effect: Code update, clean up and optimization

This commit is contained in:
Xaymar 2017-10-22 19:05:29 +02:00
parent c0aa79abbe
commit 2f55841f88
3 changed files with 69 additions and 51 deletions

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ uniform float4x4 ViewProj;
// Settings (Shared)
uniform texture2d u_image;
uniform float2 u_imageSize;
uniform float2 u_imageTexelDelta;
uniform float2 u_imageTexel;
uniform int u_radius;
uniform int u_diameter;
uniform float2 u_texelDelta;
@ -45,32 +45,44 @@ float Bilateral(float x, float sigma)
float Bilateral3(float3 v, float sigma)
// First part is Gaussian function (1.0 / (o * sqrt(2.0 * pivalue))) with o = 1
return 0.39894 * exp(-0.5 * dot(v,v) / (sigma*sigma)) / sigma;
float4 BilateralBlur(float2 p_uv, float2 p_radius,
texture2d p_image, float2 p_imageTexel) {
float2 l_uvoffset = float2(0, 0);
float4 PSBilateral(VertDataOut v_in) : TARGET
float4 source = image.Sample(textureSampler, v_in.uv);
float2 l_uv = float2(0, 0);
float3 color = float3(0, 0, 0);
float2 rootuv = v_in.uv - (texel * widthHalf);
float Z = 0.0;
float bZ = 1.0 / Bilateral(0.0, bilateralSharpness);
for (int k = -widthHalf; k <= widthHalf; k++) {
// Sample Color
float3 sample = image.Sample(textureSampler, rootuv);
float4 source = u_image.Sample(textureSampler, v_in.uv);
float3 color = float3(0, 0, 0);
for (int k = 1; k <= u_radius; k++) {
// Advance UV by one texel.
l_uv += u_texelDelta;
// Bilateral Stuff
// Bilateral Kernel
float bKernel = Bilateral(abs(k), bilateralSmoothing);
bKernel *= bKernel;
float factor = Bilateral3(sample - source.rgb, bilateralSharpness) * bZ * bKernel;
Z += factor;
float bZKernel = bZ * bKernel;
// Sample Color
float3 l_p = u_image.Sample(textureSampler, v_in.uv + l_uv).rgb;
float3 l_n = u_image.Sample(textureSampler, v_in.uv - l_uv).rgb;
// Bilateral Stuff
float l_factor_p = Bilateral3(l_p - source.rgb, bilateralSharpness) * bZKernel;
float l_factor_n = Bilateral3(l_n - source.rgb, bilateralSharpness) * bZKernel;
Z = Z + l_factor_p + l_factor_n;
// Store Color
color += factor * sample;
// Advance UV
rootuv += texel;
color += l_p * l_factor_p;
color += l_n * l_factor_n;
return float4(color.rgb / Z, source.a);

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ uniform float4x4 ViewProj;
// Settings (Shared)
uniform texture2d u_image;
uniform float2 u_imageSize;
uniform float2 u_imageTexelDelta;
uniform float2 u_imageTexel;
uniform int u_radius;
uniform int u_diameter;
uniform float2 u_texelDelta;

