// Copyright (c) 2020 Michael Fabian Dirks // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all // copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE // SOFTWARE. #include "updater.hpp" #include "version.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include "configuration.hpp" #include "plugin.hpp" #include "util/util-logging.hpp" #ifdef _DEBUG #define ST_PREFIX "<%s> " #define D_LOG_ERROR(x, ...) P_LOG_ERROR(ST_PREFIX##x, __FUNCTION_SIG__, __VA_ARGS__) #define D_LOG_WARNING(x, ...) P_LOG_WARN(ST_PREFIX##x, __FUNCTION_SIG__, __VA_ARGS__) #define D_LOG_INFO(x, ...) P_LOG_INFO(ST_PREFIX##x, __FUNCTION_SIG__, __VA_ARGS__) #define D_LOG_DEBUG(x, ...) P_LOG_DEBUG(ST_PREFIX##x, __FUNCTION_SIG__, __VA_ARGS__) #else #define ST_PREFIX " " #define D_LOG_ERROR(...) P_LOG_ERROR(ST_PREFIX __VA_ARGS__) #define D_LOG_WARNING(...) P_LOG_WARN(ST_PREFIX __VA_ARGS__) #define D_LOG_INFO(...) P_LOG_INFO(ST_PREFIX __VA_ARGS__) #define D_LOG_DEBUG(...) P_LOG_DEBUG(ST_PREFIX __VA_ARGS__) #endif // TODO: // - Cache result in the configuration directory (not as a configuration value). // - Move 'autoupdater.last_checked_at' to out of the configuration. // - Figure out if nightly updates are viable at all. #define ST_CFG_DATASHARING "updater.datasharing" #define ST_CFG_AUTOMATION "updater.automation" #define ST_CFG_CHANNEL "updater.channel" #define ST_CFG_LASTCHECKEDAT "updater.lastcheckedat" streamfx::version_stage streamfx::stage_from_string(std::string_view str) { if (str == "a") { return version_stage::ALPHA; } else if (str == "b") { return version_stage::BETA; } else if (str == "c") { return version_stage::CANDIDATE; } else { return version_stage::STABLE; } } std::string_view streamfx::stage_to_string(version_stage t) { switch (t) { case version_stage::ALPHA: return "a"; case version_stage::BETA: return "b"; case version_stage::CANDIDATE: return "c"; default: case version_stage::STABLE: return "."; } } void streamfx::to_json(nlohmann::json& json, const version_stage& stage) { json = stage_to_string(stage); } void streamfx::from_json(const nlohmann::json& json, version_stage& stage) { stage = stage_from_string(json.get()); } streamfx::version_info::version_info() : major(0), minor(0), patch(0), tweak(0), stage(version_stage::STABLE), url(""), name("") {} streamfx::version_info::version_info(const std::string text) : version_info() { // text can be: // 0.0.0 (Stable) // 0.0.0a0 (Testing) // 0.0.0b0 (Testing) // 0.0.0c0 (Testing) // 0.0.0_0 (Development) static const std::regex re_version( "([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)(([\\._abc]{1,1})([0-9]+|)|)(-g([0-9a-fA-F]{8,8})|)"); std::smatch matches; if (std::regex_match(text, matches, re_version, std::regex_constants::match_any | std::regex_constants::match_continuous)) { major = static_cast(strtoul(matches[1].str().c_str(), nullptr, 10)); minor = static_cast(strtoul(matches[2].str().c_str(), nullptr, 10)); patch = static_cast(strtoul(matches[3].str().c_str(), nullptr, 10)); if (matches.size() >= 5) { stage = stage_from_string(matches[5].str()); tweak = static_cast(strtoul(matches[6].str().c_str(), nullptr, 10)); } } else { throw std::invalid_argument("Provided string is not a version."); } } void streamfx::to_json(nlohmann::json& json, const version_info& info) { auto version = nlohmann::json::object(); version["major"] = info.major; version["minor"] = info.minor; version["patch"] = info.patch; version["type"] = info.stage; version["tweak"] = info.tweak; json["version"] = version; json["url"] = info.url; json["name"] = info.name; } void streamfx::from_json(const nlohmann::json& json, version_info& info) { if (json.find("html_url") == json.end()) { auto version = json.at("version"); info.major = version.at("major").get(); info.minor = version.at("minor").get(); info.patch = version.at("patch").get(); info.stage = version.at("type"); info.tweak = version.at("tweak").get(); info.url = json.at("url").get(); info.name = json.at("name").get(); } else { // This is a response from GitHub. // Retrieve entries from the release object. auto entry_tag_name = json.find("tag_name"); auto entry_name = json.find("name"); auto entry_url = json.find("html_url"); if ((entry_tag_name == json.end()) || (entry_name == json.end()) || (entry_url == json.end())) { throw std::runtime_error("JSON is missing one or more required keys."); } // Parse the information. std::string tag_name = entry_tag_name->get(); info = {tag_name}; info.url = entry_url->get(); info.name = entry_name->get(); } } bool streamfx::version_info::is_older_than(const version_info other) { // 'true' if other is newer, otherwise false. // 1. Compare Major version: // A. Ours is greater: Remote is older. // B. Theirs is greater: Remote is newer. // C. Continue the check. if (major > other.major) return false; if (major < other.major) return true; // 2. Compare Minor version: // A. Ours is greater: Remote is older. // B. Theirs is greater: Remote is newer. // C. Continue the check. if (minor > other.minor) return false; if (minor < other.minor) return true; // 3. Compare Patch version: // A. Ours is greater: Remote is older. // B. Theirs is greater: Remote is newer. // C. Continue the check. if (patch > other.patch) return false; if (patch < other.patch) return true; // 4. Compare Type: // A. Outs is smaller: Remote is older. // B. Theirs is smaller: Remote is newer. // C. Continue the check. if (stage < other.stage) return false; if (stage > other.stage) return true; // 5. Compare Tweak: // A. Ours is greater or equal: Remote is older or identical. // B. Remote is newer if (tweak >= other.tweak) return false; return true; } streamfx::version_info::operator std::string() { std::vector buffer(25, 0); if (stage != version_stage::STABLE) { auto types = stage_to_string(stage); size_t len = snprintf(buffer.data(), buffer.size(), "%" PRIu16 ".%" PRIu16 ".%" PRIu16 "%.1s%" PRIu16, major, minor, patch, types.data(), tweak); return std::string(buffer.data(), buffer.data() + len); } else { size_t len = snprintf(buffer.data(), buffer.size(), "%" PRIu16 ".%" PRIu16 ".%" PRIu16, major, minor, patch); return std::string(buffer.data(), buffer.data() + len); } } void streamfx::updater::task(streamfx::util::threadpool_data_t) try { auto query_fn = [this](std::vector& buffer) { static constexpr std::string_view ST_API_URL = "https://api.github.com/repos/Xaymar/obs-StreamFX/releases?per_page=25&page=1"; streamfx::util::curl curl; size_t buffer_offset = 0; // Set headers (User-Agent is needed so Github can contact us!). curl.set_header("User-Agent", "StreamFX Updater v" STREAMFX_VERSION_STRING); curl.set_header("Accept", "application/vnd.github.v3+json"); // Set up request. curl.set_option(CURLOPT_HTTPGET, true); // GET curl.set_option(CURLOPT_POST, false); // Not POST curl.set_option(CURLOPT_URL, ST_API_URL); curl.set_option(CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 30); // 10s until we fail. // Callbacks curl.set_write_callback([this, &buffer, &buffer_offset](void* data, size_t s1, size_t s2) { size_t size = s1 * s2; if (buffer.size() < (size + buffer_offset)) buffer.resize(buffer_offset + size); memcpy(buffer.data() + buffer_offset, data, size); buffer_offset += size; return s1 * s2; }); //std::bind(&streamfx::updater::task_write_cb, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3) // Clear any unknown data and reserve 64KiB of memory. buffer.clear(); buffer.reserve(0xFFFF); // Finally, execute the