// Modern effects for a modern Streamer // Copyright (C) 2019 Michael Fabian Dirks // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA #include "gfx-shader-param-basic.hpp" #include "strings.hpp" #include #include #include #include #define ANNO_FIELD_TYPE "field_type" #define ANNO_SUFFIX "suffix" #define ANNO_VALUE_MINIMUM "minimum" #define ANNO_VALUE_MAXIMUM "maximum" #define ANNO_VALUE_STEP "step" #define ANNO_VALUE_SCALE "scale" #define ANNO_ENUM_VALUES "values" #define ANNO_ENUM_VALUE "value" inline bool get_annotation_string(gs::effect_parameter param, std::string anno_name, std::string& out) { if (!param) return false; if (auto el = param.get_annotation(anno_name); el != nullptr) { if (auto val = el.get_default_string(); val.length() > 0) { out = val; return true; } } return false; } inline bool get_annotation_float(gs::effect_parameter param, std::string anno_name, float_t& out) { if (!param) { return false; } if (auto el = param.get_annotation(anno_name); el != nullptr) { out = el.get_default_float(); return true; } return false; } gfx::shader::basic_field_type gfx::shader::get_field_type_from_string(std::string v) { std::map matches = { {"input", basic_field_type::Input}, {"slider", basic_field_type::Slider}, {"enum", basic_field_type::Enum}, {"enumeration", basic_field_type::Enum}, }; auto fnd = matches.find(v); if (fnd != matches.end()) return fnd->second; return basic_field_type::Input; } gfx::shader::basic_parameter::basic_parameter(gs::effect_parameter param, std::string prefix) : parameter(param, prefix), _field_type(basic_field_type::Input), _suffix(), _keys(), _names(), _min(), _max(), _step(), _values() { char string_buffer[256]; _keys.resize(get_size()); _names.resize(get_size()); _min.resize(get_size()); _max.resize(get_size()); _step.resize(get_size()); _scale.resize(get_size()); // Build sub-keys if (get_size() == 1) { _names[0] = get_name(); _keys[0] = get_key(); } else { for (std::size_t idx = 0; idx < get_size(); idx++) { snprintf(string_buffer, sizeof(string_buffer), "[%d]", static_cast(idx)); _names[idx] = std::string(string_buffer, string_buffer + strnlen(string_buffer, sizeof(string_buffer))); snprintf(string_buffer, sizeof(string_buffer), "%s[%d]", get_key().c_str(), static_cast(idx)); _keys[idx] = std::string(string_buffer, string_buffer + strnlen(string_buffer, sizeof(string_buffer))); } } // Detect Field Types if (auto anno = get_parameter().get_annotation(ANNO_FIELD_TYPE); anno) { _field_type = get_field_type_from_string(anno.get_default_string()); } // Read Suffix Data if (auto anno = get_parameter().get_annotation(ANNO_SUFFIX); anno) { if (anno.get_type() == gs::effect_parameter::type::String) _suffix = anno.get_default_string(); } // Read Enumeration Data if Enumeration if (get_field_type() == basic_field_type::Enum) { if (auto anno = get_parameter().get_annotation(ANNO_ENUM_VALUES); anno && (anno.get_type() == gs::effect_parameter::type::Integer)) { _values.resize(static_cast(std::max(anno.get_default_int(), 0))); for (std::size_t idx = 0; idx < _values.size(); idx++) { auto& entry = _values[idx]; snprintf(string_buffer, sizeof(string_buffer), "_%zu", idx); std::string key = std::string(string_buffer, string_buffer + strnlen(string_buffer, sizeof(string_buffer))); if (auto annoe = anno.get_annotation(key); annoe && (annoe.get_type() == gs::effect_parameter::type::String)) { entry.name = annoe.get_default_string(); if (auto annoev = annoe.get_annotation(ANNO_ENUM_VALUE); annoev) { load_parameter_data(annoev, entry.data); } } else { LOG_WARNING("[%s] Parameter enumeration entry '%s' is of invalid type, must be string.", get_name().c_str(), string_buffer); } } } else { LOG_WARNING("[%s] Enumeration is missing entries.", get_name().c_str()); _field_type = basic_field_type::Input; } } } gfx::shader::basic_parameter::~basic_parameter() {} void gfx::shader::basic_parameter::load_parameter_data(gs::effect_parameter parameter, basic_data& data) { parameter.get_default_value(&data.i32, 1); } gfx::shader::basic_field_type gfx::shader::basic_parameter::get_field_type() { return _field_type; } const std::string& gfx::shader::basic_parameter::get_suffix() { return _suffix; } const std::string& gfx::shader::basic_parameter::get_keys(std::size_t idx) { if (idx >= get_size()) throw std::out_of_range("Index