// AUTOGENERATED COPYRIGHT HEADER START // Copyright (C) 2021-2023 Michael Fabian 'Xaymar' Dirks // AUTOGENERATED COPYRIGHT HEADER END // NVIDIA CVImage is part of: // - NVIDIA Video Effects SDK // - NVIDIA Augmented Reality SDK #include "nvidia-cv.hpp" #include "nvidia/cuda/nvidia-cuda-obs.hpp" #include "obs/gs/gs-helper.hpp" #include "util/util-logging.hpp" #include "util/util-platform.hpp" #include "warning-disable.hpp" #include #include #include "warning-enable.hpp" #ifdef _DEBUG #define ST_PREFIX "<%s> " #define D_LOG_ERROR(x, ...) P_LOG_ERROR(ST_PREFIX##x, __FUNCTION_SIG__, __VA_ARGS__) #define D_LOG_WARNING(x, ...) P_LOG_WARN(ST_PREFIX##x, __FUNCTION_SIG__, __VA_ARGS__) #define D_LOG_INFO(x, ...) P_LOG_INFO(ST_PREFIX##x, __FUNCTION_SIG__, __VA_ARGS__) #define D_LOG_DEBUG(x, ...) P_LOG_DEBUG(ST_PREFIX##x, __FUNCTION_SIG__, __VA_ARGS__) #else #define ST_PREFIX " " #define D_LOG_ERROR(...) P_LOG_ERROR(ST_PREFIX __VA_ARGS__) #define D_LOG_WARNING(...) P_LOG_WARN(ST_PREFIX __VA_ARGS__) #define D_LOG_INFO(...) P_LOG_INFO(ST_PREFIX __VA_ARGS__) #define D_LOG_DEBUG(...) P_LOG_DEBUG(ST_PREFIX __VA_ARGS__) #endif #if defined(WIN32) #include "warning-disable.hpp" #include #include #include #include "warning-enable.hpp" #define LIB_NAME "NVCVImage.dll" #else #define LIB_NAME "libNVCVImage.so" #endif #define ST_ENV_NVIDIA_AR_SDK_PATH L"NV_AR_SDK_PATH" #define ST_ENV_NVIDIA_VIDEO_EFFECTS_SDK_PATH L"NV_VIDEO_EFFECTS_PATH" #define NVCVI_LOAD_SYMBOL(NAME) \ { \ NAME = reinterpret_cast(_library->load_symbol(#NAME)); \ if (!NAME) \ throw std::runtime_error("Failed to load '" #NAME "' from '" LIB_NAME "'."); \ } streamfx::nvidia::cv::cv::~cv() { D_LOG_DEBUG("Finalizing... (Addr: 0x%" PRIuPTR ")", this); #ifdef WIN32 // Remove the DLL directory from the library loader paths. if (_extra != nullptr) { RemoveDllDirectory(reinterpret_cast(_extra)); } #endif } streamfx::nvidia::cv::cv::cv() { std::filesystem::path vfx_sdk_path; std::filesystem::path ar_sdk_path; std::vector lib_paths; auto gctx = ::streamfx::obs::gs::context(); auto cctx = ::streamfx::nvidia::cuda::obs::get()->get_context()->enter(); D_LOG_DEBUG("Initializing... (Addr: 0x%" PRIuPTR ")", this); // Figure out the location of supported SDKs. { #ifdef WIN32 DWORD env_size; std::vector buffer; env_size = GetEnvironmentVariableW(ST_ENV_NVIDIA_VIDEO_EFFECTS_SDK_PATH, nullptr, 0); if (env_size > 0) { buffer.resize(static_cast(env_size) + 1); env_size = GetEnvironmentVariableW(ST_ENV_NVIDIA_VIDEO_EFFECTS_SDK_PATH, buffer.data(), static_cast(buffer.size())); vfx_sdk_path = std::wstring(buffer.data(), buffer.size()); } else { PWSTR str = nullptr; HRESULT res = SHGetKnownFolderPath(FOLDERID_ProgramFiles, KF_FLAG_DEFAULT, nullptr, &str); if (res == S_OK) { vfx_sdk_path = std::wstring(str); vfx_sdk_path /= "NVIDIA Corporation"; vfx_sdk_path /= "NVIDIA Video Effects"; CoTaskMemFree(str); } } #else throw std::runtime_error("Not yet implemented."); #endif // Check if any of the found paths are valid. if (std::filesystem::exists(vfx_sdk_path)) { lib_paths.push_back(vfx_sdk_path); } } { #ifdef WIN32 DWORD env_size; std::vector buffer; env_size = GetEnvironmentVariableW(ST_ENV_NVIDIA_AR_SDK_PATH, nullptr, 0); if (env_size > 0) { buffer.resize(static_cast(env_size) + 1); env_size = GetEnvironmentVariableW(ST_ENV_NVIDIA_AR_SDK_PATH, buffer.data(), static_cast(buffer.size())); ar_sdk_path = std::wstring(buffer.data(), buffer.size()); } else { PWSTR str = nullptr; HRESULT res = SHGetKnownFolderPath(FOLDERID_ProgramFiles, KF_FLAG_DEFAULT, nullptr, &str); if (res == S_OK) { ar_sdk_path = std::wstring(str); ar_sdk_path /= "NVIDIA Corporation"; ar_sdk_path /= "NVIDIA AR SDK"; CoTaskMemFree(str); } } #else throw std::runtime_error("Not yet implemented."); #endif // Check if any of the found paths are valid. if (std::filesystem::exists(ar_sdk_path)) { lib_paths.push_back(ar_sdk_path); } } // Check if we have any found paths. if (lib_paths.size() == 0) { D_LOG_ERROR("No supported NVIDIA SDK is installed to provide '%s'.", LIB_NAME); throw std::runtime_error("Failed to load '" LIB_NAME "'."); } // Try and load any available NvCVImage library. for (auto path : lib_paths) { #ifdef WIN32 // Add the DLL directory to the library loader paths, if possible. DLL_DIRECTORY_COOKIE ck = AddDllDirectory(vfx_sdk_path.wstring().c_str()); _extra = reinterpret_cast(ck); if (ck == 0) { DWORD ec = GetLastError(); std::string error; { LPWSTR str; FormatMessageW(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, nullptr, ec, MAKELANGID(LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US), reinterpret_cast(&str), 0, nullptr); error = ::streamfx::util::platform::native_to_utf8(std::wstring(str)); LocalFree(str); } D_LOG_WARNING("Failed to add '%'s to the library loader paths with error: %s (Code %" PRIu32 ")", vfx_sdk_path.string().c_str(), error.c_str(), ec); } #endif // Try to load it directly first, it may be on the search path already. try { _library = ::streamfx::util::library::load(std::string_view(LIB_NAME)); } catch (...) { auto pathu8 = util::platform::native_to_utf8(path / LIB_NAME); try { _library = ::streamfx::util::library::load(pathu8); } catch (...) { D_LOG_WARNING("Failed to load '%s' from '%s'.", LIB_NAME, pathu8.string().c_str()); } } // If we were successful at loading it, break out. if (_library) { break; } #ifdef WIN32 // Remove the DLL directory from the library loader paths if we added it. if (ck != 0) { RemoveDllDirectory(ck); } #endif } if (!_library) { D_LOG_ERROR("No installed NVIDIA SDK provides '%s'.", LIB_NAME); throw std::runtime_error("Failed to load '" LIB_NAME "'."); } { // Load Symbols NVCVI_LOAD_SYMBOL(NvCVImage_Init); NVCVI_LOAD_SYMBOL(NvCVImage_InitView); NVCVI_LOAD_SYMBOL(NvCVImage_Alloc); NVCVI_LOAD_SYMBOL(NvCVImage_Realloc); NVCVI_LOAD_SYMBOL(NvCVImage_Dealloc); NVCVI_LOAD_SYMBOL(NvCVImage_Create); NVCVI_LOAD_SYMBOL(NvCVImage_Destroy); NVCVI_LOAD_SYMBOL(NvCVImage_ComponentOffsets); NVCVI_LOAD_SYMBOL(NvCVImage_Transfer); NVCVI_LOAD_SYMBOL(NvCVImage_TransferRect); NVCVI_LOAD_SYMBOL(NvCVImage_TransferFromYUV); NVCVI_LOAD_SYMBOL(NvCVImage_TransferToYUV); NVCVI_LOAD_SYMBOL(NvCVImage_MapResource); NVCVI_LOAD_SYMBOL(NvCVImage_UnmapResource); NVCVI_LOAD_SYMBOL(NvCVImage_Composite); NVCVI_LOAD_SYMBOL(NvCVImage_CompositeRect); NVCVI_LOAD_SYMBOL(NvCVImage_CompositeOverConstant); NVCVI_LOAD_SYMBOL(NvCVImage_FlipY); NVCVI_LOAD_SYMBOL(NvCVImage_GetYUVPointers); NVCVI_LOAD_SYMBOL(NvCV_GetErrorStringFromCode); #ifdef WIN32 NVCVI_LOAD_SYMBOL(NvCVImage_InitFromD3D11Texture); NVCVI_LOAD_SYMBOL(NvCVImage_ToD3DFormat); NVCVI_LOAD_SYMBOL(NvCVImage_FromD3DFormat); #ifdef __dxgicommon_h__ NVCVI_LOAD_SYMBOL(NvCVImage_ToD3DColorSpace); NVCVI_LOAD_SYMBOL(NvCVImage_FromD3DColorSpace); #endif #endif } } std::shared_ptr streamfx::nvidia::cv::cv::get() { static std::weak_ptr instance; static std::mutex lock; std::unique_lock ul(lock); if (instance.expired()) { auto hard_instance = std::make_shared(); instance = hard_instance; return hard_instance; } return instance.lock(); }