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ uniform float4x4 ViewProj;
// Settings (Shared)
uniform texture2d u_image;
uniform float2 u_imageSize;
uniform float2 u_imageTexelDelta;
uniform float2 u_imageTexel;
uniform int u_radius;
uniform int u_diameter;
uniform float2 u_texelDelta;
@ -53,69 +53,75 @@ float Gaussian(float x, float o) {
return (1.0 / (o * sqrt(2.0 * pivalue))) * exp((-(x * x)) / (2 * (o * o)));
float4 InternalGaussian(
float2 p_uv, float2 p_uvStep, int p_size,
texture2d p_source) {
float4 InternalGaussian(float2 p_uv, float2 p_uvStep, int p_radius,
texture2d p_image, float2 p_imageTexel) {
float l_gauss = Gaussian(0, p_size);
float4 l_value = p_source.Sample(pointClampSampler, p_uv) * gauss;
float2 l_uvoffset = p_uvStep;
float4 l_value = p_image.Sample(pointClampSampler, p_uv) * gauss;
float2 l_uvoffset = float2(0, 0);
for (int k = 1; k <= p_size; k++) {
float l_g = Gaussian(k, p_size);
float4 l_p = p_source.Sample(pointClampSampler, p_uv + l_uvoffset) * l_g;
float4 l_n = p_source.Sample(pointClampSampler, p_uv - l_uvoffset) * l_g;
l_value += l_p + l_n;
l_uvoffset += p_uvStep;
float l_g = Gaussian(k, p_size);
float4 l_p = p_image.Sample(pointClampSampler, p_uv + l_uvoffset) * l_g;
float4 l_n = p_image.Sample(pointClampSampler, p_uv - l_uvoffset) * l_g;
l_value += l_p + l_n;
l_gauss += l_g;
l_value = l_value * (1.0 / l_gauss);
return l_value;
float4 InternalGaussianPrecalculated(
float2 p_uv, float2 p_uvStep, int p_size,
texture2d p_source, float2 p_sourceStep,
texture2d p_kernel, float2 p_kernelStep) {
float4 l_value = p_source.Sample(pointClampSampler, p_uv + imageTexel)
float4 InternalGaussianPrecalculated(float2 p_uv, float2 p_uvStep, int p_radius,
texture2d p_image, float2 p_imageTexel,
texture2d p_kernel, float2 p_kernelTexel) {
float4 l_value = p_image.Sample(pointClampSampler, p_uv)
* kernel.Sample(pointClampSampler, float2(0, 0)).r;
float2 l_uvoffset = p_uvStep;
float2 l_koffset = p_kerneltexel;
for (int k = 1; k <= p_size; k++) {
float l_g = p_kernel.Sample(pointClampSampler, l_koffset).r;
float4 l_p = p_source.Sample(pointClampSampler, p_uv + l_uvoffset) * l_g;
float4 l_n = p_source.Sample(pointClampSampler, p_uv - l_uvoffset) * l_g;
l_value += l_p + l_n;
float2 l_uvoffset = float2(0, 0);
for (int k = 1; k <= p_radius; k++) {
l_uvoffset += p_uvStep;
l_koffset += p_kerneltexel;
float l_g = p_kernel.Sample(pointClampSampler, p_kernelTexel * k).r;
float4 l_p = p_image.Sample(pointClampSampler, p_uv + l_uvoffset) * l_g;
float4 l_n = p_image.Sample(pointClampSampler, p_uv - l_uvoffset) * l_g;
l_value += l_p + l_n;
return l_value;
float4 InternalGaussianPrecalculatedNVOptimized(float2 p_uv, texture2d p_source, float2 p_texel,
int p_size, texture2d p_kernel, texture2d p_kerneltexel) {
/*float4 InternalGaussianPrecalculatedNVOptimized(float2 p_uv, int p_size,
texture2d p_image, float2 p_imageTexel,
texture2d p_kernel, float2 p_kernelTexel) {
if (p_size % 2 == 0) {
float4 l_value = p_source.Sample(pointClampSampler, p_uv)
float4 l_value = p_image.Sample(pointClampSampler, p_uv)
* kernel.Sample(pointClampSampler, float2(0, 0)).r;
float2 l_uvoffset = p_texel;
float2 l_koffset = p_kerneltexel;
float2 l_koffset = p_kernelTexel;
for (int k = 1; k <= p_size; k++) {
float l_g = p_kernel.Sample(pointClampSampler, l_koffset).r;
float4 l_p = p_source.Sample(pointClampSampler, p_uv + l_uvoffset) * l_g;
float4 l_n = p_source.Sample(pointClampSampler, p_uv - l_uvoffset) * l_g;
float4 l_p = p_image.Sample(pointClampSampler, p_uv + l_uvoffset) * l_g;
float4 l_n = p_image.Sample(pointClampSampler, p_uv - l_uvoffset) * l_g;
l_value += l_p + l_n;
l_uvoffset += p_texel;
l_koffset += p_kerneltexel;
l_koffset += p_kernelTexel;
return l_value;
} else {
return InternalGaussianPrecalculated(p_uv, p_source, p_texel, p_size, p_kernel, p_kerneltexel);)
return InternalGaussianPrecalculated(p_uv, p_image, p_texel, p_size, p_kernel, p_kerneltexel);)
float4 PSGaussian(VertDataOut v_in) : TARGET {
//return InternalGaussian(v_in.uv, u_image, u_imageTexelDelta, u_radius);
//return InternalGaussianPrecalculated(v_in.uv, image, texel, radius, kernel, kernelTexel);
return InternalGaussianPrecalculatedNVOptimize(v_in.uv, u_
image, texel, radius, kernel, kernelTexel);
//return InternalGaussian(v_in.uv, u_texelDelta, u_image, u_imageTexel, u_radius);
return InternalGaussianPrecalculated(
v_in.uv, u_texelDelta, u_radius,
u_image, u_imageTexel,
kernel, kernelTexel);//*/
return InternalGaussianPrecalculatedNVOptimize(
v_in.uv, u_texelDelta, u_radius,
u_image, u_imageTexel,
kernel, kernelTexel);//*/
technique Draw