out of range."); return _keys[idx]; } const std::string& gfx::shader::basic_parameter::get_names(std::size_t idx) { if (idx >= get_size()) throw std::out_of_range("Index out of range."); return _names[idx]; } gfx::shader::bool_parameter::bool_parameter(gs::effect_parameter param, std::string prefix) : basic_parameter(param, prefix) { _min.resize(0); _max.resize(0); _step.resize(0); _scale.resize(0); _data.resize(get_size(), true); } gfx::shader::bool_parameter::~bool_parameter() {} void gfx::shader::bool_parameter::defaults(obs_data_t* settings) { // TODO: Support for bool[] if (get_size() == 1) { obs_data_set_default_bool(settings, get_key().c_str(), get_parameter().get_default_bool()); } } void gfx::shader::bool_parameter::properties(obs_properties_t* props, obs_data_t* settings) { if (!is_visible()) return; // TODO: Support for bool[] if (get_size() == 1) { auto p = obs_properties_add_list(props, get_key().c_str(), get_name().c_str(), OBS_COMBO_TYPE_LIST, OBS_COMBO_FORMAT_INT); if (has_description()) obs_property_set_long_description(p, get_description().c_str()); obs_property_list_add_int(p, D_TRANSLATE(S_STATE_DISABLED), 0); obs_property_list_add_int(p, D_TRANSLATE(S_STATE_ENABLED), 1); } } void gfx::shader::bool_parameter::update(obs_data_t* settings) { if (is_automatic()) return; // TODO: Support for bool[] if (get_size() == 1) { _data[0] = static_cast(obs_data_get_int(settings, get_key().c_str())); } } void gfx::shader::bool_parameter::assign() { get_parameter().set_value(_data.data(), sizeof(std::uint8_t)); } gfx::shader::float_parameter::float_parameter(gs::effect_parameter param, std::string prefix) : basic_parameter(param, prefix) { _data.resize(get_size()); // Reset minimum, maximum, step and scale. for (std::size_t idx = 0; idx < get_size(); idx++) { _min[idx].f32 = std::numeric_limits::lowest(); _max[idx].f32 = std::numeric_limits::max(); _step[idx].f32 = 0.01f; _scale[idx].f32 = 1.00f; } // Load Limits if (auto anno = get_parameter().get_annotation(ANNO_VALUE_MINIMUM); anno) { if (anno.get_type() == get_parameter().get_type()) { anno.get_default_value(_min.data(), get_size()); } } if (auto anno = get_parameter().get_annotation(ANNO_VALUE_MAXIMUM); anno) { if (anno.get_type() == get_parameter().get_type()) { anno.get_default_value(_max.data(), get_size()); } } if (auto anno = get_parameter().get_annotation(ANNO_VALUE_STEP); anno) { if (anno.get_type() == get_parameter().get_type()) { anno.get_default_value(_step.data(), get_size()); } } if (auto anno = get_parameter().get_annotation(ANNO_VALUE_SCALE); anno) { if (anno.get_type() == get_parameter().get_type()) { anno.get_default_value(_scale.data(), get_size()); } } } gfx::shader::float_parameter::~float_parameter() {} void gfx::shader::float_parameter::defaults(obs_data_t* settings) { std::vector defaults; defaults.resize(get_size()); get_parameter().get_default_value(defaults.data(), get_size()); for (std::size_t idx = 0; idx < get_size(); idx++) { obs_data_set_default_double(settings, get_keys(idx).c_str(), static_cast(defaults[idx])); } } static inline obs_property_t* build_float_property(gfx::shader::basic_field_type ft, obs_properties_t* props, const char* key, const char* name, float_t min, float_t max, float_t step, std::vector edata) { switch (ft) { case gfx::shader::basic_field_type::Enum: { auto p = obs_properties_add_list(props, key, name, OBS_COMBO_TYPE_LIST, OBS_COMBO_FORMAT_FLOAT); for (std::size_t idx = 0; idx < edata.size(); idx++) { auto& el = edata.at(idx); obs_property_list_add_float(p, el.name.c_str(), el.data.f32); } return p; } case gfx::shader::basic_field_type::Slider: return obs_properties_add_float_slider(props, key, name, min, max, step); default: case gfx::shader::basic_field_type::Input: return obs_properties_add_float(props, key, name, min, max, step); } } void gfx::shader::float_parameter::properties(obs_properties_t* props, obs_data_t* settings) { if (!is_visible()) return; if (get_size() == 1) { auto p = build_float_property(_field_type, props, _keys[0].c_str(), _names[0].c_str(), _min[0].f32, _max[0].f32, _step[0].f32, _values); if (has_description()) obs_property_set_long_description(p, get_description().c_str()); } else { auto grp = obs_properties_create(); auto p = obs_properties_add_group(props, get_key().c_str(), has_name() ? get_name().c_str() : get_key().c_str(), OBS_GROUP_NORMAL, grp); if (has_description()) obs_property_set_long_description(p, get_description().c_str()); for (std::size_t idx = 0; idx < get_size(); idx++) { p = build_float_property(_field_type, grp, _keys[idx].c_str(), _names[idx].c_str(), _min[idx].f32, _max[idx].f32, _step[idx].f32, _values); if (has_description()) obs_property_set_long_description(p, get_description().c_str()); } } } void gfx::shader::float_parameter::update(obs_data_t* settings) { for (std::size_t idx = 0; idx < get_size(); idx++) { _data[idx].f32 = static_cast(obs_data_get_double(settings, _keys[idx].c_str())) * _scale[idx].f32; } } void gfx::shader::float_parameter::assign() { if (is_automatic()) return; get_parameter().set_value(_data.data(), get_size()); } static inline obs_property_t* build_int_property(gfx::shader::basic_field_type ft, obs_properties_t* props, const char* key, const char* name, int32_t min, int32_t max, int32_t step, std::vector edata) { switch (ft) { case gfx::shader::basic_field_type::Enum: { auto p = obs_properties_add_list(props, key, name, OBS_COMBO_TYPE_LIST, OBS_COMBO_FORMAT_INT); for (std::size_t idx = 0; idx < edata.size(); idx++) { auto& el = edata.at(idx); obs_property_list_add_int(p, el.name.c_str(), el.data.i32); } return p; } case gfx::shader::basic_field_type::Slider: return obs_properties_add_int_slider(props, key, name, min, max, step); default: case gfx::shader::basic_field_type::Input: return obs_properties_add_int(props, key, name, min, max, step); } } gfx::shader::int_parameter::int_parameter(gs::effect_parameter param, std::string prefix) : basic_parameter(param, prefix) { _data.resize(get_size()); // Reset minimum, maximum, step and scale. for (std::size_t idx = 0; idx < get_size(); idx++) { _min[idx].i32 = std::numeric_limits::lowest(); _max[idx].i32 = std::numeric_limits::max(); _step[idx].i32 = 1; _scale[idx].i32 = 1; } // Load Limits if (auto anno = get_parameter().get_annotation(ANNO_VALUE_MINIMUM); anno) { if (anno.get_type() == get_parameter().get_type()) { anno.get_default_value(_min.data(), get_size()); } } if (auto anno = get_parameter().get_annotation(ANNO_VALUE_MAXIMUM); anno) { if (anno.get_type() == get_parameter().get_type()) { anno.get_default_value(_max.data(), get_size()); } } if (auto anno = get_parameter().get_annotation(ANNO_VALUE_STEP); anno) { if (anno.get_type() == get_parameter().get_type()) { anno.get_default_value(_step.data(), get_size()); } } if (auto anno = get_parameter().get_annotation(ANNO_VALUE_SCALE); anno) { if (anno.get_type() == get_parameter().get_type()) { anno.get_default_value(_scale.data(), get_size()); } } } gfx::shader::int_parameter::~int_parameter() {} void gfx::shader::int_parameter::defaults(obs_data_t* settings) { std::vector defaults; defaults.resize(get_size()); get_parameter().get_default_value(defaults.data(), get_size()); for (std::size_t idx = 0; idx < get_size(); idx++) { obs_data_set_default_int(settings, get_keys(idx).c_str(), defaults[idx]); } } void gfx::shader::int_parameter::properties(obs_properties_t* props, obs_data_t* settings) { if (!is_visible()) return; if (get_size() == 1) { auto p = build_int_property(_field_type, props, _keys[0].c_str(), _names[0].c_str(), _min[0].i32, _max[0].i32, _step[0].i32, _values); if (has_description()) obs_property_set_long_description(p, get_description().c_str()); } else { auto grp = obs_properties_create(); auto p = obs_properties_add_group(props, get_key().c_str(), has_name() ? get_name().c_str() : get_key().c_str(), OBS_GROUP_NORMAL, grp); if (has_description()) obs_property_set_long_description(p, get_description().c_str()); for (std::size_t idx = 0; idx < get_size(); idx++) { p = build_int_property(_field_type, grp, _keys[idx].c_str(), _names[idx].c_str(), _min[idx].i32, _max[idx].i32, _step[idx].i32, _values); if (has_description()) obs_property_set_long_description(p, get_description().c_str()); } } } void gfx::shader::int_parameter::update(obs_data_t* settings) { for (std::size_t idx = 0; idx < get_size(); idx++) { _data[idx].i32 = static_cast(obs_data_get_int(settings, _keys[idx].c_str()) * _scale[idx].i32); } } void gfx::shader::int_parameter::assign() { if (is_automatic()) return; get_parameter().set_value(_data.data(), get_size()); }