
153 lines
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Raw Normal View History

// Copyright (C) 2020-2023 Michael Fabian 'Xaymar' Dirks <info@xaymar.com>
// Copyright (C) 2020 Daniel Hodgson <toasty27@gmail.com>
// Always provided by OBS
uniform float4x4 ViewProj<
bool automatic = true;
string name = "View Projection Matrix";
// Provided by Stream Effects
uniform float4 Time<
bool automatic = true;
string name = "Time Array";
string description = "A float4 value containing the total time, rendering time and the time since the last tick. The last value is a random number between 0 and 1.";
uniform float4x4 Random<
bool automatic = true;
string name = "Random Array";
string description = "A float4x4 value containing random values between 0 and 1";
uniform float4 ViewSize<
bool automatic = true;
uniform texture2d InputA<
bool automatic = true;
uniform float HexagonScale<
string name = "Hexagon Scale";
string field_type = "slider";
float minimum = 1.0;
float maximum = 1024.0;
float step = 1.0;
> = 120.0;
uniform float HexagonWallScale<
string name = "Hexagon Wall Scale";
string field_type = "slider";
float minimum = 0.0;
float maximum = 100.0;
float step = 0.01;
float scale = 0.01;
> = 100.0;
uniform float LuminanceScale<
string name = "Luminance Scale";
string field_type = "slider";
float minimum = 0.0;
float maximum = 100.0;
float step = 0.01;
float scale = 0.01;
> = 0.00;
// ---------- Shader Code
sampler_state def_sampler {
AddressU = Clamp;
AddressV = Clamp;
Filter = Linear;
struct VertData {
float4 pos : POSITION;
float2 uv : TEXCOORD0;
VertData VSDefault(VertData v_in) {
VertData vert_out;
vert_out.pos = mul(float4(v_in.pos.xyz, 1.0), ViewProj);
vert_out.uv = v_in.uv;
return vert_out;
#define PI 3.1415926f
#define TAU 6.2831853f
#define deg30 0.52359877
float hexDist(float2 a, float2 b){
float2 p = abs(b-a);
float s = sin(deg30);
float c = cos(deg30);
float diagDist = s*p.x + c*p.y;
return max(diagDist, p.x)/c;
float2 nearestHex(float s, float2 st){
float h = sin(deg30)*s;
float r = cos(deg30)*s;
float b = s + 2.0*h;
float a = 2.0*r;
float m = h/r;
float2 sect = st/float2(2.0*r, h+s);
float2 sectPxl = fmod(st, float2(2.0*r, h+s));
float aSection = fmod(floor(sect.y), 2.0);
float2 coord = floor(sect);
if(aSection > 0.0){
if(sectPxl.y < (h-sectPxl.x*m)){
coord -= 1.0;
else if(sectPxl.y < (-h + sectPxl.x*m)){
coord.y -= 1.0;
if(sectPxl.x > r){
if(sectPxl.y < (2.0*h - sectPxl.x * m)){
coord.y -= 1.0;
if(sectPxl.y < (sectPxl.x*m)){
coord.y -= 1.0;
coord.x -= 1.0;
float xoff = fmod(coord.y, 2.0)*r;
return float2(coord.x*2.0*r-xoff, coord.y*(h+s))+float2(r*2.0, s);
float4 PSDefault(VertData v_in) : TARGET {
float2 coord = v_in.uv * ViewSize.xy;
float s = ViewSize.x/HexagonScale;
float2 nearest = nearestHex(s, coord);
float4 texel = InputA.Sample(def_sampler, nearest / ViewSize.xy);//, -100.0);
float dist = hexDist(coord, nearest);
float luminance = (texel.r + texel.g + texel.b)/3.0;
luminance = (luminance * LuminanceScale) + (1-LuminanceScale);
//float interiorSize = luminance*s;
float interiorSize = luminance * s * HexagonWallScale;
float interior = 1.0 - smoothstep(interiorSize-1.0, interiorSize, dist);
//fragColor = float4(dist);
return float4(texel.rgb*interior, 1.0);
//fragColor = float4(nearest, 0.0, 1.0);
technique Draw
vertex_shader = VSDefault(v_in);
pixel_shader = PSDefault(v_in);