DLOG_ERROR("Unexpected exception in function '%s'.", __FUNCTION_NAME__); return false; } } obs_properties_t* ffmpeg_factory::get_properties2(instance_t* data) { obs_properties_t* props = obs_properties_create(); #ifdef ENABLE_FRONTEND { obs_properties_add_button2(props, S_MANUAL_OPEN, D_TRANSLATE(S_MANUAL_OPEN), streamfx::encoder::ffmpeg::ffmpeg_factory::on_manual_open, this); } #endif if (data) { data->get_properties(props); } if (_handler) _handler->get_properties(props, _avcodec, nullptr, _handler->is_hardware_encoder(this)); if (_handler && _handler->has_keyframe_support(this)) { // Key-Frame Options obs_properties_t* grp = props; if (!streamfx::util::are_property_groups_broken()) { grp = obs_properties_create(); obs_properties_add_group(props, ST_I18N_KEYFRAMES, D_TRANSLATE(ST_I18N_KEYFRAMES), OBS_GROUP_NORMAL, grp); } { // Key-Frame Interval Type auto p = obs_properties_add_list(grp, ST_KEY_KEYFRAMES_INTERVALTYPE, D_TRANSLATE(ST_I18N_KEYFRAMES_INTERVALTYPE), OBS_COMBO_TYPE_LIST, OBS_COMBO_FORMAT_INT); obs_property_set_modified_callback(p, modified_keyframes); obs_property_list_add_int(p, D_TRANSLATE(ST_I18N_KEYFRAMES_INTERVALTYPE_("Seconds")), 0); obs_property_list_add_int(p, D_TRANSLATE(ST_I18N_KEYFRAMES_INTERVALTYPE_("Frames")), 1); } { // Key-Frame Interval Seconds auto p = obs_properties_add_float(grp, ST_KEY_KEYFRAMES_INTERVAL_SECONDS, D_TRANSLATE(ST_I18N_KEYFRAMES_INTERVAL), 0.00, std::numeric_limits::max(), 0.01); obs_property_float_set_suffix(p, " seconds"); } { // Key-Frame Interval Frames auto p = obs_properties_add_int(grp, ST_KEY_KEYFRAMES_INTERVAL_FRAMES, D_TRANSLATE(ST_I18N_KEYFRAMES_INTERVAL), 0, std::numeric_limits::max(), 1); obs_property_int_set_suffix(p, " frames"); } } { obs_properties_t* grp = props; if (!streamfx::util::are_property_groups_broken()) { auto prs = obs_properties_create(); obs_properties_add_group(props, ST_I18N_FFMPEG, D_TRANSLATE(ST_I18N_FFMPEG), OBS_GROUP_NORMAL, prs); grp = prs; } { // Custom Settings auto p = obs_properties_add_text(grp, ST_KEY_FFMPEG_CUSTOMSETTINGS, D_TRANSLATE(ST_I18N_FFMPEG_CUSTOMSETTINGS), obs_text_type::OBS_TEXT_DEFAULT); } if (_handler && _handler->is_hardware_encoder(this)) { auto p = obs_properties_add_int(grp, ST_KEY_FFMPEG_GPU, D_TRANSLATE(ST_I18N_FFMPEG_GPU), -1, std::numeric_limits::max(), 1); } if (_handler && _handler->has_threading_support(this)) { auto p = obs_properties_add_int_slider(grp, ST_KEY_FFMPEG_THREADS, D_TRANSLATE(ST_I18N_FFMPEG_THREADS), 0, static_cast(std::thread::hardware_concurrency()) * 2, 1); } { // Frame Skipping obs_video_info ovi; if (!obs_get_video_info(&ovi)) { throw std::runtime_error("obs_get_video_info failed unexpectedly."); } auto p = obs_properties_add_list(grp, ST_KEY_FFMPEG_FRAMERATE, D_TRANSLATE(ST_I18N_FFMPEG_FRAMERATE), OBS_COMBO_TYPE_LIST, OBS_COMBO_FORMAT_INT); // For now, an arbitrary limit of 1/10th the Framerate should be fine. std::vector buf{size_t{256}, 0, std::allocator()}; for (uint32_t divisor = 1; divisor <= 10; divisor++) { double fps_num = static_cast(ovi.fps_num) / static_cast(divisor); double fps = fps_num / static_cast(ovi.fps_den); snprintf(buf.data(), buf.size(), "%8.2f (%" PRIu32 "/%" PRIu32 ")", fps, ovi.fps_num, ovi.fps_den * divisor); obs_property_list_add_int(p, buf.data(), divisor); } } }; return props; } #ifdef ENABLE_FRONTEND bool ffmpeg_factory::on_manual_open(obs_properties_t* props, obs_property_t* property, void* data) { ffmpeg_factory* ptr = static_cast(data); streamfx::open_url(ptr->_handler->get_help_url(ptr->_avcodec)); return false; } #endif const AVCodec* ffmpeg_factory::get_avcodec() { return _avcodec; } obs_encoder_info* streamfx::encoder::ffmpeg::ffmpeg_factory::get_info() { return &_info; } ffmpeg_manager::ffmpeg_manager() : _factories(), _handlers(), _debug_handler() { // Handlers _debug_handler = ::std::make_shared(); #ifdef ENABLE_ENCODER_FFMPEG_AMF register_handler("h264_amf", ::std::make_shared()); register_handler("hevc_amf", ::std::make_shared()); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_ENCODER_FFMPEG_NVENC register_handler("h264_nvenc", ::std::make_shared()); register_handler("hevc_nvenc", ::std::make_shared()); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_ENCODER_FFMPEG_PRORES register_handler("prores_aw", ::std::make_shared()); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_ENCODER_FFMPEG_DNXHR register_handler("dnxhd", ::std::make_shared()); #endif } ffmpeg_manager::~ffmpeg_manager() { _factories.clear(); } void ffmpeg_manager::register_encoders() { // Encoders void* iterator = nullptr; for (const AVCodec* codec = av_codec_iterate(&iterator); codec != nullptr; codec = av_codec_iterate(&iterator)) { // Only register encoders. if (!av_codec_is_encoder(codec)) continue; if ((codec->type == AVMediaType::AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO) || (codec->type == AVMediaType::AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO)) { try { _factories.emplace(codec, std::make_shared(codec)); } catch (const std::exception& ex) { DLOG_ERROR("Failed to register encoder '%s': %s", codec->name, ex.what()); } } } } void ffmpeg_manager::register_handler(std::string codec, std::shared_ptr handler) { _handlers.emplace(codec, handler); } std::shared_ptr ffmpeg_manager::get_handler(std::string codec) { auto fnd = _handlers.find(codec); if (fnd != _handlers.end()) return fnd->second; #ifdef _DEBUG return _debug_handler; #else return nullptr; #endif } bool ffmpeg_manager::has_handler(std::string_view codec) { return (_handlers.find(codec.data()) != _handlers.end()); } std::shared_ptr _ffmepg_encoder_factory_instance = nullptr; void ffmpeg_manager::initialize() { if (!_ffmepg_encoder_factory_instance) { _ffmepg_encoder_factory_instance = std::make_shared(); _ffmepg_encoder_factory_instance->register_encoders(); } } void ffmpeg_manager::finalize() { _ffmepg_encoder_factory_instance.reset(); } std::shared_ptr ffmpeg_manager::get() { return _ffmepg_encoder_factory_instance; }