/* * Modern effects for a modern Streamer * Copyright (C) 2020 Michael Fabian Dirks * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #pragma once #include #include #include #ifdef WIN32 #pragma warning(push) #pragma warning(disable : 4365) #pragma warning(disable : 5204) #include #include #pragma warning(pop) #endif #define CUDA_DEFINE_FUNCTION(name, ...) \ private: \ typedef ::nvidia::cuda::cu_result (*t##name)(__VA_ARGS__); \ \ public: \ t##name name; namespace nvidia::cuda { enum class cu_result : std::size_t { SUCCESS = 0, INVALID_VALUE = 1, OUT_OF_MEMORY = 2, NOT_INITIALIZED = 3, DEINITIALIZED = 4, NO_DEVICE = 100, INVALID_DEVICE = 101, INVALID_CONTEXT = 201, MAP_FAILED = 205, UNMAP_FAILED = 206, ARRAY_IS_MAPPED = 207, ALREADY_MAPPED = 208, NOT_MAPPED = 211, INVALID_GRAPHICS_CONTEXT = 219, // Still missing some. }; enum class cu_memory_type : std::uint32_t { HOST = 1, DEVICE = 2, ARRAY = 3, UNIFIED = 4, }; enum class cu_array_format : std::uint32_t { UNSIGNED_INT8 = 0b00000001, UNSIGNED_INT16 = 0b00000010, UNSIGNED_INT32 = 0b00000011, SIGNED_INT8 = 0b00001000, SIGNED_INT16 = 0b00001001, SIGNED_INT32 = 0b00001010, HALF = 0b00010000, FLOAT = 0b00100000, }; typedef void* cu_array_t; typedef void* cu_context_t; typedef std::uint64_t cu_device_ptr_t; typedef void* cu_graphics_resource_t; typedef void* cu_stream_t; struct cu_memcpy2d_t { std::size_t src_x_in_bytes; std::size_t src_y; cu_memory_type src_memory_type; const void* src_host; cu_device_ptr_t src_device; cu_array_t src_array; std::size_t src_pitch; std::size_t dst_x_in_bytes; std::size_t dst_y; cu_memory_type dst_memory_type; const void* dst_host; cu_device_ptr_t dst_device; cu_array_t dst_array; std::size_t dst_pitch; std::size_t width_in_bytes; std::size_t height; }; struct cu_array_descriptor_t { std::size_t width; std::size_t height; std::uint32_t num_channels; cu_array_format format; }; class cuda { private: void* _library; public: cuda(); ~cuda(); public: // Initialization CUDA_DEFINE_FUNCTION(cuInit, std::int32_t flags); // Version Management CUDA_DEFINE_FUNCTION(cuDriverGetVersion, std::int32_t* driverVersion); // Device Management // cuDeviceGet // cuDeviceGetAttribute // cuDeviceGetCount // cuDeviceGetLuid // cuDeviceGetName // cuDeviceGetNvSciSyncAttributes // cuDeviceGetUuid // cuDeviceTotalMem_v2 // Primary Context Management // cuDevicePrimaryCtxGetState CUDA_DEFINE_FUNCTION(cuDevicePrimaryCtxRelease, std::int32_t device); // cuDevicePrimaryCtxReset_v2 CUDA_DEFINE_FUNCTION(cuDevicePrimaryCtxRetain, cu_context_t* ctx, std::int32_t device); // cuDevicePrimaryCtxSetFlags_v2 // Context Management // cuCtxCreate_v2 CUDA_DEFINE_FUNCTION(cuCtxDestroy, cu_context_t ctx); // cuCtxGetApiVersion // cuCtxGetCacheConfig CUDA_DEFINE_FUNCTION(cuCtxGetCurrent, cu_context_t* ctx); // cuCtxGetDevice // cuCtxGetFlags // cuCtxGetLimit // cuCtxGetSharedMemConfig // cuCtxGetStreamPriorityRange CUDA_DEFINE_FUNCTION(cuCtxPopCurrent, cu_context_t* ctx); CUDA_DEFINE_FUNCTION(cuCtxPushCurrent, cu_context_t ctx); // cuCtxSetCacheConfig CUDA_DEFINE_FUNCTION(cuCtxSetCurrent, cu_context_t ctx); // cuCtxSetLimit // cuCtxSetSharedMemConfig // cuCtxSynchronize // UNDOCUMENTED? cuCtxResetPersistingL2Cache // Module Management // cuLinkAddData // cuLinkAddFile // cuLinkComplete // cuLinkCreate // cuLinkDestroy // cuModuleGetFunction // cuModuleGetGlobal // cuModuleGetSurfRef // cuModuleGetTexRef // cuModuleLoad // cuModuleLoadData // cuModuleLoadDataEx // cuModuleLoadFatBinary // cuModuleUnload // Memory Management // cuArray3DCreate_v2 // cuArray3DGetDescripter_v2 // cuArrayCreate_v2 // cuArrayDestroy CUDA_DEFINE_FUNCTION(cuArrayGetDescriptor, cu_array_descriptor_t* pArrayDescripter, cu_array_t array); // cuArrayGetDescriptor_v2 // cuDeviceGetByPCIBusId // cuDeviceGetPCIBusId // cuIpcCloseMemHandle // cuIpcGetEventHandle // cuIpcGetMemHandle // cuIpcOpenEventHandle // cuIpcOpenMemHandle CUDA_DEFINE_FUNCTION(cuMemAlloc, cu_device_ptr_t* ptr, std::size_t bytes); // cuMemAllocHost_v2 // cuMemAllocManaged CUDA_DEFINE_FUNCTION(cuMemAllocPitch, cu_device_ptr_t* ptr, std::size_t* pitch, std::size_t width_in_bytes, std::size_t height, std::uint32_t element_size_bytes); CUDA_DEFINE_FUNCTION(cuMemFree, cu_device_ptr_t ptr); // cuMemFreeHost // cuMemGetAddressRange_v2 // cuMemGetInfo_v2 // cuMemHostAlloc CUDA_DEFINE_FUNCTION(cuMemHostGetDevicePointer, cu_device_ptr_t* devptr, void* ptr, std::uint32_t flags); // cuMemHostGetFlags // cuMemHostRegister_v2 // cuMemHostUnregister CUDA_DEFINE_FUNCTION(cuMemcpy, cu_device_ptr_t dst, cu_device_ptr_t src, std::size_t bytes); CUDA_DEFINE_FUNCTION(cuMemcpy2D, const cu_memcpy2d_t* copy); CUDA_DEFINE_FUNCTION(cuMemcpy2DAsync, const cu_memcpy2d_t* copy, cu_stream_t stream); // cuMemcpy2DUnaligned_v2 / _v2_ptds // cuMemcpy3D_v2 / _v2_ptds // cuMemcpy3DAsync_v2 / _v2_ptsz // cuMemcpy3DPeer / _ptds // cuMemcpy3DPeerAsync_v2 / _v2_ptsz // cuMemcpyAsync / _ptsz CUDA_DEFINE_FUNCTION(cuMemcpyAtoA, cu_array_t dst, std::size_t dstOffset, cu_array_t src, std::size_t srcOffset, std::size_t byteCount); CUDA_DEFINE_FUNCTION(cuMemcpyAtoD, cu_device_ptr_t dst, cu_array_t src, std::size_t srcOffset, std::size_t byteCount); CUDA_DEFINE_FUNCTION(cuMemcpyAtoH, void* dst, cu_array_t src, std::size_t srcOffset, std::size_t byteCount); CUDA_DEFINE_FUNCTION(cuMemcpyAtoHAsync, void* dst, cu_array_t src, std::size_t srcOffset, std::size_t byteCount); CUDA_DEFINE_FUNCTION(cuMemcpyDtoA, cu_array_t dst, std::size_t dstOffset, cu_device_ptr_t src, std::size_t byteCount); CUDA_DEFINE_FUNCTION(cuMemcpyDtoD, cu_device_ptr_t dst, cu_array_t srcArray, std::size_t byteCount); CUDA_DEFINE_FUNCTION(cuMemcpyDtoH, void* dst, cu_array_t src, std::size_t byteCount); CUDA_DEFINE_FUNCTION(cuMemcpyDtoHAsync, void* dst, cu_array_t src, std::size_t byteCount); CUDA_DEFINE_FUNCTION(cuMemcpyHtoA, cu_array_t dst, std::size_t dstOffset, void* src, std::size_t byteCount); CUDA_DEFINE_FUNCTION(cuMemcpyHtoAAsync, cu_array_t dst, std::size_t dstOffset, void* src, std::size_t byteCount); CUDA_DEFINE_FUNCTION(cuMemcpyHtoD, cu_device_ptr_t dst, void* src, std::size_t byteCount); CUDA_DEFINE_FUNCTION(cuMemcpyHtoDAsync, cu_device_ptr_t dst, void* src, std::size_t byteCount); // cuMemcpyPeer / _ptds // cuMemcpyPeerAsync / _ptsz // cuMemsetD16 // cuMemsetD16Async // cuMemsetD2D16 // cuMemsetD2D16Async // cuMemsetD2D32 // cuMemsetD2D32Async // cuMemsetD2D8 // cuMemsetD2D8Async // cuMemsetD32 // cuMemsetD32Async // cuMemsetD8 // cuMemsetD8Async // cuMipmappedArrayCreate // cuMipmappedArrayDestroy // cuMipmappedArrayGetLevel // Virtual Memory Management // cuMemAddressFree // cuMemAddressReserve // cuMemCreate // cuMemExportToShareableHandle // cuMemGetAccess // cuMemGetAllocationGranularity // cuMemGetAllocationPropertiesFromHandle // cuMemImportFromShareableHandle // cuMemMap // cuMemRelease // cuMemSetAccess // cuMemUnmap // Unified Addressing // cuMemAdvise // cuMemPrefetchAsync // cuMemRangeGetAttribute // cuMemRangeGetAttributes // cuPointerGetAttribute // cuPointerGetAttributes // cuPointerSetAttribute // Stream Managment // cuStreamAddCallback // cuStreamAttachMemAsync // cuStreamBeginCapture_v2 CUDA_DEFINE_FUNCTION(cuStreamCreate, cu_stream_t* stream, std::uint32_t flags); // cuStreamCreateWithPriority CUDA_DEFINE_FUNCTION(cuStreamDestroy, cu_stream_t stream); // cuStreamEndCapture // cuStreamGetCaptureInfo // cuStreamGetCtx // cuStreamGetFlags // cuStreamGetPriority // cuStreamIsCapturing // cuStreamQuery CUDA_DEFINE_FUNCTION(cuStreamSynchronize, cu_stream_t stream); // cuStreamWaitEvent // cuThreadExchangeStreamCaptureMode // Event Management // cuEventCreate // cuEventDestroy_v2 // cuEventElapsedTime // cuEventQuery // cuEventRecord // cuEventSynchronize // External Resource Interoperability // cuDestroyExternalMemory // cuDestroyExternalSemaphore // cuExternalMemoryGetMappedBuffer // cuExternalMemoryGetMappedMipmappedArray // cuImportExternalMemory // cuImportExternalSemaphore // cuSignalExternalSemaphoresAsync // cuWaitExternalSemaphoresAsync // Stream Memory Operations // cuStreamBatchMemOp // cuStreamWaitValue32 // cuStreamWaitValue64 // cuStreamWriteValue32 // cuStreamWriteValue64 // Execution Control // cuFuncGetAttribute // cuFuncSetAttribute // cuFuncSetCacheConfig // cuFuncSetSharedMemConfig // cuLaunchCooperativeKernel // cuLaunchCooperativeKernelMultiDevice // cuLaunchHostFunc // cuLaunchKernel // Graph Management // Todo! // Occupancy // Todo // Texture Object Management // Todo // Surface Object Management // Todo // Peer Context Memory Access // Todo // Graphics Interoperability CUDA_DEFINE_FUNCTION(cuGraphicsMapResources, std::uint32_t count, cu_graphics_resource_t* resources, cu_stream_t stream); // cuGraphicsResourcesGetMappedMipmappedArray // cuGraphicsResourcesGetMappedPointer_v2 // cuGraphicsResourcesSetMapFlags_v2 CUDA_DEFINE_FUNCTION(cuGraphicsSubResourceGetMappedArray, cu_array_t* array, cu_graphics_resource_t resource, std::uint32_t index, std::uint32_t level); CUDA_DEFINE_FUNCTION(cuGraphicsUnmapResources, std::uint32_t count, cu_graphics_resource_t* resources, cu_stream_t stream); CUDA_DEFINE_FUNCTION(cuGraphicsUnregisterResource, cu_graphics_resource_t resource); // Profile Control // Todo // OpenGL Interoperability // cuGLGetDevices // cuGraphcisGLRegisterBuffer // cuGraphcisGLRegisterImage #ifdef WIN32 // cuWGLGetDevice // Direct3D9 Interopability // cuD3D9CtxCreate // cuD3D9CtxCreateOnDevice // cuD3D9CtxGetDevice // cuD3D9CtxGetDevices // cuD3D9GetDirect3DDevice // cuGraphicsD3D9RegisterResource // Direct3D10 Interopability // cuD3D10GetDevice // cuD3D10GetDevices // cuGraphicsD3D10RegisterResource // Direct3D11 Interopability CUDA_DEFINE_FUNCTION(cuD3D11GetDevice, std::int32_t* device, IDXGIAdapter* adapter); // cuD3D11GetDevices CUDA_DEFINE_FUNCTION(cuGraphicsD3D11RegisterResource, cu_graphics_resource_t* resource, ID3D11Resource* d3dresource, std::uint32_t flags); #endif }; } // namespace nvidia::cuda