request. D_LOG_DEBUG("Querying for latest releases...", ""); if (CURLcode res = curl.perform(); res != CURLE_OK) { D_LOG_ERROR("Performing query failed with error: %s", curl_easy_strerror(res)); throw std::runtime_error(curl_easy_strerror(res)); } int32_t status_code = 0; if (CURLcode res = curl.get_info(CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE, status_code); res != CURLE_OK) { D_LOG_ERROR("Retrieving status code failed with error: %s", curl_easy_strerror(res)); throw std::runtime_error(curl_easy_strerror(res)); } D_LOG_DEBUG("API returned status code %d.", status_code); if (status_code != 200) { D_LOG_ERROR("API returned unexpected status code %d.", status_code); throw std::runtime_error("Request failed due to one or more reasons."); } }; auto parse_fn = [this](nlohmann::json json) { // Check if it was parsed as an object. if (json.type() != nlohmann::json::value_t::array) { throw std::runtime_error("Invalid response from API."); } // Decide on the latest version for all update channels. std::lock_guard lock(_lock); _updates.clear(); for (auto obj : json) { try { auto info = obj.get(); switch (info.stage) { case version_stage::STABLE: if (get_update_info(version_stage::STABLE).is_older_than(info)) { _updates.emplace(version_stage::STABLE, info); } [[fallthrough]]; case version_stage::CANDIDATE: if (get_update_info(version_stage::CANDIDATE).is_older_than(info)) { _updates.emplace(version_stage::CANDIDATE, info); } [[fallthrough]]; case version_stage::BETA: if (get_update_info(version_stage::BETA).is_older_than(info)) { _updates.emplace(version_stage::BETA, info); } [[fallthrough]]; case version_stage::ALPHA: if (get_update_info(version_stage::ALPHA).is_older_than(info)) { _updates.emplace(version_stage::ALPHA, info); } } } catch (const std::exception& ex) { D_LOG_DEBUG("Failed to parse entry, error: %s", ex.what()); } } }; { // Query and parse the response. nlohmann::json json; // Query the API or parse a crafted response. auto debug_path = streamfx::config_file_path("github_release_query_response.json"); if (std::filesystem::exists(debug_path)) { std::ifstream fs{debug_path}; json = nlohmann::json::parse(fs); fs.close(); } else { std::vector buffer; query_fn(buffer); json = nlohmann::json::parse(buffer.begin(), buffer.end()); } // Parse the JSON response from the API. parse_fn(json); } // Print all update information to the log file. D_LOG_INFO("Current Version: %s", static_cast(_current_info).c_str()); D_LOG_INFO("Latest Stable Version: %s", static_cast(get_update_info(version_stage::STABLE)).c_str()); D_LOG_INFO("Latest Candidate Version: %s", static_cast(get_update_info(version_stage::CANDIDATE)).c_str()); D_LOG_INFO("Latest Beta Version: %s", static_cast(get_update_info(version_stage::BETA)).c_str()); D_LOG_INFO("Latest Alpha Version: %s", static_cast(get_update_info(version_stage::ALPHA)).c_str()); if (is_update_available()) { D_LOG_INFO("Update is available.", ""); } // Notify listeners of the update. events.refreshed.call(*this); } catch (const std::exception& ex) { // Notify about the error. std::string message = ex.what(); events.error.call(*this, message); } bool streamfx::updater::can_check() { #ifdef _DEBUG return true; #else auto now = std::chrono::duration_cast(std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch()); auto threshold = (_lastcheckedat + std::chrono::minutes(10)); return (now > threshold); #endif } void streamfx::updater::load() { std::lock_guard lock(_lock); if (auto config = streamfx::configuration::instance(); config) { auto dataptr = config->get(); if (obs_data_has_user_value(dataptr.get(), ST_CFG_DATASHARING)) _data_sharing_allowed = obs_data_get_bool(dataptr.get(), ST_CFG_DATASHARING); if (obs_data_has_user_value(dataptr.get(), ST_CFG_AUTOMATION)) _automation = obs_data_get_bool(dataptr.get(), ST_CFG_AUTOMATION); if (obs_data_has_user_value(dataptr.get(), ST_CFG_CHANNEL)) _channel = static_cast(obs_data_get_int(dataptr.get(), ST_CFG_CHANNEL)); if (obs_data_has_user_value(dataptr.get(), ST_CFG_LASTCHECKEDAT)) _lastcheckedat = std::chrono::seconds(obs_data_get_int(dataptr.get(), ST_CFG_LASTCHECKEDAT)); } } void streamfx::updater::save() { if (auto config = streamfx::configuration::instance(); config) { auto dataptr = config->get(); obs_data_set_bool(dataptr.get(), ST_CFG_DATASHARING, _data_sharing_allowed); obs_data_set_bool(dataptr.get(), ST_CFG_AUTOMATION, _automation); obs_data_set_int(dataptr.get(), ST_CFG_CHANNEL, static_cast(_channel)); obs_data_set_int(dataptr.get(), ST_CFG_LASTCHECKEDAT, static_cast(_lastcheckedat.count())); } } streamfx::updater::updater() : _lock(), _task(), _data_sharing_allowed(false), _automation(true), _channel(version_stage::STABLE), _lastcheckedat(), _current_info(), _updates(), _dirty(false) { // Load information from configuration. load(); // Build current version information. try { _current_info = {STREAMFX_VERSION_STRING}; } catch (...) { D_LOG_ERROR("Failed to parse current version information, results may be inaccurate.", ""); } } streamfx::updater::~updater() { save(); } bool streamfx::updater::is_data_sharing_allowed() { return _data_sharing_allowed; } void streamfx::updater::set_data_sharing_allowed(bool value) { _dirty = true; _data_sharing_allowed = value; events.gdpr_changed(*this, _data_sharing_allowed); { std::lock_guard lock(_lock); save(); } D_LOG_INFO("User %s the processing of data.", _data_sharing_allowed ? "allowed" : "disallowed"); } bool streamfx::updater::is_automated() { return _automation; } void streamfx::updater::set_automation(bool value) { _automation = value; events.automation_changed(*this, _automation); { std::lock_guard lock(_lock); save(); } D_LOG_INFO("Automatic checks at launch are now %s.", value ? "enabled" : "disabled"); } streamfx::version_stage streamfx::updater::get_channel() { return _channel; } void streamfx::updater::set_channel(version_stage value) { std::lock_guard lock(_lock); _dirty = true; _channel = value; events.channel_changed(*this, _channel); save(); D_LOG_INFO("Update channel changed to '%s'.", stage_to_string(value).data()); } void streamfx::updater::refresh() { if (!_task.expired() || !is_data_sharing_allowed()) { return; } if (can_check()) { std::lock_guard lock(_lock); // Update last checked time. _lastcheckedat = std::chrono::duration_cast(std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch()); save(); // Spawn a new task. _task = streamfx::threadpool()->push(std::bind(&streamfx::updater::task, this, std::placeholders::_1), nullptr); } else { events.refreshed(*this); } } bool streamfx::updater::is_update_available() { return _current_info.is_older_than(get_update_info()); } bool streamfx::updater::is_update_available(version_stage channel) { return _current_info.is_older_than(get_update_info(channel)); } streamfx::version_info streamfx::updater::get_current_info() { return _current_info; } streamfx::version_info streamfx::updater::get_update_info() { return get_update_info(_channel); } streamfx::version_info streamfx::updater::get_update_info(version_stage channel) { std::lock_guard lock(_lock); if (auto iter = _updates.find(channel); iter != _updates.end()) { return iter->second; } else { return {}; } } std::shared_ptr streamfx::updater::instance() { static std::weak_ptr _instance; static std::mutex _lock; std::lock_guard lock(_lock); if (_instance.expired()) { auto ptr = std::make_shared(); _instance = ptr; return ptr; } else { return _instance.lock(); } }