Changes applied:
* Moved utility files to /util/.
* Removed unused #includes.
* Removed unused ::ffmpeg::tools function.
* Removed unused variables.
* Fixed missing parentheses in the version macro.
* Fixed missing override on virtual function overrides and removed unnecessary virtual keyword from them.
* Disabled additional warning for ATL headers on MSVC only.
* Replaced direct printf parameters with their macro equivalent.
* Replaced C-style casts with C++-style casts.
* Applied clang-format again after an earlier change to the CMake file broke the integration for it.
* Changes the encoder name to 'streamfx-{name}' from 'streamfx--{name}' as the latter is a typo, but adds a proxy to still support the latter in bad configurations.
* Some of the warning messages have been improved in order to better support end-users, and support for the new encoder error messages has been added.
* Adds support for the is_hw argument instead of blindly relying on obs_encoder_get_caps() which actually returns the wrong values due to rerouting.
* Fixed handler-less encoders showing up in the UI outside of debug builds.